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3/2542019 Florida Building Code Online 4 CoIS Home 3 Log In E User Registration Hot Topics i Submit Surcharge i Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map't Links Search - 7 Product Approval RECEIVED re USER:Public User EUU or - Product Approval Menu>Application Detail MAY 01 2019 FL# FL18355-R4 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved t-ILL Comments Archived 0 Product Manufacturer TAMKO Building,Products,Inc. Address/Phone/Email' PO Box 1404 Joplin, MO 64802 (417)624-6644 Ext 2305 kerri—eden@tamko.com AuthorizedSignatureKerri Eden ke rri_ede n @ta m ko:co m Technical Representative Kerri Eden Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404 Joplin,MO 64802 (417)62476644 Ext 2305 kerri_eden@tamko.com Quality Assurance-,Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Asphalt Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R. Priest Evaluation Report Florida License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/18/2021 Validated By Locke Bowden P.E. jai Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL18355 R4 COI TBP15001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report Shingles final..pL f Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010 ASTMD D 7158 2011 TAS 100 1995 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Approved Testing Lab FL18355 R4 Equiv UL letter for standards for FBC 2017.12-df http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquvosrHazGXQW83MP173uofKzDlM2Xu9wuWmY6pQlJlukQ%3d%3d 1/2 1 3/25/2019 Florida Building Code Online Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/25/2017 Date Validated 09/27/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/08/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 18355.1 Glass-Seal,Elite Glass-Seal, ASTM D 3462 asphalt shingles and hip and ridge shingles Heritage,Heritage Premium,Heritage Woodgate,Heritage Vintage,Hip and Ridge,and Vintage Hip and Ridge Shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL18355 R4 II'TBP15001.4 2017 FBC Eva]RepgrL5hingLes Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 'ia].p—df Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By:Zachary R.Priest PE-74021 Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL18355 R4 AE TBP15001.4 2017 FBC Eva[Re ort Shingles in l'piff Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Bach Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.QWdgc ht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility,Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must.provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you area licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: "--,C-f&dik Gird } ." �'SafQ`' http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/or_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquvosrHazGXQW83MFr3uofKzDIM2Xu9wuWmY6PQIJlukQ%3d%3d 2/2 CREEK Certificate of Authorization No.29824 . 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa,FL 33647 TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLQ (813)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,6T"EDITION(2017) Manufacturer: TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Issued September 25,2017 220 West 4'h Street Joplin,MO 64801 (417)624-6644 Manufacturing Plants: Joplin,MO Phillipsburg,KS Frederick,MD Dallas,TX Tuscaloosa,AL Quality Assurance: UL LLC(QUA9625) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: Asphalt Shingles Code Sections: 1504.1.1, 1507.2:5, 1507.2.7.1, 1523.6.5.1 Properties: Physical properties,Wind Resistance,Wind Driven Rain REFERENCES Enti Resort No. Standard Year PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-043-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-051-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-054-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-114-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-117-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-130-02-01 TAS 100. 