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Building Permit Application
To: Page 2 of 4 2019-05-01 19:18:13(GMT) 17726735762 From: DAVID KRUSE ail, PPLtCABLE.IN!FU MUST 13E.COMPL£T£VTO :APPLICAT11 N TO K ACCEPTED Perrnittalumber_.. RECEIVE® m S .ii inPeonit.Application MAY Q 12019 Plcirining;�no'l3eveJG�mrrit 5t7rvJces 8 ilding.6nd- or#e.Regijlatian.pivisioti ... .a 9 ST. Luefe Cawr1€y'E P�r�tltting ,2300 VJrghr,a'Av..enue,Fort:HJerC*e a 3498_ _--•---------•---_.-._. Phone.'-(772)4624553 6ax:-(772)4G24578. Gomrhercia3 . Residential X PERMIT APP €C1R; To 5elecl.�rrn dre� bax, cl3ek:arrevtJ at the end of iia V C �-- z�'' >, , :Address:.$90,Nettles Blvd. Leal Description. p:ropertyTax ID#. Lot No. Site.Plan:Name: Pro ject Name:. Setbacks. l rontBac.!(:. Rig�t:Side.: L0 .Side; -aJ !!f�a -. r��**{{'�.- Sx t q.."_J, x. 'fi e'c. ,_� •4 c a, 3 t '�?�,__o.,�r� �...,-. �,�....� _.3 S i ° lLlr :t"' ,7�rA•11,� �, t`�.�fL 7 - zfia �-r r3 '� ,' } ,; ✓«. 1't � , . �* -' Change.out.resideritial airconditiorting system with a Carrier System .24ACA424.C.00.3. � FE34CN9�3£1t.0.Q. ' 5 KW HEAT �.����:�l� , 4.�YST1.J �.Jtl�fv ��� `.. �L 2.3 '•`s,,'1{4 - � t l � ,8�£ 1 `�i.'�, ii .Y-xt ywt.T, ,. ,'+.i'l�St 12.•. }.'�}� i —.--- ,+,-. ,l—....�,—..._..u.::i.. r^ .'rf ,._+. ..,...=.... bxw.sua=.•,�'"',r....d•f.SJ:S.''......r..:L'v.:�:Saa.,te....;,r,.,. Addltlona w6ric to. e er::ormed un. er tlIispeanit.- chec - k at, apply: HVAC — Gas Tank �C05:Piping. Shutters F]Windows/Dears O�Electric D Plumbing []Sprinklers ' �. entiator &to.ol Ralf pitch Tota[5q..Ft.of.Constructinn: SCI.Ft:af-First Floor: Cost-of Construction:.$ 435.0 Utilities:115ewer 11 Septic Building Height.- .t� Nam JI BROWN "I :', �� Name avlti Kruse Adr3ress 390 NETTLES SLVl3`` compariY:AC SJoctors fntsr . City:..JENSEN BEACH 51e[e;�� Address 1$a3$iitmore-Street ZI .Code 34887 Fax: City:. Bork Saint Lucie FL Phone Na,7722290171 Zip Code 34984 Fax: -1tllail Jir�hBiCtWN1928.@MAIL :COM. phone N'o, 772-344-8944 Fill in feesimple T1#p Holder on next page flif different E-Mall: acdoctorsinc@gmail.com frond the•.OWner listen above) State or County License: CAG058451 If value of ganstruction is$25Dt}.ormore,a RECORDED Notice of.Commencement is.required. To: Page 3 of 4 2019-05-01 19:18:13(GMT) 17726735762 From: DAVID KRUSE p.y,.gw..a r""*)-RT i^-m• ,�� y 4 �2 t J) F1 I'J i f" �`.'e+.Y1Z.f R ''S.. / CJPPi11/iNi1 CIRUC1fOf` LHit j1.A11fe1lC�E3�t�1 ��'�._= �`;r n.,:.;�..-s'� ' <lr=• -*'e�i7r t� s �t� � u� c •.xa .Lr.i,..� fh. ,,,4,tL� n r - .. ::QESiQNERJENGINEE R, �Nat A liable "'T ..O ,.. PR MC�RTGAfaE CDMPAN'f: _Not.'Apltcable: '. .Na[ e1 JIMrit2OWN 1Vc71T?L'<.DavedKrusa . AddressC.3 Notltnsritu . Adc{r,5s:'390.OETRES.6LVD : C.ity:.jEe WN t3EACH m State:.r[ City Zip' west Phone W Zip'. Phone: 1=1 SME TITLE.HOLDER; P ot.4pplicable sQNDING C kMf Ah4Y: Not Applic kite Name: NameF Ass;s© Address: City: Crty.... Zip.:: Phone dip: `Phoria _e - 1 W. ICER/CQIV.TRACTORAFFIDVIT r�pplicatr4n ts;hereby.madeto ob#ain. per mittq:dot!