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BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£RS ~May 23, 1999 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Mr' & Mrs.. George Peckham 6407 S. Indian River Dr. Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Lot Line Adjustments/Lot'Split property Tax ID#'s 3412-113.0001-000/8 3412-113-0003-000/2 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Peckham, Your application to adjust the lot lines of each'of the properties currently described :by the referenced ID numbers and split a portion of the sonth parcel to add to the north parcel has been approved as described by survey.drawing numbers '99~2-1049-01-01 and 9.9-2-1049-01-02, prePare.d~by surveyor Richard W. Bussell, FL ~Cert. No. 38.58. _ .. · Please be aware that Section IL03:04 :or.the St.' Ln¢ie Connty Land Development Code proVides:that no further division ofanappr~ved lot split is permitted nnless a final record plat is prepared and approved in accordance With the code. Sincerer_.. pR~~licW~:i~Y~wo rks_Dire .~-ctOr ~~' RW:JU:Iap -. JOHN D. BRUHN, District No2 I · DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 · PAUL~ A. LEWIS, District No. 3 · FRANNIE HUICH1NSON,: District No. 4 ° CLIFF BARNES; Disrr~cr No. 5 County ~Administrator- Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561)~462.1'485 ° FAX (561') 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462_1707 Fax'.462-2362 °. Division of Road ;Bridge: (561)462~251 462,2363 Dioisi°n °fSotid waste: (561)462-1768 FAX 462-6987 .& 1 FAX TDD (561) 462-1428 DATE-. RECEIVED: OFFICE USE, ONLY FILE NUMBER: DATE APPLICANT NOTIFIED APPLICATION IS INCOMPLETE: LIST OF ~DITION/~ INFOR3~TION NEEDED: DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECEIVED: RESEARCHED BY: -- *********************** PROPER~I~' INFO ****************************** ZONING: ~ ~ -~ LAND USE: _ ~~ TAZ: *********-~**** TOWNSHIP: ~ ~ RANGE: WARRANT~ DEEDS FROM AUGUST 1, 1990. CHECK FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES. YES IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS WATER- YES DER- YES SEWER- YES DER- YES -~ ~ DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUIREMENTS? NO OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? NO NO NO CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, DOES ~ .... LOT SQUARE FEET (1/2 ACRE)? YES ' ************************* CONC~NC¥ CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY REQUIRED YES NO WHY NOT DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED YES_ NO ****************************************************************** COMMENTS': DATE GPJ~NTED: BY WHOM: : i , r© L~J 'M 'H U o~ H. H' 0 0 ~0 ~ o o o S'T'' L~U'C ~ E '~C. 0 U N T y 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 20_1 Ft. 'P:ier~e, Florida 34982 ~rowth Management Division PAYMENT R E C E'I P T REFERENCE NUMBER- LOT SPLIT-PECKHAM FEE CODE LOTSPLIT F E E S~ .COLLECTED DESCRIPTION · LOT SPLIT AMOUNT PAID: FEE WAIVED- CHECK NBR: 0623 ~,~-~ -',~ ~'-~ · ..... PAID BY- GEORGE & ERIKA PECKHAM MEMO- JS AMOUNT 100.00 $100.00~- ~ET 34/IS i~--: ~'~2-,Ac" SW-Au~ - :~.59 A~ TOTAL - 7.01 Ac 5.38 Ac 1.95 Ac 2.56 Ac f1~'0001-.050/4) 4.~7 Ac STATE: OF FLOR/DA Tn./~' /~/p -rnuST Fu,vo 4.38 ~ STATE OF'FLOR/DA 30.88 Ac ,3.67 1.91 Ac 3.09 Ac 3.93 Ac ~ (M2-OOOl-OO0/8) ~ 3.06 Ac '1 ! 2.51 Ac {SOI-OOO,E-OO~/6) . 5.65 Ac (5o/~/w 2.36 2Ac ~.78 1.99 Ac 1.9~ Ac 8~0 . ~/~~/~; 1.92 Ac (I~3~I~/6) ~ 9.m Ac~ (133~!5~/t) 15,61 Ac ~ ,- ~ ~,~ ~ ~. 6.45 ~ ..... 1.85 Ac / 7~ ~ 134 [.U I ' ~hi~ t~rr~.~U ~d' ,.~...~.. a... ~ ,,,.,.'~ ~.~.~ .~. ,~..., ~ l,,.,,.i,,,,lw~ ,',,If...I ~i,,. ,,,,,dt,r. ~,, ' , Frank E. lJill and Violet B. llill, his wife, ~00 .,I,,,. p,,~,lli,. ..... !,~,,.,, ;, R.F.D. 4, Box 277, Lexington, VA 24450 I,,.,,.;,,,!,., c,,~L.,I d,,, ,,,,,,~...: . ,i,,iWl"''"h,... ~ I,.,.., ,h. ~,,,.. ".,.,,n,," ..,I.,,h,.l..h,".,..,.,",.2i.,l.,I.~l,, .11 ,~,. I,.,'i., ,,' d,;, h.,,...., ,.,,h,,l,l,. ,',,,,.~l,l,.,,,u,,,,. ,,',',';v~ ,,.I,,',,',l ;, l,,.,,.Ly ,,c~,,.,,.I,.,I,,.d. i,,.,,.h~ ,,,,,,~,. !,,,,,,~,,,. ~,.lh. ,h,.,,,. ,~. ,,is,s. ,,.l,..s,.~. ,-,,,,,.