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L11AP ---_ x� Pi= r NEWT 'SCIS Home Log In User Registration HotTopic3 Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts ,Publications, FeC Staff 'BCIS Site Map Links. Search O" Pr Product Approval -(A USER:Public User Pronurt ani m_!nu>Prooucc or nnnnc nom 5 arrn>APP110 mn nst>Appllcation Detall FL r 1 FL16107-R10 `' Application Type i Revision jOPY Code.Version, 2017• APPlica_tion Status A.PProvedtFILE 1-� Comments RECEIVED ED Archived ProduCt.Manufacturer Clopay Building Products Company JUN 0 3 2019 Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvd.-_ Mason,off 45040 ST. Lucie County, Permitting (513)770-6062 • mwesterfield@clopay.com Authorized Signature. Scott Hamilton sha m it ton@clopa y.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative, Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors 'Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Regisfered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional:Englneer- Evaluation Report-.Hardcopy Received .Florida Engineer or Architect Name Who developed Scott Hamilton ;the'Evaluatlon Report,. Florida License PE-63286 ;Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc.-QA.Entity Quality Assurance Contract,Expiration Dam 12/31/2020 Validated By Gary Pfuehler Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence El.16107.RIQ COI .Certification'of Indevendenrat of_V 51Oii_n FnLiy_ Gary.Pfuehler.onf FL161U RIO CUI-'Statement on Independence of Evaltiauon fzntity_ ScoltHamilton 120424.nr1f ;Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA'108. 2005 ANSI/DASMA 11.5, 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 .ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 'TAS 202 .199,4 TAS 203 1994 i Equivalence 61``Product Standards Certified By Florida licensed Profiigiional Eriglrieer'br Ar6ltect' FL16107 RIO Eguiv 20170809-FBC--DASMA I IS i?Qwv;r)df, Sections from the Code Product Ap7ptoVal Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted. 661101200, Date Validated 08114/2017 Date pending-F6C Approval 08/16/2017 Date;Approved 10110/2017 Summar*of Products 'Go to,Page. .4 -10 Page'2. FL# Model,Number or Name Description 1 16107.21' 21 W8-16.DSIE-1F471:,GD2SPI Double-skiii Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 da,min.;Interior GR2SP,Gb2LP,.G-R2LP,,AR,2SP; skin,27 ga.min.)Oouble-Car,(9'2'to 162"wide) AMP,ED2SP,E02LP,,4302, WINDCOIDE@ W8 Garage Door with'Optionai impact-. HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use- Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes R16107-RIO'11 104Z86-004-sibned.wr Approved for.use.outside HVHZ:Yes Verified by:'Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact,Resistant:Yes Creat0d,,by Independe I fit Thlrd'Party:No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V�_ult):,_170 MPH.,Solid-doois�or Xuw 'F�71 6!Aort,,P( '13 0 14•A.m doors With optional impact-resistant-glazing are impact-, Created byjndependerittlhircl-Pirty:No resistant :(large missile impact), 16107.22 22 W6-00:DSI6-1FI71:,4400, Double-skin, -skin Insulated EPS'(exierlor skin 27'ga.Min.;interior 4402;4361;4300,4301,4310,., skin 27 ga:min-.)Single-Car(up to 9'0!'wide)WINDCODEO.' HOG HDGL;HDGF;66166G,67, W6 Garage.Door with Optional Impact-Reslitant Lites 67b,� ' 68,SP200,SF206,SE200; 6200,6201,6203 Limits of Use rnstallation-In.4tructions: Approved for use In HVHZ.,Yes Ft.1610,1110;If IQBM-L-RpyL� Approved.for use outside yes; Verified By i Scott Hamilton FL`PE PEI 63286 -Impact Resiitant,Yes Created;by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF: Evaivatlori Reports other:Max.'WInd Speed(V_uIQ: 0 ,' 0 MPH:Solld.doors or FW 6107,R'I 0 AE ;doors with optional i.mpact-resistant,g.lazing are Impact- Created byAndepenclent Third Party:No. resistant(large missile Impact). 