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-131-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-165-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction.Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-280-02-01 TAS 100 1695 PRI Construction Materials Technologies,(TST5878) TAP-303-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-307-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-314-02-01 Rev 2 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-315-02-01 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-317-02-01 TAS 100 1995 UL LLC(TST9628) 02NK9507 ASTM,D 3:161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 04NK24366 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 05NK28006 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 UL 2390 ASTM D 7158 2011 UL LLC(TST9628) 06NK03898 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628). 08CA59132 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 09NK07896 ASTM.D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 1 OCA50498 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 1OCA64882 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 11NK14014 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 12CA24551 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 4786110543 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 UL LLC(TST9628) 4787043752 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 4787148748 ASTM D 7158 2011 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A CREEK Technical Services LLC(ANE11669) TBP15001.3 Calculations 2017 TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 1 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. HEEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS ['L Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Elite Glass-Seal@ 12-1/4" x 36", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H self-sealing, 3-tab (Frederick,Joplin& asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with Tuscaloosa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Glass-Seal 12-1/4" x 36", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H self-sealing, 3-tab (Frederick& asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with Tuscaloosa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Glass-Seal 12-1/4"x 36",ASTM D 7158, Class H self-sealing, 3-tab asphalt shingle with fiberglass (Joplin) mat coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Shin-gles shall be used in the non-HVHZ only. Heritage@ 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass (Dallas,Frederick, reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules Joplin,Phillipsburg& complying with ASTM D 3462. Tuscaloosa) Heritage@ Premium 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass (Dallas,Frederick, reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules Phillipsburg& complying with ASTM D 3462. Tuscaloosa) Heritage@ Premium 12" x 36", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass reinforced, (Frederick) laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Heritage@ Vintage@ 17-1/2"x 40",ASTM D 3161,Class F and ASTM D 7158,Class H fiberglass reinforced, (Phillipsburg) laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D.3462. Heritage@ Woodgate 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass (Dallas&Frederick) reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Heritage@ Woodgate 12" x 36-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, laminated architectural (Frederick) asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Shingles shall be used in the non-HVHZ only. Hip and Ridge Shingles 12-1/4" x 12", ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt (Frederick&Joplin) shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Vintage@ Hip and Ridge 12" x 12",,ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt shingle (Phillipsburg) surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 2 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. yTAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS CREEKAsphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC eritage@ Basic Wind Speed(V„it): Max. 194 mph (Dallas, Frederick,Joplin, asic Wind Speed(Vwd): Max. 150 mph Phillipsburg&Tuscaloosa) eck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; & Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing (Dallas,Frederick construction. Phillipsburg&Tuscaloosa) Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; & Solidly sheathed,min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for Heritage@ Woodgate new construction;Min.7/16 in.OSB existing construction. (Dallas&Frederick) Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. , Installation(HVHZ): Installed with 55/8 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using T Nail Pattern" detailed below. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5-5/8 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either"4 Nail Pattern"or T Nail Pattern"detailed below, FASTENERS NAIL ZONE COMMON BOND 6-iI8" EPOSURE 6-60' 1° - 12-11211- - 12-3/$" 12-1/21-� Figure 3. Heritage@,Heritage@ Premium,and Heritage@ Woodgate(Dallas) 4 Nail Pattern(non-HVHZ only) FASTENERS NAIL ZONE COMMON BOND 6-1 EXPOSURE 6-618" i"-1►, �It-7-112"-�-T-112"-1►�T�18"�+1-7-iJ;y"�►}�-7-i1^�"-►, h-'I" Figure 4. Heritage@&Heritage@ Premium 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 4 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule.61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. ` CREEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC . 5 � NA{L�Z4NF1 a , o z 0{' MON BC1ND 1111 �,.Nr� a. 412 014 _..,. .. _. .. .. Figure 5. Heritage®Woodgate 6 Nail-Pattern { t1 3 ®;ComiYrs�n Bend � s, �AStEi33E1�� t 1 , a't° a X8'318"�' Figure 6.�Heritage®,Heritage®Premium,&Heritage®Woodgate. Alternate 6 Nail Pattern L{N� "0". 7M rE Bc�Na�� r s EXFUSURE' alC; � LE . ..FAS;ENR�LQATIt N d" NCI. FA3'i EN, Lf7ht� C1i=�QF a C©MftAiN)BC)ND zF A PREFERR�Q F S, L-'_P Efff 3 s 'LlO.CNO N m Figure 7. Heritage®(Tuscaloosa) Expanded Nail Zone Nail patterns from Figures 3,4,and 6 may be placed in the nail zone as described above TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 5 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for'which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. �' TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS CREAsphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES.LLC Heritage@ Woodgate Basic Wind Speed(V„i,): Max. 194 mph (Frederick) Basic Wind Speed(Vasd): Max. 150 mph Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction;Min.7/16 in.OSB.existing construction. U.nderlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. Installation '(Non-HVHZ): installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either"4 Nail Pattern"or°6 Nail Pattern"detailed below. NAIL ZONE! FASTENERSWT OMMONBOND 5-1/2" EXPOSURE 5" 1"--� �—. 