~.ys ,,,,! c,,,,/i,,,,, ,,,,n, ~h,. ,,,,,h.,.. ,11 ~1,,,~ c,.,~,,;,, h,,,,I sl~,,,,h, l,, St. Lucie Co,,,,ly. FI,,,i,I,. ~ce ac a point ~ere to South Line of Goverrnmnt Lot 1 Section 12 T.c~n_shi. p 36 SOuth, Range 40 East, interaect the West r t-gf-wa '' the Ind/an River Drive. ther~e ' . _ ___igh . y l_ine of .. , rtn Nort~sterly alcr~ said right-or-way 149.6 feet for POB; thence turn ~and run Wear parallel with the South line .... !'an n~rnl], ,.m,,. ~A ___.__ __°f Coverrmm~t Lot 1, a distance of 160 feet; thence turn and r~n North~sterl/ i o ~ · u~u oJrn anti run ~c parallel with · ' f Gove~t Lot 1 to the West shore ~-~ -= ...... ~- . the South line ':~ meandering the West shore line of said river 100 feet Trryre or less to a point; · . "" thence turn and run West and parralel witJ~ the South line of Goverrm~t Lot 1 .'~li:l to the POINT OF BFL~: together with all riparicrn r/ghts appertaining thereto . . and excepting all rights-'of-w~y for public roads and utility ea~aVents' .,iso npi~erhll~il~tfl. To }{~u~ .and to ~o[~, ,., ,..,, ,,, ~..~ ,,,,.,,~.. ~ .... .i~ p~rso,, ,,Immsae,,~r: ,mi tl,,I sah~ ~0,,,~ Is Ires u[ ,,11 ,.,~c,,,,l,,,.c,,. ~XCel)l In,k'r/ atcrl,ifl0 1. Covenants, restrictions, limitations and easements of record, but' this provision shall not operate to re,repose the same. 2. 'zoning and other governmental regulations. STATE ()F FLORI DA COUNTY oFST. LUCIE t IIEREBY CERTIFY Iha~ on Ih;, day, before me, an oil;err duly autho~;aed in Ihs S~a~¢ afore!~id ~nd in the Counly alnre~id to ta~e ~cknowlcdRmrn., I~r~nally ~ppearrd Harry K. Johnson and Ruth. M. Johnson ....... 7'.'. ........... . ~~~ ~~?~'s:: ~:1.~ :?'~,/~ ................................... · ,, _ .; ~ ~~' 810325 '87 I?-2 ^9:53 Fi~ · ~r.. DGU::, ' "; ,.. .';', S I. Ll, t'{ .... ,'l · · :i,:(;.:,i:::.., .. :,,, - &.,, . . .:,:,-"q. DOC.:J/~,q',,'TARY' - ,_ R'IDA I .. - day vi September A..D. 1'~ 72 by - Ot/~ A..Rogers and l;'lorence M. Rogers, his 'wife . &,r,ina/ter called Iise-granlor. to George Peckham and Erika Peckham, his wife mAose pollo/liCe ,ddres, ~, 6411 South India. n-River Dri'/e, FLPierce miles, ~le~e,, conveys and ~nflrmi ~1o Ihs gmnlwe, all thai cerlaln ~d Ill.lc In S~ LUCie Co~. F~rtd,. viz: COMM~NC~ at a point Where ~he South hne o~ Government Lot Section 12, 'TOwnShip 36 ~outh, Range 40 E~L, intersect~ the We~t ~hore line oE the Indian: River; thunce run West along tl~e SOUth line o[ sa~d:government L°~ l, 400 feet ~o a point thence run Northerly p~rallel to the West right-o/-w~y line oE ~outh lnd:.~n River-Drive We~td/s~anc Urighto[ oE49'way6 [eetlinetOoEtheSou~hPOintlndianOE b eginning; thence c ont~nue-Northerly pa rallel to the. River' Drive a d/stance o[ 200 ~eet. ~hence run lmr~llul tothe ~outh line o[ said Government Lot l' a distance o[ 150fee~. thence run- ~outhurly parallel to ~outh Indian River Drive 100 ~eut; thence run ~a~t to the We~t chore linu'o~ thu Indian River; thence run Southurly meandering the. Wes~ Shore line o[ the Indian River l'00 feet. thence run West. parallel to the ~outh line o~ ea~d Government Lot I ~ diet - unce.of 400 1'uut moru or ~ues, to the point o( beginning. Together wi~h aH riparian thereto. :. ' . . SubJect Lo z'uuurvution~, restriction.~, u~suniunt~ a~d righte-oE-w~y oE rucord ~nd subject to firs~ mortgage [rom Lhe grantues herein to First Federal S& L Ass'n o~ Fort Piercu, in the origin~I principal sum o~ $32,000.00, dated 9/?/?2. recorded OR Book 206, page 6Iff of the public rucords of St. Luciu County, l"lo~da. . ~i~e :' apPerlaintng. {, in [~ si~: that lac vrantor ~ ~ Hg&t and Amful aul&ort~y go s.ll. ~. ~nu.y ~ ~ t~ ~ lo Dsc,mb,r 31, 19 71. in . mrdllen. ---~o~t~ ,O,~A~, ' ......................................................................... (~d) ' 238194 ' ' Otis A. Rogex-~ and Florence M. ~ogers, his wife ' .'...l: to me ~no~n lo ~ t&, ~rsons &sm~ In ~ who ex~ut~ lac 1~~ ~~ ~ they '..~. ~Ino~~' ~/~.. ,' .. ~ t~ t hey .z~t~ the s~. "' ~.'~[' Septumber . A. D. ~ ?2. Prvpured by: ttichard D. Sneed. Jr., 121 Orange Avenue ' m ' ....... '%...