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BOARD OF COUNTY MISSiON6RS m cE:xp COMMUNITY D6V6LOPM£NT ADMIN'IST-RATOR April 30,' 1993 TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP Mr. Vaheed; B. Teimouri, PE 1245 Linmore Circle NE Palm Bay, Florida 32907 Subject: Cardinale Residence Dear Mr. Teimouri: (North Hutchinson Island) In reference to your recent requeSt and following a preliminary 'review of the proposed site layout for the construction of a sJ, ngle family home on ~he following described' property: The south Ill feet, of the north 711 feet of Govt lot 1, 'lying east of SR A-l-A, Section 3., TWp~ 34S, Rng 40E, St. Lucie County, Florida the °posed .es n~ contravene any required setback of the St. Lucie'~C6unt~ and Development Code or any development policy of the St. Lucie'CO.unty Comprehensive Plan. If you need anything else, please let us know. DJM/me CARDNL 1( t ) cc: Growth Management Director C°d'~°mPliance Director phy, L D;~elo~ent Manager. HAVERT L. District N v I . ...o: JUD, CULPEPPEI~ Disrricr No, 2 ® JACK KRIEGER, Disrricr No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER. District No. 4 · JIM MINIX, District No. '5 '2300.Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 ' Administrator: (407) 46.8-15190 · Growth Management: (4.07) 468-I 553 .· Planning: (407) 468-1576 "Property~ ACquisitiOns:' (407). 468-1720 · Codes Compliance: (407) 468~ 15;71 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 BOARD OF' COUNTY 'COMMISSION£RS April 3.0, 1993 COMMUNITY D'cEViELOPM£NT ADMINISTRATOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP Mr. · Vaheed B. -Teimouri, PE 12.45 Linmore Circle NE Palm Bay, Florida 32907 Subject: Cardinale Residence Dear Mr. T'eimouri: (North Hutchinson Island) In reference examined your propos development codes of would offer the loll-, 001~525 625 1. ) Prior to the i neces~. offic~e f Lucie variance construcition set by the~ 2.) 3.) 4..) .In need to not flo o'o flood As a part of required 't.o f include a del vegetation on this project site. You ar! development activities~ other than those Dune Crossovelr are permitted in the Dune ( See .. Section 3.03.03(aa), St Lucie Code. ) · County Land Development As a part of any application for 'buildln~__ = permit, '-ouy required to file a .Sea Turtle Protection are D ] ~ ~as required COde. under Section 6 04 02 St. plan. is -eve~ o~men~ ' ' · Lucie County Land HAVERT L. FENN. District_ No. ~1 ® JUDY CULPEPPER, .District. No.. 2 ® JACK KRIEGER, District No. 3 · R, DALE ~REFELNER,~ District No. 4 · JIM MINIX, District No. 5 23'00 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce FL 34982 5 ' Administrator: (407) 468-1590 ® Growth Ma - ' . ' - 652 nagement. (407) 468-1553 ® Planning: (407) 468-1576 'Property Acquisitions: (407) 468-1720 ® Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LU.CIE'TELEPHON. E NO. (407) 878-4898 APril,i~ 30, ' 19,93 Page 2 Subj.ect: Cardinale Residence 5.) Prior to the filing of any local building permit a lice ~ou will need to have o '~. ~ . PP tion brained your FDOT access perm,'t for th~ proPoseddriveway connection. Your lOcal building permit will · not be issued without the access por~it having been issued. 6.) Prior to the issuance of any building permits, you will need to -demonstrate compliance with the provisions' of Section 6.'0.2,00, with particular attention being given to Section 6.~02..01(D), St.. Lucie County Land Development Code. 7,) In reference to your plot plan, the following corrections need to be made in your project notes: a.) Please~ delete an~ reference to RS-4 in your zoning ~identification.zoned ~IRD. ~his property is not. zoned. RS-4, it is b.) Your note on building coverage and impervious surface should 'be revers.edt with'the building coverage being a subset of the total impervious area. c.) Lo, al building permits will be required for t-he dune crossover in addition to any state construction Permit.~ d.) Drainfield is .spelled wrong in your Septic ~ank Notes. It should be noted that the above comments are intended only to provide ~ouwith an advi'sor~ review this office for p el~m~nary review purposes.. St. Lucie County r ' ' of the drawin~ submitted to reserves the right upon examination of more detailed construction. drawings :'to request additional clarifying data or f~nd 'that apPliClble Pro~i'~ions, including the above, &f the St. Lu~ieCounty Devel°pment~have not yet been met. .No building permit will be · ssued'until all applicable portions of'the Land Development Code have been met, ~ · If 7ou needanTth±n~ el~e please lot us know. DJM/me CARDNL~-( t ) CC ~ Growth .Management Director Code Compliance Director AIC~ Manager- BOARD OF CO'U'NTY April 30, 1993 Mr. Vaheed B...