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BOARD .OF. COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINIST TO TERRY L VIRTA, AICP Ja'nuary 23, 1995 Frank H. Fee, III, Esq. P. O. Box 1'000 Fort iPierce, FL 34.954-.1000 Re: C & O Properties, Ltd. Lot Split ]Property Tax ID#3403-502-0004-000/5, Dear~Mr. Fee: 3403-502-0005-020/8 The application submitted by C & O Properties, Ltd. to split the property described 'by 'the referenced ID numbers into two parcels with adjustment to the existing lot lines has been reviewed and approved as submitted. pl'ease be aware that Section 11.03.04 of the St. Lucie County Land Development COde provides that no .further division of an approved lot split is permit.ted unless a final record plat is prepared and approved in accordance with the code. Sincerely ...... ommun:Lty ~evelopment Director TLV: JU: s r HAVERI' L. FENN, D~-io-No. 1 o JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 · DENNY GREEN, District No. 3 · R. DALE I'REFELNER, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 2300 Virginia~Avenue o Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652' Adminis~aror:.. (407)468-15'90 , Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 · Planninq: (407)468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 - 0 0 0 DATE ~ iRECE IVE D: OFFICE USE ONLY FILE NUMBER: DATE APPLICANT NOTIFIED APPLICATION IS INCOMPLETE: , LIST OF'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED: DATE ,ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECEIVED RESEARCHED BY: ~"~'/~.~~_..L/..//~_~. f~ SECTION: ~ TO'SHIP: ~~ ~GE: ~~ ********************************************************************* W~TY DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. ~w CHECK FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES. DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUIREMENTS? YES i~ NO ' IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER- YES NO DER- YES NO SEWER- YES NO DER- YES NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, DOES EACH LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,7'80 S ~- . QUARL FEET (1/2 ACRE)~ YES NO ************************ CONCURRENCY ******************************** CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY REQUIRED s /~ ~ YE NO _..... . ********************************************************************** , - DATE GRANTED: BY WHOM: 03/20/95 It: 58 '{~'407 466' 49,52 COGG i.',, OSTEEN {~{00 t 4.500 & U.S. I e,~ Fort Pierce, Florida 349{ From: , '= ......... ..... - "=· - ;--'=-:=' '~ "'/ '---:~- ~ --' '-' ..... :- - :'=: - ~ -,-=~--' .,,,~,..-., _---~m--_. _=:_ _-=: ...... __;. x . ~ ..... ---7 _ ' ..... . ' - ' ".' z _-_ ...... Tel.: 407-~66-7000 800-330-2044 407-466-4952 Per our telephone conversation, the County required =hat we combine our properties, and then create a loc split, which placed ghe ex±aCing BMW a±gn on the Piece of property Co the South of Oho Mercedes-Benz Dealership. At chis t~me ~here are 4 si~ns on che Mercedes-Be.uz property, which I believe is the number ~allo'wed by the County, and wa should be able to disassemble the old M-B s±Sn and erect ~the new one withou~ having t:o 'Cake down any other sign. . ' Please call me if therm are any difficulties, Thank you. INQ ST. LUCIE'~ COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL'& ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUEST [ '~ · PARCEL ID [3403-50 0005-020/8 ] 01/17/95 15117 LGAL - LEGAL i ESCRi~Ti~N OWNER ~&0 PROPERTIES LTD SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 02/368/40E WHITE CITY~ S/D 03 36 40 FROM NW COR LOT 4 RUN S 500 F ~ E 78 FT TO E R/W US 1 FOR POB,TH CONT S ON R/W 100 FT,T~ ~~FT,T~ S 201 FT,TH E 130 FT,TH N 30 ', T TH W~ FT TO POB BEING PART OF LOTS 'R & 12 (1.36 AC) ~~ ~, * THI.S INFORMATION 'IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 MAST REQUEST ( ) I.D.(3~403-502-0005-020/8 C&O PROPERTIES LTD 7400 BAYMEADOWS WAy STE 200 JACKSONVILLE,FL 32256-0000 * PARCEL MASTER SCREEN * 01/17/95 14:59 ) PAGE ~(81) OF 1 TAx YEAR(C) 1995 VOID Y/N(N) 4650 S US HWY 1CTY D.O.R. CODE 2700 DATE SOLD 08/12/92 V CLASS. USE CODE SALE AMT 175000 SECTION 02 O.R. BOOK 0803 TOWNSHIP 36S O.R. PAGE 1439 RANGE 40E MAP ID 34/03N ...... LEGAL/PROpERTY DESC ..... SPECIAL DIST 0154 TAX AUTH. 02COUNTY WHITE CITY S/D 03 36 40 FROM NW SUBDIVISION 3403502 NOTES YES COR LOT 4 RUN S 500 FT,TH E 78 LOAN LENDING INST. FT TO E R/W US 1 FOR POB,TH CONT VACANT/IMPRV * LAND (MARKET) = 136180 S ON R/W 100 FT,TH E 220 FT,TH S I IMP' SALE * IMPROVEMENT = 42220 201FT,TH E 130 FT,TH N 301 QUAL/CODE * CLASS. USE FT,TH W 330 ~FT TO POB BEING PART 02 MOR TH 1 * ASSESSED = 178400 OLD ID NO. * EXEMPTION = PARENT ID NO. 3403-502-000~5-020/8 SPLIT * TAXABLE = 178400 ............................. EXEMPTIONS- ......................... NOT:H: W: C: M: EXEMPT STATUS · ** THIS INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT WARRANTED *** 9005VOID FOR THIS ACCT 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 BUILDING DEPARTMENT FILE COPY RECEIPT N° 7 5 6 2 6 St. Lucie County City of Ft. Pierce City of Port St. Lucie St. ~~ucie Village ! ~~~~~~~ _~ - , White- Customer Canary. Finance TOTAL AMT. REC'~ Pink. File Copy ~MAST REQUEST ( I.D.