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23-36-40 (3)
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£RS October 4, 1994 Christopher H. Marine, ESq. 979 Beachland Boulevard Vero Beach, FL 32963 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP Re: Property Tax ID# 3414-501-0512-010/3 Dear Mr. Marine: In response to your letter requesting information regarding the referenced property, the following is applicable. The property is zoned AR-1 (agriculture, reSidential 1 du/ac)°and the land use classification is RS (residential, suburban). A lot size and dimensional requiremen~ chart is enclosed for your information highlighting the minimum requirements for development in AR-1 zoning- ' The current property appraiser records for the referenced parcel number does not conform to the deed you included, Arnold to McNab. Arnold appears on the records as owner and the legal description is different. ,. On September"26, .1991 this office approved a proposed lot split that included the parce!_ in question, however, it also included addition'al property that .provided 30 feet of frontage on Tilton Road. The property is not a noncOnfOrming lot of record and we would not issue any development permits using an easement as' described, in OR Book 0786 Pages 1069 and 1070. The property' must have road frontage and"be in Total Fee Simple ownership. A copy .of the previous Lot Split approval letter and other correspondence to Clarence C. Arnold relating to this issue is enclosed that addresses the conditions of approval. I'f you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate 'to contact me. Sincerely, Jan Urso Zoning Supervisor JU: sr Enclosures (4) i-lAVER]' L. FENN, District No. I - JUDY CULPEPPER. District No. 2 - DENNY GREEN, District No. 3 o R. DALE ~'REFELNER, District No. 4 - CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 .(407) 468-1590 ° Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 ° Planning: (407) 468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 f BOARD OF COuNT.y COMMISSION6RS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO'R TERRY L. VIRTA, AtCP NoVember 21, 1990 Mr. Clarence .D. Arnold 1044 N.W. Spruce .Ridge Drive Stuart, FL -34994 SUBJECT- S't. Lucie Gardens, Lot 12, Lot-split proposal Dear Mr, -ArnoId: This is in response to your letter regarding the above reference lot-split proposal to create Parcel "D" and Parcel "E". The zoning on your ~property is .AR-1 (Agriculture, Residential - maximum density one unit per acre) with a Future Land Use designation in the Comprehensive Plan of RS (Residential Suburban). Your proposal Will conform to the minimum lot size requirement of i acre since Lot E will contain 2.35 acres and Lot D will cOntain 2.53 acres.- The minimum road frontage requirement in this-zoning district is 30' with a minimum lot width of 150'. LPGM/TLV/ arnold .cc' Land Development Manager Pl. anning Administrator Zoning Administrator However, in reviewing the legal descriptions on the survey you provided with your proposal, a problem came to light~ The' legal description for .the 30 foot strips leadin~ back to each parcol must be contained within the legal description for the parcels Since ingress/e~ress easements will not conform to the requirements- of 'the Land 'Development Code. These 30' wide "driveways'" must be included within the respective parcel. It is my understandin~ that this was explained to you by one of the staff planners., Laura Gri~s-McElhanon. All that will need to be done is to inclUdo within the legal descriptions the 30' strips. There does not ~appear to be any other problems. Please submit the corrected legals to me at your earliest convenience. ... ~:. Since~ Commity Development Director HAVERT L FENN. District No. 1 e JUDY CULPEPPtER, District No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER D,smc? No. 4 · JIM MINIX. District.. No. 5 County Administrotor -- JAMES V CHISHOLM 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort. Pierce. FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-J 590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning. (407; 468-1576 Zoning: (~407) 468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-157! PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 LAW OFFICES OF GOULD, COOKSEY, FENNELL, BARKETT, O'NEILL ~. MARINE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 979 BEACHLAND '.BOULEVARD VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32963 TELEPHONE (407) 23Ll100 FAX (407) 231-2020 DARRELL FENNELL LAWRENCE A. BARKETT EUGENE J. O'NEILL* CHRISTOPHER H. MARINE DAVID M. CARTER *FLA. BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL ........ September 29, 1994 Mr. Terry Virta St. Lucie County Planning Director 2300 Virginia Avenue Room 201 Fort Pierce, Florida 3,4982 Re: McNab to Southeast Building Enterprises Transaction Parcel No.. 3414-5'01-0512-010/3 Legal Description- Attach'ed Dear Mr. Virta- I represent a party who is considering the acquisition of the above property. This is a "flag" lot contained in Lot 12, of Block 1. The strip of land 30 feet in width and 492 feet plus or minus in length is not owned in fee by the present owner; it is only an easement. Other parties Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Tom Crawford have rights to utilize the easement. Please advise me as to the following- 1. Present zoning. 2. Present land use. 3. Is the lot buildable. 4. Is the easement connecting the property to Tilton Road sufficient in terms of required access, width and frontage. !5. If the lot is buildable, must the easement be improved in any fashion to build. 6. Is this considered a non-conforming lot of record. It i's my understanding that the "flag" lot in its present configuration was created in March 1992 by deed to Mr. and Mrs. McNab, the present owners. .However, Tract 12, appears to have been initially divided by Bernard McGiveren as early as September 1988. I am enclosing this firm',s check in 'the amount of $50.00. Would you please-respond in writing as soon as possible. Page 2 Mr. Terry Virta St. Lucie County Planning Director Thank you for your assistance. C~~ is · . Marine CHM / c kw cc- Mr. H. Allen Baldree 117 5 9 2 9 This Warran Deed · .. ~oe ~o~ Aw J, 0o~ Ii& WitneMeth, thatth~paior, lorasdiacmakh.at~o(tl~sumofS 3.0.00 Imm Iohodule NAN attmohod hereto &nd bT thio reZerenoe Bade a part heroo£. flrSJICT TO oovenants, reotrLotLons~ oameatuto oZ reoord &nd tazeo fo~ the ourrent 7e4r, SAXD PROPEITT XS MOT THE HOHESTEAD OF THE GRANTOR(S) UNDER THE LAVS AND ~ COHSTXTUTXOM OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN THAT NEI-THER GRANTOR(S) OR ANY 1~~ OF ~ liOUS~ItOI~ OF G~OR{S) RESIDE THEREOH. $~ ~aled rout deli~d in our~re~n~. 1044 N.V. SPRUCERXDGE DR. STUART, FL 34994 Smc of Florida I The foregoing hstrumcnt was acJmow~~ before mc this 27th da)'of March L~)C C ] who DZD HOT. take an °~th. IIRBCOID &RBTUR~TOs . . .....¥ ;-;;......,'... Il :e~rst AmerLoan Title e,,.,~,, of St ~..~.4, ....... ;,~'~:~ ," ';"0 ._" ;- '" [J~ox-t ft. Luoto, ,Florida 34904 .... ' ...... .~'"~':;)~;' '"' ~" *' ][YiXo Mos 92-02~0359 ..... ,--~v .... . , 1992 as identif~:atio~ 1175929 ~0786 r~1070 . BYRON T ~ENE C~i~~t~~. H, MAR~ DA%~ M, C~ C:~L ~, LAWYER PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO z N~E: MR., TERRY VIRTA TELECOPI~R (FAX) I~JMB~R: (407) 468-1735 'FROM TOTAL NI3~BER OF PAGF~$: (including this page) DATE' IN RE: CHRISTOPHER H, MARINE, ESQ. September 28, 1994 McNab to Southeast Building Transact ion ORIGINAL DOCUMENT X~ WILL IF THERE kRE ANY PROBLEMS CALL: WILL NOT FOLLOW TN ~LkIL IN RECEIVING THIS TRA/gSMISSION, at (407) CAROL (name of person transmitting document.) 231-1100 - ,~elecopier number (407) 231~20~0 S'pECIAL INSTRUCTIONS '~}]p~nfidentiality Note: The in~rmatio~ contained in this facsimile message may be legalt¥ privileged and confidential, i. liter:ded only for the use of the individual or entity named above. !f the reader of thi~ message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseminatioll, distribution, or copy of ~v.,,' '~ loc rictly prohibited If you have received this ~.~s ~.e opy is st ' ~ e by telephone and t:elecopy in error, pi. case notify us igl~edi~t.~ly return the original message to us at the address listed above via t:h~ united States Postal Service. .Th:~ nk you. ' ' L, .... "O'qr-'llll5 .,'T, OS i. E ,._¢,b Z8 L,. '¥ d -IV i~ ',..t,,i~S~til-"q ' 0 Fj ,' .... ' / / . ~,?,v~ '!,;,PTICES OF ,~ GOLTLD, C©oKsEy, FENNELL, BAR~~ O'NE~L ~ MARINE FACSIMILE Sept ember 29, 1994 Mr. Terry Virta St. Luci, e Cour~ty Plarming Director 2300 Virginia Avenue Room 201 Fort Pi~r-'=~..__ c=., Florida 34982 McNab to ~ ~ , ooutheast Building Enterprises Transaction Parcel No.- 3414-501-0512-010/3 LeDai Description: Attached Dear' Mr. Virta- i represent a party who is considering the acquisition of the abo-~/-' property. This is a "flag" lot contained i'h Lot 12, of Block i. The strip of land 30 feet in width and. 492 feet plus or minus ~.,r~ length is not owned in fee by the present owner; it is only an ,-,~-~t Other parties Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Tom Crawford have rights tc u'c:[].ize the easement.. Please advise me as to the foliowing~ Present zoning.e~~~-1 Present land us ~ 3. Is the lot buildabie. ~~ &. Is the easement connecting the property to ~ Tilton Road sufficien~ in terms of required ~ access, width and frontage, 5.If the 2ot is buildable, must the easemeu, t be improved in any fashion to build. 