11" —�—•12-318"-=�— 11.E � �.I.� - Figure 10. Heritage@ Woodgate(Frederick) 4 Nail Pattern(non-HVHZ only) NAIL ZONEI FASTENERS COMMON BOND 5.112" EXPOSURE V1 1°� E4.9-1J2"-►�!■3'4�F8-318" 3 9.112"� iii-'!" Figure 11. Heritage®Woodgate(Frederick) 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 7 of 11 This evaluation report is provided_for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. o TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS CREEKAsphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC Hip&Ridge Basic Wind Speed(V„it): Max. 194 mph (Frederick&Joplin) Basic Wind Speed(Vasd): Max. 150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank'for new construction; Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing construction. Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min.7/16 in.OSB existing construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Installation: Installed with 5-1/8 inch exposure in accordance with the FBC and manufacturer's published installation instructions. The direction of the exposed end shall be away from the prevailing wind. Direction prevailing wind tart 1f8"exposure , ere- -n-1 Start Figure 1 here 5-1/8"exposure lip „ 1„ 5Ms•� y1 - Fastener ` Fastener Figure 2 �1i4" Figure 3 Figure 14. Hip&Ridge(Frederick&Joplin) TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 9 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. rye aC15 name; WB to ,user R2giStfetfon } NAtTApks 5ubmli 5urcrtargr 1..�5w#aPattS`-TuWkatWnl-:? CAMdK US;t Ocls Sne:Map € Unks; °_. •h'.3 '\w���� � , - 't � 'productapprovei, ., L.. ' user eabucUs� :, MAY 01 2019 _ �p#5gy f�.>;vrcJuc9 er 4a01FCatiCn Ses,<tF:>13oli:e+l9nr+lifl s Apt)lfea6ae Dattiit' - � >t52s9 ST. Lucie county, Permitting Appl�caFioe Type Cade Version' :, 2017. . Application Siatu ^f+pptxfved �Opy' F'l. L; Comments Archived > P'40"anUFacturer p7LYGtASS-USA• - AddressIphoneJEmail 1171 W.•Ney+portCenterDrive ` . • ;Oear"lieid Beach w�.33ai2' � • "{054)233.1330 Ext"242 . 'ntaipert�spniyglas5:com: .. .. Authorized Signature Maury Alpeit; _ 'malpert�pnlygiasa.mm= . , technical Representative MaUry.Alpert AddresgPtidne]Enmaa 11111 W,�Newpart;C tdr Dtiye - - cTieerfield-Beath,R:.33An2-. - - - )429-13ti10 . MAipett($potygiam.com` Quality":ASsurahee RapresentaEtve Ariel lender AddresalPharieJEmaN 1112 W Ndwport CeniSt oliva DeerOetd beach°73442 (95,4)233=1230 ' Alander�ptilyglass.com.` • Catagoiy- Ranting; - Sulicatjory t}ntiarlaYrnerrTs Compflance Method ,, � >rYaluailoft Report' 'a Flerida;Reglstered'Architect,or a Ucertsed Florida Professtona)Engineer ;Evaidallon Repb t;-Hardcopy:R&Ai4 ,Piarlda"Engineer orArchitect ttiame.wha;developed ttie E4aluation.Report Robert Nlemineri Florida, so PE-59165 QuaiiCy,Assurance Entity,; �'Iii,tic Quatity.Assurance Contract Ezeirgtion Dat$ - . 01W —John Validated By, 'lbhn Nf,Knese'vich;PE •_ 9,?Validation: ;Approved for use,In HVH2i.No' FL5259:1Z8 s I°2118 01 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UND PAMM NTS FLS259-112e.odf c Approved for use autfalde HVH2:,Yes Verified By*ROhertmeminen PE-59166' Impact Resistant.N/A, Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressilre+NJA/-622:5; Ctraluatlon Reports: Other 1.)The`deslgn pressure in this applicatttin relates to one partkvfarp152K9 R,28 AE 2018 01 FINAL ER POLYGLASS INDERLAYP9 NTS• 1.525 -R2$,odf underlayrnent system(uver'coricrete deck)far,use tind4 foam=on tale systdrii(where Created b(Independent Third.Fai ty Yes the underiayment forts part of the load•path),.Itefer