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BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION(ERS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT February26,2002 Renar Development Company Cheryl Rose Wilson 3350 NW Royal Oak Dr Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Re: Property Tax ID# 3402-603-0186-000/1 Dear Mr. Wilson: Your application to split the property described by the reference ID number is tentatively approved as submitted. Upon receipt of recorded Warranty Deeds reflecting final division of the property you will receive a final Letter of Approval. If you have any questions with regard to the above, please feel free to contact Linda Pendarvis at 561-462-1553. Sincerely, ~~ks ~.~mc~o r~ RW: lap JOHN D. BRUHN. District No. 1 · DOUG COWARD. Distrfct No. 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 · FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. District Na. 4 · CLIFF BARNES. District Na County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561) 462-1485 · FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362 · Division of Road & Bridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 Division of Building & Inspections: (561) 462-1553 Fax 462-1735 * TDD (561) 462-1428 ~ * D~C ~su~; $ 0.00 ,Doc T,x : ~ 115.50 · ~: =~,.~,,~,,u,,~ *Int Tax 0.00 ,,~ , ~,~, Grame~s) SS#: WARRANTY DEED 0NDIVIDUAL) 610S PgqLdI'P. EE DRIVF., FI'. I'IERC~, FL hereafter caikd ~hc (~A~IOR, m CHAitI.KS J. JOHNSON reel ROSEMARY ~OHNSON, HIS WIFE S412 HICKORY DRD,~, FI'. FIERCE, FL 34982 (Wherever used herein fll~ te~ns ~ and "Grantee' include ali paflies to fl~s instrument and thc heirs, legal ~cntafives and ~ssisns ofindivJdmh, md th~ successou and reigns of coq~mlons.) ~ That the ~,ANTOI% fe~ and Jn coMMerat~on of the sum of SI0.00 and oflie~ val~tble considerations, receipt ~ l? ~ad lq. 3-ql~ of Lot 18, Block 11, INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT TWO, accordin~ to the plat thereof, recorded FJa~ Boo~ 10, Pa~e 4~ of the Public Reeords of St. Lude County, Florida. Gran~l' hereby warranb ~hat ~he property deseribed hi this instrument il not their cons~tut~omd homestead as provided by SUBJF. C~ TO covenal~ c(mdltion~ restr~ons, rese~at~ons, Jbnltatlons, cascmcms a~d agreements of rcc~d, ff any; fixes and auessm~s for ~he yem' 2901 and sul~que~ yea~; and ~o aU applicable zonins md~nances and/or restrictions ~nd imposed by $ovemmental authorities, if ~ny. · TOGEI/I~ w~th all t~e ~eneme~, he~ and a~pufleflances flm~o beloflsms or in anyvase appemb~g. TO tL~VE AND TO HOLD, the s~c iff fee s~ple fc~v. ef. AND ~ ~ hc~by covenams viii) *',~d ~ flint e~cept as above nerved, file GRAI~FOR ~s lawfully sc~d of said ~ bl fee sJn~J~; tha~ the GRANTOr. ~m good EJgh~ and lawful authofiiy to scl] and convey said land; that fllc GRANIDR hereby fully w~ranf~ ~le tJgg ~o said ]a~ dnd wUl defcnd ~he same a~a~nst ~he ]~wfid ~ of ~ ~m ~ven IN WFFN~S WHEIU~OF, GRABrrOR has silted and ~a]cd thee j~sc~ ~e date set froth above. SIGNED IN THE PREI~IqCE OF TI~ FOLLOWING WITNESSES: ~teof Florida County eg St. Lucie I am a nof~ry jmb~c of thc ~tate of FlerJdo and my ceennissh~ expires: THEFOIU~OINGIN~wa3pr. h0bwled~dbcforemeon 10/02/[2001 by: W~LI&M R. SMITH aud AN1TA ]glLRICO*SMIT~, HIS WIFE. who is pet~lly known to m'c or who bas produced drive~' lleeuse as iden6fica6on and who dia not lake en '' - Nomy S~l Sipature; ~ , . ~r~. L,. ~._~ ~ Name: Pamela L. Atwcod Nota~ Pl~Uc -*_ ~ti.