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BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£RS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT June 20,2002 Steven L. Barnett P. O. Box 12130 Ft. Pierce, FL 34979 Re: Lot Split - Property Tax ID# 3403-502-0298-100/3 Dear Mr. Barnett: We are in receipt of your recorded Warranty Deeds reflecting final division of the referenced property. This is the final letter of approval for your lot split request. Please be aware that Section 11.03.04 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that not further division of an approved lot split is permitted unless a final record plat is prepared and approved in accordance with the code. If you have any questions regarding the above please feel free to call Linda Pendarvis, Permitting Supervisor at 561-462-1553. Sincerely, Ray Wazny pUblic Works Director RW: lap JOHN D. BRUHN, District No. I · DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 · FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES, District No..5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft.'Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561) 462-1485 ° FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362. * Division of Raad & Bridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561 ]~ 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 Division of Building & Inspections: (561) 462-1553 Fax 462-1735 * TDD (561) 462-1428 . ~' JOANNE HOLHAN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUOIE COUNTY File Number: 2044552 OR BOOK 1529 PAGE 2689 ~.r~trC_. Recorded:05/21/02 10:24 Prepared by and return to: Michael J. ~aravaglia, Esq. , DOC Assump: $ 0.00 756 Beachland Boulevard Veto Beach, FL 32963 g Doc Tax : $ 0.70 *Int Tax : $ 0.00 Parcel ID Number: 3410 = 211 - 0003 - 000 - 7 Grantee #1 TIN: Grantee #2 TIN: Special Warranty Deed This Indenture, Made this day of Steven L. Barnett, a married man - of the Coun~ of St. Lucie Steven L. Barnett May , 2002 A.D., Between , state of Florida , grantor, whose address is: P.O. Box 12130, Fort Pierce, FL 34979 of the Coun~ of St. Lucie , State of Florida , grantee. Witnesseth that the GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of ........................ TEN DOLLARS ($10) ....................... DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said GRANTEE and GRANTEE'S heirs, successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of St. Lucie State of Florida towit: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any, and taxes subsequent to 2001. The property herein conveyed is commercial real'property. The Grantor does not reside thereon and the subject property DOES NOT constitute the HOMESTEAD property of the Grantor. Together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that grantor hereby fully/l~trrants the title to said land and will defen, d ~ainst the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or ?der ~/qlff/ In Wi~'~llereof, the grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the da~n~ above~a~en. Signe~l~a~,d delivered ~ our presence:~ f~//J//~'/t / <' Pr=nted' Name: ~ -~~X ~ r., .,.{~,(.._'' · ,/z_~;~-~-- ~Jnett <Seal) Wi tries s P.O. Add~s~'. P.O. Box 12130, Fort Pierce, FL 349?9 Printed Name: &a~,~c_ 7~, ~/b.6//__5 Witness STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Steven L. Barnett, a married man day of May , 2 0 0 2 by who is p~rsonally known to me or who has produced BARNETT Laser Generated by © Display Systems. Inc.. 2000 (863) 763-5555 Form FLSWD-I OR BOOK 1529 PAGE 2690 Parcel I Legal Description Being a portion of Lots 231 and 233, WHITE CITY SUBDIVISION, a subdivision according to the plat thereof filled in Plat Book 1, Page 23, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: From the Southeast comer of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of section 10, Township 36 South, Range 40 East; thence S 89049'36" W, along the south line of the said Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 42.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: ~, Thence continue S 89°49'36"W, along lastly said line, a distance of 800.00 feet; thence N 00'18'56" W a distance 175.00 feet; thence N 89° 49'36"W a distance 699.50 feet; thence S 00'18'56" E a distance of 38.00 feet; thence N 89°49'36" E a distance 100.50 feet, to the west right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. One; thence S 00018'56'' E, along said right-of-way line, a distance 137.00 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO a drainage easement over west 385.84 feet of the above described parcel. Prepared by and return to: Michael J. Garavaglia, Esq. Recorded:05/21/02 756 Beachland Boulevard Vero Beach, FL 32963 , Doc AssumP: $ , Doc Tax : $ Parcel ID Number: 3410-211-0003~[0T~-Y'flX : $ Grantee #1 TIN: Grantee 02 TIN: JOANNE HOLMAN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUOIE COUNTY File Number: 2044553 OR BOOK 1529 P~GE 2691 10:24 Special Warranty Deed This Indenture, Made this day of Steven L. Barnett, a married man 0.00 0.70 0.00 May , 2 002 A.D., Between of the County of St. Lucie , State of Florida , grantor, a.d Steven L. Barnett whose address is: P.O. BOX 12130, Fort Pierce, FL 34979 of the County of St. Lucie , State of Florida , grantee. Witnesseth that the GRANTOR, for and in consideration &the sum of -TEN DOLLARS ( $10 ) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said GRANTEE and GRANTEE'S heirs, successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of St. Lucie State of Florida towit: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any, and taxes subsequent to 2001. The property herein conveyed is commercial real property. The Grantor does not reside thereon and the subject property DOES NOT constitute the HOMESTEAD property of the Grantor. Together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that grantor hereby full~ts the title to said land and will defend the same agtainst the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or Ahder gr~t~. //7/ In W~~of, the grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal theJ~ ~ear/~t above,,/~. Signed~ ~delivered in our presence: /?.