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mHRI Certifies Reverence MumDer, , (400501 Date : ua-zz-zu I 1110001 Status : nctive
ARRI Typo 3P-rc
Sar;es R;i0^AvVF
uut'uoor unit Sran'u Mama : CmRRIER
GutDoor unit Mouel iirumCer ;CoffOonser or 3lnyle racRagaf : auzP;;Uz;r—ay"
Region mil ZmR, RE, 7;R, RL, Zli% Uv, C s, PJC, VE, l C, u7i, PII, IF. It-, IA, Ito- Ra, R r, ER, MR, mt). RII•, Rill. MIN. MU. 1113,
MT. MC, RD, ICE, Mfg, Ma, ICM, Nv, RT, OH. 011, vR, P& RI, 5C, 50, 1 M, I A. u 1. VA, v 1, YVA, VVV, trvr, VVY, u.5,
I amle. ie=)
Reglan mote, wortral air conu'idoners manufacsuf60 prior to January s, 2'v r a are 09151e to De fnstalle0 In all regions
until June 30, 2016. Beginning Duly T, 0016 central aircon'0tuoners can only Be Installffa In region(a) tar
7.hlM tRal •„vel tho regio ... I atud.mu, reyeilarnorlt.
she manuracvurer of shrs w,RRIER prMUCI Is responsi le vur tfle rating or uds system comDlnaaon
Rate'0 as rofiows In accofEance wan tfie latest oluon or nM5GnRRl 21[W1U wlm mUUenOa i an0 z, Peffonnance Rating of OnRary
Air-CamaltlarliriY S Air -5 -arm Heil tramp Eyaip......t aria sme6jecl 6 resin- ..ccem ., by ARRI-r.anaored, 00.1mriaent, third party tvoti,.a'.
Ceuiiria Cap.UltT (Az) - Si.—„ta or 1`11,–ji bilge (9517), biah ; zz4UU
EER (A2) - SI–,p10 or HigR bMga (got-) :1 Y.SU
T"Adl-■" Mod=15I_Ie_ are the—__ that aR AHRI Cartifiealian Progr..m Partldpant I.. verrervdy prodadng AND selli ng er offod..g for sale; OR w•a.. modula ft.; .m being
marketed but are not yet being pmduced'Produdson Stop PE" Modal Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant la no longer p165ed.,! BUT is still
fling or offering for sale
all : Ih.t_re�Cs;om�>anled by_WA$ ind. cete.art Involumary rale, The ••omw published ra.lna is shown Blom wit„ file previous (i.e. W,.31 rat) .a.
AHRI dee-- net anderea the predectty Ibled an thi. Certlll—ta Rad ;-,Rkev ria rcprc-ntaaena. wNrren.l— or gearantaes as to, and assumes no rasp*,;nwblliy for,
the producysr listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly dl£clalms all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use cr performance of the *rodmI(s), .. the
ari.e;har"d altoraaen of de;., Ih;od on;his eertlfica;e. C.rtL-,ev ravings era ;vile only ;or mwels'anu cvn„garat,ons lieea In [Iia
dlroctory at www.ahridirectory.org.
This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI,. This Certificate shall only be used for Indl-idaa, p=rounal .rid
Gonftdondel refe.en.e purposwc'. cvnwrIZ: V,- tiffs aer"u—u may not, in whale or In p..rt. Be reproduced: copied; disseminated;
entered Into a computer d.,tab._., ., ethvr-lo■ =till -gid, t., -R,- fur,- er rRoRne: or by any nreRs, a -caps for the azar': Indleida..l
personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATINo,
flu mform.'don ror the mooui ccto an tfirs —mncate can ae verified et www.ahridirectory.org, click on 'Verify CettlHcauL" Ilck ,,, _sal Cir bbl n■r
sad •--ter the AHRI C.;Lfl.d R.fe.enea Nartrber and the date on which the eerdficuiv ass Iscieed,
which Is listed above. and the Certificate No., which Is listed at bottom right.
42019Air-CondEtionins, Heaving, and RefrilseradOn Institute CERTIFIM E NO.: 132030265915705335