HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED (� Date: Permit Number: RECEIVED • r - Building Permit Application MAY 17 2019 Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division ST. Lucie County, Permitting 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential _ PERMITTYPE: vz � P �P©SED IMPRU EMENT LOCATIfJ'N: Address: ( I5I.WL A<Je Property Tax lD#: Q6,3 l ,9 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: DETAILED DE�SC«RIPTION OF WORK: C@N5TRUCTI©N lNFOR'M TI N: Additional work to be performed under this permit-check all that apply: _Mechanical _Gas Tank ' _Gas Piping _Shutters _Windows/Doors Z/ Electric _Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction: 7 Q643 Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ ( -7 9 en°0 Utilities: —Sewer —Septic Building Height:JSTz„�, ©WNER MS-SSEE: CC+)NTRACTC►R: �� Name t2c-e iuSC- Name: Address: q10 L ln7-7C,(ea: Company: S�ew�u�.::, City: 'eE State: F Address: 32-1\- Zip 2"1\- Zip Code: � �y Fax-' City: State:�—,- Pho.ne.No. '1 Z.bbl Zip Code: 3`C- , Fax: �z xz l�-foC � E-Mail: Phone No Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail from the Owner listed above) State or County License C�GGOSS�'7 If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is$7,500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: . twc_ Name: Address: j, re Address: City: 5::� FLja!,YState:moi- City: State: Zip:5 S'� Phone �?D­7 qf�,6 -Z-7 S--\ Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work-and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize thepermit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,watts,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON T B SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TPI BTA FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR ND N ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NO CE COMM CEMENT." Signature of Owne ee/ ent for Owner Sign ure f on r STATE OF FLORIDA // � � STATE OF FLORIDA , . l COUNTY OF ,V0,/- COUNTY OF I E The for oing instrument was acknowledged before me The for ing instrum nt was acknowledged before me this day of 20a by this ay of 20d by AY Name of person making statement. Na e of person making statement. Personally Known V/OR Produced Identification Personally Known ✓gsOR Produced Identification Type of Identification Type of Identification Produced Produced (Signa ure o Notary Public-State of Florid (Signature of Notar -- .� KAREN S. NIELSEN KAREN S. NIEL E aFp�°U°?- Commiss r��11• �'., , ?2 :State of Flq %otary Public o a-Nota X lic Commission No. 5a ?a o_ - = ommission # G 207484 =* Commission # GG 207484 =. = 11 as n Ex iros 9'E� F�pP�C My Commission Expires Jun 3 '12, 2022 REVIE PERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED ev. 2/7/19 M Arch itec,.Jon ic Inc May 17, 2019 ;�EL--CEI V E p --- Saint Lucie County Building Department MAY 1 2019 Attn: Roof Permit Plan Review 2300 Virginia Avenue ST. Lucie County, Permitting Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Roofing specification prepared for the St. Lucie County Building Dept.for the structure located at 4701 Elm Avenue,St. Lucie County. Manufacturer: Union Corrugating Company Profiles: Advantage-Lok II Panel, FL#20484.2 url Code: FBC 2017;Section R 905.10 F'ILE 0%0' PY Wind Speed: 160 MPH; Ultimate Design Wind Speeds Exposure: B Mean Roof Height: 30' Maximum Pitch: 4/12 &2/12 Required Design Pressure: Zone1:-26 Zone 2:-41 Zone3:-57 Maximum Uplift Pressure: -63.5 Panel Attachment: #10-12 pancake head wood screws along panel seam. Fastener shall be of sufficient length to penetrate through the deck a minimum of 3/8" @ 9-1/4" o.c. Underlayment: 30#felt complying with/ASTM D226 Type II installed with spaced 6" o.c.on laps and 12"o.c.staggered in