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Building Permit Application
To: Pagel of 10 2019-05-21 01:01:26(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford ALL APPLICABLE iiiiF6?Ihiit3ST i31E COM ED.FOR.APPLtCA1`10N TO 86 ACCEP'1'ibl3. 1�a s-o Bate: s 'd�••�• Permit Number: ' 1AC\ v 4 RECEIVED Building Permit picati1 Planningi7nd Development Services MAY 2 12019 O 6uiing;and Cade Regulat.on Division 2300 Virginia.Avenue,Fort Pierce.FL.349$2 �T: i Nf In cP4r1tYF r'ernlitxln Phgne:.�7?2)462-1553 €ax (72)462-15'78 Commercial X Resent al PERMIT APPLICATION FOR.;. Electripal Address: 3183.)et Center Ter#CATV Fort.Pierce 34946 Legal Description: -- -- PropertyTax lQ#: 1429°111-0001-000-$ Lot No. SitQ Plan Dame: SP-Diode 5 -3133 Jet Center e`er:#CA'T'V new location Slosk No. Prgjectdame: Comcast Power Supply Setbacks Frbnt Back: Right Side:- Left Side;_ Service chan_pe to relocate Comcast-power supply cabinet and feeder:to.opposite side of fence in area,.approx..30 ft from EPUA pole 3110.3.-south.side of Jet Cenfier Ter, west-of industrial 33rd st. Additional war t© e vane n Qr.Y as perm%t c ec a app y. 0.HVAC Gas Tank Gas Piping Shutters Windows/boors .Electric P,Um i.rg Speinklers. Generator Roof hoof pitch Total$q. Ft of Construction: 5 . Ft.of First Floor; OS .Gost of Construction;.$ 609 utiiitles; ew.. eptic 8uilding.Fie ght:. _-- - �4�1 �i�f Name comrast _ � Nan1e; Gary J Gifford I ' Address: 3960 RCA Sivd,,Ste 6002 C6njpany:�G-RN J.'Gifford,Inc. i Palm Beach Gardens FL 35.0 SW Linden St City: State: Address:.. IZip Cade: 38410 Fax: City:,Stuart -State:FL Phone No.561 588-6883-Catnd Eddins, Const Stiov Zip Code- 34997 Fax:.772-7219-01'46 E-Mail: 72-219f 1'46 -Mail:david-�eddiris@comcas4.cam Phone r�'o. 77'2-288.0954 david�eddins@comeas4,.com in fee simple Title Holder on next:pa6e Wdifferent E--lvlaii:.giffelec@comoast.net from the Owner listed above) State or County License: MbO01574 If value of construction is$2500 or'mpre,a RECORDED.Witice off Comri gmeMent is r6quired, To: Page 2 of 10 2019-05-21 01:01:26(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford s� Irv ....,, _ .. _ ... .. .. ..... .. ,... 'tel. `tC• _ I DESIGNER/ENGINEER. Not'Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY, x Not A .pliceble Name Name;Gars J G!flord Address: Address.:' 1 City: State: city: Stater Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: .....c Ubt Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable 'Name: blame: l Address:. Address: I City:: City: Zip; Phone: Zip-, Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work.and.installation as indicated. I certify.