//~ ~/~///y. ~,~ IWg~.,,hm,~) "1 ___ ~'t~ .~.~~B~net~t~-''~4~'~''''''~~- (SeaB Withes s P.O. Addr~ {.' P.O. Box 12130, Fort Pierce, FL 34979 Printed Name .. L o ~s ~ 7~. /°A ~ rm Witness STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Steven L. Barnett, a married man %~'~ day of May , 2 0 0 2 by who is personally known to me or who has produced identification Not _, ~..~..~:, · Ii My Co~ission Expires: ~'u',"' ~ ~ ~ * .... u _ _ I I .ner Oenm~.d by cO DNDlav Swl~. Inc. 2000 (863~ 763-5555 Fo~ FLSWD-1 --.4 OR BOOK 1529 PAGE 2692 Parcel II Legal Description Being a portion of Lots 231 and 233, WHITE CITY SUBDIVISION, a subdivision according to the plat thereof filled in Plat Book 1, Page 23, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Commence at Southeast comer of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 10, Township 36 South, Range 40 East; thence S 89°49'36" W, along the south line of the said Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 42.00 feet, to the west right-of-way of U.S. Highway No. One; thence N 00°18'56" W along said west right-of way line, a distance of 137.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence continue N 00° 18'56" W, along said west right-of-way line, a distance 324.00 feet; thence S 89049'36'' W a distance of 800.00 fee4 thence S 00°18'56" E a distance of 286.00 feet; thence S 89°49'36" E a distance of 699.50' feet; thence S 00°18'56" W a distance of 38.00 feet; thence N 89* 49'36" E a distance of 100.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH a drainage easement over west 385.84 feet of the above described Parcel I. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: Commence at the southeast comer of the of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one- quarter of Section 10, Township 36 South, Range 40 East; thence S 89*49'36" W, along the South line of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter a distance of 42.00 feet, to the west right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. One; thence N 00° 18'56" W along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 137.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence continue N 00° 18'56' W, along said west fight-of-way line, a distance of 104.55 feet, thence N 89°49'36" W a distance of 155.52 feet; thence S 00°18'56" E a distance of 66.55 feet; thence S 89o49'56'' E a distance of 57.95 feet; thence S 00°18'56" E a distance of 38.00 feet; thence N 89°46'56'' Ea distance of 100.50 feet m the POINT OF BEGINNING. HRY 1~ 'O~ ]l:00 FROH STEUE BRRNETT ]NC P~GE,00! WWW. ~ttove hal rnett, co m ~ r ,, , AiITIIMmlVE To: Linda Pendarvis Company: County Permiffing Supervisor Phone: Fax: From: company: Phone: Fax: Yvonne F. Rokaw STEVE BARNETT, INC. (772) 464-8080 x258 (772) 468-6060 Date: Pages including this cover page: May 13, 2002 9 IF NOT PROPERLY RECEIVED, PLEASE CALL YVONNE AT (772) 464-8080 EXTENSION 258 Comments: Linda, Thank you for your help. The i~mation contalne~ ~n ~ facsimile message ts ~vileged en~ =ot'~k~lal Infom~ion inten~m~ only for the use of the individual or story ~ above. If the m~ ~ this ~ommurt~altofl ~ en-or, pleese imme~ia~ly .q~ttfy us by teleph~,-,e ami tatum the o~igi~at rne~,a.=~e to us al the above ed6,mee ~ia N US pot~l ~. Thank you. 5555 SOUTH US HIGHWAY #1 · POST OFFICE BOX 908 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34954 FORT PIERCE 461-6060 *VERO BEACH 562-0333 · STUART 892-2610 · PALM BEACH 747-8877 MAY'J3 '0~ 11:01 F~OH STEOE B~RNETT..INC Illil!illitllll L ~z¢~ I~cnti~caqon Nm~i~e~ 3,. FLORA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE FOg Zm~NS~S OF PAGE. OOa DSIt 1Ol 11099 P~O~I-OCO Pl-=,~ (DF DR-2 THIS FORM NOT ACCk~TABLE 4. C~an~e(Buy~):Steven L. Bar~ett P.O. BoX 12130, Fort Pierce, F~. 34979 5. D~e of SalWT~m_sfer Sale/T~ Pric~ / / 20 $ 10 oo Month Day Ye~ ~d 6. T~ of ~nt ConnAught W~W ~ ou~g ~ge~ce: YES / X NO D~ 8. Te tl~e beat ef y~ur kaowledge, wcrc ~c unu~ circ~l or con~fions W ~c sal~q~ ~ ~: F~ ~ by ~ o~7 F~eclo~ ~? D~ Sa~7 Title ~f~? C~ve ~9 M~ ~hts? ~eofap~or~di~i.~e~ Rela~m~ll~bybl~dot~c. YES / X NO 9. W~tbe~l~sferfi~? YES / X NO C~v~o~ SeH~ ~4d~ ~on~ for De~ ~o~/ ,,, , Si~ of G~r or ~ or A~t ....... ~tc (To be completed by ~e Clink of ibc Circuit Court's Office) OR. Book ~nd Page Number and File Number Date Recorded Month / / Clerks Dale Stump MRY ]8 'O~3 11:0! FROM STEUE BRRNETT INC PR6E.00~3 ' ~O~A DEP~T~NT OF ~N~ ~o~o~ ~S FO~ NOT ~ o~s ~ FOR ~$~RS OF ~ ~ (PL~S~ R~D ~TR~O~i ON ~ BACK OF 3410-211-0003-000-7 Transaction i~ a zplit Prope~y wa~ ~v~ Mu~-~cl or ~tout ~ wi~ b~l~ng(s) ~ ~ ~n~ ~ (~:Bteven L. Barnett, a married man ~(BuY~);$teven L. Barnett Bcr~ 12130, Fort Pterae, FL 34979 / 20 $ Ye~ /Round m 1he nca~s~ dollar.) Locatod In Quit Ch~ (~ to ~ ~t doD=.) ~ 0 0 Properr] 6 6 Coum'y Code YES / X NO / X NO -.~~=l~u~ ]~"vw',p~,~s~e~ Y~S / X NOs ~S~pT~ ~ 3 0 , 70 ~ Of ~r ~ ~e or A~ Dam and File Number Date Recorded (To be completed by th~ Clcnk of ~he Cil~'ult CouWs Offi~) / / Month D~y Year Clerks Dale Stamp MAY ]3 '02 11:02 FROM STEUE BARNETT INC PAGE.004 BUulevar~ 3410-211-0003-000-7 Warranty Deed Ma~ ~is d~yof May ~ 2002 A,D,, L. Barnett,' a married man ~ ~ St. Lucre , Smo o~ Florlda L. Barnett Between P.O. ~ox 12130, Fort Pier.e, FL 34979 of J~1~. Lu~te , ~ate ~£ Florida , ~t~ --T~ ~S ($10) ....................... ATTA~ LE~ and t~es s~se~t to 2G01. ~roperty here~ =onve~ is co~rotal real property. The aces not reslae ther~n ~ ~e ~ject pro~ert~ DOES NOT the HO~ET~ property of ~ all t~.ementa, he~i~a~a~s ~md .~omm.