~e~mouri,T ' PE 1245 NE Palm'Bay, Florida 32907 ~Subject: Cardinale Residence (North Dear Mr. TeimoUri: In reference to your recent submittal, .this office has examined your proposed s~te plan for compliance with all applicable development codes of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and would offer the following'comments: 1.) Pti.or to the issuance o~ ~any building permits, it w necessary for you to obt. a~n adminis~__~_' . _ ill be ~~u~ve approval from this office from 'the requirements of Section 7.04.01(c).of the:St. Lucie County Land Development Code variance c~nnot be · Consideration of this constructiOn given Until all final elevations for east of the Coastal Construction Line have been set' by the appropriate State agencies. 2.) In accordanCe.with.the definition of building height, you will need to provide verification that the proposed structure does not .exceed a maximum height of 35 fee fl°°~ elevation of th~2 ~:L~,'_,, . 't above the 100 year . . ~o ~u~xa~nq si~e. It i.s presently not posszbl~e to determine this structures height relative~to the 100 year flood plain based on the information provided. 3.) As a part ~o:f any-application for' ~uilding permit, you are required.to file a vegetation remora application, which is to include a delineation of the landward extent' of any dune vegetation on this project site. You are reminded that no development activities, other than those associated with a Dune Crossover are permitted in the Dune Preservation Zone (See~Section 3.03.03(aa), St Lucie County Land Development Code,) · 4.) As a part-of any application for building permit, you are ~reqUi'red to file a Sea'Tuttie Protection Plan, This plan is as required under Section 6.04 02 St. Lucie County Land D-evelopm~nt Code. ' ' ' FENN, Distri~ . No. 1 "No. 2 ®'JACK JUDY'CULpE~E~Dlsrrict_ KRIEGER, Distil. No, 3 ® R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · JIM MINIx, District No. 2.300 Virginia Avenue .e Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administrator: (407) 468-1590 ® Growth ManGgement: (407) 468-1553 ® Planning: (407) 468_ 1576 ~oper~ Acquisitions: .(407) 468-1720 ® Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 April 30, 1.993 Page 2 Subject: Cardinale Residence 5. ) Prior to the filing of any local building permit application, you Will ,need .t© h~ve obtained your FDOT access permit for the proposed driveway connection. Your local building permit will not be issued without the access permit having been issued. 6.) prior to the issuance of any building permits, you will need to demonstrate compliance with the provisions' of Section 6..02-.0,0, with particular attention being given 'to Section 6"'02-0'1(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code. · 7.) I-n reference to your plot plan, the following corrections need 'to be made in your project notes: .a.) Please delete i ' any reference to RS-4 in your zoning .'dentification.zoned HIRD. This property, is not zoned RS-4, it is b.) Your note on .building coverage 'and impervious surfac.e shOuld be reversed, with the building coverage being a subset of the tot'al impervious area. c.) Local building permits will be required for the dune crossover inaddition to any .state construction permit..~ d.) .Drainfield is spelled wrong in your Septic Tank Notes. It should .be noted that the above comments are'intended Only to provide you wit'h .an advisory review of the drawing submitted to this office for preliminary review purposes. St. Lucie County reserves t'he right upon examination of more detailed construction drawings to request additional clarifying data or find that applicable Provi~ions including the above, ~f ' the St. Lucie COunty Development have not yet been met. No building permit will be issued until all 'applicable portions of the Land Development Code have been met. If yOU need anything else please let us know. DJM/me Code ComPliance..Director D ~phy, Land ~velo~~nt Manager BOARD OF COUN,TY COMMISSION6RS RIE~ l~(~lgIPT April 30, COMMUNITY - D6V6LOPM£NT ADMINISTRATOR TERRY L. VIRTA,.AICP 1993 Mr. Vaheed B.. Teimouri, 1245 Linmore 'Circle NE Palm. Bay, Florida 32907 PE Subject: Cardinale Residence Dear Mr. Teimouri:. (North Hutchinson Island) In reference to your recent request and following a preliminary review of the propo, sed site layout for the constrUction of a single family home on ~..he following doscribed' property: The south 111 feet, of the~ north 711 feet of Govt lot 1', lying east of SR A-l-A, Section 3, Twp 34S, Rng 40E, St. Lucie County, Florida the proposed does no'l: contravene any required setback of the S Lucie County fa.nd DeVelopment code or any development policy of t~~ St. Lucie County Compreh~ensive Plan. If you need-anything else, please let us know.. DJM/me Manager HAVERT L. FENN. DistriCt No. ~t · JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER. District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER. District No. 4 · JIM-MINIX. District- No.' 5 Adm ' 2300 Virginia Avenue ® Fort Pierce. FL 34982-5652 . inistrator: (407) 468-i590'e (~rowth Management: (40~) 468.1553 · Planning: (407) 468-1'576 · PropertY AcqUisitions~ (407) 468L 1720 · Codes C°mptiance.