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JOHN )OAR.D 'OF 'COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RAYMOND L WAZNy July 20,- 1998 Mr. Thomas W. P~ker' 57'75 Clydesdale Lane Port St. Lucie, FL 34988 Re: Lakewood Park Unit 8, Block 93, Lot 26 Dear 'Mr. Parker: We. completed the 'research you requested for the referenced property .and have determined that it .is a nonconforming lot of reCord. This means that it is lacking 250 squar~ feet of the 10'000 Square feet ~of lot area required to build in RS4 zoning, however this requirement is waiVed and a single family residence may be constructed on Lot 26. Subject .to meeting all other applicable building codes and zoning codes, a:bU~d'mg permit may be' applied for at time. Please Provide a copy of this 1etter Mth your bUilding permit applicatiOn, any If you have any :other.questions.please feel free to contact this depamnent. Sincerely, an Urso Zoning Supervisor jU:Sr BRUHN, District No. I o . KEN 5ATFL£R. DiStrict No. 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 · GARY CHARLES. District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator _. Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue o Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Adminisrrari°n: (561) 462,159O' · Growth Management: (561) 462-1553 Planning.: (561) 462-2822 o Fax: (561) 462-1735 ' Code ComPliance: (561) 462-1571 · Fax: (561) 462-1148 TO: JAN FROM ' LINDA m ~ ATL- July 17, 1998 PERSON REQUESTING INFO- Thomas SUBJECT- NCLOR RESEARCH W Parker TAX ID#- 1301-608-0155-000/4 ZONING/LAND SUB ~JECT: 04/~/8~ 07/28/89 EAST: 05/28/75 SOUTH: 07/16/64 to 09/19/85 to 09/19/86 to 06/06/94 to WEST: 04/06/61 to to to USE:RS-4/RU SEC:02 TWN: 34 Wade vincent & Traci Michele Danne K & Wa.nda Williams Daniel & Wanda Williams Daniel & Lori Williams Johnson TAX DEED'Robert B & Clara E Iglauer Lake James P James P Michael Michael Myron W Muriel A Rebecca A Indrio Corp O'Connor O'Connor Mleko Building Contractor Mleko Building Contractor & Muriel A Clapsaddle Clapsaddle Youngblood Inc Inc Lake Indrio Corporation Yoshiko A Seltzer The subject lot is a non-conforming lot of record. RNG: 39 FEE: RECEIPT#- PROPERTY RESEAR ~{ 'LETTRR Date: St. Lucie County Community Development 23 00' virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 Dept Please research Property Tax . ~ . o ~determi Thank you. Name - Addre s s - ~hone #. ST. LUC IE COUNTY 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 20 Ft. P:[.er~e, Florida 34982 ~rowth Management Division PAYMENT RECEIPT lION NUMBER: 01111700 TRANSACTION DATE: 17 JUL 1998 EFERENCE NUMBER. WILLIAMS/1301-608-0155_000/4 FEES COLLECTED FEE CODE -- NCLOR DESCRIPTION NON CONFORMING LOT OF RECORD AMO~T 50.00 CH PAI NBR: 2694 · PARKER HOMES INC LAP AMOUNT PAID· FEE WAIVED- $50.00' No ra,~ ~4 I 1 I 1 r) t-~l TT I I t? I 33 S. ?~ ro 15 0 t ti&, MAS REQ 187 FOR' 26 OLD PAR .-- .-- .