16107,23 23,W6-09'DSIE-IF171:4400; Double-skin Insulated.EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;Interior 4401;4360,4301,4310,HDG5 skin'27,da.min.)Sing 16-Calr(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE0 HOdL,kbGF,,66,.66G,67,67G,68, W6 Garage Door, SP200,SF200,SE200i 6200,6201, 6203 Limits of Use, Installation Instructions Approved for-use In HVHZ:No Ft_I6i07 f 1011 In 1 S26- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:,Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resirtant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure-+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other.boors with standard glazing meet themind load FL16107. RIQ-AE QPC-13021AA.pdr: requirements of the building code but.00.NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No Impact resistantseq'uiremdrit for windborne debris.regions. 1607.24 24 W6;09,PAN-0153:,84A,,94,7%, Steel,Paw:(min.25 ga.)Single-Car(up to 9'0".wide), 75;1500,j90,,4RST_4RSF,4F; WlNDCQOE@ W6 Garage Door,with Optional Impact- 6RST1 6RSF,48,42:,55,4BB,,42B, Resistant'Lites- SSS,GOSS,GDSSV,CRSS;GA5SV, ARSS,AR'SSV,,EDSS,ED5SV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVH2c Yes F.U�o Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:_Scott Hiftiliton FL'IPE 63266 Impact.Resistalnt,Yes Createdby Independent'Third Party:No Design•Pressuret,438 1`517/c14 PSF Eva=nReports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V-uli):.170 MPH.Solid doors or F1.1 ,LO AE-CbPd J307.14-A,.a( Created,by Independent Third_Party:No t doors with optional impact-resistant glazing,are impact- resistant(large missile Impact): 16107.25 - 25-W6--OT AN-2F1S3:.84A,94;'73,_ St'eel',Pan(min.25 ga.).Single=.Car(up to 9'0.'.wide)- i 75,,1500;.190r4RST,4RSF,QF;' r WINDCODE6 W6 Garage Door 6RST;6RSF,48,42,55,48B,42B, _ - 55S,GD5S,GD5SV,.GR5S,GR5SV, ARSS,.ARSSV,EDSS,EDSSV Omits of Use Installation Instructions .Approved for use In HVHZ:No DJ6107 111'641 101348•R•Rev)7'signcd.Pd Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By;Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 •Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation'Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107 1110'n1`.CF31?C' 130214 Ar requirements ofthe building code but DO NOT meet the Created by.Independent Third Party:No Impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.26 26 W6-09.PAN-2F156:76,76V,, Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) 2RST WINDCODE(9 W6 Garage Door Limits of Useinstallation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes'' F1,16107 RW iI 101348-/1 Rev17-sim,pil."f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF(-44 PSF. Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16107 R10 AE. CBPC 130214-A.Odf doors with optional Impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile Impact)., 16107.27' 27 W6-09 PAN-21`156: 76,76V, Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) 2RST WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FI-16107 RIO'11 101:348.84Rev17-signerl.nd Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other,Doors'wlth standard giazing;meet the wind load FIA6107-•1110:AE CBPC '130214-A 11r f requirements of the building code but-DO NOT.meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.28 28 W6-09 DSIE-1A171:2050, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;interior 2051,.2053,4050,4051,4053,62, skin 29.9a.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE© 64,65;62G,-62LG,64G,SDP38, W6 Garage Door SFL38,.SRP38, 134,135,136, 6130,6131,6133 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16107 1R10-Ti 104814-A-Rev00 signed.bdf Approved for use outside HVHZ*Yes 'Verified By:.Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 .Impact Resistant:Yes Created'by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports: Other:Max..Wind Speed(V_ult):;,170.MPH.Solid doors are F1116107 RIO AE Cf3PC '13047"t-A.nrif Impact-resistant(large missile Impact). Created''by Independent Third Party:No 16107.29 29 W6-09 DSIE-1A171:2050, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterlor skin 27 ga.min.;Interior 2051,2053,4050,4051,-4053,'62; skin 29 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE® 64,65,62G,62LG,64G,SDP38, W6 Garage Door SFL38,SRP38,134,135,136, 6130,6131,6133- Limits 133Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved.for use in HVHZ:No FI 16107'1110 X11 104814-P=Rpyn sUPf SI.Dd` Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes, Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load fL16107.RIO AC.CBPC 134423 C,I3df requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions, 16107.30 30 W6709 DSIE71F471:'GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;Interior G112SP;GD21_P,GR2LP,ARZSP, skin 27 ga'.min:)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODEO AR2LP,E62S6,ED21-13,4302, W6 Garage'Door with Optional Impact-Resistantiites HDGC,6202,MFC68;4305;HDGR,, 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL 16107.RIn. 11 103954-A-RevnS-sgL1tdjjdf, Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created,by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other.Max,,Wind Speed(V_ult):170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16107 RIO AE CBPC 130423-A.ndf doors with optional Impact-resistant glazing are Impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile Impact). i l t i February 14, 2013,(Revised 8/10/17) Evaluation Report for Clopay Building Products Company Sectional Garage Doors, W6 through.W8 I;have evaluated the wind.load door designs as shown on the drawings listed below. I have reviewed the test reports, which were generated by accredited independent laborafories as required by the relevant Florida Administrative Rule, the engineering rational analysis, and the product drawings. The test reports are listed below. Assembly testing was conducted by American Test Lab North.Carolina. Component testing was conducted try HETI and ETC. For the doors listed.in,Tables;1 throughl 5,:Static Pressure Tests W6-- a conducted.in accordance with TAS.202-1994, ASTM-E330-2002 and:ANSI/DASMA 108-2005. Missile Impact and Cyclic Pressure Tests were conducted in accordance with TAS 201-1994 and TAS 203-1994-and ASTM E1886-2005- and ASTM 01996-2009 and ANSI/DASMA 115-2005. The pressures listed on the:drawings are either direct results of these:tests or; results obtained through engineering,rational analysis based on actual tests. T"have concluded th"at,the door designs listed below in Tables.1 through 5 are in compliance with'.these High Velocity Hurricane Zone test requirements of the Florlda'Buiiding Code and therefore are qualified as'impact-resistant assemblies (large missile impact). TABLE 1• Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) PAN-2F1�53.;. 101348-A-Revl7, max. door size 9'0"" x 16'0 +38/-44 PPF (design load) TABLE 2: Drawings for c�ao�jtJ�v1tjfac..rt trri.0g_Product Cade (MPC) PAN-2F156: 101348-A-Rev17, max. door. size 9'0"" x 1.6'0 +38/-44 PSF. (design, load) T18BLE_3: Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) DSIE=1F171• 107.52.6-A-Rev20, max. door' size, 910"" x 16'0".,• +38/-44 PSF (design 'load) Tt E 4:-Dr,avyings_for do_ors with Ma1lUfactu *ng_eCoduct Code (MPC) DSIU-1F171: 104778-itev03, max., door- sine 16'2" x IWO"; +46/-52 PSF (design load) ,TABLE S:-Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product