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06-36-40 (3)
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMUNITY COMMISSION(ERS DEVELOPMENT -ADMINISTRATOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP February 16, 1994 Mr. James P. Terpening, P.E. Culpepper and Terpening, Inc. P. O. Box 1449 Fort Pierce, FL 34954 Re: Lot~Split - Magnum Tank Service Dear Mr. Terpening: Your application to split the property described as Lot 7 and Lot 8, in the NW 1/4 of Model Land Company Subdivision of 6-36-40 into two parcels has been reviewed and approved as submitted. Please be aware that Section 11.03.04 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that no further division of an approved lot split is permitted unless a final record plat is preparedand approved in accordance with the code. S_incerely. Cor~unity "Development Administrator TLV:Ju- .sr L FENN, District No. 1 · JUDY CU'LPEPPER, District No. 2 - DENNY GREEN. District No. $ · R. DALE TREFELNER. District No. 4 · CUFF BARNES, District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 ~,dministrator: (407)468-1590 · Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407)468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 CULPEPPER s Consulting Engineers 805 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 · (407) 464-3537 .February 09, 1994 HAND DELIVER TO: Job No. S2026 Mr. Terry Virta, AICP Community Development Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re.' Model Land Company Subdivision/Magnum Septic Tank Inc. Revised Lot Split Lots 7& 8 Dear Mr. Virta: As requested by your office, please find enclosed one (1) executed copy of the Split Application for the Magnum Septic Tank Parcel. This application, we believe, reflects the revisions requested by your office. separation of the parcel Tax I.D. numbers. We hope this information me~ts approval and as always, if we can offer any further assistance please feel free to Sincerely, ?.~_UL..PEppER & TERPENING, INC. · Terp !ning ' JPT/djw CC: Mr. Osiris Ramos Mr. Ed Lunsford Mr. Maurice Snyder ST. LUCIE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR MINOR REPLAT OR LOT SPLIT PLEASE SUBMIT A '.DRAWING PREPARED BY A PROFESSIONAL.I~AND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN FLORIDA, SHOWING THE PROPOSED LOTS, EXACT LOCATION OF ANY STRUCTURES, AND LOCATION OF ANY EASEMENTS OR RIG~TS-OF-WAY. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED LOTS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON T~E DRAWING OR SEPARATELY. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, PLEASE REFER TO SECTION 11.03.04 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. APPLICATION DATE: REVISED 2/14/94 APPLICATION FEE: $ 25.~8 APPLICATION IS FOR: MINOR REPLAT (AREPLAT FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, WITHOUT AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF LOTS 0RUNITE OTHERWISE ALLOWED). _. × LOT SPLIT (DIVISION OF LAND INTO TWO CONTIGUOUS LOTS OR PARCELS WITHOUT INVOLVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW STREET). APPLICANT'S NAME: MAGNUM TANK SERVICE. INC. fAll-N: flSTRT.q: RAMI'I.q% APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1280 NOR/H EAST 48TH STREET POMP~0 BEACH, FL 33064 APPLICANT'S PHONE #: (305)785-2320 BETWEEN 8AM & 5PM OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT: NAME: NORTHERN TRUST BANK OF FLORIDA ADDRESS: 700 BRIO<ELL AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33131 PHONE #: (305)372-1000 PROPERTY TAX ID NUMBER (S): BETWEEN 8AM & 5PM .. 3406-501-0039-000/5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AS IT EXISTS NOW: LAND COMPANY SUBDIVISION, PLAT BOOK 4, PG. 34 LOT 7 & 8. MODEl. ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTY AS IT-EXISTS NOW: 19.052 ACRES AC~SE OR S~:U~ FE~.T PROPOSED FOR NEW LOTS: LOT # 'SUBdECT" '--t4=-2--8~- ACRES LOT # "REMAINDER" 14.2_89 ACRES THE TOTAL LOT SIZES SHOWN IN #6 MUST EQUAL THE ORIGINAL PROPERTY SIZE GIVEN IN $5. THE ORIGINAL PARCEL CAN ONLY BE SPLIT ONCE THUS CREATING TWO LOTS. NO FURTHER DIVISION OF AN APPROVED MINOR REPLAT OR LOT SPLIT IS PERMITTED UNLESS A FINAL RECORD PLAT IS PREPARED AND SUBMITTEb IN ACCORDANCE WITH ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, 11.03.01-11.03.03. 7.. PRIOR TO APPROVAL, PROOF OF CAPACITY FOR UTILITY SERVICES IS REQUIRED. IS WATER AVAILABLE? YES FROM WHAT SOURCE FI. PIERCE UIILIIIES AUTHORITY IF YOUR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES ARE OBTAINED FROM A PRIVATE UTILITY, YOU WILL NEED TO ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: WRITTEN PROOF OF EXISTING CAPACITY TO SERVICE YOUR NEEDS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANY; AND e WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL 'REGULATIONS THAT THE UTILITY COMPANY HAS THE CAPACITY TO SERVICE YOU. PLEASE BE ADVISED THE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, POLICY 6A.1.4.3, STATES THAT NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS WITH DENSITIES GREATER THAN TWO UNITS PER ACRE SHALL BE PERMITTED ONLY WHEN CENTRALWATER AND SEWER ARE AVAILABLE _ PR-~NT PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE 11.03.04 PROCEDURE FOR MINOR REPLATS AND LOT SPLITS A. GENERALLY The Community Development Director may approve a Minor Replat or Lot Split, where a parcel of land is being divided into two (2) separate lots or parcels that conforms to the requirements of this Section. B-. APPLICATION'CONTENTS A developer requesting a Minor Replat or Lot Split shall submit the following materials with an application form provided by the Community Development Director along with an application fee as described in Section 11.12.00: A statement indicating whether water and/or sanitary sewer service is available to the property; Land descriptions and acreage or square footage of the original and proposed lots and a scaled drawing showing the intended division. All such drawings and divisions shall be prepared by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Florida. In the event a lot contains any'principal or accessory structures, a survey showing the structures on the lot shall accompany the application; and August 1, 1990 XI-60 Section11.03.04. An identification Of any and all easements, rights-of-way or similar instruments that may be found on or adjacent to the property subject to the Minor Replat or Lot Split. C.. PROCEDURE FOR REVIEW The Conununity Development Director shall transmit a copy of the proposed Minor Replat or Lot Split to the appropriate departments of the County for review and comments. The review of all Minor Replats and 'Lot Splits shall be in accordance with the procedures described in Section 11.02.03. If the proposed Minor Replat or Lot Split meets the conditions of this Section and otherwise complies with all applicable laws and ordinances, the Director shall approve the Minor Replat or Lot Split by signing the application form. D. STANDARDS FOR REVIEW Ail Minor Replats. or Lot Splits shall conform to the .following standards: Each proposed lot must conform to the requirements of this Code. Each lot shall abut a public or private street (except as hereinafter provided) for the required minimum road frontage for the Zoning District where the lots are located. .0 If any lot abuts a street right-of-way that does not conform to the design specifications provided in this