6, 51s this considered, a non-co~lforming lot of ~ o record. It is my understanding that the "flag" lot in its present configuration was creat'ed in March !992 by deed to Mr. and Mrs. ~Z~Nab~ ~he present r~w~-~ers. However, Tract 12, appears to have been initially divided by Bernard McOiveren as early as Septe[aber 1988. I am enclosing this firm's check in the amount of Woul. d yotl please respond in writing as soon as possible. Page 2 Mr~ lerry Virta County Planning Director you for your assistance. Ch i~her4{. Marine CHM / c kw cc~ Mr, Allen Baldree 'V ',~ 'qV l~ ",..k3S::::4009 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION(ERS DIR( CTOR TERRY 'L. VIRTA, AICP September 26, 1.991 Mr. Clarence C. Arnold 1044 N.W. Spruce Ridge Drive Stuart, FL 34994 Re: LOt Split, Lot 12, Block 1, St. Lucie Gardens 23-36-40 Dear' Mr.. 'Arnold: Your request to divide a portion of Lot 12 into two lots 'was being handled by-staff member Laura Griggs-McElhanon. After receipt of the requested revised legal descriptions and plot plan for proposed parcels D and E Laura had some difficulty locating some deeds to complete her research ~'and when she terminated ~her employment with' St. Lucie County reCently she requested that .I comPlete the research and~ respond to your request. Initially Mr.' Virta's letter indicated it appeared the proposed division would meet requirements subject to receipt of new legal descriptions that would-include access to each 'parcel that also ~hepr°vided~ ~fr°nt~gedi~ision°n a county road. It has been determined that p-opose~ does comply with regulations and is hereby approved. Please be aware that Section 11.~03.04 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that no further division of an approved lot split is pe~tted nnleSs a final ~record plat is prepared and approved in accordance with the code. AICP Community Development Administrator TLV: JU - s r HAVERT L FENN. District No. 1 e JUDY CULPEPPER. District No. 2 * .JACK KP,1EGEP,. District No. ,3 e R. DAZE TR£FELNER. District No. 4 e JIM MINIX. Dis~ric~ No ,5 County Administra~.or _ JAMES V. CHISHOLM · 2300 Virginia Avenue e Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468:'1590 e Building: (407) 468-1553: · Planning: (407) 468' 1576 Zoning: (407)468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT-ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 -% 330, LA.ID . 5-~,1 Ac... ~XvAMP ~ o.~9 &c. I f (5or - S TA k K f.: ,~. ~ DAr',,,i i E L E THIS MAP TO BE USED FOR TAX ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY s~ T0~ INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) RE~UEST~'~[ ] PARCEL ID [3414-501-0512-010/3 ] 09/30/94 15:09 LGAL -~EGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:ARNOLD, CLARENCE C ~' SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE .= 23/36S/40E _ ._~¢~ ST LUCIE GARDENS 23 36 40 BLK 1 $ 755.18 FT OF E 272.22 FT OF ~ LOT 12-LESS S 492.95 FT OF E 242.37 FT- (1.98 AC) (OR 757-1948) * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE 8101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE & NOT WARRANTED. 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 .PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 INQ ST. REQUEST [ ] OWNS - OWNER & SALES LOCATION: ARNOLD, CLARENCE C 1044 NW SPRUCE RIDGE STUART,FL 349!)6-0000 LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( PARCEL ID [3414-501-051~2-010/3 ] 09/30/94 INFO OWNER NAME: ARNOLD, CLARENCE C DR ) 15:09 ********************************************** ARNOLD, CLARENCE C IN QUALIFICATION CODE DISQ SAL O.R. BOOK/PAGE 0757/1948 INSTRUMENT TYPE WAR DEED INFORMATION SOURCE DEED EXEMPTION STATUS SALE DATE 10/01/91 SALE AMOUNT 100 VACANT/IMPROVED VAC SALE VERIFIED SALE VERIFIED ADJ SALE AMOUNT 0 ADJUST REASON *~ THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT 8100 ENTER 'PAGE' FOR MORE INFORMATION BUT IS 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. KBD v2.10 NCR 301 THOM. AS L. CRANFORD and PATRTCTA L. CRA~FORD, his ~i~ of the C,,mty ()f St. Lucie , State ot Florida ~CLARENCE C. ARNOLD, 19 $ 9 "~rlwrrn · grant,,r", and wh,.-'l"",tol~ice.-Jdre, s Is 160I SE Vi~ge Green Drive, Pt. St. Lucie, Fl. 34952 ,d ~}w C,,,,,,y ,J St. Lucia . S~v o~ Florida ~[[~r~. Tlmt ~.,id gr,mtt)r., f,), ~t~tl i,: .c.o,,sidr,dtit),, ,,f thc s,m of TEN AND NO/100 ............ .......................... ( $10.00 ) .... dlld ,abet grand d.d vdhi,thle co,,sidt',.ttio,,s to ~did g,.t.to~ i,, h.,,,,t pai~l by said. gnmt,~, t~ ,~'vipt wl.',ta~f i~ ht',eby .,t'k',)wh-(l~,.d. t,d, gtdllh"tl; i).,,'g,iim,tl '.,"t s,)hl h) thv ~.,id Ki.tliIeN'..1old gl.ililt't*'l Jii'll'~ dliiJ d~lgJ)~ fOt','Vt'I. IIw h)l- h)wl.g dflt'rihtM Id,d:. iJhl~lt', lyi,g diid I,-ing ill St . Lucie (]~llll)', ~lidd. to-wit; See EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. TAX PARCEL ID #: . Grantees Social Security This instrument has been prepared without the benefit of title examination. and said gra.tOr, does hereb_v fully warra.t the title to said la.d. a,,d will dele, sd the san~. against the lawf.! claims of'all perso.s W~m~ver. ' . * "GrantOr" and "grantee" are u~d f~ si.gular or plural, ~ c~htext rmluires. Sig~, ~a~ ar,~eliver~ in ~r peewee: ........ {~1) . . (Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Martin I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before mt.: an officer duly qualified to take ack,mwlcdgme, tts, permnalJy appeared THOMAS L. CRAWFORD'AND 'PATRICIA L. CRAWFa~n ~.;.,' ...;t%~ to mt. know. to be the perm,, s described i. a.d who exec.h.d tl,e fm'rgoil me that ~e~ ex~uted rise same. WITNESS my hand and o~Cial ~ai m ~e County and State last ahn'esaid 19 89. _ ~ M y co:nmissio., expir~: .. lC,~;,;:~:,c .~.,~ ~:;..[.,.m. ~. ( ~ OR The £alt 30 ~et o~ the Yelt ~O.~eet o~ Tract 12, Block 1, 5ectlon 23, Tovnlhtp ~. South, Range 40 ~llt, ~T. LUCIE OARD£NS, am recorded in Plmt BOok 1, Pmge 35, publte r~cordm EAmt.30 ~'&et O~ the wear ~ ~eet o~ laid Tract Lucte Oirdena, St. Lucia County, Flortd~. mhd emmementl o~ reoord~ ~onlng .lnd other regulitOry ordtninoem~ mhd tixeB tot the yeir 1~ mhd Bubmequent --il 'i · ( 1. ) O~lntee Ihill lelntaln the tbove-del~lbed property imm landloipe bu~er vt th nattve vegetltlon Orintor, and Orlntee aha11 not ~ltruOt roidl or drilnige dttohel upon ~he lin v~thout the vrX. tten oonlent o~ Orentorl, their, hetrl end ~ltg~l, ibove-de~r~d pro~rty, or ~n the event OrlntN requ2red by t governNnti~ ent2ty, hev~ng jur2ad~Ot~on, to oonltruct the liN. (2,) The above reltrtotXonl ~onltltute i ~Ovenant running 'vtth the llnd and lhill be btndtng upon Grlntorl' Idjotntngpropert¥ to the tilt Ind Ihill be 9.~8204 e~OOK 1137452 CLARENCE C. ARNOLD, a married m{n CLARENCE C. ARNOLD, a marrled man October · A. D. IV91 b~, .,Ao,,po. toHic, agd,,,., 1044 N.k/ Spruce Ridge Dr.. Stuart. Fla. 3V':p~ mdm~. ~em. ~~ a~ ~njirm. unto t~ ~f~. a~ t~ol c~ladtl ~ sdlale ~ 23 36S 40E ST. LUCIE GARDENS 2~3 ,36 40 BLK 1 S 755.18 FI OF g ZT~.~ FT of LOT ~Zr- LESS S 49~.95 FT Of E ~4~-37 FT (~'98 AC) P ! HEK/Y CERTIFY that on ~his day. bdore me. ~ df~ duly. a'~,.,,~..~A~:E C. ARNOLD · 1137452 ,, 0757 9{ 8 Quitclaim Deed Thia~~ Deed. Mad~dd~ 9ch dayot September ,1~88~. Between JOHN F. B~S ~d BE~ g. ~GI~~N aa T~BC~s of BU~S ~D . ~GI~~, P,.C., a dlaoolv~ M York co~ra~lon, ~m,~~ RZCItNOND su~ New York BgRHARD ~.. NcGXVERBN, & married man, u,m~d,m~1460 VICTORY BLVD., STATEN ISLAND, NY 10301 STATE OF m~,z~z COUNTY OF ~m~amc I HEREBY CERn' mmmmmmme,~,m,mm, mommddr~,mmm ---'--_-_~-..-.----.'?. pmmmyqvmmm mm~m:mmmlmt~lmmm dm:zkdmmd dmm,~mmmm~mm~mml~~m ~ ~~'llm N ~~ mm~ m m tatum:ira!md in m Cmml, m Sm m dmme m , 8:28 .. O~ ~. MCWHORTER, a~ Trustee, 3Dined by his wif~ ~UZ~ T. McWHO~'.~R ;,.r,',,,,,h.., , ,,ff,,,l fl,, ,.,,,,,,,. ~u B'~ARD E. McGIVE~N ,4 ...... ;.,,,t,dl, ...... hr,,-.. ,, c/o James J. Jacoby 630 Third Ave. New York, New I,,.,,.,,,,,.,,., ,,,11..,~ ,k,, ,,,,,,,~.~ (Uitn~ssdh: *~,,,, ,,,,. ,, ...... ,.,, ~.., ..... ~ .... · ..... ,,,..,,,,,,.,, ,,~, .... ,,,, o; s zo.oo .... ,~ ~..h,,,t,I ..... ."*"1'*'""'*" ...... ..,, ,.L.., .... I ,. t,,.,.I.~... :* ...... .!*.,6,~t I,,.,,.I,v ,,u,,,. b,,,,., ..... ,l&.. ~I,.,,.. greet' 12, Block 1, 8~ction 2~, To~n~hl~ $6"'Sou~h, 8~n~o ~0 S1;. LUct~ GardunS recorded in Plat Book 1, page 35 of the P~lic R0Cords of Sc. Luci~ County, FXorida. .. . T,)gcth. ,,,,,,, ;p,i~o app~rluini.fl: ~Rd ti,.....t~: i,~ I.. "i.,pl.; ~&.~ I0 D~ember 31. e · .. litlil ~0~e torilfen. ' · '- ..................... ............................ STATE ()F Florida COUNTY ()F Martin ' · I HEREBY CERTIFY tk~t on this dat'. bdore mc. an officer duly authorized in the State afor~ and in the County af~r~id to O. G. McWhorter, as Trustee, joined by his wife Louise T. Mc~orter. - x '" - % . · . . ,~ .. , , .' .