to,ER Sedlon 5 6,4,for.other spsterr�5;other deck.types and'assodated.maximurn design pressures,3.)Refer. to ER Section 5 for dther Ilmlts of use. - .Cdnkad USt 2aef Bliftstene Road,Tallahassee Ri32]44�ate:.95a.4&7ae24, 'Mo State of Florida is an AWVRO,emOoyu>';Qttpa79ht'td07.2019'SFata at ponds.::PiiVacv StalSypypj_::Aaa�i+CAliv S[Ltomcnt::.ggylpQ.ttpjg¢ j Under Florida lata'enol ad4,"am public records.It you do,hot Wart yoa-m urad addmu m6nd in msp=e to a Vab -maordi rapucat,da'not serM ciectrowe mal to this aRRY-intw3d,emdatt the ofce try phone or Ey tradltio..1 mea.Uyou have any quesdom,Phase contact hs0.487:t3gs;:-u isdant to,5ecuori 455.275(1);Florida StaWteS.eller tine October 1,2012,livens m 110—d under Chapter 4SS;P.S.muu prwWa the Department with an email addresi if they have ono:Yha amails"previded may beiifad fer afritlal doinmudcati4n Qth the Ikenaea.Htiom r'emaq oedmAW are viibm'reconE.t1 you do w..wish to suppfy a persanal address,piease ptavide the :0apattmant wth an em"add".wakh MA be matte`avalleble m the public-To determineR you are a bos"ti un"(;tlapter 455,P;S.;Oeste ddthuLpe 'Pradtict Approvd Accepts:':: ,s a . . s . "-"� r •v - 1-11 i . Z NEMt3!I,I G' C. �; = Crttficote of Alrarruttn»d�32135 353 christi_ n str8et,Unit#13 t�xford,CT(113478 - m _ .. ., -,_k. _..... tart,.... . ; . (20 )1 5 ENGINEER K� E1tALUATE TEST CONSULT:; CERTIFY _ - . EYAt.t3ATlCtIV REFCIRT Palglass USA,tnc; Evaluafilon Repartt P1206tt:02 tl9 tt24 111 .tibest Newport Center Drive f t+t 52 RZ8 59 Deerfield Beach,F 33442 tJafie of l nuance 02f Zhj!13D9 {95!i)23]Z30 Revision 24.01j24J2018 5C004. I. This Evaluation Rt4port is issued antler„ Rule 6 ,Oi 3 anti the,applicable rules and regulations governing tris use., , conA * tidn materiels in;the State of l"larida`1'h`e documentation siib"'i iii has,beentrew ewed by Robert Nren inen,P t:.° . . for;-use,cif"the product under,the Florida Builtling Code an iorida Building=Coda Residential*volume The, products. described hereinYIhave been evaluated for compliance with"the 6 ' Ediian (2017)`Flarltla Building Code sections noteB heron St' �x: btscRiPsl ro: Paly lass Roaf i nde aimpnts IAasuNe..LabeGngshill,be iri ac ardance with the,requiremerits the Accredited Quality,Assurartce Agency;noted,t erein , iWONTINUED'COMPUA CE `t`hls Evaluation Report=is valid untli such tirne� 's the nam.-ed product{s) chan8es,the referenced Quality Assurance docu,nentation changes,or provisions of therCode that relate to the prt-ouct change Accept;�nce 01,the s Evaluation;:Report by the named fclient�const tures;agree�rtenth to;notify Robert Nieminen, P E of any*change3 to .the prokluct(s); the Ctuality Assurance oath production facility location{sj , I EMt letc requites a `complete review of,this Evaluation;:Report�elative to updatedi�ode requirements3 ith each.;Gods 4ycle ,< :i ADttER7iMEW1EN :, The Evaluation ::Report;nu►nber preceIII &b"i' words , ,EMOEvaluated" mai±zbe displayed', in, advertising iiteratti re Iflany pi2rtion of the Evaluation�Ripdit is displayed,theo�,'t shalt be done in a s entirely IniseEcnON UponP request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall'be provided`to th'e user by the menufact�irer or its distributors.-an`&ghall bit available for,inspecticin at t<he=Job side at the request of the Budding Official , , This Evaltaation {eport consists of pages 1 through 14, �, Pre ared b . Otts}e,,,,,4 Mrs �ti �.. ROtx�:rfi! M.tvie alnen,F;E +���' — a facsimile sea,a ear3n .was authorized by Robert Niertdnen, -%", ' pp S !(a ida Registroti hWb 59 65,Fic r ria DSA ANE19 3 s;R. t'',, ., P E,an 01-IA�6M,. ,`Thts does hats r�e ansa etectroo�ally p k v!