~ce~ ~ ~g or & ~e ~. ~d to Hold, ~ ~ ~ ~ee ~ ~r. i~t ~ ~1 ~ ~ scH ~d ~nv~ sa~ ~: ~ ~r h~ ~ly ~ ~ role ~ ~ i~d and wU1 ~ se~ ~d ~r~ ~ our p~: Name: Stev~n L. ~ernstt P-O. A~dres~ 1%0. Box ~Z130, Fort Pierce, FL 349~9 Florida OF L. Bar~e~t, a marriedlp~n known ~ ~ or w~ ~ pmdu~ d~y of May ,2002 by No~az~ Publiw MAY lB '02 11:02 FROM STEVE BARNETT INC Parcel H Legal Description Being a portion of Lots 231 and 233, WHITE CITY SUBDIVISION, a subdivision according to the plat thereof fSlled in Plat Book 1, Page 23, Public Records of St. Lucie County, FIorida. Commence at Southea,~ comer of thc Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest on,-quarter of Section 10, Township 36 South, Range 40 East; thence S $9'49'36" W, along the south line ofthe ~aid Northea.~t one-quarte~ of the Northwest one-quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 42.00 feet, to thc west right-of-way of U.S. Highway No. One; thence N 00' 18'56" W along said west right-of way line, a distance of 137.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence continue N 00'18'56" W, along said west right-of-way line, a distance 324.00 feet; thence S 89'49'36" W a distance orS00.00 feet; thence S 00'18'56" E a distance of 286.00 feet; thence S g9'49'36" E a distance of 699.50' feet; thence $ 00' 1 $'56" W a distance of 38.00 feet; thence N 89' 49'36" E a distance of 100.$0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH a drainage easement over wes! 385.84 feet of the above described Parcct I. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: Commence at the southeast comer of the of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one- quarter of Section 10, Township 36 South, Range a,0 East; thence S 89'49'36" W, along the South line of the Northeast one-quarter of thc Northwe,~t one-quarter a distance of 42.00 f~t, to the west fight-of-way ime of U.S. Highway No. One; thence N 00'18'56" W along said westerty right-of- way line. a distance of 137.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence continue N 00°18'56' W, along said west right-of-way line, a distance of 104.55 feet, thence N 89'49'36" W a distance of 155.52 feet; thc~c S 00'18'56" E a distance of 66.55 feet; thence S 89'49'56" E a distance of 57.95 feet; thence S 00'18'56" E a distance of 38.00 feet; thence N 89'46'56" E a distance of 100.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. HaY 13 '0~ 11:03 FROM STEUE BFtRNETT INC .- PFIGE. 006 ' FLORIDA r~ ........ Dsmm U~ Prolm-v~ w-as imprc~cd with buildii~(~) at time uf sal~/traa~er? ~ X (Buyer);E~even L. Sarne~t Box 12130. Fort Piez~e, I{Ta 34979 / 2o $ ~o oo ~o~ Day Year (Round to ~h¢ n~rea do{/ar_) Located In Con~~ X ~ 7. ~ ~y m~es on ~e pro~ ~ ~ ~d~g mo~ b~: ~it C~ · ~er~? y~ ~ X NO IP'y~,,,pl~md~or~offin~c~g: Uo~ct ~ Dc~ Oth~ ~ C~ l~d~ ~ul~ ~H~O~ ~v~t Vast A~e ~ Cod~ Timcsharc / X NO ~corA~t of thc C~I ~'s Off. ce) ..... CI[r~ D~ S~ ~ propew% (R°undtot. beucmc~dol]ar) ~$ 0 ~ is ~ ~t ~m Docum~ S~p T~ ~d~ ~ 201.02(6), Flo~da S~es? YES / X ~ MAY 1S 'O~ 11:0S FROM STEUE BRRNETT INC fl ID aot available ) FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Multi-lr~c~l tran.~alon? - THII; FORM NOT RETURN FOP. TRAN~S OF INTEREST IN ~AL PROP~ Ac~ ~~o~. ~t~s~h~below. ~ PAGE. 007 DSI{ )oI 110OO PHOTOCOPIE~ ~ DR-219 0003-000-7 Trar~clio~ is a sp{{~ Property was ofsal~/transl%r? L. Barnett, a married man ~$tevenL. Barnett Box 12130, Fort Pierce, FL 34979 ,Type: P.e~Menli~l Comme~ial Iuduslrial I in t~ s~Wlran~er? -~f"'yes,,, please ~r~ the InstitmionaF Al~ie~Iiu~al Mi6e~Ii~eou$ Government vacant YES / X NO YES / X NO Acreagc Timesha~ ~ / x NOS c=~ personal property. (Round to the nc~r~ dollar.) o~Do~um~taty Stamp Tax --) $ 0 70 [isduein~umbcr~2~isd~x~mptft~mD~our~t~nlarySiarr~Taxu~d~rs.2~2(6)~F~rida~tatut~? ~ / X NO ~ ~ o~ all ~f~ ofw~ ~ ~ ~y ~I~ge. ~e or A~t. D~ (To b~ complel~l by the Clc~'k of th~ Circuit Coun% Office) Clorks Date Stamp / / Month D_DAy- Y~ar H~Y I3 '02 11:04 FROM STEUE BI:IRNETT INC P~GE.008 ~. G-ara~ag2~a, g~. ~mb,. 3410-211-0003-000-7 Warranty Deed Made ~is dayof May ,2002 Barnett, a married man , S~ Florida L. Barnett P.O. Box 12130, Fort Pierce, FL 34979 ot S~. Lucle ~ $~ of Florida , grantee. d~at ~hc GIL~NTOR. fo~ a~d i~ c~n of~ ~ ~ ~ .............. L ..... T~ n~ (~x0) ....................... ~. S~. Lucre S~eof Flori~ ATTA~ED L~ to restrictions, reservations and eagemenhs of record. and taxes subseq~aent to 2001. property he=ein conveyed is eo~aerclal real property. The does not reside thereon ~l~td the sub, eot property DOES NOT the NOMgSTEADproperty o£ the Grantor. Name: S~even L. Barnett (s~) P~O- Addtes~ P.O. ~%~x I21.~.. Fort Pitree,. FL 34979 day of May ,2002 as id~n~/fi~tion MAY 13 '0~ I !:04 ~:FROM STEUE BARNETT INC PAGE.00S Parcel I Legal Description Being a portion of Lots 231 and 233, WI-IWE CITY SUBDIVISION, a subdivision according to the plat Thereof fill~l in Plat Book 1, Page 23, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Being more particularly desmbed as follows: From the Southeast comer of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of section 10, ToWnship 36 South, Range 40 East; thence S 89°49'36'' W, along the south line of the said Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest me-quarter of said Section 10. a distance of 42.