*~ .; '" :' * '~&%' '<' THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY. FREDRIC P. McDOWELL I LORIDA LA;,,.' ~5 TI'TLE GUARANTY. INC. 30'3 FIRST STREET WEST PALM ~LACH. FLA. 33401- b59.452Z OR BOARD OF COUNTY DIR6CTOR TERRY' L. VIRTA, AICP September 26, 1'991 Mr. Clarence C. Arnold 104'4 N.W- Spruce Ridge Drive Stuart, FL 349'94 Re: Lot Split' Lot 12, Block 1, St. Lucie Gardens 23-36-40 Dear Mr. Arnold: Your request to .divide a portion of Lot 12 into two 1.ets was being handled by staff member Laura Griggs-McElhanon. After receipt of the requested revised legal descriptiOns and plot plan for proposed parcels D and E Laura had some difficulty locating some deeds necessary to complete her research and when she terminated her employment with St. Lucie County recently she requested that .I comp. lete the research-and respond to your request. Initially Mr. Virta's letter indicated it appeared the proposed division would meet requirements subject to receipt of new legal <,~;descriptions that would include access to each parcel that also provided frontage-ona county road. It has been determined that 'the proposed division does comply with regulations and is hereby approved. · Please be aware that Section 11.03.04 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that no further division of an approved lot split, is permitted unless a final ~record plat is prepared and approv~d in accordance with the code. T Z . erry~ ~ Community Development Administrator TLV: JU: sr HAVER1r L FENN. District No. I e JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 e JIM MINIX, District No. 5 County Administrator _ JAMES V. CHISHOLM 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 46'8-1'590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning. (407) 468-1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST, LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 9/26/91 Re:.. Lot Split request of Clarence Arnold Laura Was. working-on request in 1990. Had problems l°cating deeds for verificationof Ownership. Requested I complete and do letter for Lot SPlit. prOperty~.~APpraiser has split parcel on their maps into two parcels identified as D & E. I could not locate deeds for this split and requested their assistance'. They located original deed for entire parcei.-however, there is 'nothing in their files substantiating split. Obviously 'it was requested by' the owner and they did it. However,. the remainder of lot 12 was sold in 1988 and 1989, therefore Mr. Arnold's parcel can be considered a' valid lot split. FILE COPY BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIPT N° 7 41 1 4 St. Lucie County City of Ft. Pierce City of Port St. Lucie EXPLANATION ACCOUNT NUMBER White - Customer Canarv. Finance St. Lucie Village FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA ~~~------~+, ~" 19-~ ~~r,, ~e~l I., [:::~x.r-~;~. AMOUNT , I 'i SiCT~ 689.02 ~F.S,) April CLARt~NCE C. ARNOLD , ~. "~' ' .THO~S L' .JOHNSTON and D~A~.-.J JOHNSTON,~. his wife . , h)winf~ 19 "9' , . : iBrtuu~n . ~ wh~.lx)#to~ce-addr~sis 1601 S:~E. Village GFeen Drive, Pr. St. Lucie,. Fl..3495r2' ~~~, Th.t ~Id gran~t~,'for m~ t. c~)nstder~tlo, ~)lhe~: sum of TEN ~and NO/100 ............ ...... -- ......... "------~ ......... ---~- ......... ( 8! 0. O0 ) .... - ..... ~1~. and v~luahle constderatio." to grantor i. hm.d'pai~ hy said. ~ih~tee, thc r~lpt wher~f i~ h,*rel)y the said 8rnnt~,' m~d gr..tee i'hetrs See EXHIBIT "A" a~taohed hereto a~d made a par~t hereof. ' r ':< · :,, {- ', . .¢ This is'.vacant land and~J[~is not the .~mestead of<~he Grantor. Gran~ee.'s Soc'ia~"'sec~rigY ~ '~' ' "'<< . , :,' _ ...... .,. ..... ....... . Signed. hereu.to set grantings Land and seal the THIS INSTRUMENT iP!~EPA~D WITHOUT BENEFIT 'OF'TITLEi.EXAMINATION* . and said' grantor does hereby ..fUlly "warrgl3t the title to said la,~. and will defendihe same against the bwfl, l clai~ of all ~o~ ,whom~er. " ~", ,:'~ ' :?:'~: ' ' ' "GrantoF and"grantee" are used' for singular or plural, as cO. text require. ~..... i 'STATE OF Florida ¥ ,. COUNTY'OF Martin · - -~i · : '~': 'I ItEREIBY CERTIFY that~:this day befOre me, an oflicer:'dt,~ :~lia~-~.~.. ack~'~oW~dgmellts, ,perrSOtmll¥ to me ks*own m, be the ~rsm,. :'deSc:-i~~.~ ~ ~~1 tie fm:eg~i-g me that" 'he ....... executed the"~me: WITNESS 'my, hand and offlcial:seal 19. 89. . My commisslmt expires: . tit.!.,, ' TreG,~', %2, mhd mhd _ ?rm~t' ~2, !!:~i~ the e~e~dL ~" the Trmot .1'~' !BZ~ %, ~or the kR ~4 ' PA~ TIAL. ~ti[l~Jr AME C~F MO) I~?~AGi~' "by I~ntute of ~~ ~i~ ~ t~ 13 =h ~y-of Sept~er ' ~~ ' ~,,~ K~~ ~ 603 ' P~ 632 , ~~SC. ~o ~TiON~ ~K ~D TRUST CO~,~Y' OF ~ T~~U~ C~ST, TUgUS~D TaaEE~ HUND~ S~Z~,-NINE ~d' 84/10C at,cached ';hereto:and...... · :::..: · made. .,. a part :.'hereOf. in in~ iml~,.. 4 · ~ t/t~refr°m, or any 'of exe,~ted in ifs Mm, i~1 ifs c~q~WMe ~ to b . bY Tom ,Hi.~:e~i,i - TI'lot .t2,~ BT. LIJC:ZIE P~LI% Ilook !, PIGO 35, Bt.. L.uC:J~LO Couf!~y' --T the ~th' ~.47L~~ . 