(3403-502-0004-000/5 COGGIN & O'ST~EN 7400 BAYMEADOWS WAY STE 200 JACKSONVILLE,F-L 32256-0000 * PARCEL MASTER SCREEN * 01/17/95 14:57 ) PAGE (0i) OF 1 TAX YEAR(C) 1995 VOID Y/N(N) 4500 S US HWY 1CTY D.O.R. CODE 2700 DATE SOLD 10/01/83 CLASS. USE CODE SALE AMT SECTION 02 O.R. BOOK 0419 TOWNSHIP 36S O.R. PAGE 1117 RANGE 40E MAP ID 34/03N ~ ...... LEGAL/PROPERTY-DESC ...... SPECIAL DIST 0154 TAX AUTH. 02COUNTY WHITE CITY S/D 03 36 40 W 49.65 SUBDIVISION 3403502 NOTES YES FT OF S 370 FT OF N 400 FT OF LOAN LENDING INST. LOT 3 & S 370 FT OF N 400 FT OF VACANT/IMPRV * LAND (MARKET) = 565480 LOT 4-LESS W 78 FT FOR US I- & E I IMP SALE * IMPROVEMENT = 1213950 330 FT oF W 408 FT OF S 100 FT QUAL/CODE * CLASS. 'USE = ~OF N 500 FT OF LOT 41 (6.26 AC) 01 DISQ SAL * ASSESSED = 1779430 OLD ID NO. * EXEMPTION = PARENT ID NO. * TAXABLE = 1779430 .............................. EXEMPTIONS ......................................... NOT:H: W: C: M: EXEMPT STATUS *** THIS INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT WARRANTED *** 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA' 2': 10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.-10 NCR 301 INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID [3403-502-0004-000/5 ] 01/17/95 14:58 LGAL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME :COGGIN & O'STEEN SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 02/36S/40E WHITE CITY S/D 03 36 40 W 49.65 FT OF S 370 FT OF N 400 FT OF LOT 3 & S 370 FT OF N 400 FT OF LOT 4-LESS W 78 FT ~FOR US 1- & E 330 FT OF W 408 FT OF S 100 FT OF N 500 FT OF LOT 41 (6.26 AC) (MAP 34/03N) t[OR 419-1117,1118) * THIS INFORMATION iS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8101~ NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2' 10 NCR 301 MAST REQUEST ( ) I.D'(3403-502-0004-000/5 COGGIN & O'STEEN 7400 BAYMEADOWS WAy STE 200 JACKSONVILLE,FL~32256-0000 ST. ~Udi~ C0~N~Y ~'~pERTy APPRAISER TRAN-PRO FUNC ( ) * PARCEL MASTER. SCREEN * 01/23/95 08:56 ) PAGE (0i) OF 1 TAX YEAR(C) 1995 VOID Y/N(N) 4500 S US HWY 1 CTY D.O.R. CODE 2700 DATE SOLD 10/0'1/83 CLASS. USE CODE SALE ~T ~ SECTION 02 O.R. BOOK 0419 TOWNSHIP 36S 0 . R. PAGE 1117 RANGE 40E MAP ID 34/0~3N ...... LEGAL/PROPERTY DESC ..... SPECIAL DIST 0154 TAX AUTH. 02COUNTY WHITE CITY S/D 03 36 40 W 49.65 SUBDIVISION 340350'2 NOTES YES FT OF. S 370 FT OF N 400 FT OF LOAN LENDING INST. LOT 3 & S 370 FT~ OF N 400 FT OF VACANT/IMPRV * LAND (MARKET) = 565480 LOT 4-LESS W 78 FT FOR US 1- & E I IMP SALE * IMPROVEMENT = 1213950 330 FT OF W 408 FT-OF S 100 FT QUAL/CODE * CLASS. USE = OF N. 500 FT OF LOT '41 (6.26 AC) 01 DISQ SAL * ASSESSED = 1779430 OLD ID NO. * EXEMPTION = PARENT I D NO. * TAXABLE = 1779430 ....... EXEMPTIONS ...................... NOT:H: W: C: M: EXEMPT STATUS *** THIS INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT WARRANTED *** 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 MAST REQ ,~. EST~ ~(~, ) I.D. (3403-5~02-0005-040/4 EAGLE LUBE INC 6008 PALMETTO DR FT PIERCE,FL 34982-0000 LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER TRAN-PRO FUNC ( ) * PARCEL I~STER.~ SCREEN * 01 / 2 3 / 9 5 0 9: 0 5 ) PAGE (8i)- OF 1 TAX YEAR(C) 1995 VOID Y/N(N) DATE SOLD 01/01/85 * LAND (MARKET) * IMPROVEMENT * CLASS. USE * ASSESSED * EXEMPTION * TAXABLE SALE AMT 12700.0 O.R. BOOK 0455 O.R. PAGE 0113 MAP ID 34/03N TAX AUTH. 02COUNTY NOTES YES LENDING INST. = 100000 = 58450 = 158450 = 158450 46.70 S US tIWY 1 CTY D.O.R. CODE 2700 CLASS. USE CODE SECTION 02 TOWNSHIP 36S RANGE 40 E SPECIAL DIST 0154 SUBDIVISION 3403'502 LOAN VACANT / IMPRV V VAC SALE QUAL/CODE 00 QUAL SAL LEGAL/PROPERTY' DESC ..... WHITE CITY S/D 03 36 40 FROM NW COR LOT 4 RUN S 701:FT',TH E 78 FT TO E' R/W US 1 FOR POB,TH CONT S ON R/W 100 FT,TH E 200 FT,TH N 100 FT,Tt{ W 200 FT TO PoB BEING PART OF LOT 12 (0.46 AC) (OR OLD ID NO. PARENT ID NO. ........ EXEMPTIONS NOT:H: W: C: M: EXEMPT STATUS *** THIS INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT WARRANTED *** 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON -KBD v2.10 NCR 301 13135 .. 3,: 9 4 0 8 5 .. a corP°rallon exisitng unc~er t~e laws ~ustness al ~70 ~. U.S. Il, ~ ~ereinafler calleJ lhe granlor, Io whose pos~office aJJress i~ 1651 B~ ~-, ~ Pi~, gl. ~9 hereinafter, calleJ the granlee: (Wherever used herein the terms "srsntor" nnd "srantee" include all the parties to this inst~nt ~d Ihe heirs, leqnl rep~ntadves and Iniffflt OJ individuals, and I~ succ~n nad migm of cor~fiom) . and having its principal 34962 lt~Jtnessflh: fa, .,~. grantor, for ancl in /consi~eralion of i~e sum o] $ XO'~ an~ valuable consi~eralions, receipl w~ereof il ~ereSy ac~nowle~ge~, by Ihese presenls ~oes granl. Sa~aln, ,ell. alien, remtse, release. 'convey anJ confirm unto t~e granlee, all 'thai certain land llluall in ~. ~ie ~ata~~ ~ of ~~ ~,. ~t~ 3, ~p~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~i~ 3 a ~ of ~1 f~, ~~~lY of 78 f~t ~ ~t ~ ~~ a~ ~ ~ r~t~f~ 1~ ~ U-S*~ ~- ~1. ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ o~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~i~ 3 a ~~ °~ m~ appertaining.. simple; t~a~ it ~aJ good rig~l and lawful authority lo ,~ll and convey said ~nd; thai il ~ereby fully rants the t11~ to said land and will de~end ~e'same against the ~wful clalm~ o~ all penont and t~at said ~n~ is free o] ~ll encumbrances ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~t ~ 31, l~- 'a? NOV24 P3:12 r~- ~.860463 ~ OOU(, .... . tn ~itn~ss ~flJr~of ,~. ~..~,~.~,~.-.~ ,~,.. ,'..'..,. ,o proper o[[ice~ l~ereunlo ~uly aut~orize~, l~e ~ay an~ year [irsl a~ove wrilien. ATTEST: ........................................................................ ~cretiry Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF [ltl)t]~ ........ '"' ',:i: , ...... ! HEREBY CERTIFY that on this da,/, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take a~Jt...no~w...bdlments, .. Personally appeared ~ ~1~. _ well known to n~ to be Iht XX President and reqsectlvely of the co~pofltion mum, ed m .... in the .foreSoinj[ deed,, and that they levtrally lckDow~et~ed exe~uti.q; the same in the presence of two mixcrlbim[ wimmus freely and voluntarily und$,.)tui~rhy duly vested in them by Mid corporalion and thai th ~ affixed thereto is th(t trot corpmMe etd d #dd ccxl,4x~don.. .... :'N~P~' my hand and official teal in the County and State hist afore,aid Ihh / q/~P' day of ALICJUHt, , A. D. 19 8'7 · ~:- =..'. ,~. .... '.._ ", ..' °' 5'65 ,2421 · ,,.~. ? .... . .500K. . .... PSL 3-3095 WAMMANTY Ditto v.L. qar~ BUSKi~K as-to 28,67/1004~, PAUL M. 'FRISCHKORN, JR. as ~ 26.67/10~, eOB ,ER~ NE~O~. ~ ~ 28.66/10~ ~ rainwater calledthe ~rantor, ia ' E~GLE LUBE, INC., a Florida cor~ration jazlLmry, A..D. 19 85 by "STAN PODCERVENSKy A/K/A ~ PODCERV~q~ As to 16/100ths, whose posloJtl% address is 335 TanqUilla Averme, Port St. Lucia, Florida 33452 here!nafler called 'the grantee: (Wherever u~d liereln fha lerm~ "Kranlor" 'and "erantee" iaclu~ all Ibe parli~ lo Ihil iml~me~l and the he~rs, leKal rep~e~entntlve~ and a~d~ns of indlvldunh, and the suec~rs ~nd assigns of co~aliom) . . itn sflh: Ta , o.d ,. conAlderaldon of Ih. ,urn: o~ $10.00 one other valuable considerations, receipl whereof is .hereby acbnou,Iedged, hereby granlJ.' bargainL Aell~; a[lenL re- raises, releases, conveys and contirm, unlo Ihe grantee, all that certain la,d. J,uate In S~. Lucie County, F[orida. viz: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "b" T09~r .,Hh all the lenements, hereditaments am{ appurlenances there~o be~ngtng or [n any- wise appertaining. lo December 51. 198z~. ' SUrEST. TO: Reae~va~Lona, restrictions, ~ml~a~2ona, ConaL~ona, and eaaemen~$ ~lr~l a~ve written. . Slgne~, s,a~ and~l~ere~.}tn our presence: ..... ....... ST~TZ o~ FLOBID~ ~ COUNTY O~ ~. Luc$e } ~' ! Hi;RI~BY CI~RTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the Stite afore~lld a'nd in the County aforesaid to take acknowkdgments, personally ap~ared V.L. V~ ~~ ~ ~ 2,1.67/10~r ' g~ H. ~~, ~, as ~ 26.67/~0~, ~, ~ ~ 28.66/10~s ~ ~ ~~ A~/A ~~ ex~~ the mme. .... I ] State last afore.id this 28~ ' day of : Fir~ Ai~rican Title company ......... J . ,A.D. ~9 ~5 : ~tt~ie~un~,lac, q ~ ....... ,, '.. ;: ie ;forida 3345Z cowmxa~ku6.?2,t~Be: ..... . .' . ' A ,ese documents :ts :tn t:he ~Cy,:.>Of St, Lucie , ' : t!.,~:v.?~/,?;, .. CO~HC2:?'AT TflE~'HOR~ST' CO~a, OF THE HORTH~ST ~ OF. SAID SE.~IOH 3 A DISTANCE OF 701 FEET THEHCE EASTERLY P~LEL WI~ T~ NORTR LINE OF THE NORTHEAST'~ OF SAID. SECTION. 3, A DISTANCE OF 78 FEET TO .POINT. 0F 'BECOMING 'AT ~E EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LIN~ OF U,S. H~. ~ 1. THENCE ~NTINUE TO' R~ EASTE~ PARALL~ WITH NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ~ OF SAID SECTION 3 A D~ST~CE OF 330 FEET, TH~CE RUN SOUTHE~Y PA~LLEL .WITH WEST LINE OF NORTH~ST ~ 0~ SAID'SECTION 3, A' DIST~CE OF 100 FEET, THENCE R~ ~STE~ PA~LEL WITH THE NOR~ LINE OF. THE NORTH~ST ~ OF SE~ION 3 A DISTANCE OF 330 FEET TO INTERSECTION W~ ~ ~ST RIGHT OF WAY LIN~ OF U.,S,~'. ~1 THENCE R~ NO~ERLY ~NC THE EAST ~1 A DIST~CE OF 100 FEET TO POINT OF B~GI~I~G. 690~45 114 · INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & REQUES~ [ ] PARCEL ID [34'03-502-0005-020/8 ] LGAL - LE~L~D~SCRIPTION OWNER NAME:C&O PROPERTIES LTD SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 02/36S/40E WHITE CITY S/D 03 36 40 FROM NW COR LOT 4 RUN S 500 FT,TH E 78 FT TO E R/W US 1 FOR POB,TH CONT S ON R/W 100 FT,TH E 220 FT,TH S 201 FT,TH E 130 FT,TH N 301 FT,TH W 330 FT TO ~POB BEING PART OF LOTS R & 12 (1.36'AC) (OR 803-1439) ASSESSMENT ( ) 01/19/95 16:34 * THINS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT 8101 NO FURTHER iNFORMATION AVAILABLE WARRANTED. 1-LI~ 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2: 10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 MAST ST. LUCIE COUNTY REQUEST ( ) * I.D.(3403-502-0005-020/8 C&O PROPERTIES LTD 7400 BAYMEADOWS WAY STE 200 JACKSONVILLEi, FL 32256-0000 ...... LEGAL/PROPERTY DESC ..... WHITE CITY S?D 03 36 40 FROM NW COR LOT 4 RUN S 500 FT,TH E 78 FT TO E R/W US 1 FOR POB,TH CONT S ON R/W 100 FT,TH E 220 FT, TH S 201 FT,TH E ].30 FT,TH N 301 FT,TH W 330 FT TO POB BEING PART OLD ID NO. PROPERTY APPRAISER PARCEL MASTER SCREEN ) PAGE (01) OF 4650 S US HWY 1 CTY D.O.R. CODE CLASS, USE CODE SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE SPECIAL DIST SUBDIVISION LOAN VACANT/IMPRV I IMP SALE QUAL/CODE 02 MOR TH 1 1 TAX TRAN-PRO FUNC ( ) 01/19/95 16:34 YEAR(C) 1995 VOID Y/N(N) 2700 DATE SOLD 08/12/92 V SALE AMT 175000 02 O.R. BOOK 08.03 36S O.R. PAGE 1439 40E MAP ID 34/03N 0154 TAX AUTH. 02COUNTY 3403502 NOTES -~ YES LENDING INST. ~* LAND (MARKET) = 136180 *'IMPROVEMENT = 42220 * CLASS. USE = * ASSESSED = 178400 * EXEMPTION = PARENT ID NO. 3403-502-0005-020/8 .................. EXEMPTIONS SPLIT * TAXABLE = 178400 NOT:H: W: C: M: EXEMPT STATUS TO CHANGE AND NOT WARRANTED *** *** THIS INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT 9005VOID FOR THIS ACCT IS 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2: 10 PAGE FMT ON SUBJECT KBD v2.10 NCR 301 INQ ST..LUCIE