Code, the owner shall be required to dedicate one-half the right-of-way width necessary to meet the minimum design requirements. E. RECORDATION Upon approval of the Minor Replat or Lot .Split, the Community Development Director shall record the replat on the appropriate maps and documents, and shall, at the developer's expense, record the replat in the public records of the County. F. RESTRICTION No further division of an approved Minor Replat or Lot Split is permitted unless a final record plat is prepared and submitted in accordance with Sections 11.03.01 through 11.03.03. August 1, t990 XI-61 OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED: FILE NUMBER: DATE APPLICANT NOTIFIEDAPPLICATION IS INCOMPLETE: LIST OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED' DATE ADDITIONALINFORMATION RECEIVED: RESEARCHED BY: WARRANTY DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. CHECK FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES.' DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUIREMENTS? YES NO IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER YES NO DER YES NO SEWER YES NO DER YES NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, SQUARE FEET (1/2 ACRE)? DOES EACH LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 YES NO COMMENTS: DATE GRANTED: BY WHOM: OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED: /_~/.~g FILE NUMBER: DATE APPLICANT Nf~PIFIED APPLICATION 1S INCOMPLETE: ;~/~/ LIST OF ADDITIONAL -INFORMATION NEEDED: ~)~00 . , ~ RESEARCHED BY: ~~~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~~ ~/J/~ ~_~~ ~ · ************ ********** PROPERT~ INFO ****************************** ZONING: ~ LAND USE: -.~A; b TAZ: ~ ******~********** ~ ~GE: ~O ~TY DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. CHECK FOR EXISTING. STRUCT~s. DO T~Y ~ET SETBACK ~QUI~NTS? NO ' IF PRIVATE UTILITqf, ~LAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER- YES F'/ DER- YES NO -- NO SEWER- YES DER- YES -- NO NO -- IF USING SEPTIC --'-'-'~,", DOES EACH LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21 780 SQUARE FEET ( 1/2 ACRE) ? YES _ / NO , CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY REQUIRED YES / No -- _ WHY NOT DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED YES NO DATE GRANTED: -- BY WHoM: DATE RECEIVED: OFFICE USE ONLY /-~ t -~ ~ FILE NUMBER: LIST OF ADDITIONAL .INFORMATION NEEDED: **** ****************** PROPERTY INFO ****************************** ZONING: ~ LAND USE: -~mb TAZ: &~ SECTION: TOWNSHIP: GE: ******************************************************************* WARRANTY DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. CHECK FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES. DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUIREMENTS? ! No IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER- YES ~ NO DER- YES NO SEWER- YES NO DER- YES NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, DOES EACH SQUARE FEET (1/2 ACRE)? YES / ************************ CONCURRENCY CERTIFICATEOF CAPACITY REQUIRED YES / NO WHY NOT DEFERRAL AFFIDAViT REQUIRED YES NO LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 NO COMMENTS: DATE GRANTED: BY WHOM: Boundary The we have enclosed a with the We have also enclosed herein an application for Concurrency Test along with the required fees for bOth applications each in the amount of $25.00 for a total of $50.00 (Check enclosed). wishes to construct a Tank Facility, as shown on the attached site plan. classified as Heavy Industrial, with the current zoning of a use. Northern Trust also owns Lots 1-7 located to the east. of the subject property, which provides for a unified parcel with access to a dedicated road right=of-way, FavOrite Road. If you have any questions concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC. Richard C. Laventure, P:L.S. RCL/djw cc: Mr. Osiris Ramos, w/encl. encl: a/s FILE_COPY~ St. LuCie County RECEIVED OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT City of Ft. Pierce City of Port St. Lucie RECEIPT N° 683 St. Lucie Villa: EXPLANATION ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT TOTALAMT. REC'D$ White - Customer Canary - F~ance Pink- File Copy' ST. LUCIE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR LOT SPLIT FEE: $25.00 .GENERAL: Section 11.03.04, of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code requires that all divisions or redivisions of property in the unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County are to undergo the Lot Split Review'process. Exceptions to this review process would be for only those divisions done in conjunction with the filing of a site plan as further identified in Section 11.02.00 of this Code. INSTRUCTIONS: O O In order to obtain approval for the division of property that is proposed, the following information is requested to be submitted to the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development, Growth. Management Division, Room 201, St. Lucie County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida, 34982. Any division of property placed into the land records of St. Lucie County afte~ August 1, 1990, and without this requisite division of building permits for failing to ascertain minimum zoning compliance prior to the creation of the property description. SUbmission of this completed application form, along with the required processing fee of $ 25.00., and a sketch or survey, or formal boundary survey 6f the property effected by the division, indicating the following: 1.) Complete boundary identification, with legal description, the property tract of land from which the division is being created. 2.) 3.) Complete boundary identification, with legal escrlptlon, of the area proposed for division; Identification of all existing or proposed easements and right-of-ways affecting the parent property and the property proposed for creation. Ail surveys and descriptions shall be prepared and sealed by a professional land surveyor, registered in the State of Florida. ST. LUCIE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR MINOR REPLAT OR LOT SPLIT PLEASE SUBMIT A 'DRAWING PREPARED BY A PROFESSIONAL-LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN FLORIDA, SHOWING THE PROPOSED LOTS, EXACT LOCATION OF ANY STRUCTURES, AND LOCATION OF ANY EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-OF,WAY. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED LOTS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE DRAWING OR SEPARATELY. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, PLEASE REFER TO SECTION 11.03.04 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. APPLICATION DATE: APPLICATION IS FOR: 1/4/94 APPLICATION FEE: $ ~ MINOR REPLAT (A REPLAT FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, WITHOUT AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF LOTS OR UNITS OTBERWISE ALLOWED). mo e - X LOT SPLIT (DIVISION OF LAND INTO TWO CONTIGUOUS LOTS OR PARCELS WITHOUT INVOLVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW STREET). APPLICANT,S NAME: MAGNUM TANK SE E . ' ' APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: /2.80 NORTH EAST 48TH S'I-i~.EET POMPANO. BEA~ 33064 APPLICANT'S PR'ONE #: . (305)785-2320 BETWEEN 8AM & 5PM NAME: NOFITHEFIN TRUST BANK OF FLORIDA ADDRESS: 700 BRICKELL AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33131 PHONE #: (305)312-1000 BETWEEN 8AM & 5PM PROPERTY TAX ID NUMBER (S): 3406w501-0034-000/8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AS IT EXISTS NOW: 10/ 8, MODEl LAND COMPANY SUBDIVISION PLAT BOOK 4 PG. 34 ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTY AS IT EXISTS NOW:' 9.526 ACRES ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET PROPOSED FOR NEW LOTS: LOT # "SUBJECT" 4.763 ACRES LOT # "REMAINDER" 4.763 ACRES THE TOTAL LOT SIZES SHOWN IN #6 MUST EQUAL THE ORIGINAL PROPERTY SIZE GIVEN IN #5. THE ORIGINAL PARCEL CAN ONLY BE SPLIT ONCE THUS CREATING TWO LOTS; NO FURTHER DIVISION OF AN APPROVED MINOR REPLAT OR LOT SPLIT IS PERMITTED UNLESS A FINAL RECORD PLAT IS PREPARED AND SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, 11.03.01-11.03.03. 