0'2 ' N II · :\V. b. z~z. ~7 ' +l LO. -I.'"~ 6 w p. - s.&s Ac. To~. - i.73 6.?0 ~, ~. zq_o'_+ .3, 50' ~ - / / 14/-.,. // THIS MAP. TO BE USED .FOR TAX ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY SE(: .'TO¥ ~Z}EL.:iEL,~EC:: ,:.:: C~ i.:..: F: E: C: ]" e:: iT' 1::~:. S;LiE .... iEC:T 'cQ C:i.--iPF!4iiE: :~:.. k..iOT' !,..~F~F:?F~?.iT'E:i},, ._. ¥.,.m:!: :i:-, iF? warranty .Deed ~CiMqARD ~. MeGII~REN, a nmrrlM man, 916206 · Be SE~ 14 P4:i1,~{.., FILl.' ' . ~" . DOUGL!- :. .., .._£RK ~Ab~'r~t.~-~~L-~i~, ..~4'~;":'. FL. A.D., d'~~~ RIC'IlMCkSTD ¢,1..A~NCIC C A,qNC~D~ a ~ man, ~ addrm it 1044 NORTH WEST SPRUCE RIDGE DRIVE , STUART, FL 3499~ Wltnesseth tim, the O~& fo, and ~ e~,k~m,k~ ot ~,.m o~ .............. ......... TEN & NO/100($10~) .......... ~~~ ~,~~~~~ ~.~~ ~d ~o~da m~ ~ NOR~ 787.05 FEET ~ ~ ~ST.60 FE~ OF ~~ 12, B~K 1, 'SE~ION 23, ~SHIP 36 SO~, ~GE 40 ~T, ST. LUCIE ~ENS, ~ ~CO~ED IN'P~T ~K 1, PAGE 35, OF ~ P~LIC ~CO~S OF ST. LUCIE CO~, ~RIDA, Sub~t tO restrict~ons, rese~ations and eas~nts Of r~ord~ if any, which are 'not re~sed hereby,and taxes s~s~ent 'to ~c~r 31st, 1987. The proPerty conveyed herein is and has always been VACANT LAND ~.~ DOCUMENT_AI~Y~,,~..S!_.A M?__TA X I -~: ~.,-~ ,,,,.".~ i 9 z 4 5, and the grantor does bcret~ fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the ilJle ajlinst Iinvfut daims of alt ~ wttomsoever. ...................... (sea~) - (se~) tttarrant THOMAS L. CRAWFORD and PATRICIA L. CRAWFORD, his wife the Cm,,,ty of St. Lucie . State of Florida . gra,,tor'. ;,,,d CLARENCE C. ARNOLD, whc~. ~)s~ o~ee address is 1601 SE Villtge Green Drive, Pt. St. Lucie, FI. 34952 of the County o{ St. Lucie . State of Florida . gra,,tee*. ~[IRI'ttlII~t[~. That said gra,,tor, for a,,d in ¢~,,sideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ..... '--- · ............................................. ( $10.0 0 ) --- Dolhirs. and other gt~:l and ~ ~imahle consideratim.s to said grantor iii hm~d pai~! bv said. g','antee, the receipt wher%~f is hr'ruby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, a,d'grantee's heirs and assigns h~re%'er, the t'o[. lowing desi:ribed lan'd, situate, lying and being in St. Lucie County, Florida, to-wit: See EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. TAX PARCEL ID #: . Grantees Social Security #: This instrument has been prepared without the benefit of title examination. . and 'said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said la,,d, a,,d will defeud the samc against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ' "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular o,' ph,,'al, as context requires. sea~livered~e in our presence: grantor's hand dud seal the day and year first above ~tten. Sign~, '~~~~~;~~ ~5~~--: ~,L. Cr""w~ d--~'~ )(Seal) ...... ( Seal ) ........ (Seal) STATE OF FLORTDA COUNTY OF Martin I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer d,,ly qi,alified to take ac'kl,owh, dgme~,ts, personally ap~ar~ THO~S L. C~WFO~'AND *PATRICIA L. C~WFO~, his wife to me known to be the ~rso, i s described in and who execut,-d the fo,'egq)i,,g i,,st,-u~ent a,~d ack,.)wh.ctged ~fore me that ~ey ex~ted the same. , . WITNESS my hand and o~cia, sea, in ~e County and Stale las, afm~aid My c~mmission .expires: ~ .. . .... S.~tlon 23, ?ovn&hlp 36 South, Rmnge 40 ~mst, ST. LUCIE GARDENS, mm r~cordmd In Plm% BOok 1, Pmge 35, publlc recordm of St. Lucle Lucle Gmrdenm, St. Luclm County, Florldmo SLIB3~C? TO conditions, reetr~ction., reservations, ~mStet2on. end e~seeent, o~ r~ord~ zoning end other regulatory ordinances; · nd taxes ~or the year ~989 ~nd --ublequent years, RE--VINO unto the grmntorm, their, he,re mhd mmmtgnm,, m and utZlitZee over, mcromm mhd upon the above demCrZbed property and further remtrZctZng-thm ume cZ mmZd property by Grantee mm property es m lmndmcmpe'bu~er vlth nmttve vege%&%ton or Other such landscaping ms may bm approved by Grantor, and Grantee mhmll not construct romdm or drmlnmge dltchem upon the mmme vl%hou% the exprems vritten conment cZ Grmntorm, theZr, helrs and Imltgnm, except Zn the event thmt Grmntem hmm no &Xtmrnmtlve legmZ mccemm to Grmntee'm property XYing north of the mbove-demcrZbed property, or In the event Ormntee ~m required bY m governmental entlty, having mppllc&ble J. urZsdictZon, to construct the mmmmo (2.) The above restrlotlonm conmtttute & coven&ha running vt%h the Xand and mhmlX be blndZng upon Orinase, hlm hetrm mhd Imltgnl. SIld reStrlctlonm end emsementm ire hereby cram%ed {or the benefit of the Grmntorm° adjoining property to the emm%'mnd Ibm11 be enforceable by Grantors, 'their, heirs and asstgnm, 9S8204 °" 631 620 i~OOK this ~arrantu D¢rd ,,~,1. ,ho O. G. MotORCaR, as Trustee, BE~A~ g McGI~~N ILl joined by his wife LOUISE T. McWHORTER ,,.L,,.,e ;~sto/[i,.