-. FEE:, PARKER i ~ FEE. PA ATTORNEY~ AT LAW .Wad~ thi~ 19~h ~ o~;, J~e , ~. D. 1~ 73 ~tm~n,. V~R' ENTE~RISES,: I~C. eoatio ~,~ u~er ~ law, ~n~ it~ PHnoi~'p~o~ o/ of th~ ~tats o/ Flori~ b~in~s in tAo County o/ ~rt 8~t, o/ Florida . par~ of t~ ~rst ~rt, a~ ~ORGE PE~~ and ERI~ PE~~, his wife o/tho Count~ o/ Sr. Lucie a~ ~ta O/ Florida part its o/the ~oo~ part, , the , T~t t~ ~-part~ o/th~ ~r~t part,/o~ a~ in oon~Me~ o/ . . - ....... -. or to it in ;~nd paM, the reaeipt where/i~ hereby aaknou'l~~, ~ frunt~, bar. ~ain~, ~oM,. ~len~,. r~~,. . r~~,. conv¢~, a~ oon~rm~, a~ bV St. Lucie ,.~ o,_,_ Y,.--_ .~ ~ tn th~ Count o~ ' ~ g ~ ~E'~E ~esE ~ho~ o~ , ' ~hence r~ West 870' m ~ _ , ._ _ Indian River : , ore or less to th~ ~as~erl r' Florida East Coast Railway -~ ......... · . Y igh= .of ~--=, un~n Northerly along said right o way =o a pain= 225 fee= (~re or leas) North of said Sou~ line; then EaSt parallel ~o South line of ~ 1, to a pain= 400 feec We,= (m~re or less) of =he Wes=; shore of Indian River, thence southerly paralleling Indian River Drive 200 f'eet~ (more or less), then E~st parallel=o the Wes=t° shoreS~=h oflineIndia°f Gove~en= ~= 1, 400 fee= (~re or less) I n ~ ~Ver, then southerly with river to point of beginning' EXCE~ING ~~FROM. al~ easements for public. righr$ of way and utilities of public record. ~e grantor retains non-exclusive easement along the South line of aforedescribed prop to provide access to-adjacent lands west of the Florida Ease Coast' Railroad right of way wherein said lands are re~tned by the grantor and this eas~nt shall 're.hate on Jan~ry 1, ~983 and ia limited ~o the grancor herein. PARCEL 2. Begin at intersection of North line of Gove~enr Lot s~-ction' 1~. To.ship 36 South, Range 40 Eaa~. with Easterly ri~t of way of Florida East Coaae Railway, thence Southerly along said right. (co~,~~ ON ~VERS~ ~11~I~Pr ~th all the tenements, h~r~itamants and appurtatmnees. eve~ P~le~e, H~ht, title, inter.at'a~ ~t., revv.lon, re~i~er a~ therato belon~in~ or in an~'~sa appermi~n~: '. f 'Itr~t part doth covz~nt ~th thz ~ ~ ffl~a~, part. t~t it i~ law, Il,, ,dz.~ -, ........ ' ' ~_ a~ ~rt o; .~.invumbranoe~, and t~t' '-it ~ ~ o/ .70 s~ pr~~; t~t they ar~ ' ~o~ nfht a~ ~wful aut~Hty to t~ th ~,q,m~;~ ~ th~ sam party o/the ~r~t part does hereb ~I. war ...-'" .~~ a.~ w~l de/o~ the tams a~: .... k_ ;__ . -; _~ ~f y .. ran t the title to .. ~' '~ ~ . · aaus~ t~ presen~ ~ b~ si~n~ ig its ~me b~ its Pr~ent, : '~' ~'" ' ': ' ' ~mt, a~ its oorpomt~. S~ to b~ a~~, att~t~ by itt .'.. t~ ~y a~ y~r abov~ written, ' 0 ~ June ~. D. f~73 ,.. ' · ~,~ ~A, ~m~ o/~ $~ o/ Florida ' , p~rto~, d~odb~ In a~ 'w~ ~ou~ t~ /ore~oln~ ~nv~noe . ~orge Pec~m and Erika Pec~am, his wife tt ,:::~~ .mKti~~ur~ ~ o~ ,~.~, Fore Pierce . .,..~: o .~n~ of ~ t. Lucia ... ~......; .......... .:~ ~~. · · ;.y~,~ .~f~'/ .:.. . ........ .i1" ~:.~~;:.:D~sc~~Xo~' -- cO~~D :. (e~==.~ 2) ' ti of way Co a. point 278.~ ~ee: ,(~re or ~ea~) South o~ aa~d Notch ~ ~tne, :hence ~sc :o a point 409.28 ~ee~ ~re or ~ess ~ :he--es: shore o~ Indian R~ver :he-2 ...... 7 _~,- _ ,. c of ~ - , 400 feet, rare or less. ~ West of Indian River, thence We l~g North to point of begi~ing, st a line of nasd ~ 2, -" ' '~ .~~ DOCUMENTA · '- .eLOa A SU. =s-- JEll Ric. Vickie -Rumley Being , Range 40 Easti.,,St. follows: - ., Leoal Description '~. of land lying In Government Lot 1, Section.! 12, Township 36 South,. FlOrida, and being .more partiCularly described as BEGIN':ot-the intemection of the South Line of said Government Lot 1 and the East right- Of-~ay. :.line of'the Florida East Coast .Railroad; thence N 22'52'58" W, long' the..a~ld .E~t:' right of'"~oy line, o diStonce of 152,00 feet; thence N 89',.50'38' ~a distance of 849: ~et, m°re or .less, to the Mean high water line of the Indian f~etRiver;".mor~thenceor meond~,- said hlgh woter Ilne SoutheasteH¥, o diStonce of 152 thence ~'" .., ,~ tion with the said South line of Government Lot 1- 857 feet: ~) to89 ~'.30 ~:.-:: South line 'of'Government Lot 1, a distance, of ' ih the E~sterly right-of-woy line of the S~id Florido East Coast Railroad and the POINT OF BEGINNIN(~. .. LESS the right-of-way for.sourh Indian River Drive. s89'50~w-..