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ST. LUCIE COUNTY LOTSPUT/MINOR REPLAT, APPUCATION PLEASE FILL OUT T~R. FOLLOWING: APPLICATION DATE: 4-20-00 -- APPLICATION FEE: $ 100.00 APPLICATION ~S FOR: MINOR REPLAT (A replat for t~e purpose of lot line adjustment without an increase in the number of lots or units otherwise allowed. ) XX LOT SPLIT (A division of land intO two contiguous lots or parcels without inVolvi, ng~ the establislment Of a new st. root. } - 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION- Name: _Pulice -Land Surveyors, Inc. Address: 5381 Nob Hill Rd.,. SUnrise, FL 33351 ,, Phone: 954-572-1777 , between 8am & 5pm 2. OWNER OF 'THE PROPERTY, IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLI~: Name: ~ Dollom Inc. , Address - 888 7th Ave.,. Suite 3400, New York,. NY 101.06 Phone: _ between 8am & 5pmq,~?.~/?~ ~ "' ~Q~ ~//~- so ~ ~/~?.~ ~?~- 3. PROPER~ ~ I.D. ~ER(S): 3414-501-1914-050/0 & ~~4~~~~0~~~' 4. ~~ DESCRIPTION OF PROPHR~ ~ IT EXISTS NOW: See Exhibit A 5. LE~ DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES AS PROPOSED: See Exhibit B , 6- AC~GE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTY AS IT ExIsTS NOW"= 36?,,:093 Square .Feat ACREAGE OR SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTIES 'AS PROPOSED: Lot %: ,'.96..,.6:24 S_.q.: Fe.e_t~. Lot .#: .. 27_ .9,469 Sq.. Feet THE TOTAL OF LOT SIZES SHOWN IN #7 MUST EQUAL THE ORIGINAL PROPERTY SIZE GIVEN IN %5. THE ORIGINAL PARCEL CAN "ONLY BE SPLIT ONCE, THUS CREATING TWO LOTS. NO FURTHER DIVISION OF AN APROVED ;LOT SPLIT IS PERMITTED UNLESS A FINAL RECORD' PLAT IS P~PARED AND SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 11.03.01 - 11.03.03 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND "DEVELOPMENT 'CODE. 8. ZONING DESIGNATION: __ _CG., 'Genera~ Commercial. DOES EACH OF THE LOTS IN #7 CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE AND DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING DISTRICT IN WHICH THEY ARE LOCATED? REFER TO TABLE 1 AS ATTACHED. YES XX NO 9. WATER AND SEWER A~rAILABILITY': Central Water: .... yes... ___ .Utility Co.: _Por_c Sc.., nucie Util.ities Sanitary Sewer: .~es Utility Co.: _ Port st. Lu~ie .Ut.ili. tles IF YOUR WATER AND ..SEWER SERVICES ARE OBTAINED FROM A PRIVATE UTILITY, YOU WILL NEED TO ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO T~IS APPLICATION: A). ~I.TTEN PROOF FROM.-.~HE. U~.,'~-~ITY COMPANY OF EXISTING 'CAPACITY TO SERVICE YOUR NEEDS..; AND B ) WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REG~TION THAT THE UTILITY COMPANY IS ABLE TO SERVE YOU. NOTE: ACCORDING 'TO THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMP~HENSIVE PLAN, POLICY 6A. 1.4 . 3 , NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS WITH LOTS LESS THAN-'ONE HALF ACRE (21,780 SQUARE FEET) SHALL ONLY BE PERMITTED WHEN CENTRAL WATER AND SEWER ARE AVAILABLE. ~~~~d~~~ s ig nature ~ate (if different from applicant') $~lO~eAJn$ pue-I eo.~Ind es~:o! O00~ .u~B PULICE'LAI D SURVEYORS, INC. 5381 NOB HILL ROAD SUNRISE, FLORIDA 33351 TELEPHONE (954) 572-1777 · FACSIMILE (954) 572-1778 e-mail' surveys @ pulicelandsurveyors.com April 24, 2000 Ms..lan Erso St. Lucie County Department of Community Development Growth Management Division 2300 Virginia Ave., Room 201 Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 RE' LOT SPLIT ST. LUCIE COUNTY- HESS AT SAVANNA Dear IVls. Erso, Please find attached a completed copy of an application for a Lot Split located at the northeast corner of US Highway #_1, and Savanna Club Blvd. Included in our initial submission is' · One copy of the Lot Split Application · One copy of the Boundary Survey · Processing fee Water service is available to the property through a Water Utility Agreement OR . BOOK 572 Page 2526, and Wastewater service is available through a Wastewater ... ~,, Facility Lease Agreement recorded through OR BOOK 572 Page 2541. We have ~,,.~,:~included all easements, rights-of-way and similar instruments found on or adjacent to the property. If you should have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Thanks again for all of your help over the phone the last month in getting this completed. ! appreciate the patience. Sincerely, PULICE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. Assistant Platting Coordinator encl. BOARD OF cOUNTY · COMMISSION£RS · PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FAX# (561)462-1735 TRANSMISSION COVER FORM , ,AT t'- ~ PHONE#: /--/f& ,~-/~'~.~ COMMENTS: JOHN D. BRUHN. District No. I · DOUG COWARD, Disrricr No. 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 · FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. District No. 4 ° CLIFF BARNES. District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglos M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561) 462-1485 .* FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362 · Division of Road & Bridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 .Division of Building & Inspections: (561) 462-1553 Fax 462-1735 · TDD (561) 462-1428 HP Fax Series ~00 Plain Paper Fax/Copier ~Last Fax, ' ' ' Date Time Tvoe . Jun28 ll:55am Sent Result: OK - black and white fax Identification 9464,8220 Fax History Report for SLC BUILDING ZONING 561 462 1735 Jun 28 2000 1 l:59am Duration Pages Result 4:30 9 OK S T. LUC I E COUNTY ' 230'0 Vir~ini& Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PAYMENT RECEIPT TRANSACTION NUMBER: 0112 7 0 9 5 TRANSACTION DATE.- 10 MAY 2 0 0 0 REFERENCE NUMBER: HESS AT SAVANNA FEES COLLECTED FEE CODE LOTSPLIT DESCRIPTION LOT SPLIT AMOUNT 100.00 CHECK NBR: PAID BY: MEMO: .5823 J.H. JS IRAVANI, INC AMOUNT PAID' FEE WAIVED' $100.00 DATE- RECEIVED OFFICE USE ~NLY FILE NUMBER: DATE APPLICANT NOTIFIED APPLICATION IS INCOMPLETE: · DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECEIVED: RESEARCHED BY: · ********************* PROPERT][ INFO ****************************** WARRANTY DEEDS FROM AUGUST l, 1990. CHECK FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES. DO THEY MEET SETBACK REQUIREMENTS? YES NO ,, , IF PRIVATE UTILITY, HAVE LETTERS OF CAPACITY BEEN RECEIVED? WATER- YES NO DER- YES NO SEWER- YES NO DER- YES NO IF USING SEPTIC SYSTEM, SQUARE FEET (1/2 ACRE)? DOES .EACH LOT CONTAIN AT LEAST 21,780 YES NO ************************ CONCURRENCY ****************************** CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY REQUIRED YES NO WHY NOT DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED YES NO ..... _*** ************************************************************ · ~,St. Lucie County Property Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341450119023506 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: ### Section: 26 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: AMERADA HESS FACILITIES BUS TR Address' 4139 Burns Rd Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-4605 Book: 1203 Page: 2127 ove..' ilLegal: ST LUCiE GARDENS 26 36 40 BLK 3 IS 165 FT OF N 495 FT OF W 330 FT [OF .LOT 2 (1.25 AC) (MAP 34/26S) I(OR 629-665: 1203-2123, 2125 & 12127) se 00:00:00 [iSubdivName:' ' llNeighborhood1857 : llMap.iD:34/26S ' General BUilding Data ' llimp. Type:' Iclass: ii~?.'[,Year Built: , ii~torles: iiEff:II aths: Bedrms: IILiving Area' sqFt'' ' . IIwail: I Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Sale Amt: ' [ISale/FT: 100 II0.00/SqFt. Permits: IIExempt.: 0 ' Total: 15600 llTaxable: 15600 Improvements Improvements / Extra Features Land Valuation IIFront or Unit Itoepth .~lMktVa! 'llAerVal 30.0 , ' THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TOBE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~D IS NOT WARRANTED You may email John F. Bausola for further information regarding Geographic Information Services at the St. Lucie CountyProperty Appraiser's Office. http :// 10443036,341450119023506 1/9/01 Aulo St. Lucie County Property Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341450119024002 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: ### Section: 26 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: AMERADA HESS. FACILITIES ilLegal: ST LUCIE GARDENS 26 36 40 BLK 3 BUS TR IIS 165 FY OF W 1/2 OF LOT 2 (1.25 Address: 4139 Burns Rd IIAC) (MAP 34/26S) (OR 629-665: Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-4605 i11126-1489:1203-2123, 2125 & 112127) B0ok'. 