-- 1-LI ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER * PARCEL MASTER SCREEN * ( ) (1301-608-0155-000/4 , DANIEL & LORI OLD FFA RD PIERCE, FL 34945-2465 - LEGAL/PROPERTY DESC ..... PARK- UNIT 8- BLK 93 LOT 13/02N) (OR 647/1638) IT ID NO. TRAN-PRO FUNC ( ) 07/ 7/98 o8:o8 ) PAGE (01) OF i TAX YEAR(C) 1998 VOID Y/N(N) 8303 PENNY LN CTY D.O.R. CODE 0000 DATE SOLD 07/28/89 V CLASS. USE CODE SALE AMT SECTION 02 O.R. BOOK 0647 TOWNSHIP 34S O.R. PAGE 1638 RANGE 39E MAP ID 13/02N SPECIAL DIST 0013 TAX AUTH. 02COUNTY SUBDIVISION 1301608 NOTES YES LENDING INST. * L~D(MKT) = 4050 LOAN * IMPR = VACANT/IMPRV * CLASS USE = V VAC SALE * ASSESSED = 4050 QUAL/CODE * ~END 10 = 01 DISQ ...... SAL * EXEMPTION = ~ * TAXABLE = 4050 EXEMPTIONS ..... NOT- H- W: C- M. EXEMPT STATUS HIS INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT WARRANTED *** 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.64 NCR 301 INDIVIDUAL . , . This Warranty Deed made this 14th day of April 1981 between Wade Vincent Johnson and Tract Htchele Johnson, his wife Hereinafter called the' Grantor, ~nd Danny K. Williams and Wanda Williams, his wife 5P-4435 I~.O0 Whine mailingeddre~ is: 5108-B Palm Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 Hereinafter called the Grantee. .WITNESSETH, that the Grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of ten' dollars (10.00) and other'valuable considerations the receipt where- of is hereby acknowledged has granted, bargained, and sold unto the Grantee, and Grantee's heirs'or sUCCessors, and assigns forever, all that certain · parcel of land in the County of St, [,uc te . and State of Florida to wit: - Lot 26, B.loek 93, 4AXEWOOD PARK, UNIT EIGHT (8), as per Plat thereof recorded in .Plat Book 11, at Page 19, of the' Public Records of St Lucia County, Fi cfi da. · The grantor herein covenants and avers that the lands conveyed hereby, is not now, nor lms it; ever been Gr'~ntor's homestead, and that it; is not subject to Florida Homestead laws. ' and the Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except taxa for Year 1981 and mi~luent, and r~trictions, r~. wation$, limitations, co~.ena~it$, and easaments of racord, if any. ("Grantor and Grantee" are used herein for singular or plural, the singular shaft include the plural, and any gender shall include all genders, as context requires.) Signed, Sea_led, and Delivered'~ Our 13resence: (Wit.) ___ (Wit.) State of Florida County of St. Lueie I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this 14th day of April 1981 Tract Mtohele Johnson (SEAL) (SEAL) .:.. before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared Wade Vincent Johnson and Traci Mtehele Johnson, his wife to me known to be the person(s)'described in and who executed the foregoing conveyance and acknowledged before me that (he; she, they) ex-. ecuted the same. , WITNESS my ~ature4and official seal in ~he~nty and Stall~ast aforesaid. ~TARy ~SLIC STATF ~ FLOrIDA:AT ~[~ . ~ 1029 LTiC N;~. ~.20 EK)UGLAS DIXON Add Fee $ St. Lucie County Doc Tax $ °~'a""- . Clort of Circuit Court Iai Tax S~ By ~.~~ Deputy C~rk Tot~! 1 .....~ &~ot~ ~ F' .A.D. (Where~r u~ ~reln t~ tern "lint tarry" and "~ond ~rty" ~11 i~lu~ slngu~r and plural hln rep~n~, and ~igm ~ indlvid~li, ahd the ~ucce~rs and ~igm of co~tlom, w~rever' t~ . ' J~mle nn~ qult-c~im ........ y nc~noml~, e~ ~oe$ unto the s~ s~on~ ~'t" loc- - . ...... O ,. here6y ~e, re- said [i~t ~rly h~ in and to t~e ~ y !' ever. att I~e right, hlle. Interest. c~im an~ ~~ [oi~ing ~es~e~ lot. piece or ~rcel vi ~n~. sit,re. Jying ~d ~ing ,~h~ County vi $'r. L ~ c ~ ~ - s~, o[ ~ /~. il;'-':":: :,::':'.i:.: !:ii.:',:' '. c ....... ..