~(407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 05/, 3/93 10:22 AM PUBA Parcel I.D.: Legal Desc.: Legal Desc.: Legal Des, c.: Legal Desc..- Legal Desc.: - Legal Desc.: LEG ALD ~E.S C R i p T I O N _ ~ 1403-120-0010-000/2 3 34 40 S 111 'FT OF N 711 FT OF GOV LOT 1 LYG E OF A1A (1.31 AC) (OR 648-1903) LGALDISP A-13 Pre This Information~.~Is Believed To Be Correct At This Time But i.t Is Sub ject"~To Change' And Is Not Warranted space bar to continue. ' Vaheed_ B. Teim° Un . .._ 1245 LINMOOR OIROLE N.E. PALM BA Y, FLORIDA 32907 TEL. (407) 729-8382 FAX (407) 729-8382 .April 14, 1993 TO' Mr. Terry Vitra St. Lucie County Planning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982-5652 RE' Cardinale's Residence Project No. 92-116 Dear Mr. Vitra: Enclosed please find three copies of the site development plan for the above referenced project. An application for a permit for construction has been submitted to the Florida Department of Natural Resources. Please review this plan to ensure that the proposed work does not. contravene setbacks or any other zoning requirements and it is in compliance with the comprehensive land use plan. Should you have any questions or need additional please call me at 729-8382. information Very truly you/~. Vaheed B. Teimouri, P.E. Lawton Cjl;~ites Governor Department of E v ron me-ntal Protection Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Virginia B. Wetherell Secretary ~IED MAIL Joseph and Dim~a Cvmdina! Route 9H, R,D. atl 'Ghent, New York 12075 September 8, 1994 Dear. Mr. and Mrs..C~dinal' NOTICE TO PROCEED WFrHHELD PERMIT .NUMBER: .SL- 131 PERMITrEE NAME: .Joseph and Diana Cardinal Your .request 'fora permit pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, for construction · or other activities seaward of :the coastal construction control line, has been approv'ed by the Department of Environmental Protection. However, construction may not.commence Until after · the permlttee has receiv~ a notice to proceed in accordance with S.pe~ial Permit Conditi°n 1 and 2, and the pennittee complies with any preconstruction requirements descfibexl in Special Permit' Cpndition 3. Please read the permit and permit conditions including both the Standard Permit C ' ' ondmons and any .Special Permit Conditions closely before starting construction. Stm~dard Permit Conditions 1 (q), I (r), and 1 (s)..pertain 'to written reports which must be submitted to the Dep~tment of Environmental Protection under the signature m~d ~-- ~ . ~e~u~ ,~ professional. architect, or land surveyor(as appropriate) at specified times. Forms for use in preparafi, on of .these reports are enclosed. Make suffiCient copies of the periodic repOrt form to provide the required reports. The periodic reports are due in the office of the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems on a monthly basis on the last working day of each month. No progress reports are required until such time as construction activities have started. The .permit wi. Il 'expire two years after the date of issuance of the final order. Upon receipt of a written request signed by the permittee or authorized agent, the Department will consider extending the permit for up to but no more than one additional year. Pursuant to Section 16B-33.017, Florida Administrative Code, the Department may grant no extension of time past a total of three years after the date of the apProval of the permit. In order to be~ Printed on recycled paper. Joseph and Diana Cardinal Sepmmber 8, I994 Page 2 considered, the time extension request must meet all requirements of S~tion 16B-33.017, Florida Adminis .trative Code. You must apply for a new permit for completion, of any work not accomplished under the original permit. Although you may apply for a new permit, there is no assurance that such new Permit for the .same .Construction or activities would be approved. A party to this procee~ing has the fight to request review of thi's order by the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, in accx)rdance with 'Section 3, Chapter...93-213, Laws .of Florida. To initiate such 'a review, your request must be fried within twenty (20) days of the date of this.order with any member of the Land.and Water Adj. udieatory Com.missi:on or with the Secretary ~of the Commission, at The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001. A copy of the request must also be served on both the Department of Environmental Protection, Agency Clerk, 3900 Commonwealth BoUlevard, Mail Station 35, T~lahassee, Florida 32399, and on any person named in this order, within 20 days from the date of this order if the request for review is to