1203 IJPage'. 2127 IISale Date: 1999-01-11 'llSale Amt: IISale/FT: I , · II II00:o0:oo IIloo II0'00/SqFt' insp.Date: II~y: IIDate Valued'. II,Permits',, IIExempt',. 0 I Land: 20000 IlImprove.: 0 , IlClasS: 0 [ITotal: 20000 [ITaxable: 20000 ' Neighborh°od & Use' I,, · IIM~P-aD:3'4126S IIDOg Use: 1000 I Subdiv Name- ][Neighborhood: 1857 ' General BUilding 'Data ' I "'Imp Type" I , Eff' BathS:' Bedrms: I · · Iclass:I~t°dries'II,llYearauilt:l' I I ] ,LivingArea: SqFt.IIWa.: ' I 'Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph :-:7':'::'; ':':~T'.ii::'i::'i': '(:i':'i.'' i.:: '.': :.:7:'::'; ':...'"'"' ~:'.:...(ii" 'i.; 5'..:.' ..... ,' Improvements Improvements /Extra Features at No.~_~_~ ~ ][Size J ~l_.~_~ Land Valuation iNo IITyp -_... ' . [IFront ............ or Unit IiDepth l[MktValIlAerVal I ~1 [[1000-Vac COmm-ACRE ~ Ii°- 17oooo.o ___11o.0 I THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT iT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' AND IS NOT WARRANTED You may email John F. Bausola for further information regarding Geographic Information Services at the St. Lucie CountyProperty Appraiser's Office. http :// 10443044,341450119024002 1/9/01 Au[o ~St. Lucie County prOperty Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341450119032502 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: ### Section: 26 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: AMERADA HESS FACILITIES BUS TR Address' 3275 N Arlington Heights Rd Arlington Hts, IL 60004-7709 Iage: ' P 0946 Legal ST LUCIE GARDENS 26 36 40 BLK 3 THAT PART OF S 1/2 OF LOT 3 LYG N & E OF US 1 (MAP 34/26S) (OR [335-946:734-446 & 447:775-2968: 934-289) ISale Date: 1980-07-01 I1',. .... /ISale/FT: Ioo:o0:o0 ii~a,e Amt: ° I[O.O0/SqFt. Ioate Valued:' IIPermits: iiExempt.: 0 ii la s., o IiT xable: Neighborhood & Use' Book: 0335 insp. Date: ,, Land: 564900 I[Subdiv Name: ILiVing Area' SqFt. , I I , , ' Improve.: 0 IINeighborhooa· 185~ IIMap-m: 34/26S I[DOR Use: 1000 General Building Data sNt~'ries: IYear '.. i]Bedrms ' ..... IEft: ~ul~t' II~ath~: Wall: I Building Perimeter SketCh and Photograph Improvements Improvements / Extra Features Land Valuation THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT wARRANTED http'// 10443119,341450119032502 1/9/01 Auto St. Lucie County Property Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser GeograPhic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341450119140500 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: ### Section: 26 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: AMERADA HEss FACILITIES BUS TR Address: 888 7th Ave Ste 3400 New York, NY 10106-0199 ~ook: la-~! Insp. Datei II'and: 192300 ,, Legal: ST LUCIE GARDENs 26 36 40 BLK 3 THAT PART OF LOTS 14 & 15 LYG E OF US #1 & N OF SAVANNA CLUB BV MPDAF:BEG INT E R/W US #1 & N LI OF SD LOT 14 RUN S 27 DEG 29 MIN 17 SEC E ALG SD E R/W 113.07 FT IPage.:07'~/f'~qIIsaleDate:l'~]loo:00:oo ~?~ g'?Z~ IIsaleAmt:Ts°°°°llsa, e/Fw:°.°°/sqFt.~,r.~ lay: IIoate ValUed: ~ ' ' . IIPermits: ]lExempt.: o IImprove.: 0 '' IlClaSs: 0 ' ' IIT0tal: 192300 IlTaxab~e: 192300 'Neighborhood & Use IISUbdiV Name: ' [Neighborhood'] . i85~ IlMap'ID: 34/26S " ' General Building Data Imp Type' Clasi' N°~'.-;.,O Elf: I~aths: II~earms: .. II .llSt,,sie,: YearBuilt: ' Li¢ing Area: ~qFt' iiWall: ~ ' I ' Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Pool: Land Valuation I~oIITYP ' Ilgront or 'UnitIlDepthIlMktval IIAgrval I '11~9~°'° Ii° II~° II'°'0 I Ii°'3a Ii°' II18°°'° ' : II°'°' ! THiS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THiS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED http :// 1 ? 10443325,341450119140500 1/9/01 Au[o From' Heather Young To: Linda Pendarvis Date: Tue, Feb 13, 2001 2:02 PM Subject: Hess Express I discussed this matter with the County Attorney and it is our recommendation that you proceed to issue the building permit at this time as I have received the requested documentation from Hess. The Unity of Title Agreement will be on the agenda for next Tuesday, and if there is any problem at that time, we can have them stop work or hold the CO pending resolution of the matter. I have.advised Jeff Iravani, the engineer, of this and his office will be contacting you, I'm sure. If you need anything else, please let me know. JHI Jeff H. Iravani, Inc. Consulting Engineers Transmittal Letter To: Company: Phone' From: Re- Paula Busby St. Lucie County Building Department 561-462-1553 Sandy Beckmann Hess Express #09503 Savanna Club Blvd. & US 1 (581) Date' 02/01/01 Attached' Please find attached the following' (I) check in the amount of $20,291.14 made payable to St Lucie County for permits for the above referenced property. Convenience store permit fee Permit # 20080407 Canopy permit fee Permit #20080488 Dumpster enclosure permit fee Permit #21010493 Comments: $ 6,534.14 13,680.00 77.00 Total $20,291.14 Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance. CC: Reed Cook Rey Hernandez 941-723-2752 954-437-0317 1934 Commerce Lane, Suite 5 Jupiter, Florida 33458 (561) 575-6030 Fax (561) 575-6088 Iravani~worldnet. att. net From: Heather Young To: Linda Pendarvis Date: Wed, Jan 31,2001 8:26 AM Subject: Re: Hess Station Okay. It will be on the Consent Agenda next week. Thanks. >>> Linda Pendarvis 01/31 8:05 AM >>> That location is correct and ! have the warranty deeds. Thanks >>> Heather Young 01/30 1:49 PM >>> I'm preparing the Board memo for the Unity of Title Agreement and wanted to tell the Board where the property is located. It appears that it is on the NE corner of Savanna Club Blvd. and U.S. 1. Is that correct? Also, I have copies of the warranty deeds that Jan gave me. Is that what you need? Thanks. From' Heather Young To' Linda Pendarvis Date: Tue, Jan 30, 2001 1:49 PM Subject: Hess StatiOn I'm preparing the Board memo for the Unity of Title Agreement and wanted to tell the Board where the property is located. It appears that it is on the NE corner of Savanna Club Blvd. and U.S. 1. Is that correct? Also, I have copies of the warranty deeds that Jan gave me. Is that what you need? Thanks. From: To: Date: Subject: Heather Young Linde Pendarvis Tue, Feb 13, 2001 11:10 AM Re: Hess Unity of Title That's correct. I did not receive a fax of the title affidavit until this morning after the Board meeting had started. When I spoke with them last week, I told them I would need it by Friday and was assured I would have it by then. When I did not receive it by yesterday, I had to pull it off the agenda again. Now that I have the affidavit, it will be on the agenda next week. If there are any more changes, I will let you know. >>> Linde Pendarvis 02/13/01 10:36AM >>> I have Jeff Irvani's office wanting these permits for their station at US1 and Savanna Blvd. ! told them I would not release them until we have the approval from the county attorneys' office on the Unity of Title and it being recorded. He told us it will not be approved until next tuesday. Can you give me an update? From: Heather Young To: Linda Pendarvis Date: Wed, Feb 7, 2001 2:24 PM Subject: Re: hess express No, we had to pull it to request a letter on the title from their attorney, it should be on the agenda next week. I'll let you know as soon as it's approved. >>> Linda Pendarvis 02/07 1:48 PM >>> Was the Unity of Title approved last night and can I get it so Irvani's office can pick it up to record it for their final lot split approval and their permits can be issued? From: To: Date: Subject: Heather .Young Lin'da Pendarvis Tue, Jan 30, 2001 10:16 AM Re: Hess Unity of Title The Unity of Title agreement needs to be approved by the BCC. I'm going to agenda it for the meeting next Tuesday. I will get it back to you as soon as it is approved and signed. I am not sure what is happening with the warranty deed. Was Jan waiting for it from Hess? >>> Linda Pendarvis 01/30 10:t 1 AM >>> I am replacing Janet Urso, she retired officially Jan 26. She left the Lot split for Hess Express at US1 