%e v�r3carid.instaliatian as'indic ted.. I:certify:#ha;na wark_or rnstaJlateon has.cotnmen�ed pr(or to fhb issuance of a pe�tiiit St:Lucie.Gauntmak�s_no.`reprEsentation tharis'g�antiig.a: ermifiwiil:aUtiiorize�zhe eritiit:balder to..fiuild;th..e�aiJijects;ructure:.:::... which is.in eorriJict':va+Ith an.y:appltrabfe.Rome.awnersAssac�atlon,ttiles;:bylaws or n+ covenantsthatmaq restrict.or;protiip.it,such structure.Please cOnsaEt with Your'Eiorne i3wners Asso.ciadoi7.arid►evie�v.yvur'de.ed forany restrictions tivhich.may'apply.... in consideratiarraftine granf r)(;:esf.thi5:requeS.ted permit;J dD hereby:agree dtat.l wii1,.in all respects;.perForm the'ivofk in accordance with the.apprayed.:pians,:tilesFloridp:6uifdin�Coiies.arid:�t.:L�cie County,Am�ridii�,�nts.. . . The efolIowitrgLiui 111.9 permit app icat1 fqs nre.exenlpt:from.under o[ng full can urrency.review:room Wditsons;.:. accessory structures,swirttmittg pabls,.fEnces.walls:signs screen rooms and accessory uses toanother n6n=residential use :.' 1h!A..RN.I�I TD INNER Your failure$a.Recor:d.a Notice o. .,gmmenc$trsetit.may result:ih your payinguice for improverngnts to.your property.=A Notice of Comrmeneerrtent .nust-b'e recorded acid pasted 6n th:e�64i ite . before the first.anspectian. Ifyou rntend'to aofiain-.i naht.ing,consult wit�t lender or:an.attarn�y k�efor..e .. eornmencing vrork:or recording yg&Notice:of•Cornrriencernent; Signature. f,OWner/Lesseef.Ccrntractor asagent fotOwner Stgnat' of Contractor/Lrcense;t#a[der:....:'_.:: :.,.. STATE 4F FLORIDA ,` STATE OF FLORIDA' C-DVNTY.0F '€he.f c tag instrtrfi.cot was ckno�vledged ti�efoie. e_ The fqx ging itrstiii.. ant +aas�'tclknoWleag66..before me. i this' F-�day I ,201 by ChIS day ofy ' 2� by;.: i` Name Berson maklgg statement � �,�: �f e sof perso makiri statement :Petsonallvxnowi:,t7R FrNaduced.identifrcatipb `�? Perss�r y Known:" R n odu ed(dentifiPtion ` f YR..:YC _ op Icarian..._ a Type: f identiF(catii_orn tf a ' 1 1 Protlu .. .. •: Prodi j t ,-� Signatula + i►blac`Srat3f�,Flarida{,�+:: p ) (Signa reof;No ;.tifbiit~ 5ta� upBFlarida .... .rs.r ..�� •+ F. V��Gt11..GE;RG6..:`:. 'E �-. ''..� ao r {�; � N.r>:L Grc�ti r^�' fa, � d15SIpN'.^vG��•D613 Commtsst4n i�la,.�- �++" �i••i"�+:* �� j' i Cor�misston Nage,,,, 3 . . . .�� Q�a EXPIRES Mardi 7 1i?f �. 'tFOF r°��84st�r�'n3:�Baac::tf4e�s�`�rl� c1PFk BG1�EdirNC6dro3ho�AYt .I Rl VIEWS. FRQNT s'SON:ING:..:..': .$UPRRViSOR'. "PLANS .. :VEGETAT101tf SE�4 TURTi F:. �iIAN.Gft�VE. CQLiNTR REVIEW ' 'C31vV1EW .:' REVIE:W . . 'It:EV:IEW REVIEW RE'V.IEW : [)ATE ' .. $ -- I: RECEIVED j DATE: COMPLETED i�ev..8/2%17.