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Midway Development Company, L.L.C. c/o Greenberg Traurig, P.A. Attn: Alfred J. Malefatto 777 S. Flagler Dr. #300E WeSt Palm Beach, FL 33401 Re: Lot Split- Property Tax ID#3303-210-0000-000/4 Dear Mr. Malefatto Your lot split submitted has tentatively been approved as submitted, subject to the following. iParcel 1 on the submitted boundary survey must be combined with an adjacent iparcel described by property tax ID# 2334-340-0000-000/7. BefOre or at building permit submittal a recorded Warranty Deed and Unity of Title reflecting final division of the property needs to be received in our office. Upon receipt of recorded documents a final Letter of Approval will be transmitted. If you have any questions with regard to the above, please feel free to contact-Linda Pendarvis at 561-462-1553. Sincerely, Ray Wazny Public Works Director RW:LAP:Iap cc: Evelyn Haskell Dunn Brothers, Inc John R. Carow ST. LU'CIE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR A LOTSPLIT OR MINOR REPLAT DIRECTIONS Please complete the requested information below and submit all items to the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development, Growth Management Division, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 2,01, Ft. PierCe, Florida. All applications must be accompanied by the proper non-refundable application fee or they cannot be accepted for processing. Any division of property placed into the land records of St. Lucie County after August 1, 1990, without having obtained a Lot Split approval, may not be eligible for the receipt of any building permit approvals. The only' exception to this review process would be for those divisions done in conjunction with the filing: of a site plan as further identified in Section 11.02.00 of this Code. The development review check list included with this application is intended to assist in determining if the proper quantitative materials have been prepared for submission. The submission of all required materials does not assure automatic approval. Qualitative review of the submitted materials can only commence when all necessary information has been submitted. For additional details on t~e information necessary for a Lot Split Application submission, please refer to Section 11.03.04, St. Lucie County Land Development Code. For assistance in submitting this application, please contact the St. Lucie Department of Community Development, Growth Management Division. I' Lot Split I[' Required Review Fee: The Application is for a: Minor Replat $100.00 ,Required Review Fee: $100.00 ST. LUCIE COUNTY LOTSPLIT/MINOR REPLAT APPLICATION PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING: APPLICATION DATE: November 13, 2000 APPLICATION FEE: $100. APPLICATION IS FOR: MINOR REPLAT (A replat for the purpose of lot line adjustment without an increase in the number of lots or units otherwise allowed.) X LOT SPLIT ,. (A division of land into tWo contiguous lots or parcels without involving the establishment of a new street.) 1. C,O-APPLICANT INFORMATION: Name: Midway.Development Company, L.L.C, Address: C/O Greenberg Tmurig, P.A., 777 S. Flagler Dr., #300E, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (Attn. Alfred J. Malefatto) . Phone: 561-650-7900 between 8am & 5pm 2. CO-APPLICANT APPLICANT: AND OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, IF DIFFERENT FROM Name: Co0ney-Midway Groves, L.C, Address' c/o Shutts & B0wen, 250 S. Australian Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33401 . (Atm.. Sc0.tt Williams, Esq.) Phone: 561-835-8500 between 8am & 5pm . PROPERTY TAX ID. NUMBER(S)' 3303-210-0000-000/4 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AS IT EXISTS NOW: Please see Attachment 1-C .(Legal Description - Lot Split ParCel) 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES AS PROPOSED: P, lease see Attachment 1-D.(Legal Description- Post-Lot Split Parcel- Cooney-Midway _Groves, LC), and Attachment 1.-.E (Legal Description - Post-Lot Split Parcel- Midway Development .Company, LLC. . 77.56 acres ACREAOE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTY AS IT EXISTS NOW: o ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTIES AS PROPOSED' Lot#: Cooney-Midw. ay parcel-41.59 , Lot#: Midway Dev. parcel-.35.97 ]:HE TOTAL OF LOT SIZES SHOWN IN #7 MUST EQUAL THE ORIGINAL PROPERTY SIZE GIVEN IN #5. THE ORIGINAL PARCEL CAN ONLY BE SPLIT ONCE, THUS CREAT~G TWO LOTS. NO FURTHER DivISION OF AN APPROVED LOT SPLIT IS PERMITTED UNLESS A FINAL RECO~ PLAT IS PREPARED AND SUBMITTED 1N ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 11.03.01 - 11.03.03 OF THE ST. 'LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. . ZONING DESIGNATION' Current' AG-l; Proposed' PNRD DOES EACH Ot THE LOTS IN #7 CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE AND DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING DISTRICT IN WHICH THEY ARE LOCATED5 REFER TO TABLE 1 AS ATTACHED. YES x NO 9. WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY: Central Water: Sanitary Sewer' N/A Utility Co.- N / A Utility Co.' IF YOUR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES ARE OBTAINED FROM A PRIVATE UTILITY, YOU WILL NEED TO ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: A) WRITTEN PROOF FROM THE UTILITY COMPANY OF EXISTING CAPACITY TO SERVICE YOUR NEED~; AND B) WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION THAT THE UTILITY COMPANY IS ABLE TO SERVE YOU. NOTE: ACCORDING 6A. 1.4.3, NEW R~DE]~ (21,780 SQUAI~E FiS;ET SEWER ARE C o,Ap~3~a4' {~ i ,'-na/ture' Co Apphcant and p~~rty Owners Signature (if different from al~licant) ro THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, POLICY [TIAL DEVELOPMENTS WITH LOTS LESs THAN ONE HALF ACRE ~ SHALL ONLY BE PERMITTED WHEN CENTRAL WATER AND - D~tte SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION Please submit the application for a Lot Split or Minor Replat to the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development, Growth Management Division, Room 201, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida. Initial submission shall include the following' CHECK X A. One (1) copy of the Lot Split or Minor Replat Application X B. One (1) copy of a Boundary Survey, indicating the following: 1. Complete boundary identification, with legal description of the parent tract of land from which the division is being created. 2. Complete boundary identification, with legal description, of each area proposed for division. 3. Exact location of any structures and identification of all. existing or proposed easements and right-of-ways affecting the parent property and the proposed property to be created. X C. All surveys and descriptions shall be prepared and sealed by a professional land surveyor, registered .in the State of Florida. X D. Required processing Fee. St. Lucie County Property Record Card p~ D~ ¢ ~ ~ 1~~" I .7~ ~.d4! St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Rea roperty Record for Parcel Number: 330321000000004 Record Number: 1 of 2 Location: ### Section: 03 Township: 36S Range: 39E Page 1 of 2 Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: COONEy-MIDWAy GROVES, IlLegal: 3 3639E 1/2 OF NW 1/4-LESS RD LC II~WAS IN OR 44-447 & LESS E 39 Address::.. 