and Savanna Club Blvd. I have the building permits ready to be issued. I understand ! need the Unity of Title and the warranty deed before they can be released. Do you know when I will be getting them? Thanks for you help. I~f ............................................................................................................................................................ : Page 1 ili From' To: Date' Subject: Janet Urso Heather Young Tue, Jan 9, 2001 12:08 PM Unity of Title- Hess Corp. Received recorded deeds we requested for us to sign off on unity of title before doing a lot split on the property located on corner of US 1 and Savanna Club Blvd. The deeds appear okay to me. Would you take a look at this again and sign off on unity of title or advise if it would be appropriate for Ray Wazny to sign same. Since I am leaving soon, would like to clean this up as soon as possible. (am having surgery on Fri-will be out a few days) Thanks ...... From: Janet Urso To: Heather Young Date: Fri, Nov 17, 2000 8:11 AM Subject: LOT SPLITS Do you have any feedback for me regarding the two lot splits we went over recently? Today is my last day here before going on vacation for a week. Thanks ..... [HI JeffH. I ' ravanl~ Inc. Consulting Engineers Transmittal Letter To: Joanne Riley Company: St. Lucie County Acquisition dept Phone: 561-462-1553 From: Ashley Re: Hess Express, U. S. Hwy # 1 & Savanna Club Blvd Date: 10-26-00 Attached: Please find attached the following; (1) copy of the Unity of Title Comments: Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance. 1934 Commerce Lane, Suite 5 Jupiter, Florida 33458 (561) 575-6030 Fax (561) 575-6088 Iravani~worldnet.att.net BOARD; :.OF COU.NTY COMMISSiON£RS June 30, 2000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Land Surveyors, Inc. 5381 Nob Hill Road Sunrise, Fl 33351 Re: Lot Split-Property Tax ID#'s 3414-501-1902-350/6 3414-501-1902-400/2 3414-501-1903-250/2 3414-501-1914-050/0 Gentlemen: The application submitted by you to combine the referenced property into one parcel of land under a Unity of Title and re-divide into two lots has tentatively been approved as described by the survey submitted. Upon receipt of the recorded Uni~ of Title and the recorded Warranty Deed reflecting final division of the property, you will receive a final Letter of Approval. Development permit ~plications may be submitted upon i~uance of the final Lot Split Approval letter. Ray Wazny Public Works Director RW:JU:pb cc: Harold Melville JOHN D. BRUHN, District No. I · DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 ° PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 · FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 ° CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982- Public Works: (561) 462-1485 · FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering- (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362 · Division of Road & Bridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste. (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987' . Division of Building & Inspections: (561) 462-1553 Fax 462-1735 · TDD (561) 462-1428 BOARD-OF COUNTY COMMISSION(ERS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT December 18, 2000 Ms. Jane Storms Pulice Land Surveyors, Inc. 5381 Nob Hill Road Sunrise, FL 33351 Re: Lot Split St. Lucie County- Hess at Savanna Dear Ms. Storms: On June 30, 2000. a letter was sent to you tentatively approving the referenced lot split subject to receiving a recorded unity of title and recorded warranty deeds reflecting same ownership of all parcels. We received an unrecorded unity of title from Jeff H. Iravani Engineers on October 26, 2000 however, to date, have not~ received the recorded warranty deeds. Before our legal department.can complete the unity of title document as requested please provide the recorded warranty deeds to the undersigned. If you have any questions please feel fill to call me. Sincerely, Zoning Supervisor JU:sr JOHN D. BRUHN, District No. I · DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 ° FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 ° CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561 ) 462-1485 · FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362 · Division of Road & Bridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 Division of Building & Inspections: (561) 462-1553 Fax 462-1735 · TDD (561) 462-1428 St. Lucie County Property Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341450119032502 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: ### Section: 26 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment 'Name AMERADAHESS FACiLI&iES BUS TR Address: One Hess Plz% Amerada Hess Corp Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Book: 1327 III'age: 1977 insP. Date: ' ' IIBY: [IDate Valued: Land: 564900 '[llmprove.: 0 ~ . IlClass: 0 .....'' NeighborhOOd & Use IlLegal:~ ST LUCIE GARDENS 26 36 40 BLK 3 IITHAT PART OF S 1/2 OF LOT 3 LYG IIN & E OF US 1 (MAP 34/26S) (OR 11335-946:734-446 & 447:775-2968: H934-289) I[Sale Date: 2000-09-11 ioo=oo:oo . IISaleAmt: ISale/FT: [575000 ] 10.00/SqFt. IlSubdiv Name: IlPermits: IIExempt.: 0 I[Total: 564900 IITaxable: 564900 ' I[Neighborhood: 1851 ' IlMap'n>" '34/26S ' ili>Og Use: 1000 General Building Data 'Imp! ' 'Type' [[Class'.l I[Living Area:. SqFt Fplc: No. IIYear Built: I/Ba.h Bedrms: Stories: IIEff: IIts: II~ II~°°l: Wall: I Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements Improvements /Extra Features Land Valuation ~~1000-V'ac comm-sQFT ___J[' 71190.0 ' II0 _]1564930.0 ' ! 0.0[~..__~] ' THIS INFORMATION IS' BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' AND IS NOT WARRANTED You may email John F. Bausola for further information regarding Geographic Information Services at the St. Lucie CountyProperty Appraiser's Office. http :// 10443119,341450119032502 1/30/01 JOANNE HOL~W&N,. OLERK OF THE OIROUIT COURT- SAINT LU~IE (XXB~T¥ F Il8 NumOer: 1840390 OR BOOK 1327 PA,6E lC~7'Z RecorOeU :09/13/00 11:08 Doc Assume: $ 0.00 Doc Tax : $ 4,025. O0 Int Tax : $ 0.00 ' SPE~ w~ l)~.~n WlTN]BSS]BTH: 1327 P~iF.~ 1978 WITN~S the a,~ution ~f a~ of tbodato lust wriuen above. ASSET St,, Lucie County Property Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341450119023506 Record Number: I of 1 Location: ###'Section: 26 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment BUS TR Address: One Hess Plz% Amerada Hess Corp Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Book: 1327. IIPage: 1973 [lImpr0ve.: 0 S 165 FT OF N 495 FT OF W 330 FT OF LOT 2 (1.25 AC) (MAP 34/26S) (OR 629-665: 1203-2123, 2125 & 2127) 00:00:00 179700 0.00/Sq~t. : : 0 s,baiV ' I '" [] Name: INeighborhood: 1857' ' IIMap4D: 34/26S _ . General Building Data 'Imp. Type: ]Class:ll~t°~rie~ilEff:l[YearBuilt: Baths: II~earms: ] Living Area: SqFt.IIW n: " ' " Building'Perimeter Sketch and Photograph IIDOR Use: 10'00 ' . IPool: Illzplc: ' . Improvements Improvements /Extra Features THIS iNFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' AND IS NOT WARRANTED .. You may email John F. Bausola for further information regarding Geographic Information Services at the St. Lucie CountyProperty Appraiser's Office. http :// 10443036,341450119023506 1/30/01 St*. Lucie County Property Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341450119024002 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: ### Section: 26 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment "Name: AMERADA HESS'FACILITIES BUS TR Address: One Hess Plz%Amerada Hess Corp Woodbridge, NJ 07095 , Ii gal: S 1 LUCIE GARDENS 26 36 40 BLK 3 lIS 165 FT OF W 1/2 OF LOT 2 (1.25 IlAr) (MAP 34/26S) (OR 629-665: 111126-1489:1203-2123, 2125 & 112~27) [Sale Date: 2000-09-06 IlSale Amt: IIS~l'e/FT: IOO:OO:OO 11~79700 IlO.OO/SqFt. il~y: IDate Valued: []Permits: IIImprove.: o I[Class: 0 ' [[Total: 20000 Ne"ghborhood & Use Book: 1327 Insp. Date: Land: 20000 lSubdiv Name: I[Page: 1973 [INeighborhood: 1857 IIMap-ID: 34/26S ' General BUilding'Data IlExempt. i 0 []Taxable: 20000 IIDOR Use: 1000 limp.Type: IIcla~s: IlYear Built: IL..