~ To: 399 ~Sou~h Fed~a DEFINITI .H ~ o 0 o © e® ossIc~. USE ON~.~ /~/. DATE- RECEIVED: LIST OF ~DITIO~ ,7 DATE ADDITIONAL IN~ORMATION RECEIVED: ********************** PROPm~' IN~O ****************************** ZONING: _ ~ ~ LAND USE: /~ TAZ' ~ ' ssc~zo~: ******************************************************************* W~T~ DEEDS FROM AU~ST ~, 1990. cssc~ so~ sx~s~s s~uc~s. ~o ~ ~ s~s~c~ ~u~~s~ ~s ~/~ ~o / IF PRIVATE ~ILITY, ~ LETTERS OF C~ACITY BEEN ~CEI~D? WATER- ~S . DER- ~S NO ~ NO SE~R- ~S DER- ~S NO NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, DOES E~LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 SQU~ FEET (1/2 AC~) 2 YES 'NO CERTIFICATE************************OF C~ACITY ~QUI~DCONC~NcY ****************************** YES _ NO /WHY NOT DEFER~ ~FIDAVIT ~~D YES NO ********************* · *-*************************************** ATE G~TE .... ST. LUC I E COUNTy 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PAYMENT RECEIPT ==================================~==~=================~ TRANSACTION NUMBER: 01146890 ===================== ================= TRANSACTION DATE: 08 FEB 200 ============================================================ REFERENCE NUMBER: LOT SPLIT FEE CODE LOTSPLIT FEES COLLECTED DESCRIPTION LOT SPLIT AMOUNT 100.00 CHECK NBR: PAID BY: MEMO: 1031 CHERYL WILSON DH AMOUNT PAID FEE WAIVED $100.00 DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 2002 TO: FROM: RE: ZONING/USE: LINDA PENDARVIS PAULA LOT SPLIT 3402-603-0186-000/1 IND/AN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 2 BLOCK 12 LOT 17 & N 35' LOT 18 RS -3/RU SUBJECT LOT: 06-12-81 03-31-93 02-25-94 3402-603-0186-000/1 INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 2 BLK 12 LOTS 17 & 18 N $~b~ SHIRLEY K. BEMENDERFER & LILLIAN WINDSOR JOHN E. & MARY E. DURWIN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF ESTATE OF MARY E. DURWIN CAROL COOK PERSONAL REP OF ESTATE OF MARY E. DURWIN FRANCES MESLER, AARON DURWIN, LOREN FISHWICK AND CAROL COOK CAROL COOK, FRANCES MESLER, AARON DURWIN & LOREN FISHWICK WILLIAM E & ANITA SMITH TO: TO: TO: EAST OF LOT: 12-19-83 3402-607-0063-000/5 INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 2 BLK 12 LOTS 38 & 39 EARL C. & FRANCES O. SCHILBE DAVID M & MARIA J. FERNANDES TO: NORTH OF LOT: 03-03-88 SOUTH OF LOT: 06-15-81 03-31-93 02-25-94 3402-603-0184-000/7 IND/AN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 2 BLK 12 LOTS 15 & 16 LINWOOD E & WILLIAM TURNER AS CO-GUARDIANS FOR VIRGINIA H TURNER, INCOMPETENT AND UNREMARRIED SPOUSE OF EVERTT E. TURNER CHARISSA B. LOUNIBOS 3402-603-0188-000/5 INDIAN RIVER ESTATE UNIT 2 BLK 12 S 31 FT OF LOT 18 AND ALL OF 19 AND N 35' OF LOT 20 L.G CLERMONT JOHN E. & MARY E. DURWIN CAROL COOK PERSONAL REPRESENTAT/VE OF ESTATE OF MARY E. DURWIN CAROL COOK AND FRANCES MESLER, AARON DURWIN & LOREN FISHWICK CAROL COOK, FRANCES MESLER, AARON DURWIN & LOREN FISHWICK WILLIAM R. & ANITA SMITH TO: TO: TO: TO THERE WERE NO PREVIOUS LOT SPLITS. THE SUBJECT LOT HAS ALREADY BEEN SPLIT 'St. Lucie County Property Record