field. Roof Decking: Existing 5/8" plywood sheathing to be nailed w 8d x 2" ring shank nails @ 6" O.C.thru out Zone 1,4"O.C. perimeter&6"O.C.field Zone 2, and 4" O.C.thru out Zone 3. The above approved, as per Florida Building Code Compliance acceptances,2017 Florida Building Code, and the Manufacturer's recommendations. s ee ul� u tted O Mich e� a e 'Architectonic Inc. ® ®°STEGE® 806 Delaware Avenue Tel: 772 460 7751 www.architectonicinc.com Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 Fax: 772 460 4244 FL Reg#AA26003348 1 of 1 =ST.EVALUATION REPORT OF UNION CORRUGATING COMPANY`26 GA. ADVANTAGE-LOK II' FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 6TH EDITION (2017) FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL FL 20484.2-111 ROOFING METAL ROOFING F I L Ew' Prepared For: Union Corrugating Company 701 S.King St. Fayetteville,NC 28301 Telephone: (910)483-0479 Fax: (910)483-1091 Prepared By: Bala Sockalingam, Ph.D.,P.E. Florida Professional Engineer#62240 1216 N Lansing Ave., Suite C Tulsa, OK 74106 Telephone: (918) 492-5992 FAX: (866) 366-1543 This report consists of Evaluation Report(3 Pages including cover) eee°°°°'►►►�g'AO�so, `ee GKp.LINGgM o®�� Installation Details (1 Page) �,. 50 G 'i � w� w � OF Report No. C2175-2 Date: 8.23.2017 ®���p�. F L.O'\ e F •S10 P♦�y� ase�at►o° -_6. 23.2c-) FL 20484.2-R1 C2175-2 8.23.2017 Page 2 of 3 Manufacturer: Union Corrugating Company Product Name: Advantage-Lok II Panel Panel Description: Max. 16" wide coverage with 1" high ribs Materials: Minimum 26 ga., 50 ksi steel. Galvanized coated steel (ASTM A653) or Galvalume coated steel (ASTM A792) or painted steel (ASTM A755). Deck Description: Min. 7/16" thick OSB or min. 15/32" thick APA rated plywood or min. V thick wood plank (min SG of 0.42) for new and existing constructions. Designed by others and installed as per FBC 2017. New Underlayment: Minimum underlayment as per FBC 2017 Section 1507.4.5.1. Required for new construction. Existing Underlayment: One layer of asphalt shingles over one layer of#30 felt. For reroofing (Optional) construction only. Slope: 2:12 or greater in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1507.4.2 Design Uplift Pressure: 30.0 psf @ panel fastener spacing of 13-7/8" o.c. along seam (Factor of Safety =2) 63.5 psf @ panel fastener spacing of 9-1/4" o.c. along seam 78.5 psf @ panel fastener spacing of 4-5/8" o.c. along seam 112.5 psf @ seam fastener spacing of 4-5/8" o.c. along seam with 3/16" diameter bead sealant in panel seam 116.0 psf @ seam fastener spacing of 4-5/8" o.c. along seam into min. 15/32" thick APA rated plywood with retainer strap Panel Attachment: #10-12 pancake head wood screws along panel seam. Fastener shall be of sufficient length to penetrate through the deck a minimum of 3/8". Retainer Strap: 5" wide, 24 ga., 50 ksi strap fastened to deck with 2 rows of#10-12 x 1" long pancake head screws at 12" o.c. spacing and 6" staggered. The strap is continuous over the entire corner or edge roof zones. Prior to the panel installation, two rows of 3/8" bead of adhesive are field applied along the length of the strap. Seam Sealant: Sikaflex-201 or APS 500 Advance Polymer Sealant. In lieu of Sikaflex or APS sealant, adhesive/sealant with greater or equal tensile properties may be used. Test Standards: Roof assembly tested in accordance with UL580-06 `Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies' & UL1897-04 `Uplift Tests for Roof Covering FL 20484.2-R1 C2175-2 8.23.2017 Page 3 of 3 Systems' or TAS 125-03 `Standard Requirements for Metal Roofing Systems'. Test Equivalency: The test procedures in UL 1897-04 comply with test procedures prescribed in UL 1897-12. Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC 2017 Section 1507.4. Product Limitations: Design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design. The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaluation report is not applicable in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Refer to current NOA for use of this product in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Fire classification is not within scope of this Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2017 Section 1505 and current approved roofing materials directory or ASTM E108/UL790 report from an accredited laboratory for fire ratings of this product. Supporting Documents: UL580 &UL 1897 Test Reports PRI Construction Materials Technologies UCC-006-02-1 Rev 1, Reporting Date 2/10/12 TAS 125 Test Report Farabaugh Engineering and Testing Inc. Project No. T302-16, Reporting Date 11/16/16, Revised Date 1/18/17 Project No. T303-16, Reporting Date 11/16/16, Revised Date 1/18/17 Project No. T304-16, Reporting Date 11/16/16, Revised Date 1/18/17 oxnwr en CHEr%W 0r. NEW UNDERLAYMENT -SEE DETAILS 1 & 2 PANEL OVERLAP PANEL FASTENER ROOF PANEL a.s. vs. MAX. 13-7/8" O.C. ` �+%+o/7 a it x u EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT II OSB 7/16" THICK (MIN.) OR (OPTIONAL) EXISTING SHINGLES DECK ATTACHMENT AND PLYWOOD 15/32" THICK (MIN.) (OPTIONAL) SUPPORTS MUST BE RAFTER/JOIST/TRUSS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED AT MAX. 24" O.C. BY OTHERS o -SECTION TYPICAL PANEL INSTALLATION X g SEE DETAIL 1 _ NEW UNDERLAYMENT ADHESIVE BEAD OF 21ROS STAGGERED WS ® MAX. PANEL F�ST5/BR O.C.ROOF PANEL ® 12 O.C. 0 0 2 �N Obi (nUN ii RETAINER STRAP PLYWOOD 15/32" THICK (MIN.) ii '� zw I V DECK ATTACHMENT AND 5" WIDE, 24 GA. V Y J 00 d0 SUPPORTS MUST BE U t� 0 DESIGNED AND INSTALLED RAFTER/JOIST/TRUSS BY OTHERS AT MAX. 24' O.C. z 2 PANEL INSTALLATION WITH RETAINER STRIP MIN 26 GA. PANEL #10-12 PANCAKE HEAD _a Lid NEW UNDERLAYMENT WOOD FASTENER ALLOWABLE UPLIFT PRESSURE x p o � ' EXISTING SHINGLES FASTENER MINIMUM SEAM RETAINERPRESSURE �+ a I m (OPTIONAL) SPACING SUBSTRATE SEALANT STRIP ALONG RIB DIAMETER (PSF) n 13-7/8" 7/16" OSB NONE NONE 30.0 z 51. 9-1/4" 7/16" OSB NONE NONE 63.5 �� EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT 4-5/8" 7/16" OSB NONE NONE 78.5 Wiz? (OPTIONAL) D ETAI L OSB 7/16" THICK (MIN.) OR 4-5/8" 7/16" OSB 3/16" NONE 112.5 �N PLYWOOD 15/32 THICK (MIN.) 4-5/8" 15/32" PLY NONE REQUIRED 116.0 g g SIKAFLEX 201 SEALANT MIN 26 GA. PANEL OR EQUIVALENT 3/16" BEAD GENERAL NOTES: #10-12 PANCAKE HEAD 1. ARCHITECTURAL ROOF PANEL HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 4 WOOD FASTENER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC). NEW UNDERLAYMENT 2. ROOF PANELS ARE SHALL BE 26 GA. EFFECTIVE COVERING WIDTH OF EXISTING SHINGLES OF PANEL = 16". (OPTIONAL) 3. THE ROOF PANELS SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER SHEATHING & STRUCTURE AS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING. 4. REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS SHALL BE DETERMINED FOR EACH PROJECT, THIS PANEL SYSTEM MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WHEN THE REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS ARE GREATER THAN THE ALLOWABLE WIND LOAD TABLE. EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT 5. ALL FASTENERS MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DRAWING & THE FLORIDA (OPTIONAL) DETAIL Z BUILDING CODE. IF A DIFFERENCE OCCURS BETWEEN THE MINIMUM OSB 7/16" THICK (MIN.) OR REQUIREMENTS OF THIS DRAWING & THE CODE, THE CODE SHALL CONTROL. 02175-2 PLYWOOD 15/32" THICK (MIN.) 6. RAFTERS/JOISTS/TRUSSES MUST BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND WIND LOADS AS REQUIRED FOR EACH APPLICATION AND ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. SHEff No. OF