-that no work or installation has commenced prior tothe.iissuance of a permit. St.Lucie CounIy makes n6 representation that Is granting a.permit will authorize'the permit holder to guild the subject structure: which:ls iri conflict with anyapplicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit-such structure.Please consult.M!h yo'.r Home Owners Association and review your deed:for any restrictions.which.may apply. In consideration of the granting ofthis.nkques ed permit,)do hereby.agree that I will,in all respects;perform the work in.accordance. with the approved plans,.the-Florida Zuilding Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments: The following.building permit ap.plic6tiom are:exempt from undergoing a full-concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures,sdvimzttit?gpoois,fences,walls,signs,sc.reen:rooms:and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING.TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a.Notice elf Commincet lent may result.in your payirig twice for' improvements to your property.A Nbtice of Commencement must:be recorded and posted on the jobsite before'the-first inspection, if yob intend to obtain financing,consult 'with#ende'r'or an ettorriey before cornmencf work or rec6rdin V our-Natice of Commencement X*r. �f I - IattorJLlcense.Hoider Sigrtat of':.. ri /Lessee/Contractor as A.Rent:for-Owner. Si nature'of.do STATE F."F ORIDA I-Se�TATE_OF'FLORIDA C.Q.Ci:i.NTY QE Riar�in. COV*NTY'6F OSS 1j- The fiorgoing.instruimem ivas acknowied8e4-before me The fotg4ing.instrument-was.acknowiedged,before ine this 26.'' -dayof May. .26by � this'2ts ddy Of.46aY 2� •ley Gary J Gifford NBme:r� :pinfson:znak ng s4atelnent 1 Mame of'.person rr#aklrig-statement' Personally Xnown.X :..OR Producedldentification personaliy Known x OR Produced Identification Type-of Identitcation . l Type.of Identification i Produced l.Pro6c ad, ,. f f . (SignatureofNvtarifa i Sigriab e�t # o� i tete fi for }. 7 �inrla W s '7412 y [ u3� of D�d3 # S3{;. uis dFl t�t rd="����°Fir'0 t q us'Srii t i3t{e]af�il+fa ## Commission No. xrf s crr: � r'iWit i:z•rs;a i Comrri�sr!M nTM4i�� ZC2L' : ct�^.V )z"�m�`ai`taiis'"'s«?3rF�� 2 ! REVIEWS FRONT i ZONING SUPERVISOR.: PLAINS VEGETATION i SEA TURTLE MANGROVE E COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE i RECEIVE'/. .. ' t DATE LCOMPLETED Rev.8/213.7 To: Page 3 of 10 2019-05-21 01:01:26(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford .January 2, 2019 3960 RCA Blvd Palm Beach Gardens,FL 33410 To Whom It May Concern, This is to inform you that until Comcast advises otherwise,Gary J Gifford, Inc., Electrical Contractor,has the authority to sign electrical permit applications as owner on behalf of Comcast Cable for cabinet sites and to secure and process these electrical permits from and with your division. Sincerel; M Mc...,roe ei nal Construction Manager WPB Region Comcast Cable Communications 561-881-3255 To: Page 4 of 102019-05-21 01:01:26(GMT). ..17722647780 From: Maya Gifford Gar j Gifford,lbe. EC 1300.1574 EIectric.Contractor -35.0 SW Unden St. Stuart, 34997 Jan>.aary8,2019 This-Contract is entered into by and between Gary 3.Gifford,.lnc,and.i mcast Cable Cgrn.raunications, Z Install neve power supply cabinet - 609 3133 Jet Center'Fer#CATV FortPierce 34946 Gary J.Gifford,Inc. .Uvq [�ate.