Card ~~~~_~~-- of 2 St. Lucie County property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 340260301860001 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: TBD CTY ### Section: 11 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: SMITH, WILLIAM R Name: RRICO-SMYI H, ANITA Address: 61.05 Pinetree Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34982-3267 Book: 0889 I[Page: 1112 lnqp. Date: _][By: Land: 1.1.300 ___~mprove.: 0 Legal: INDIAN RIVER ESTATES-UNIT 02- BL K 12 LOT 17 AND N 35 FT OF LOT 1 s (V AP 34/11S) I~aie Date: 1994-02-25 00:00:00 [kale Ami: 39~'~'~ I~~ ~[Date Valued: I]Per~ts: ~xempt.: 0 ~ 0 ]lTD'= 11300 3[Taxable: 1.1300 Neighborhood & Use [~e: ]lNeighborho~..-------~ 2[Map.iD: General Building Data [iImp'Type: I~lsN?o'ries:[iEft:l~t: Baths: lIBedrms: t~iving Area: SqFt. JiWali: J Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements ~ode/Ca~ __~ize Improvements / Extra Features Land Valuation ~ 0~00-Vac Res-FRFT ~[__Front or Uni_ ____t THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJEC~'"~-~'~'~= AND IS NOT WARRANTED http://www, p as! c. org/webmap/scripts/prc, pl ? 10394551,340260301860001 2/8/2002 FA-1449 ............ 532.963 This ~arrantg ~ttd .'/,,d,, tt,. /~ day ,d 0uae A SHIRLEY K. BEMENDERFER and LILLIAN NINDSOR JOHN E. D~WIN and ~Y E. DURWIN. ht~ ~ife ,./, t , ~ ./~- ,. ,,. ?~,,} .. ;o, ~, ....... 'a,,.,.,.~ ...... f / ........ f S 10.00 ?ou.ty. Florida. ,,~: Lots 17 and 18, Block 12, INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT TWO, according to the Plat the~of, recorded in Plat Book 10, page 46, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 'T00£{fi£r' ~at, ,Il tri, t~,em~,u, rie~aam,,l, ,,,d appnrtenaac~$ lriereta 6olorlg,ng .r in a,y. ran/or here~y frilly warrants trie Ui[e lo said lund and mill de[end t~e same against Irie lawful claims of I1 pe~on~ wl~om~oeper~ and trial said land is [rev of all ~ncumrirances. except taxes occrulng subsequent · Decemrier $1, loB{). SUBJECT ¥0: Conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitations, and Easements of Record, Applicable Zoning Ordinances, and taxes for the year I981 and subsequent years. *TAl'~ OF FLORIDA ~ :ou~ OF ST. L~IE ( SHIRLEY K. BEMENDERFER and LILLIAN WINDSOR INI JU~.iI8 ~11:58 / FA 1422 T~ ~arrant~j ]~ted l~1ad,. WALTER F. LANGLEY and ROBERTA M. LANGLE riereina[tor caned lite g~tlor, THEODORE T. Imoreina[ler called o~luubl~ considerations. r~oipl wltor(,o[ is ~e~gy ae}nou,led, Lot 44, Block I670, PORT ST. LUCIE, according to the Plat thereof recur and 2ZA throuph 22G, of the Public County, Florida. ~ tile g~or ~by ~venanls mt/fi s~ g~lee I~a in [~ ~mp[e; t~al Ihe gr~ior ~ g~ r~t ~d ~w]ul auld, grant~ fiere~y fully wa~ts lhe IJt~ to said land and ~ill d~ MI pecans m~o~oever; ~ t~I said [~d ~ /re~ of all e~u ~o De~m~er 51, 19 79. cou~ or ST. LUCIE ~ Walter F. Langley and Roberta M. Langley his wife they ~kn~m~ged ~Eo~ me that they ~s81. ; my co~ission expires: ~ Doc ASiulap: $ 0.00 ~ Doc Tax : $ 0.70 * Iht Tax :$ 0.00 PBR~ONALHEPHESEN~A~/VE,H CER~ZPZC. A~E OF ~Z~Z~Z~ T~a inst~entpre~red~: ~turn to: · ~es~er ~ ~r~f~ln, Em~. Chester B. Griffin NeilX ~rAffAn JeffrAe~ & Lloyd~ CourthOuse Box ~50 Cha~ered south Second Street F~t Pierce, FL 34950 THIS INSTRUMENT is