�H,:,�,r� signed document CERr,flcAilaf+i OF tAiDEPENDENCE 1 ~ NEMO'�ete�,does not.have, nor�does ii sntend;to acquire or will it acquire,a financial;interest in aciy company�manufacturirsg or distributing prriducts it evaluaiiss 2 NEMO]etc is nc+t owned,operated or eontrolled by any company maMi actur,ng or distributing products it evaluates 3.~ Robert Nleminen,P E °does not have nor wilt acquire,afmanclai interest in anycompanjr manCifacturfig or distributing products for~ .�-which the evaluation reports i3re la8ing,ssued: , 4:. Itobett Niertxinen,P—."doenot have,Writ will acquire,a financial interest In any crther e.ntity invotried in the a�pl5rrivat process of the product 3 51 This,s a�bult_I), code,evaluatton Neither MEMO)etc notAbbert Nlemlhei l;P E are,,;in any wgvy,tris Designer of Record for any - project otI r� ,lch this Evaluation,Report,or preyious,verslons hereof,IsJwas used for permittlr►i or design guidance unless retained specie c6lly for'tE at purpose IT I G _., w4 Y I SF ,. , T a, ,: .e NEMO etc. A001 OGtOMPONENT E{IALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: ".Roofing Sub-Category:-. Underlayment Compliance.Staternent: Roof'Underiayments as produced by Palyglass,USA; Inc-;.have demonstrated cornplia.nceWith the foilowing;sections of the e'Edition(2017) Fiorida,Buiiding,Code,through testing in accordance With the following Standards.. Compliance,is subject to the installation.Requirements-and Limitations[Conditions,of Use;setforth.herein. 2. STANDARDSt' Section Pro e Standard. Year 1504.3.1 Wind Uplift FM 4474 2011 1504.3.1 Wind Uplift. UL 1897 2012 1507.2,3/1507.1:1 Physical Properties ASTM D2.26 2009 1507.2.4/4507.1;1,1507191 'Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2015 1507.3.3 Physical Properties FRSA/TRl April 2012, 2012= 1507:11.2 .Physical Propefties: ASTM D6164 2011 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM 06222 2011 TA5110; Accelerated'Weathering WM D4798, 2011, 3: REEERENLES.`- - Entity; Examination. Reference Date FM Approvals(TST 1867) 'Wind=Uplift 3004091 01/12/2040 PRi(TST 5878);, Physical Properties PRI01111 04/08/2002 ?Ri(TST 5878)' Physical Properties PUSH 005=02=07 01/31/2002. ?9l,(TST 5$78)_ 0hysic11 Properties, PUSA-013=02-01 12/23/2002 P(tl`(TST 5878} Physical Properties PUSA-013-02-02, 12)23/2002 PRI(TST 5878); . physical Properties PUSA-..013-02-03 12/23/2002 PRI(TST 5878) PhysicaI'Properties, PUSA-018 02 01 07/74/2003 PRl'(TST,S878) Physical'Rroperties PUSA-02802-01 07113/2005 ;PRI(TST 5878)" Physicai'Pr4e, ties Pt1S{1033-02 01 01j12J20ti6 PRI-(TST5878), physical';Properties, PUSA-035-02-01 09/29/2006- PRI(TST 5878) Phy4cai Properties= OUSA-055-02-02, 1:2/10/2007• PRI(TST 5878); Physical Properties PUSA-061-02-02, '01128/2008 PRI-.(TST,5878}' Physica(.Properties PUSA=07642=02 02f22/200$ PR!(TST 5878): Physical;Prooeid6 PUSA-083-02-01 44/14/2008 PRi(T5T5878)' Physical Properties PUSA 088 07=01 .07/29/,3009 MTI(TST 2508), PhysicaiYroperties JX20H7A 04/01/2008 MTl(TST 2508). Physical Properties RX14E8A 01/29/2009 ERD(TST 6049), Physical Properties 11752.09.994 02/08/2000 .EkD(TST 6049), Wind Uplift 11757:08.01=1 08/13/2001 ERO(TST 6049) Wind Uplift 11776.06:02 01/16/2003 ,ERD(TST6049) PhysicalProperties; 02200:07.03 07/14/,2003 Ei tp(TST 6049); Wind,Uplift. P174MO1.07 01/04/2007 ERD(TST 60491' Physical Propertlgi' P5110.04,07-1 04/11/2007 tRD(TST 6049)' Wind Uplift. P9260.