CodeMPC) DS_ IE-J,F471• 10.4785-A-Rev03, max. ;door' size 16'.2" x 16'0"-; ++38/-4Z PSF ;(design load) 104786-Rev04-,- max. door size. 16'2"' x. 16'0"; +46/-52 PSF (design load) For the doors in Tables:G through 0, Static Pressure Tests'were conducted in accordance with.ASTM-E330-2002 and ANSI/DASMA 108-2005. The;pressures listed on the drawings are either direct results of:these tests or results obtained through engineering rational analysis.based on actual tests.,I have.,concluded that the door designs listed below in Tables 6 through:9 are in compliance'with'these test requirements of the Florida Building Code. T98L'u6: Drawirngs for oors°wltlianuf`actj_ �ring� ct ode (MPC) PAN-2F153: 101348-B-Rev17, max. door size 9,0" x 1.G 0 +38/-4�4 PSF (design load) PAGE 1 bF 3. FILE:CBPC_'130214-A.3 j i EVALUATION REPORT FOR.CLOPAY BUILDING PRODUCTS COMPANY SECTIONALGARAGC-DOORS,W6-W8 t ! TABLE 7: Drawings for doors with Manufacluring Producl Code IMPC, PAN-2F156: 3.01348-B-Rev17, max. door size 9'0"" x 1610";• +38/-44 PSF (design 'load) TABLE 8: Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) DSIE-1F17j-;. 101526-B-Rev_20, max. door size 9'0"" x 16'0";; +38/-44. PSF (design load) s TABLFL9.; Drawings for doors with Manufacturing_Product Code (MPC) DSIE-1F471: 104785-B-RevO3, max. door, size 1612" x 16'0"; +38/-42 PSF :(design• load) Test Reports: ATL;0107,01-j.3•(7_/20/13),,ATL-1206,01-12 (1/23/13), ATL-0801:01-12 (8/15%1'2), ATL=0827:01=12 (10/9/12), ATL-0115.0i=13R (3/18/13), ATL-0117,01-13R (3/18/13). These reports document'compliance with the TAS testing standards and are signed and sealed by Daviel Johnson, FL PE 61915. Product Description for doors with MPC PAN-21`153: These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan sections with min. 25 ga. (0.019") skins. The steel skin is at least G40 DDS per ASTM A653, The maximum section height Is 211 These doors may have optional Impact-Resistant,Glazing (Molded). Optional 'Impact-Resistant Glazing Is a one-piece injection-molded front frame and glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 84A, 94, 98, 73,. 7.5, 1500, 190, 4RST,.4F, 4RSF, 6RST, 6RSF, 48, 486, 42, 428, 55, 55S, GDSS, GD5SV; GR5S, GR5SV, ARSS, ARSSV, ED5S, ED5SV. Not all models may be shown on a. given drawing. Product Description for doors with MPC PAN-2F156, These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan sections with min. 25 ga. (0.019") sklns'. The steel'skin is at least G40 DDS per ASTM A653, Sections may have•1-5/16" insulation captured in the cavity of the pan section. The maximum section height is 21 These doors.may.have optional.Impact-Resistant,Glazing (Molded). Optional Impact-Resistant Glazing is a one-piece injection-molded front frame and glazing, The 'following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 76, 76V, 2RST. Not;all models,may be shown on:a given drawing. Product Description for doors with MPC DSIE-1F171 These doors consist of 2" double-skin insulated sections with an EPS core laminated to both skins: Both inner and outer skins are min. 27 ga. (0.016") G40 DDS per ASTM A653, The maximum section height is.21". These doors may have optional •Impact-Resistant Glazing (Molded).,Optional 'Imnact-Resistant Glazing is a one-piece ;injection-molded front frame and glazing. The following models are at least'structurally equlvalent to the tested door:.4300, 430.1, 4310, I-IDG,.HDGL, l-IDGF, 66, 66G, 67, 67G, '68,6200, 6201, 6203, 8P200, SF200, SE200. Not all. models may,be shown on a given,drawing. Product Description for doors with MPC DSIU-1F171: These doors consist of 2" double-skin insulated sections with polyurethane insulation•foalhied In place between both skins. Both' inner and outer