made on the 31st day of Narch , 1993, by and between CAROL COOK, whose posse addresS9 Hamilton-Middleton Road, Hamilton, OH 45011, the duly qualified and acting ancillary personal representative of the estate of Mary E. DurWln, deceased (the -Personal RepresentatiVe-), and FRANCES M~SLER, 109 South Beech, Oxford, ON 45056~ whose sOCia1 security number is: ~; AARON DURWIN, 938 Miller Avenue, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025, whose social Security number is: _ _ LOREN FISHWICK, 28 South Pair Avenue, Hamilton, OH 4501! ~, whose social security number is: ~; and CAROL COOK, 4399 Ha~/lton-M~ddleton ROad, Hamilton, OB 45011, whose social security nun~er is: (the "Heirs'), whose post office address is tlc CAROL COOK, 4399 Hamilton-Middleton Road, Hamilton, OH 45011, WlTNESSETN= That WHEREAS, ~y ~. DURWIN (the #Decedent.) died intestate a resident of Fairfield, BUtlerCOunty' Ohio, on February 7, 1992, Seized and possessed of the real property hereinafter descrlbedi and WHEREAS, title to the property passed to the Heirs by operation of laW as of the date of the De~edent,s death pursuant to theFlorida laW of descent and distribution as will more fully appear from those certain proceedings in the Circuit Court for St. Lucie County, Florida, Probate Division, in File subject only to the ri~h~ ~ *=- D~- . _ No. 92-722 encumber the property for the Purpose of defraying claims, costs and eXpenseS of administration of the Decedent'e estate; and WHEREAS, the Personal Representative wishes to acknowledge theipaesage of title to the Heirs and to release the property fr°mSaidri~ht to sell or encumber; NOW, THEREFORE, the Personal Representative certifies that the Personal RePresentatiVe has released to the Beirs all ~tghts to sell or encumber the p&c~srty and acknowledges that there Is vested in the Heirs all ofthe ~nterest of the Decedent in and to the real property situated in St. Lucie County, Florida, described as follows: Lots 17, 18, 19 and North 35 feet of Lot 20, Block 12, INDIAN RIVER ESTATES, UNIT TWO, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 46, of the public records of St. Lucle County, Florida. PROPERTY A~PRAISER,S PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NO: 3402-603-0186-000~1 and 3402-603-0188-000/5~ Because this certificate is given without consideration and involvss the assumption of no mortgage, minimumstate documen- tary stamps are affixed. PERSONAL R~PR~,.qj ] ment STATE OF this PERSONAL R~PRESENTATIV~'S CERTIFICATE OF DISTRIBUTION - Page TWO IN WITNESS WH~EOF, the undersigned, as Personal Repre- sentative of the estate of the Decedent, has executed this instru- ment on the date aforesaid. Bxe-.uted in the presence Robert F. Wessel STATE OF OHIO ) ~ COUNTY } Carol COOk, as Ancillary Personal Representative of the Berate of Har~B. Durwln deceased 4399 Hamilton-Middletwon Road Hamilton, OS 4501! The foregoing instrument wes acknowledged before me on this 31st day of March , 1993, by C~ROL COOK, as Ancil- lary Personal Representative of the estate of Mary R. Durwin, .. d~ased, who is personall~ known to me. ~w State of Ohio Notary's printed n-me: Robert F. Wessel My~ommiseion expires~ JoAnne Holman, File NumDer: Recorded: This instrument Chester B. Grif~ Neill Griffin