8600 NW South River Dr liFT FOR CANAL R/W-(77.56 AC) (OR Miami, I!L 33166-7434 11487-39e) - ,,. ' B k "IL' ' ':' I /Sale Date' 1900'01'01 ' Il,, . _ ~. ,, IISale/FT; ,,,o0: II':~e: iloo..oo:oo · , II~'e ~'m[: ~ IIo.oo/sqh. Insp. Date: ' 'llay: ' ' IIDateValued: ' ' IIPermits: ' IIExempt.: 0 Land:, 325752 II'Impr°ve'26700" !1, '"class. 15512 " ' IITaxable" 352452 Neighborhood & Use '~ IlsUbiiiv Name: II~eighborhood: 1640 IIMap-ID: 33/03lxI General Building Data IIDOR Use: 6000 ', , · No. Year Built: ' , Imp. Class: Stories: 1967 Eft: Baths: 0 Bedrms' 0 Pool: N epic: N Air: N Type:HD D 1 1977 ILiving Area: 1100 iSqFt, all: Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements Improvements / Extra Features INo--' IiCode/Cat IlSize Land Valuation II77.56 , IDepth IO. IIo IIMktval IIAgrval I , Il325750'0 II°'° I II°-°[Ils$12'° I http :// 10379701,330321000000004 1/8/01 St. Lucie County Property Record Card /3~ to~,~,., ~ ~ .~ ~ St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Page 1 of 2 Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 233434000000007 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: ### Section: 34 Township: 35S Range: 39E Show Location Map insp. Date: iLand: 203060 Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: COONEY-MIDWAY GROVES, Legal: 34 35 39'SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4-LESS E' LC 39 irT. (39.05 AC) (OR 487-392) Address' 8600 NW South River Dr Miami, FL 33166-7434 Book: ]Il[Page: ]lSalel100:00:00Date: 1900-01-01 Sale Amt: 0Ii SaIe/FT: I 0.00/SqFt., II IIBy: IIDate Valued: IPermits: I ExemPt.! 0 ' II ' IlTotal: IlIml'~°v~': ] '', I 0 78,0 le. 0I 11~o3o~o Neighborhood & Use II Neighborhooa: Sa0 ' IIMap-ID: Z3/34S i1~o~ U~e.' ooo · General Building Data NO.stories: IIEff:llYearBuilt: Baths[I,,':II~edrm~= Pool: ,1[ ~pl~: il~r: I Wall: I Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph l[,Subdiv Name: Living Area: SqFt. I Improvements Improvements / Extra Features THIS INFORMATION iS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THiS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED http :// 10156828,233434000000007 1/9/01 DATE RECEIVED: OFFICE USE ONLY FILE NUMBER: DATE APPLICANT NOTIFIED, APPLICATION IS INCOMPLETE: LIST oF ~DITIONAL ~O~ATION NEEDED: t ' - , +,,fie ' . , DA~ ~DI~IONAL ~O~ATION ~~EIVED: *************************************** 1NFO **************************************** -ZONING:. ~~-/ LAND USE: /~~ /~/0fl/~ TAZ: SECTION: '-~ TOWNSHIP: 36 RANGE: 3? *************************************************************************************** WARRANTY DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. CHECK FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES. DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUIREMENTS? YES / NO IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER - YES NO DER - YES NO SEWER - YES NO DER - YES NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, DOES EACH LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 SQUARE FEET (1/2 ACRE)? YES NO *********************************** CONCURRENCY ************************************ CERTIFICATE OF CAPACTY REQUIRED YES NO ~/~ WHY NOT DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT REQUJI~D YES NO ~ COMMENTS:*******************************************2*****************************~************.g~?.`~ ~/?/ ~ O~ ~/~ ~~ff-OV~/ /d'~/'za, ~_. ~ DATE GRANTED: BY WHOM: Date' Jan 9, 2001 From: Linda Re' Lot Split for Midway Energy Center Lot split tentative approval at Site Plan and Rezoning PNRD approval. 1 3~ Final lot split approval will be Unity of title with property tax ID#2334 340 ,~ 0001 000/7 back 35. ac (approx) parcel at building, peri'nit approv~w.~d~l~/~ Sub~~~ar-eetq-)-propr)se-d c---~S out east 1~3'9' feet but Su~e----ey-shows e So Property tax ID# on back parcel is wrong s/b 2334 340 0000 000/7. ST. LUCI E COUNTY 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 349'82 Growth Management Division PAYMENT RECEIPT TRANSACTION NUMBER- 101132060 TRANSACTION DATE: 15 NOV 2000 REFERENCE NUMBER: PUD REZONING & SITE PLAN FEES COLLECTED FEE CODE SP/RZ 'DESCRIPTION SITE PLAN/REZONING AMOUNT 3,8~:0. O0 CHECK NBR: 1000001147 PAID BY: ECT RESOURCES CORP MEMO: / ACSA~./' AMOUNT PAID: FEE WAIVED: $3,810.00 ECT Resources Corp p.O. ~ox 1188 Houston, TX 77251-1188 , , ,- , ST 'LUCIE COUNTY 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE'FL 34982-5652 11/10/2000 PAGE 1 OF 1 VENDOR NO: 5000061062 REMITT~CE.STATEMENT INVOICE ~ ' ' ' ' INVOICE NO. PURCHASE AMOUNT VOUCHER. NO.- .DATE ORDER ..... GR°SS ' DIscOuNT - NET Il/Z0/2000 ' GARCIA. ST LUCre 3,8~o.oo ' 3,8zo.oo I:~,~N [No-MIDw AY , TOTAL 3,810.00 . ~PEcIAL INS'I~RUCTi0Ns:' ' . . : .... [ JULIE GARCIA xgS93 W~ PICK UP CHECK. THIS STUB FOR YOUR RECORDS. CHECK~ 1000001147 ATTACHED BELOW -. . . .. . .. Alfred ]. Maicfatto 561-650=7908 MalcfattoA~gtlaw.com ATTORNEYS AT LAW August 28, 2000 By Fax and U. S. Mail Mr. Charles A. Cangianelli Building & Zoning Manager Public Works Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce FL 34982 Enron/Midway Road Facility Dear Chm'lie: Somewhat belatedly, I would like to thank you and the other St. Lucie County representatives for meeting with me, Greg Krause and the Enron development team on August 8, 2000 to discuss the proposed electric, power "peaker plant" to be located on the north side of Midway Road, west of 1-95. I would like to confirm some of the items we spoke about at that meeting, ~md at our previous meeting held on June 23, 2000 with Dennis Murphy, David Kelly, Julia Shewchuk, and Doug Anderson. Based on the discussions at those meetings, Enron's current imention is to request a rezoning to Planned NOn-Residential Development ("PNRD,') on the emire 117-acre+/- tract of land. Concurrent with the rezoning, St. Lucie County would review the Site plan fOr the Enron facility to be located on the cemer 28-acres +/- parcel. Based on the facts that (1) a stormwater retention pond will be located on the northern 39 acres (+/-); and (2) the square footage of the Enron buildings on site will be approXimately 11,000 square feet, far below the allOwable .25 floor area ratio ("FAR") to qualify for a "low intensity" use, it was agreed at our June 23 meeting that no comprehensive plan amendment will be required. In addition to seeking the rezoning and site plan approval, Enron's current intention is to file a lot split application for the property, which you and David Kelly indicated would be permissible. The southwesterly 50 acres +/- will be retained by the current property owner for future commercial development. The entire 117-acre property (located in Sections 3 and 34) will be Platted when that owner seeks approval from St. Lucie County to develop the southwesterly 50 acres. You also agreed that the Building Department would review the facility's building plans on a preliminary basis 'prior to the completion of the rezoning and site plan approval. At that P.O. Box 20629 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33416-0629 561-650-7900 Fax S01-655-6222 www.gtlaw, eom ~A~ N~wXO~ WashingTon, D.C. A,[n~a pa~n~a~n T~sons Coan~ SAO PAULO FORT LAUDERDkLE WEST PALM BEACH ORLANDO TALLAHASSEE BOCA Mr. Charles A. Cangianelli August 28, 2000 Page .2 time, Enron will submit three (3) sets of plans to your department while the Planning Department is processing our rezoning and site plan review applications. David Kelly stated that it would take approximately 8-12 weeks after application certification to obtain final site plan and rezoning approval. Finally, as I mentioned to you in our telephone discussions since the August 8 meeting, Enron has slowed its schedule somewhat as it considers certain equipment design changes. Despite its schedule change, EnrOn fully intends to move forward with the Midway Road facility in the relatively near future. Once again, we do appreciate your courtesy in meeting with us. We will keep you and the other St. Lucie County representatives apprised of our progress. Please call if you have any questions. . CC' Dennis J. Murphy, AICP David Kelly, AICP Gregory D. Krause, P.E. David McDeed, P.E. Richard M. Ladyko, P.E. Richard A. Lear, P.E. Katherine McKe.