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence continue S 89'49'36'~af, along lastly said line, a distance of 800100 t~et~ thence N 00' 1856" W a distance 175.00 feet.; thence N 89' 49'36"W a distance 699.50 fort; thence S 00'1856" E a distance of 38.00 feet~ thence N 89'49'36" E a distance 100.50 fee!, to ~e w~t hght-~f-way line of U.S. l-lighway No. One; thence S 00'1856" E, along said right-of-way line,la distance 137.00 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING. -~SUBJECT TO a drainage easement over west 385.84 feet of the above described parcel. ** TOTAL PA~.80B ** BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£RS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT March I9, 2002 Steven L. Barnett P. O. Box 12130 Ft. Pierce, FL 34979 Re: Lot Split - Property Tax ID# 3403-502-0298-100/3 Dear Mr. Barnett: The application you submitted to split the referenced property into two parcels of land has tentatively been approved as submitted. Upon receipt of a recorded Warranty Deed reflecting final division of the property you will receive a final Letter of Approval. Please be aware that Section 11.03.04 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that no further division of an approved lot split is permitted unless a final record plat is prepared and approved in accordance with the code. If you have any questions with regard to the above please feel free to contact Linda Pendarvis, Permitting Supervisor. Sincerely, RW:lap Cc: Hank Flores, Planner Ill JOHN D. BRUHN. District No. I · DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, District No, 3 · FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES, District No. County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561) 462-1485 · FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362 * Division of Road & Bridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 Division of Building & Inspections: (561) 462-1553 Fax 462-1735 · TDD (561) 462-1428 DATE- REC~.IVED: OFFICE USE ONLY FILE NUMBER: LIST OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED: ~///~ / DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REC~IVED: ********************** PROPERT]~ INF *********************** WARRANTY DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. CHECK FOR EXISTING S~TURES. DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUIREMENTS? ! YES NO IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER- YES NO ~ DER- YES NO SEWER- YES .... NO DER- YES NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, DOES EAC~ LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 SQUARE FEET (1/2 ACRE)? YES ' v NO ************************ CONCURRENCY ****************************** CERTIFICATE OF CAPACI7 REQUIRED NO , DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED DATE GRANTED: 0 156.1 o~ I I 3>3>o ! ! // ! I 461 DATE: TO: ~'RoM: RE: ZONING/USE: MARCH 7, 2002 LINDA PENDARVIS PAULA LOT SPLIT 3403-502-0298-100/3 CG/COM SUBJECT LOT: 07-14-81 08-01-83 11-07-83 NORTH OF LOT: 07-25-88 3403-502-0298-100/3 WHITE CITY - MEETS & BOUNDS NASH PONT/AC CAD/LLAC, INC & LONG CHEVROLET INC. ROBERT F BARNETT ROBERT F & DONNA BARNETT STEVEN L BARNETT 25 % INTEREST ROBERT F BARNETT & DONNA BARNETT ROBERT F BARNETT STEVEN L BARNETT ROBERT F BARNETT 25 % INTEREST IT IS THE INTENT OF THIS CONVEYANCE THAT TITLE TO THE ABOVE BE HELD AS: ROBERT F BARNETT 75 % & STEVEN L. BARNETT 25 % 3410-211-0003-000/7 MEETS & BOUNDS CHARLES M. BOOTH, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEE ROBERT BARNETT & STEVEN BARNETT WITH RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: WEST OF LOT: 08-05-86 02-27-89 3403-502-0298-000/2 WH/TE CITY MEETS & BOUNDS DAVID ABRAMS, APPOINTED TRUSTEE FOR LONG CHEVROLET, INC RMF ATLANTIC PROPERTIES, LTD. RMF ATLANTIC PROPERTIES, LTD STEVEN L BARNETT TO: TO: SOUTH OF LOT: 04-30-87 SW OF LOT: 12-31-84 03-27-01 3403-502-0311-000/0 WHITE CITY MEETS & BOUNDS DR. ROBERT WURMAN & VERA WURMAN AND DR. ARNOLD SIMON AND RUTH SIMON PHILLIP p SMITH AS TRUSTEE UNDER AN UNRECORDED LAND TRUST AGREEMENT 3403-502-0316-000/5 WHITE CITY MEETS & BOUNDS 1984 TAX STATEMENT MILLARD p HILL, JR & JAYMEE D HILL MILLARD p HILL JR. & JAYMEE HILL SHARON R BYERS, JAMES N/CHOLAS BYERS & JOHN D BYERS JTWRS TO: TO: NO PROPERTY SPLIT AFTER AUGUST, 1990. THIS PARCEL IS PART OF A SITE PLAN. THERE ARE BUILDINGS ON BOTH PARCELS. IT APPEARS THAT THE BUILDINGS MEET SETBACKS. THE LOT SPLIT COVERS TWO SEPARATE LOTS. ALTHOUGH BOTH LOTS ARE OWNED BY BARNETT. BOTH PARCELS HAVE AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS & EGRESS. THERE IS NOW ONE SIGN ON EACH PARCEL. ST. L UCI E COUNTY 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division DUPLICATE PAYMENT RECEIPT ====================================== TRANSACTION DATE: 22 FEB 20( REFERENCE NUMBER: LOT SPLIT 3403-502-0298-100/3 FEE CODE LOTSPLIT FEES DESCRIPTION COLLECTED LOT SPLIT AMOUNT 100.00 CHECK NBR: PAID BY: MEMO: 043423 STEVE BARNETT lap AMOUNT PAID: FEE WAIVED: $100.00 S~. Lucie County Property Record Card . , Page 1 of 5 St. Lueie County p roperty Appraiser Geographt¢ Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 340350202981003 Record Number: 1 of 4 Location: 5555 S US ItWY 1 CTY ggg Section: 09 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Ma_ Owner Name: BARNETT, STEVEN L Address: PO Box 908 Fort Pierce, FL 34954- ~908 Book: 0962 ~age: 0578 Insp. Date: 3~y: ~995-06-22 00:00:00 . , . ~4d~o ]llmprove.:79870, Class:O General Building Data Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Legal: WHITE CITY S/D 10 36 40 ~HAT PAR ~ T LOTS 231 AND 233 MPDAF:FROM SE COR OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SEC 10 RUN W ALG S LI OF SD NE 1/40 F .NW 1/4 42 FT FOR POB,TH NALG W L¥ R/W US 1 461 FT,TH WLY 800 FT http//www p~l¢~~ '~S //~~7~~ : ' ' ap/scripts/prc'pl?lO421735,34a/~50202981003ua 2/27/2002 NAS~-~TIAC ~DIL~C, INC., A Florid~ Corporation and LO~G CHEVROLET INC., .An Illinois Cor~ration ROBERT F. BARN~T, a marbled a~ult aliefl,Co~:nly,remi~e,F[ofi~a~[~se.oi:: ronv~y ~l~ ~nflrm unlo I~ grantee, ell f~at ~rtaln ~an~ ~luale in See Attached Exhibib "A" SUBJECT to a purchase money mortgage in favor of Sun Bank of St. Lucie County. r~ts ih. tit~ 16 said land and - ; -: · . .. · ~,t and ~.~ ~d lu.d: z~t ~ ~b ~ ' --"' elena ~ z~e ~t die Inw~u~ claims .f .11 -e- YJ' Y ~- and t~ut ~ land is [~e ny aH ~um~mn~sexcep~ taxes for the year 1981 and ~oas 9~ record; zoning, and --~' .., rvations and re · ' ~d SUrveyor Flow~, ~parea, ~y Gerald ~%rea~h,,~_ }t, s 0r m~nus) · a'~, or lorida ~ ~ ~,t:~T~ o~ St. Lucie PHILIP J -~Sll ~' """ "" "~ ~"""~[ h t~ s.M ~ ~ ' ' - - and ~/CE --.. --~ · ~. "- ,~ ~/ I IHlS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: . . . - ............ ¢ .... (305) ~1-0740 ~isj~xpires Signed, Seal~n State of Illinois -County of ~ authoriAed in the ~ Personally appeared to me known to be t Chevrolet, Inc.~ an knowledged executin~ 'scribing Wltnesses'~ in them by said icor[ true corporate a!eal F~TNESS my last aforesaid th~s ed State of Illinois -Cou~ ty of _ ~ Attest~~ I tIEREB¥ CERTIFy that on this d~y, before me an officer July authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, to me known to be the President and Secreta~ Chevrolet, Inc., an Illinois Corporation and that they severally ac- knowledged executing the foregoing deed in the presence of two sub- scribing witnesses freely and vo%untarily under authority duly vested in them by said corporation and that the seal affixed theret~ is the true corporate seal of said' corporation. WITNESS my hand and offic~l seal in the Co%lnty and State' last aforesaid th~s ~_~ day of ~ 1981. · -. State of ~~} From the SE co~ Township 36 Scut line of the said South, Range 40 BEGINNING: thenc line of U.S. on the Westerly: run Westerly s 461 feet North Section 10, Town~ South a distance the said NE% cf Range 40 East and of BeEinnin~; the said NE% of the N East, a distance Said parcel lyin feet of Lots Z33 according to the · Public Records of From the SE corner of the NF~ of the 1~ of Section t0, Toemship 36 South, Range 40 East, run West along the South line of the said NE% of the I~%, Section 10, ToUmshtp 36. South, ~ange 40 East, a d[s~ce off 62 fee2 ~o ~he POinT OF BEGINNING: ~hence run North along the ~es~erly right-of-way l$ne of U.S. Highway ~1~ a distance of 46~ fee= ~o a on =he WeSterly rig~.of_lSne of U.S. Highway ~1; thence r~ Westerly a d~s~ce of 800 fee~ ~o a point ~ch ~s 461 feet North bf ~he Sou~h line of the said NE% of the Section 10, To.ship 36 South, ~n~e 40 East; th~ce r~ South a dis~ce of 461 feet to a po~t of the South line of the said NE% of the ~%, Section 10, To. ship 36 South, ~nEe 40 East and which point ~s 800 feet West of the Point of BeEinnfn~; thence ru~ East alone the South line of the . said ~% of the ~%, Section 10, To--hip 36 S~th, R~e 40 East, a distance o~ 800 feet to the POI~ 0F BEGI~INS. Said parcel lyinE and si~ated as a part of ~ fee= of ~ts 233 and 231 ~i~ ..... S~th 461 aCcordi~ to the plat ~hereof filed at Pl-at Book 1, PaEe 23., · , ~ uzlx SUBDIVISION, a su~division . P~blic Records of St. L~cie Cowry, Florida. .,4 ROBERT F. BARNETT and DONNA BARNETT. his wife ,A.D. le 83 ,~ STEVEN L~ BA~ETT ~,/~.,a~f.t. oj./~lc~ p. O. 6ox g08~ Fo~t Pierce, Flor. id~ 33454 ~c. cucte $~ ~ ' Florida , ~m~; .... ~dtvided 25~ ~n~e~st in and to the fo]]o~ing ]egaHy descried P~y as set forth in Exhlbtt "A" attach~ hereto and made P~ he.of. * . line of said che"SE, corner o~.~th~ l~ of the N~ of Section' .. line o~ the' sa~d ~ off ~he ~, S~c~ion [0,' To~sh~p 3~ SouZh, Range ~0 ~sC, 'a d~ance of 4-2 fe~t to ~he POINT OF BEO~NING': ~hence ~n ~o~th a~ong ~h~ Nes~erly iine.'of U.S. ~i~hway ~1. a dis~ancu of 6~] ~,,e~ ~o a po~t. .-. ' - ~C':ioa 19; To~shzp 36 South, Rouge-lei) tgasg. :hen~e 'rbn Sou~h.a dt~tanqe of &~l feet to a, pginc of ~:he ~outH l~.ne :he sa~d NE% of ;the NW%. section '10, To. ship 36 S~uth~ ~n&e ~ Ease ~ w~ch porn:-is 800 ~eec ~es: of :he Poin: of ~E~nn~ng: ghen~ run E~t alon& :he South line 'of :he sa~d N~ of :he ~, ~sea:ion i0. To~ah~p 3& South. 8ange 40 Said pa~ceI lyifi~.and'.si[ua~, as a par= of ~he South 461 fee~ of Lo~a 233 and.231; ~!~ ClT. Y SUBDiVISIOn;' a subdivisig~ ' accordin~ ~9 =he 'pla~' ~hereof.filed si' Pla~ Bo~k' 1, Paae 23; '' hblic .Redo~db of SE. ,~ugie.County; Florida.. MORTGAGE ?HI5 MORTGAGE. Fo~c Pierce -- Riverside Nat '1, '~a All that pa . Southwest South. Ran State Pa. rk~ along the ca~al. To~.ther w/ 24 X 52, Se (~e~e~ ff ~m4U~h~ngL e~?ure~ and immov~,w~ or AND. ROBERT F. BARNETT end DONNA BARNETT, his wife, ROBERT F, BARNETT a~.om i~alo[,~ce ~dr.~ L~ Post Office Box g0B, Fort Pierce, Florl~Ja 33~5Zl se~on~ ~l~ila~d~l[. ~.~ .~, ~ f~.~ a~,,/o~ ~.a ~, ~o~,~m~ m ~ ~oune o1 St. Lu~e S~teo[ Flora , s~ ~hibit A a~ h~' and made a · 1'o tla~e and b l~bl ,a .~ ,.a.,~..~.~ .~ ..~'~.~ ,~. ~p~,.~ ,~.. LUC~ } ROBERT F. B~N~ a~ DONNA BA~ETT% his wife,- S~er R.o. ~s 83. Return to~ MICHA~.L j. G&PAV.A~LIA, 'ESOUIRE Veto Beach, Florida ";' ..... ' ' . · $o,,~h, ~.. ~o ~:-- - ~'~ ''~'~'~ ~o. · ..... '~ .~ .... .~, tun wes~ flton~ the thence' run gorth 'n~ ..... .z xeet ra ~inXp 36 South ~-.., . . . "' o~ Chin ~li. Section '10, Township 36 Ial~ a~d ~ich point is 800 ~eec ~esC o~ the · ' ' ' 233 and.231 ~I~ C"r ..... ' -- , · · · x ~U~D/VISION- a su , ~ords of ~ t~.~. ~ ...... ~c ~ lac Boo~ 1, ?age 23. ' ~'~ v~unLY, florida. '[XltNIIT ~' 'ROBERT F, [iAI ST~VEN F. BAR se~ · Undi~ I~all ~ am Addr~ STEVEH ,L. BARNETT, a single adult,' /ir,~pa,~,,~o ROBERT F. BARNETT, wAo~ep~sto[[fc~m~re~si~ POSt Office Box 9Q8, Fort P~erce, Florida 33454 $~eo[ Florida Undivided twenty-five percent (2Bt:) Interest in ~d to t~e fo]]o~1ng p~ope~y: ~ ~St,. ~- .~*~ among :~ bOUCn ilne of :~ said N~ of t~ N~, ~ct~on 10, Townsh{p 3& Sou~, Range 40 ~st, a dls~nce Of 4g flit to the' roil' OF ~GI Nl~;.thence run North along t~ Westerly ri-hr of --" '~ ........... ~ a .o~ ,,z,e ur u. ~. nlg~ay ~1, a a~s~nce of 461 feet*to a point on the ~s~rly rtg~ of ~ 11ne of U. S. Htg~ay ~1; thence r~ gesterly a .dl's~e of ~ feet ~ a point ~ch ~s 461 feet North of t~ ~uth 11ne of the said NE~ of g~, S~tlan 10, To~sh~p ~ . South, Range 40 ~st; th~ce r~ South a dts~nce of 461 feet to a point of the 'South 11ne of the satd g~ of the ~, Section 10, To~shtp 36 Sau~h Ran · ~ ~,.~.w~h.~t.