7. PRIOR TO APPROVAL, PR00F OF CAPACITY FOR UTILITY SERVICES IS REQUIRED. IS WATER AVAILABLE? ---YL FROM WHAT SOURCE FI. PIERCE UTILITrF$ ALrrHORITV IF YOUR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES ARE OBTAINED FROM A PRIVATE UTILITY, YOU WILL NEED TO ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: 1. WRITTEN PROOF OF EXISTING CAPACITY TO SERVICE YOUR NEEDS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANy; ..AND 2. WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL 'REGULATIONS THAT THE UTILITY COMPANY HAS THE CAPACITY TO SERVICE YOU. PLEASE BE ADVISED THE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, POLICY 6A. 1.4.3 STATES THAT NEW RESIDENTIAL ~.E_VE · LOPMENTS WITH DENSITIES GREATER THAN TWO UNITS PER ACRE SHALL E PERMITTED ONLY WHEN CE~RAL WATER AND SEWER ARE AVAILABLE. PRINT APPLICANT, S NAME IC~iN S -- PRINT PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME /~7-- PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID [3406-501-0034-000/0 ] 01/24/94 12: LGAL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:NORTHERN TR BANK OF FL *TR* SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 06/36S/40E MODEL LAND CO'S S/D OF 6-36-40 LOTS 1 TO 16 INCL IN NW 1/4-LESS PART OF LOTS 9 & 10 AS DESC IN OR 422-2789:533-1025,1027,1029 & LESS TO US POSTAL SERV AS IN OR 550-2472 & LESS RD R/W & LESS A 70 FT STRIP OF LAND FOR RD R/W TO COUNTY AS IN OR 601-370- (117.47 AC) (OR 268-2211) * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO C~L~NGE & NOT WARRANTEI 8101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA' 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID [3406-501-0014-000/4 ] 01/24/94 13: LGAL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:NORTHERN TR BANK OF FL *TR* SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 06/36S/40E MODEL LAND CO'S S/D OF 6-36-40 LOTS 8,9,10,11 & 12 IN NE 1/4-LESS STRIP OF LAND LYG N OF & ADJ TO S LI LOTS 9 TO 12 INCL BEING 62.4 FT ON W END & 63.7 FT ON E END & LESS A STRIP OF LAND ON W SIDE OF LOT 9 ADJ TO LOT 16 IN NW 1/4,SD STRIP BEING 76.36 FT ON N END & 77.40 ON S END & LESS W 744.61FT OF E 2565 FT (AS MEAS AT RIGHT ANGLE FROM E SEC LI OF N 1/2 OF SD SEC 6) OF N 585 FT OF S 625 FT (AS MEAS AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM C/L MIDWAY RD)- (33.69 AC) (OR /268-2211) * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTE 8101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3,NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 PR#: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BP#: APPLICATION FOR CONCURRENCY TEST Type of Development Order: __Single Family Building Permit (a) Other Building Permit (c) Class A Mobile Home Permit X (b) Mobile Home and RV Tie Down Permit Conditional Use Permit __Variance Approval .. Lot Split Minor Revision t~ a Site Plan FEE: $25.00 DATE: 1/4/93 (a) vested capacity if Single Family Residence on a Lot of Record on or before January 9, 1990,'or part of an approved subdivision or site plan; (b) vested capacity if replacement of an existing structure; (c) the following building permit applications are exempt from the concurrency test:, room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility .substations & accessory to another non-residential use; 2. Type of Project: SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR TANK FARM (INDUSTRIAL) 3. Is the property part of an approved site plan or subdivision? X Yes No If yes, please give name of development: LOT 8, MODEL LAND COMPANY Legal Description and tax ID#: (Include Street Address if available) SEE ABOVE; 3406-501-0034-000/8 5. Estimated Date of Construction: Begin: FEBRUARY, 1994 OSIRIS RANOSb Owner ' s Name 1280 NORTH EAST 48TH STREET Owner Address POMPANO BEACH, FL City State ('3051785-2320 Phone # 33064 Zip Completion: AUGUST: 1994 BRETT CULPEPPER'~ ~ P~:E. ~~---'~~ ~ Signature of Owner/~g~'ht' for owner 805 VIRGINIA AVENUE, SUITE 15 Agent Address FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 City State Zip (407)464-3537 Phone # Nov 22, 1991 // APPLICATION PROCEDURES CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on official forms provided by the Community Development Department and accompanied by the correct application and review fees. Prior to beginning the concurrency review and capacity test, an application must fully satisfy all information requirements enumerated on the forms and in these procedures. In addition, the underlying Development Approval or Building Permit application must have been found to be complete by the reviewing Division. Upon receipt of the completed application along with the appropriate fees, the Community Development Department will commence review for availability of capacity. The following documents are required for all requests submitted for concurrency review: a) a completed application form (copy attached) with a check made out to St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners ~ the amount of the appropriate fees; b) a map showing the location of the site; c) confirmation of potable water and sanitary sewer service; - a letter from the Utility Company(s) confirming that sufficient capacity is available to serve the project underlying the Development Order application; - where central water and/or sewer facility capacity is not sufficient to serve the development, but improvements to the facilities are programmed which will provide sufficient capacity, a letter from the Utility Company(s) confirming that construction will be complete and sufficient capacity will be available to serve the development at the time of impact; - where central water and/or sewer facilities are not available, at time of approval a copy of the permit of the well and/or septic tank and/os package plant with sufficient capacity for the development. Sept. 9, 1991 Page 2 Concurrency Test Application Procedures Se e d) Three copies of the site plans or other building plans as submitted to St. Lucie County, including traffic impact report where applicable. The Community Development Department will transmit to the applicant within 20 working days after the application has been found to be complete a report describing the results of the capacity review. The capacity report will indicate whether adequate public facilities will be available, will not be available or will be available with conditions, to serve the project underlying the Development Approval/Building Permit application. If the report indicates that a Certificate of Capacity could not be issued to the development due to the lack of available capacity for public facilities, the