REQUES~ [ ] PARCEL ID OWNS - OWNER &'~SALES INFO LOCATION: 4650 S US HWY 1 CTY C&O PROPERTIES LTD 7400 BAYMEADOWS WAY STE. 200 JACKSONVILLE,FL 32256-0000 COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( [ 3403-502-0005-020/8 ] 01/19/95 OWNER NAME: C&O PROPERTIES LTD *********************************************** C&O PROPERTIES LTD CO QUALIFICATION CODE O.R. BOOK/PAGE INSTRUMENT TYPE INFORMATION SOURCE EXEMPTION STATUS SALE DATE SALE AMOUNT VACANT/IMPROVED VERIFIED SALE ADJ SALE AMOUNT ADJUST REASON ) 16'34 WAR DEED DEED ~r 08/12/92 175,000 IMP SALE VERIFIED 0 * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS 8100 ENTER ']?AGE' FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED'. ~KBD v2.10 NCR 301 INQ ST. REQUEST-[ ] OWNS - OWNER & SALES LOCATION: 4650 S US RNBF CO 2211 OKEECHOBEE RD FT PIERCE,FL 34950-0000 LUCIE PARCEL INFO HWY 1 CTY COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ID [3403-502-0005-020/8 OWNER NAME: C&O PROPERTIES ************************************************ ASSESSMENT ( ] 01/19/95 LTD ) 16:36 QUALIFICATION CODE O.R. BOOK/PAGE INSTRUMENT TYPE INFORMATION SOURCE EXEMPTION STATUS, SALE DATE SALE AMOUNT VACANT/IMPROVED VERIFIED SALE ADJ SALE AMOUNT ADJUST REASON MOR TH 1 07~6/~ 2' CERT/TTL DEED 12/09/91 133,400 IMP SALE VERIFIED 0 * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT 8100 ENTER 'PAGE' FOR MORE INFORMATION BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 INQ ~ ST. LUCIE REQUEST [ ] PARCEL OWNS - OWNER & ~SALES INFO ... LOCATION: 4650 S US HWY 1 CTY FRISCHKORN, PAUL !M' ~JR *TR* 1651 BINNEY DR FT PIERCE,FL 34949-0000 COUNTY REAL~ PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ID [3403-502-0005-020/8 ] 01/19/95 OWNER NAME:C&O PROPERTIES LTD ) 16:37 QUALIFICATION CODE · o Douglas Dixon, Clerk of the Circuit Court - St' Lucie County File Number: 11986'10 OR BOOK 0803. PAGE 143'9 Recorded: 08-1.3-92 02':36 P.M. lee EXHIBIT "Ag ettedud boretO, end IrBorporoted herein by r~~. ., - m m~'~. ~ M ~o ~ ~~'. ~ ~ mt m t~ ~ ~ ~r ut ~th ~t~. lljrmd, NltOd, Ifld dltlvorld In the priom -GIL~TOI" ~AIIY PUBLIC, STATE Of FId3flDA c.--, / UNDA S. SZABO ) / (Affix SelL) 0~0 O. IxIrf~x'F From ~he. lioL"t'hv°w~ oo~ of Lot. '4' Fun South, s00. :feet; tAence Bas~. Flort~', :. rot~ ~e,':~-~~::':~oF').,~~~G;'' ~~~ ~ ~n~xnue uou~ '. o~ .u.u. ~ PXI~. ~k X, ~ge 33, o~ ~e ~XXO ~~ral o~ S~. ~oze co~ y, Ylori~. T~qS AMD IF~.c"~PTT-~- ~q~~)14' ~11~ FOT~TOWING ~TWO P)~tCEX.,S: The 8outh XOO,,OO feet of thru IEort.h 30X.O0 feet, of the West. 200.00 feet of ~.he above dooorJ3)ed paFc::el. A paroeX' of land tn Soc~Xon 3, TovrdhXp 36 South, 'Range 40' East, St.' LuoAe County,' FXoz~J. da, bliing I ~~'iO~ of ~ 4 ~d ~t 12 of "8~8 .~T' OF*~ ..CX~," Il rooo~M =~ .PXat' ~k. 1, ~ge 23, of ~O- ~110 No.mt ~4~*of:~'td ~lon ,3; ~~~.soU~ LO'OeO2'03n EaSt, along ~e'-NO~~Sm~.: 1/4 'S~i~. l~e of. laXd.'Go~ton 3, a .dXst~oe of 701~'00 ::r~t l. 1m to~. nM":s~A= 3.~"a'r dX~-oZ 78,00 ~eet to ~e .hat Eight 300'00 1149698 Doc Assum~ Doc TaX $~ Ch',rk C,rcuit ~ , HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, VS Plaintiff, PAUL H. FRISCHEORN, JR. , etc., et ux., et al., Defendants.. ~CER~T!FICA,~TE, OF, TITLE IN CIRCUIT cOURT, NINETEENTH JUDICIAL~ CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO. 91'-491-CA-09 ASSIGNED TO~ RUPER?-J. SHITH CIRCU~ JUIXlE ff,' ~,~ The undersigned, DOUGLAS DIXON, Clerk of Circuit Cou~t, certifies that he executed ~d filed a Certificate of Sale in this action on __November 27 .... , 1991, for the property described herein, and that no objections to the sale have been filed within the time ailo~ed for filir4'obJectiona. The follo~ing property in St. Lucie County, Florida:' Frc~ the Northwest corner of Lot 4, run South 500 feet; thence East 78 feet to the East right of ~ay of~U.S. No. 1 for the POINT OF BE/fINNING; thence continue So~th on U.S. N°. I right of way 301.00 feet; thence East 330.00 feet; thence North 301.00 feet; thence West 330.00 feet to the Point of Besinnin~; lyin~ mad bein~ in ~HITE CITY SUBDIVISION, in Section 3, Tcsmship 36 Sovtl_~, Range 40 East, accordiDa to the plat thereof recorded ih Plat Book 1, page 23, of the Public Records of Florida. tass AND ~XC~!N~, ~W~eRO~ TaE FOLLO~N, ,~ WO PARCELS'. The South 100.00 feet of the North 301.00 feet 0f the West 200.00 feet of the above described parcel, · -AND- A parcel of land in Section 3, Township 36 south, Ra~e East, St. Lucie County, Florida, bein~ and Lot 12 of ~SHBENS PLAT .OF WHITE .CITY, ~ as ~ecorded in .. ... o~ 0 7 6 6 PAGE2 0 8 2 'r Plat Book 1, p~e 23, of the public records of ~t. Lucie County, ~lortda, s~id parcel is described as follova: ~ce ~t the No--st corner of ~e ~o~t l~& of said Section 3; thence South.O0O02*03" bt, ~lon~ the North-South 1/4 Section line of said Section 3, & distance of 701.00 feet; thence South 89o40'25" bt, p~ral.lel with the North line 'of said Section 3, & distance of 78.00 feet to the Bast right.' of troy line of U.S. Highly Ho. 1 (scare Road No. 5), and the Poin~ of Besinnin~; thence continue South 89o40' 25" Bast, & dislmnce of 200.00 feet; thence North 00o02' 03# Mest, a disf~mce of 101. O0 feet; thence North 89040"25# West, a dis~mce of 200,00 feet to the said Bast right of tray of U. S. HilIhway No. I; thence South 00o02,03' Bast alor~ said right of way line a distance of 101.00 feet to the Point of BeSinnir~. was sold to: RNBF COMPANY . ,, , ~d~ose ~aili~ address is~ December _, 19910 22110keechobee Road Fort pierce~ FL .34?50 ... and the seal of this Court on the ~ day of DOUGI,~ DIXON, Clerk of Circuit Court As Deputy Clerk 1149698 '91 ~C-'9 ~9:56 FILi {': ;~.