~ o,l,tn..~., is c/o James J. Jacoby 630 Third Ave. New York, New I,,.r,.i,,o{f,.r ,',ll-~ ,l,o Co,,,,fy. Florlcl.. Iraet 12, Block 1, Section 23, Township 36 South, Range 40 East St. Bucie Gardens recorded in Plat Book 1, page 35 of the P~lic Records of St. Bucie County, Plorida. .,ise appertaining. To tlaue and to R01d, ,~...-,. ~...,-,,. ~-.. i,, ~-* simple; that t~e grantor has g~d right a.~ 1.,.~.1 aulho~/~ to sell and ~-~y said l.n~; th.t the Louise STATE (IF Florida . COUNTY OF Martin I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this da}'. brfore. authoria'Od is~ the State afo~id and in the County aJ~said to take O. G. Me. or:er, as Trus:ee, joined by his wife ~uise drstrl~d in and who e~e(uted the , · 7 THIS INSIRU~£N? PR£PA~£O F~C. R1C P. ; tO~ID~ iA;, ' & ~[It[ G~JA~ANTY, INC. 5C'~ FIRST STREET W~T PALM BEACH. F~. b59 -4522 EXF~IBIT A The GrantOr, am owner of ~he real property loua~ b~ing a pot=ion of Sec=ion 23, Township 36 Sou=h, 40 ~&m~, ~esir~s =o an~ does hereby imposu upon ~e said 1.. Any resiaun'=ial oonstruo~ion on'=h~' premises shall ~ontain. noU less ~an lO00 square fee= of living 2. No lives~ock, ax~o~=ing only horses and .:.shall bo kept or maintainea on ~e .praises at ~y ~m~. presses fo=~ Go~mrcial purposes. , 4. No .~og kennels, oa~ kennels or ~o~er kennels may .bm ~in=ainea on ~m pre, sss a~ ~y t~ for --' 5. There shall no= be orea=ea or pe~ttea to exist on ~Y' parr'Of ~e .sai~ proper=y ~y ~ping.grouna, accumu- la=iOns" of 4chris, expos~a g~bage,' or ~y foul ~elling ma=car whatsoever. 6.- No. tents, shacks, or o~her s=ructure of. a character shai1 ~'be used asa residence or as a place of busineas:' t~porarily or .Pe~anently on any part of ~e lane (o~er ~an'~temporary s~uc:ures usaa during cons~uctioD pe~nen~ hullings) · 7. if any .person shall 'Violate or attemp= to viola=e any 0.f ~e covenants, res=rio=ions or ease~nts herein, shall be lawful for any o~her, person or pgrsons owning any real proper~y situated in said sec=ion ~o prosecu=e any- proceeaings at law 'or in equity agains= ~e perons or perso~ viola=lng or at=stop=lng =o viola=e ~e &~e and eider prevent .him or. ~em fr~. so 4oing or ~o 're=over 4a~ges fo~ su~ viola~ion. ~. The foregoing res~ictions, co%-an~ts, burdens aha se~i=udus shall run wi~ the l~d ~4 shall' r~ain in full:'~force aha eff~o= un~il June 1, 1982. a~ Whioh '~~ ~huy shall 'auto~=ically bso~e null an4 voi~ an~:.:~f no NOTICE OF~ AD'VALOREM TAXES & NON.AD VALOREM AS ESSMENTS '~ .: ONTROL.;.~' ~:/:'NA~/IGA TS 0N'' 6~' .:. .. AD VA '9' REAL~' :EST ATE' .' 4'; :~56 2 0- ' 5; 65700 . :.7t 900 "1;50000 ..46000~:-- 2.; 00000:'~ ":~. B400-- '~6300 .00950 .24.110: ,18190:' .20870'" .03700': 30; :' 41;'~16. ·-'5; .~4~ '5; 4t 4;96' 3.74.: TOTAL~'M"'"'ILLAGE:' ~19-,21630' :T',..0TAL': AD. 'VA:LOREM ' 'NON-AD VALOREM ASsEsSMENTs PURPOSE RATE / BASIS ......... 395;,' ~47" - . . ...... . AMOUNT ~6S' 40E' EIS~FT'&, W"9~::.FT 0F'LOT"-' 262 -47 F~ ~ LESS"~:-.~30' ]1.;619}:" . ~ ' NO~ (:0.B~:~E'VAL~0R EMD 0, 00 395;47 EXEMPTIONS: NON O~NER- - ARNOLD, CLAREN£E" C 1044 NW SPRUCE RIDGE' DR STUART,FL 34994-9514 ' 3414-501 .,-0512-010/3 : ,ST,'[ LUCIE.i;COU NTY TAX' !3414-501 -0512-000/0 Terry Virta Community Dev.. Director 2300 Virginia Ave. Rm. 203 Fort Pierce, Fla. 34982 COMMUNITY DEVELOPM£NT J ~ ST. LUCIE CO., FL J October 22~ 1990 Mr, Virta: Please find enclosed a diagram of lots to split Parcel D and Parcel E so that I can D and one for E.) that Laura from St. Lucie stating what I wanted to County recommended do. I own° I would like have two deeds.(One for that I wr'ite this letter Sincerely~ Ci~r~nce C. Arno BOA RD OF COUNTY · COMMISSIONCRS Mr. Clarence D. Arnold 1044 N.W. Spruce Ridge Dr±ye Stuart, FL 349~94 SUBJECT- S..t. Lucie Gardens, Dear Mr. Arnold: There does .not appear to be submit the corrected legals to me LPGM/TLV/ arno 1 d cc- Land Developm:ent Manager Planning Administrator Z.oning Administrator 'Lot 12, Lot-split p Th.i~s is in response to your letter re ardi reference lot-sPlit nro~o~~ ~ _2A_.i ~ _ ?. _. ng the above The zon~n .on o ~ .~ . el_ D and Parcel E" ___ . . _g y ur. property ~ AR-1 (A~ricul~ .... ~__~.-- .... ' maximum aens±tv on~ ,,.~4 ~ .... ; = ~u~o, ~s~oen~la± - des~.gnation i ' _p_ e ) _w~th a Future Land U ~_ j _ ~... n the 'Comprehensive Plan of' ~c ,~_ .... s_e ~uDurDan) Your --r ............. ' ,.o % ~eszaen~ial - ~ u~u~x w~±± con~'orm to the min' requirement of 1 acre sin~ -~ ~- ...... ~mum lot size .. , ~.~ .,uu n wz±± contain 2 D will conta±n 2.53 ~acres. m~ _~.