~ ................... '.. : ,.{ .,- ........................ ~ rtt~'~ ~.;, ~,~.c_~ ~e~l~onging or in ~)~e ap~rla!ning, and all lac eslale, right, lille, inleresl, lien, equity an~ c~im se~on~S°~l~ver O[pa~yt~e [oreve~.sal~* [irat puny, eilAer in.~_ ~w or equity, to t~e only pmper ~e, 6ene/it an~ ~eA~[ of I~e ~. ..... ....... , STATE OF FLOR[D~ CC)UNTY OF ~T-'C ~'/~ ~ ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY ufficrr duly authorized h~ thc., State a[orela~d ahd in ~he County a~ort-,a;d to take ac~ to me known to be the per,on dc,cribcd in and who executed the foregoing [before me that executed the same. ITNES$ my hand and official seal in the County and last aforel MAS RE( I 82O FOR' LAK. 25 OLD 1-LI ' ST. LUCIE ST ( ) (1301-608-'0154,00~0/7 , ROBERT B & CLARA E FORT PIERCE BLVD PIERCE,FL 34951-3409 LEGAL/PROPERTY DESC PARK- UNIT 8- BLK 93 13/02N) (OR 279-846) ID NO. COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER * PARCEL MASTER SCREEN 1 ) PAGE (01) OF 8301 PENNY LN CTY D.O.R. CODE CLASS. USE CODE SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE SPECIAL DIST SUBDIVISION LENDING INST. LOAN VACANT/IMPRV V VAC SALE QUAL,/CODE 01 DISQ SAL LOT - - -EXEMPTIONS TAX YEAR (C) TRAN- PRO FUNC ( 07/17/98 09 1998 VOID Y/N 0000 02 34S 39E 0013 1301608 DATE SOLD SALE AMT O.R. BOOK O.R. PAGE MAP ID TAX AUTH. NOTES * LAND(MKT) = * IMPR = * CLASS USE = * ASSESSED = * AMEND 10 = * EXEMPTION = * TAXABLE = 12/01/7 ~3/0 02CO: 40 4O INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT NOT: H- W- C- M: EXEMPT STATUS TO CHANGE AND NOT WARRANTED * -NA 3 -iNA 4 -NA 2'10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.64 NCR 301 Smith, Woodrow Wilson ~ -~'~~I~/FLORI~A ~ ~U~~ TAX DE E'D - CC)UN:FY OF SL LUCIE '~ · . . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE. PRESENTS: That whereas, the following Tax Certificates, to-wit: Certificate Number Date"Issued 38 ~._~_3__~_8__.,_.~__93_~. .......... ~*t~,. ,,.,,ere duly iliad in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court .of thi of I~ ~'a× deed basi.~d thereon, and the a~licant h-vin .... d ......... s Coun~ ~nd application made for t~ issu e~ required b law'tO ~ ~,~ .... ~_,~'~E .... ;'~ ~ .~,~ ur r~em~ all other taxes'on th- . Y . : ~"- ~' -~,,,~, a~ me costs aha ex · ...- .,.,~a ,mre,na~er ae~ri~ pu~;Hj~h~ as req~u,.ed by law and no r~n entitl ~nses of [~ sale; and du~ n0ti~ 0f sale havin ~ ' ~ ~ so to do having ap~ared to red~m said lands;'such lands ~er~ the ~_~ ~_ ~day of _'_~.~3_~r , 19-'73- .... offered for sale at the Courthouse d~r for 'h~g~estbidder. and were then and there struck off and sold to RObeRT B. *N~ CLARA E. IGLAUER, '.__~-[_[~_~_ ~ ! ~HTS OF SURV I'VORSH.__, ~ being the highest bidder for the same and having pa~d the sum of his bid. NOW, THEIREFORE, the Coun~ of St. Lucia, State of Florida~ in considera)ion of the premises, and in consideration of the ~um of ($_~[~?~~.,)_~_. T~USAND AND NO/t O0 ............ amount paid u~n ~e said tax ce~ificate or mrtifiCates and for ...... costs and charges,, a~ in pursuance of the ~Uattute~ ~n such cases made and Provide, has. given, grant~, bargai~ and sold, and d~s h~reby give, grant, bargain end ~'~l~, and convey to the- said ...... RO~T._, .... B. *NO CLARA E. IGLAUER, ~.