applicant may choose any of the options as listed in Chapter 5.01.03.C. of the St. Lucie Land Development Code. These options may include one of the following: the amendment of the Development Approval application to utilize no more than the capacity available; the provision of the necessary capacity by the developer; a new application for development approval at a later date; or an appeal of the' findings including the provision of independent data acceptable to the County which will show that sufficient public facility capacity is available to serve the development. Sept. 9, 1991 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATOR COMMISSIO N£RS D EVE L 0 PM E NT TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP February 4, 1994 Mr. James P. Terpening Culpepper &~Terpening, Inc. P.O, Box 1449 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34954 Subject: Proposed Lot Split - Magnum Tank Service Dear Mr. Terpening; This office is in receipt of your letter dated February 1, 1994, received on February 3, 1994, written in regard to our recent letter about the deficiencies in the above cited application for lot split. While it appears that most of the items raised in our earlier correspondence have been addressed, you have not submitted the required corrected application for Lot Split approval, as requested. The application used in the initial submission is not correct, and we are not empowered to change this application at the staff level. Upon receipt of this corrected application we can continue with the final processing of this request for Lot Split approval. If you have any question, please let us know. Development Administrator ~/LV/DJM/cb M~GNUM1 ( ~ ) cc: ~ Director HAVE'RT L FENN. District No. I · JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 .o DENNY GREEN. District No. 3 o R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES. Distria No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administrator: (407) 468-1590 · GrowTh Manacjemenr: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407) 468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 CULPEPPER & ' TERPEN I NG, IN~. Consulting Engineers · Land Surveyor., 805 Virginia Avenue, Suite 15 · P.O. Box 144.~ Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 · (407) 464-3537 · Fax (407) 464-9497 February 01, 1994 HAND DELIVER TO: Mr. Dennis Murphy, AICP Land Development Manager St. Lucie'County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Model Land Company SubdivisionfMagnum Septic Tank Inc. Proposed Lot Split Lots 7 & 8 Job No. S2026 ~0_`..~.~NI~ ..... Dear Mr. Murphy: Our office is in receipt of your review comments dated January 24, 1994, for the Lot Split of Lots 7 & 8 of the Model Land Company's subdivision. In response to the issues raised in your letter we would offer the following comments and revisions to the application: 1. We have resubmitted, as described in the attached legal description and sketch, the parent parcel to include both Lots 7 & 8 of the Model Land Company Subdivision. In defining the parent parcel to include both of these lots, when the Lot Split of Lot 8 is approved, the remaining parcel will be a conforming lot of record. In addition, we have contacted the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's office and have requested that they assign a separate Property Tax ID number to Lot Nos. 7 & 8. At present, this request is being processed through that Department, thus the information requested will be available to you. In response to your second questions regarding access; the applicant does not plan at this time to open the Favorite Road right-of-way. The project will be physically accessed through a private easement identical to the one the County approved for the Chiquita Citrus Packing facility. As you may recall, the reason the "Chiquita Citrus Road" was not platted at the time of con struction of the roadway was that the County was in the process of developing the South Jenkins Road roadway alignment. It was at the County's request that the platting of the roadway not take place until the right-of-way alignments for the Jenkins Road corridor was established. February 01, 1994 To: Dennis ~lurphy/SLC Re: Model L md Co. - #S2026 Page 2 of 2 3. In ~gards to your third comment relating to the Lot Split; it is the intel~tions of the property owners to pursue the replat of the Model Land Con~pany Subdivisior~ concurrent with the right-of-way establishment for th,e. S. outh Jenkins Road. In the event tl~at for whatever reason the !nd?,yid~u,al Tax ID numbers are needed, then this option would be pursued mt. ne Iuture. : 4. This Lot Split will be included in the Access Plans for the proposed subd [vision, although it will not be part of the subdivision dedication. The prot,erty, as you are aware, is part of the Model Land Company subd ~Lvision as recorded in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. The Vesling Rights for this plat of record have been maintained and the propl rty in question seeks to maintain that status after the recording of the Lot I >lit. 5. Finally, we have transmitted your comments regarding the site issues to Mag~tum Tank Service so that their Planner can address the issues raised by yr,ur Department. We appreciate your comments regarding this Lot Split and hope this response addresses the concerns of yo~r Department. Sincerely, CUL_PEPPER & TERPENING, INC. JPT/dj w cc: Mr. Osiris Ramos Mr. Ed Lu. hsford Mr. Mauriee Snyder aDennis Murphy 01/23 15:16 Magnum tank 0& Items in Current Envelope &&&&&&~&&~&&&&&&&&&~&&&&&&~&&&& (Tab next item) o MESSAGE From: Dennis Murphy (DENNISM) To: janet Date: Sunday, January 23, 1994 3:16 pm Subject: Magnum tank See me on the lot split application for this thing. thanks Ctrl-F4 Move to Folder; Alt-F7 Launch Application; 1 Next (Read); 2 Delete; 3 Save; 4 Info; 5 Previous; 6 Forward; 7 Reply; D~ID X~I ffIOOcI FORT PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY "Committed to Qualib" 206 South Sixth Street (34950) Post Office Box 3191 Fort Pierce, Florida 34948-3191 Phone 407-466-16~ Fax 407-489-03~ January 5, 1994 Mr. Stuart Cunningham Cunningham & Durrance 4500 Belvedere Road, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL- 33415 Re: Water Availability - Magnum Tank Dear Mr. Cunningham: The Fort Pierce Utilities Authority will be able to provide water service to the above referenced project. Availability is contingent upon paying all the appropriate fees and charges prior to the actual connection into the existing twelve (12) inch water main. Should you have any questions or need additional information on becoming a customer of the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority, please do not hesitate to contact this office at extension 423. Very truly yours, FORT PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY David A. Meltert Sanitary Engineer II . DAM/1515 AN ESTS PARKWAY GROVE ....... .' ES[$ ;'TS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINIST TOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP January 24, 1994 Mr. James p. Terpening Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. P.O. Box 1449 Ft. Pierce, Flodda 34954 Subject: Proposed Lot Split - Magnum Tank Service, Inc. Dear Mr. Terpening: This office is in receipt Of your recently submitted application for approval of a :Lot Split ~or a