je 311 South Second Fort Pierce, FL Lots 17, 18, 19 ESTATES, UNIT TW 10. page 46, of PARCEL ID NOS: FILe lie.: P~L ID f 3402-603-0186-000/1 & 3402.603_0188.000/5 Ore. Cs) SS ~ 265--02--7684; ~80--54--9880 Th~s W~y DEED, ~t~~ ~/O 4399 ~XLTOH-~DLB~M ~., ~=L~N, OH 4501~ ~I~ a. 8~u end raTA 6~05 P~ ~R~ FORT PlaCE, FL 34982 re iff H~. L~Oie ~, FI~i~, viz: ~tm 17, 18~ lo and the North 35 feet of Lot 20, Block 12, Z~Z~ RZT~ EH~TEB ~T ~O~ a~cord~ng ~ago 46 of the ~ic Record. of "~8 ZB ~ ~B H~T~ PROP~TY OF ~ G~, NOR ZB ZT CO~ZGUOU8 Fileg°AnneNumber:H°]man' 131Clerko°f78~;the CircUitoR BoC°Urt - St. Lucie County Recorded: 03-11-94 01:59 p M OK 0889 PAGE TO }{A'VE AND TO HOLD, tl~ ~a~ in fa simp(e forever. [AN~D n fT~ ,fGAe~N.. TOE her~ ...... ith ,id--EE th., ..cepc . ~. m,~. ,~ G~,. is [~uHy ~iz~ ~ slid State of ~ County of ~ ~A~OL COOK ~ -' · St. Lucie County Property Record Card St. Lueie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information ~r[rvices Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 340260700630005 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: TBD CTY ggg Section: 11 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: FERNANDES, DAVID M Name: FERNANDES, MARIA J Address: 2167 Poe Ave East Meadow, NY 11554-5165 Legal: INDIAN' RIVER ESTATES-UNIT-06- BL K 12 O rs 38 AND 39 (MAP 34/1IS) L ~ (OR 420-2755) Book: 0420 HPage: 2755 Sale Date: 1983-12-01 00:00:00 [ISale Amt: 15000 [ISale/FT: 0.00/SqFt. Insp. Date: I[By: IlOate Valued: HPermits: {[Exempt.: 0 Land: 14800 I[Improve.: 0 [IClas~: 0 [[Total: 14800 i/Taxable: laS00 I Neighborhood & Use [ISubdiv Name: [INeighbOrhood: [IMap-ID: [IDOR Use: 0 11 General Building Data Imp. Type: IIClass: I[~qt°o'ries: [IYear Built: [[Baths IIBedrms: IIl'°°l: IIl~plc: I[ II ILiving Area: SqFt. Il'Wall: I Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements Improvements / Extra Fea_n~res Land Valuation IN° I[T2~I/ [[Front or Unit ILDepth ][MktVal I[a~rVal THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED http://www .paslc. org/webmap/script s/prc .pl? 10398081,340260700630005 2/11/2002 P~L 2575 w~e pos~[fice aRdr~ss is 139 ~ff Argue, ~neola, New York 11501 ~ A~naf~er ~al~ ~Ae ~ran~ee: o~1~)~ ~i~e~tians. r~eip~ m~eroof is ~ere~y ac~nou,l(,~le~, here~y gmnls, ~a~ai~, se[~, aliens, re. Lots 38 tad 39, Block ~2, I~IDIANRIVER ESTATEs UNIT SIX, accordin~ to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 10, page 57, of the Publiu Records of SC. Lucie Councys ~orida. SUBJrECT TO= ResCrictions~ reservations, li~:L~aCionss conditions, and easements of record. and ~ ~ld, w~om~uer: ~d ~at sa~ ~nd ~ ~ree o[ a~ enc~ran~, ex~pt 1~ acc~ su~sequ~l ~T~ O~ ~A ~...,. ~ <% WIT. S my hand and official ~g in the Coun~ and wi fe its I COUNTY OF ~r. LUCIE I L dohnn ie ~/. · o~ James A, Tom1 Vice Preside St. Lucie County Property Record Card ~~G~age 1 Of 3 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 340260301840007 Record Number: I of 2 Location: 6016 PINETREE DR CTY ### Section: 11 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: LOUNIBOS, CHARISSA B Address: 159 John St New York, NY 10038-3511 Book: 0577 IlPage: 2823 [nsp. Date: IlBy: Legal: INDIAN RIVER ESTATES-UNIT 02- BL K 12 LOTS 15 AND 16 ~AP 34/11S) 'OR 577-2823) Sale Date: 