~.' .444.87: 176.78' -General Note8 1. The b~rlnt~ ~own hereon ore ref~,.ene~d to the South tine of Oo~'nm~t Lot 1 having on assumed bearing of N 89'40'30" E. INQ 'ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL P~qOpERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUEST [ ] PARCEL I'D [3412-113-0001-000/8 ] 05/12/99 13-24 LGAL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:PECKMAN, GEORGE C SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 12/368/40E NWLy12 36 40 FROM 149.INT6OFFTSFoRLI OF GOV LOT 1 & W R/W OF IND RIV DR RUN ALG R/W POB,TH RUN W // WITH S LI GOVT LOT 1 160 FT, TH RUN NWLY // WITH W R/W OF IND RIV DR 100 FT,TH E // WITH S LI GOV LOT 1 TO W SHORE LI OF IND ~~~T~, TH SLY MEANDERING SHORE LI 100 FT M/L 67_Z57~?~33,_D~3- W ~z934_253~198_2089) .~TH RUN W POB'LESS IND RIV DR R/W- (OR * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED 8101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE . 1-LI 2-NA 3.-NA 4-NA 2-10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.6~ NCR 301 - .. HgLEN &~LER, qn unremarried widow ~. ~:" ,he Counlv of ~ St. LUcia , S,me o~ .~lorida ~:. HA~R~ ~. OO~NSON and aUT~' M. ~O~NsON~ ":' .... ,----...,.,.,..,-...-,-.- '""" orhe, ~od and vaiuable con~,ations to mid grantor in hand paid by ~aid grant~, .the ,~.ipt wher~f i~ acknowledged, has:'gronted, borgai~ .and .sold to the said grantee, and grant~ .heirs anti'assigns fo~e~r, ~ fat~wing desCr,bed land, s~t~le, tying and.~ng in S~. ~uo~e :':~ County, ~lori~ la-wit: Co~ence a~ a po~nt ~hete ~he Sou~h ~ne o~ ~ve:nment ~ot ~, ~ec~on ~2, ~o-nah~D 36 8ouCh, Range 40 ~aat~ ~nte:aeot ehe s~an~ of 160.:?'feet. . .~ . . t ~t 1,. a . .. . ~.~.~ . , .~ence turn and r~ ,No . · wxth the ~West r~ ht of w " . _ rr~W~S~erly and parallel 1 ' ' ~ ' : .... g : ay line of Indian River Dri" ' 00 feet to. a i " ye .a distance f .:. PO .nt. Thence. turn and ...... · .. 0 RiVer..'~t ...... ,r-.----%.~ ~u ~ uo/tne west sho~e' line °f~ ' , ...~ hence r~ ' : .Indian $ou~erly meanderxng-, the West shore line of "said ri:ver. 100 feet'~re or less to a point;, thence tUrn?and run WeSt and parallel with'the. line.~f ~Ver~e,t ~t of beginning; I to the point all riparian rights ~ereto a~,d ex~epting..~ 'a:$1:~:~ ri way for Pt~lic roads utility ease- ~reby ~,ied ond,~l,~,~d i,, ou;'pre"nc "'' o.~t.grantors hand and .~ol the da~::rand year first a~Ve Written, Ha~y ~. ~nmon ~nd Ru~h N. Oohns~, . . t..,.~m,'/i~r t?a~l Iii~ l,.dra~ll~ ..~ ~ :. Line tilt r y ~. ,,,l'ohnsofl, t,~4,eui~d tl~ o~ ~ecotd the same /It ST.,~T'~' (,IF FI~)RIDA, officer duly authorized iff the State afor~id and Frank ~ "" ~'"'"' "' ~ ')'. WITNESS my ha~' and dlic~l al in le ~]O~ a~ - -Wy ocmmmLm4 appeared . O ';0,000.00 ' · ,, ~ & Ha,r~y K. Johni~on ~n~!' Ruth ~ n ,om? 160 c~ ckw~ Tlxel We, Frank E, State -of HILL ~ea~ real of all the title, to -, d~y, calm State of locatod at County, ~oh' is 149.6 hold 'said For~ P 2~ shall inc4z~ 2¸. or menu The Sale shall 5. upon the mental shall be '-~ STATE OF FLOJlrlOA :' I~efore the~ THE: NEWS TRIBUNE oath ~tached in tile matter of ........ ~: . ..~...n~.' wa, published in said "'~:' ............. ': .... ~ ....... ,JoAnne Holman, Cler'k o]~ the Circuit COurt . ~t. L~e&e County Fi 1 e Number: ~ ~ '~8 4 ~ 4 OR B~K O ~ ~ 4-~. PAG~ O Recorded: 12-20-94 12:03 P.M. Prepared by and return to: Richard D. Sneed, Jr., ESq. Law Office of-~ R]CHARD.D. SNEED, JR.i P,A, 1905 South 2$th Street Suite 206, Mardi Executivel, Center. Fort Pierce, FL 34947 , TelephOne (407) 465.2330= Florida Bar No.. 139213 * Doc Assump: $ 0,00 * Doc Tax : $ 0.70 * Iht Tax : $ 0,00 Tax ID #3412.113-0001'000/8 QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS QUIT CLAIM DEED, executed this . y ofO~tober A.D., 1994, by VIOLET B. HILL, the unrem~ed and Survivin~ spouse of FRANK E. HILL, D~cased, whose address is Rt. 4, Box 277, Lexington, VA~ 24450, first PraY, to VIOLET B. HILL, as to a life estate, with the remainder in fee simple, to GEORGE C. PECK21AM and E~ A.' PECKHAM, his wife, whose addre~ .is 6411' South Indian River Driye, Fort Pierce, FL 34~82, second party, ~ WITNF.~$£TH. That the .ra~id tim p~y,.for ~d in ¢oaSid~r~oa of the sum of T,n Doll~ ($10.00) in l~nd p~id by th~ .~id' ~ond I~, th~ r~ipt ~h~r~of i~ ~lmo~l~dg~d,. do~.. h~rd~¥, r~nfi.~, .r~lea~ ~d qmt-~l~ unto ~h~ .~tid ~¢ond ~ for,v~, ~11 th, right, tiffs, mt, r~t. clean ~d d~m~d ~hiCh th~ rmid tim p~-~ h~ in to thc ~following 'd¢~ribcd lot. pi¢~ or I~'¢e! Ofhmd,'~it~t,, lyi~ ~d I~in8 in th~ C~ounty of St...Lu~ie, State of Florida, to wit: ' ' ~ Comm~.