- ' Living Area' SqFt Wall' Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Fplc: Air' I' I Improvements Improvements / Extra Features Land Valuation ~ [lO00-Vac C__omm-ACRE. ' ' ll~.2s ilo 112oooo.o lOgO ] THiS INFORMATION iS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED : You may email John F. Bausola for further information regarding Geographic Information Services at the St. Lucie CountyProperty Appraiser's Office. http :// 10443044,341450119024002 1/30/01 JU~NNE HOLHAN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY File N : umOer. 184058~ OR BOOK 1527 PAGE 1975 Doc AsSU~ $. 0.00 Doc TaX. !"-:~ $ 1,257.g0 Int Tax> :8 O.ffi THIS INE~J~,NT-'tJRE, made this ~ day of_~e~. ....... ,2000, between G.T. i~LLY GENER~ CONTRAC~O~ INC. 4139 Bum~ Road, Paim ~Beach OardenS, ~da 33410 ("Gvaator"), and AMERAJ)A IIE~ FACIL]T~S BUSINESS TRUST NO. 1998-1, a Delaware corporation, having a place of business at cYo Wi.i:.~ington TrUSt Compauy;i~ROdncy Squa~ North, 1100 N. Market Suout, Wilmin~on, Delaware 19890 W I TN E S S E T H: C'~, for and in consideration or, the mum often aUd No/100 Dol~ ($10.00), to it in hand pahd,' the receipt wtgaeofis hmieby ~wiodgod, ha3~ bar~ S°!d and ~TATE OF Se. Lucie County Property Record Card Page 1 of 2 St. Lucie County PropertyAppraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 341450119140500 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: ### Section: 26 Township: 36S Range: 40E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: AMERADA'HESS ' FACILITIES BUS TR Address- One Hess Plz%Amerada Hess Corp Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Book: 1327 I[Page: ~969 , insp, Date: iIBY: Land: 1923'00 ' IlImprove.: 0' ' Neighborhood & Use IiSubdiv Name: [INeighborho0d: 1851 ' IlMap-lo: 34/26S General Building Data ' ' I"l' !2ss= II ies: lillYear'BUilt: IIBaths.Eff..~ II~ ' IBearms ' ': Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Improvements Legal: ST 'LUCIE GARDENS 26 36 40 BLK 3 THAT PART OF LOTS 14 & 15 LYG E OF US/fl & N OF SAVANNA CLUB BV MPDAF:BEG INT E R/W US/fl & N LI OF SD LOT 14 RUN S 27 DEG 29 MIN 17 SEC E ALG SD E R/W 113.07 FT $ale/FT: 0.00/SqFt. Exempt.: 0 [ Taxable: 192300 I [IDOR Use: 1000 IIPool: Improvements / Extra'Features I N°'L~-L~~e/Cat INo IITyp Land Valuation IlFront or Unit IlDepth I]MktVal ] I11Vo47o.o IIO.O ____._~Lo it18oo.o!!o.o THIS iNFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED http :// 10443325,341450119140500 1/30/01 JOANNE HOLMAN,' CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE Q]UNTY File Number: 1840388 DR BOOK 1327 PAGE 1%9 R~corUeM:Og/13/O0 11:08 Doc Assump: $ 0.00 Doc Tax : $ 2,205.00 Int Tax · $ 0.00 Cap., ssa 7~ Avm~ ,S~i~ 23~ N~w Yod~ N~w ¥odm: looks.m99 : ,, WITNI~SSBTH: ,r OR 13001( !32~ PP.8£ 1970 I Dsc Yax : $ I Iht T~x : $ 0.00 0.?0 0.00 This instrument, wis pr~ PATRZCK M. 810' Saturn Jupiter, . £te A7 -400/2 ?his Ouit el&Lin Deed, exoouted this ~~day of February, 1998, by Goorge ~' bill, lV~ a BAngle m~ whose id~eeo ts 4139 Road, palm'bach ~rdenl, Fla., 33410, ~ O.~. ~~ ~ ~, ,':, a rZor~ ~ratL~, .~ond ~=t~, whoso- ad~ose ~s'4 R~d~ Pab~ bash' ~dens, Fl~r~~ 33410~, Uonsideration hnd pe~d &CknOWlodged, (Wherever u!ed heEein the teems "first "an " IMZty -ha!X ~lude a~n~l~ ~d pluEal, he~o, l~al : Tht the said first ~y, for and ~ of ~ ~ O0/ZO0 ($~0.00) ~~, h :'.~~., Eelease ~ ~t~la~ uto the ha~ in ~ to ~e foll~Ang and do~cr~'lot the County' 16S foot of b Berth 49S foot of the 2, BZocdr 3, lectJa~ 26, Tommhip 36 ~lat I of ~. ~Xl ~,-as S92; ~o bt 330 foot Xess tim Berth ',' BXock 3, I~. LUCXB ~, PAnt 1, ZoGBtod · OR BOOK 3.~2~ P~ 14~0 STATB ,OF The 'Fit'~ A~r:2L69~048 OR BOOK 1203 P~ 21,25 consXde3 by the ea:Ld and demand the County · Re~.orct~: 0'2-16-99 02:46 P.H- ?hxs z,~.s=rumen: was prepared Dy and ~nould be returned to: ~ ~ ~~: $. 0.~ ' _.',~ * ~ Tax : S 0.70 ~10 Sa:u~ S: , Suite 17 J~upi=er, .da 33477 _. ..QUIT C~IM DE~, exec day of Individually, 'first party, to G~ORG~ T. ~y, ~, whose office a~es Xe 4139 Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens FL 33410 second party ~ ' ' (What, Ye~ USed here~n ~he te~ "first par~y, and "second parcy~ shall include ~ingular and plural, heirs, legal aUcceiaore and aaa~gne o~ co.rations, vherever the contac a0 a~Lca or requires. ) T~at ~he 8aLd fLrec par~. for and ~n the e~ of T~ ~ 00/100 ($~0.00), In ~d ~d ascend ~rC~, the re.ceLpc ubs:eof La he~y re~ee, releaae and ~LC-claLm ~co the y forev~, all the right, title. Ante~ac. cIaia the maid first ~rty ~e in ~ to the foll~X~ ~rcel of la~, minuets, lying ~ud ~i,~ PARCEL, A South ~ PI, in Lucie feet of the lNorth 495 feet of the West 330 feet Block' 3, Section 26' Township 36 SOUth' Rancje Plat I of. ST. LUCIE SARDIS, as recorded in .35 of the Public Records of St. Lucia Subject to the Nest 30.'feet for road dz'air~age, purposes. the West 330 feet lees the North 495 feet of 3' ST.'~IE GARDENS, Plat I located in. 36 South' Range 40 ~asC as set forth 1,' 'Page 35 of the Public Records of St~ F10r~d4. Sub, act to the South 37.5 feet ~ WIT~SS ~'F~J~OF, uhe said first party has caused these t:>i-~sen~~ rio be' ex~Cu=ed in its name, and its corporal's seal to be h~reun~o a.~fix~d.~ by its proper officers thereunto duly au=horized, the day' and Year first above written. ' - - Szgned' Se Delivered in RUM CAY ASSOCIATES, a Florida ~ener&l, PaNJ~ersh/&~ , STAT~ Olt ~)RXDA inl~~9_ent: wa. &cknowledged before me this c~. or w~ ~ p~uc~/a Dri~~~-~ did (did ~C) '-Serial" :~r .................... J~,rie. HOi~;,, Cier~ ot t~ie Circuit Court - St. Lucie, County t~a:ard~: 02-.16-~ 02:~ P.~. ~'ii~;~ i~i~cru~n~ w~ 'prepared by t ~ ~~: $ 0.~ ,:~n~ s~%o~:ld ~ returned ~o: ~ ~ Tax : $ 0.70 ~.A.~~__ , Iht Tax : S 0.~ ~10 Saturn-S~ree~, Suite 17 '- Jupiter., FL 33477 _ ' THIS QUIT ~~N DEED,. executed ~h~ - . ~ . ' . a ~ day oc~. , ~9.~, bY ~~~. ,~~Y, ~' ~irs~ party, to G. ~. ~~Y-~ ~0~~O~8"-,wh0se: ~et office address is 4139 Sur~s RO~, Palm ~each Garden.,, FL 33410, second party conside by th~ acknOw: said and described, '.: the County (Wh.ar.mYe.r q#ed herein the cern%. "first party, and "second party Inal[1 include singular and plural-, heirs,, leaal' · representatives, and' assigns of individuals, and ~he eucceS~O, rs ~d aeeigns of co~rations, wherever the ~~S~,~ Tha~ the said first party, for and -in the m~ of T~ ~ 00/100 ($10.00), in ~d paid party, ~he reclip~ whe.r~f il hereby ereby re, se, release and ~i~-claim ~o .the orever, all the'r~gh=, title,~ interest' claim ~he maid firs= party has in ~ =o ~he followin9 of land, situate, 1yin9 and ~ing in State of 'Florida, to wi~: PARCEL, A South 165 feet of the.North 495 feet of the West 330 feet of~ L~t~'¥12' B~Ock 3 ,' Section 2'6, Township 36 Sou.~h, Range 40 East<~<' Ptat I of ST. LUCIE GARDENS, as recorded in Plat Pa~e 35 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Subject to the west 30 feet~' for road. utility purposes. PARCEL 'B Tract 592; t West 330 feet less the North 495 feet of Lot 2, 3, ST. LUCIE GARD~S, Plat 1 located in in'Plat! ~ucie and 36:.South, Range 40 East'as sec forth , Page.35 of the Public Records' of St. Florida.: Subject ~o the SoUth 37.5 feet 30 fee~'.: for road u~ility aod:,.~ai~ge -. -. W~R~OF, the said first party has caused these An its name, and its corporate seal to be by i~ proper offi¢~r~ ~her'eun~o duly authorized fir~ above written. Signed, Delivered in STATE OF FLORIDA co~ O.F ~I~ S2ACH 'i i - w...ckn°Wledged beZore me ~h,i..~ Ti'::~ in~t~-umen~ wa~ prepared by PATRICK M. GO~N, P.A. ~.. ~ ~ la~ : ~ 0.70 ~J~A~"J'*.~b~e ~, whose pos~ o~ce ad, ess ~s 4~39 ~u~n8 Road, a~m'-~ach Garden,,. FL 33410, second Party: . (.Wherever used herein the terms "first marcy, and' Party' sha.l.1 include.. Singular and plu'ral;-he-[~-s, representatives, and : assigns of individuals, and the it~cceSsorS and 'assigns of corporations, wherever the COntext so admits' or requires.) 'That the said first party, for and in of the sum of TEN AND 00/100 ($10.00), in hand paid by .~e¢ond party, the receipt whereof is hereby a, does hereby remiss release and quit-claim unto the said ' party forever, .all the right, title, interest, claim and which, the said 'first party hal in and to the follOWing SC. butte, SCa'Ce of Flori~,:' co fee= of ~he North 495 feeC of ~he West 330. 