~TH R~HTS or . ~u~vlVO~SHIp~ '~O~:.~T. PIER_CE ~LVD. ~T. PIERCEs ~LA. and to his heirs end assigns forever, to their Own proper Use, benefit Cou~nt.y ~nd State aforesaid and describecl as follow: and behoof the following lands situated in the . . Lakewood Park .S_~_~ Unit. 8 _BLl. ock 93 Lot 2_5~ aa .........: ............................................................. al_ P-e-r- ~]~ og_ ~bg_~ k ~ 1_ j~_a&e_ ~9_,. 3~-publJu~- r~-cordmm~_~ L~._Lu~ie~ ~onnt¥+_ Flortd~ -- t)arce 1 .~1301'608 -0154-00_0/_7. conte,,ning . acres, more or less, provided, however, that said lands shall continue subject and liable for eny unpaid general ~'axes of equal dignity With count, taxes 'represented by the certificate or certificates aSove described. IN TESTIMONy WHEREOF, by virtue .of authority in me vested by law, and for and on behalf of the County of St. Lucia, State of Florida, I, the under- signea, as Clerk of the Circuit Court for the Coum ty and State aforesaid, have executed this 'deed and have thereunto set h~y official signature and seal, at Fort Pierce, in the County of St. Lucia,' and State of'Florida, this the dayof ~ecember' . ~f" '~%- · s,.,.,,~,~ ,,n,~ 3~646 Cler~ of'Circuit Court, St. Luc~ ~'~' deliver~ In the presence of: ...... ; ~-~'~ t'- ~,r.- F::lr=,,[ ..... : . ' --'- DO'"' IM [ k,T~ ........' r'-:; L.3 .,'.. l , 0~', this .....~:?'.~:~_ ...... day of December A.D. 19__]7_ .... ~fore me ~rson~l~Ycoun~. ~H~ore'~id,~P~a~edtO .......... m,$ known to~~[-~~-~ the ~r~n - ., Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the Sta~ and descri~ in, and who executed ~e forgoing instrument, and acknowl- ~g~....: :~ '~[;t~.~.the axe--ti:On ~er~f to ~ his own fr~ a~ and de~ for the use and pur~ses therein mentionS. "'--t'"~;~"r,,,,u:~"~na official seal date aforesaid. .. ~' . . ..; ~ ,'~. , :~.__~ _ -~-~ '~: .L ~, :.'..;.-' / --....,. >.., · .,..,.,;'.~'~,./ .-,, , MAS REQ 830: 7 ( OLD 1 -LI T ( ) ST. REBECCA A FORT ~IERCE BLVD PIERCE, FL 34951-3410 LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER * PARCEL MASTER SCREEN , ) PAGE (01) OF 1 TAX YEAR(C) 8302 FT PIERCE BV CTY D.O.R. CODE LEGAL/PROPERTY DESC ..... PARK-UNIT 8- BLK 93 LOT 13/02N) (OR 904-1517) ID NO. 'D ...... EXEMPT IONS - 25000 ....... CLASS. USE CODE SECTION TOWNSHIp RANGE SPECIAL DTST SUBD IVI S I ON LENDING INST. LOAN 0Z08Z052855 VACANT/IMPRV I IMP SALE QUAL/CODE 01 DISQ SAL TRAN- PRO O7/ 1998 0100 DATE SOLD SALE AMT 02 O.R. BOOK 34S O.R. PAGE 39E MAP ID 0013 TAX AUTH. 13 01608 NOTES 9106 , LAND (MKT) * IMPR = * CLASS USE = * ASSESSED = * AMEND 10 = * EXEMPTION = * TAXABLE = NOT-H- 1 W EXEMPT IS INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT 3-NA 4-NA 2.10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.64 /03 _ .-...L A K E W O'O D P,A R K' ? ~[ Co~uUon, a eo~o~UOn .~f ~d~ ~. l,w, of ~Offda, and h~f ib~~ ~ ~e Coun~ of ~ade, h~h~r called ~e ~n~r, .~ wh~ ~ffle~ ~dd~ is 45 Elebron Avenue ~8do~e, Pe~sY~v~a · 190~0 he~~r ~lled ~e ~~e: · .~~2'[_~ ~ '~ ~ "~~,'~ .... ,~.. ~~Sd~: That the ~an~r, for ~d h eo~deraflon of ~e sum of $ 10.00 ~d valuable eo~d~Uo~, ~ceipt whe~of h hereby acknowledged, by ~e~ P~n~ does ~~ b~, Co~,~H' alJen,~o~da,re~,~:~le~e,.convey and CO~ ~ the '~antee, all ~at ce~ land ~a~ ~ ~'Lu~o ' ~t(s) numbe~d-6 & 7- , Block num~red '~- ., Unit numbe~d ~kewo~d Pa,i. 8~' Lucle Conn.. Flo~d~.