be. effective. Additionally, .any person substantially affected by this determination has the fight to request an administrative hearing to be condticted in accordance with the Provisions of Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. Should you desire an administrative heating, your request must comply with the provisions of Rule 28-5.201, Florida Administrative Code, .for a 'formal administrative hearing,.or Rule 28-5.501, Florida Administrative Code, if requesting an informal hearing. Requests for such h~ngs must be sent to the Department of Environmental Protection,-Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, Mail Station 310, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, and must be received by the Depa~ment within twenty-one (21) days after your receipt of this notice. Failure to respond-within this allotted time frame shall be deemed a waiver of all fights to an administrative hearing. In the event that a legally-sufficient petition for hearing is not 'timely received, you have the fight to seek judicial review of this final order, pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9.030(b)(I)(c) and 9.: 110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. To initiate an appeal, a Notice~.of-APpml must:-be-'fil~.'with the Department of Environmental Protection, Office of General Counsel, and with the appropriate District Court of'Appeal within thirty (~0) days of. the datethis .final Order is~filed with the Agency Clerk. The Noti .ce filed with the District Court must be accompanied by the filing fee sPecified in Subsection 35.~22(3), Florida Statutes. You .are advised that notice of this agency's final action on this permit has been given to other interested parties. They 'have twenty-one days from receipt of the notice to exercise any fights they may haVe under Ch~pter 120, FlOrida Statutes, Actions undertaken by you under this permit, during this period~ may'be-subject to modification, removal or restoration. Joseph and Diana Cardinal September 8, 1994 Page 3 The authorized work is .. strictly limited to that described on the enclosed final order. Please direct any questions pertaining-to this ,permit to me by letter at the above address or by telephOne at 904/4'87-4475. ' m /jg EnClosures Certified Mail #: P751 778 014 cc: Permit Information Center Chuck Sincerely, Roger Bailey, Engineer Bureau of'Beaches and CoaStal Systems Owner STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Division of Beaches and Shores Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. - Mail Station 310 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 (904) 488-3180 PERMIT NUMBER' SL- 131 PERMITTEE Joseph and Diana Cardinal Route 9H, R'D, #1 Ghent, NeW York~12075 PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER ACTIVITIF~ PURSUANT TO SECTION 161.053, 'FLORIDA STATUT~ FINAL ORDER 'FINDINGS OF FACT' An application for authorization to conduct the activities.seaward of the coastal, construction mntrol line which are indicate~ in the~project d~ription, was filed by the applicanffPemitt~ named herein on April 19, 1993, and was determined to be complete pursuant to rule 'On :August 16, 1994. The proposed project is to be located landward of the 30- year erosion .projection 'and the existing line of construction established by major structures in the immediate area. CONCLUSIONS. OF LAW' After considering the merits of the proposal and any written . objections frOm affectext persons, the Department finds that on compliance with the permit conditions, the activities indicate~ in the .project description are of such a nature that they-will result in no significant adverse impacts to the beach/dune areas .or to adjacent properties; that -the work is nOt exPected to adversely imPact:nesting sea turtles, their :hatchlings, .Or their habitat; that the-work iS'~expendable in. nature and/or is appropriately designed in accordance with Rule 16B-33.007, Florida Adminis~ative Code; and 'that it is an activity or type of construction which the designee.: of the.Chief.of the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems :has authority to approve or deny pursuit to. Adminis~ative Directive DEP 140, effective July 1, 1993. The direct and cumUlative-impacts to the be~ch and dune system that will be caused ~by both the seaward location and shOre-parallel width of the proPosed consm~ction represent the maximum such impacts that. are acceptable to the Department. Therefore, future construction on :the site seaw~d of the coastal.construction control Iine shal! not extend further seaward of, or increase the shore-par~lel Coverage occupied-by, the proposed structures 'approved pursuant to this permit. Based on .the.foregoing considerations, the.designee approves the applicatiOn; authorizes construction and/or activities at .the location indicated below in strict accordance with the project description, the approved planS (if any)and the Standard Permit Conditions which are attached and are by this reference .incorporated herein, and any additional conditions shown below, pursuant to Paragraph 16B:33,015(3)(u), Florida Administrative Code. EXPIRATION DATE: September 8, 1996 LOCATION: Between approximately 260 feet south and 360 feet south of the Department of Natural Resources' reference monument R-l, in St. Lucie County. PERMITrEE: Joseph and Diana Cardinal PERMIT ~~~: SL-131 PAGE :2 PROJF~T DESC~ON: Single-Family .Dwemng l~tion relative to control line: A maximum of 129.5 feet seaward. Exterior dimensions: parallel ~direction. 