'feet 2, l~lock 3, Section 26, Township.36 South, ~e 40 t. Plat I of ST. LUCIE ~I~NS. as recorded in 1, Pa~ 35 of the Public Records of St,,.. I~cie Florida. Subject to t~he Meat 30 feet for and dra~ purposes. PARCR[, B ~ the west 330 feet less the No~h 495 fee= of Block 3, ST. LUClK CdU~DENS, PlaC 1 lOCated in 26. Tow!Lohip 36 South. Range 40 East ms set elorida. Subject to the, South 3?.5 feec West 30'. feet ~or road utility and clra~ge. WI.T~'~ ~.~i~OF, ~he ~ald fira~ ~r~.7 ha~ caused these be execu~ in 1~.$ na~'l~, and i~m corpora~' ~eal to ~ ixed, by lis proper officers there~to duly authorized, year firs~ ~ve ~itten. signed, Seal and ivered in pres~ of John r z,' .Trusier, indi'viduail~ RUM CAY ASSOCIATES, a Florida General _Partnership John '-':L.: Trusler, ' .... General Partner STATE OF' .FLORIDA CO~rrY Of~''' PA~ in~ i~~~ne wa~ ac~owl~ged .~fore ~ chis day of 19~, by Jo~ L. ~~ler, Individually .~d .R~ ~y ~s~ia~ee. who ~ or who' ~s .pr~uc~ a am .~ Who~ ~d (did no~) John l"rusler, lndi. vidually PARCEL 'Sou'th 1 of Wes t , TrBct BlOck 36 Sou' 37-5 of the North 495 feet of the .West 3)0 feet of Lot - :t:ton 26,: Township 36 South, '.Range 40 East, Plat ZE GARDENS~ as recorded.tn Plat'SBook 1, Page ord.s of,St. Lucia County, Flo.~Lda. Subject fo; ;aod utt.lt[y 8nd d;atnage RU;poses. -. ~?. ~est ~0 feel less ~he North A95 ~eeL of Lo~ LUC[E GARDENS, Pl.a~ 1 located ~tn. Sec[ton e&~o East. as set': fo;th tn Pla.~: Book 1, :Page ]5 of)the or S~..LuCia County, Flo;lda~::r:'' ect to the SoUth. . : ltigH lggd :.LNgldlOgl:i ~ m ,r---/ F~ PLACE HSN83Di=JS ~j ! t oV ~. ~ tl/O~O-£O~l \ ,, NOT S: ' ',,, i.) A.-<Ea ~n:: Tills F:'ROF;iCi-<t'~' IS: 56-/,093 SQUARE FEEl (8.4275 ACRES} o~,E~ ....... ~ tlUN~. '- BASED ON N.G.V DATLM BENCH MARK OF ORIGIN ~*~ ~ , ...... " [-'~ 2.) E~f-VA'"' '~ A~E PARENT ~ACT / ,.~o~ ~ ~ ~ .x _.' POR~ ST. I.UC!~' BENCN MARK NO. lO~0. ELeVATiON I._.56 FEET. ,~om~:s~co~,..~ ,~.u.~s~-,v~ ~" ...... ~X~Sn~C~ci);- --- ~ 3.) COMMiJNII-Y // '12t1100295F AND I'.2iliC0280F ,..) BASE F~OOD E~EVATION: N/A ...... (PLAi~CXK1. PA{~35) 'N.. lxl~ TRACT At / 7.} ~tiiS SiTE liES IN SECtiON 26, TOWNSt~iP 36 SOUFH, RANGE 40 co<,~Er~ / . 8.) BEARtiqOS ARE BASED ON TttE NORTH i tNE ()F FHE SOUTH t/2 OF tOT 5 ~1" ~oe ' BEIt'qO S89'54'28"W. ~ Vv, S DRAFTED UTILIZING AUTOCAD RELEASL iff SOFTWARE ON ,o / .~d .... ? .? ,¢' ,¢ d ~ x DISK Wl l~i It-lIS S~VE~" DA'FA BE DESIRED, CONTACT PULICE LAND ~,.,~.~ . ~ SUN VE YON S, tN C / ~ 0.~ REASONABLE LFFORTS WERE MAUE REGARDING THE EX,S,E~qCE AND ' i i T -k '-' ~ X . I QC,&TION OF i)NDERCROUND UTILITIES. THIS FIRM, HOWEVER, DOES NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR Tills tNFORqATiON. BEFORE EXCAVATION QR xx .................................... '-- ~ ~s CONSTRUC]iON CON[ACt' ]t~ APPROPRIATE U~ILITY COMPANIES F-OR F'tELD ' SAVANNA ClUB BOULEVARD ~ I ~ ~'~ 8,~ VERIFICATION. ~ J ~ ,~ / ~---- ~ 1 ~ ~¢ DEN(.)IE%: FOP OF CURB ELEVATION ~ [)ENOTES: ~DOE OF CURB EiEVATiON LOCATION MAP ,' / - ~5 .....-'q'/ AUTOMOBILE FIL~INO STAtiONS. ~ / / ( - ta.'] BiiiiDiNO SEIBACKS: FRONT: '~ FEET; REAR' 20 FEET; SIDE: i0 FEFT- ~ I .~ ~ ~ .... ~ / ,¢ ~ ' ,/ i~ ~ ]!~IS S!!E. tS S[JBJEC1 [O: O.R.B. 572 2541' O.RB. 5/2--2535 AND ORB. 572-2526. ,~ ~ _~,~" 16.) THIS SURVEY WAS PRLPARED WITH BENEFIT OF TITLE COMMIiMENIS PREPARED x ~ / ~ BY LAWYERS TiTL~ INS~IRANCE CORPORAilON DATED FEBRUARY 9, t999. H ~RANT ~ ~ ',, ~ ~'~ ~'~ ~' " ~ ........ LA~E LUCtE ESTATES ~ ... ~ / / / ~ / MONUM~] N-' ~ N~ 495' ~ LOT 2 / , ...-- "'.,, [/ / ~ / ~ ,¢ ,,/ x ,,/ ~ ...... Jt~'~ - // . UTiLiTY COMPANIES ~.~ ' ,. _.. WATER SERVICE ~ ,~ .. . (56Ii ~71--5455 ~ ~ / ,j .~ ,j / ,j ,,/ ,¢' ~ ,/ ,j , ~ ,,~ ~ SANITARY SEWER SERVICE ,¢ ~ ,J ,¢ F ,¢ POR]- ST, LUCtE U-FiLITiES x, ~ N~54'28'E 37t07' /-az cR[ STORM SEWER SERVICE ,¢ ,¢ /~.s,,,~,,o~ ~ ..... ...... / ' ~ ,,, ~,~-, /~RK[t ~V~: 1775' " '- .... ~J C~-~CRE~ ' x{~ ~'l~ ) //~" , "N / x Ft~JH~vAnON: 1528' tl ~ ELECTRIC SERVICE ~ -- 8~54'59'W. 20i.~' /.. FLORIDA POWER & t iCl-iT xk o,,~ ........'xN /'/' / --- ~A~,Y OVEBOWN WnH SAW PALME~O ......... ............. ,/ ¢) ?'J 287-5400 ~ ~ ,~ /)5' ------~--_ '--. (561 ) ~ GAS DNK FENCE,.. "'-.' / ~ t~'~ ¢? ¢~ 0f ~ ~'f .... --._ ~"Xx~X~ GAS SERVICE KEN CARLSON ...... '¥N X t. ~-~x~--~--~:--L2 m---ri'/ / ...... ~ "/ ,¢' ' '¢ ~ ~> ~_6' CHAI~ DITCH~ TELEPHONE 8ERVICE ~ ~ ¢ BELl_SOUTH BUSINESS SYSTEM~ % X % ('25.~' ~ ....... ~= ........... ,, ~---~ ~o O~ " ¢7; 1~ OCCH ~ ~5~ ~y~ DNCH 0~ E~VA~IN: /345' : ~ ~.- ~_~ ADELPHtA CABLE ~ r-~c~ +~ ¢ ) ~ n87 692-1400 h ~,.~' .... ~ ~' ~ LINE F~JND WAOK WAY c,~c. . ~S.~'~'w, ~6~ ~ G----o-5 14 YDR AN ~ ~ ,.,.,~ ,Y ,¢ ,¢ ** / ,¢ ,,/ ,* ,¢' ,¢ ,¢ ,¢ UNDERGR~ND u.~ -~-,-.~-~--~---~-~.--w,~t ~--,~¢ ' ,~ ¢~ , / / T RA~L~-25,~' , SAVANNA CLUB BOULEVARD CERTiFiCATiON- N, t HEREBY CERTIFY: X ~" THAT TI-HS "LOT SPLtt" SKETCH" WAS PREP'JxEb~ ' ' - A° -' UN[/'[R'~"-~. MY DIRECTION AND I% TRUE AND CORRECT FO J';-tE BES[ k OF k4"r' KNOWLEDCE AND BELIEF. STATE OF- FLORIDA 'i i LEGA,[ .... DE PARENT TRA ,.l: BECIN AT TttE NOR]-HWESi CORNER OF-LOT 2, BLOCK .5 ("SA:D F.,C)INT At. SO BE!N() ?, !-'(u{,il tNTERSEC'IION WITH THE N()RT~t lINE OF TttE SOUT!i tiA[F OF EOT 5, B[OCt< 5. AN[') iiIE E,nST OF LOT 5, BLOCK 3, ACCORDING TO TtiE PLAT OF ST. tUCIE CARDENS, AS REC()RD[D tN PLA[ BOOK t, PAOE 55 OF THE PUBttO REOORDS OF %T. [U01E COUN1Y, FL()RI[~A"); Ttt[:N(}E SOiJttt 89 [)ECR~ES 54 MIN[J[E% 28 %ECONDS WEST ALONG lftE NORTit FINE OF TklE %O(JT~t ti.AiF OF lOT 5, B[OOK ,3, A DI.S'[ANCE OF 329.81 F(Et 'FO TtiE WES[ [ll'.tE OF S&ID [C)[ 5; -ttIENCE SOU1it 00 [)[(;RF[S 2~ MINUTES 02 ~E. CONDS EASE AtONO THE WES] FINE Ok SAID iOf 5, A DISTANQE C)F' 24'1.02. ~EI ]'tie EASTERLY RtG~tT-OF-WAY [tNE OF (J S. I~ICHWAY NO. 1; (A 20000 FOOl WIDE R!Cttr ,t)F'-WAY); 7HENCE SOU]II 27 DECREES 5~ MiN(JTES 29 SECONDS EAST, A[()NG Tile EASIERIY RlOttt -OF- WAY lINE OF U S. tdtO~tWAY NO I, A DISIANCE OE 589.11 FEET TO A, POINf ON Tt!E NORlt~ERi~r R~Cil~ OF'-W~,Y LINE O~ SAVANNA (~LUB BO/J~EVARD (A 15000 FOOT WIDE RiOtt1-OF-WAY); Tt~ENCE Nt)P]tq 59 DECREES 54 MINUTES 59 SECONDS EAST ALONO hie NOR]tiERLY RtCttT--OF-WAY FiNE OF' SAVANNA CI(JB BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 556.87 FEEI TO A POINT OF CURVATI~R[ OF A C~)RVE CONCAVE T'O !ttE SOUTH, t~AVIlqC A RADIt~S OF 455.73 FEET AND A CENTRAl ANOLE OF 2d DEOREES 5t MiN(t'TE3 1.5 SECONDS; THENCE EASTFRtY AtONO TtIE ARC OF SAID C[JRV[, AN ARC DISTANCE C)F }9769 FEE1 [O POtN[ OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE [O ~t~E NOR]ii, ~tAVINO A RAL)IU~ OF 25.00 FEEl AND A ..ENTRAL ANGLE OF 79 DEOREES 47 MINU1E% 52 SECONDS; TItENCE NORT~tE~,STERLY AIONO ARC OF SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 5482 FEET 10 A POINr OF TANGENCY; [itENCE NORFH 54 DLC,.EE~ 58 MtNUrES 20 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 11619 FEE[ 10 A POtN~ ON A lINE- 6,)O00 FEET NORTHEAS~ OF AND PARALLEL WIT~I THE EASTERLY RIC~t~- OF-WAY lINE OF U.S. !t!CtLWAY Nr). 1 (AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO SAID RIGHt-OF WAY [!NE); rt~ENCE NORTit 2/ DE~REES 29 SECONDS WEST~ PARAllEL WITH THE EASTERLY RtGN~-OF-WAY FINE OF U S. HIOHW.AY NO. DISTANCE OF 124 d6 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NOR%~ LINE OF -[tie SOUT~I 71.30 FEET OF iC)'l- 2, BLOCK 5, S~. LUCIE GSRDENS; TN[NCE SOUTH 89 DECREES 54 MtI'4k~TL-S 59 SECOND% WFST ALONO NORTH lINE OF Tt~E SO(~TH 71.5G FEET OF SAID LOF 2, Bi..GCK 5 A DIS[ANC~ OF 201 59 rEEl TO A POiN~ BEiNO 550 O0 FEET EA%T OF T~tE WES[ FiNE OF SAID LO~ 2, [3LOCK .5; iI~ENCE NC4<r~t DECREES 20 MINU~ES 56 SECONDS WEST, PARA[iEL_ WITH TItlE WErE l tNE OF SAID [O] 2, BLOCK 5, A DtS1ANnE OF 260.82 FEEl TO A POINT BEINO 550.00 FEE] SOl,Tit OF [NE N()R[H L;NE OF SII~ 2, BLOCK 5; fl--tENCE SOUIH 89 DECREES 54 MINUiES 28 SECONDS WES[, PARA!lEE WlTtf lite NORT!