portion of property adjacent to the Chiquita Citrus Packing facility, southwest of Ft. Pierce. Review of this application cannot be completed until the following items are addressed. The rust item that needs'to be addressed is the legal descriptior~ for the parent Parcel from which the lot split is being Proposed. The 'Lot 8' that you are proposing to split, is shown on our Property records as being part of a much larger parcel described under Property Tax ID Property Tax ID Number that you submitted is not correct and in fa2umber 3406-501-00,34-000/0. The east of this Property. No further processing of this application can is for a residential portion of land, things have occurred: take place until one of the following two a.) The submitted 'Lot 8' and the adjacent 'Lot 7' of the Model Land Company Subdivision, PB 4, PG 34, are comb/ned into one legally described parcel, with its own Property Tax ID Number. This combination of properties is necessary because if it is not done, then the remaining part of Lot 8 would be rendered a non'conforming,property, which cannot be approved; or, b.)proposedThe entirelotdescr/ptiOnsplit is takenf°r thefromParentthat tracLParcei is submitted as a part of this application and the The second item that needs to be addressed is your attempt to ba~e your access and road frontage requirements on an unopened, public right-of-way. The' County has no plans to open this right-of-way in either the immediate or long term future. Your application does not address this point. How will you physically access this property and under what easements will this access be permitted? x~VERT L FENN, District No. 1 o JUDY CULPEPPER, Disrrfct No. 2 o DENNy GREEN. District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, I)isr£ict No. 4 - CLIFF BARNES, District No_ $ 2300 Virginia Avenue o Fort Pierce. FL 34982-5652 Administrator: (407)468-1590 o GrowlhManagemenr: (407) 468-1553 o Planning: (407).468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468-157 t BOARD OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COMMISSiON£RS COMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP January 24, 1994 Mr. James p. Terpening Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. P.O. Box 1449 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34954 Subject: Proposed Lot Split - Magnum Tank Service, Inc. Dear Mr. Terpening: This .office is in receipt of your recently submitted application for approval of a Lot Split for a portion of property adjacent to the Chiquita Citrus Packing facility, southwest of Ft. Pierce. Review of this application cannot be completed 'until the following items are addressed. The first item that needs 'to be addressed is the legal description for the Parent parcel from which the lot split is being Proposed. The 'Lot 8' that you are proposing to split, is shown on out Property records as being part of a much larger Parcel described under Property Tax ID Number 3406-501-0034-000/0. The Property Tax ID Number that you submitted is not correct and in fact is for a residential portion of land, east of this Property. No further processing of this application can take place until one of the following two things have occurred: a.) The submitted "Lot 8" and the adjacent "Lot 7" of the Model Land Company Subdivision, PB 4, PG 34, are combined into one legally described Parcel, with its own Property Tax ID Number. This combination of properties is necessary because if it is not done, then the remaining part of Lot 8 would be rendered a non-COnforming property, which cannot be approved; or, b.)ProposedThe entirelotdescriptiOnsplit is takenf°r fromthe Parentthat tract.Parcel is submitted as a part of this application and the The second item that needs to be addressed is your attempt to base your access and road frontage requirements on an unopened, public right-of-way. The' County has no plans to open this right-of-way in either the immediate or long term future. Your application does nOt address this point. How will you physically access this property and under what easements will this access be permitted? HAVERT L. FENN. District No. I o JUDY CULPEPPER, District No_ 2 · DENNY GREEN District No. ,3 · R. DALE TREFELNER. District No. 4 o CUFF BARNES District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fan' Pierce, FL 34982-5652 . Administrator: (407)468-1590 o Growth Management: (407)468-1553 o Planning: (407)468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 January 24, 1994 Page 2 Subject: Magnum Tank/No. Trust Bank Prop. The third item that needs to be addressed is the ultimate intent of your clients to divide the parent property into smaller industrial lots. if this Lot Split is approved, there can be no further divisions of the parent Property until such time as a re-plat of this property (the Model Land Company Subdivision) has been recorded, or individual Tax ID Numbers reassigned to the lots that were a part of the original subdivision plat. We are aware that several years ago, your clients received a conceptual subdivision approval for the project known as Midway Road Industrial Park. As of this date, our records indicate that there have been no preliminary or final record plats or construction plan submittals for this development. The reason that the 'old' conceptual approval may no longer be valid is there was no claim for vested dghts filed within the time Periods outlined in the County's Land Development Code. How, or will, this split out property be included in the ultimate planned platting for the parent Property?. Finally, we would like to advise you that the proposed site plan that was submitted with the Lot .Split application does not one who prepared this plan, you might want to advise your clients of this issue. meet current County Development Review Standards. Although your firm is not the There is no Problem with presenting a 5,995 square foot development plan to the County. A building of this size will, as I am sure you. are aware, will not be required to undergo a standard, formal, site plan review, However, it still must demonstrate compliance with all of the County's Land Development Standards. It is recommended that the Magnum Tank people review the following areas of the County's Land DeveloPment Code: The County's Driveway Location/Spacing Standards, b.) Parking Ratios, Parking Lot Dimensional Standards, c.) Perimeter and Intedor Landscaping. Standards, and, d.) Stormwater Retention requirements. No further processing of this application can take place until the above items are addressed. A New application with the · appropriate corrections being made will need to be submitted. We will retain the filing fees y~u already submitted. I hope that these comments will. be of some use to you. If you have any questions, or W°uld care to discuss the issue further, please let me know. - i~~n~c~b Devel°pment Administrator MAGNUM10j) cc: County Attorney Public Werks Administrator Coun{y Engineer Planning Director 6. ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTY AS IT EXISTS NOW: 1.-ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTiEs AS PROPOSED: Lot #: ~ Lot #: sP .IT oNcE, ~RO~D ~ P~~D ~ S~~ ~ ACCO~cE WI~ SECtIoN 11.03.0I _ ~CO~ p~ IS 11-03.03 OF ~ S~. LUCIE CO~ ~ D~p~N~ CODE. 8. ZO~G DEHi~iON: ~ES ~CH OF ~ ~S IN ~D D~NSiO~~ .