35.3 feet in the shore-normal directi°n by 61.8 feet. in the shore- .Type of foundation: 16-inch auger cast Piles. e Penetration of piles: To elevation -6.0 feet (NGVD), or deeper. . Structural elevation: + 15.5 feet (NGVD), or higher. e ,, Elevation of understructure parking/storage area: Maximum excavation fOr parking .area: None. + 13.0 feet (NGVD). Swimming Pool . 2~ Lomfion relative to :control line: A 'maximum of 87.'5 feet seaward with a perimeter concrete deck extending up to 92 'feet seaward of the .control line. Exterior dimensionS: parallel direction. 30 .feet in the shore-normal direction by 14.5 feet in the shore- e Type of foundation: 6-inch fiber-glass shell. . Deck elevation of swimming pool' + 13.7 feet (NGVD). Bottom elevation, of swimming pool' +5.-7 feet (NGVD). 6~ Maximum depth ,of swimming pool' 8 feet. m Height of pool deck above existing .grade: 3.6 to 5.3 feet. 8~ Total volume of excavation' 44,.4 cubic yards. Concrete Driveway 1. Location relative to-control line- A maximum of 92 feet seaward. PERMIt: Joseph-and Diana Cardinal .. PE~SFr ~MBER: SL-131 PAGE 4 33'007(4)(0), Florida Administrative Code. These plans~shall be subject to approval from the staff of the Bureau of Be~ches and Coastal Systems and shall indicate or reflect the following: ~ Structural details of the understructure garage and the 16-foot diameter deck. . Prior to sta~ of construction, a preconstruction conference shall be held'at the site among the contractor, .the owner or authorized agent, and a staff representative of-the Bureau of Bmches and Coastal Systems to establish an understanding among the parties as to the items specified in the special, and standard conditions of the permit. The proposed locations of the structures shall be stakexl out for the conference. . -~'nor to"commenceme~t .of construction activity authorized by this permit, a temporary construction fence shall be erectext along the perimeter of the permittexl activity. The fence shall 'remain in place until the construction authorized by this permit is Complete. The optimum siting of the construction fence shall be determined during the preconstructiOncoastal conference by.._the staff representative of the Bureau of Be~ches and Systems, so as to provide maximum protection to the existing vegetation locatext on the site. . All permanent exterior lighting .shall be installed and maintained as depicted in the approv~ lighting schematic. No additional permanent exterior lighting is authorizexl. CAVEAT: Due to potential adverse, imPacts to the .beach and dune system that may result from additional development on the property, the shore-parallel and seaward extent of ~the permitted structures shall not be increased, nor will any additional 'major structures be Permitted which would exce~ the limits, established by. the.permitted construction seaward of the coastal constrUction control line. Approved .plm~s ~are inco~).omted intO this permit by reference. Done and ordered this 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. Attachment: Stm~dard Permit Conditions State of Florida Department: of 'Environmental Protex:tion Gene Chalecki, P.E. Engineering Supervisor .... Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems .l ocIE CouNTY REAL pROPERTY APPRAISAL ] ST. n bA~CEn ~o [~4o3-~2°-°°~°-°°° / 2 ~-T [ I ' owNER NAME: c~RDINALE,/34S/40EJOSEPH LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' ,_ SECTION/TOWNS[tIP/RANGE = 03 34 40 S 111 FT O~ N 711 FT OF GOV LOT 1 LYG E O~ A1A {1 31 AC) (OR 648-1903) & AssESSM~ENT ( 09/26/94 I , 8101 FORT i-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO cHAN(]IE & NOT WARRANTED' .iLABLE KBD, v2.10 NCR 301 PAGE FMT ON INQ oWN~ CAR ORC P R TY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) L ID [ 1403-120-0010-000/2 ] 09/26/94 11: 29 HW 50 SP 5O OWNER NAME: CARDINALE, JOSEPH QUALIFICATION CODE O.R. BOOK/PAGE iNSTRUMEN<~ TYPE iNFORMATI ON SOURCE EXEMPTION STATUS SALE DATE / VERIFIED SALE ADJ SALE AMOUNT ADJU ST REASON QUAL SAL 0648/1903~ WAR DEED// DEED.~ 07/21/89 185,000 VAC SALE VERIFIED 0 EVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AVAILABLE KBD 0 PAGE FMT ON & NOT WARRANTED' v2.10 NCR 301