�Jaxivary 8,-.2019 C nrc�;.r>ru""� ttosr�:i36►riicadons +/��.-m, yK.....Mh-+..•bGt.-+.5.`•!t' .oYlal r�, � .. ", .. aL.0;....P 'yam JT 772-286-0954 office 772=219-0146 fax 772=215-4011 rnobii.e giffelecOcozncast.net To: Page 5 of 10 2019-05-21 01:01:26(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford Gary J.Gifford Inc. EC 13001574 Yry Electrical Contractor 350 SW Linden Street PCN: 1429-111-0001-000-8 f; Stuart,FL 34997 FPL Service Address4'4z. (772)2 -0 54office (772)219-0146 fax 3133 Jet Center Ter#CATV Fort Pierce 34946V. - N';F; Date: May 16,2019 FPUA Pole 31103 zz § x f Project:Comcast Power Supply J obflescriphon r Airmans Field �_;<�•-��>�==: z y Service change lune 2 to.relncate i ComLast power supply catarnetand z k FPUA Sal Scimeca ;fe=demo the east'sEde bf fence VT- 772-466-1600 x6967 --Handbox wrll remain at Peile 1��1 x i '. sscimeca@fpua.com locate apptpx 45 fit SW of fet a ` ; S ` :Center Ter,715 ft,west of� Sn tea; lndustnal:33rif St:. .....-•,, K. .... __. .. ... - _.... -.>..:._ ...... .>.. Nk I NOT TO Jet Center Ter i SCALE - w` +/-45 it r N t `PPLlA +/ 3o.ttpm�aAtfe � l L N � 7 C St Lucie Blvd e 'r p{"R tF. .1` yP '1' .,,53-'•Y f dX 4 A Jl K V? 1 F 1 • SY'r �� -2 CU CU o FPUA Meter 3/4 in non metallic nipple with (2)#6 THHN U- OD Milbank UAP 8435 XL TG HSP r r( 5 3 SQ D QQ 2-4 L 70 RB Disconn '01....'—t:. ! Service Rated y0 wYf�t2T 111 �t f 3p1P i'�''�� i<I r.•���1;D����1�.,`Y,ICff1�Ql$���h .112 in. Schedule 80 PVC ut t F f dt ar .i s 1 #6 solid copper unbroken to ground rods ` u = a t, �F...... tti 1 z , r�J ;,t �,+ 2 in. 5ch 80 PVC to FPUA F' C&tr { is iJra. r! !w t p'Yi''✓ {S x td c fi�w{txt ay 'ary}J� r S. #6 triplex x ?ffhI* `4lt.&a' taxt !'C f #• i' � r�r X�< �-s/x§}� ;.�ltt4} L nfF t i � f� Y 3. ({'{xr1 tf Ffl f�f✓F�jc��r`.if; "�sJ .+xJ i t4rs�.�t .E' -�riUS:n�'�3; . ''r�'ry r �{�+f is�7 s'�� >!.�t''`�yf �'��•:t���SI;rh! Jf�fP� i t '�F F{xa - � g k ALPHA CABINET �{ 01 �*,,ry rte- s�:- �Y.,'x F r^z :f {c�,r �:.. ,�i A ,c ,z2;x;, ;:tyt;,s -i� �r-f y: -a --r✓s.. r. �' ^':,;<_-,i rrv:�r:� .t• Te F.,i'P,a-�,t� ^-4t ..rh t '`! .-e.o..: -:�-.I L" s .:..d, d,-,,, n .+ :3_!3.x.rx5,.1-•C-x.a r,,Y 4'"i- � �i..�-r`_C.� _j... '�• x- . r �+ �`4 x r'. e. ..�� .r'.-x-�:a''k :�i`�l�'� r �y .?.-..> .�+,- ,z .t 5 �s;,�r..c- .:'x'.'- ,e,°x O :�..i~ y-_ .7"r . e - r. . : t�--.:: F+'r`?- rr'- � r t a,i �4 t� r. ,-3.. a w. M.s.r rf" 1-. ;..�:.-.,rt ,K ':f .tF" .i'� •r c,r.: �•f,=' y n #6 solid copper 0 kLrri44� i5�t tr 43/ rw e n}# e nSti �r r(may Gam - :s.-a.__i ^a„^�"`.:�;.a+'....;.'.al..eFcei,�?' � `i'.s.�.r .._+lei:.. d:..-� ,..:: a'r'..:=1�3v+,',�.+u:...�,c_• -d C 2 rn 1 Main breaker-SQ D QO 920 CL 6 ft C 2 Service disconnect and receptacle are preinstalled by Alpha Technologies with(3) THHN 12 feeders. 00 X c 3 Load Calculation CD XM 2 module-6 amps CO to Gary J. Gifford, Inc. O vt�,rruari�Meter?l��a(kJt6d<8) �' Electrical Contractor 1 350 SW Linden Street o Stuart, FL 34997 oe 772-286-0954 nf° 772-219-0146 fax giffelec@comcast.net 0