[ as P~e 19 of the hblt ~~do ~- P ~ P~at_on f~le $n ~ t o .... T,~- ~ St. ~uoze co~ty, Florida. ~ok 11, , er with all the. tenements, heredftaments and apPurtenances thereto belonging or In any. wise appertaining. · ~[~ ~e. ~ ~ ~[1~, the nme In be simple forever, subject, however, to that Certain oil. Was and mineral lease dated Aug~mt 26, 1958, and recorded In Deed Book. 186, at pace 49 of the .public records of St. Lucre County, Florida. In the e~/ent off or other minerals are ever'found under aforesaid propez~r, all royalties will belong to' ~rantee. · ~~' the ~rantor hereby covenants with said ~rantee that ft k lawfully seized of said land.in fee simple; that'ft has good right and lawful.auth ri 'to se ever~rants theand titlethat, tosaidSaldlandlan] k-= _, ...... - '-~elq ty 11 and convey said land; that it hereby fully war* ' ,I .,- ~,~u ~zfi serene th same against the lawful clafn~ t~ free of all encumbrances. -. of all persons whonmo. ' .,o, SubjeCt to existing eas~men~ ff any and ~ e~ements shown on subdiv~on plat. ' 1. No building other than one private d.i~l~ ' ~rhe dwelling: shall have an ' wlling and garage (ca' rte · ' porte a ' ' inside livable floo area fpo ) shall be erected on ) t lea~ 180 ua . of at least 60 ~- . . . this lot. Sid .sq re feet and shall be 1o 0 square feet and the · street lines an ~ ,~,~u at least 80 f _zara~ (car. th d 10 feet inside lines of s~ ' · est from street or back lin . la covenant shall a I ~ch lot. In case.of sin le e, 25 feet from · Pp y to the parcel g ownersh! of' · cept with ex russ . Owned a whole A du I P mote than one 1o .... x.p ... written, approval of Grantor~ · p ex or ~uesthouse may not be erected · t, m. ~ao awe/ling ma be ere' ' ' Y .cted on a lan .' ...__a:.~!~_ ~..~ f.,,.dhr ~,o~'~,.-- ',,.~.~'~__ *_'_ ?. '".. ~.ooo ~..~ r..t. .... ~mV/lOll O! X~ro e -'*, --',M ~m msia zenees m ' w - - p rty Owners when formed' - . ~ be first approved b . ithin 9 months. . ~nd such construcUon w~e . Y. G~nt0r or.,,~.. n started must be complete~l 4, No outside toilet facilities will be 'e '_~ ,. ,vh, ma ,o~, oe feet of a wate~f-r~n~l.~0~ o~.li~ ,_ :'.'. -_~. __ drahl..age may bm located within .... IS. No tent, trailer, or -"-~ ~----:'-:-: -- ,[.,_u~ u Aeoi~ ox ally Well. -.,,.o, ,o.,o, -~ P Irem, 6. No fence, Wall hedge, trees or ah ways wi!~ b; permitted On an . : rubs~hfch.obsh~ct vision be ' . · water line · 'ff. , g or ,hrubbe o ' · fi within 85 ~eet of th y eo_r~_e_r_lot..And a y fenice hud e tween Z a_nd_6 feet above road. 7, w~ .-~**~ ....... : ~. can not exce~~~i three feet In he ry n a waterfront Site that .... ,,uv~ Wlls t)e pe~tted" whl ' fght. pets are permi~ if not main eh 18 a nuisance or annoyance ' - , . ... rained for any co mere to tho neffhborhood. Ho 8. No din eau be dlSpla 'e . . hi purpose, usehold than one square foot. y d except one PrOfessional. olin or & ';Sale ..... v.- -~unum ......... men or no~ more· i!i/ill I!ii!i!.: ;:' ~ ~n' ~' n&~'s --,own on Plat'of Ldikewood Park'-but Gr&u r satin, the .r toot over the waters of the ,. .t~e.may not construct : lake.~ and when not In use ~1~,,, I~~.~:~rcl~.k.e~.N* ~°.b.°.~ shah be',nchored' o. ff s.h. or/~n~t~ien~ca,n7nd n_avfzatfon of the WaterWay. ~*m .