HomeMy WebLinkAboutOwner Builder Affidavit JOSEPH E . SMITH, 'CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4559770 OR BOOK 4261 PAGE 2342, Recorded 04/29/2019 10:28 :23 AM RECEIVED 'The Home Depot 6500 NW 12th Ave#110 MAY ® 1 2.019 Ft. Laudedale,FL 3330.9 ST, Lucie County, Permitting NL•RAACTNUAF.t3F,R:,_„_„ _ 'nie wrdedslgned hereby gives notice that Ilnprovertlent Wit be made to cerialn real propxfy,and In accordanr*with Chapter 7.13, Flor lda Statutes,ttt:follming tnforneacm is pr oAd:-Id in this Notice of Coianwxd3wskA. i• Q`25CR1FTICN tx PR'3Pk'R7Y.(Lellel dE,crip8rxi m�p.'rogsty�sircyt atid�,If avail,�lc)'I7:K FCtt3c7 tta.: 3409-808-0006-000-1 501601WSION Q ftwood Mannor tiectioyl Threg BLOCK '172ACT ;_LOTS [tt.QL: UtdEr 1104 Driftwood Lane Ft Pierce,FL 34982 2. GENERAL 13ESCRIFT1Ob1OF'IMMOVEMMM - . Windows/Doors/Storm Protection 3. DIMMER INFORMATION OR LEhg.EE INFORMATION BF 7FIE LESSER CONTRACTED FOR THE i116PROVEMENT: �.Name ami address; Shelfon Peters 1104 Driftwood Lane Ft Pierce FL 34932 b, r,lerast In property: owner _ c Name and addri-s of fez simple tillelmlder(Ir dfrrerent from Ovines listed gave);_same a, a.ccmlTpccTolrsnarAmF, THE F9UsME DEPOT -- cOntrador's edren; 6500 NV'v'12th Ave#110,Ft.Lauderdale,FL 33309 b•Phone nombf.: 754-224-2010 5. WRE-rY(If applicable,a copy of the payment bond Is attach"l): a.Name sad address N/A b.Phone number,, C.Amount or lwnth S 6,a.LEEWER'S P1AnMM N/A Lender's address: b.Phom lumber; 7. Persons wlthtn the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: a.Name and address b.Plwne numbeM of designated persons. ---- 8.a,in addition to himself or herself,Owner,designates of to receive a copy of the L-lens's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. b.phare rmmber of person or entity deslgnaled by Owner: ' 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but wl11 be 1 year frau the date of recording unless a different date Is sped Fled): ,20� _ rArRnni Inv�'n numico. qNy pgyMpNTS NIAp�t3Y THE OWNEfi.AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE pF COMMENGEME� ,n,nc�rue ��F CONSII}cRED IMPROPER PAYMENT�L• D'E'ER 714 PAF2T 1 SECTION 713 13 FLORIDA STATUTES AN C �e{3LT^:{OUR PAYING T4"11GE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOl1R PROPERTY. A Nf�TICF OF GOb^h".ENGEh�ENT MUST BE F^ORi�c^^ ""�.G^n"-n;F�nB SITE FOf3ETHF.FIRST INSPECTION, IF y0U INTEND TO OL�TA_IN FIf�IAIdC1NS�OS7 S I i in r�, r< L1r� v ��uTT^A��v ttFFORF GOh^MENGINC WORK OR R CORDING YdUE2NQTtOES�J=�OMMEtJCEMENT. Under penalty of perlury,I declare that I have read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to be my knotMefge and belle S tvz f-��yrt^E I t>Iare f r or Lessers,ex OMer's er Lessee's (Print plane and PrWde Simtatory's T113elOMce) i zed Officer/DirectorlPet trtetRUfana�r) State of FLORIDA County Of tit.Lucie 00,11M,nte,gJ,p SMgDj°°,o The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of'' 'may by_ Shelton Pete c a5 OWNER (name of person) (type of a ,. . 14Qeb4ruste�'a ar�ey In fact) �plltEsz o to ,. for (dame o;party on behalf of whom Instrument was executed) fr'?°e rj°z' o =. - •. orbs sS• �� Personally Knaamor Roduced identification Type of I tiflcatlon Pr r r�n'�ii'4t11i11►��•t� Notary (y atum of Notary Public) (Print,Type,tx mp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Rov.10•ei-t1¢.Ra�xdlny) -