HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdward Brown PermitAli APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Building Permit Application •onq � ^G ;!.4G� 7EvaiOP•"nEf:.i2F aces ou�,drng cr•-a Cote Recuiarion Bivlsen <30C ✓irgjn,o A✓clue, Fort Pierce FL 3498i PhOce: `,'"I!62-SS3 max (7721452-1378 COnll'nercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR i dcress g��lhPYll,�__AYY_ .i'� _96 4-DD4 Vier - I —f L Descripron: �/ '1 ro_1.l!--�U/�S -G� �(Yli 1 LotN No -pe r'Y Tax iD � ' BlockkNo. S8e plan Nan _ o,^;ecc Name. Ri r, Side eft Side - Setbacks =rent _ 3acx: �' - check a Gas Tark Gas Piping Shutters iectrc _ °i„ g — Sorinkiers _ 6�^eraie •;:;2' SG :-L O' GCS t uGlJ n'. �os ens, or_`�Cn. SL.n� I,ltiiities: _ Sewer _ Septic 4C 71 ecs. _._ Noce. rzx. rdl in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) . windows/Doors ?co" Building Heigh-, Name'. Company Address- )105 o CV �-'L— }J,b' 3ev� Sate - lip Code. 3z93� :=ax: SLI- -77- 4'ZS Phone No. 772 3�7" 4/g7G c_ mail"- Si3*,c Or :,our.ty Llc=nse. �':i�,Jl if value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. I DESIGN ER!ENGIN EER: _ Not Applicabie MORTGAGE COMPANY _ Not Applicable Name' .': Name'. Address _ I Addr25S:_ City. State: City. S.at=: ''_gyp: Phone. Zip. Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not .Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _No- Apolicable Name'. _ '': Name. _ j A,dCrc55. Address'. _ lip. phone: : Zip. Pho.— that no ,or, or ns.a!larioe .nas co:fn,: encec pnor to the issuance o' a Perm¢. SC. 'J' CIF COUnTS' maKes n0 pe 11 :..older' io bJtld 7he Sllb) ,mcr Is - confliG with any applicable Home Owne-s Assocavon rules by''-v,5 or art covenants th2 may es-, cz or oro?ibl, v„rc n Consioera or Of ine granting o' zms requested Dermot, Co hereby agree Char I w'i(I, in. all re=pcG5. Per ern the lorK acmroarce wac the aoa-cved clans e cbonda 3uilding Ceces =n^ St.:_-ie CacnCv =.m e'dmencs. -he follow: ng building perm:i appilcationS are exempt irrom undergoing a :ui" concur rency rev2w: room ?ciditions. accessory rr-'C'J, eS Avi--!ring 000;5, fe-Ce5, walls, signssc-een rOO—S and aCCeSSOti _SeL tO a•1oth_r 10r.-re5iden-.lai use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice ro.- �mprover,,enTs to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be reco-ded and posted en the ,obs?e before the fi-St inspecricn. if yeu intend to obtain financing, consult with lerder or air atto-^ey before romrlEAncine worK or cecordinr= vc.Jr Notice of CCmme.n.cemen-A A - 5:gnazire Or Owner, Lessee/Agea- STATE OF Fi,!}�{Lj(a _n COUNTY OF i i`C'V �e prgc og n� s crc o ecGi-�//��e'cre -+_ —Ulaav ci C �V{" Signa',ure -01ce:' STATE OF Fif.t( ,CV()`^, COUNTY OF 7 D rl 7 Thr K r a >p be y -, rlcr-da � R Frocuced ie2nti5catcn . r _vv =RONT 'CM NG SUPERVISCR PLANS : VtoE A'-IJ\' SEC', TURTI_F VANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW' REVIEW REVIEW REVIEfA' REVIEW REVi=W r-- JJMgCc '_ — -- r dN i 9 I K X