^, ~.*~ ~ .... ,~,~ ?uj~en~ to the bank as safety o- ........ *_ [= !.f l~o.r solute risk Of the person so u _ r~ ? ny us o! the.canals or lakes shall ' · 10 ...... -- , _ . sinll.. ~ · . be at the sole and · · ~o xlHmll or (lredglnf may be done beyond any lot line, nor Shall any euttinlr~of boat slip8 or ':;.:~:;' ilfmflar excavatinfr within the 10t line be done; norany bt~lkhead or sea wall~)e.l~uilt unfii Pl~ ~ave bee~ ~iI?( ~ 11, ifa lot borders a canal or lake, the bed of the c approved by Grantor. ' . .. · ::: . ]eot hieluded, anal or lake and the waters above such bed are Gr --- h the prlv.a, tep_roperty of the Grantor and "st subject to -'. · with these herein contained, rive of the Grantor herein Included may be transferred or Association or 8oma corporate si~ non~corporateL or~'anlzatlon of Lakewood Park. All purchasers.of residence property ,nd vo,_,~_~h~..fn_ :~. _:--.o?,tto~_ofO~e,. ~ bo and mai]~ml_n_!~K the .nll~n stand_ard8 of ~kewood Park. the use of st4rue~s, park areas, .lakes and canals and an t:.. - ers by the Gra~l~r And b.e m.alntalned by the Pr0nert.~ "eraleach or'non-corpor~,.~for.~.a,~n.,z, atiOn.on Februar~ ! Grantee Wili'~;y year, safd sum to' be for fen.. .... " used $11 for ·erve, ~'~!~ ,an %w~aZs.~h~°..w.n_°_n2h_.e fi~t .r:!o~ed ~o. herefn and:. re. ;. to -, .... ,**vas vsi fsi.tO PUDIIC use or Ix) convey sam0 the Grantor shall be entitled to apply for relief le Grantor to enforce, a rest'r~e~ion hereli to the same, a,prlOr, or subsequent breach,. ure to enforce any restrfctlon herein. . remain iJn fores until January 1, 1998, a d shall be fter unless owners of at least twS-thJrdS o~the lots fn · _ ~ ~m such wrmnf so amending the aforesaid . . · · . . ... . presents to be executed in Its name, and' lb corporate seal to be . hereunto, affixed, by Its proper'officers thereunto duly authorized,,: .... · the tnd year first above written. - .. · and delivered in the presence of:. (7/~ ~--- .. _.. '---~-=~,~___~ ..,,, _ ~,~ ~~.. . .' .. '- ....~-'~'. " ":'i: .-,.. ..... _~_~m O~ ~t,o~ · · ' · ~ . . · '.'.... ,- . trimly and volUntaril '_ "~"; m~wn°wlealed exemltln~ tat ' :_ m~poruu0ll nmlltod mi ITtntol, , Y trader &tlthorlt dtd smug In tho Prcooneo Y ~ vested In them by maid corporation and that '~ .... *_~ t~_ submmthlnw wl~'i':;·.! ~l~erate meat of ~ corporation. -~ ~m amamd theretm b'tl~ tru~ eot~ · 'i. ~* .:' WlTW~_.m:Yl~O.~;;~hand and official sefd In' the Ooun,y and Stat, last sfk)refa/d this 1 {;th d,~ ~ ~UX~ A.D. ~4" "fiL~,.gvA~D;P~CORD. ED ,.... and the or an . ,. .= 196q NOV 18 PH I' 03 Ifefaq~Public. Sf~ , My Commission -. ROGER POITRAS. CLERK " ST. LUCI£ COUNTY. FLORIDA ' · O' Conner 19t~y of Septe~r 1985 Grintor, ar~ Mleko Building Contractor, Inc. ~e Blvd. Ft. Pierce, Florida 33451 for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars (10.00) and other valuable considerations the granted,St. LLIciebarge;ned" and sold unto the Grantee, and Grantee's heirs or successors, and assigns forever, and State of FI~ . i 7, Bloclc 93, LAKL~3D PARK, UNIT I~IQfT,-acc~'din;"~ov c in Plat tk~ok 11, at Page 19, o£ the Public Record~ o£ st.the plAl:LuciethereOfcounty, eXCeptand thetaxesGrantOrfor Yeard°es herebY1985 fully andWarrant~u bSeq,uer"~lth'e lli'llItlleandtO saidr land, .and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all ' , (l' Grantor and Grantee" are used heraiia for ~,iatlt. lar or-,ura, -'" · ~o~, ,,Tltatl~n,. covenants, and .a--ment, of record, ~ context requires ) ' .. p , [ne smgu~ar mar; include the plural, and any ~nder shall include all if and Delivered i~ our (SE County aforesaid to take a ' '~~;..