1988-03-01 [Isale Amt: I}0:00:00 l[69000 Sale/FT: 144.57/SqFt. Date Valued: IIPermits: IIExempt.: 0 Land: 18500 [lImprove.: 53000 Class: 0 [ITotal: 71500 IIT~xable: 71500 Neighborhood & Use IlSubdiv Name: IINeighborhood: IlMap.m: [IDog Use: 100 General Building Data Imp. Class: No. Year Built: Type:HD D+ Stories: 1976 Eft: Baths: 2: Bedrms: 2 Pool: Fl}lc: N Air: Y I 1977 SqFt.Living Area: 1548 ]IWalI: CB Stucc° [ Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements ~lCode/Cat ~IBAS-BASE AREA ~IPA1-PATIO 10 · '---31PA'-PATIO 10 ~ lisP5 -SCR PRCtVS0 16 [[UT6 -UTILITY/60 IISize I Il1548 I II14° I 1184 I 11316 I II17° I II32 I Improvements / Extra Features IN°' IIC°de/Cat IISize IIYR I 11 Il3CNT- II1 Il1977 I http://www.paslc.org/webmap/scripts/prc.pl ? 10394544,340260301840007 2/8/2002 878071 This WarranW Deed Made and execated the ~ day of ~-~ A.D. l0 o~' by ~INIA H. ~, ~, ~ heremaRer c~l~ the Wi~es~: ~at the ~% for and in ~id~tion of the sum of $ i0.00 ~d ~her Count% Fleri~. v~ ~ 15 ~ 16, B~ 1~, ~ R~ ~A~ ~T ~, ~I~ ~ ~ ~T ~F, ~ ~ P~T ~K 10, P~ 46. O~ ~ ~LIC ~ OF ST. LUCIE ~, ~RIDA. T~ ~: Togethex with all the tenements, hereditamen~s and appurtenar~ces the~o belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have and to Held. the same in fee simple forever. And the gran'~or hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple: that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fuP. y warrants the ~itle to said lm~d and will defend the same against the lewful claims of all persom whomsoever; and that said land is free from all e~acumbranees, exe~pg taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 1987, easements, restrict:ions and reserva~:£or~ of records, if any. In Witness Whereof, the said grantor(s) has (have) signed/s~d sealed these presents the day and year [ ... ...... ............. I COUNTY OF A~/f, e~ This I .~.~ont prepared by and re~urn to: '~L~01~KA · ~-- FIRST A~RICAN TIT~E ~02 SO~fH SECOND STREET 1~. pIERCE FL 33450 OP STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY to take acknowled. to me known to be the foregoing ins he executed th Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 340260301880005 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: TBD CTY ### Section: 11 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: SMITH, WILLIAM R Name: ERRICO-SMITH, ANITA Address: 6105 Pinetree Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34982-3267 Book: 0889 IIPage: 1112 Insp. Date: I IBy: Land: 14800 ]]Improve.: 0 IlLegal: INDIAN RIVER ESTATES-UNIT 02- BL IK 12 S 31 FT OF LOT 17 A? ALL L lOT 19 AND N 35 FT O1~ LO F 20 (MA~P _ ]34/11S) (OR 889-1112) IISale Date: 1994-02-25 00:00:00 ]lSale Amt: 39000 ]lSalea~T: 0.00/SqFt. ]lDate Valued: ]lPermits: IIExempt.: 0 I[Class: 0 I]Total: 14800 ]lTa,~hle: 14800 Neighborhood & Use []Subdiv Name: I INeighborhood: []Map.ID: ]IDOR Use: General Building Data ~/~ ~////7~ ~ ~ml,.'~yl, e:Area: ~,,~t.ll~l~: II~:'"e~:,w~,,: '~:~''~:11~''~ II~e~: II~oo' - ~':11 II ~ ~:11~ Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements Improvements / Extra Features Size No. JlCode/Cat: ~ ~No.