~i? RLCOR[.IF- DOUG! :-' :"IXOH Cl.,ERr $] L],', : 't!.INTY. ~", ~°~0 7 6 6 aa'2083 INQ ,~ LGAL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:SAPP, STEVEN W SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 02/36S/40E WHITE CITY S/D 03 36 40 FROM NW COR OF NE 1/4 RUN S 00 DEG 02 MIN 03 SEC E ALG N/S 1/4 LI 701.0. FT,TH S 89 DEG 40 MIN 25 SEC E 78 FT TO E R/W US #1 & POB,TH CONT S 89 DEG 40 MIN 25 SEC E 200 FT,TH N 00 DEG. 02 MIN 03 SEC W 101.0 FT,TH N 89 DEG 40 MIN 25 SEC W 200 FT TO ELY R/W US #i,TH S 00 DEG 02 MIN 03 SEC E ALG .SD ELY R/W US #1 101 FT' TO POB (0.46 AC) (OR 905-815) ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) PARCEL ID [3403-502-0005-030/1 ] 01/19/95 16:25 * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT 'IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 MAST REQUEST ( ) I.D.~(3403-502-0005-030/1 SAPP, STEVEN W & LISA L 4408 PRESSLER LN .FT PIERCE,FL 34982-0000 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER TRAN-PRO FUNC ( ) * PARCEL MASTER SCREEN * 01/19/95 16:25 ) PAGE (01). OF 1 TAX YEAR(C) 1995 VOID Y/N(N) 4660 S US HWY 1 cTy D.O.R.~ CODE CLASS. USE CODE SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE 2700 DATE SOLD 05/04/94 V SALE AMT 350000 02 O.R. BOOK 0905, 36S O.R. PAGE 0815 40E MAP ID 34/03N ...... LEGAL/PROPERTY DESC WHITE CITY S/D 03 36 40 FROM NW SUBDIVISION 3403502 NOTES COR OF NE 1/4 .RUN S 00 DEG 02 MIN 03 SEC E ALG N/S 1/4 LI 701.0 FT,TH S 89 DEG 40 MIN 25 SEC E 78 FT TO E R/W US. ~1 & POB TH CONT c' · 4. 89 DEG 40 MIN 25 OLD ID NO. SPECIAL DIST 0154 TAX AUTH. 02COUNTY-' YES LOAN LENDING INST. VACANT/IMPRV * LAND (MARKET) = I IMP SALE * IMPROVEMENT = QUAL/CODE * CLASS. USE = 00 QUAL SAL * ASSESSED = · EXEMPTION = PARENT ID NO. 3403-502-0005-020/8 SPLIT'* TAXABLE .............................. EXEMPTIONS ........................ 101000 73910 174910 174910 NOT:H: W:- 'C: M: EXEMPT STATUS *** THIS INFO IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT WARRANTED *** 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 IN~ ST. R~QUES~[ ,] PARCEL ID OWNS - OWNER & SALES INFO LOCATION: 4660 S US HWY 1 CTY SAPP, STEVEN W & LISA L 4408 PRESSLER LN FT PIERCE,FL 34982-0000 LUCIE COUNTY 'REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) [3403-502-0005-030/1 ] 01/19/95 16:25 OWNER NAME:SAPP, STEVEN W ************************************************ SAPP, STEVEN W HW 50 SAPP, LISA L SP 50 QUALIFICATION CODE O.R. BOOK/PAGE INSTRUMENT TYPE INFORMATION SOURCE EXEMPTION SiTATUS SALE DATE SALE AMOUNT VACANT/IMPROVED VERIFIED SALE ADJ SALE AMOUNT ADJUST REASON QUAL SAL WAR DEED DEED 05/04/94 350.000 IMP SALE VERIFIED 0 * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8100 ENTER 'PAGE' FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 INQ ST. REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID OWNS - OWNER & SALES INFO LOCATION: 4660 S US HWY 1 CTY HRENICK, ANDREW 1301 SW ~2 ST POMPANO BCH,FL 33069-3211 LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) [3403-502-0005-030/1 ~-~ ] 01/19/95 16-:27 OWNER NAME:SAPP, STEVEN W ************************************************ QUALIFICATION CODE O.R. BOOK/PAGE INSTRUMENT TYPE INFORMATION SOURCE EXEMPTION STATUS SALE DATE SALE AMOUNT VACANT/IMPROVED VERIFIED SALE ADJ SALE AMOUNT ADJUST REASON QUAL SAL 0627/01.07 WAR DEED DEED 03/03/89 400,000 IMP SALE VERIFIED 0 * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8100 ENTER 'PAGE' FOR MORE INFORMATION i-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR' 301 INQ ST. R'E~UES~ ~[ · ] PARCEL ID OWNS - OWNER & SALES INFO LOCATION: 4660 S US HWY 1 CTY TREASURE COAST TIRE CO INC 4660 S US #1 FT PIERCE,FL.~.34982-7004 LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) [3403-502-0005-030/1 ] 01/19/95 16:28 OWNER NAME:SAPP, STEVEN W ********************************************** QUALIFICATION CODE O.R. BOOK/PAGE INSTRUMENT TYPE INFORMATION SOURCE EXEMPTION STATUS SALE DATE SALE AMOUNT VACANT/iMPROVED VERIFIED SALE ADJ SALE AMOUNT ADJUST REASON QUAL SAL [~ DEED DEED 09/14/88 365,000- IMP SALE VERIFIED 0 * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8100 ENTER 'PAGE' FOR MORE INFORMATION i~LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:1~0 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 INQ ST. REQUEST [ ] OWNS - OWNER & SALES INFO OWNER NAME:SAPP, LOCATION: 4660 S US HWY 1 CTY FRISCHKORN,~PAUL~M JR *TR* 1651 BINNEY DR FT PIERCE,FL 34949-00.00 LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) PARCEL ID [3403-502-0005-030/1 ] 01/19/95 16:29 STEVEN W *********************************************** QUALIFICATION CODE O.R. BOOK/PAGE INSTRUMENT TYPE INFORMATION SOURCE EXEMPTION STATUS. SALE DATE SALE AMOUNT VACANT/IMPROVED VERIFIED SALE ADJ SAL!E AMOUNT ADJUST REASON * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 . . #AT'L TITLI 'BOX 61 ~THIs W~ DEgD': MAdt.m ~ch ~D~ H~NIC[ and .~Y-~N-Hg~CK, h~8 '~~~~b '1301 Sg 2nd Sc., Pompano Beach, ~,. 33069 ~~~~m ~ST~V~N . ~. SA~ and LISA L. S~, hi8 ~fe 'w/im~ rpo~.SddrZU/f 4~'08'P~essler Lane, FO. PL!erce., FI 34982 ~d ~ PER ATTACHED EXHIBIT ~"A" GJtA~lt(/~) I'~/It~q~XR. CO~IIAIIT r. hat ~he ~ve-de~cr~ property does no~ nov, nor ,, Hary Ann Hrenick ' .... : .. '.',, ' .;; ~' · ~ ::~l'. ~DR~ HRENI~ and ~RY ~N HRENICK, ~is wife -' ~ "~ , , / ,, '. . ..... 