~~ .' //d.~ before m · cknowledg~me~,t I~le~s ,t e an officer duty auth the ' S, ' ' on~c.~/~/-2~_.~_~ '~.- ~',~_ _ . orized in J~s P. O'~er ~ · t/ known to be the ~rson(s) descried i[n and wino executed the fore~ing conveyanm and acknowted~d be the same. ' '~'' [my signature and offici in t~e Cmlmty and state last afore~id. My Commission Ex ,s /nStrt~ent p'.repar~d, by ~: . JOYCE' M. TEITSORT, ~th~ H. Dourn~ SPRIN~ .Lawyers Title I4surance CorlX)ration My Commission Expires 800 ¥irgin/a Ave., P2aza d~l Ft. Pierce, F1orida 33450 to the issuance o£ a tit/e insurance contract 1850664 -0 CO'~OR^TE Michael Hereinafter called the Grantor, ilding Con~ractor. Inc. 782973 MYron ~. Clapsaddle and ~uriel A. Clapsaddle, his wife Here{na~er ~11~ the G ' WIT'NE~ETH, that hand paid. the re~ipt and in ~ideration of ~e sum of ten ($10.~) ~nd O~er v~lu~ble ~{~rations h~ ~ent~. ~{n~. a~ mid unto the ~{d Orant~. m~ m-. and a.i~s forever, ~r~l o~ {~nd in ~e ~nW of St. Lucie end 8ta~ of Fl, Lot 7. Block 93. L~EVOQD p~ UNIT EIGHT, according ~o the plat ~hereof as record, Plat Book 1]. at Page 19', of cbc Public Records of S~. Lucia County. Florida. nd the Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to ~eid lland and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons wh ~ept taxes for year and Subsequer~t, ~r.d restrictions, reservations, limitations, covenants, and easements of 'GrantOr.context requires.and Grantee,,~~d) herein for Singular or pluret, the singular shall include the plural, and any gender shall include all -- Michael Mleko Building Contractor Inc of Florida -----' ;,'*' nty of --."' .-~*.' St. Lucie . IEBY CERTIFY, that on this / (7 day of aforesaid to take acknowledgments, Oersonally before me, an officer at~. _ori~ in the President Michael Mleko of MichaelandMlek° Builrl~n°---- ~ Contractor, Inc. ''"' "' (s) de~ribed in and who executed the foregoing corporation: that as such corporate officer(s) he (they) t~ (ara) authorized bybef°rethe corporalil'on'me that to do so; that he t/Itt/theyV"'-'ixed acknowledged he (they) executed the sa.ma in th seal of said corporation, and that said instrumen~ and offici seal in the County an(~ Sta~e l~t aforesaid. My Commi~l/on Expfres ,x This instrument prepared by: Kathy H. Dourney Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation 800 Virginia Avenue. Suite 61 Ft. Pierce, Flor/da 33450 fir515 143 Incident to the issuance of a title insurance contract.~00~ P,~C[ 9.~o ****RETUR,~ TO "' '" ' ........ 1861153 . . Iff C01IWI$$I0Pl £XP. #AY 15,198F Return to: ...... -. Stewart Title .............. ~'- .............. ::' Courthouse Box 52 ' :: A F l~ I D ii, Y ! T ,~' ' or FLOIID& , . ecorded tn ORB 477, l~.