{7: CO~oF ~ ~0 ~ ~NI~ ~ SIZE . __Q~~S Z0N~G DIS~I~ IN ~ICH ~Y ~ ~~D~ ~R ~ ~ 1 AS A~AC~D. ~S ~ NO C~ntral Water: - - Ut~ity Co.: S~it~ Sewer: Utility Co.: ~~, YOU ~-- .~- ' ~CES "~ ~SD ~~AC~ ~ ~ OB~D FROM A ~ ' ~-- ~ ~vV~ ~u m~ _ · C~ACI'~Y ~0 - ~a ~ ~ S~ YOU. -,,~m~ ~G~TiON N~E: ACCO~G ~ T~ ST. LUC~ C0~ CO~~NS AC~ p~,. P 6A 1.4.3,;780~ ~SID~T~sQU~ FEET)D~oP~TSS ~T~ ~S ~SS T~ 6NE ~F OLiCY( 21 WA R SE PEriOD ~N CEN~ Date Prope~y Owner,s S~,,~. .... ' ~naEure Date (if different from applicant) 4 ST. LUCIE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR LOT SPLIT FEE: $25.00 gENERAL: Section 11.03.04, of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code requires that all divisions or redivisions of property in the unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County are to undergo the Lot Split Review process. Exceptions to this review process would be for only those divisions done in conjunction with the filing of a site plan as further identified in Section 11.02.00 of this Code. INSTRUCTIONS: In order to obtain approval for the division of property that is proposed, the following information is requested to be submitted to the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development, Growth. Management Division, Room 201, St. Lucie County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida, 34982. Any division of property placed into the land records of St. Lucie County after August 1, 1990, and without this requisite division of building permits for failing to ascertain minimum zoning compliance prior to the creation of the property description. O Submission of this completed application form, along with the required processing fee of $ 25.00 , and a sketch or survey, or formal boundary survey 6f the property effected by the division, indicating the following: 1.) Complete boundary identification, with legal description, the property tract of land from which the division is being created. 2.) Complete boundary identification, with legal description, of the area proposed for division; 3.) Identification of all existing or proposed easements and right-of-ways affecting the parent property and the property proposed for creation. Ail surveys and descriptions shall be prepared and sealed by a professional land surveyor, registered in the State of Florida. ST. LUCJE CO.. Fl. ST. LUCIE COUNTY ~±~T~RED IN FLORIDA, SHOWI __-= AL LAND SURVEYOR ANY STRUCTURES_ AND PR?SED Lo S, EX CT LOCATION OF · ~u~ u~ANY EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY. ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED LOTS MUST B DRAWING OR SEPARATRnv ..... £ E SUBMITTED ON ~'~- ~ua ADDITI THE T"ZSAPP~ZCATZON, ~LEASE~FE~ -~ _~_AL__Z~ORm~TZON ZN CO~mLETZNG wu ~UWlON 11.03.04 OF THE ST. LUCiE COUNTYLAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. APPLICATION DATE: 1/4/94 APPLICATION IS FOR: X APPLICATION FEE: $___~ MINOR REPLAT (AREPLAT FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, WITHOUT AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF LOTS ORUNITS OTHERWISE ALLOWED). LOT SPLIT (DIVISION OF LAND INTO TWO CONTIGUOUS LOTS OR PARCELS WITHOUT INVOLVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW STREET). APPLICANT' S NAME: MAOND~ TANK SE V E . ' ' APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1280 NORIH EAST 48TH STRS. ET POMPANO:BEACH FL. 33064 APPLICANT'S PHONE #: .. (305)785-2320 BETWEEN 8AM & 5PM OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT: NAME: NORTHERN TRUST RANK OF FLORIDA ADDRESS: 700 BRICKELL AVENUE MI~MI, FL 33131 PHONE #: (305)372-1800 BETWEEN 8AM & 5PM PROPERTY TAX ID NUMBER (S): 3406-501~0034-000-.8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AS IT EXISTS NOW: LAND COMPANY SUBDIVISION P[AI BOOK 4 P~. 34 LOT 8, MODEL ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTY AS IT EXISTS NOW: 9.526 ACRES ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET PROPOSED FOR NEW LOTS: LOT # "SUBJECT" 4.7~3 ACRES LOT # "REMAINDER" 4.763 ACRES THE TOTAL LOT SIZES SHOWN IN #6 MUST EQUAL THE ORIGINAL PROPERTY SIZE GIVEN IN #5. THE ORIGINAL PARCEL CAN ONLY BE SPLIT ONCE THUS CREATING TWO LOTS. NO FURTHER DIVISION OF AN APPROVED MINOR REPLAT OR LOT SPLIT IS PERMITTED UNLESS A FINAL RECORD PLAT IS PREPARED AND SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, 11.03.01-11.03.03. 7. PRIOR TO APPROVAL, PROOF OF CAPACITY FOR UTILITY SERVICES IS REQUIRED. IS WATER AVAILABLE? ~ FROM WHAT SOURCE FT. PIERCE U]/LITTFS AUTHORITY IF YOUR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES ARE OBTAINED FROM A PRIVATE UTILITY, YOU WILL NEED TO ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: 1. WRITTEN PROOF OF EXISTING CAPACITY TO SERVICE YOUR NEEDS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANy; AND 2. WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL 'REGULATIONS THAT THE UTILITY COMPANy HAS THE CAPACITY TO SERVICE YOU. PLEASE BE ADVISED THE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, POLICY 6A.1.4.3, STATES THAT NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS WITH DENSITIES GREATER THAN TWO UNITS PER ACRE .SHALL AND SEWER ARE AVAILABLE BE PERMITTED ONLY WHEN C__F~RAL WATER PRINT APPLICANT'S NAME PRINT PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME - ;~-7-- PROPERTY OWNER' S SIGNATURE 11.03.04 PROCEDURE FOR MINOR REPLATS AND LOT SPLITS A. GENERALLY The Community Development Director may approve a Minor Replat or Lot Split, where a parcel of land is being divided into two (2) separate lots or parcels that conforms to the requirements of this Section. B. .APPLICATION'CONTENTS A developer requesting a Minor Replat or Lot Split shall submit the following materials with an application form provided by the Community Development Director along with an application fee as described in Section 11.12.00: A statement indicating whether water and/or sanitary sewer service is available to the property; Land descriptions and acreage or square footage of the original and proposed lots and a scaled drawing showing the intended division. All such drawings and divisions shall be prepared by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Florida. In the event a lot contains any'principal or accessory structures, a survey showing the structures on the lot shall accompany the application; and August 1, 1990 XI-60 BOARD OF COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONERS DER RTMENT March 17, 1994 Mr. Stuart Cunningham, P.E. Cunningham & Durrance, Inc. 4500 Belvedere Road, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Re: Magnum Environmental Stormwater Management Application Dear Mr. Cunningham: The Engineering Division completed its preliminary review of your stormwater management application. Enclosed is a copy of the above mentioned project marked "not approved,,. Please be advised that our division will approve this plan once the following items have been satisfactorily addressed: 1) N.G.V.D.Please identifYbench mark.and label the location of at least one 2) The driveway radii at the project entrance needs to be at least 35' per St. Lucie County Code. 3) Please add a note to' the plans to ensure that erosion 4) control and sediment protection will be addressed. Please explain the function of the existing swale on the project,s west property line and its relationship to this project. 5) Ple~s? provide documentation that this project has legal positive outfall to NSLRWCD Canal 102. 