~ LINE OF SAID EOT=,° BLOCK 5, A DISTANCE OF 530 00 FEET TO A POINT ON [HE WES1 i IN[ SAID EOT 2, B~OCK 5; F~tENCE NORTH O0 D~OREES 2(} MINUTES 56 SECONDS WE~T Al QNO SA~D WEST i tNE, A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET REI[JRNINO TO l't-4E n>OiN~ OF SAID LOI CONTAINtNC ,567,09.5 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR lESS LOT '1 COIdMENCE AT THE NORTttWES]- CORNER OF' LOT 2, BLOCi< ,5, ("SAID POINT A[S'O BEINC; A PO!NI INTERSECTION Wlfl--t THE NORFtl LINE OF Tile SOUTH ~tALF OF LOT 3, BLOCK ,5, AND lite E$ST OF ')- . '-' t_~ [ 5, BLOCK 5, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF SL t tJCIL GARE)ENS, AS RECORDED tN P[ Al BOOK. t, PACE 35 OF Tt~E PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE CO~JNTY, FLORIDA"); Tit~NCE SO~1t-i 89 DEOREES 54 MINU[ES 28 SECONDS WES~ ALONO Ti~E NORTtt i lNE OF TItE SO~'I~I t~A~F OF EOT 5, Bt.OCK 5, A DtS[ANCE OF 329.81 FEE~ TO ]'NE WEST lINE OF SAID tOT 5; ]itENCE SO(~Ti-t O0 D~CREES 21 MINUTES 02 SECONDS EAS], AL._ONO Tt~E WE~] LINE OF ~AID IOI 3, A DISTANCE O~ 241.02 FEET ~O [tqE EAS[ERI_"( RtCHT-OF-WAY t tNE OF U.S. HIOt~WAY NO. 1, (A 200.00 FOOT WIDE NiOt~T OF-WAY'; ~t~ENCE SOUTtt 27 DEOREES 5fl MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST, AL ONO THE EAS'IER[.Y RtQ-IT OF-WaY liNE OF U.S. NIO~WAY NO. I, A DIS~ANCE OF .544.11 FEE1 ~O TI4F POt~',~ OF RFCINNiNG FROM SAID POtN1 OF BECINNINC 'f'ItENCE NORTH 62 DECREES 0.5 MIN[J'[ES 3l S~-CONDS EAS1, A DISTANCE OF 71.52 FEE1 TO A POINT; TNENCE NORTtt 89 DEOREES 54 MINUFLS 28 SECONDS EASE PARALLEL W~'[t~ lite NORTI~ LINE OF SAID LOT 2, BLOCK 3, A DISTANCE OF 371.07 F[[~. [t!FNCE SOtJTtt 00 DFCREES 05 MINUTES 01 SECONDS EAST, A OtSTANCE OF 192!L FEEt- [0 A POINT; TItEN(-.F NORfH 89 DECREES 54 MINUIES 59 SECONDS EAST, A DIS]ANCE OF 2500 F[E~ TO A POINF; 'T~iEFJCi- SOUTN O0 DEOREES 05 MIN[I[ES 52 MtNiJTES EAS] A DISTANCE OF 5800 FEET 10 A POIN[ ON 1tie NORTHERLY RtOHT-OF-WA'f OF SAVANN~ CL(~B BO(JtEVARD (A 150.O0 FOOl WIDE RiOt~'t" OF-WA'F); rf~ENCE SOUh~ 89 DECREES 54 MINU[ES S9 SECONDS WEST ALONO SAID NORTttFR[Y RI(Sill-OF Wx~,Y I~N[- OF SAVANNA CLUB [~OUI.[VARD, A DISTANCE OF 545.00 FEE~ TO A POINT OF INTERSECtiON W~1t~ ii~ EASTERLY RIGttT-OF--WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. t; THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREE% 54 k,IiN(~]ES 29 SECONDS WES~ ALONC SAID EASTERLY RIOt-ti--OF WAY OF ~J S. HtC~tW&Y NO. !, A DISTANC, E ()~ 245.00 FEET RETURNINC TO -n~E POINT OF BE(dNNINC. S ) AlE LOT CON]AININO 96,624 S©LIARE r_rET MORE OrR lESS. LOT 2: BEC!N AT tHE N()RTHWES[ CORNER OF LOT 2, BLOCK ,5 ("SAID P()INT AlSO BEINO A POINT OE tNTERSECTi()N WITH lttE NORTH lINE OF THE S(SlJTtl ~tAl F OF EOT 5, ~JLOCK 5, AND t'flE EA51 lINE OF' EOT 3, BLOCK 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF SF. L. UCIE OARL)ENS, AS RECORDED tN PLAt BOOK L, PAGE 35 OF T~E PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST LUCtE COUNTY, FLORIDA"); ]iiENCL SO(~llt S4 MtN[JTES 28 SECONDS WES] AEON(5 ]tie NOA]-H [1NE OF 7HE SOll%t tiAIF OF lOT .5, BLOCK 5, A DISTANCE OF 529.81 FEE] ]O ]'HE WES[ LINE OF SAID tOT 5; [iiENCE SOtIT'it 0() D~-CREES 21 MINUTES 02 SECONDS EAST', MONO THE WESf ~iNE OF SAID LOt 5, A DISTANCE O~ 241 02 ~E~ -lt~E EASt'ER[Y RIGHT OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. NIOF~WAY NO 1; (A 20000 ~OOf Wli)E RICH[ T~tEI'4CE SO~J~H 27 DEGREE% 54 MINU]ES 29 SECOND% EA%T, ALONG T!~E EASiERtY RICit[ O~ WAY tINE OF U.S. H!CHWAY NO. 1, A DISTANGE OF 344 /1 FEET lO A POINT; [!tENCE RUN NORTH 62 DEOREES 05 MINUTE% 51 SECONDS EAST FOR A E)IS]'ANOE OF 71.52 FEE i-]O A POINt'; I!-tENCE R~IN NORTI~ DECREES 54 bIINUTE% 2S %ECOND% EA%T FOR A DI%TANCE OF 571.O7 FEET TO A POINT; T~ENCE 3OUTH O0 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 52 SF(~ONDS EAST FOR A [)IS~ANCL ()F 192. ti FEEl 10 A POINt- THENCE RIJN NORTH 89 DEOREES 54 MIN~.IJES 59 SECONDS EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 2b.00 POINT; TI-.tENCE RUN SOtJTH 00 DEOREES 05 M~NUrES 32 SECONDS EAST FON A DISTANCL Oi 5800 FEE~ TO A POINT ON TItlE NOR]HERLY RIGH]-OF-WAY lINE OF SAVANNA CltJB BO~iEV'ARD (,a 1.5000 FOOT WIDE RtOHT-.OF-WAY); ]t.!ENCE NOR1!~ 89 [)EGREES 54 MIIx~U-~ES 59 SECOND% EASE NORT'HERi Y RIOt4T-OF-WAY i tNE OF SAVANNA Cl LiB BOUI EVARD, A DtS~ANCE OF 1t.87 F EE~ TO A POINT OF CURVA]URE OF A CURVE CONCAVE [O TI-tE SOUTt!, ~!AVING A RADt~)S OF 45575 FEE] AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 24 DEOREES 51 MINUTES 13 SECONDS; [t~ENCE EASTERLY A[ONO file ARC Ol SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 197.69 FEE1 TO A POiNF OF REWERSE C~JRVATt~RE OF A C!~RVE CONCAVE TO FH& NORTH, HAVINC A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET AND A CENJ-RAL ANOl E OF 79 I)ECR~ES 47 MINUTES 52 SECONDS; ~HENCE NOR'TNEASTERLY A[ONO Tt~E ARC OF SAID Ci.~RVE, AN ARC DtS]~xNCE OF 34.82 FEET TO A POINT OF TANCENCY; THENCE NORTN 54 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 116.19 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE 600.00 FEET NORT~IEAST OF AND P/xRAL[EI WlTil THE EASTERLY RICNT-OF--WAY LINE OF U S. tilGHWAY NO. 1 (AS MEASI.~RED PERPENDtCt it AR T() SAID RIGNT-OF-WAY LINE); rt~ENCE NORTH 27 DEGiREES 54 MINU1ES 29 SEC()NDS WESt, PARAt[EI WI~H EAS]ERi_Y RtOHF-OF-WAY tINE OF U.S.k.ItCtiWAY NO. 1, A DISTANCE OF 124.46 FEET [O A F'OIN] ON 7i-~E NOR[!~ LINE OF TNE SOUTH 71.30 FEET OF t. OT 2, BI OCK 5, SI. l t.~(~lE CARDENS; i~tEN(';E SOU[ii 89 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 59 SECONDS WES1 At ONO Tt-tE NORTtt lINE OF THE SOUTtt 71.30 FEET SAID lOT 2, BLOCK 5, A DISTANCE OF 201.59 FEET TO A POIN~ BEINO 330.00 FEEl EASt OF WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, BI.OCK 5; TNENCff NORTH 0() DECREES 20 MINUTES 56 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WlT~ TIdE WEST LINE OF SAID EOT 2, BLOCK ~, A D!~TX~NCE OF 260 82 FEE~ TO A POINT BEtNC 550.00 F-EET SOUI~t OF THE NORTN LiNE OF SAiD [O] 2, BLOCK 5; ]ItENCE SO~Ji~! 89 DE(;REES 54 MINUTES 28 SECONDS WEST, PARAL.L. EL WlT~ Tile NORTN LINE OF S.AtD EOT 2, BLOCK `5, A DISTANCE OF 550.00 FEEI TO A POINT ON Tt~E WESi tINE OF SAiD lOT 2, BLOCK .5; TiI[N(;E NC)RT~i O0 DECREES 20 h/ItNU][q ~x .... o SECONDS WEST AI ONC SAID WESF tINE, A i)I~I'ANCE OF 5~ODO FEET RETURNINO TO TttE POIN~ OF SAID LO] C;ONfAININC 270,459 SQUARE FEET. NO R~V~8tON8 LOT SPLIT SKETCH 5381 NOB HiLL ROAD SUNRISE, FLORID& 33351 [ELEP!t()NE: (954) 572 FAX: (95,1) 572 MA, ti: s~r-v~ys~?~ticeton~]su~ DRAWN BY: M.JP. c, HE ..KED BY: MC F SCALE: i' = 50' SURVEY DATE:._ ....3/16/uO FILE: tRAVANI, JFFF bt., iNC. ORDER NO: 39'1'I8 UTtLFrY COMPANIES WATER 8ERVtCE PORT ST. L,... CIE Ul-tt tTtES SANITARY SEWER 8ERvtCE PORT Sq.-. LUCIE Ui!tiT!ES =.4=5 STORM SEWER SERVICE PORT ST. LUCtE UTtLiI-iES (561) 871-5455 ELECTRIC SERVICE FLOR!DA POWER & I_IOPIT (561) 287-5400 GAS SERVICE F-'t-. PIERCE UTILITIES AUTt-iORiTY KEN CARLSON 466-4600 TELEPHONE SERVICE T EULSOUTU BUS NESS SYS,EM (800) 755-0542 CABLE Tv' ADE[PHiA CABtE (561) 692-~ zlO0 / / / / / / / '\ '\ CERTIFICATION' S 89~54'28'W. 32'9,81' · H,.pTt~ UN£ SZ:,Ufh !/2 ~O~ 5 \ OV%RHEAD CATGd '\ I HEREBY CERTIFY: TO AMERADA HESS CORPORATION AND THE TIILE INSuRANcE COMPANY INSURING ITS iNTEREST iN THE PREMISES SURVEYED THAT i-HIS SKETCH OF SURVEY MEETS ]HE MINIMUM TECtiNtCAL STANDARDS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOAR[) OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVE`(ORS tN CHAPTER 61017-6, F!.QRiDA ADMiNIsTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027, F-LORIDA STATUTES, FI~RTHER TFtAT~5.-~.~UE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOW[ EDGE AF-¥~-~'h_iEF. GC)PIES~ OF THIS Si(ETCH ARE MICIIA~I. CHA.~LES ..... k' ~t..(,~, RF3 lAND S[tRVE'fOR ff3281 STATE // '\ cH..~. < / tJNx F£N C:£ x',x FORC~ 0Vt-RttEAD \ LO] 2 xx,x '\ SCl PIPE ,¢ NORI~I UNE SOUIH 1/2 ..... 8 DRACT A-I HESS SAVANNA CLUB BOULEVARD LOCATION MAP LAKE LUCIE ESTATES .... (PLAT BOC~ 34, PAGE 1) '\ // // FOUHO CONCRETE MGNUMENT /~'---¢ EJfVATION: 15,81' NOTES: WATER'S ~145.~' 'x~.~ UNDERGROUNO TV tJNE !.) AREA OF i'HtS PROPERTY iS: 567,095 SQUARE FEET (8.4273 ACRES) 2 [!i['VAi-i(')NS ARE BA.S~'t~) (')N NOV. [)ATiJM. EiI~._NCI! MARK OF ORIGIN ..... l', '~(-, i' . PORT Si- I[JCiE BEN(;ti MARK N~) iu.}.), c EVAilON 15..% Fl_El. 3. COMMNNtlY ~ 121llC0295F AND t2iiIC0280F 4. FLOOD ZONE: X 5. BASE FLOOD ElEVATiON: N/A 6. MAP DATE: 8/19/91 7 ~'t'~ , ,. ~ 5 S![E LIES IN SECTION 26, TOWHSHtP 36 SOUTH RANGE 40 EAST, Si'. !