~l a point wh~e to South Line of Govemm~t Lot 1. Section 12. Township 36 South, Range 40 EasL intersect the West right-of-way line of the .lndi~ Riv~ l~v~; fl~~ run Northwesm.l¥ alon8 .~fid risht'°f-w~y 149.6 f~et- for ~OB; ~ m!~d run W¢~t ~1~1 ~th th~ South'lin~ of Govennncm Lot 1. ~ di~n~ of 160 f~"t; th~c~ m ~drnn Nor~¢~t~l¥ ~d ~1¢1 with West fight~f-way, line of Indian River Drive. a distance of 1 O0 feet to a point. Thence'Into ~d run F~t ~1¢1 ~dth ~ South linc Of Govennnent Lot~l' to the line of ~d river 100 f¢~ more or I**~m ~ ~int; th~n~ turn ~d nm W~t ~d p~llel With th~ South lin~ of Govennn~t Lot I to the POINT OF 8£GINNING; to~em~ ~ith ~11 ripm~ ril~u ~l~,~,ai~'s ~¢mo ~d cx¢~Ptins ~11 riSing-of. Wa~ for Imbli, ro~d~ ~d mili~ ¢~~. SUBJECT TO: ¢ondifion~, restrictions, r,~rvafion~, limilation~, end ¢~¢mcnt~ of record; N~pli~le zoning ordin~o~, ~~ ~d ~se~'n~ for ~h, y¢~ 1004, ~d ~ub~,~l~ ~ear~, but tim rcf~o~ to ~h~ r~ffi¢fion% dlall not Ol~mt~ ~o TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all end singular the appurtenen~eS thereunto belonging or in anywise appertainin& and all the estate, right, role, intcrest,.liOn, equity and claim whatsoever of the said f'trst party, either in law or equi~, to. the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said second party forever. (Sisra~es and ac,,,'ow, eo~sement~'" ' "'- '- appear onnextpage) 0,-~ ~300K 0 ~ 3 ',il,, IN WI'mESS WHEREOF, thc day amd year ~t above written.' Witness J, Cooley Witne~ Violet B. Hill '----"--- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY' OF ST. LUCIE · The; foreS°in8 mstnun~t was acknowledsed bef. oq: me this ~. of O~tol~ A.D., 1~4, try VIOLET'B. !~LL, whO lu~ pmd~ ~ .~ id~~~o~ ~d who didno~ ~ ~o~, Notary Public Stat~ of Florida · .. MY Commission Expin~s: IIt~Ol J. COOLEY Public. State 0t Florida ~= ao. ~ 0~ ] .r - Prepared by and retum to: Richard D. Sneed, Jr,, Esq. Law Office of RICH~D D. Si~'EED, JR., P.A. 1905 South 25th Street Suite 206, Mardi Executive center Fort Pierce. FL ~947 Telephone: (561) 465-2330 * DOC t~ssump: Florida Bar No. 139213 ~ Doc Tax , Iht Tax Tax iD ~3412-11-3-0001-000/8 0.00 0.?0 0.00 QUIT. CLAIM DEED THiS QUIT CLAIM DEED, executed this 20th day of January A. D., i999, by VIOLET B. HILL, a .single adult,, whose address is c,/o Bdghton Gardens, 1699 S. E. L yngate Drive, Port' St. Lucia, Florida 34952, first party, to GEORGE C. PECKHAM and ERIKA A. PECKHAM, his wife, whose address is 64't I SOuth indian River Drive, Fort P~erc-e, F!oncla 34982, second-party, I , WtTNESSETH, That the said flint party, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($~ 0.00) in . hand paid bythe said second party, the' receipt whereOf is hereby acknowledged', does hereby remiss, release'and quit-claim unto the'said .second party 'fo~ o,.or, ail the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the. said first party has in and to the foilowing.de~~ tot., Piec~ or parcet'of land, situate' lYing and-being in the County of :St, LuCia, State of Florida, to wit: Commence at a point' Where to South Line of Government Lot 1, Section 12, Township 36 South' Range 40' East, intersect the West right-of-way line of the Indian River Drive; the~ run Northwesterly along said dght'of~way 149'6 feet .for POB; thence.' turn and :run West parallel with the South line of Government Lot 1, a distance of 160 'feet; thence turn and run Northwesterly'and parallel :with the West right~;.way line a/Indian River Drive a distance of 100 feet toa 'point. Thence turn ~ South line of Government Lot 1 to the West shore line of indian . .~en~ run Southerly meandering the Wemt shore tine ofsaid river I00 feet more or te.