~ie-Smith, Esq. Ms. Jan Urso~ Barbara. Springthorpe, AICP \SPRINGTHORPEBk3 05117v0 I\6JFH01 !.DOC\8/23/00\42292.010100 GBEENBERG TRAURIG [~ -o__j' 865'-0' ill I ! I I I L_'_ ....... gx-x--x-x-x-x-x-x--I -X---X---X---: -- - '1: · ,:. .~. posin s/om.,- PO~ .~lO~ .... .11-.. Ioio~ .~ ,pioj Il-I°1©1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£RS January ii, 2001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR JULIA SHEWCHUK Alfred J. Malefatto Greenberg & Traurig, P.A. P. O Box'20629 West PalmBeach, FL 33416-0629 Subject: Midway Energy Center (ENRON)- Rezoning, Lot Split and Major Site Plan (2'd Submittal) Dear Mr. Malefatto: The St. Lucie County DeVelopment Review Committee (DRC) has reviewed the 2nd submittal documentation for site. plan apprOval for the above referenced project. The comments listed below are based on the Committee's review of this project. 1) 2) When will the Plat for this project be submitted for approval? Under the General Notes #7' the reference . to the NAD should be 1983/90 (Job #0053 and 2329). 3) Previously you were requested to .submit a.digital copy of. the legal descriptions of the-subject property. Your response letter dated December 1.8, 2000 did not contain the requested h~formation. Please sub~t this information. 4) According to your response letter dated December 18, 2000, it was indicated that parcel 3 would be undeveloped land except for the Stormwater Management Pond. In our discussions, previously it was indicated that you would be utilizing, the proposed stormwater pond on Parcel 3. As. this parcel Will .not be a dedicated water management tract, please indiCate the manner in which you will be retaining the required onsite stormwater retention (wet or dry). 5). :~. Please indicate on. the site: plan how~ Parcel 3 will have road ~frontage and access. According to t!~e.propose.d, master PNRD plan, Parcel 2 .(the Midway Energy Parcel)' will retain road frontage via, the 100-foot.strip of. land .adjacent to Midway Road. The .remaining pamel (Parcel 3) does not appear to.have accessor, road frontage, in order to accommodate any future development. Please provide details, :This issue can be resolved by combining Parcels 2 and 3 into a single parcel. .~. 6) WillParcel '2 and Parcel 3 be combined eventually? The lot split application may be approved with a condition that the lot line-adjUstment be completed .for the two parcels of land, Please Contact .Jan Urso (5 61,462,15 62) if you have .any questions.. If the parcels are proposed'for futi~re ,~..combination, please.provide theBuilding~Department with a clear legal description of Parcel 3. In addition, will these two'parcels of land have a separate parcel number? JOHN D. BRUHN, District No. 1 · DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 · .PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 ° FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 o CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration- (561) 462-1590 · Planning. (561) 462-2822 · GIS/Technical Services- (561) 462-1553 Economic Development: (561) 462-1550 · Fax. (561) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention. (561 ) 462-1529 · Fax: (561 ) 462-2132 ' 5 January ~, 2001 Page 2 Petition: Midway Energy Center MJSP To clarify the intent to utilize.Parcels 2 and 3 for the power I faci t' p label: Parcel l~as~ 7 ractA~ and. there~ma~mng ~ the ~,.g~herali'nOtes'secti0n On-the sim~ pi,an, on the~ master plato and other sheets, as appmpriam. ~. 7) .... ~t~[he~o~e~a,lti~legal ~descfipti°n, for the PNRD,~ the description found on .the ALTA/ACSM. Survey? This .cl.adfication-isneeded for advertising of the project. 8)-. ~. The applicationindieates that-PNRD:'Z°ning iS'Proposed'for the frOnt 41.59~acre parcel. The cover'sheet must be ,,revised.. to indicate that Parcel No. 1 is part of the PNRD. If Parcel 1 isto approved asa pre!iminary PNRD and the rear 75 acreS to final PNRD this needs to be appropr[ately:~noted.on all. plans, Final PNRD requires the submittal and approva! of a concept. plan, for those'lands propOSed forreZoning, Proposed landscaping, details, common areas, open space areas for.the entirePNRD should be provided: ,.- .~,~'~,::9)~',~'''~,~'~'~-'~, ....... F'l¢'ase::~ t:,thePareel~No?,.'.3'Tax-~ 'onthe master site plan, .... It. shoUld be 2334~340,0000~0007. F~!ease. make~t-henecessary corrections on all she:ets,and, applications. ., 10) Will the entrance road to the commercial subdivision be public or private? If the street is to . remain under private ownership, street ownership and maintenance association documents must be provided (Section 7.05.03(2)). 11) Will the Water Management ~Tract indicated on the PNRD Master Site Plan be platted as a Water Management Tract? If .so, please provide the actual boundaries that will be incorporated in the separate tract on the Master Site ~Plan. ~2) AccOrding to the P~ Master Plan Parcel 3 is designated to remain as open space. According to your response letter this parcel is undeveloped land and not open space. If'this is so, please demonstrate 'how the proposed open space requirement of 35% preservation will be maintained on the Midway Energy Center (Parcel 2) parcel. Please demonstrate how Section 7.02.03(H)(1) is being met by delineating the open space areas, eXcluding stormwater treatment facilities, and indicate the method to be used to ensure that long term protection and maintenance of the open spaCe areas. ~3) On Sheet C-5 (Revised) no legend is provided indicating the trees depicted as existing on the site. Please provide a legend on this sheet. 14) Chapter 6.02.03 of the' County Land Development Code addresses the County's wetland jhrisdiction and standards, which must be met prior to final development authorization. Please review the sUbmitted materials to ensure that they meet the code requirements. 15) Please indicate the type of mitigation that will be provided for impacts to the jurisdictional wetlands as defined in Chapter 6.02.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. As recommended previously, any enhancements made to the ponds on. the site should count toward wetland impacts after' avoidance and minimization has Occurred. · 16) Previously staff recommended that the entrance/exit road be relocated in such a manner as to avoid any impact on the existing pond. You have stated in your response that the pond will be filled. Please note that Chapter 6.02.