-0108 03/21/2008 ERD(TST 6049), ;Physical Propert4es P13$56,08:09 68/13/2009 Ebb(TST 6049),; -Wind Uplift P36940.11.09-111 11/30/2009 ERO'(TST 604% Physical Propertie"s 1311030.11:09-1 11/30/2009 ERD.,(TST 6049) Wind;Uplift- 1311030M.09=2 11/,30/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Physicai Properties, 1311030:11:09-3 11/30/2009 ERD(TST 6049) -Physical Properties P33360:0610 06/25/2010 ERp:(TgT 6049) Physical Properties 1393370.03:11 03/02/2011 ERD(TST-6049) PhysicalPropertlesP333700411 04/26/201i ERD(TST 6049) Physlcal,Properties P37300.101.1' 10/19/2011 NEMO ETC,LCC: Evaluation Report:1)12060;02.09-1124 CettlPcoit ojAuthcri:at on 1132955 0 ED1T10N(2017)-F6t'htON-HVWZ'EVALUATIoN FL52S9-R28 Polyglass:Roof Uiitleriayments;(g54)2p-#301 Revision 24 01/24/2018 Page 2 of 14 Neto etc. Entity Examination Reference" Date ERD(TST 6049)., Physical Properties P40390,08.124 08/06/2012 ERD(TST 60491.° Physical Properties P40590;08.12-2 48/07/2012 ERD(UT 6049) Physical Properties C41420:09,12-3 09/11/2012 ERD:(TST 6049) Wind Upiiftc P39680.03.13 63/04/2013 ERD(TST 604%': Physical Properties . P45370AAA8 04/412013 ERD(TST 6049). Wild UpliftP1738A2.07-R2" 04/29/2013 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift 11757:04:01-1-R1 04/30/2013 ERD(TST 6049),".,, Wind;Uplift" P41630.08,13 08/06/2013 0D,(T5T 6049). Wind Uplift-, P11751.05:03-R1. • 11/26/2013 ERD,(TST 6049) �W.ind Uplift P1.1 781=.65=111 11/26/2013 ERD(TST 6049): Phgsical Properties 1)45270:65:14 05/1212014 EkD(TST 6049):" Physical Properties •6020.07:34.1 09/08/2014 ERD,(TST 6049),: 'Physical Properties. 6024:0914-2 09/08/2014 ERD(TST 604§) Physical Properties- 6020.09,14-3 09/08/2014 ERD'(TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09:144 09/08/2014 ERD(TST,60&9); PtiyseaJ Properties 602U 09:14-5 09/08/2014 ERD;{TST bU49); 'Physical Properties 6020.09.14-6 69/08/2014 ERD-(TST 6049) Physical'Properties P4652010.14 10/03/2014 ERD:(TST 6049); Pi ysicai Pr6pert* P43290'1DA4 10/17/2014 ERD'.(TST 60,49) `Physical Properties° PLYG-SC1550.03.15' 03/24/2015 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties' 1)46990:04,15 (14/(33/2015 ERD(TST'6049) Physical Propertles; P44360.10:14-111 05/38/2015 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties; PLYG-SC8080.05:15r1 05/20/2015 ERD(TST 6049),- Wind Uplift PLYG SC8905.05-16=1 `05/17/2016 ERD(TST 60491: Physical.Properties; PLYG=SC8080.07:1,6 07/16/2016 ERD,(TST-6049); Wind Uplift PLYG-SC12025.1Or16 10/1.2)2016' ERb'(TST60491 P.hysica[Properties PLYG-SCI3040.12.16 12/27/2016 ERD.(TST 6049} Phys"ical Properties PLYG-5611900.03.17 03/10/2017 ERD'(75T 6049) Physical-Properties PLYi;�SC12115.08:17 68/08/2017 JCC-ES(EVL 2396) iBC Compliance ESR-1697 11/61/2014 Miami-Dade 1592) HVH2,CompWnce NOA '14-0717:08- 01/22/2015' Poiyglass USA Manufacturing A fldavit Products.Currerit 02/18/2009 Poiyglass USA P/L Affidavit Mule.Ode,Cross Ltg 03/01/2008 Poiyglass USAiVlaterials Affidavit Polystick SA Compound 08/x8.201-1 UL,LLC.(QUA9625) •Quality'Confrol Service Confirmation E*10/05/2018 A. P-R66U&DESCRIPTION:: .`4.1.1 Eiastobase is a fiberglass'relnforced;;SBS mod'ified"bitumen base,sheet 4.1.2 d4stbbase P is a polyester-reinforced;SBS modified bitumen"base'sheet. 4.1.3 Polyglass 62Base=:is afiberglass-reinforced,asphaltic base-sheet. 4,1:4 Polyg[ass.APP Base is a f(bergiass�,retnft�rced,APP modified bitumen i3ase;sheet: g. - , k AdE�sg 1�t2E'rlalt 73iSc� _ il FR OM :„ a , 4.2A Polystick'MTS or Polystick NITS Pi.US is:a nominal SO-mil thick=;rubberized_asphalt waterproofing;,membrane;"glass fiber reinforced surfaced virith'polynlefinic:fil rri;surface;meets`Ftt5A7 i RI P;pril 2(312.- 4,2,2 Polystick-IR-Xe is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane,-glass fiber reinforced,with an aggregate surface,rtieets-ASTM;D1970. 