~s 800 feet; ~est of t~ Point of Begtnn~n;; thence ~40 ~ ~ =,m,~ one ~ou;n ~ne of t~ sa~d N~ of-the ~,'SectJon.l~, . So.h, ~n~ 40 East, a distance of 800 feet ~ the POINT OF BEGZNN~. Said . pa~el lying and stt~ted as a pa~ of'the South 461 feet of Lots 233 and , HH~TE C~TY ~BOZVZSI~, a su~tvJsJon accordJng to the plat ther~f ftled at , Pl~t Book 1, ~ge 23, pub1~c ~co~s of St. Lucle ~un~, ~or~da. ' Zt Js the intent of thts conveyance that title to t~ above descrJ~d rea] prop- property ~ held as ~ollows: ROBERT F. B~T as to an undivided seventy-five centPercent(255).(755)~nterest.tnte~st' and STEVEN L. ~E~ as to an undivided t~enty-ftve per- Page 1 of 1 Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. County Lucie Search Criteria Name Search Results(# of records): 1 Name D/R Date/Time BARNETT ROBERT D 06/23/1995 Book Page File # From Date To Date Typ, 962 578 Type Other Name Book Page Legal Descrip DEED BARNETT, STEVEN L 962 578 PT 10-36-40 http://public.slcclerkofcourt.com/stlucie/pub_access 3/8/2002 St. Lucie C?unty P~roperty Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341021100030007 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: TBD CTY #~# Section: 10 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Man Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: BARNETT, STEVEN L Address: PO Box 908 Fort Pierce, FL 34954-0908 Book: 0962 ][Page: 0578 lnsp. Date: [Isy: Land: 475600 [[Improve.: 0 Legal: 10 36 40 E 842 FT OF N 384 FT OF S 845 FT OF NE 1/4 OF S R~[}R/~7.0~5 AC)(O~..~.~596-1~09~~ ~62-578_J~~ Sale Date: 1995-06-22 00:00:00 ]]Sale Amt: 1316700 [lSalea*T: 0.00/SqFt. Date Valued: I[Permits: [[Exempt.: 0 Cla s: o IlTo : 475600 [ITaxahle: 475600 Neighborhood & Use [[Subdiv Name: [[Neighborhood: [[Map-ID: [[DOR Use: 1000 General Building Data Imp. Type: II~,as~.-II~t°~r'es.',,Eft:]]Year Built:il [IBaths: []Bedrn~: IlP°°''' Living Area: SqFt. I[Wall: Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements Improvements / Extra Features No. J[Code/Cat ]~Size [ [No.,_N~[Code/Cat .J~ize ] YR~__~ Land Valuation INo [[T~ [[Front or Unit I[Depth [[MktVal []AgrVal l1 IIlooo-vac Comm-l RFT 11384.0 11200.0 11345600.0 2~.~ 1000-Vac Corem-ACRE 5.2~~~ 0~.~~ THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS 'rIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED http://www.paslc, org/webmap/scripts/prc.pl ? 10433441.34102110003 0007 3/7/2002 CILI~ES lt. lgIOTR, JR., *rndivldtmlly~ end as T~sLee ROBERT ~E~ and S~EN ~. Joint C~nant8 wi~ rlihts of survivorship u.h.x~ p.slo[fi f nd(Ir~s is ~5~5 S~th U.S. ~I. For~ Pierce, Florida 349~0 * I/mi I/u, fire,tar, fur a~d i. r,).~l~ratimi o[ ISe sum o] SlO.O0~n~ otter ~e ~t 842.00 feet oE Lhe ~or~b ~4.00 ~ee; o~ the South feet o~ the ~orth~st 1/4 o[ ~he Nor~st i/4 of Secttoa 10. T~- ship 36 S~Ch~ Range 40'~sC, LESS ~he ~BC 42.00 feet for right- or.ay of U.S. K~h~y ~o. 1, 'all 1-~t~ in and bei~t In SC. Lucie ~nty. Flor/da. - SUBJECT to reservations, reetricttona, covenants and easements of record; provided, however, that this reference shall not act to ORAN~QR covenants, repr&sents, and a[~t~ that the above~cribed r~l proper~y ts no~ his residence or h~sc~d and i; not contiguous ~o his residence or homstead, and ~r~her ~ vacan~ land. ~r mid~ a~l tile le~tement~. ~ere~llamenls an~ ~purtenan~s J~erolo ~e~nging or In any- ~ the .m,,tor ~e ~ cove *~ts ~t~ sa ' ' ' ara,ilar I~by tull~ marr~, I~e ti:lc to said funJ --~ ---.' ~ r . . Y. ~ ~ , I~al t~ · :-~+. ~f ~ LO~:~:C..-. · ~E O~ Florida ~ s.c, s~to .... ~u w ] P4~O ....... · ";"); ' ' . FILEO A:"r /Idd.~ ~ POSt Office ~ox'2746 Fart P~ce. ~ 34954 ~DG~ EDWARD Ii' BE, Post Office Fort :Pierce'. J.K. NigSt~ ~uly Page 1 of 1 Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Lucie County ~eneral Info_._J Virtual To~u.~..[ Public Access I Forms J Calendar and J - -- ~ News Search Criteria Name Search Result(# of records): 1 Name D/R Date/Time BARNETT, ROBERT D 06/23/1995 Type DEED Book Page File # From Date To Date Typ 962 578 Other Name Book Page Legal Descrip BARNETT, STEVEN L 962 578 PT 10-36-40 http://public.slcclerkofcourt.com/stlUcie/pub_access 3/8/2002 St. Lucie Co~unty P.roperty Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 340350202980002 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: TBD CTY gg# Section: 10 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment RNETT, STEVEN L Legal: WHITE CITY S/D 10 36 40 LOT 231. Address: 5555 S US # 1 LESS ~LVILLE RD RS/W AND LESSEL Fort Pierce, FL 34982-0000 Y PART OF LOT 231 MEAS 179.10 FT ON N AND 178.87 FT ON S (7.13 A ~ C) (MAP 34/10N) (OR 626-2796) ame: Neighborhood & Use General Building Data NO. Building PerimeteJ Sketd and Photograph THIS INFORMATION~--~IEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT~-~iS SUBJECT TO CHANGE http://www.paslc, org/webmap/scripts/prc.pl ? 10421727,340350202980002 3/7/2002 PItZLIP J. NASH aM AL]ICE L. NASH, his wife ~ ~'~ ~- ~ AT~T~C P~O~RTI~S, LTD., ~ Florlda L~ited ~artnersh~p ~[~c/o ~TE~ J. ~EY, JR., 95~ Color~o Ave. Suite 225, ~[1~'~ ~ ~= Stuart, Florida 3349~ · ~. u~vided I/2 interest ~n ~d to the real pro~rty ._. ...... ~re fully ~scribed on E~ibit "A' ap~e~ed her~o. wi~a app~fnL~g. PARCEL 1= LOtS 231 and 233, W13ITE CITY 13UBDIVISiON, as per plat thereofon file in Plat Hook 1, Page 23w of the Public Records o~ Et. Luoie County, Florida; said lots compriging South 1/2 of the N13 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sectibn 10, Towhahip 36 South, Range 40 Hastt St. Lucie COunty, Florida.' 