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code requires the applicant to modify designs to lessen impacts to wetlands, if feasible. Revising the location of the ingress/egress and utility easement to reduce wetland impacts is feasible. Please modify the January~~ ~:, 2001 Page 3 Petition: Midway Energy Center MJSP site plan to avoid .wetland imPacts by the proposed entrance easements. Mitigation for any remaining wetland impacts should be offset through the enhancement of this water body. i7) According to your response letter of December 18, 2000, you are proposing to fill all ponds located within the PNRD Project boundaries.. Has FDEP :or ACOE indicated whether mitigation will required' for impacts to man made waters? Please indicate the total acreage, condition and type of mitigation .' that will be provided for impacts to the jurisdictional wetlands as defined in Chapter 6.02.03 of the Land Development Code or state and federal .agencies. ~8) Why are.native trees being removed in areas not proposed for development? The removal of several protected treeS is not necessary for the construction of the facility. 19) a. bo The location of the ingress/egress and utility easement can be relocated to eliminate the . need to remove the 18" to 24" trees that are indicated for removal on the Site Clearance .and Vegetation Removal Plan. Please note native trees shall not be removed from the site until construction permits are received. The~ Site Clearance and Vegetation Removal Plan indicates a 24" tree located just NE of .the proposed Chiller Water Tank. This plan has the tree planned for removal. Why, it does not appear to be-within any planned construction areas? The Site Clearance and VegetatiOn Removal Plan indicates the removal of a 20" tree located along the Northern Property line within the proposed rack area. Why does this tree have to be removed? Can it be preserved in .this area? No tree removal mitigation plan was submitted. Section 6.00.05(D) provides the requirements for tree removal and required mitigation.. 2o) Why are you not proposing to relocate the palm trees appearing on Sheet C-5 to other areas on the Site? 21) kt your response to Comment 8 of the DRC December 7, 2000 comment letter, there appears to b~e information missing. Please explain the exhibit submitted in order to provide detail on decibel levels. What. is the distance from the point of residential home from the proposed sound level? 22) The Fire District' does not accept the placement of underground valves for the underground water lines. Please contact Tony' Liento at (561) 462-2312 for further explanation on what will be acceptable. 23) Tlhe PNRD Master Site Plan. did not fully address the entrance from Midway Road to the proposed subdivision. Please indicate, in addition to the proposed right turn lane, a left turn.lane from Midway Road .into the project driveway. The design of these lanes shall be in a manner, which provides for turning movements onto the LTC Ranch property. .~ 24) The driveway connection to Midway Road will need to meet FDOT criteria. A 35-foot radius and culvert pipe equaling the width of the driveway plus 35 feet will be required. Please submit a letter of intent to reSpond to these comments within 30 days of the date of this letter in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.02.04(A)(4). No further review of this project can take place until, the above comments are addressed. January 5;, 2001 Page 4 Petition: Midway Energy Center MJSP Please note alSo that in the event that. you do not resubmit documentation addressing these comments within 120 days of the date of this letter, your application for site plan approval will be considered Withdrawn along with. the forfeiture of all fees paid to.date. Please contact me at 56.1/462-1960 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~_.) Cyndi Snay Development Review,. Planner II Cc: Daniel Mclntrye, COunty Attorney Tony Liento, Fire Marshall Donald West, County Engineer Ron Harris, CoUnty Surveyor Don Cole, Acquisitions Manager Scott Herring, .Road and Bridge ~n ~Urso; B uilding':and Zoning File H:\WpLProjectsXMidway Energy Center\comment. t401 .doc PARENT PARCEL: THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION .3, TOWNSHIP 3;6 SOUTH', R~GE ,39 EAST; LESS AND EXCEPT: RIGHT-OF-WAYS FOR MIDWAY ROAD, (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70 FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE NORTH ST. LUCIE RI~R 'WA~ CONTROL DISTRICT CANAL Ne~ ~g~,~--~~ FOOT .INtD- E RIGHT--OF-~Y ALL LYING IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ALSO DESCRIBED AS: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION ;3, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST ST. LUClE COUNTY, ,FLORIDA AND BEING M~E 'PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 3; THE~ICE NOR~TH 00'16'38' WEST ALONG THE E~T UNE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 3 A DISTANCE OF 39.67 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70 ~FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE SOUTH 89'48'08' WEST ALONG 'THE 'NORTH RIGHT--OF--WA~Y LINE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 712) A DISTANCE OF 3g. o0 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORTH ST. LuctE RIVER WATER-CONTROL DISTRICT CANAL NUMBER 93 AND THE POINT. OF BEGINNING; THENCE' CONTINUE ALONG THE NORTH .EIGHT--OF--WAY .MNE OF' SAID MIDWAY ROAD 'SOUTH .89'48'08" 'WEST A DISTANCE OF 1288.78 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTH 00t8'53' WEST A DISTANCE OF 2622.25 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION' WITH THE 'NORTH LINE OF THE NOR~WEST ~ARI~R OF SAJD .SEC~ON 3; THENCE SOU¥.TH ~'5B;58' EAST ALONG THE NORTH MNE OF SAiD SECTION .3 A DISTANCE . OF 1290.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE 'WEST .RIGHT-OF-WAY ENEOF SAID CANAL NUMBER 9.3 AND A POINT ;39 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 3; THENCE SOUTH 00~16'38' EAST ALONG THE ~ST RIGHT-OF. WAY UNE OF SAID CANAL NUMBER 93 A DISTANCE OF 2617.aA FEET RETURNING TO THE NORTH RiGHT-OF-WAy UNE OF MIDWAY ROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROPERTY CONTAINS 77.56 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. I UBJEC, T PARC'EL: ._~L.. THE EAST 139,00 FEET OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARIER OF SECTION ,3, TO.SHIP 36 'SOUTH, RANGE ,39 EAST; TOGETHER WITH: THE NORTH~ 1096.51' FEET OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH., RANGE 39 EAST; LESS AND EXCE. PT: RIGHT-OF-WAYS FOR- MIDWAY' ROAD, (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70 FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND' THE NORTH ST. LUCIE RIVER WATER .CONTROL DISTRICT CANAL No. 9,3, A 78 FOOT ,WIDE RIGHT-OF--WAY ALL LYING IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. A.LSO DESCRIBED AS: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING tN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST ST. LUClE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING' MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 3; THENCE NORTH 00-16'3B' WEST ALONG; THE EAST MNE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER .OF ~SND 'SECTION .3 A DISTANCE OF 39.67 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70 FOOT WIDE Rt~'T-OF--WAY; THENCE SOUTH 89'48'08" WEST ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF MIDWAY ROAD' (COUNTY ROAD 712) A DISTANCE OF 39.00 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT-OF--WAY UNE OF NORTH ST. LUClE .RIVER WATER CON'~R~DIS~I.CT CANAL NUMBER 93 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY MNE OF SAID MIDWAY ROAD SOUTH :89'48'08' WEST A DISTANCE iOF I~LOO.