1. .. . ....... . :'"':.'-"~ .:.. ~ ::s~;. ii ~i~ z.,.o'~. ~.T, 's~.: '~.uc~z'.~ ~I~...:'0~ -S~i~'. . . , ;5).~:,:.~':~g.:':~i'~,: Op..: BEGi~.ING=:'' · :; .:..'......: ...... ., -........:.'..:...-:. - . .. . .. . -~AY' OP. 'U., S.' HI--AY.'. NO.' 1~ . '. .: .:...:.. · .. .'..:', .-- . - 'B,~FiT .0F:'.P~CEL 'i. ~ ..~EA~'D..'BY'~SE~ AGRE~~ '; tDED"~~' 9, "I98~.'IN'OPFICI'~ RE~RDS ~K 627, tl~e the rel~ title the ,£ the.,appu 1 and seal the'daY and year.: first above w~l~ten." ..... ::: :, :~ ,., ,. ., .. '.:.,,:- · . .ln_ou . ... . Count~'., :;0£ ,~B ~ard ~::: :,!.:. -. )1.-:,.~ qualt£ted;-.:t,o ;- and. Ad~tanne des'o, . . . ,,., . ',' ,/. :~ , . . · .... ,.., . 'l'he .n~e - (=on' 200 and ," "', ...~b..;le'ct. tO..t 'MICHAEL D. FOWLER, ESQ. ~: Courthouse Box 87 ., T~ In~trImin! Prepaid ~V:. MICHAEL D .. FOWLER, P .A. Post Office Box 4478 Fort Pierce,. Florida 34941 prOfwry AppribM$ Parcel identification (Folio) N. mbM(s): WARRANTY DEE, t) , INDIVID. TO iNDi¥10 951860 ABOVE T~ LINE FOR RE(X)ROIN~ ThSPJIkCE ABOVE TH~8 UNE FOR I~K)(~NG DATA is TREASURE COAST TIRE COMPANY, INC.,. a Florida corporati herei,,o~fe~ ~oJ[eJ ~he grant . fo ~DREW HRENICK and k~RY A~ HRENICK, his wife, ~~ ~2~~N W. ~NSEN and ADRIenNE ~NSEN, his wife, RONALD LESCHINSKY and SHARON LESCHINSKY~ his wife ~;,o~e Pos~o[~ce o~,,ss ~s ~301 S.W. 2nd Street, Pompano ~each, Florida 33069 RAMCO FORM 01 by her(ri,wrier calle¢~ die granlc, e: the heir~, trKul ?prf~ldatJ~r~ a,d a~J~fl~ id jfldj~dual~, and the ,uece~,,r~ ~nd as~iKn~ of corporatJhn~} . co, sirh,rafion of lite s'um of $ 10.00 arl~ olher uu[ua~>[e cunsi~/eroliuns, rereipl wher,eo~ is mises, re[eases. ~o'nueys anal confirms unto fha oranlec'. :~' ~: ., :- N~-~ ~ ' ~'T .2~;5~ ...... ' SEE EXHIBI~ "A"' ATTACHED. " '.~ i':;,"-,.~,.'~;:'~,:'N:{~:: ~",'.-' , STAMP 'r/..X r:~.r. ...... .:;,,,. ,. f,j ,/~.~,.-,.. ., c l'f~ !~~, ................... f :L,.:. .... i J ''-' :: ..'. .... '.-' ........................ -- ;: .... ",r' ',' ,:' ,) ~:" ~'!',.-'! .: :: ,.,,..r,,~., :,,/:..:~:~,.,*,,~..-'..,~r .... ~ I ', '- ..... i~{'r' ¥': · .. , ...... ___Zog~th~r ~,,,, o, ,~. ,...=..,,, ~.,e~,,-=.-', :."~ appurtenances 'l~,relo belonging or in any- u, ise appertaining. ' . ! I' l! la, id ~lld the gra. lor /wre~y coven-m, ,,.,uh ,al~ gra.l,,e al.o' the gr,,.lor in.feegranlorSimple;hereby lhal IAelwarranlsgranlorlAehaSlll~eg°°C~lo rlgAI anc~lanc~ lawful authority lo sell anti convey saic~ lance; Ihal the fully ,aic~ ant/will clefenc~ all persons whomsoeuer; anc~ Ihal saic~' lancl is free b[ all, encumbrances, excepl laxes accruing suhsequen! lo December 51. 1988. · . -:.' ,'v'~ ......... above wrlllen, TIRE / ;,o,,~oz',~,'/,°:/J~;,'?,;."u~~ -"~'.". . ., EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1: A Parcel O~f Land in Section 3, Township 36 South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, being a portion of Lot 4 and Lot 12 of "SHEENS PLAT OF WHITE CITY:, as recorded in ~Plat Book 1,. at Page 23, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, said Parcel is Described as f~)llows: Commence at the Northwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 3: thence South 00 degrees 02'03" East, along the North, South 1/4 Section Line of said Section 3, a distance of 70'1.00 feet; thence- South 89 degrees 40' 25" East., Parallel with · the North line of sa'id section 3, a distance of 78.00 feet, to th~ East Right-Of-Way 'Line of U.S. Highway No. 1 (State Road No. 5), and the Point of Beginning; Thence continue South 89 degrees 40' 25" E~st, a Distance of 200.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 02' 03" West, a Distance of 101.00 feet; thenCe North 89 de. grees 40' 25" West, a Distance of 200.00 'fe~.t,.to'the sa£d East Right-Of-Way of .U.S.. Highway No. 1; Thence South 00 degrees 02' 03" East~along said Right-Of-Way Line, a Distance of. 101.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL 2 :- Easement for the benefit of Parcel 1 as created by Easement Agreement dated February. ~, 1989 and recorded March .~___~, 1989 in-Official Records Bo-~_~u~_~__, Page __Z~___,' Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida~ngress and 'egress over, under and across the land described in said Easem.ent Agreement., and subject to terms, provisions and conditions set forth therein. 951860 62:7 108 ' "i [ WARRANTY, DHD ' ,F. ROM INDiVIDUAI.'TO COI~PORATION, 't~ .~ez2.~~m,,. ..:;:..,i ;': ,;. i, ' .'... :,..:,: ,;.." · ,:" '/'~ "' ' R "~orporatiOnr'~Xlst[~lg' ul~Jel~/,f} ct;' ,~0: Sta't, '0[. '.'FI~t~ ' -" ,'wtl~ It, permanenl po~lo[[i'~e.'. " ...... · ' .... O' ~,' 1,~'.'~ Pt~,~ Fl.. ' ." tWh.re~er, used he'el, the ier~ '~'nto~"' .nd "~..~ee;' l~lu* '.11 .' ,, ~he heirs. IcKal reprc~ntafive, and auisns of individuals, and the '~u~es~ had aulsm of co.rations) . ,'~lori~a, viz: . · . '" · : - ".:' . 'r4'"':.'..' , r, c~.,. ~ .~, ~ :P~' ~'. 'z~ ,:~:at.,:.~,':,~,: o~ ~ ,~ic. ~: ot.,~'~ ~, m '~',o~,.,.o~-.,~~," ~~:,~ r,~ ~ ~~m'rL: , , , ,, . . o~'u.~. ~g~W.,z';~,:~ :m,~ 02 03 wise apperlalnln~. ' ' ' in foe simple'; II~at I~e granlor'~as good ~ight an~'law[ul aul~orily 1o ~ell and convey..aid land; '~r~.~o. [~.rd~ ~.ll~ .,ar~..