skins are min. 27 ga. (0:016")_ G40 DDS per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 21". These doolts may have optional Impact-Resistant:G,lazing (Molded). Optional Impact-Resistant Glazirig"is a one-piece injection-molded front frame'and glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: HDP20, HDPF20, HDPL20, 7200, I 1 PAGE 2 OF 3 FILL::.CBPC_130214-A.3 i i ! ! / ! : . | / 720e 7203 8200,828 ' 8203,,9200, :9201, Product Description for These doors consist of-2"double-skin,ins lbted sections with an EPS core0 ulaml,nated to both skihs. 'Both Inner and,outer-skins are min. 27 ga, (0.016") G40 DDS, per,�\$TM. A653.,The.maximum section.height is,24".,'These doors may have optional al,unifinum front-fraMe an-d asepa rate polyp rbonate,g lazi ng. The,following models are SFR6.8. Not all,models maybe shown on a-gIven drawing.. act Resistant Glazing'(Moldad): |pe.00tlmnImpact resistant glazing Is an-1 njection-molded polycarbonate front rram�e,and glazing .(GE'LEXAN SLX2432T),that is ad approved C1,plastic in accordance with itesting.requ1ired by FPC-B 2612,Approval based on review of the following tosts.: .HETf-064002 A,STM G155; HETI-06-T566 ASTM D638, (IJ&orO); HETI-06-T634 ASTM 1563�'.(after); ET- C-016-1024-1 17496.0 ASTMD2843, ASTM D635, ASTM D1929. The optional impact resistant glazing is an aluminum rront,rrame and a separate polycarbonti-te'I'lazirig that is,an approved C1 plastic in-,accordance with testing (versions also,approved. MR�O, 9030, '90318,90316�*903.17,90,311,90314,.90355) and BayerVakrolon GP(versionsalso approved'.-� 15).,Approval based on review orNOA (8ob|cIP, ex[: 7/17/18}arid NOA1 � 605,05 (Bayer, exp. The draWing-l[s) cited above-are an I explicit part of this-evaluailon'reporL.The te.%&6f this report: . all des~.details,and relies — _- Illarfteations-and text or theso,drawings as well. lambs,,llntelsi sillsorr other structural elements-required to prepare openings, acitde,dance,with current,building codes for the loads listed on the drawing(s) referenced Installation.raquirdmants:per the relevant Florida Administrative Rule,,IndlUding attac6ents, a-ee detailed on'the drawing(s),listed above.'Installaition.must be in drawing(s).Hsi'tedabove..'The manufacture-r's licensed design professional listed,on the PAGE,.�'or^ .IL � ".^°,^_^^"�^``` - a 3 'CLASSIC Ra:SEE lip- AA-Z,E1283TS C3-,RS j 'C-RR-.AX tCUSE-RAISED PA\EL EMkrSS 33C9S SnEEF- R:}IS40R5 RD3ELS i 2i GA- 25.r' 25 G4 t4r0EL5 .25 GA; - 1 I a5 GA 1 Clr 4 REV. r.O:1 201�E:I-GATE; ECN'N0. AFFvG;=I _ . DESC'n1%TIOt; '75 -1 ',CLS"AY GDS G?SS - I^EAL. .'a7ST,aF< 6RST -2RST 'GALLERY• .. _ ._. _ ..._ ___.. _ _._ - i13 —'- ._ E3 5 - F1 SOLEL 4F IS FtlSi R2:ASE.•GUST~ - V' S•2'it?,PArEt}Lfi.NG PAi,£L �s.OAT FAQ I JLUSH &10-2-25. (')'?¢TERMED-AT_ STILE BETWEEN CA:-! .EMBOSS [(3) STILES PER SECTICN AT 9'0"Y1:DE), EACH1H'ERm S7rLE As' MTLL30tDTX DHE= OPTIONAL,C-LAZ11iG MAY BE, TACHED _ 7 : EAiVE. STAN CARD CR,L?4Cf i_SISTA%T, ',(ALC 1C CENTER}. `GLAZI,IG SEE SEC71Gi 8�8'CN' .tCh'C P sst ht0� 15 ,.(3}TOTAL.STRES'PER'SECI Oti.. (:} STANDARD, .( SH:ET'.2,FOR-DETA)LS: 1NTERM_OIF,TE 5ifLE S£ht�_N'EACH EN$OSS. Er+Ch.SL'�Ni1ARD INE*IJ, ± MAX. SWA DARD SIZE IS` 3MLE ATTACHED k7:H 7pG-L-LOC(TOP s BOT1701»}�JND LRETHAN-- 19-2/2"■l6 IMPACT RESISTANT �ADHESIVE (ALOkG CE.vT£R). EX'RA,mTERu; STCES (1)PER LON3 P?NELO GLAZMG 15 21-5/8 ;c-1f&� SECTION,FIELD-INSTALLED,FISH (Y) ¢3 Sf..S'(PER SiiLE}, DSR H£Iu 37 SECTIONS q Cr, U--AfcS VAX OLD SIZE IS 18-1 -"U? 7D l'Q' f ! 6- _ _ A' END SORES ATTACSEO TO' R 9' 3'TO B'9' S SSKINWI H PATENT---:),TCG-L. LOC._ 4'v T4 18'6•. 6 --9ERT SYS EV(IOP.50770M. is C MER):.. o. tf i� it n YS'1 3 D t lNG£ 12.6'.TO la•Q•1 - "_S 12- - ,cY 1 14 `h '.16.0• .. ..