_UCtE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 8. BEARINGS ARE BASE[) ON THE NORTH LiNE OK THE SOUTH 1/2 OF' LOf 3 BEING S89'54'28"W. 9. THI% SURVEY WAS DRAKTED UTIL. IZtMG AUTOCAD RELEASE i4 SOFTWARE ON AN IBM COMPAT!B[E COMPUTER. Si-iOiJLD A 3 1/2" OR 5 1/4" FtOPPY DISK WITH i'tilS SURVEY DATA BE DESIRED, CONTACT PLJLICE LAND SURX/EYORS, iNC. REASONABiE EFFORTS WERE MADE REGARDING THE E-XtSTENCE AND iidE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTiL..ITiES. THIS FIRM, HOWEVER, DOES ACCEPT RESPONSIB!LII'Y FOR THIS thFORMATtON. BEEORE EXCAVATION OR CONS FRUC] !ON, CONTACT Tile APPROPRIATE UTtLt'f'Y CObIPANIES FOR FIELD VERIFICATION. ~0C~j ¢, DENOTES: [()P OF C:LJRB ELEVATION -0¢ DENOTES: EDGE OF CURB ELEVATION 2.) 3) PROPERLY ZONED: CO-GENERAL COIJMERCIAL - PERMITS AUTOMOBILE F!L~iNC STATIONS. d.) BU!iDINC SETBACKS: FRONT: 25 FE[I; REAR: 20 FEE[; SIDE: lO FEEl; ~0° ~ ~' 20 t,~ ~N~_R. FEET 5.) THiS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A [fiLE SEARCH. ' __ x___ xl~x UNI< FEEN CE MOUND O~ IN~T ~VA~: 1173' PIPE DITCH FOUND UNDERGROUND U~ MEDIAN · // INSiERi ELEVA~0N: 14, / N2F54'29'W. 124.48' \ \ STOR~ SE~ER UIXE ~ ~T CO~CR[l[ MONUM{J~T x' 14 70' -. M~'IU~EN 1 1558' / ~LTA~7¢4F52' ~40~.82' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION (PARENT TRACT) PARCEL 1 ' ' - IItE SOUIH 1/2 OF LOT 3, L_YINC NORTtt AND EASF OF ttlGHWAY NO. l, BLOCK 3 OF Sq' LUCIE GARDENS IN SEC'lION 26. TOWNS/tIP 36 SOUIH, RANGE 40 EAS'f, AS PER PLA'I TI IERE()[ RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK t, PAGE 35, P~JBltC RECORDS O~ St. ~uc~[ COUNTY, ~LO~DA. (O.R.B. 934, PG. 289) [OGETtlER WITH: PARCEL 2 ]tie SOLJ~I--I 165.O0 F'EEI OF 'IHE NORTtt 495.00 FEET OF lttE WEST 330.00 FEEl OF LOT 2, BLOCK 3, SECTION 26, ]OWNSHIP 56 SOUl-it, RANGE 40 t_:AST, PLAT NO. 1 OF S'[. [UCtE GARDENS, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PACE 35 OF'-[FIE PUBLIC REnOR()S GI- ST. LUCIE CO~INTY, FLORIDA. SiJBJEC1 TO THE WEST 30.00 FEET FOR ROAD, ~JItLIT"r' AND DRAtNA(3E PURPOSES. ] O6E ,FliER WITH: PARCEL 3 f'HE WES] 33000 FEET LESS TttE NOR]ii 495.00 FEE] OF LO'I 2, BLOCK 5, ST. LUCiE GARDE-NS, PtA:f 1, LOCATED IN SECliON 26, TOWNSHIP 36 SOU[H, RANGE 40 EAST, AS SET FORTH IN PI AT BOOK 1, PAGE 35 OF THE PL!BLiC RECORDS OF ST. [UCIE COLtN rY, F[.ORIDA. SUBJECT TO THE SOU!-H 37 50 FEET AND WEST .5(] O0 FEE]- FOR ROAD, Ull[IFf AND DRAINABE PURPOSES. (O.R.B. 526, PG. I}62) TOGETHER WITH' PARCEL 4 TttE SOUTH 7130 FEE] OF lO-1 2 OF BLOCK 3, SECTION 26, TOWNSi~ttP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, OF PLA[ ENF'iFLED LUCiE GARDENS AS RECORDED IN PLAT 8OOK I, PA(SE 35 OF ]ilE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. IUCIE CO(~NTY, FLORIDA; LESS AND EXCEPT TttE WESl 330.00 F'EE7 OF LOT 2 AND LESS AND EXCEP'f At_L THA~ PORTION LYING EA~TEqI." OF A LINE 600 00 FEET ~A,S[E'RLY' OF (AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR FO) THE EASTERLY RIGHf- OF- WAY LINE OF U S. HtG!iW.AY NO. 1 (SAI[~ RtGH[ -OF' WAY BEING 200.00 FEE~ IN WID[tt) FOGEIHER WITti PARCEL 5 [HAf PORIlON OF L_OIS 14 AND 1~, BLOCK ~ SECTION °6. 1OWNSHtP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST ST. Li.)CiE GARDENS, P! Al- BOOK 1, PAGE .35 LYING NORTH OF THE NORTltERLY' RiGtT OF WA'~ LINE OF SAVANNA CLttB 8OULEVARD AND EAST OF TIlE EASTERI',' RIGHI'-OF-WAY lINE OF U.S. IIIGHWAY 1, AS RECORDFF) tN lite PLJBt_!C RECORDS OF SI. LUCIE CO(JNTY, FtONiDA. LESS AND EXCEPTING THE FOLLOWING: 1. ['ttAl-PROPER'I-Y DEEDED l'O JACOB A,ARON CORPORA]ION, RECORDED IN OFFICIAL_ RECORDS BOOK 663, PAGE 305 AN[~ O.R B. 8i7. PAGE 1472 OF Tile P[~BLtC RECORDS OF S~- LtIOE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 2. THAT PROPERTY DEEDED TO LAKE LUCIE COMMUNtT'r DEVEiOPMFN] OtSIRiCT, RECORDED IN O.R BOOK 924, PAGE 2226 OF TI-IF PUBLIC RECORDS OE ST. [!tCIE COUN]-Y, FLC)RIDA. PARCEL MORE PAR]]CULARL. Y DESCRIBED AS F©LI OWS: , q_FC!N Al 't'!!E ~!:5~TitWE.ST C,.'-,R'h!ER OF iQi 2 BLOCK 5 POINT ALSO BE~NC A POIN] OF IN'[ERSECq',".A..! WtTiq ]~:E liNE OF TitE SOUTII ttAlF OF LGT 3, BLOC. i< 3, AND File EA'S'r LINI~ OF EOT 3, BLOCK .3, ACCORDING TO THE PI AT (DF S~ GARDENS, AS RECORDED iN PLAT BOOK t, PAGE .55 C)F TitE PUBI RECORDS OF ST. L. LJCiE COUNTY, FLORIDA"), TtiENCE SOU [iq 89 DEGREFS 54 MiNU]ES 28 SECONDS WEST ALONG rile t,,iOF<II~ LINE. (-)F THE SOUTH HALF OF LOl 3, BLOCK .3, A DISTANCE OF 3298! FEET TO Ti!E WEST LiNE OF SAID LOT .3; THENCE SOLiTti 00 DEOREE? 2t MINU-tES 02 SECONDS EAST, At. ONC THE WES~ lINE OF SAID LOl' .5, A DISTANCE OF 2~I.02 FEE] TO T~IE EASTERLY RIGttT-OF WA'"( ilNE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO..1; (A 200.00 FOOT WiDE RIGtti- L)F WAY); TttENCE SOUI-H 27 DECREES 54 MINUTES 39 SECONDS E&ST, ALONG TI~E EASTERLY RIGHT OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY btu l, A DISIANCE OF 589.ii FEE] ]O A POINT ON 'file NORfltERL'Y RI(NIT OF-WAY LiNE OF SAVANNA CLUB BOL~LEVARD (A 't30.(]0 FOOT WiDF RIGI-!T-OF--WA''(); THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREE.c, 54 MIN/~TES 59 SECONDS EAST AtONC THE NORTHERiY RIGHT-(,/ -WA~ LINE OF SAVANNA CLUB BOULEVARD, A DtS~ANCE OF 356.87 FEET TU A POINT OF' CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUIH, HAVING A RADt/JS OF ZiSb.73 FEE-[ AND A t'~ENTRAL ANGLE OF 2fi DE(3REES 5~ MIN(.tTES 13 SECONDS; TIiENCE EASTERLY &lONG ~t~E ARC OF SAiD CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 'i97.69 FEET TO A POIN~ OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO Tile NOR~i~, ttAViNG A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 79 DEGREES 47 MtNiJTES 52 SECONDS; Tt~ENCE NORTHEASiERLY AtONG TIlE AR(), OF SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 34.82 FEET TO A POtN~ OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 34 DECREES 58 M!NL~TES 20 SECONf)b EAST, A DIS]ANCE OF- 11619 FEET ]O A POINT ON A lINE 60000 FEET NORTt~EAST OF AND PARA[LEi WITt~ 'TIDE EASIERLY RIGHT OF WAY Lii',,tE OF U.S. FtlGHWAY NO 1 (AL PlEASURED PERPENDIC(Jt,AR TO SAID RtCt~T-.OF'--WAY LlhlE); PtENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST, PARAllEL WlTtt Tt~E EASTERLY OF--WAY LiNE OF U.S. HiGttWAY NO. 1, A DISi'ANCE OF 12~.46 FEET TO A POINT ON TttE NORFil tINE OF DiE SOL!iII 7!.30 rEEF OF LOT 2, BLOCK 3, ST. LUCIE GARDENS; FitENCE SOLJTtt 89 DEGREES 5fl MtN(It-ES 59 SECONDS WEST At ONG ~tIL NOR1H LINE (-.)F Ti'!E SOUTH 7130 FEET OF SAID LOT 2, BLOCK 5, A DISTANCE 201.59 FEEl [O A POINT BEING 330.00 FEET EAST' OF ~FtE WEST LINE OF SAiD LOT 2, BLOCK .3; TtiENCE NORTH 00 DEGREE% 20 TTM 56 MINLJ t_.~ SECONDS WEs-r, PARALLEL WITH lt-tE WEST LINE OF SAiD L_O-i 2, 8lOCK 3, A DISTANCE OF 26082 FEE-] T() A POINF BEING 330.00 FEET SOl,TH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAIL) tOl 2., BLOCK 3; FHENCE SE)UTIt 89 DEGREES .54 MINU1ES 28 SECOND~_; WEST, PARALLEt WiTtt T[iE NOR]It lINE OF SAID LOt 2, BLOCK 3, A DIS FANCE OF 330.00 FEET TO A POINI ON T[iE WEST lINE OF SAID LOT 2, BLOCK 3; FHENCE NORIH O0 DEGREES 20 IvlIN[~tES 56 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID WEST i lNL, A DISTANCE Of ~'~0 00 FEET RE]URNINC TO THE POtNI- OF 8EGINNIN(3. SAID !.UT' CONTAINING 8.4275 ACRES MORE ()R LESS. BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPiitC, SURVEY' 538't NOB h,IIL..L RCA[?) SUNRISE, FL..ORtF)A 33351 -iE~FPklONF: (954) 577-1 FAX: (954) 572 1778 DRAWN BY: M JP. CHECKED BY: MC.F. SCALE: 1' = 50' SURVEY DATE: O3/i6/OO FIL. E: IRAvANt, JEFF H., INC. ORDER NO.: 39'139 FIRE \ \ UTILITY COMPANIES WATER SERVICE PORT ST. LLICIE UTIL. ITIES ~$61) 871-5455 SANITARY SEWER 8ERV!OE PORT St. LL/CIE UTILITIES (sG ) aT' 4ss STORM SEWER SERVICE, PORT ST. t_.UCiE LLLtTtES (.56 1) --S4.3S ELECTRIC SERVICE FLORIDA POWER & LIGHI- (sG ) 2,..s7- s4oo GAS SERVICE FT. PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY KEN CARLSON ee- 1 eoo TELEPHONE SERVICE BEL.LSOUTH BUSINESS SYSTEMS (800) 755-uo42 CABLE Tv' ADELPHtA CABLE NORTH lINE OF TIdE SOU~H HALF OF LO-[ .3, ',,, BI_ OCK .5 ~ 329.81' RIG] [-OF-WAY LiNE U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 'i //' POtN~ OF , ~ ~tNNtNG ....... PO!