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BOARD OF COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION(ERS DEPARTMENT July 17, 2000 Mr. Neal S. Keys 1911 N.E. 172nd Street North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Re: Lot Split - Property Tax ID#3403-312-0000-000/4 and 3403-312-0001-000/1 Dear Mr. Keys: We are in receipt of the recorded warranty deed requested in our letter to you dated June 5, 2000. Please accept this letter as final approval of the referenced lot split as it was originally submitted. Please contact this department if you need additional assistance. Sincerely, RW:JU:sr cc: Michael J. Huber Paul Jacquin & Sons JOHN D. BRUHN. District No. I - DOUG COWARD, DistricfNo. 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 o FRANFIIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES. District County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue o Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561) 462-1485 · FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362 · Division of Road & Bridge: (561) 462-25t I FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 . Division of Building &Inspections: (561)462-1553 Fax462-1735 · TDD (561) 462-1428 BOARD OF COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION(ERS DEPARTMENT June 5, 2000 Mr. Neal S. Keys 1911 NE 172"d Street North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Re: Lot Split - Property Tax ID#3403-312-0000-000/4 3403-312-0001-000/1 Dear Mr. Keys: The application received to combine the referenced parcels under a unity of title and re-divide same into two parcels has been tentatively approved as submitted. Upon receipt of a recorded warranty deed reflecting final division of the property we will provide final approval letter and development permits may be issued. Please be aware that Section 11.03.04 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that no further division of an approved lot split is permitted unless a final record plat is prepared and approved in accordance with the code. Sincerely, Raymond Wazny Public Works Director RW:JU:Iap cc: Michael J. Huber Paul Jacquin & Sons JOHN D. BRUHN. District No. t · DOUG COWARD. District No. 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 · FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES, District N County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561) 462-1485 · FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1.707 Fax 462-2362 · Divisian of Road & Bridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 · Divisian af Building & Inspections: (561) 462-1553 Fax 462-1735 · TDD (561) 462-1428 H o 0 ~/~ OFFICE USE ONLY DATE' RECEIVED: .~ ~//Z,/~ g)/~' ~4/ /~ ~~ ~ 3/~/~ FILE ~ER: ~0 --/~ DATE ~PLIC~T N~IFIED ~PLICATION IS INCO~LE~: ~LIST OF ~DITION~ INFO~TION~ NEEDED :~ RESEARCHED By: ********************** PROPERT~ INFO ****************************** ZONING: a ~ Z~mD USE: d D ~ TAZ: ~ ~'~ ~W ~, SECTION: 3 * * * *. TOWNSHIP: WARRANT]~ DEEDS FROI~ AUGUST 1, 1990. EXISTING STRUCTURES. CHECK FOR YES PRIVATE UTILITY, WATER- DER- HAVE LETTERS YES YES -- DO THEY MEET NO OF CAPACITY NO NO SETBACK BEEN REQUIREMENTS ? RECEIVED? IF SEWER- YES DER- YES NO -- NO IF USING SEPTIC ~="oxoTEM, DOES EACH LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21 780 SQUARE FEET (1/2 ACRE)? YES '_ NO · CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY REQUIRED YES DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED YES NO COMMENTS': D~TE GRgJ~ITED: -- BY WHOM: M P~rce/s "Uni~ p? I~11 NI~ I?~nd Sirrah N Mian~ ~ FL .~ 16~ P~l, mtly Appraiser'! Pardi ~ I ~-oo(~00o/4 · I 12¢I001.000/i Tills AOitJ~i~IVII~NT, made and ~morod Lu~ C~my, a ~Ji~ ~n o~ S~mo of F~fid~ (the "Co~m~.) ~ N~ S. K~ T~I~ of 1911 NE !~ S~I, No~ ~ ~h, FL 331162 (~ "Ow~"). ~ W~ !~ of~ W~t !/2 of~ W~ 45' ~ I~ ~ No~h 316 f~ ~ ~ ~on ~t, To~p (T~36 ~ ~ ~ ~, i~ ~ ~ ~ St. ~e C~, ~od~. 6.56 ~. ~ N~h 316 f~ o~t~ W~t I~ ~ W~t 1/2 of~e ~ i/4 of the SW I/4 ~ ~ W~ 45 ninthS-way, ~ ~on ~on ~ ~ ~-312~4) ~ of~~y 2.