`.ID 15 p VAX SECTION HEIGHT.,2i' � _ o� 1.s SEE kiERME-D. HI\GE' SLIDE SOLI LOCK sp P I l`+E:4 C. Ell AG ;ES INTO y END '. VERT tG,t TRACK ,STILE. Oti LOCFC O .l..H 510E or t,p D+7CR.. .._ 74iS V6-.R;IiEETS OR E%CEEOS 7HEE DESIGN CCADS FCR H_ - ULTtu TE.%NO SPEEDS.USED 8-LOW ACCC:ZDWI 0'.N F .H" 0 .A !_ 3L4L01O COVE OR?H_INTErNATONAL BUILONr COY_(EASED CN I TVlO POINT LGO.Ki1^v INSIDI' S I '• O7 ASCE?-10)FOR 7hE FOLLOAING CC!10MONS?)ENCLOSED gu INTO ORACK ENAP LATCtt ENGAGES 20C%C OO-.G't. BQLGRiG:2)DOOR HAS 21 OF�%XDTH t't SU'L03tO'S END ZOI:E..) ED AW ROOF SLCPE.AVD c TESIING MWACCORDANCE tr,TH .x j.; ONTO t NXP L CH-ON STILE. O.yE SIIA LATCH�ON ' AVSt/DASVA ICS SPE-SPECIFY CALCULATtOVS 3v'A gv,UFiED _ EAFH Sm OF DOOR, D£SICa FRMSSChAL MAY.OFFER, B Ut;ED Er.�.'r)110 _ .: -184 255 1 4. OAI,,:)D_- SPE iS5 ISD 17.7. L _ Hffll„ L 4 - - AN7Lc- ' _OCK SA. E%PDSURE' 3;C.,; 2.C.D 3.G 3.C 3 'OPTIONAL OUTSIDE.KEYED, LOCATION,Or - A OUTSIDE i END ENGAGES IN Cr.7fGGRY _ - 'P.ACK .'T't _. ?CCK POS(T2CH OPTIONAL FENT KEYED 5i2t,E. F;:.'i3CE: EACH SiOC pSax RG3f fmcw 25' I5' 85• k5' 3O' )AA%. ODOR'YROTH = 9'-0" 4 OF.DOOR INSICE EL=VAM9. INSIDE HANDLE. g�S;,- K .-�I .K t!H cm. D'CCK 07H "CLASSIC'SHORT,RIaS.D-PANEL SHD'rr,I.tOtiO 'C1t.S5'.C' w-� + `CK BAR LOCKING. O�� HAIfiz y. AND SHORT � ARRiAGc HOUSE'ARE ALSO APPROVED. SNAP LATCH LOCK C-r.tON: 1n[^x KIN•' +`•`ojC tG ENs',.FOip 4r� #144/t3"SHEET,� yk:::IF-CT23RIti3 FR30U=T,E03E N0,6 y3 _J6 = `T UETAL SCREWS OSHORT PANEL, FAV-.2- FIST �' 4�+•,E��J��,�.`•:'� Rs 1O/�a,\����•.'� oo_. i/470/ . , OOOD==m t C0St . ' 53 YPtEtNPC0-PAN-2-166O ESI^N LOADS. ?$.O?e O S O r SS PART h0 trA /4.3/4".SELF Qie5 04e SW 6 s OF TAFFB GSCREtS TOLERANESxMCI- DOaoaY r 6 4 ,n P 3 3TAt N O o UBNGLtSSlE AND Ci R? ST-EL PAN -< � c '0¢F"s/OEO% .ac5 Eti t% 14 GA =140 F.1 , .A. t T•RtL"D,ATE tau- oc. Duv D5 SCALE: � O `om �-C SIZE LJ SCOTT HAMILTON. S*GN ENGINEER+ _ 1 �! P-r G.fG. O40.:-207745 - Ale - VER:13C' , DA I' N F N•, v2is . 4 �. 2 FLORODA PRODUCT APPROVAL 1610,, L 3 :LASS.C'RAISCJ PANEL ER8 SS CC 3;s •CaRR:A3L IC USE'Rc!S[]'.ar4^-L Ex;GSS D7CR5 REVISIONS -�•-- ,' FQ3ELS 2a SA ?5 A I S C3 .� .!>rLCLS 1 3 GA 2S U'.1 ` 7 �F G - . R=V. NO. 7 p CLD-AY' - 1 - 1_C\e' DATE: ECN NO.IAP vC:I C SCRIP"ION IiGai cARST,-F-; SRSi .2Rsi A •GALLERr '- v, SEE'REt151'JS HIs"?ORY O'll SHEET CNE. 4%RCS '1 49.43? 14Z;a2?i -- hAeES. - _. ?ANEC— LONG-,L FrL YC-L.<F IS FLUS= CARR'AGE'N'USC' EJSS SIL T fAI;EL LGVS PKri I 1 11I trJ?ACT—RESISjANT CCySTR TION: STANDARD ASSEMBLY CONSTRUC710N; f t SOLID DOORS (I40.GLAZING) OR COOfiS'P37H OPTIONAL IMPA^.T-REST-'W.7 GLAZING ARE OpinT.c:L DS3 OR 1/6-ACYRLIC UTES AVA°L:SLE:OPTON:.L'ACRYLIC C_A?ING IS � ILLAACT�RES'ISTANT. CMIONAL INJECTION-MCLOED POLYCARBONATE FRONT FRAME AND PLASKOUTE OPTIX OR LUCITE CP APPROVED CC2 PLASTIC IN k_CORDA,VC-_Y;.TH ISC/FEC GLAZING IS.CE LEXAN SLX2432T,.AN'APPROVcO CC2 PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE mr-H 2606. .4 IBC/-SC 2606 AND AN APPROVED Cl PLASTIC.114 ACCORDANCE WITH FBC 2672 Tr.E ENTRE DOOR,ASSEUBi mSTRLLED I1 ^OMPLIANOE iYRH THIS SECTION MEETS THE THE EtdiLRE OC'OR.ASSEMBLY INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS SECTION U,-TS THE a9N7 LOAD REOUiPEMENTS CF THE FLCROA BUILDING CODE OR INTERRa710NW_BUILDING i 1tizND LOAD REOUIR-_MEN7S OF THE FLORIDA BUILDLVG CODS AeD 4VTER\ATIONAl.6UiLDING CODE BUT.DOS NOT,U-- THE 112' CT RESS.A4T REOULRELIENT FOR IMONDBORNE DEBRIS CCDE AND IS LARGE- AND SUALL-IAISSILCIMPACT-RESISTANT. REGIONS (REF, CHAPTER 16 FBC/IBCI., SECTION B—B fiMPAQF-RESISTANT CLAZiNG OPTION t SECTION o'—B ;NON—IUPArT RESISTANT GLAZING OPTION) C �cE7Aa.•�' FRONT FRAU-_l"N U.V. COATING'ON OUTS'DE SURFACE. =Tam. I NOTE THAT FRONT FRAVE IS IWF?O'WER T�Wd IMPACT-RESISTANT FRAME. 