~ l~. uti. ~o ~aM .la.g ..g will ail per~ons w~omzoever; and Iflat sal~ ~a,n~ ts [roe o~ ail encumbrances, excopl laxes accruing s~equen~ ~o December ~!, I0 87. . .. .. ., first al)eve written.' "" '"' delivered In' our presence:. known ..offic'er duly'autho.rized i, the State afc;renaid.and in the' County: afor'elald to tai~e"acknOwltdSme~ts/:.JPe'r~nilly /': H;"' ~T.,IK:I~I~b, ', 0R~ ,and ,:~ ':'in::and, Who '~xe~:uicd the' forego|n~ lnstrutnent~ and '." "e,.,, ~.,. . 't'he'~ame;'.... .,.... : . ' ' ' ..... 'h and 'i6d.'dficial~l-, in the; C~unty and. State last Aforesaid · this. ' . I,'HEREBY ,CERTIFY that on' this day, before me,' an' ,':'r'f L'~ O, ~ l~ i,) ';?-:": V)~_O_UGLAS f.,ll× (i',";' Cc' f'~K "' '"' ST. LU¢IE :O~'L~)~'i' *~"~L" ' -oo*,/4.) ,.~z ~,:. '~ ~.~4 ,~c 0,o,- oo,,-ooo/C,,) t.o8 ~.~. ' I - °'oo/7) t 4. b o I O~ z~c.. I I ~ I I I I ~ --- I I I I I I _o ~_o~,. L -~ . Zoo'' !. ~*' ' Zoo' '1 ~ol/) , - .~.. , ze. , - .... t ~o = -oo st. o,,::,o/~) I a/o.a'l I I J/o.a' I I . I : ' ~ ¢' Wu, ~.. ( ,- ( o,.ooo,-ooo/e) I ' I I I $$15t 1 I i I /~ DATE RECEIVED: OFFICE USE ONLY FILE NUMBER: DATE APPLIC~T NOTIFIED APPLICATION IS INCOMPLETE: LTSTOF~ADDTT'rONAL~NFORMATTONNEEDED: ~,~.~' /~/~ ~,~~~ %s DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECEIVED: ********************** PROP~..R~¥ INFO ******************************* ZONING: ~ ~ LAND USE: ~,. ~¥\ TAZ: f~.~-~ · s~c~o~: ,~, ~o~s~~: ~~ ~G~: ************************************************************************** W~TY" DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. ~ CHECK FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES. DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUIREMENTS? YES IX,.. NO ~ IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER- YES NO DER- YES NO SEWER- YES NO DER- YES NO IF ~USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, DOES EACH LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 SQUARE FEET ( 1/2 ACRE ) ? YES NO ************************ CONCURRENCY ******************************* CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY REQUIRED DEFERi~AL AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED YES NO ,d, - DATE GRANTED: /F o%- I I 'oz- I/+.8o · ( Soz -ooo~, .ooo/~"")' 0 1 (S oz- oosl-,o;o/~) .3.~1 Ac,, I ~ 96.07 I.~ ~. ' I.g7 Ac.. ¢~,,, -oo~, ~. o o o/,~) 4.:~ 25 15' 5 ( o,.ooo,-ooo/e) 15 I I Ii 2, tl Z, I I I a/~.a'l I id' I I /9 1.54 Ac.. 2. I o' t Z o" ]: k: .:c U ._5 Prososeo, Dete~ ~uon >,rea u~i 5, 36 S. RNa. 40 is_ /~N-S i/4 LiNE OF SECTION TWP. , - / St 00"02'03" E W LiNE LOT ¥ ~ ii L~ Lgz%R CAP RLS .// 259~ bxist~ng Concrete Pavement South Parcei 30i ~,cN.TERLIN£ OF 1xu ROAD R/W cxi'c~ng Power Pole , i!xi;i:ino Water Meter F',.i ;_: _ .!x';ting Monitoring Well Zxi;ting Guard Post Exi;ting Sign Fd. $o~nd RLS i~e~istered Land Surveyor ' ~ iror Pioe n >,4 ~' .... Pip ~ L/I'-, v., PVC Po~v~ny~ Cheat}de P~pe ~'x.''''~ u"$,, . R~e~ ]'rorceO' ' boncrete"' Pipe A/Ct .. ,--.. r Conoit~on {D) T ','%,' P. {C) Cc~:,. ated SOR. Cart t;r ::'.O.C. Po'~: of Commencement m.,d.S. Po~t of 5eg~nn~ng NOTES: interior ~mDr,~vt¢i%ents sinown on this plan were provided by client, except for ,.ne concrete o~oc'~ ouiidi,,g under th const, u,,tionu,-n-~.u +he, oreo of ,~ e propo~a 10' w~de ondscape buffer wh~c we-e fieid ocated. cor,uuc~eu on 25 Oct. 94 Field survey ........ . Subsurface and/or aerial encroachments, if an7 were not locate. P.-,-.r,i iS subbct to di easements, reservations, r~h~- of-way and rustricdo,,s if any. '"inis survey p,~;.-,"o ored '~o~- tlne' purpose of combining th~ ob' "'-' ' ~ u~ng parcels of land. i!iOAT SPIKE i" UNDER / E. ASTE~LY NNE .~Existing Sign n ~ i ~m /Lx,shng S~gn ~,. ..... x~ Existing {},,'~ S ~ iix i ~ X ~ ~ i 'hxisttno PVC Barrier cxisL,no / ~ inlet .......... ~ o Ex~sr~ng r~ag Pole Pavement d ~ijliGlnO Under Construction i7,0' 21,4: <_7) ,30 0! Top of Blank 0,10' West i Grassed I Conc. I Grassed .... ~ ,~--.~ +,-~ i--~ Roofed Concrete Roe eo Con..~ ~_~ i 82.3' ~x~Su~g Manhole >": ('~' ,~ ~ ,.--, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' · / / Fd. ! !/2 oaiv~nizeo '~ 9-~' ~ 0 29' No/ch, 0 05' East Cap RLS ff x.5~l ' cxia~,,,g Transformer ting C;onc, ;~.~ Ligi~t Poi~k~yu / '~ , , 511 ; '~ i ~.ao~sk.~ .... .,.~ i0' W~de Landscape q,,':5:,~- Easement ~ j 'xl L~:S ::' Proposed Bound-,,-v... uJne o ', - BEARiiNC BASE: The Niorth L_lne of the Northeast Quart,er o'f Section.: ~, lwp. 56 S, c, 40 ~ ' taken to bear ~ \iqg, ~i., iS S ~9" 41 '~" ' the bearimgs are reiative thereto. Exisiting 6' Higin- Chain Link Fenc<~ FD. i I/2" O. 11 ' N ' '~ 0.I2' East 55.i' [ , Goosed ix'~-*~u~ ~, Parcei Drive © @ C% © r~x!sung Lxistlng Iron°: ........ ncl Roofed Co :-% 70' ~:~%XExiqting inter GO,' EXiSTiNG LDIN !: [Ld ................. 1127': ...'-"~.: ............ -"~ ....... . c 0 ,'i ~ r/) _ l?p,, f' m,, \ / u-OO'L,u) , / Set iron Rod WiLh Cap LB ~i~959~- 0 _ &J N. L!NE LOT ¥ 20' O' 20' 40' GRAPHIC SCALE A PAR~-i " ~ ~,c~. OF LAND S!TU'~-cr'',~l~_~ iN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP, 56 SOUTm, RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUr' ~vu~,~ ~, FLORidA, 8~NG A PORTION OF LOYS 3, % AND ]2 OF ~H~L.~5 ~, ,~z ~iY" G TO FH~ PLAI YHEREOF, RECORDED tN PLAT 800K I, PAGE 23 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF S% LUCtE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; ~u~,>,~ENCINC A- THE NORTHWEST ~u,~Nh_R OF SAiD LO, 4; THENCE SOUTH 89'41 4-3 ,- , o, ~ TF ..... cAo~, ALONG E NORTH LtNL OF SAiD LOT 4, A DISTANCE OF 78.~8 FEbT; mENCE ' 'PTiNo SAiD NORTH ~ Nc, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 ~-~'~T SOUTH 00'18 17" EAST, DEP~,, i~ ~ ' ~ - TO 7~E INTERS;z~T~n~ OF THE ~o~?