6) In order for your stormwater system to be considered a "dry system,,, the invert of the bleeder must be at least one foot below the detention pond bottom. Please revisit. 7) Are the designated areas for future parking reflected as impervious surface in your drainage calculations? If not, it will be necessary to modify your permit approval at the time these areas are constructed. HAVERT L. FENN, Dis~ct No. 1 _ · JUDY CULPEPPER, District NO_county2 ,, AdministrarorDENNY GREEN,. ThomasDfStrict NO_R.L.3Kindred. R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 o CUFF BARNES, Dis~ct No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (407) 468-1485 ° FAX (407) 467-2,~62 Division of Engineering: (407) 468-I 701 Fax 467-2362 o Division of Road & Bridge: (407) 464-2511 FAX 467-2363 Division of Mosquito Control: (407) 468-1692 FAX 468-1565 · Division of Solid Waste: (407) 468-1768 FAX 489-6987 Division of Property Acquisition: (407) 468-1707 FAX 467-2362 ° TDD (407) 468-1428 BOARD OF'COUNTY COMMISSION£RS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP February 4, 1994 Mr. James p. Terpening Culpepper &'Terpening, Inc. P.O. Box 1449 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34954 Subject: Proposed Lot Split - Magnum Tank Service Dear Mr. Terpening; This office is in receipt of your letter 'dated February 1, 1994, received on February 3, 1994, wr' . · ~ter~ ~out the deficiencies-in ~i~%% in r~a~d to o,r recent ~uu.aP±at' While it ap~=~s ...... tnati' _' m~=' ~move. cared, application for ~rlaer correspondence, have been a- cst of.the items raised an' our ~ne requared cor~,~_~ . ddresse~,you have -~ ........ re ueste __. . PPlacataon for L · . . a q d. The a l~c .' · ct Splat a ro _ PP a~aon used a · ~ . . PP vel, as c~rrect, and we are -~ .... n the anztaal submi~- ~ - staff level. ~.~u ~mpowered to change this appla~%~ ~ ~ Upon receipt of this corrected application we can continue with the final processing of this request for Lot Split approval. If you have any question, please let us know. ~~~~rat0r TLV/DJM/cb MAGNUM1 (mm) Growth Management Director Zoning SUpervisor HAVERT L FENN, District No~ 1 - JUDY CULPEPPER, DJstric~ No. 2 o DENNY GREEN, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · CUFF BARNES District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 ' Administrator: (407) 468-1590 · Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 ° Planning: (]407) 468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 Sectionll.03.04. An identification Of any and all easements, rights-of-way or similar instruments that may be found on or adjacent to the property subject to the Minor Replat or Lot Split. PROCEDURE FOR REVIEW The Community Development Director shall transmit a copy of the proposed Minor Replat or Lot Split to the appropriate departments of the County for review and comments. The review ~f all Minor Replats and 'Lot Splits shall be in accordance with the procedures described in Section 11.02.03. If the proposed Minor Replat or Lot Split meets the conditions of this Section and otherwise complies with all applicable laws and ordinances, the Director shall approve the Minor Replat or Lot Split by signing the application form. Ail Minor Replats or Lot Splits shall conform to the standards: STANDARDS FOR REVIEW .following Each proposed lot must conform to the requirements of this Code. Each lot shall abut a public or private street (except as hereinafter provided) for the required minimum road frontage for the Zoning District where the lots are located. If any lot abuts a street right-of-way that does not conform to the design specifications provided in this Code, the owner shall be required to dedicate one-half the right-of-way width necessary to meet the minimum design requirements. ~ECORDATION Upon approval of the Minor Replat or Lot .Split, the Community Development Director shall record the replat on the appropriate maps and documents, and shall, at the developer,s expense, record the replat in the public records of the County. F__~. ~ESTRICTION No further division of an approved Minor Replat or Lot Split is permitted unless a final record plat is prepared and submitted in accordance with Sections 11.03.01 through 11.03.03. August 1, 1990 XI-61 DATE RECEIVED: OFFICE USE ONLY FILE NUMBER: DATE APPLICANT NOTIFIED APPLICATION IS INCOMPLETE: LIST OF ADDITIONALINFORMATION NEEDED: DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONRECEIVED: RESEARCHED BY: WARRANTY DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. CHECK FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES.. DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUiREMENTS? YES NO IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER YES NO DER YES NO SEWER YES NO DER YES NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, SQUARE FEET ( 1/2 ACRE ) ? DOES EACH LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 YES NO COMMENTS: DATE GRANTED: BY WHOM: JoAnne Holman, Clerk of the Circuit Court - St. Lucie Coun~ File Number: 132272~ OR BOOK 0898 PAGE~ 2130 Recorded: 05-05-94 '.. 08:47;~ A.M. TH'rS I#STRD~ENT'NAS PREPARED B! AND P~TUP~ TOe · ~ O~ BOX.lO00 , WARRANTT~.-DEED ~. THIS WARRANTY. DE~D, Made the 4th day of '~ May 19'94; by ' ' · TH~ C. JONE~ * Doc Assump: 0.00 P..' O. Box 1094. ~'~' * Doc Tax 665.00 Thomasville, GA .. 31799 * Znt Tax ::.~ 0.00 hereinafter called the 'Grantor'· to M~NOM NORTHEAST PROPERTIES, LTD. a FlOrida ~i~ed Partnership whose post office a~drees is~ 1280 N.E. 48th~Street - Pompano Beach, FL 33064 hereinafter called the 'Grantee', WlTNESEETS:' Th~ the Granto~, [or and tn co~s[derat~on oE the · ~ o~ $10.00 and okher valu~le confederate.ne, her~' ack,ledges herebY' .'grant'e,'. bargains:'~: le.i.l'l, aliens, r~se, releases, ~0~veYs and.confi~..~to the~ Grantee ail that GaWain land s~tuatefin.St. Lucia County, FlOrida, v~z~ Parcel 1 z Tho. SOuth 1/2 of '~t 8 0f ~DEL~D co~y' 's SUBDIVISION of'~ S ' ~[the ~ 1/4 of S~tion 6? T~ship 36 ou=n, ~ange 40 East, as ~r Plat thereo~ r~0rded in Plat ~k 4, P~ge 34, of~ the public .record~ 0f St. Lucia county., 'F10rid&. ' ' ' . ~ · ~R NI~ a non~excluSive easement f~ ingress and egress to ~d fr~ ~dway Road. (S.R. 7f2)., with full right: rese~to"Grantor to' dedicate or c~nvey th· as public right-of-way'to St. Lucia County,s: over and u~n the foll~ing deoorib~d Parcel, to-witz' Parcel ? ~ ~ "~ Ae more fully~ deecribe-d and sketched u~on Composite Exhibit 'A' ,hereto appended and by this - reference incorporated ~rein. Signed, sealed 'and delivered in the pr~c.e~~ -- The above-described :Parcel 2' non-exclusive easement is subject ..to prior ealementi '.for ingress 'and 'e~ress in faVo=~ Of; Chiquita' Citrus. Packers, Xnc. ~' reCordedSin' 0. R. Sock'. 5.65. at pages' 1285 'and. 1289,'irespectiVely,~and for utilities in favor of the Fort Pierce Utilities ~thority of the City of Fort Pierce as recorded in O. R. ~ook 563 at page 1; ~ FU~THEH ~O~ET~ER WITH a non-exclusive drainage~.~easement in'~fa~or ?f. Gra~.tee~ its' successors and assigns, over, upon', and =~rough~ ~ certain . existing ditch ... ex~cavation situate, generally along the West line of the North 1{2 Of the above,described Lot 8 .of Model Land Com~any,s SUbd_ivision,] in.' ore, er'to provide. "'positive 'drainage of surface waters b~ c6~n'ection, to Lateral Canal 'Ii~2 of the North St. 