24 Cr�i SIAL M JNS7tF 235' ULI(EE VELN FRC HKN FA-C TAFEDE), - I Snap-M mSER' - -.(eEs1, EN�RgvE:4V0:A^..:JC).. r �DECCW?JE FRCWT ING alesJ MOLDED C:SIO_ J 5±u.s.-Ii L SILICON--vc SEALANT i LITE RETALNER. E•dr3fs'.PAN HEAT SCR EY:. (EE74:EE7:STEEL SIC12 A\3 FRR!EJ. (IO SCREWS PER LITE). IVFAC7 P.ESSTAYi J CNE—PIECE wJEC7:Cti PCLYSTYPE.E RETAINER FASTENED TO rp"E Wt:N SOLOED Cr L'7(A^I B (10)iia:3/4 PAN HEA3 U+.CH:NE Sc nm SLX2-ZT FRONT - I FRAU:b•.GlAirt.'G L7 IMPACT=RESIST ANT ASSEMBLY DETAILS STANDARD ASSEMBLY DETAILS DRAWING 101348=A DRAWING 101348-B �wTTLinIg4 NN��,,ZT HAA?/�4jAAi *.' NS% _ �•' S�RiCTN1En'L•PAN-2--153]_ } CONG P-%EL: PATI-27'56 I b: 3/taIr�Q:� DESFLO.DS:= X80 PS.F G 'd.0 PS.F: lII1 'fi(')it�AS44.• OpMFAt iL_O?NN�tll� "U•: cSO+vC+,5C7 SaF:�ss hx Rs Ta ca. PARS v1l 0.+•3G8N/A STAF fi0 P� 2F 1 •••••.....• TR ArT'• C : <1wusk 70, N .d.Na"Iti 5 CLASSIC-AND CH RP S7EEt-PAN 8C aA PS5 Poo cc _ pJ f� ti. _ a.o= c rot CBalJ:4 BY: U.J DATE: 3j:5/95 SC'.LEBY: DATE: 3j 75/95 NTw&6. SCOTT H ;LTO%.EEE. Ygreca= ti/7 CHECKED BT: -- DA?E: -- SHEET 2 G= 4 ;SIZE ! SCOTT HAM�LTOV. P.E UNcia sktie Lm-4. .FLORA^ni1CF.NSF NOfr_6 prvECGp>san[+a crams G1'iG. NO• !01318 - A!p 1cF:+3C' (TOO QODA.PRODUCT APPROVAL 961r 7 I 3 ? ..'CL0.SS:C't'atS£B FA:2=1'EIIBDSS.:&OTS f �'.:CA+RRIAM!CUS£'RttS£9 F4%''L£>+47SS L73BS StEfL REVISIONS .Y.3"'CLS�, 5i GA 'j.25 6a 25'.Ga s2Aft5: c5 tq 2s Gni 3 OF 4.?£vt NO;I 20N,c{ 'DAT?: !ECU NO. A?PvJ: --._ :DESCR:PTiON S G£aFY 3'a.9s 1 73:73 1 75 " C 7YAT {4SS. _ - - - re7 c . ' 2R51 _ Ga.tfRr.. t7 _i. '. '�- SES aEVSOttHeSTCRY d�.SHEET CR_. . S'.. F 6R5T . ._. .. N`J' fS' S8 %8B «. .._�._ _._. sear-o4A*. LOY3-vtsJE1• .IYa' _ _ _ - 3 7�'_L U-BA, cr -'M=Cf, sr 1s.FLLSH •Ckz iAOE'Cvsi -sSS -- � ..MICtS, 2D wtT C•41Y_.5:_.L D St^t:P` L LGYu PL " JLtlt.Y_i.J STRENGTH .13 xSt V=R7't+'tt tLMR "-},^v4l=NT t•.'0^C F='s!E Rrn'!\Sl• 3/8'x3'-LAG SCRE1tS Oti 24"CEN'+ERS. 1-1/8'O.D:sMS-.ER RECt7?-D-'LAG fdRltVS IlAi } BE COUNTERSUNK (RUT NOT'-EOULRED) TO PROTIDE A FLLSij A!OUNTVN*SURFACc. HORrZII;tAt 1attBS C0 NCT TRANSFER^tOAO'a �72,GA':,GALV.'STEEL:CP i IMAS G A^-V64T tf a't T ocx o l Col�t ttiN C !C =T="-COr Utth}: R.^,LLER 812J.CKET^JCH� 3/8'x3-SLEEVE ANCHOR BOLTS DM 22-CENTERS (2,000 PSIIIIM;COt:CRETE). WASHERS BRACKET"FSMEET D'.A-, dics5f8" SHcET ME,�. INCLUDED Y.ITy SLEEVE ;NCHORS. - SCREWS: OR TIPCON SCREW ON IS'CQjER? (2,000 PSI W4; COkCRETE) OR 10'CENTERS 25 GA.,M1n.;G-'40^vA 1'. fidlR CAP J&N' . (C-90 BLOCK). i OD..S`;AS'i ftP_,RE&-(R.3 tWTA APCO15. - STEEt_SIGN Huh 5 - BAK D ON PRilt R cl P.NCHORS R%Y.BE C UIVT-RSUN•3 (BUT N OWRED) TO 9PgOt,OE A•FLUS.`'1 mOUNTItdG n BAKED-CN POLYESTER HORIZONTAL JAISS DO NOT 7iik TER I=, d? COAT AZPLIEO'O. is GA. GALV. STEEL END HiuGE L BOTH SIDES CF STEEL FASTEN TO ENO STILES L:c/(4) EACH OTR ,!A>,ta, YFr.,RATIQtS. REFER TO DASMA,TDS�151._:A�LICENSED.DESIGN cK1N• PROFESSIONAL MAY ALSO BE EMPLOYED TO A-PROVE ALTERNATE FASTE1tERS',040/Oft JAIMB lc1.14x5/B`SHEET !:ETA- SCREWS k {4) COxFIOURATidNS. - •f 1/4' SELF TAPPING SCRe S. PREPARATiONI OFJAM19 z�` BY OTHERS tDTE4 THE D_SIGN OF THE SUPPORTIR*5TRUCTURAL ELEUTHIS.SMALL BE trE RESP^NS Zia,C HE PRO•ESSiow,.Cr RECORD FOR T:•IE:SUILDtNG ^R STRUCTURE AtiD `..,` 3". T,.l.L x 2t3_Gh. GALV STEEL -BARS IN k,„CQRDANCE WITH CURRENT BUILDING COD"S FOR THE LOADS USED .,R THS.DRAV.1NG. _ )' IN A 2 1 2-T PATTERN.(E 7t O fr U-BARS.ON B3iTCM SECTION 0 tE 1• U-BAR ON NEXT SECTION ETC.).' EACH 1 U-BAR AT ACHED IMTH (2) 1/4--3/4" SELF TAPF-ING;SCRE'::S PER STILE i %OCATION. 1 13 GA-GALV..STEEL 907,70-1 S3ACKET• ATTACHED,I:iTFi {2)'Ct.1t A5L8"Sr.--ET NE-AL SOR-&S :+LJMItJL°!li;iXTEUStON VtN4L L,EATHER.STRIP tttt tt�t SECTIO AJ' A-A d$t0' VIEVtd ...HAM r 1;1^34 -CTS i 5 fiAO'U TCQA= ti - Nn-sa a1.OPT PAN-7L*:PAY.2'153 *-• *Z _..r .._ '.".. —� TOY Prfd-L R.