4.2.3 Polystick;T'U Plus is wnominal'80-mil;thi&rubber zed;asphaIt waterproofing•membrane,glass fiber reinforced,with s polyester fabric surface;meets ASTM D1970_and PRSA/TRI:April 2012: NEMO ETC;.0 C Evaluation'Report:P12060 02:09-R24- Certljlcote ofAuthoriiation#32455 6T"EDITION(2017)Ok NON-ANK EVALUATION FL5259-R28- Poiyglass Roof Urrderiayrnerils;{954123341230 RevislonI4:01/24/2018 Pagel of 14 MEMO etc. 515 Allowable:Roof°Covers:`: .:a Wood Shakes . z Untisriayment Asphak,Shingles Nail-on Tile" Foam Om Tile Metal slate s *,Shingles Elastobase Yes Yes Yes . Yes Yes Yes (BaseAeetir zbwsystem) (BaspSheetin2-piysystem) .Elastobase P Yes Yes Yes, Yes Yes Yes ;(Base Sheet'in2plysystem): (Base.Sheetln2-ply,system) P.olyglasSG2,Base,, !. N�, _ (Basesheet162 plysysierri) (Base Sheet n2-ptysysterii) No, NO No Poiyglass APP"Base 3_. No Yes Yes No No No '(Base Sheetln 2=piysysterfi) (Base.Sheet ln2-plysystim) Polystick MTS,or MTS PLUS i Yes Yes, No Yes Yes Yes. Polystick IR-ke YesNo No No Yes Yes Polystick TU P No Yes Yes'(See S.5A) No No No Polystick TU Plus v r Yes Yes Yes (See 5.5,.1)- Yes Yes., Yes `.Polyst)ckTUMax' 'No. Yes. ::, Yek(See 5.5:1), Yes No. No Polystick dual Pro Yes No No "_ Yes. Yes Yes Polystick Tile Pro Yes Yes Yes (See 5.5.1) -Yes Yes Yes Polystick MUAX Yes No - . No: Yes Yes Yes Elastoflex 56 G Yes Yes Yes.(See 5:5:1}; No Yes.. Yes Elastoflex•S6 G FR Yes Yes No' , No ,. AS Yes Elastoflex G TU Yes Yes -Yes (See:5.5:1); Na Yes Yes Polyfiex G Yes Yes:, 'Yes (See 5.5.1)'.. No Yes Yes, Pq"ex G FR Yes Ves No No Yes Yes Polyflex SAP or SAPTR" Yes Yes' Yes.(See s.5:1) No Yes Yes Mule=Hide SA-APRCap"Sheet yes Yes Yes:(See 5:5:1), No Yes Yes or:SA=APP Cap 5heet'(F,R) 5,5A ."Foam O.n Tile"�s limned,to,use of the folinwing At t roved file adhesives./untlerlayfnen't,comtiinations. k,,zry ffssr-' R rr,'�� .`c en t���A$LE v A � .t_ i✓., 1�.. �,�i� �N o- ��,. Florida Product " Adhesive; Unclerlayments' Approval_ DAP Foam Toucti'n Sea)Storm Bond Roof FL14506 PolystickTU TileAdhesive Plus;Pot ystick TU Max Dow T(IeBondTmFt 22525 Rotystick TU R„Polystick?U Plus,Palyflex SAP or Tile Pco: Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TU'Max;,Polystick Tile Pro, ICP Adhesives PolysetO AH-160; TL6332 Flastoflex G TU,,Elastoflek S6 G,Polytlex G,PoIyfl ix SAP,Polyflex SA.Cap FR, MuleMide SA-APi?Cap,Sheet"ar Mule GA SA= APP Cap�Sheet(FR) Polystick TU P,_Pol`ystick TU'Plus,Polystick TU'Max;Polystick Tile Pro„ ICP Adhesives Polyset°RTA-1 FL6276 Elastofiex G,TU:Elastoflex S6 G Poiyflex G,Polyflex SAP;:Po(yflex SA Cep FR, Mule-Hide-SA-APP'Calp Sheet or Mule=Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR) -Referta Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Mi7nufactuter's;Florida`Product Approval for"Overturning Wineht Resistvnce,Perforrifance. 'NEMOftt,,116: 5vatuatlon ReportP12060.t)2:09-1124 CertifPcote of Autharkation.02455 S'EDIAON(2017)EBG NON-fiVHZ EVAIUATICIN FL5259-1128 Polyglass Roof,Underlayments,1954)233:1230 Revision 24:o112d/2ois Page S of 14 All, ableSubstr'ates: - 5:6.1 Diroct-96nd xo D'eck.. r Polystick(ail variations),.[uai Pro;Trie.Pro,•polyl lex 5AP or SAP FR;;M,u1e-Nide SA-APP".Cap Sheet or`SA>APP Cap Sheet (FR)self adhered im - New untreated piywood;-ASTM D41 pr med new untreated plywood,Existing plywood;ASTM 1541 primed'existing plywood;'Neuf'or existing, unpruned OSB;:ASTM D41 parried.OSB SoutherY011ow: Pj,hp*.°ASTM D41 priOned Southern Yell©w P:3'ne;;ASTIU! D41 primed structural concrete; Huber Engineered `t+Uoods 'tlP:Systern" Pandls. `(designed and In alid to meet-wind'ioads for Niue:.Palygfass does not require-prhi ing`of new;