13[cepting, hOweTer, rights Of way foe public roada~ drainage canals, eleatric'tcansmission and distribution l~nes'a~'utlll~ easement. Also less and excepting the ~ollowing described parceh From the SE corner o£ the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 O£ Section 10, Township 36 South, Range 40 Haste run West a~ong the South,line of the said NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 10, Township $6 SoUth, Range 40 East, e distance o:f 42 feet:to the POINT OF BEGINNIN~ thence run North along the Westerly right of way line of the U.S. Highway %1, a distance o~ 461 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way line of U.E... 13~ghway %1, thence run Westerly a distance of 80~ feet to a point.which is 46! feet North-of. the South l~ne of the ~a~d NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, Section 10, Township 36 Sou as~ thence run South a dA SoUth Point of the South li~ /4 of Sec Hast~ NT OF 231 13oo County, PARCEL 2= The South 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec~ion 1'0, ~ownship 36 Eouth, Hange 40 Eas~, St. Lucie County, Florida, excepting therefrom all rights of wa~ for public roads, drainage canals an~ public utilities. and The North 1/~ of t~e No~th 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Eection 1~, Township $6 South, Range 40 East, leas and excepting there£rom all rights of way for public roads and drainage canals. Parcels l'and 2 being more particularly'described as followS= The Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 10~ Township 36 South, Range 40 East, LEES the South 461 feet of the Hast 842 feet and also LESS toad and canal rights-o~-way~ said Land lying and being ih st. Luoie County, Florida. TOGETHER with all tenements~ hereditaments and appurtenances the£eto belDnglng or in anywise.appertaining. EXHIBIT "A" ~986, by I T~ustee fc in Proce~ Bankcuptc States 13a; Eastern D ATLA13TIC: post of[ic Suite 225 -Grantee~] WITNB Ten Dolla~ whereof ~ conve~ and all that c= aS follows TOGET! thereunto TO SA~ the appurq and all t claim eh~ equity, second pa: AND, covenants dated ~n the ea his conve ab6ve~es~ IN WI be execut first ab~ SignedFS~ STATE OF CO~NT~ BEPOR! CHE~ROLE~ person de and ackn instrumeu lg86; by DAVID ABRAHS, the duly apoinbe,d~ali~ied and acting Trustee ~o£ ZONG CHSVROLET, INto, ~ lllt~i8 ~zpo~a~on, ~b~o~ in P~oceedXnqs ~o~ Reorganization un~e~ ChapPed II of the Bankcuptey Co~e, pending as Caxe No. 8~-B-14883, Xn the United S~ates Bank~uptc~ CoutUre= ~he No=.2he~n DSs~$ct~o~ Illinois, Eas2e=n D~vis~on (he=~na~2er ~e~e=~e4 to as 'G=anto~")~ to ~TL~T~C PRO~ERT~S~ LTD.~a FI~ Zl~2~d Pa[2ne~ship, ~hose ~s2 o~ice add,ess ~s C/o W~TER 3. ~C[B~, 951 Cole=ado Avenue, Suite 225, S2ua=h~ Flo~d 33497 (he~e~na~2e~ re~e~ed to Ten Dollarn and ot~r go~ an~ valu~le cons~a~ons, w~E ~s ~eb~ acknowledged, b~ ~e p~esents convey ~qu~t claim un~o the.~an~e,.~s succes~or~.ass~[ all iht Certain ~an~ s~t~tedinSt. Lucre Coun2~lo~Laa, aescr~a An undLv~ded 1/2 ~nteEes2 ~n and to ~e ~eal p~ope~ky more EulXy described on Exh~b~h UAu appended hereto. ~ETflER with all .tenements, he~editamen2s and thereun2o belo~in9 o~ ~n anywise appertained. ' TO HAVE ~D TO SOLD 2he sane 2oge~he~ w~h'all ~n~ s~ngulaE the appurtenances 2he~eu~to belonging o~ in anywise and ~ll the estate~ ~ight, title, interest, lien, equity and claim ~hatsoeve~ o~ the ssi4 EX,st pmzt~, eithe~ in la~ equity, to the onl~ p~opez uae, bene[i~ and behoo[ o~ the sai~ seco~ pa~ty ~o~eve~. ~ND, D~VZD ABRamS, T~us2ee Eoff LONG CHEVROLBT~ INC., covenants'that no'appeal ~s been ~iled ho that ceztain Orde~ ~ate~ Hay 6, 1986, entezed by the mbove-state~ Bankzuptcy Court in the said Chapte~ ~l ~roceedings ~hich approved ~d a~orized his conveyance o~ thq inte~egt'oE LON~ CHEVROLET, INC., in the a~eJdeszibed IN WXTNSSS ~R~OF the G~anto~ has cause~ these p~esents to be executed in his-name ~d his seas a~ixe8 on the day an~ yea~ ~i~9t above ~itten. Sign~,*Seal~ and Delivered BEFOR~:H~ ~sonally ap~a~ed DhVXD ~S, Trusgee ~or LO~ CflEVROLBT~ IHC.~ ~o me wel2 known and known 2o me ~o be pe~8on des.c~bed in and who executed the go~egoin9 ~n~rument~ and acknOe~edged ko and beEo~e me that he executed ~8~umenh ~oE the purposes the~ei~ expressed.. ~ ''. ~ITNESS my hand and official heal, Skate of commission .expl=es~ thereto PARCBL II LOtH 231 and 233f #BXTB CITY SUBDXVXSZON~ as peg plat tbereo~on file in Plat Book It Page 23, of the Publ.~c Reeogds of Bt. Lucia County~ 'Florida~ said lots Section 1~, Township 36 South, Range 40 Bkst~ St.'Lucie Coudty, Florida. Sxcepbing~ however~ rights of way loc* publicroads, drainage c&n~ls, elect~t~ transmission and distribution lines and utility easement. Also less and excepting the folloVing described parcels From the~Sg cornac of the NB"1/4 o£ the NM 1/4 '*' o£ Section 10~ Township 36 $outh~ Range 40 Sast~ run Nest along the South line of the ~ Said NB 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 10, Township 36 South, Range 40 Bast; a'diatance of 42 feet to the POINT OP BBGINNING~ thence ' of the U.S. Htgh~ay [1~. a .distance of 461 feet I~l. ~ I[~--~. ~ ~ ~ ~o a poln~ on ~he Westerly rtgh~ o~ way line ~; ~ ; sE U.S. Highway il, thence run Westerl~ a distance o~ 800 ~ee~ bo a poln~'wb~ch Is 461 ~eet: Nog~h *of the south 1~ne o~ t~e aa~d NE 1/4 o~ ~he HW 1/4~ Section 10~ ~ownship 36 South, Range 40 gast~ thence run South a dLstance:°~ 461 geet to a point on ~he SouBh poin~ la 800 ~ Nest o~ ~he Point ltAe: of the said N~* 1/4 of ~Ae H~ 1/4 o~ a dt~s~ance o~ 800 feet to ~he POINT OF B~Z~ZNG. Said pagcel~ l~ng a~ situated a pa~t O~ khe South 461 fee2 o~ LO2s 233 and 231~ :WHZTB CITY SUBDIVIS~ON~ a Subdivision aCcogdln~ to the pla2 thegeof f~ed ak Plat Book 1~ ~age 23; Public Recogds of St. Lucre CounbY~ Florida. P~CBL 2 ~ The South 1/2 Of 2he Nor2h 1/2 o~ the HE 1/40E the 1/4 of Section ~0~ To,ship 36 Soubh~ ~nge 40 Bas~ Lucia CoUnty, FloFtda~ except~n9 the~efEom all gtgh2s ~a~ for Public roads, dEatnage canals ~nd public and The Nogth I/2 o[ khe Hog2h 1/2 o[ the NE 1/4 of bbc NM 1/4 oE Section 10~ TownsbAD 36'Soukh, Range 40 Eas~ less and excepting therefrom all rights o~ way public goads and draLna~e canals. Parcels 1 and 2 being mote Pacticulagly descg~bed as The Nor2hea8t 1/4 oE the. Hogthwes~ Z/4 o~ Sec2ton 10, Township 36 Sought Range 40 Bast, LESS the South 461 Beet of 2he gas~ 842 feet and also LESS road and canal gtghts-o~-way; said Land lying and being in Sb, Lucia Coun2y~ Flocida. T~BTHER ~lth all tenements, hegedtbamenks an~ appurtenances ~hegeto belonging oc tn an~1se ap~gtaintng. -~ ~ DOCUMENTARY~M'~A~ ~t LUCiE COUH J Y. THIS IS A BAL Pi~INCIPAL BAL ACCRIIED INTEK OF THIS HORTG THIS MOI~. ... 