___O_O~ET; 'THENCE DEPARTING SND RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE NORTH 00'16'38" WEST A DISTANCE ~F ~..5~21.27 WEST A DISTANCE OF !189~ FEET; THENCE NORTH' 00'18'53~' --~-"1= AFEET;DISTANCETHENCEoFNORTH~.1~96..51_FEETBg'58'SB" TO AN iNTERSECTION ?1~'- THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID sE~CTIoN 3; r THENCE SOUTH .89~858 ~ EAST ALONG THE NORTH E:NE OF SAID SEcTIoN 3 A DISTANCE OF 1290.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ~ST'"RiGHT-OF~WAY LINE ~OF :SAID CANAL NUMBER 93 AND A POi'N~-~§' FEET WEST .OF THE NORTHEAS. T CORNER OF THE NOR~~ST' QUAR~R OF SAID SECTION 3; THENCE 0 ' " S UTH 00'16'58. 'EAST ALONG THE ~ST RIGHT-:OF-WAY UNE OF SAID CANAL NUMBER 93 A DISTANCE OF 2617.~i' FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE 'OF MIDWAY ROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROPERTY CONTAINS 35.97 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. REM.AIN'DER PARCEL: THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 56 SOUTH, RAN~- 39 :~ST; LESS AND' EXCEPT: THE EAST 139.00 FEET OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION TO~:SHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE LESS AND EXCEPT: THE NORTH. 1096.51 FEET OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 3. TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 3'9 'EAST; ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT: RIGHT-OF-WAYS FOR MIDWAY ROAD, (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70. FOOT WiDE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE' NORTH .ST- LUClE RI~ WA~R CONTROL DISTRICT CANAI~ 'No. 9.3, A 78 FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY ALL LYING IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ALSO DE:SCRIBED ..AS: A PARCE.'L OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEINO M'ORE *PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SEcTiON 3; THENCE NORTH 0o'16'38" '~ST ALONG THE ,EAST UNE OF THE NORTHWEST OUAR,TER OF SAID SECTION 3 A DISTANCE OF 39.67 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUNTY ROAD' 712) A 70 FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE SOUTH 89'48'08" WEST ALONG THE NORTH 'RtGHT--OF-.WAY BLII.~_E,..~..F..i~ID_W:~_Y.._R_OAD_(~OUNTY ROAD 712) A DISTANCE t:.UiNNING; 'IHENCE .CONTINUE ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT-OF=WAY LINE OF SAID MIDWAy ROAD 'SOUTH 89~4808 WEST A DISTANCE OF 1288,78 FEET~ THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT-OF, WAY UNE NORTH 00`18'~" ~ST A DtST~NCE OF 1525.74 EEII THENCE SOUTH 8958'58" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1189.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'16'38" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1521.27 FEET RETURNING TO THE NORTIq RIGHT-OF-WAY ENE OF MIDWAY ROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROPERTY CONTAINS 41.59 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. · ;,nO 0 "- 1 i j, £, ,b9 Ll~i 0 OI l LTC (APPROXIMATE LOCATION PROPOSED t20' R (s mD NOT NO' 'i 6' 0 58 W DETAIL FOUND 8'x8" CM STAMPED SRD POC FOUND PK NAiL STAMPED LB 4286 / / / t / / / t 8' f - CANAL N~. ] N~ R/NV UNE ~IDWAY RO/q) DETAIL NOT ~ ~ A0-2.5 SET 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB ¢~86 N 1107255,11~68 E 841829.289 78 _ . 5303-22 4-0006-000/9 ) Nx ~0.2' ~T ANCHOR % IH~ ~ 8.0' TO OVER HEAD TRAN S~ISSIC~I MNE BARB~ FEN~ (TYP) ZONING LOT SIZE AND DIMENSION REQUIREMENTS YARD MAX. HEI~TICOVERAGE ByI TOP OF 70' R/W NOT INCLUDED eAN~-~.¢---~% ~N~ANC~ / / ' ASPHALT 'PAYMENT ( / "~'"~ ............. (S503-21 0-0000-000/4) I C (3.303- 221 -0000- 000/8) D1TC~I~TYP) 0,4 EAST HO~ 'M~ FEN~ ~N~ 20' BUILDtN~ SETBACK L (AG=~ ZONING) 50' BUILDING SE~ACK ,~.4' ~ (AO-~ ZO 0-I OVERALL PARCEL CONTAINS 75.01 ACRES FLOW WDA 4_33 N89'58'58"W 529.52 STAMPED LB 4286 ,-~ t8,2' O~R HEAD t ~ANSM,~ LINE (2354-522-0002-000/5) ohu ~ ~u SET 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB 4286 FOUND 4"x4" UNNUMBERED (0.15'E & 0.25'N) N 1109670.0860 E 8&1825.126,3 131& 7 50' BUI~ING %~ACK~ (AG-Z5 ZONING) SET 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB ¢286 N t 105 755.5061 E 845026.4449 ~:~FING ~RT ~ WAY N~6'~'W SET 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB 4286 N 1107254.76025 E 843019,08741 i 521.27' ENCROACHMENT r~c~ ~E I 90' N.$.LR.W.C.D. CANAL $89'48'08"W PO~ (7~' ~T-~-WAY) TOP OF BANK(~)~ 59.00' ~'%%.%SET 5/8" IR~C 26' WDE DITCH STAMPED LB 4286 FOUND 3'x3" CM UNNUMBERED (4.65'w a 0.2 's) N I105733.8512 E 843126.4444 POt_ES HAVE ~OSS BRACE THAT EXTENDS 5'S a 5'N (TYP) 18" TO~ (~) ?,.,. 25 ACRES 18' 18' AREA DETERMINED TO BEN~5 (UTSIDE 500 %AR FLOOD PLAIN ~ I00,00' SET STAMPED LB 4>286, AC-i (s505- 2-000 -00o/0)) SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION ._n:~; ;::. ':t~ :cT:- ::::: :- ':~: ;: ~ :;: ; ;:.: x.:,, I hereby certify to Lauderdote Land Developm~t Company, LLC./Cooney-Midw~y Grove, LC. and/or its assignees and Commo~nwealtth Land Title Insurance Company that the survey prepared by me entitled *ALTA/ACSM Survey prepared for Enron North America Corp." wass actluoliy made upon the ground and that it' ond the Information, courses (]nd distdnces shown thereon ~re correct; that the title lines and lines of ac;rue possession are the - 1 same; thdt the size, location ~nd t~e of buildings (]nd improvements (including the square footage of same) os well as the ~distalnces to the boundary lines of the property are shown and att ore within the boundary lines of the propert~ that the existing zoning, use ,and ,density cIo~tfications are AG-! and AG-2.5, (]nd that the property surveyed and ail existing improvements on the property comply with ali restrictkons: of record and land use requirements, including fimit~tions (]nd other requirements or restrictions as to building height ~nd location, building and gtructture coverage and depth, setbacks and side yards and efevation of other portions of the improvements, including Ioading docks; that there are mo ec~seme~ts~ uses or encroachments from, or upon, or ~ffecting this property appeoring from a carefut ph~icat irspection of the same, other than~ those shown and depicted thereon; [thor ali utility services required for' the operation of the premises either enter the premises through adjoiniting'ptubtic streets, or the survey shows the point of entry and tocation of ~ny utilities which pass through or are located on odjoining private land;] theft any utiti(y Iines and (~:ppu:rten.ances and utility easements servtn9 the property and any utility transformers IDeated on the premises dre depicted h(ereon~ and those h tronsformers labeled as containing PCB's are specificolly noted; the parceI numbers of the subject property and the adjocent t properties ares own, the property has ph~icatly unrestricted ingress and egress to and from Midwoy Road (County Read 712), and such street or road t is a~ paved, dad;coted pubtic right-of-waY maintained by the County of St. Lucie; except os shown hereon, there ore no discrepancies, conflicts, shmrtages in area, per'fy walls, wails, driveway, fences, railroad tracks, spur tracks, sloughs, springs, streams, creeks, signs advertising the property inoludin,g those located within 100 feet, outside the boundories of the property or set-back Iines unless other wise noted. Only that portion of the prropertty as delineated lies within the lO0-year flood ptein, tOO-year flood hazard area or other designated special flood hozard~;¢rea as indicated by t. he) most recent Federal Emergency M~nagement Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map, being Community Ponel No. 120285, dated*~,ugust 19, 1991; and thhis survey is mode in accordance with the most current *Minimum Standard Detail; Requirements for Lend Title Surve~" jointly established and adopited ~y ALTA and AC'SM in 1997 ond meets the accuracy requirements of a rural survey, as defined therein, ond lnclud,.