-1 '+ :Sc rr••0 '! L3/S•FYY'�����•�- D S Gi. l S,. 7-0 P P.S.F. & PART t 0.. ,*/A TEST QAiFS-.+57 0 PS F li 55.0 P v F A_ :`1 i: S ce be« .ae &535 tk s Ba.!e o•e _ 1F±..3C A R.P.tr31T{�',/�^[� Q •IiJ. - ! RtiCE$aA cl0 f] t1aS:� 01 AX'iC L•SG 4 I .tiJ V ���•• O S l O P C7�c , f 0 s Gat E•33n4 F**.I is G'r+m Fc.tic.513-MIAW 1- YYYYYY tt++Js 7 Erb``, t.C99 DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC'AND CH,cP S fEL =sv Sc -3d!` :t PSF tt utU BRab`N BY. utt. 'DATE• 3/15/45 ISCLLE: ocaa a �.otst ^t:G. DESIGN ENGINEER- SCOTT - z1Ji CHECKED BY: -- LATE: -- IeugeT 3 0% s!S!%E SCOTT NAV�ILTON. P C t`.RSA-heict tYs�cr.:sc ..JIVER: . FLORIDA 29.EHS' No 63, q _. .. I:+vC•+55itt•�S'hRi.<i,KHE:•t Dt:a..:40.: 1013s-c .« p/3 EBL' � _ 3 2 FLORMA PRODUCT APPROVAL 1610 tt .tASS:C''+A3SE0 PW,'- YRIISS D}CRS •'•CACRIAOC.tC.JcE'tAA EV PANEL,Et!V.SS M:DM .. .._ .. 'S•'EE Nn S,rJ!i� – L'3 Ax d'34 9R5.. cR57. 1 L<.G-A $3 W 29 GAR=Y h0 tCN D C: EwNyD '+Fr'xJL G_SCRI!^+1 C3 ; N t£ S = : GA �$0q I 2S G.5' KD._LS �. .�.. a i " LDSS GRSS . i7 CJ St=BEv!�3Cta_7a'C�... Y FEHEET O 2EAf 4S A hYtS. I. o iE$. a 4 3 * ?-t?LKS t FPSS _ 1 '•-••''^ __.,.., .. __._ _-._..._ .._ .. .__ .____. . ARTISTP, ��_.. _..__,,,._.. - SW7.RT Ftrt tlDk;r;PANrT,""•", '3tEAL � Y( 7 +•l'CEt.4 2S*fOS•i ,,0.>,E3AOE Tali£ i'D"S j .. __..._ .. .S,r—.PlIhEt ) '+ `AISK f.4NF7C�7RAT7CV. '^"'ODOR^^ `Ci SY'eTEu »��y y7�;,A5Cf11aFICURi.T�C'4.• 13A+3 GYTlt-(3).175 _ 7.Or+72Ck AL RACK. . ,.77kTER6AUA .. .._.. i I}W OF_}' STEEL FLAG 9'v'+CK'T-F?'AM+"J TO G Ss A, 6Y R`J'Ja. _ `k S 5/S LAC CRCVS }tt IGFsT3'}, $:fiST;3i.R� SLa':} - Ang 701RACK ^x(2)7j R1'Ei6;" •8 ..7 T+' ir'ta*K CCtu tCs w7:Ott _ ?'-G' ? fi';STP wco,),3AY.9. ZE 07Ii0`.A�STOP V4.T.0^3 5`.'INSTA'-LER{£O Si!t').. 3 7'-6' ..tt3 PRE?..RdT:UN NC'E .�, .. 1'AE">.". r+_DD. OPE NG O^ES '.!S R..:.SFA61,3..r:.E S."O.O: _ _ . . - �': :t; _".9 G ,5 cEi fI.O 5,LE. Y {:107 c ECT,THE RIND L0* t Q4! Rh uT:Jr tl~li DOUR. G2 4" 2"GA6' STcrL.,TRACK., W-15"^S S` _ 2-1/27 X112.:A GAY STEEL— - - TR?w^X Tt7CN�C55 0.933`. TRACK EPAO%E75'FAST<t4E0-TD 7 "' i 7 - 6 I! '4p'?C.JAU'SxT7t/5/& %7 5j9' `"•-Jj 6 10 Ji017l:C i$GA.D tY SEE O.NTER;Yty 124, ... LAS SC4_SY5^ PLS t NUT rAST'kED 70;K'ER 57SLES Rj(A) ALtE iC:`l..` il•_ FAs cN 3 ,f,lFa5f9 VEET WETAL SCRzwls .. 'TxP T/2"'k 12 GA OA$Y, 7 "t r - t+ TF.GA r LV,STEft'fiOt.LER'Na c cS ra57Et+EO O EN9 STq,..S>\/(iy EF^x tFiAtSla•. �'- tr a. STEEL TRACK ERACKE'S I t<"' ", •TTAO•LO:TO JA.AB VA'l(1) 1 tt // SHEET t"TA.,SCRE7/6 AJiD (2).1/4 Lx T..PP�NO SCRE:gS ER EirC MNGr.. c 6lTE x 1,=518 !fp SC2E.x PER, 74-- 2`GA;.Y STEEL TRACK rASiENEO TO TRACK 6RACKET to- 12 CA GAL!S TRACK SR.ACKE7S A'TM ErTMcR(2) 1/4 07A RIVETS UA `"2 .r %.1.12 i.OtiG 5_u•JO 6:1 STEL i,CLER.xiTN-S:"Et OR tm"TIRE. 74171.PER ri 4 PACK:8,"CKET -.. ARc',PA:R Tif54.*z JAYAM5 PY o.`?E++$ L-IR. .. .' ... _ .. Al-, 04ZD-ET(2-1/2-'.'5-31".c 12GA) ;CREM7 3 r1;^:M{2)2fs c.,3f4 $ELF 7APY'l'G • :�SORES.'S: 3" ,RA^.K 15.Af50 AVAI teL .. �f'rY(.4 Ar1A^Y^,L!OPTf^W «07."2LE MORaaOS+TAi.. :... iRAC+t,: y. �. L3 }_ HAFd/rAA�� _ I �Zl;FAG71R ri;PRODUCT.COM- No bR`PANE::PAN 53 _ LONG PAN 2FISS A 'TEST L6 F2 5 ;tl n 5 e t FAR-.,%10.'. N1A .. ,e•1 QF �4. IN ,■„[;today as3s o-sAs7$ _ uL3J RAiyk t.:(.ER.�`.CES ore ucLrn Ux as+S'sx �. r-. T2E rto S7}TK-85D9'. j ..ii tC •�L)Ti\�.•���•`- .O=.t 037 &A.'+4:ept, : asac .Mx 7;�. ?C-c55r _ i (,:)' f1""; IONAt ���`' OD= t:075 .DES Rl?TiCN. CtA551G A 7 GH ?,SIE .�A3 SC_+38/- p5' �. rrrrrruf137A��� ..•� -00;;n ..'4^.7 DRAWN £r. 7rrr DATE:3/75j65 SCdLt NM— 112* G DESIGN'E,4t-1MEE . DRrici� .'1/2' Cri_CKED,5Y: -7 DATFi _ rC7iEEi a,CF a''SIZE SCS kaY.LTpti P£. {a sFrls s as oa`u�c i :4 b 'D N .•. O7 378 -AjB. 7 4.•uIz �,...._ LORMA PRODUCT APPROVAL 16107