95tT~9 FILED AI~D DOUGLAS -ST.. Lur:.IE :- That for payment of th interes= there unde= this Z~ort and gives a sec The North4 quarter (! 40 East, ] feet of t~ lass the ~ rights of cotmty, Fi fixtures and property, Together · appurtenances 1: TO have a~ The MORTGAGOR is i~ title to sai~l p: sell, convey, la.wfu/ at a~y 1 qUletly enter u part thereof, t St. Lucie County Property Record Card St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 340350203110000_~ __ Record Number: 1 of 2 Location: 5655 S US HWY 1 CTY ### Section: 10 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show L~ Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment SMITH, PHILIP P ~ILegal: WHI~E CITY S/D 10 36'~-0--N 1/2 OF T s: .380.1 .We~t Sunrise mvdllLOT 242-LESS US #1 R/W-(4.72 AC ort 333n/p( p 34/m S4 -223S) Page 1 of 3 ~1 '] P~e: 2235 Ly: ]Land: 361700 ]]Improve.: 619000 [Subdiv Name: ]~ale Date: 1987-04-01 00:~:..~_~ S~ale Amt: 67000~~ 37.04/Sq~. '-]~)ate Valued: __~[Permits: I[~xempt.: 0 '~~ ]~ 980700 -][Taxable: 980700 Neighborhood & Use ][Neighborhood: ]~IDOR Use: 2700 General Building Data IType:CM [}B }[~Stories:l[1987 Eft: Baths:: t]~iving Area: J] [[1 [11987 lIBedrms: Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements ~--~[PC3 -CARPORT 30 -OPEN POR 30 [ POR 10 CN3 -CANOPY -BASE AREA -BASE AREA [7 [I2S -1 OVER BASE Improvements / Extra Features ]lCode/Cat I[Size http ://www.paslc. org/webmap/scripts/prc .pl ? 10421792,340350203110000 3/7/2002 27072 TZ ............ s2aa'87 AT.--. ~' '--,m~,~ ]}tel .,,..,.. .,.. ~ ~-, ~ ap=i, ,~. t,..~., ,., DR. ~ ~ ~d V~ ~, his wife, and DA. Land Trot ~re~n~ ~d as of ~y 1, 1987 T~shtp 36 S~th ~ae ~ ~.~ *- t/on 10, ~ re ~ ....... , accor=~g to ~e Plat ~e . . ~rae~ in Pla~ B~k 1~ ua~e 23 o~ .~ ....... S~T ~ res~ictio~, reservatt~s, l~ttati~s and eu~n~s of record, if any~ this refere~=~ to sa~ restric~ions shall not o~erate ~ re~se ~e s~. See Gr~t~s ~we~s, as Trustee on n~t ~age. the day a~d X~ WX~ESS WHEREOF, the said gran'toM:'.hes sXgned and sealed these presentm the day and yea~ first above wr£tten. siqned, sealed and delivered in [~,,77.. _. ;_ ( ~ ' --' "- R~H -STY, O. ' STATE OF Florida County of St. Lucie 'f HEREBY CERTIFY that on this dayj · an officer, duly aforesaid and in the County aforesaid ~ ~TNESS mr hand and OZIlCla~ mea~ J~ aforesaid ~iS [~day of l~ay, · :Grantee shall have £ull power and authority to deal "'~to vest in Grantee:--- i' full=Lrights ~ ~e of. ltheFlori~Pr°Per:YStatu~s-as . .~o ~ar ~_... ~, ,,v ~nner ~tsoeve=, a~ (w~tho~t l~mit~ng. ~e Eore oing) ~o party to wh~ the p~e~t~, o= ~y ~ar~ ~he~eo~ --- '~-~-=-[ there~n- sh~l be conveyed, enc~rea,~x~a~e? o~ ~e the ap~l~ca:ion oz ~ P u ~:r~ or ~vanced with respec: to the ptop~ty, .or (b) to see that tho ~ o~ ~e ~na ~xust have ~en to ~ ~re into the authority, ne~sSLty act ~ the Grantee, or (d} ~ priv~leg~ the te~ o~ the Land ~- - ~ery. de~, mortgage, lease the'G~agt~ in ~elatlo~; t~ r' .'. Trust tO o~ in e Grantee ~ .~ t. hereof. : the of the. Bene£i and all ~ ¢. I:here- of t2e , and o£ the 8333'87 PublJ. _-vlth ltest.'~ St. Lucie Co. unty, P,roperty Record Card St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record :for Parcel Number: 340350203160005 Record Number: 1 of 1 LOcatiOn: TBD CTY 1;;;1; Section: 10 ToWnship: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map_ Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Page 1 of 2 Name: BYERS, SHARON R Name: BYERS, JAMES N' Name: BYERS, JOHN D Address: 502 Ulrich Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Book: 1380 IIPage: 0206 IlLegal: WHITE CITY S~ 10 36 40 N 1/2 LO IT 243-LESS W 165 FT- (19) (3.79 lAC) (MAP 34/10N) ~ IISale Date: 2001-03-27 00:00:00 IInsp. Date: IIBY: IlDate Valued: IJand: 51400 ll,m~rove.: 0 IlCiass: 0 Neighborhood & Use [ISale Amt: 325000 I lsale/~"t': 0.00/SqFt. []Permits: ]lExempt.: 0 IlTotal: 51400IIT~,~bie= 51400 IlSubdiv Name: IINeL~hborhood: IIMap'ID: General Building Data IIDOR Use: 9900 IImp. yo = [IOas : IIEY :rBualt:[IBaths: Area: SqFt. IlWaU: I Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements Improvements / Extra Features INo. ]lCode/Cat IlSize I INo. IlC°de/cat Ilsize IIY~ I Land Valuation No IlTyp ]lFront or Unit IIuepth IlMktVal lingrVal: I ]Ig~00-UNCLSFD ACRG-ACRE 112.77 Il0 1[50220-0 ' 2 II9900-UNCLSFD ACRG-ACRE II1.0 I[0 111200.0 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUrr IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE http://www.paslc.org/webmap/scripts/prc.pl ? 10421842,340350203160005 3/7/2002 P,O. ~'/27h erolx~ Apl~alm~ PL'~I Ide~flCatl~ (F~lio ~1~3~1~ ~3-~2~31~ ~l~W~a~tt~'~ ~[~ ~of M~h, A.D. 2~t. by MI~iB R HI~. ~ ~ JAYM~E HI~ lO ~A~N R. BYER~ ~AMES ~OLAS BYE~ a~ J~N D. BYERS. Joinl ~i~ ti~t of ~m~ ~ ~ ~. , ' .... ~) ........... ~ olhcr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~ all ~m c~ I~d s~le m ~. ~csc Co~ty. S~ of F~. viz: ~ ~ ~ S0. i~i~, B~k B. UL~CH~ ~BDIVISION, ~ing M the ~p ~ p~ t~fn r~d in P~ ~ ~, P~s) ~, ~blic ~ ~SL Luc~ C~ty. F~i~; AND ~ N~h ~-~f o~ ~ ~3. L~S ~ W~ 165 f~t ~eo~ of~ S~ivision of~ 10, T~ip 36 ~. ~ 40 E~. ~ ~r Pla ~f. ~ ~1~ in Plat ~ I. Page 23. of t~ Public ~ of SL ~c~ C~n~. Flor~ Subj~l Io ~k~. ~li~s. re~at~s, limitmions a~ e&~ off,d; ~mg ~ ot~ m~ ~i~ nd ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ Kill ~ ~ ~ ~i~ ~G to ~ ~ I, ~ P~int~d Slg, oalq~., . Si S' PJ'b~ed SJ~nn~i~e~t4a -~ 'G:'~- 'k''~- b~IJ~I~LRD P, HIU.. JR Priaod Silpeu~e 1471~ Live o~ Rd.~J'~ .... posit Ofl'~;¢ Address ~tAYME£ HILL ~ Prbtc~d S~namrc . -_ ', · L-'_..~ ._ _'L~_F.t~_ Post O flk'e Addres~ STATEOF cowrry oF ~ .......... i HERERY CERTIEY Ittal o~ ~ts day. ~f~c mc. ~ ~ duly ~hor~ m ~mml~r oaths a~ ~e ~g~ ~al~ ~ed MI~.A~ P MILL. JR. ~ JAYMEE HILL. h~s wlfc. 11emu] P~O. Box 3410,~03 ~10.603 hereinaf w~fc, he (Wbereva to this i~ Msi~s cornier ~nve~ now d I E S ~t~ut.t ~ yem T indel~il I~ul au o~nJl PI c~nin pr