HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONALL APPLIC LE F MUST BE COMPLETED F )R APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: _. Permit Number: f i Planning an Development Services Buiiding Permit Application Building and ode Regulation Division `, 2300 Virginl Avenue, fort Pierce Ft 34982 7; Phone: (77, 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 ` Commercial PERMIT A PLICATION FOR: Residential_ To Selectjfrom dropbox, click arrow at the end of line Vm Mm Address: l0'30► S pr lG k. f PAY✓ :..f, Legal Descrip on: P3l� VLO A Property Tax #: 1 31,3 - SD3 — 0) a 3 b ao -3 Site Plan Na Project Name ��q�� �c ti Setbacks F nt Back: Right Side: —__ Left Side. Lgj Electric Total Sq. Ft of Cost of Constr Name Address:_ City: _o Zip Code: Phone No. E-Mail:— Fill in fee from the L G sTankrrlr• Gas Piping _Shutters j�j Plumbing El S r." El Wind( Generator action: �1 Roof a� 5 n S Ft. of First Floor: Utilities:11Sewer OSeptic Building r ::Vi t - b Title Holder on next page ( if listed above) value of constHuction is or more, a State: i �Et jNotice Name: Company: b c Address: � rY l lc�i City; QS L_ ZIP Code: -St q S Fax: Phone No. -i �Y– 4— bl�lil E -Mail: i State or County License: G F L Commencement n No. 0� Name: —^ .„ppn�acie Micro"E COMPANY: Not Address _ — ��—�._� Name. Clty:P Addres6: Zip: one State _ — —^ Cjty--- FEE SIMp(E HOLDER: ZIP, Phtuie: Name: Nok Applicable BpNOfNQ tapMPANY: Address: —Not Name: N cRY: I � Address: Zip=i. Phone: ��`-- Clty, ZIP: Phone: I certify that nk or instaJlatlptt has coanmencad prior to the Issuance of a permet, A?qt ti of the 9randng of this r � ?.+on auq rsv awyour d�ldpermk fob iy'iestrietoty�tvtttir nr�y°app Inca the approved Mans, the FF16rrfida t WIA ng Doo h aPa all'11 thEVucie [d y Amendment,, INM the work gg�y IGNngpetmitapppcetion$Are eMempt��pmtlnde{gpin�6}tilconcuREncyrewltw:roomadditions, trUc rel, h+'1rAming poufs, feracaY, .S{elt'it screen rooms and accgWY Wits to another norarosidentiai AT OWNER;, Yourfaiiury to Record a`� ot" a¢ c°'�antxme(tt � result in Your paying twR ins nnrgpa A Natice of Cwenmegce sett must be reotaided pnd postod on ttieln Aectlnn, If you �[ltend to obtRin firlttntf fonsUlt wltjl,lender gran attomesr hwfr di VSITII Netlrn nfr .. �. STA'JF Sf Use oa >a Haid RIGA CUU O O ,ORIOA COUU the {0 this 011191 day trurn"twasada>aMedavdbeforefete t by The fargpinEknikru nteyesaduwwled9gdbefore me J thIQLdayof, 20A� by ifieme of pen aektaow a 1161 �• (faame of person'w mvledgtng I 1&Ienature of tary Pubdc. State of Rork4 ) Imature ofMtatary P Mer State of Rands ) Pwsarmlly K TypeofldentiH r-- OR Produced Idont ftm;,I0n,_ ]on Prod PerwnaltyKnawn__ OR Produced identifkation lypeofidsndflcadonProdweed Comm1won NX G�?a�+r`1 iSaaii ComrnlsstonNo66 7/ �— tswst�tewri:row � MVISM07/ SPa414 t sREs;skrt Tait ?anti tcnrrdthy0AMHtl3r co � p� E78i9E&Ma errs ur&m ayyb ThseurPM REVIEWS FRONT 7AaiNG SURERVII COIJNTFR REVIEW REVIEW PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MA REVIEW A DATE IkEVIEW REVIEW IN171ALS