~ 2~gl)5.ePtember r 20, 1985 : of ~mmes p. O'Conner 8t the et~ll deed wi1 :exeented mm ~or the above mentioned proport~ ~air viemut and uu~mproved. ut further me,otb notz " .. . oub~crtbOd ~[..2-c2 ' tO: Stewart ~4~Urthouse OFFICE of VITAL STATISTICS' ~ 94~0~- 31) CERTIFI~0 ~OPY Ho[man, ¢[,a~rk of the Circuit: (~our[ - St. Lucre County ,le Numb. er: ~L~:!22{~©284 OR BOOK 0904 PAGE ~L515 ~orded: 06-07-94 ]0-23 A.M. Tome Coz-Gilford iqmeral Home 1950 20th SCreec;Vero Beach,Florida · ~ ,m4mm, m ~ 2~J00 5th &vemm; Vero Beach, ltlor~da 32~60 THIS IS A CERTiFiED T~]iJIIE ~INID CORRECT COPY OF THE OFFI(~IAL RECORD ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE ., ~,~,t~~ ,.~'/. ~ ~, ~ ~,v~,,. ~0~ FL('~II~ ~ ~~ ~T ~ ~ ~ STA~ ~ AFFIDAVIT ~,LUCI~ ~ ~be "Affiant 'fur tb~r Pe~eoually appeared HURIEL A. CLAPSADDLE, who d~po.eea nnd says: ¢lapa~&ddln and #uriel A. C apsflddle were from 0-19-86 the d OIS 51S,p,f, 143 u~.of_, deed to F~loride to -~ .... , ~u~xzc Records o ~4.~ .~.aete of death of Hvronfa ~lPSmddle has not subsequen~Lly . not: Sworn to end :tbts 6 A. CLAPS tT TX TLE Rv~d ~ 1,01 FIe. ~49§;0 ~°th~~alltl~tc~nat~l~l'Mmateb~ St Lucie ~k 93, LAKE~OOD PAR~ UNIT 8, according to the Plat cordedCounry,~n[Florid~.Pl~t Book 11, page 19, Public Records , easeml~lats and COVenants of record. NURIEL A. CLA)SADDLE Witness my had and official star im &e Coumy and S~ale las~ .;o~ U ne A.D. 19 RE~ ~i,i~ · SEL 218 LOTS OLD 1 -LI YC)SHIKO A 5TH AVE W ,FL 34207-5823 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER T ( ) * PARCEL iX~STER SCREEN , ~(t13.,0:1 ~608 ~'~'0"~!56 ~0:00/~ ) PAGE (01) OF 8305 PENNY LN CTY D.O.R. CODE CLASS. USE CODE SECTION - LEGAL/PROPERTY DESC ..... PARK- UNIT 8- BLK 93 7 & 28 (MAP 13/02N) ID NO,, TOWNSHIp R~GE SPECIAL DIST SUBD IV/$ I ON LENDING INST. LOAN VACANT/IMPRV 1 TAX YEAR(C) 0000 S, 02 O. 34S O.R 3 9E MAP 0013 1301608 NO' * I * CLA * ASS QUAL/CODE * EXE ......... EXEMPTI~T$___., ...... * NO S INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NA 3-NA 4-NA 2-10 PAGE FMT ON · - . .... ~ ~ Al. de tA. 6th day o~ Apri~ I~O .... i; ----~,~I~ a ~ortda co~oration ' 1015 Fil~ore SLeet ,..I. ..... ~"',~,.lti,-~ ,.i.I, ..... .......... ! i,, ,. ...... i,l,.,,,,,,, ,,i d,,..,,, .... I ""'" ....... ,',,I,,,I,1~ '~,,,i,l,~,~i,,,,,. """'0,~ ,,.I,,.,,,,I i, I ......I,y ,,.A, ...... I,d,,~l I,,~,.i,v ,-,,,. ~ 10.~ ~e~ ~rk~ ' meo~r:°rzd~oB am ~r Plat on 'Ue tn Mk ~ "Page 19 of tho ~bltc ~t. L~e~e ~ mo~tz~ Plortda. -.. ..... ~. '~ ' , ., . r. A. i). i,,E -,. ilo flaue and to fiold, ,/,.., ..... ,,,/ ...... ,,,,,,,,./,,,.,.,... ~d d,,. , .....t,,, I ...... I,v ,- ............ t .... ,I .... i,! , ..... t .... d,,,~ d,,. flr,,,I,,r i~ I ..... t,,11,...'i:M ,,1 ., I .....~imt,l,.: d,,,t d., .r .... ~,,r I.,. .,md ri. At m,d l...b,I ~,,d..r.~. t ..... Ii ..... I ,-,,,,,.,.v .~,l I.,.l: d~ q ..... t,,, I,,'r..I,v I,,llr ,,., ....... ~ Ii,,. till,. I .....i,i h,,i ..... I ,.ill ,i,.I,.,,,I ~! ..... ,,,,. ,,,i,,sl Il,,. I,,,,.f,,i ,'i, .Il t,,v .......... I... ..... ,., ........ I d.. ~.i,i I..,I i~ b,.o ,,t .Ii ..... '.m/ ....... "'~' "~',',v. t.~-,., m',-r.i,,..~,,/, ~'~l.~},l)'"""'l'"'at ~age~l' ~Ol°60'of theSUbject to oil, gas ~d miner~ lease reco~ed tn [~ed' public reco~s of St. Lucie Ccunty · event that oil or othor ~neraln are ever e .... ~ .... Z ~ ~lorida. [~ ~n rey~t, iea ~ll ~lon~ to ~rantee. Bub%ct also to re~I.~ie~ lons, reservati an,~ COVen~t.s of record. ~ -~-,,u u~er aforesaid pro~.y~ al IN~)R/O -"J, I" (), · ·'