~. WHEREAS, the Owner acknowledges that he is the owner ofbot~ the above described parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants --- THAT, for the purpose~ of this parcels as one. asreement the Owner agrees to join the-~ two TI-IAT, nmhin~ contained in this a~reement subsequently dividin~ splittin~ or subdividin~ ~ prevent Owner from these parcels rules and regulations of St. Lucie County. in ~cordanoo with the laws, THAT this a~roement is ~ven by Own= in con~deration ofcoumy ismin8 a permit for the constm~on o£an office tmiJding on ~ North 300 feet and tl~ West 150 fee~ of the above described propertie~ ~ la30K ,1,28~ Pa6E (~! TtLAT .md proi~r~y ~ blt c, ons~der~l ii one Iol ~md ~ or'brad ~ ihil By: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCI~ ~ Pm°m~ m,wn to m~ or,~no ~ produc~ o~S~. Notary PUbac, Sine of F~ori~a STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTy OF MIAMI-DADE S T. ~' U C I E C O U N T y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PAYMENT RECEIPT REFERENCE NUMBER: HUBER LOT SPLIT#2 FEE CODE LOTS PL I T FEEs COLLECTED DESCRIPTION LOT SPLIT ................ - .............. AMOUNT 100.00 CHECK NBR: PAID BY: MEMO: 1013 PAUL JACQUIN & SONS, INC JS AMOUNT PAID: FEE WAIVED: REAL STEPHEN KEYS JAY BURTON KEYS (RETIRED} ATTORNEYs AT LAW ~9! ! N.E. 172ND STREET ]~][[A3~II BEAGI{, ~LORIDA TELEPHONE (305) 944-9300 FAX: (305) 94~q-6000 Building and Zoning Department St. Lucie County 2300 Virg/nia Ave.//201 Ft. Pierce, FL. 34982-5652 April 10, 2000 Folio#3403.312-0000-000/4 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the undersigned is the owner of the above referenced the property is presently under contrac unders~gned,s full authorit,, t- -; ,, ~t for sale to M/chael Huber rr~--- - ,parcel. That ~,,u to petitioning St Lucie y u ~gn a~ aocuments with re--~-, ~ ....~fiut ne nas the County to change said property from the zoning classification of Commercial Neighborhood to the zoning classification of Commercial Office. NSK:am Very truly yours, Real Keys BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiON£RS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT February 25, 2000 Mr. Michael Jacquin Paul Jacquin & Sons, Inc. P. O. Box 4343 Fort Pierce, FL 34948.4343 Re: Lot Split - Property Tax ID# 3403-312-0000-000/4 Dear Mr. Jacquin: We have completed our research for the lot split submitted by you for the referenced parcel of land currently owned by Neal S. Keys, Trustee. We are unable to approve the lot split because this 2.06 acre parcel was part of an 8.62 acre tract of land of which 6.56 acres was split off and sold on October 14, 1994 without receiving a lot split approval from this department. The proposed division of the remaining 2.06 acre tract would result in three parcels being created from the original 8.62 acres. Any division of three or more parcels requires a plat, which is processed in the Planning Division of the Community Development Department. If we can help in any other way, please feel free to call Jan Urso at 462-1562. Sincerely, Ray Wazny Public Works Director RW:JU:sr JOHN D, BRUHN District NO. 1 · DOUG COWARD, District NO.county2 · PAULAAdministratorA. LEWIS,. DouglasDiStrict NO.M.3Anderson. FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES. District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561) 462-1485 · FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362 · Division of Road & Bridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 Division of Building & Inspections: (561) 462-1553 Fax 462-1735 · TDD C561) 462-1428 This InstrUment Prepared by: , Neal S. Keys, Esq. 1911 NE 172nd Street N. Miami Beach, FL 33162 Property Appralse~;s Parcel Identification (Folio) No: 312-0000-000/4 312-0001-000/1 IZNITY OF~TI2 J~kC_dlF. F~NT THIS AG__EMENT,~ marie and entered this day of March,-- 2000, by and between St. Lucie County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (the "County") and Neal S. Keys Trustee, of 1911 NE 172nd Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 (the "Owner"). WHEREAS, the undersigned is the Owner of that property described as follows: The West 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 less the West 