~s items 1-11 and i5-16 in Tabte; A contained therein pursuont to the ACcuracy Standards (as adopted by ALTA and ACSM and in effect on the d~te of this certification) of a Rur¢t Suirvey. This survey has been prepared in connection with that certain Commitment for TitIe Insurance dated June 27, 2000, issued by Commonwe)dth Land Title Insurance Compony, Commitment No. 864-76~096, ~nd l certify thdt ail of the matters referenced tn such commitment are shown on t(he murvey (or identified on the foce of the survey as not plot-able). f METAL PO~ER POLl (T~') UNAB~ TO OBTAIN t~AST T/~- - 2656.94 CE D ' ~ ~u S R 2nh' F-~.~ ~c~'~,~ ~ L, WITH1N 500 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN =~P~L EASEMENT ~ -N (iNC~ ~S ~ i~ ~R ~ A~A~ 5/8' ..... Z S TAM P ED 2 3 91 ~OA~~T O' 2 BUILDiNO SE~ACK (O.09'E A 0.06'S) ~ ~,,,;~,~ . . . ~ , -, . .. 200 _J N89'58'58"W 59.00' 89 55 59 E /~2661.04' ENRON NORTH AMERICA CORPoRATiON COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GREENBERG, TRAURtG, P.A~ LAUDERDALE LAND DE~qELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC EAST LINE OF THE SW OF SECTION 54 NOO'OO'45"E (2334-4! 0-0000-000/1 ) 110' FP&L EASEMENT (D.B, 23.4, PG. 7 AND MODIFIED tN D.D 259, Pg. 589' 55' 55' NORTH 0 108 GRAPHIC SCALE ( ~ ~) t inch : 200 fL (2554-512-0000-000/0) (2554- 311-0000-000/7) DEUNEA~ON UNE FOR 500 %AR FLOOD AS FEbt;A M AP (SEE NO~ 8) FOUND: 3/8" IR&C STAMPED 2391 N 1109670.2047 E 843tt4.0636 :2 2334- 422-'0000-000/8) 60' FP&L EASEMENT NOTES: !) Reproductions of this map, ore not valid without th. signoture and original raised seat cfa Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. ' 2) Commonwealth Land T~Ue Insurance Company Utle Insurance policy commitment number 864-764096 w~s reviewed and incorporated ~nto this survey. 3) Descriptions shown hereon, provided by the client and/or thek agent and modified by Cdpepper ~ Terpening, Inc, ' 4) Underground foundation8 and improvements were not iocoted os port of thi~ survey, however surface indications of subterranean structures were Iocoted os o~ poA: of this survey. 5) Overoli parcel contains 75.0:1 Acres, more or 6) The lost d~te of field work was August 7, 2000, 7) ~ne' East line of the SW t/4 of SeCtion 34 i~ assumed to .b~or 000043 E, hosed on the Florida East Zone 'State Piano Coordinate s~.tem (NAD 1983/88)) and di other bearings ~hown hereon ore retaUve thereto. 8) Subject property ts ~oco(e:d within an oreo having o Rood Zome Designation ' - ccordmg the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.), on Fiood ~tnsuronce Raie Mop No. 12tIIC0170 F with o dote of.identification of August 19, t991, for Community Number 120285, St. Lucia County, Store of Flortdo, which is the cuprent Flood insurance Rote Map for the community in which sa~d Premises is situated. ~e ddineoti°n IIn~e between being outside o 500 y~ar flood ptdn and inside o 500 year flood ptdn was scaled 'from thCe KEMA mop and is shown as approximate. ' 9) ~e subject p operty is ioca~ed within 2 zoning dsmcts grt~ulturd.-1 (AG-i) gricuiturd-2 (AG-2.5.) See table for lot size. and dmenslond ~equirements, 10) ~ere ore not o~her oonnecUons to MMwoy Rood within 600 fee~ of the subject property, other than. the existing di.r~ t. raveI way os shown. - !1) Subject property :is serviced by Bott South tdephone, and Fto~rida Power and Ught electric comp,an y. 12) Property is vacant and is currenUy operoUng os o citrus gtc>va. t5) Any transformer labeled .os 'containing PCB's and ore no 'more than 6' off of existing grade hove, been noted ~ereon. ' LEGEND · ~ IR&C = 5/8'" Iron Rod w/Plastic Cap IP&C = iron Pipe and Cap IP = Iron Pipe CM = Concrete Monument OHU = Over Heed Utility (P) = As shown on recorded (D) : Deed (C) : Calculates by Field Measurement R/W = Right of Way LS = Land Surveyor LB = License Business BLDG, = Building 0 = Metal Pole ~ = Wood P oie ~ = Concrete Pole CONG.= Concrete 'FYP. : Typicat P..B. : Plat Book PG, : Page O,R,B,: Official Records Book ~ = Wail M1N. = Minimum MAX. = Maximum N.S.L.R.W.C.D. = North St. Lucia River Water Control District O = Oak Tree (size in inches) ~ = Palm Tree (size in inches) SIT MIDWAY ROAD LOCATION (NOT TO SCALE) MAP No, = Number PRM = Perman,ent Reference Monument (~ = Center Line SRD = State Road Dep~rtment FPL = Florida Power & Light ~ SBT = Belt South Service Box ! = Plus or Minus N,G.V,D, = National Geodetic Vertical Datum ELEV = Eievotion TOB = Top of Bank M.H.W. = Mean High Water CALC = Calculates CBS = Concrete Block Structure CONC= Concrete ~ = Anchor (:nd Guy Wire COORDS = Coordinotes N.A.D. : North American Datum P.LS. = Professional Land Surveyor x ~ = Barbed Wire Fence ~'- = Ho9 Wke Fence SF = Square Feet POB = Point of Beginning POC = Point of Commencement CMP = Corrugated Metal Pipe D.B. = Deed Book RCP = Reinforced Concrete Pipe DESC ., THE NORTHERNMOST 71.52 ACRES OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF ~E NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, AND SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, TOOETHER ~ A CON~OUOUS STRIP OF LAND t00..00 FEET WIDE AND APPROXIMATELY 1,320..00 FEET LONG COMPRISING THREE ACRES, MORE OR LESS, RUNNING SOUTH FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABO~ DESCR}BED 71.52 ACRE PARCEL TO THE SOU~HEAS%~CORNER OK THE 117 ACRE TRACT OF WHICH THE 71.52 ACRES IS CURREN%Y A PART AT $.JCH TRAC%S BORDER WITH MIDWAY ROAD, ~EN RUNNING WEST i00.00 FEET ALONG ~E MOWAY ROAD BOUNDARY, THEN RUNNING NORTH TO THE B'OUNDARY OF 7t.52 ACRE . ARCEL, 'THEN RUNNING EAST TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, A~ IN ST. LUCIE couNt, FLORIDA. P ' ALSO. DESCRIBED AS: A PARCEL OF ~ND :LYING I:N SECTION: 3, 'FO~NSHfP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST AND IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 3.5 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST AND BEING MORE ARDL;ULARLY DESCRIBED AS p ' ~ FOLLOWS: COMMENCE At' ~E SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ~E N~THWEST QUARTER OF SAiD SEC~ON 5; THENCE NO.RTH 00'16'58" WEST ALONG CHE EAST LiNE OF ~E NOR~WEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 3 .A DISTANCE OF 39.67 FEET TO THE NOR~ RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUN'W ROAD 7t2) A 70 FOOT ~iD-E RiGHT-OF-WAY; t " ' ' · HENCE SOUTH 89 4.8 08 WEST ALONG THE NOR~ RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ~ MIDWAY ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 712) A DISTANCE OF 39.00 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LiNE OF NORTH ST.. LUCIE RIVER WATER CONTROL D~STRIC? CANAL NUMBER 93 AND. ~E POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CON~NUE ALONG THE NORTH RiGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID MIDWAY ROAD SOUTH. 