'Lucie River Water. Control District. Grantor covenants to a"d with Grantee that .the a~ove-described property is-not now, no~] has it ever been, his.home~tead. her~Itament T0~E2HEN, with ~all the tenements., appe~aining, and appurtenances thereto ~lOnging or in agnosia TO HAVE~D-~O HOLD, the same in fee simple f~rever. ~ND.. the Grantor hereby covenants with said Grantee that the Grantor-";il '.lawfully~ Seized of said 'ia~d in' fee 'S~le~ that the Grantor has go~d right and lawfui authority to' sell And/conVey said · land~' that~ th· -.Grantor h~reby~ fully warrants.the tille t° said. land and wi11 defend the'. 'same against' the. lawful Claimli~of 'all .persons · wh°mSoeVer~ and tha~ said land is free'of all enc~ranoes, except taxes'aCcr~.lng Subsequent to December 31, 19 ~3. TI WITNESS. W~E~J~O~i, the said Grantor has executed this Deed . the day and 2esr first 'Above written..- Print N~= ~ho~/~. ~one~ Orantor,s Address(~!~ O. Box 1094 Thomasvi~le, GA 3.1799 Print Name= Grantor's Address= (Seal) O all northeast 1/4 ot Section G, ?ay, ship 3G ~outh~aongt 40 gait, et. the #uzthlelt 1/4 et laid Section S, · diat~nce Of li].ll thence ruff' I 19 S3'41' N, along In lXtlnllon o~and then along ~.he north right-of-way line of Stltl Road #o. ?12 .~.R. ?i2}, a dlltlncl of 3117.Tl~feet to the lnterlactLon of the ce~tlrlinl of the herein described ~e&sem~nt and the Poih-r OF B~GINNING (f.o.a.), ·aid P.O.S. being located 3~17.?0 feet ~llt Of the ~aet lingual th· ~orthallt et llid Section & ii eellured ·t ~lght mngle~thereto! thence tram · [ ' thence run ~orthwe,tetly along Illd curve throug~ · central *nell 'o~ 19 S6'l~','~n are diltlnce o~ 54.14 ~eet to I ~lnt o~ tingency, the chord ~lrLng ~o~ the ~i~t dllC~L~d curve being ~ 45 01~0]" N, with chord ieng~h o~ 49.47 teetl the~cl trol IiLd ~!n~ o~ ~ngeKy ~un N 00 0liS]" ~ ~rllleJ vl~h the lilt iisi et thl ~gr~hlll~ ~/4 O~ Set,Lan S~ I dLltlnce o~ S]4.60 ~ee~ to m ~1~ o~ CurVatUre et a .:~ cirri concave to ~hl Sou~hvel~ hiving i ildLUl ~i 2]5.00 ~el~l ~henct 53'33', anirc diltmnce et 356.03 to I ~in~ of ~lngincyl thence run 61 03*26' N, I distance of ?02.?? feet to a ~nt of-~rvitute or curve concave to the Southvel~ hiving · ridLul~f 435.00 feetl thence tun Sorth~stertF ·long slid curve through i ~cintril angle of 00'00~ Ih ere dtetiflce o~ 220.X7 feet to m.~tnt.ot .ta~eKyl run S I~ 5~34° M parallel with o~ 3~ feet dim~mnt to t~ North the cente~J/ne of I ~bZlc rood il .ho~on up, entitle, '~eZ B~k 4 I~lgl 34 Of tho ~ubJ~C ~tdl Of St. ~Le. Clancy, F~otLdl, the Northellt hiving a :ldiul Of 25.00 feetr thence run Mozth~sterly'.' through 8~ln~rll i~e of S0 S0°00'f iff irc dLitiflce or 22..11 feet to · i rldiUl of ?0.00 feet/ thence run Masterly il~9 ll~d c~,J through central angle of 110 S0'00'~ Iff irc d~Jtin~t o~ ~]S.4~ ~llC ~o of seLd ~t~on S, I dtstince of 70.00 feet/ thence Eun N IS S6S34, parallel with ~ 35 feet dio~n~ ~o the Sout~fr~ t~ cente~line( afoteMne~Lo~ Favorite ~d, a distance o~ 1~/~0 feet ~ a ~zn~ ~ curve co~l~e to the North havi~. I radiu8 o~ ~O.00 feet1 thence r~n easterly through I central ongl~ o~ 1~0 S0'00s, mn dAotence~ o~ L35.4~ feet to · .~in~ reversG curvature, ~ho .chord~ ~irLng ~0r the list deocribed ~rve ~l~ S'~S 21'26 I vL~h I chord.~ length ~ I~S.2S feet; thence f~ said ~ o~'reverse run ~r~heeitorl~along. a curve ~ving i radiq~.of 2S,00 ffl · central'ingle of S0 S0'00", in arc distince~of 22.~1 ~ln~ O~ cu~vi~re-o~ m curve c~lve ~ the ot 3SS.p0 flail there run central a~Xi of 2l, 00'00', 'in Ir~ dioto 04.~4 o~ tiflgency/ the~e run B 61 03'26" l~ I dlo.~ince .~int o~ cu~ature of I curve c~ave to the centra~ Angle of S0 53'330, afl ar~ diitaKe 6~ 21: .S of taflge~yl thence run S 00 09iS3° t~l dll~'iflce o; ~nt o~ curvature of i curve concave el central ingle o~ 90 03*4~% afl irc diltince~of 55.02 ~eet t et tangental thence ru, H 19 52'41" g along the North l~ne aZ S~Iel Road ~o. 7~2, i dtl~lflce of ~0.04 rtl: ~o ~hl ~ radius' It the hit end of said nl~i-laC. ~ The m~Ye desczl~ IIleMflt 1lei ~rt/lll~/n ~tl ?, I, 9, 10, 12 a~ 13 ~lng in the ~or~Wlt ~/4 o~ilid S~tion 6 as anon.on A~orf~nt~oned Stlte n~ Ho. 712 ~Lng 81s~ re~e~ to is "~1b Roid"~i~ ON/dray ~ad"." this ~esczl~ion. 1~,~ lee aLtached Exhibit ~Ae Pa&~,l et 2 pa&e8 0 C~ 0 0 0 W W IO?e O0 # JoAnne Holman, Clerk of the Circuit Cour~ ~ St. Lucie County File Number: 1322730 OR BOOK ~)898 PAGE 2135 Recorded: 05-05-94. 08:47 AiM. ,~-.. r~~~=~d~;=d~'~'' * Do~Assump: $ o.oo F~ak H. 1~ ~ ~ (Co~ lk~ ~25) * DOC]~ Tax : $ 665.00 F~, Brl~ & ~ p~. * Int~]Tax : $ 0.00 1994. ~ SP~W~ D~, ~ ~ 4th ~ of May , 7~ B~ A~ ~ ~G~ NO~ P~O~ L~. ~r, ~ ~t ~ ~d ~, ~g ~d ~hg ~ ~e ~ of Sc 5d~ State of ~o~ .~ :~ ~e'~u~ l~.~ ~t 8 of MOD~L ~ ~~S S~DI~SION of or m~ ~ ~o ~ ~' ~t~f~a~m SL ~c ~, ~r ~d u~n I NG, INC. Consulting Engineers · Land Surveyors 805 Virginia Avenue, Suite 15 · P.O. Box 1449 Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 ° (407) 464-3537 ° Fax (407) 464-9497 January 06, 1994 Job No. 93-02.2026 HAND DELIVERTO.. St. Lucie County Planner of the Day 2300 'Virginia Avenue Fort l?ierce, FL 34982 Re: Magnum Tank Services Proposed Lot Split Ladies and Gentlemen: EnclOsed please find an appliCation for Lot Split for a parcel located on Favorite Road on behalf of Magnum Tank ~ervices. Accompanying this application we have enclosed a Boundary Survey showing the proposed Lot Split and legal descriptions of the Parent Tract. The divided Southerly parcel is to be conveyed to Magnum Tank Services, with the Northerly parcel being retained by Northern Trust Bank of Florida. We have also enclosed herein an application for Concurrency Test along with the required fees for both applications each in the amount of $25.00 for a total of $50.00 (check enclosed). Magnum Tank Services wishes to construct a Tank Facility, as shown on the attached site plan. This proposed facility is classified as Heavy Industrial, with the current zoning of IH/Industrial-Heavy permitting such a use. Northern Trust also owns Lots 1-7 located to the east of the subject property which provides for a unified parcel with access to a dedicated road fight-of-way, Favorite Road. If you have any questions concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC. Richard C. Laventure, P.L.S. RCL/djw cc: Mr. Osiris Ramos, w/encl. encl' aL/S ,' : · R~.,L WORK :tl~fR.[,h BN PN!IFC~.R.HR:~ IN RCCONf)ANC}: WITH TNN ~),~q STRN'OAND SPECIFIC:Vi;iONS FON ¢{:>RD ;hN~'; 8[{IDGE CONST.NUCTZON AND !N RCCORDANCF; Wiq"N T~E N[:OUIN}:MKNTS OV ST. L, UCIE COUNTY. '\ \, C (95/ ....................................... i /i ~ ......... 8' (HA~N Li~'iiz ~ / -, . . , CiD . .. } ]P'x ........ " ~:- ~ ..... ~ .................. ' .... - : (:;0 ...... A K o "- , .... . ,,~i::. ,.:.t.,k-.{h i_ i U~..,~,, , id i N L i:.,. P"'.(' z' 2, ,,' ~} (}(}""- (~ :-, 2 ¢}.{:,Fi8 ] ';",] :{ _ . . ..... ? . . ~-.. :7: 8.'.CHAIN LiNK FENCE.' HAGNUH TANK SERV.fCE:-:, ].280 N.E. 0-STI1 S:?NENq' POHPANO B::AC~f, BEEPER ( 607 ) 856 {607 } 785 -- 2320 ?:',wr,'~:..p ,-- r,-j-p ~ e 't.,k~!~ .¢. P~L~ :. ~ %},_i} .... ,-...I SURVEYOR' <_.C)~%:,UL :_I_ ~: E; .,J,.. I N ~500 BI!;LVE[)F;RE ROR[) SUITE A NEST PAhM BEACN, {607) 689 -- 5655 C'.ONTRCT: STURRT APPROVED VN!TS CURP. ENT ZC)N I NG {...-AND USE BUILDING 8U!LDING ARER IHPERVtOUS SUNFACE PHASE i FUTURE ,.i.../ .& ¢ t ! ND 36 F::ET HA:X!HUM 5995 S.F. OPEN SPRCE :6- 9% PROVIDED PHASE 6.1113' ,. 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