45' and less the North 316 feet thereof, in Section 3, Township 36 South, Range 40 East, lying and being in St. Lucie County, Florida. (Tax parcel number-312-0001-000/1) consisting of approximately 6.56 acres. The North 316 feet of the West 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 less the West 45 feet and less that portion in Midway Road right-of-way, in Section 3, Township 36 South, Range 40 East, lying and being in St. Lucie County, Florida. (Tax parcel number-312-0000-000/4) consisting ofapprox/mately 2.06 acres. WHEREAS, the Owner acknowledges that he is the owner of both the above described parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: THAT, for the purposes of this agreement the Owner agrees to join these, two parcels as one. THAT, nothing contained in this agreement shall prevent Owner from subsequently dividing, splitting, or subdividing these parcels in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of St. Lucie County. THAT this agreement is given by Owner in consideration of county issuing a permit for the construction of an office building on the North 300 feet mud the West 150 feet of the above described properties. _OR BOOK 1285 PAGE 661 THAT said property shall be considered as one lot and parcel of land and this agreement shall remain in full force and effect and be binding upon the Owner, his heirs, successors, personal representatives and assigns until such time as this parcel is split, divided3 and/or subdivided in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of St. Lucie County. SI. LUCrE COUNTY THIS tS T 0 CERTIFY THAT TH~$ ~S A TRUE AND CORRECT STATE OF FLORIDA St. Lucie County- By:' Neal S. Keys a/k/a Neal $. K,~ys, Trustee COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2000, by day of March, Lucie County, who is personally known to me or ~;foSt' Lucie County, on behalf of St. identification, has produced as Notary Public, State of Florida Print name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ _day of March, 2000, by Neal S. Keys who is personally known to me. EXpires November 22, 2002 Public, State of Florida I I i r3cz-oom-~,/5; ) I MIDWAY ~ ~- 0007- ~/~ 1~ Ac~ 8.96 AC I ROA~ [50E'OO74-OOO/6J ', 3.63 Ac 1.17 Ac 1.17 Ac DATE: SUBJECT: TAX ID#: FEBRUARY 24, 2000 LOT SPLIT 3403-312-0000-000/4 ZONING/LAND USE: CN/COM REQUESTED BY: PAUL JACQUIN & SONS SUBJECT LOT: 3403-312-0000-000/4 2-5-86: 12-11-98 2-12-99 ROMA B. MELVILLE RASMUSSEN & JOHN A. RASMUSSEN TO: JOHN A. RASMUSSEN & ROMA B. RASMUSSEN (PARCEL 1) 8.62 AC FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO OF TREASURE COAST PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF ROMA B. RASMUSSEN TO: LOUIS A ALEXANDER (2.06)AC LOUIS A ALEXANDER NEAL S. KEYS, TRUSTEE TO: SOUTH OF SUBJECT LOT: 3403-312-0001-0001 (6.56)AC 10-14-94 JOHN A RASMUSSEN & ROMA B. MELVILLE RASMUSSEN NEAL S. KEYS (6.56) AC TO: EAST OF SUBJECT LOT #1: 3403-311-0005-020/2 LOT #2 9-11-78 11-13-92 3403-311-0005-010.9 MARIE C. SMITH JAMES R. MCCONNELL & LINDA MCCONNELL JAMES R. MCCONNELL & LINDA MCCONNELL NEAL S. KEYS TO: TO: LOT #3 3403-311-0005-050/1 8-9-79 MARIE C. SMITH & J.B. SMITH BERNARD N. GUETTLER & LILLIAN GUETTLER TO: LOT #4 3403-502-0067-000/4 6-20-72 B. KEYS, INDIVIDUALLY & AS TRUSTEE & SHIRLEY A. KEYS TO: NEAL S. KEYS, TRUSTEE LOT #5 5-6-88 8-31-94 6-17-97 9-3-98 3403 -502-0068-000/1 ELLEN GUTERL RAVEN PARC, INC RAVEN PARC, INC GRAND PRIX AMUSEMENT PARK INC AT&T COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP VS GRAND PRIX AMUSEMENT PARK INC AT&T COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP NEAL S. KEYS AND CAROL F. KEYS AS TRUSTEE TO: TO: TO: LOT #6 3403-502-0075-000/3 9-28-84 ROMA MELVILLE RASMUSSEN COVENANT TABERNACLE WORLD OUTREACH CENTER LOT SPLIT 97-9 3403-502-0075-010/6 6-19-97 COVENANT TABERNACLE WORLD OUTREACH CENTER VESSEL MULTI-MINISTRIES, INC TO; TO: ORIGINAL PARCEL 3403-312-0000-000/4 SPLIT 10-19-94 CREATED (3403-312-0001 ooo/1) - PARCEL TO BE SPLIT (3403-312-0000-000/4) WILL BE 2~SPLIT ] SET BACKS OF BUILDINGS ON PARCEL A WILL NOT MEET SETBACKS 0 ¢,? '! () :'(i)~ 0 0 © C) 0 0 ? 0 0 0 ? T: ; '{ , ':4 .1. ® (x: ,