~_~ [_Code/Cat J[Size JY~R ~ Land Valuation INo_ ]]x~ []Front or Unit ]]Depth ][MktVal I]AgrVal I l[~_~[0000-Vac Res-FRFT 11132.0 I1~00-0 1[14780.0 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED http://www.paslc.org/webmap/scripts/prc.pl? 10394569,340260301880005 2/11/2002 ~OHN E. qUR~ff~ & ~Y E. DURWIN. h~s wife . L,... .,,.~.,,,. .rid. ..... 624 Wyomi~ Avenue. Fairfield, Ohio 45014 ~itnessflh: :-~,,,,, ............... ~ ........ ~ ........... i,..,, ....... ~, ........... ~o.oo .-.d..Lh. c~...d.~.h,,n~ r,.~,'u. ,, t,,.,,.o~ ,. h,..,I,v .~l,.,..l.d, ,.d I,...L. .,.,,~, Lets 19 i ~1orlh 35 Fee~ of Lot ~0. Block I2. INOIAN RI~ER ESTATES, U~tlT ~0 according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Bo~k 10. Page 46 of the Public Records of St. Lacie County. Florida SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations, limitations and restrictions shall no~ operate to rei~pose the sa~e. Zoning ordinances affecting said property. 5339S? ~fiEl~ #CH-3377 -- TITLE & GUARANTY COMPANY The above-described property is vacant and unimproved and is not homestead. L. G. Clermont ~a.~ ~ A D 19~' ' ':OTARY P~BL ~. ' . ~" ~ . L. ~." CLEPI~ONT ~1 5339S'~ 1~81 Jtq 28 A, O: 5G lrhis lOarrant§ t)eed ,,l.,,,. d., ~-~J. JULIA M. CATAPANO F/K/A JULIA ~, MCI.TY~ /~ere,n~h,r , ~s~[,.d I[u. ura~ih)r, hs ~RGARET CULVER & PAMELA A. CULVER .,,!,o,,, t.o,lo~ltt.. ,.ddt,.,, , ~806 N. 35th Street, vah.d.l~ cm,.,d,.,.l,.,,~..., ,',m .4..rv,,~ ,. ho,,.M, West ~ of Lot 8, and Lot 9, Block t2, to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Public Records of St. Lbcie County. Flor SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations. 1 of record, if any; this reference Lo sa not operate to retmpose the same. Zonin said property. The above-described property is vacant a not homestead. Haut and to Nold. a ........... f ...... p~rsons whomsoever, and l~al sai~ ~nd ts [rve of ul) DOC ASSump: $ Doc Tax : $ Iht Tax : O. O0 0.70 0.00 P~ONAL REPRF,~L'N~ATIVK'S CERTIFICATE OF DISTRIBUTXON This instrument prepared by: Chester N. 6tiffin, Esq. Melll ~=iffin Jeffriee & Lloxd, Chartered 311 South Second Street Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Return Chester D. Griffin Courthouse Box iS0 THIS INSTRUMBNT is made on the 31sc day of March , 1993, by end between CAROL COOK, whose post office address is 4399 Hamilton-Middleton Road, Han~lton, OH 45011, tho duly qualified and acting &ncillaz-f personal representative of the estate of Mary E. Durwin, deceased [the 'Personal Representat~4~e') , and FRANCES MBSLER, 109 South Beech, Oxford, OS 45056, whose social security number iss --:- - . '- AARON DURWIN, 938 Miller Avenue, Lawrencehurg, IN 47025, whose social security number ' : xs ......... ; LORBN FISHWICK, 29 South Fair Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45011 social security number is: ~'- - TM ; and CAROL COOK, 4399 Ramilton-Middleton Road, Hamilton, OH 45011, whose social security number is: : .... '' ; (the "Heirs"), whose post office address is c/o CAROL COOK, 4399 Hamilton-Middleton Road, Hamilton, OH 45011, WITNESSETH: That WHEREAS, MARY 'Decedent#) died intestate a resident of Fairfield, Butler Count],, Ohio, on February 7, 1992, seized and possessed of the real property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, title to the property passed to the Heirs by operation of law as of the date of the Decedent's