~m to a'point; thanes turn and run West and parallel with the South tirm el' ~emment L°t 1' tothe POINT OF BEGINNING;together with all rjpertan rlgh~ appertaining ~ereto and excepting all right.off,Way' fc~Y Public roads and utilit;y easements~ SUBJECT' TO: conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitations, and easements of record; applicable zoning ordinances, taxes and assessments for the year 19XXX, and subsecluent years, but that .reference to the restrictions, shall not' operate to reimlx)se the same. 1 OR BOOK :L:L~EI P~ 2090 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with' ail and singular the appurtenancos thereunto belonging or in an~ise.appert~ining, and'all the estate, r~ght, tiUe, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the'said first party, either in .law Or equity, to the Only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said second party forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day and year flnst above,written. ' -: i~ign~''- sealed and delivered Print ~~ of Wi~e 8~~b ~~re,of Wimess Print ~ of W~ess ~_-d~ STATE'OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUClE The foregoing instrument.was acknowledged before me this 20th day of January 1999,. by Violet 8. Hill, a Single adult,who is personally known to me(), or who has pr°duced ~a8 her identification, and who did not take'an oath. sate.,,: of Florida My Commission Expires: INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL ,'pRoPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID [34~12~113-0003-000/2 ] 05/21/99 13:34 LGAL - LEGAl'. DESCRIPTION OWNER ~NAME: PECKHAM, ERIKA a SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 12/36S/40E 12 36 40BEG~ AT INT OF S LI OF GOV LoT I & W SHORE OF IND RIV, TH RUN NWLY MEkNDERING RIV 149.6 FT,TH. W~..~// ·TO S LI GOV LOT 1 TO ~W R/W S IND R]2V DR, TH CONT W 160 FT;TH~NWLY 97.99 FT TO a PT 250 FT W OF W SHORE OF IND RIV & ON A.~LI 22'5 FT N OF S LI GOV LOT 1,TH W ON SD nI TO. E R/W FEC,TH sELy ALG EEC RR R/W TO S LI GOV LOT 1,TH E TO POB (OR 206-1273:215-1463:958-745) * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED COR~'~ ~'~? 'IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED 8101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAIL~~E.:.~:,'i''/~':'':~? ' 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGk¥,![~iFhT~'~0N'~ KBD v2.64 NCR 301 INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY RE~L ~PRoPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID''' ~[3412 ii3' 0003-000/2 ] 05/21/99 13-34 LGAL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION !OWNER NAME-PECKH~, ERIKA A SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 12/36S/40E 12 36 40 BEG AT INT OF S LI OF GOV LOT 1 & W SHORE OF IND RIV, TH RUN NWLY MEANDERING RIV 149.6 FT,TH W // TO S LI GOV LOT 1 TO W R/W S IND RI'V DR, TH CONT W 160 FT,TH NWLY 97.99 FT TO A PT 250 FT W OF W SHORE OF IND RIV & ON A LI 225 FT N OF S LI GOV LOT 1,TH W ON SD LI TO E R/W FEC, TH SELy ALG FEC RR R/W TO S LI GOV LOT 1,TH E TO POB (OR 206-1273:215-1463:958-745) * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED co~R~~ .... 'BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8101 NO ~URTHER INFORMATION AVAi~gLE!~ 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 P~G~ !,''~'FMT ON' KBD v2.64 NCR 301 riel to the of said. terly parallel to thence: feet; thenc~ run' 400, feet eCt to reservati°fl~, t~h:ret mo~gage from the ~::original prinCiPal, sum of 618 ~' the p~lic records of ', ? : .Otia a corpo~tio~ ~ti~ ~~ t~ law~ of Z~ ~t~ of ]~' Flori'd~ GEORGE 'PEC~ and ERI~ PECk, his wifes~'~ o/th~ Count, o/ ~, St" Lucie a~ ~$e o/ ~lorida part' ieSV/'t~z ~o0~ part' ;~'~ ': ' the ~um'o; Ten and aa/tO0- ' ...... - - -' - - - ~ain.~. ~oM. ~i~n~, rdmi~, r~~, oo~ve~ and b~ pr~e~ t;i'~:doth' grant, barg~, s~.' ~ien, I t~~ oakum the sa~ ~part ~ea o~ the ~o°~ Peet, a~ forever, :~ t~t oz~n parod of ~ lying a~ b~n~ l~ St. Luc i e ~ a~ 8~te of ~o,~. ~r, ~, b~ PARC_EL 1. Begin on South line of Government ~own,hip 3a south,~ ~ange 40 ~as~ a~'west thence run West ~.870' more or ,less tO 'the ~lorida East Coast Bailw y, then Northerly along to a point 225 feet (~re or less) North. of said East parallel ~ South:~line of Lot 1~ ~Oa or leSs~) of Chef, west shore of Indian RiVer, parallel!lng Indian River DriVe 200 'fee~ m0 ParazIe~ =o s~h line :of Gove~%~ ~t 1, ~action 12' ' River, o£ way '~of t -- right at' way line; then feet West-(~,(more , then East (more or-;, [esS) river to for public retains a to provide access t lands west of the ~llro~. right Of said lands are:re and this easement shall ~erminate on January ':il', ro the -,srantor herein, i' ~. ~il;~i): by the grantor