__.~>_._ ~ ,_ ...35 acres and Lot · . · . · ~*-~ -,~~alum roa~ from · · n thzs .zon±n~ distri~e' ~ ~.n, .__. ..... -rage requirement H ~ ~ . ~ ~o ~u w~n .a .mznimum 'lot width of '150,. ~owever' .in reviewing ~he legal desor± tion . . you prov±ded with yoUr n~X~~ .... ' P .s on the surve ~ ' - . x ~~~~x, a problem c · Y xegal des.cr~ t±on - ame to lzght Th P for the 30 f · . e parc; ~ ns - . . .eot strzps leading back t · ~-~U~_ be contained with±.n ~h~. ~ ........ r. · -_o each arce '-' s±nCe-'i~ ~~s' ~_._ _~ ~z aescrzpt~on or the -~ ~o uf the Land Deve±onmene ~~ ..... L° the ,, ~ -.~ ~uu~. 'i'ne se ~0 ' wide "driveways must be included within the respective parcel. It is my understanding that this was explained to you by one of the staff planners, Laura Griggs-McElhanon. Ail that will need to be done is to include within the legal descr±ptions the 30' strips. any other problems. Please at your earliest convenience. Sinc~ ' omm~ty Development Director HAVERT L F_....,ENN District No. ~,. e JUDY ~ULI"ht~I~,ER,~' '-"------ District No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER, District No. 3 e R. DALE TREFELNER, Districr No. 4 · JIM MtNIX, District No. 5 Coun~ Administrator _ J~ES V. CHISHO~ 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pier:ce, FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-1590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407) 468- " ' ' 1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1'553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4.898 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£RS November 21, D6V6LOP,M6NT DIR6CTOR T~RRY L. VIRTAi AICP 19 90 Mr. Clarence D. Arnold 1044 N.W. Spruce Ridge Stuart, FL 34994 Drive SUBJECT: St. Lucie Gardens, Lot 1'2, Lot-split proposal · Dear Mr. Arnold-: This is in response to your letter regardin. reference lot-split proposal to create Parcel "D" an, The zoning on your property is AR-1 (Agriculture, maximum density one unit per acre) with a F1 designation in the Comprehensive Plan of RS Suburban). Your proposal will conform to the mini requirement of 1 acre since Lot E will contain 2.35 D will contain 2.53 acre's. The minimum road fronta in this~zoning district is 30' with a minimum lot w the above 1 "E" . ~,ntial - and Use However, in reviewing the legal descriptions you provided with your proposal, a problem came tO legal description for the 30 foot strips leading parcel must be contained within the legal descri parcels since ingress/egress easements will~ not requirements of the Land Development Code. Th "driveways" must be included within the respective my understanding that this was explained to you staff planners, Laura Griggs-McElhanon. All that done is to include within the legal descriptions th survey .t. T~e to each for the to the 0' wiOe . It ~S of t e eed to be strips. There does not appear to be any other prob submit the corrected legals to me at your earliest ~s. Please .Venience. Sincerel Commul tY Deve lo] Director LPGM/TLV/ arnold cc: Land Development Manager Planning Administrator Zoning Administrator HAVERT L FENN, District No. I e JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 ® JACK KRIEGER, District No, 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, DiStrict No. 4 · JIM MINIX, Di~strict No. 5 County Administrator -- JAMES V. CHISHOLM 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-'J 590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407) 468~1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1553 ® Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 :i LUCIE OOK 1 , THE WEST 90 PENT~ BEliN 3 S ?~.C:{NS HORN ;,::. NOR:{i 26x .... C? PEET O'F T}~h; NORT: 78'7 0*:': Pi}ii~T OF 23~%~'OWNSP:iP 36 SOUT:~ RAN.$::'2 4-0 EASi : ST,~ L~ iCiE GA. BOOR i P~X{3E 35 PUBhiiC RBCORDS~ ST~. L, UCtE COLiN:fY OP iPH: NORTH 187.05 PP~ET OP EOT~ i2~ 8:.()CR ii ~ : lll]ii>~ 23: :lOiqS} ii:~ 36 5OU?P{: ,. x,N :ASi~;H:NT ::*OR INGRF:SS, EGR?;SS, !/}RAiNAGE A i ii71Li?'Y O¥'i';R %'H~:'~ Wii}{;~:}T 30 P:E! OF i}NE PO..: C>WiNG DESCRiBEEI PA!iaCE13S; /!,.fill OP 3.i. Oi I 2: B:.OC: i: S;!;CTiON 23~ :.,.:~:~NRH]iF >6 SOU:.n~ RAN:: 40 E./:,ST ST.. L .:CIE (3}';~ :<Di.:iNS . /!S RECORDED IN PL.:~T BOOK 1, P -'~'''''~ ~:u i ! C l:. l!(; C O R D S: S i' ~..:CIE CO~'}NTY P{LORIDA: ::ESS TNE NORTH 767~.05 FEET AND THi!{, NO:iH 787~,()5 PEST i..ESS { i?l; :qORP': 262..47 PEB? c'~,.~ ;,0'! i2~. 8:..~OCK ~ ~ SECTION 2.3~ iO~{NS!::i!2 36 SO~i.iTN RANGE dO EaST ST;~ :~ICiE GARDENS AS RECORDED IN PLEAT :OOK ! . i:AG%i-35, PUBLIC ,/ :P t: 4:' . ,. 2 / '::i:, ;5': ~:::'",ii"i '!-: ,!'v: i, ' :: :.>:.>:'~ .~ :.. ?, : .:u.c. <.:* > ?? i Z~