death pureuan~ to the Florida law of descent and distribution es will more fully appear from those certain proceedings in the Circuit Court for St. Lucia County, Florida, Probate Division, in File No. 92-722 CP, subject only to the right of the Personal Representative to sell or encumber the proper~y for the purpose of defraying claims, costs and expenses of administration of the Decedent's estate~ and WHEREAS, the Personal Representative wishes to acknowledge the passage of title to the Heirs and to release the property from said right to sell or encumbez; NOW, THEREFORE, the Personal Representative certifies th'at the Personal RepresentAtive has released to the Heirs all rights to sell or encumber the pzoperty and acknowledges that there is vested in the Heirs all of the ln~erest of the Decedent in and to the real property situated in St. Lucia County, Florida, described as follows~ Lots 17, 18, 19 and North 35 feet of Lot 20, Block 12, INDIAN RIVER ESTATES~ UNIT TWO, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 10, page 46, of the public records of St. Lucia County, Florida. PROPERTY APPRAISER'S PA'aCEL IDENTIFICATION NO: 3402-603-0186-000/1 and 3402-603-0188-000/5 = Because this cer:iiicate is given without consideration and involves the assumption of no mortgage, minimum state documen- tary stamps are affixed. sentatlva of t nest on the ~ Executed in ti Rmme~ Teres~ Name: Robert STATE OF OHIO ~ COUNTY The this 31sc c ~ Persona! de,eased, who ./:..=...':.."..'... ~.~ ~. - %..'..L -, -. ~ . .-...' .-..% ':;~. -"'~,' PERSONAL R~PP~SENTATIVE'S C~RTIFICATE OF DISTRIBaTIOH - Page Two IH W~THBSS WHEREOF, the undersigned, es Personal Repre- een~ative of the estate of the Decedent, has executed this instru- mont on the date aforesaid. Executed in the presence I~ame~ Robert F. Wessel STATE OF OHIO ) ~ COUNTY ) Carol ¢o~k, as Ancillary Personal Representative of the Estate of Mary R. Du~win deceased 4399 Hamilton-Middletwon Road Hamilton, OH 45011 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this 31st . day of March, 1993, by CAROL COOK, as/mcil- lary Personal Representative of the estate of Mary E. Durwin, deceased, who is pereonall~ known tome. Notary Publl=, State of Ohio Notary'e printed names Robert F. Wessel My eommieeion expiree~ File Number: Recorded: O&- This instrument Chester B. Grif Neill Griffin J 311 South Secon FOrt Pierce, FL Lots 17, 18. 19 ESTATES, UNIT T 10, page 46, of PARCEL ID NOS: L. IuflELL fire ~.: 206~.94-42 ~ Prat m ~ 340~-603-O~86-000/~ i 340~-~0300~88-000/~ ~ ~tNcs) ss; 265-0207684~ ~80 54 9880 ~ This W~ DE~, ~F~ ~ ~ 1~94 ~ ~ ~Ob ~l ~ ~C~ ~ nd ~OM D~WXM and ~i~ FXS~XCK C/O 4399 ~LT~oMXD~OM ~., ~XL~M, ~ 450XX WX~Z~ R. ~XTK and ~TA mx~-~x~, h~s v~Eo · 6~05 ~Z~BB DRZ~ FORT ~X~CE, FL 34982 LO~I 17; 18; 19 ~ ~hm MOE~h 35 tee~ ot ~ 20s BXOC~ 12, X~ R~ BS~ ~T ~O, according to t~o pll~ the~ao~, Eeoorded ~n ~lah Book ~ago 4S Or ~he ~O ieoo~df O~ St. LUG~e CO~, F~OE~dA. ~O." A~VE DESCRZ~ED P~PE~ IS VAC~T U~ZHP~VED ~. 3oAnne Holman, Clerk of the Circuit Court - St. Lucie County File Number: I 31 0765 OR BOOK 088~;) PAGE I I I 2 Recorded: 03-11-94 01:59 P.M. W1TNE.~ THIS H day o~ be dee WARRA~ dated who t ts~az STATJ and t (SEAL, -.~'.. '.i.'.,.".: 3~ ~ . od /0/.o0 ~$.oo /o/. oo' I