and-is (CO~rX~.D O~ ~VE~S~ SiDe) the.',~ Party o/t~e Ar, t part 'doth ~ve~~ ~th the ~a~ part ' of *~0~ part t~t it i~ ~awf~g ~dz~ of t~e z~ Pre~~} ~t they are free .a~cum. branoe~, a~ t~t it ~s ~o~ ~ght a~ ~w/~ aUt~ty td '~ the the sa~ party'o[ the'riot :part dOes ~ereby /~y warr~nt the title ~ s~ W~l dz/~ the s~m~ al~nst the ~wf~ o~l~';~f ~! p 'rsons wlw~oever ~: aum~'t~me premmn~ ~ bm mlgn~, tn itm ~me by its Prm~ent. - (Parcel 2) of"way tO a 278'5 feet (more .or less) S line, thence Co a point 409.28 feet i!rmore the wese~i. Shore of Indian. River, thence point on North f 'Government Lot West of' thence West along · Florida North West of or less sa£d lot: 0.70 0 .,00 Joanna Hollt%alt, Clerk of the Circuit Court: - St, hucXe County File Nun~er: :' 1 4.00 5 8 5. OR BOOK O S)'5,EJ PAGE O 7 4 5 Recorded: 05-31-95 ~11:56 A.M. .%_ . wzHmm, Tha~ ~he orin~or, 'for release, :and'qul~la~ un.~o ~he oran~ee de.nd ~hAch ~he a&Ad er~n~or has An and ~o ~he ~ollovAag deoorA~d !o~, pasoe, or parse! ef Tz~ m ~ ~ m~~ BT To IAvI &ID. ~O IOLD the same together with all and singulex the appurtenances ~heEeu,to beIong£ng 0= An ~Aoe ap~=~ainAng, and tll'~he eO~a~e~ Fight, ~A~Xe, An~e=eo~, l~ea, oquA~y, ~ cla~ vha~O~ve~ of ~he~ said G=an~O=, either An~l&v ~ oquA~y, ~o ~he only W~Fever uood :~o~n, ~ho to~ "Gr~o~."': and -G:in~oe"-shi~ ~nc~ude, o~ngu~ir and plural, all ~he p~ie. ~o ~his inaCr~n~, ~he heirs, legal representatives, and assigns o~ _ sealed, a~~ '~liverod ' Z hereby oortAfy thac on ~hAs day, before mo, an o~fioer duly authorized ~o'administer ~h~ ~O.m..~ ~~ ~reOnI MiorA~d An ~ vho e~ou~ed ~be foregoing AnscrmnC, vho aoA~~~.~OFi M ~AIC ~y o~cu~d ~ho o~,.and an oi~h'.vio ~ oaken, said ~raon. ~o ~r~z~y ~~ or prov/~d valLd i~ntA~Oa~Lon. ~ Wit. s. ~ ~ ~ o~ficAal seal in and Stat® last aforesaid thi~~ of ~y, 1995. ' ............... Ja~ L. ~'XHI BOOK 0 !;).t5 iii PAGE Commence at & point where the South line of GoveEnl~tlt to ~ poEnt; th~ce r~ Northerly parallel to the Welt right of way line ~ Indian Ri-vet' Dr~ve,a dist~ce of 49,6 feet t.; the Point ~. ~tnntng; continue Northerly: parallei to the West right ~ way itne-'ofr~South:..lnd~in ~ive a dist~Ce o~ 200 feet; thence r~ hst' ~.rall'ol to the/South line Government ~t 1, a diet,ce of ISO f~t; thence Parallel to ~uth RXver; thence r~ Southerly mm~dertng 'the Welt thl Xndt~ log ~eet; thence r~ West parallel to the South ':~: ~ said ' a d~stance at 4~.teet :nOr~ or lell, to the Pain? Begin on South line o~ GovernMent Lot 1, Seelig~ lm'P~?~ To~ihi ':~ 36 South, Ringt 40 ~st at ~eit shore of Indian River~ thence z~ Hell e?Ot y ~o a po,n~. 225 ~eet (more. or less). North o~ aa~d:~'=Sou~h Zine; ~hen ~st parallel to ~Uth line of Lot 1, to a point 4~. feet Meat (more or less)" o~ .the ~est Shore of Indian RtVer~ thence southerly ~ra!lel.iag Indian River ~t~rivel, 2~400~e~tfeet (~re or lols)~ then parallel to South'. line (note of ~vernment or less to the West shore.of Indian RiVer, then southerly with river to pO~t oI..begtnning' ~~XNG TH~~H, all eila~ts for public rights of "ay and utilities of P~lic record The 9ranter e~sement along the ' · non-exclusive South line Of aforedescribed proper~y ~vide access to adjacent the'Florida ~st Coast Railroadr wherein s~ld ~1983 and is :' the gr~tor herein* : .... '.'"¥ · ~ , . Begi~ a~ in~ersec~iOn of North line of ~ver~en~ Lo~ 2, Section 12, Township 36 Sou:h Range 40 Ea~, with Easterly right of way of Florida East Coam~ Railway.. ~henoI Southerly of ..~aid North line, thence East to~ a poi~ 409.28 feet more or less, WeSt of the West shore of 1,4ian River, thence run NorthweSterlY to a point on NOrth line of GoVer~mnt Lot 2, 400 feet more or less, west of Indian River, thence west along North line of said Lot 2, to a point of beginning. TITLE TO SUBJECT PROPERTY HAS NOT. BEFJ~I EXAMINED .BY THE SCRIVENER. th,,' [oily' w~r~s 51. 1977 ~O~ C. PBCKH~ and gRIM A. PECKS, his wife ./ Fee, Kobk:'F.,:~rd & T' .c~,.' ' P,A, ~ 5.38 Ac ~f 34/1S 1.95 Ac II II ¢I!£-000H200/5] 2.56 Ac 7p5±. 20.26 A~ 61~6.61-+ (il,?.-o00,f..Ooo/~?fl 30.88 Ac I ° ' (b~-0001-050/4) [~ ~ 4.4.7 Ac STATE OF FLORIDA ~ TR. tNT 1~? TRUST FUND , 4..36 Ac ~ ~.~ATE OF'FLORIDA 9.3~ Ac STATE OF~ FLORIDA , _ . _ , (501-~lO/,?J ~'OR[DA 4.