~, ~ ,,,~._..~,,~-~-~ ~,~,oicxu~ RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO. 5 [U.S. HIGHWAY NO. t PER S~C ION NO. 9401-(110) 205] AND THE SOUTHERLY LiNE OF WEATHERBEX ROAD, BEING THE POINT OF BEOtNNING. ~' 'ciur-~ TH '43" ~n~_,,~c SOU 39%i EAST, ALONO THE SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A OF 647 I ~ -~c-'. ~ , '? FLL , TFiEN~c bvUTH 00'02'05" EAST, DEPARTiNO SAID Tm~N~,~ S~ANCE _~. A DtSTAN'Z OF 570.00 FEET; NORTH 89~4i 45" vvc_o,, A ;r-',;-,x~'.,,' .~.,J1J,~'~ QQ .. ;q.) f,,qT L p. m~N~ NORTH ,59'41'&3" W~ST, A D t, ANCE OF i30,00 'F~ TH fcc t; ENCE NOR'TH O0 uz 05 WEST~ A DISTANC~ OF 201.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'4!'43" WEST, ~ ~ T A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET TO A POINT ON SA~D EASTERLY RIOH~-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO, 5; THENCE NORTH 00'02'03" ~'~Lb~, ALONO SA~D EASTERLY R~GHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 570.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS AN AREA OF 7~612 ACRES, MORE OR LESS~ DO0}<: PAGE: D R A W N: tx, ~ n : '~ H E C i:,. L u b V 'i b~..,v~ ,<Ei RESENTED 'e~ iS TRUS AND CORRECT TO THE r'~_wr, ~:,-', BOARD OF ~,c~u~ +72.052, FLORIDA STATdTES. ~'. , NOTE: NOT VAijD U .,_coo SERLEO c- 7- ~ ~ ~. c~-r, ~", ,', r'~, [2;A o'7 4. ....... ~ ';: ~ o -.~ooo . ..... (4-07) x Jo-59zo WEST PA..P.4 D~ACH dL.iPT"Zi~:~ STUAqT FORT PIERCE !' PXOJEcT NUMBER SCALE: AS '~' ,~ .L___/~-! i ~ ~,___ ~ '~ L.: L__ L_.. ~ ~' ,,~ /~ ~ ~, ~ ~o ,_ TOWNSHIP 55 SOUTH ~.~ ~ o.~o >':~ .... : TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH PLAT BOOK i, PAUL 23 ........ : P GRAPHIC SCALE ' ' : Areo 6 i78 ocres 0 F.O.B.=Point of Beginning P.O.C.=Point of Commencement TWP =Township RNG. =Range /o o9' % i '43'" W' C · k.. i i~: A D* ..... , RAN,:,~ 40 EAST, , P,Rmu'~,,_u O? LANL: Si I UA::~LD iN M:'~- .... mN c S'T.''~. LuC~L~'COuN-:~:'' ~, :~:L.O,~iDA,'~' BEiN.G A PORTION 0:, ~iqTS .... 5 AND 4 OF "SHEENS PLAT ur vv:iTE Ci~ AC:' ~'' ~. :~,u: PLAT TH , ~OxDINC ~ ,~, Lr~,~O: R:CORDEnu 1N PEAT BOOK ORES OF S~. L.u:.~E_ (;OUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE COMMENCING AT 89'41 '43" ~AST, ::': TH: , . ~ csT; , mNCE SOUTH TO THE IN 5 [U,S~ HIGHWAY O: WEA J HERBEE NUKTHWE N OF ,_,... , :: D LDT 4; iHENCE SOUTH ..... -" ' 4, A DISTANCE OF 78.18 ~HE NOR~m LINE~,°': SA~D LOT 00~Ii8'I7'' EAST, DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE, 30.00 FEET, OF THF EAST~n~LY RICHT-OF~.WAY LiNE OF STATE ROAD NO , PER SL~,T~ON~ ' NO. 94~0i~ -.~(110) 205] AND THE SOUTHERLY BEING THE POINT OF LINE ':I-icNCE SOUTH ***~. .~-~ ~AST, ALONG. SALE) ....~_.qo i T:F;RLY. LIN: A D1STAhCE OF A DSTANC~ OF 370~00 ::: YFCN?': '~ ...... :.o WEST, A DISTANCE OF .:,o'n:" EA%T, A D~%TANCE OF 90.00 FEET; THENCE 317:4 :::-T. THENCE SOUTH O0 :-i-3 T, A DISiA'.,,...c Of ~':C) 89'41 v~/:S ,-,:,c - u,.,~-':--1~_.~_:'' TO A POINT ON S>.ID Ri:, ~-w~ ~ ,L, NE k:F S~A~L ROAD ~:,0. 5, THENCE NORTH O0 02'03 Au_~NC SAID. :>,STERLY RGHi-OF-WAY **NL,_, , :~, DISTANC:~ OF 460.00 FEET TO OF 6 ~79 ACRES, ,~:,o~" :"; OVE D:~....,_,, ,, ~ ':'"'~..:~A~:~:<~,~ OF ~,*~ "~'~i:,*,'.,., L>~:' U~'.~"~ TAtNS ,"~', ,:;~:~.,~,~ . , MORE OR LESS. D ::AWN: S (':~,;~: / ~D C:',:C:i;iC: TO THE 8ESi,i 0:' }/.Y :}C:/iDGE ~ND iS:'Li,ZF', P"..;(3 }.4::1:5 f-ii: :,:/N/HU}:: i"EECHNiC:/ {~ SYANOi::tDS SS' ;2: %-4: FLOi: D/', uw>,';.: 07 L>.XD ~' ......... ' .......... PURSUANT TO SEC~ON 4::2.02'7~:'Lu¢'c'*, ,..%,.., S':/('~-UY:S, ~'.C::~L: NCT ~'t'..'3, UNLESS 28.5.-3885 ----- :->,Aw (407) 280-5925 ~ k, L L :i Z TOWNSH P TOWNSH P 36 zu, O.O0 I0' ~' O' ' v I 20 GRAPHIC SCALE A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED iN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLO21DA, BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 4 AND 12 OF "SHEENS PLAT OF WHITE CITY", ACCORDING TO ~HE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED iN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 23 OF THE PUiBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCtE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: u,NC AT THF ? 9RTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LO~ 4; THENCE SOUTH FEET: THENCE SOUTH S9'41'43' EAST, DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE, 78.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE -ASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO. 5 EU.S. HIGHWAY NO. 1, PER SEC~ON NO. 940t-(110) 205], BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE SOUTH 89'41'43" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH U uz DO LAS i, A DISTANCE OF 3II.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'41'43" W£ST, ~?~-T TH A DISTANCE OF 150~00 r~ ; ,ENCE NORTH 0002 03 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 201.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'41'43~ WEST, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO. 5; THENCE NORTH uO 02 03 WEST, ALONG SAiD '- ~ , v hAST~RL, RiGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS AN AREA OF 1.433 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. P,O.B.=Point of Beginning P 0 ~' = f . , o1,.~ o Conqnqencement i-WP. --lownshlp RNO ¢, =Range FAG E: - ut,.. TqU~- AND ~-u':X.n:n'"T, ,,_,.. .......... %5 -i-HE SEST Cl;: ;vR' 4<NO",Y EDt7 AND 8';' T};S FLORiOA SOAFq;s 472,,02. 7 FLORIDA NOYE: NOT wO iN O'CTEEN , SOUTH PARCCL SCALE' S SHuWN ,;