89'48'08" ~ST A DISTANCE OF I00~00 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAiD RiGHT-OF-WAY LiNE NOR'TH 00'16"38" WEST A DISTANCE OF 152t.27 FEET; '~ENCE NORTH 89'58'58~ WEST A DISTANCE OF t189.80 FEET; THENCE NO'RTH 00~1 5,3 'WEST A DISTANCE OF I;096.52 FEET TO AN IN"~RSECTION ~TH ~E NOR'FH LINE OF THE 8'~ ORTH~ST QUARTER OF SAiD SECTION 5; THENCE NOR~ 00~04'51~ EAST A DISTANCE OF 1518.47 FEET; ~ENCE NORTH 89'59'¢1" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1288.94 FEET TO THE WEST RiGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID CANAL NUMBER 95; THENCE SOU~ 00'00'45" WEST ALONG THE WEST R~GHT-OF-WAY LiNE OF SAO CANAL NUMBER 93 A D~STANCE OF t5t8.97 FEET 'FO AN INTERSECTION ~TH ~'E NOR~ LINE OF SAiD SECTION 3; THENCE SOUTH 00'16'38' EAST A DSTANuE OF I096~51 FEET; ~ENCE SOUTH 00;16'38" - . . WEST A DISTANCE OF 1520.90 F;EET RETURNING TO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LiNE OF MIDWAY ROAD AND T~HE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID.PROPER~ CONTAINS 75~0I ACRES, MORE OR LESS~ COMPUTER 2329MAPi.dwg FIELD' t BK./PG. 00t 6/f35'~7¢ ,U:LPEPPER 4286 CONsuLTiNG ENGINERS LAND SUR~YORS 2~o sou~ ~sm ST~ FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 54-98! (56i) ~4-5557 ""'" 'FIELD '- eALCS. ' ': DETAEED DAT~ ALTA N PR~:P~ED POR CORP. DATE: t0-50-00 H:~iZ. SCALE: 1~2~' ~RT. SCALE: N/A ,~B S89'41'14'W 2655.51' LTC RANCor] (APPROXtM Al~E LOCATION PROPOSED 120' R/W) $89'48'08"W t288,78' SET 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB 4286 N 1105755.5061 E 843026.4449 59.67' FOUND 6~x6' OM STAMPED SRD (0.04"S) POC FOUND PK NAIL & DISK STAMPED LB 4286 DATE FOUND 3"X5" CM 48.0' EAST OF QUAR~R CORNER & ON NORTH R/W / P~TY xx \ \ \ \ SET 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB 4286 FOUND iR&C STAMPED US 259t (0.55'E & 1.08'S) N t10572e.40306 E 841837.66878 %9' ~t E~STING DRI~AY ~T NO0~8 53 W \ \ \ \ tt NORTH DIRT D~t~ DIRT t~1~ ~NORTH R~ LINE DETAIL "A" NOT ~ ~ (5303-231-000I -000/6) PO~R POLE 3.0' EAST ENCROACHMENT 50' BUILDING SETBACK (AG- t ZONING) ~T-OF~WAY LINE 70' R/W D~iT RO~ 2~ ASPHALT PAVEMENT EAST R~ tJNE / CANAL No~ 93 100,00' / / / / / COVE~ED / PORCH FOOTER ~ \ \ \ i525.74' H~ ~tRE FENT 48.2' STORY CBS 8UtLD~NG 60.8' CONCR~ PAD '% \ C~CRETE ~ ~PAD % I t / 1 / ' / / SET 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB 4286 '"'-- .......... N 1107255.11568 -~~ DETAIL E 841829.28978 NO~ ,o ~^~ ('3303- 22 4- GO06- 000/9) llENCROACHMENT 6.3' TO ANCHOR 0~2' ~T HO(; ~R£ 8.0' TO OVER HEAD ~(ZE TRANSMISSION LINE 2622.25' PO~R POLE PO~R POLE 6.5' EAST 12.6' EAST ENCROACHMENT ENCROACHMENT 20' BUILDING SE~ACK (AG-1 ZONIHG) / // -¢ AG-2.5 f'/ P CEL 2 REM_ NDER ~a" (~41.59 ACRES) t173,3' BARB~ W~RE TOP~ / POND CC.~E~ ';XuGS I STORY CBS BUILDING HOG ~E (SEE DETAIL ~B") ~~~ 17,3.5 AG- t ~~ *~ P ENT (3.503- 210-0000-000/4) (±77.56 ACRES) o3) HARD WOO)O l I f BSTtt46 ~T TRA~ WAY ! F 8ETWE:EN ~C~ ~ TO8 1521,27' 1 NOO'16'38"W ' ' ;~' ~;~ ~ 1520.90' ~ S00'16 3 i'E ~ N.S.L, . W.C. 4- ' ~8"W 889' 8 o POB TOP OFBANK(TYP)_j 39,00' '~'-.,,%~._ SE i / fR&C / 5 8" ~26' v~BE reTCH STAMPED LB 4286 SET 5/8" 'RaC FOUND 5"x5" CM STAMPED LB 4286 UNNUMBERED H 1107254.76025 (4,65'w a 0.25's) E 8450 9,0874 ~ N t105733.8512 ~ E 843126.4444 AO-t POLES HAVE CROSS BRACE ~TH,~ ~.x-~:,~s ;.s ~ ~., (~Y~) (5303-1 t2--000t-00(0/0) NOTES: I) Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raisedl seat of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 2) Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by ;hk, office for rights-of-way, easements of record, ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds, This inforrmotion should be obtained through appropriate title verification. 3) Descriptions shown hereon provided by the client and/or their agent and modifie~d by Cufpepper ~ Terpening, 4) Underground foundations and improvements were not located ~s part of this surwey. 5) Over,ti parcel contains 77,56 Acres, more or 6) The last date of field work was August, 2000. 6'SR"F 7) The East tine of the NW I/4 of SecUon 3 is assumed to bear S00'1 o ~, base~d on the Florida East Zone State Plane Coordinote s~tem (NAD 1983/88) and all other be&flings shown hereon are reiative thereto, 8) subject property ~s igc&ted within an area having ~ Flood Zone Desfgnation "X* ~ccording (o the Federal Emergency M~nagemeni Agency (F.E..M.A.), on Fiood insurance Rate 1211IC0170 F with a date of idenUficat]on of August I9, t99i, for Community Numb~er 120285, in St. Lucia County, State of Fioride,?~;~hich is the current Flood insurance ~Rate Map for the community in which said Premises is situa(sd. The dei~neaUon tine of the 50¢ year flood plain was scaled from (he FEMA map and is shown as approximate, 9) The sub~ect property is located wRh~n zoning district Aqricultural-1 (AG-I). See table for lot size and dimensioaa~ requirements. 10) ~ere ere no other connections to Midway Road within .600 feet of the subjeCl property, other than as shown. 11) Subject property is serviced, by Bail South telephone, and Fiorida Power and electric company. FOUND 4~X4~ CM 48.0' ~ST OF SCTION CORNERS 3 34 (3303- 22I - 0000- 000/8) EXISTING FLO~ WELL (T~P) LENCROACHMENT 0.4' EAST HOG ~RE FEN~ CORNER / ARCEL l UBJECT (:t:55.97 ACRES) ? 1096,5I' COMPUTER FIELD BK,/PG. 2329MAP2. dw9 .. ~.1~ ¢~,5.T,7, !~ 2329CALc. dwg TC~ (T~P).--~,, AREA DETERMINED TO BE%~J UTStDE 500 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN BUILDING SETBACK , METAL. POWER POLE (TYP) UNABLE TO OBTAIN MAST DtMENSt~S L Z 200' i50' 100' ~ 0 t~' 200' I ! t 1 ...... 1 1 SCA~ IN FEET: 1*= 200' SET 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB 4286 (2534- 322-0002-000/5) I6.2' OVER HEAD F- TRANSMISSION LINE ohu __L .... ohu oh u 3,6' ANCHOR DELINEATION LINE FOR ;R~OACHMENT 500 ~rEAR FLOOD AS PER FEMA MAP ~ ohu / 30' BUILDING SETBACK A6-2.5 '~ NOT INCLUDED PARCEL (2354- 3 0.%0001 000/7) POND (AG- t )1 .ZL- 3 ~ ohu .± 3~2Z' ,Z Z Z POLES HAVE CROSS BRACE THAT EXTENDS ±1.6'W & ~l.6'E (TYP) L POI_E HAS CROSS BRACE ~t-tA'T EX~NDS / 200' FP&L EASEMENT (O.R.B. 577, PG. 2069} AREA DETERMINED TO BE~ (WI~IN 500 %AR FLOOD PLAIN (tN~UDES ~EA$ ~ 1~ ~ ~ A~RAGE D~THS ~ LESS THAN 1 F~T ~ ~ITH DRAINAGE ~EAS ~SS TH~ I ~ ~IILF~ SE:" 5/8" IR&C STAMPED LB 4286 FOUND STAMPED 259t (O.09'E & 0.06'S) AND ~B PRO~C~ BY L~VtEES FRO~ t~ ~ FLOC0, S~ NO% a) 100.00' N,=~.~.c.D. cAN~ No. ~ t 096.51' 4' (5505-I 22-0015-000/2) IL EAST LINE OF THE NW t/4 OF SECTION 3- ',SET 5/8" IR&C SO0'lu ~ ',STAMPED LB 4286 4i' N 89'58'58'W LEGEND _ 59.C 0 5/8' Pon Rod w/Plastic Cop No. Iron Pipe and Cop PRM Iron Pipe Concrete Monument SRD Over Head Utility FPL As s~own on recorded plot. ~ SBT Deed C¢culates by Fled Measurement N.G.V.D. Right of W~y ELEV LdDd SuFve~F TOD Mcense Business M.H.W. Buildin~ , CALC Merit P~e CBS Wood Pole CONC C~n crete Po~e Concrete Plot Book P.L.S. Poge ~ x -- Official Records Book ~ u -- Well SF M~nimum POB Maximum POC No~h SL ~cie River Wdt~ Controt Dlstdct CMP Oak Tree (size in inches) R CP P~lm Tree (s~ze in inches) N89'55'59"E 2661..04' FOUND UGH~ Taco P(~T CULPEPPER I I I '1 ;::,~ x~,,/i L::;. :{, :::. i ::: ,::: i, .i~;, ! TERPEN:IN G,t'Nc: ~Fi:CA~ NO. 42:88 CONSuL~NG ENGINEERS LAND!SuRVEYoRS 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA ;34981 (56t) 4.64-5557 T LINE OF THE SW OF SECTION 54 (2334-410-0000-000/1) tl0' FP&L EASEMENT tO.B. 234, PC, 7 AND MODIFIED tN D.B. 239, PU, 389 55' // 60' FP&:L E ;~EMEN7 (O.R.B. 1t9, PC. 404) C TO: . ENRON NORTH AMERICA CORPoRATiON COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE !COMPANY GREENBERG, TRAURI.G, LAUDERDALE .LAND DE~LOPME.N'T COMPANY, LLC ZONING LOT'St'ZE AND DIMENSION REQUIREMENTS MiNiMUM YARD MtN. LOT S1Z N~AX. 45,560sf. _ R E V i-,-S t O.:N $ - D~. HE1GHTI COVERA% FIELD CALCS, DRAWN DETAILED :'cHEcKED DA% :7/?