~ OF ,/COMMENCEMENT NORTHWE%~ CORNER OF __ ("SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT OF INtERSECTiON Wlltt [H[ NOR[H LINE OF file SOUTN IIAi. F OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, AND Ti,[ EAST LINE OF LOT 5, BI_OCK 5, ACCORDINC i'HE PtA[ OF S't ltl(}iE (;ARDEHS, AS RFCORDE[) OF Sl' LUCIE 00UNI(, EIORIDA') SE T PIPE LB /}5870 'I___SE f PiP[ LB //38?O ",... 'x,'% '"' *,POLE-'~-q'~' \,?}; "~ , ~L,,~~ '" '"'( DVERt ILAD UNDERGROUND }x OAS LINE ,, \- (3 HAI N ' LINK FENCE ,, ~ ,~._.6' CHAIN × × × x x x × × x × x x x x , N.89°54'28"E 37t07' HEAVILY OVERGROWN WITH SAW PALMETTO / / . ~ ,~ ~ GAS VALVE \ \ x'% VX x., .,,, MAIN x~,, ;~,, x ~,) f / FORCE MAIN . i.'$,,~. (~;?" VALVE ~ ..4ATE K.L~VAT1ON: t4.88' X~ iNSER] E_LEVATON: 10.78' × 576 57~x ~ ~.x × x..__ 6' CHAIN .... - ...... LiNK FENCE 7' " '/ . ~, ~})' ~'-.....~. .. s .... FENCE --~ "'~ ,) Q ~' Q ' - ti -- _ O - '"- MOUND - TE ELEVATiOtN: 1345' INSER] ~LEVATtQ)N:11.73' ,,, ',\ / POLE LtOHTS WALK POLE .-'i 2" PIPE WIRE ~ ? y6. . --' WAFER ",, '~'~FGLJNP~ IRON PiN ~4286 -HOtLE HAND ({ SE CO¢~CRETE MONUMEN[ 'E[ E~AtiOH: i5 05' I5'_ WATER VALVE TR AFFtC__J~_ L!GHT UNDERGROUND_~\ CAS UNDERGR/OUN WATER LINE . "-,, ............. .~ ---' / ,. ~'~SABLE TV LINE ~9~ UNDERGROUND '*' ~ ....... OAS L NE c.- o -.o -(; c o c----.c c -- c---o~ 6---c -o-- .c ~o--- c c UNDERGROUND ................. 07~ ................ 0P% .................... 0J°7 .............. 0.50, CONCRETE #587O iO7 5I' "cURB MEDIAN ASPHALT PAVEMENT SAVANNA CLUB BOULEVARD TREE LEGEND ,flATER VALVE '~ / '--,.~ SANDPINE CIRCLE l L L LOCATION MAP ~CES SL ASH PINE SI.ASN PINE CABBAGE PAL M SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SI ASH PINE SLASH PINE' SL ASbt PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PiNE SLASIt PINE STASH PINE SL ASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PiNE ROYAL PALM ROYAt PALM ROYAL PALM ROYAL PAlM ROYAL PALM CABBAGE PALM SLASH PINE c SL A..*H PINE St ASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE M YR ]l,_E OAK SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PiNE SLASH PiNE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLAStt PINE SLAStt PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SL ASH PINE SLASH PINE SL ASH PINE SLASH PINE 5t ASH PINE ~,'~ES SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SI_ASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE M YR'R_E OAf( MYRTLE OAK MYR~.E OAK SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SI. ASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PiNE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SI ASH PINE SLASH PINE SI. ASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE MYRTLE OAK MYRTLE OAK SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE MYR1~E OAK MYR fLE OAK SLASH PINE MYRILE OAK SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE St ASH PINE SI ASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE ROYAL PALM ROYAL PALM ROYAL PALM SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE MYR~I_E OAK MYRTLE OAK M'1~ TLE OAK MYR]%E OAK MYRTLE OAK SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLAS! I PiNE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SI ASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE MYRTLE OAK SLASH PINE SLASN PINE MYRTLE OAK MYRTLE OAK SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SLASH PINE MYRTt E OAK 12' 4o' 363 I SLASH PINE 9" SLASH PINE SLASH PINE SI ASN PINE 18' 30' 30' 30' \, _FIRE H YD R A N T LEC3AL_ DESCRIPTION' C(')MN[-NC:E Al tt1[ NOR'ItlWE%[ (i;()f:~NE[~ ()t: t()l 2, [~t()(:I( ,~, ("UAtl) POtN i A[ o~ 8EINC A POINT OF-tNTERSECTtOM Wtttl TkIE LiNE OF DIE SOU-hi HALF OF LOT 3, 8LOCK 3, AND T~iE EAST I..!N[ OF' LOT ,~ BLOCK ...~, ACCORDINO ~-O ~t~E PLAT OF ~T. IUCtE OARDENS, AS RECORDED IN PI At- BOOK I, PAOE 35 OF ~HE PUBI_IC RECORDS OF ST. LUCtE COUN[Y, FLORIDA"); [HENCE %OUTil 89 C 'Dr-~ u4-P!tNUiES 2S %EOONDS WEST A[ONO THE NORTt~ lINE sOUTH HALF OF' L. OT 3, BLOCK 3 A DIS-iANC~ OF 329.81 TO TtiF-' WEST tINE OF SAID LOT 3; THE-hiCE SOUTft 00 DECREES 2I MtN(~ES 02 SECOND~ EAST, ALONG TiqE WES~ tINE OF %AID i O~ A DISTANCE OF 241.02 FEET FO DiE EASTERLY RIG~tT-()F--WAY !tNE OF t~.S. IttG!tWAY NO. 1; (A 200,00 FOOT WIDE RtGtdT--OF- WAY); O,Jitt 27 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 29 SECONDS r'Aci, A!OhtC Ft4F EASTE~L ~ Y RtOHT- OF-WAY tINE OF (t S. HiGh'WAY NO. I, A DtSTANCF OF 344. ti FEEF TO ]t"tE POINT OF BEOtNNtNG. FROM SAID POINT OF BECtNNINO Tt~ENCE NOR]--H 62 DEOREES ()5 M!NU['ES 5/ SECONDS EAST, A DtS[ANCE OF 71.52 FEET tO A POINT; TNENCE NORTH 89 DECREES 54 MINU]-ES 28 SECONDS EAST, PARALLEL WiTtt YI'tE NOR~f-t LINE OF SAI0 LOT 2, BLOCK 3, A [)IS'~ANCE OF 37!.0-/ FEE J; TNENCE SOt. J-[t-t 00 DEOREES 05 MtN[JtES 32 ~ECONDS EAST, A DI~[ANCE OF 192.11 FEE~ TO A POINI; TkiEN~'c % (- , u~ NORT'H S9 DEOREES 54 k41NUTES 59 cEt. PNDS EASI, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 F[E-i qO A POtN-'f; THENCE SOUqH O0 DE(~REES 05 MINUTES 32 L, IINU[ES EAST A DISTANCE OF 58.00 FEEt F() A POINT ON THE NOR]HERt_Y RIGttT-OF-WAY OF SAVANNA C;L_UB BO~I_EVARD (A 130.00 F-OOF WIDE RtCH~ OF-WAY)' FHENCE SOU'FH 89 DECREES 54 MiI',JLJ~ES 59 SECONDS WEST ALONC SAID NORTi. dERLY R!G~-tF-OF--WAY LINE OF SAVANNA Ci_UB BO~JiEVARD, A DtS~ANCE OF 545.0G FE~T TO A POtNi OF INTERSECTION Wtl-H 1HE EASFERI Y RIGt~-OF-WAY [!NE OF U.b l tiO~tWTM_ " A-, NO. 1' TttENCE NORTt~ 27 DEOREES 54 MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST AL_ONO SAID EASTERLY RtG~IT-OF-WAY OF U.S. HiQHWAY NO. I, A DISTANCE OF 245.00 FEE~ RE tURNtNO -!O THE POINT OF BECtlN, tNtNO. SAID LOT CONTAINING 9G,G24 o , _ . oQLIA, RE FEET MORE OR [ESS NOTES: I.) AREA OF i~kiiS PROPERLY iS: 96,624 SQtJARE FEET (2.21S2 ACRES) 2 ')ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON N C.V. DATLJM, BENCkt MARt{ OF ORI" - NGS ~'!030 At ENIRANCE 1-O 'PE)R-I SI. [{.tCtE WARE-!O(JSE L-if)." ELEVATION. t5.87 FEET. 3.) COMM(~NtTY # 12111C0295F AND 1211/C0280~ -I ) FLOOD ZONE: X ~E FLOOD ELEVATION- N/A 6.) L4AP DATE: 8/~9/91 ?',) t.,~S SI[E ttES IN SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 36 S()t.~TH, RAN(;L 40 EAST, %T. ~UCiE CC)UNTY, KIORIDA. S ') Br:z~PNCS A~ c -) .. , ....... ri, E- 8AoEE ON THE r',,IOR[tt ItNE OF 'T!~E SO[J~f~ I/'2 ()~ i (-)! 5 F2 ~i i N 0 S 89'54 '2 S" W. 9.) THIS S[JRVGY WAS [')RAFIED UFtltZtNG A[_tI-OCAD F~E[LA%[: 14 S()FIW,&NE ()N AN IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTER. SN()UL.D A .5 ~//2", OR 5 1/4" ~, TM (,PP -'~ Y DiSK WiI't~ THIS SURVEY DATA BE DE'SIRED, CONTACt-PULICE LA.N[) SL)RVEYORS, INC. t0.) REASONABLE EFFORTS WERE MADE REGARDING -[~E EXIS'FEN(}E AND THE LOCATION OF UNDERCROUhJD LJ~!L. iTIES. THIS FIRM, I t()WEV[:R, [}OES NO I' A(;CklPT RESPONSt~IL_ITY FOR 'TttlS tNF,.~RMATiC)N. SEFu~R[_ EX(;AVA]'iC)N CONS iRUCTION .... CONTACT ]tie APPROPRIAIE [t'ItI.tTY C()k, IPAN~.> <' ~()R. FEll) VERIFICATION. 11.) ~c' '°°° DENOTES- 'lOP OF CURB ELEVAliON, -°°° DENOTES: EDGL OF ~j q t, LRB Ei ~VAItON 12. ) '~3.),FROFLRTY ZONED: CC-OENERAt COMMERCIAL - rERL41 AU-FOMO~iL~ FIL. L. INO STATIONS. I4.) B(JILDING SEfBACKS- FRON-i: 25 FEEt; REAR' 2() FEEl; (;ORN~R- 20 FKET 15.) TtttS StJRVEY WAS PREPARE[) WI I'itC)U-I BENEFt] OF A }-i-liE SE_ARC:It. CERTiFICATiON t !-iEF~EBY CERTIFY: TO AMERADA HESS CORPORATION AND INSURANCE COMPANY INS[.!RINO I'I'S IN]ERES1 IN It-IE PRE'MtSES SURVEYED THAT THIS St<El-CH OF SURVEY MEE[S '[fie MINIMUM TECt/HtCAL_ STANDARDS SET F-OR'lt-t BY Tt'-tE FLORIDA BOAR[) OF PROFESSIONAL LAND ~ - ~.JRVEYORS tN Ct~APTE~ ~1017---6, FLORIr~A AD~INisTRATtVE CODE, PURSUANI FO SECTION 472.027, F-LOHiOA STATi.~TES, FURTNER Et-tAT iT tS TRUE AND CORRECT TO -I"HE OK NY KNOWLEDOE AND ~ELIEK. COPIES OF- TI ti& SKE-tCt~ A~RE INVAt ID UN[ESS EMBOSSED--%fl':~:~']'-"~}HE SEAt OF TftE MI~.,ttAEL Ct~ARI..ES FLYNN, REG. !..AND SURVEYOR //.32S1 STAI-E OF FLORIDA U.S. H~Gt~JWAY' ,!_AND SfVANNA CLUB SLVD.. i ST.LUC1E COUN"n', FLORIDA BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY P[ILiCE LAmB S[tF VEYO S, 5381 NOB HiLL RC)AD SUNRISE, FLORIDA 33351 TELEPt-tONE: (954) 572-1'777 FAX: (954) 572 .... t77S L k4AtL: surveys~pL~ticeionds~rveyors