~},,, .Ac STATE OF r,, . ~,~_~ I .1.91 Ac ?~_~ ( I,?_4.0005~)00/0 ) :5.09 Ac 476*-- (142_-000I'000/8) ~ 5.06 Ac ¢.12 ~ -'-. 4.23, Ac 15.98 ~ 9.18 ~ ~0~0~ ~ (t33~t~/1) 15.61 ~c 6.45 1 (501-0001-000/91 2.51 Ac (50/-O~La. OOO/6J . 5.65 Ac · (501~/0) 2.36 Ac .Ac (1400~1-000/2.) . 1.99 Ac (I40~X~'O~)/5) 1.94 Ac 822.20 i.92 Ac 2~93 Ac 134 Boundary Survey F- ' George & E rika Peckham Lega~ Deso r t p ti o n Being a parcei of ~and t~ng ~, ¢ v- ~ t. , S T * ,n ~o,,~ernment I ;.;eot,on 12, ~ownshe 56 South: Range 40 East,. St. Lucia County, F~orida, and be;n9 more particu~ad described foitows: Y as Commence at the ntersection of the South Line of ~' sa.,.a Government Lot I and the East right-or-way ~ine of the ,orlda East ~oast R '"* ' % ' * ,. ;a:~oed; thence N 2262 58 W, a~on¢ the said East right of-way line, a distance of 152.00 ¢''" ' , OiN~ OF BEO;NNiN~., of the fo¢lowing described pa~ceh hence continue N 2252'58' W a!on~ said ;ant right-or-way ~ine, a distance of 91.64 feet; thence N 894050" E a distance of 617.10 feet; thence 4N 2, 5928 W a distance of 4.86 feet to * ; + *" ,, - ~he ,n~ersecuon w;th the ~me astonished by F~nai Judgemen~ ~n Case No. 91~867~CA-I7; ~hence N 89 50 08' E, a~ong sa~d l~ne a d~stance of 255 feet, more or less, to (he mean h~gh water ~;ne of the R~ver; thence meander sa~d mean h;gh water ;~ne Southeasterly, a d~stance ' o, 100 feet more or tess to the ;ntersect;on w~th a :ne **,*** bears N 89'50'58* ~. thence S ,, 5038 W, aeon9 said ,me e distance of 849 feet to the ~ntersect;on w~(h the Easterly dght-o¢-way ~ne of the sa~d Florida East boas; Railroad and the OF B~,~INNiNG. LESS the right-of-way for South indian River Drive. S 89 .0 50 Line as d~cdbed in Rnal Judgement for Case No. 9t-867~CA-I7 N 89 050 E 6!7~I0~ L76,78 N~ , ¢ ~ 89 ~0 50 ~ South Line .of Sacrament Lot I 3 General Note8 ' **' ~rnment Let I ho~ng on a,~med bearing of N 89 ~¢58 E. been located and shown heroes. 255*+ ® Cert!f!oation i HEREBY CSe~FY to e e Edka Peckhem that the surly of the property sheew'n h~son ~aa compieted undo* my dk~tion on May 15, 1999, and sam anore-oehmen~s other than those shown hereon~ Standards os set fa*th by the Fiorido Board of Land Sa pu~uant to Section 47.z..u27, FN:lda State Statutes,, No search of the pubttc records hs8 b~n made by this Pro'f¢~ionoi Su e Mapp~ Fkxlda Oe~fice~e No. 3858 LEGEND & ABBREVIA:T1ONS DATA ~ DATA S 89*4030* Boundaw Su y Fei': Richard & Vi' ck e R umley Lega~ Description Bain9 a parcel of tand iying in ~:ovemmen~ Lot Range 40 East, St ' v LUcia County, , ,o,,~u, e,d being more particularly described as foi~ows: BEGIN at the intersection of th"e South Line of said Government Lot I and the alan9 the add East right of ..... way Hne, a d2tance of 152.00 feet; .thence N 89%038* E a d;sence of 849 ¢eei, mo~e,o~ iess, ia fhe Mean high waie¢ iine of the indian River; thence meander sa~d mean high water Ilne Southeasterly; a distance of 152 f-et more o~ ~ess to the ;nte~sectbn with the sdd South i;ne of 6ovemment Lot !; thence S B9~40'30' W, don9 said South ~h-se of Governmenl Lot I, o distance of 857 feet ia the. intersection with the Easterly right .... oHwoy ~ine of the said Fioride Ess{ Coas~ Raih~oad ~n +he u, d ., POINT OF' BEGiNNiNG, LESS the d~h+ of- .m~ - BEGiNNiNG 0'57* 176, 78' \ South Lin+~. of Oo,~amment Lot I 3 Note8 The bearing8 shown hereon are referenced to th~} South [!ne of Government Lot 1 haYeg on m*~ .. n* E. oboe ground f!x~d }mpmvements, if any, ha',;~ been iocated and shown heeon~ Fiood Note: By graphic ¢ott!na only, th!s ,.r~ 4v ,. ~ .... P. ope, o is }?~ Zone *X~, acco_~dlng to the F ~nsu~ance Ra;... ~;.~.. ~.om,,,u,,,ty Penei No~ 120285 028~ 8 (Me~o.~" t2IIIC0281 ~, showt~ herein wes compieted ur~d'e¢ my dkection on May 17, 1999, and sdd survey tnJe crud correc~ to ~he bes~ of my knowledge and beaef iSsere ~e ~o encroachments othe¢ tha¢'; those shown hecee¢,~ Standards as set forth by the Rodda [}oard of Land %ar-eepars pursuon{ to Secto~~ 472,027, Ybrido State Statutes, No search of the punk recoms has been mode by tn~s office., i%~s su~ey ~s based on }nfo~matbn furnished by the ciient of the ~- eN-esen t atb*e. For'de Ce~i~f'~ca%e Ne.. 5858 LEGEND & ABBREViATiONS LWZ L T