/.o.9: 7/~s/oo- Number Permonent Reference Monument Center Lin~ State Ro~d Deportment Florido Power & Ught Bell South Service Box Plus or Minus Nottoncl geodetic Vertical Datum Elevatt'on Top of Bona Meon High Toter Cdlculotes Concrete Bt~k Structure Concrete Anchor ~nd guy ~re COORDS: Coordinotes N.A.D, = North American ODium Professional Lond Surveyor Barbed Wire Fence Hog 'Wire Fence Squore Feet Point of Beginning Point of Commencement Corrugoted Metot Pipe De~ Book Reinforced Concrete Pipe .g/SIT MIDWAY ROAD DESCRIPTION · LO TION (NOT TO SCALE) PARENT PARCEL: THE ~ST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTI~ 3, TOWNSHIP 38 SOU'~, RANGE 39 EAST; LESS AND EXCEPT: RiGHT-OF-WAYS FOR MIDWAY ROAD, (COUNTY ROAD 7t2) A 70 FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE N~TH S% I.UGE Rt~R WATER CONTROL DISTRICT CANAL No. 93, A 78 FOOT ~DE RIGHT-OF-WAY ALL LYING IN ST, LUC1E COUNTY, FLORIDA, ALSO DESCRIBED AS: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING tN 'SEC~ON 3, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLOR:IDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW: COMMENCE AT THE SOU~EAST CORNER OF THE NORTH~ST QUAR~R OF SAID SEC~ON 5; ~ENCE NOR~ 00~6'58" WEST ALONG ~E EAST UNE OF THE NOR~ST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 3 A DISTANCE ~ 59.67 FEET *FO THE NOR~ RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70 FOOT ~DE RIfT-OF-WAY; THENCE SOU~ 89~48'08~ ~ST ALONG ~tqE NOR~H RiGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF MIDWAY ROAD (C~NTY ROAD 7t2) A DISTANCE OF 59,00 FEET TO ~E WEST R~GHT~OF-WAY UNE OF NOR~ ST. LUCtE RIVER WATER CONSOL DISTRICT CANAL NUMBER 95 AND '~E POINT OF BEGINNING; ~EN~ CONTINUE ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF SAID MIDWAY ROAD SOU~ 89~48'08~ ~ST A DISTANCE OF 1288,,78 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTH 00'18'55' WEST A DISTANCE OF 2622~25 ~ET TO AN iN~RSECTION Wl~ ~E NORTH UNE OF THE NORTH~ST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 5; ~ENCE SOU~ 89'58'58~ EAST ALONG ~E NORTH UNE OF' SAID SECTi~ 5 A DISTANCE OF 1290.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF SAID CANAL NUMBER 95 AND A POINT 59 ~ET ~ST ~ ~E NORTHEAST CORNER OF ~E NORTHWEST QUAR~R OF SAID SEC~O4q 5; THENCE SOUTH 00~6'38~ EAST ALONG THE ~ST RIGHT~OF~WAY LINE ~ SAiD CANAL NUMBER 95 A DiSTANt' OF 2617.4! FEET RETURNING TO THE NOR~ RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF MIDWAY ROAD AND ~E POINT OF BEGtNNtNG~ SAID PROPERTY CONTAINS 77L56 ACRES, SUBJECT PARCEL: (PARCEL 1) THE EAST i59.00 ~E'T OF ~E EAST ONE-HALF ~ THE NORTHWEST ONE QUAR~R ~ SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 56 SOUTH, RANGE .39 EAST; TOGETHER WfTH: THE NO~ 1096.51 FEET OF .THE EAST ONE-HALF .OF THE NORTH~S'T ONE QUARTER O:F SECIqON 3, TOWNSHIP 36 S(AJTH, RANGE 59 EAST; LESS AND EXCEPT; RIGHT-OF-WA~ FOR MIDWAY ROAD, (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70 FOOT' ~DE RIGHT~OF~*WAY AND WA~R C~TROL DISTRICT CANAL No~ 95, A 78 FOOT WiDE RIGHT-OF-WAY ALL LYtN~ ~N ST, LUGE COUNTY, FLORtDA~ ALSO DES~tBED AS; A PARCEL OF LAND L'~:NG IN: SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 56 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST ST, LUGE COUNTY, FL~iDA AND BEING MORE PAR~CULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCE AT ~E SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION .3; ~EN.CE NOR~ 00~6'58~ WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTH~ST QUARTER OF SAID SEC~ON 5 A D~STANCE OF ~9.67 FEET TO ~E NOR~ RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUN"~ ROAD 7t2) A 70 FOOT WiDE RiGHT-*OF-WAY; THENCE SOU~H 89"~'08" ~ST ALONG ~IE NOR~ RIrHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUN~ ROAD 7!2) A DISTANCE OF" ;59.00 FEET TO ~E WEST R~GHT~OF~WAY UNE OF NOR~ ST. LU~E RIVER WA~R CONTROL D~S~ICT CANAL NUMBER 95 AND ~E POINT OF BE~NNiNG; ~ENCE CON~NUE ALONG' ~E NOR]q.~ R~GHT~OF-WAY UNE OF SAiD M~DWAY ROAD SOU~ 8'9'48~08" WEST A DiSTANOE ~ 100.00 FEET; ~ENCE DEPARtiNG SAiD RI'GH'T.-OF-WAY UNE NORTH ~q6'38~ WEST A DISTANCE OF 15.2t,27 FEET; THENCE NOR'~ 89'58'58~ WEST A DISTANCE OF 118~.80 ~ET; ~ENCE NORTH 00q8'5~~ WEST ~ D~STANCE OF 109&5t FEET TO AN 1N~RSECTION WiTH THE NORTH UNE OF THE NOR~ST QUARTER OF SA~D SEC~ON ~; THENCE SOUTH 8958'58~' EAST AL~G THE NOR~ UNE OF SND SEC~ON $ A DISTANCE OF t290.52 FEET TO A PC~NT ~ THE WEST R~GHT-OF~WAY ~NE OF SAiD CANAL NUMBER 9~ AND A POINT ,59 FEET ~ST OF ~E NOR~EAST CORN~ ~ THE N~TH~ST QUARTER OF SAJD SECTI~ ~; ~ENCE SOUTH 0Q~6'$8~ EAST ALONG ~ST R~GHT-OF-WAY ~NE OF SAID CANAL NUMBER 9~ A DtSTAN~ OF 2~t7.41 FEET TO ~E NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MIDWAY .ROAD AND ~E POINT OF BEGtNNtNG~ SAID PROP.ER~ CONTAINS 55.9'7 ACRES, MORE OR ~SS. REMAINDER PARCEL: (PARCEL 2) ~E EAST ~SS AN:[) ONE-HALF OF ~E NOR~WEST ONE QUOTER OF SECTI~ 3, ~O~SHiP 56 SOU:~, RAN~ 59 EAST; EXCEPT: THE EAST 139~00 FEET OF ~E EAST ONE-HALF OF ~E N:OR~ST ONE ®ARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 38 SOUTH, RANGE 5'9 EAST; ~SS-AN[) EXCEPT: THE NOR'~ 1096~5t FEET OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF ~CTION 5. TOWNSHIP 56 SOUTH, RANGE 3g EAST; ' ALSO L ~' E~S AND EXCEPT: R]GHT--OF~WAYS FOR MIDWAY ROAD, (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70 FOOT WIDE RtrGHT--OF~WAY AND THE NORTH ST, LUC1E RIVER Wk~R CONSOL DISTRICT CANAL No. 9.3, A 78 FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY ALL LYING 1N ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA.. ALSO DESCRIBED AS: A PARCEL OF LANO L~NG /N SECTiON 3, TOWNSHIP 36 SOU~, RANGE 39 EAST ST, LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PART~LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAiD SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH 00'q6'58~ ~ST ALONG THE EAS~ LiNE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF -SAID SECTION 5 A DISTANCE OF 59~.67 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT~OF~WAY LINE OF' MIDWAY ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 712) A 70 FOOT W~DE..RtGHT-O'F-WAy; ~ENCE SOUTH 89'48'08~ WEST ALONG THE NORTH RGHT~OF-.WAY LiNE OF MIDWAY ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 7t2) A DISTANCE OF ~39.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGiNNiNG; THENCE CONTINUE ALONG THE NORTH RiGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF SAID MIDWAY ROAD SOUTH 89'48"-0'8" WEST A DISTANCE OF t288,78 FEET; THENCE. DEPARTING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE NORTH 00~8'55~ ~ST A DISTANCE OF ~525.74 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89'58'58~ EAST A DISTANCE OF 't189.80. FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00't6'58' EAST A DISTANCE OF 1521,27 FEET RETURNING TO THE NORTH RIGHT~-WAY LiNE OF MIDWAY.RoAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROPERTY CONTAINS 4t~-59 ACRES,. MORE OR LESS, BOUNDARY SURVE P~PARED FOR 5-OO HORiZ, SCALEi t =200 VER% SCALE: N/A ENRON 'NORTH AMERICA 2329'-2 SHEET ! OF 1