HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval atls Hama i.ng_A ;ilea,kigKwati. !�'NotTOP!M i_ seDm7t su!'6a,ge I St.%b.acts'I,Publicathons•,eoatza us i acts Site map i links SCnrd,,�i ... 3 ` � Product Appiovet pp � USER:9u631t USCt - "' �v c® _AP ' Wu4ud'AtMID.Yetntenu r. "ci or A¢q�ybn�r<�rch a.ggeitt�isrr;Alieadon"a" '. FLa FLL'7022=R7 RECEIVED _ ,Applkdtloti Type: Ravisian " Cwfe'Verslen; 2017 Application.Status �w rdy�a JUN 05 2019. Comments 08/i6/i017v,dpte reapply,08121/17 4. $T. Lucie County, Permitting Archived > V '® Produd Manufacturer Extreme Metal,Fabricators,LLC Address/Phone/Email palm SW PFL 3 996,Drive �p Palm Clty 8034990 j Ru�UU®S �QV 0 ' (772)'872-8031 ott� SIV_ _ Flvalidadon`CSyahoo.com ,p�A Authorized 5lgnature Richard McKuhen, " nvalidation@yahoo.com Technical Representative Richard McKuhert At, e Address/Phone/Small 2i60 SW Poma Drive Palm City,FL 34990 (772).872-8034 richardOerripab.nat Quality Assurance Representatly ' Address/Phone/Email Category,': ., Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance,Method Evaluation;Repottfrom a Florida'Registered Architeet:or a Licensed Florida P.rofessbnal.Sngineer t-Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Ftorida'Engineervr,Architect Name:who developed the Evaliiation,Report LOCKE BOWDEN Florida LicensePE-49704 " Quality Assurance'Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc.. Quality Assurance,Contract Expiratidii-Date. 04/ 2/2024 "Validated'By Zachary R.Priest,,P.E. Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate:of Intlepeni!enceJ07 C0I FL 17027)=5 V CRIMP ssnad Referenced:5tandard and Year_(of Standard) Standard: Year TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 203i UL 590 2006 Equivalence of 8roduct Standards Certified,By Secilons1rom the Code Product Approv"al`Method Method.1 Option D- Date Submittcd; - b81f8/2017 Date Validated 48/25/2617 Date Pending FBOApproval dOI28/2017 Date Approved 10%10%2017 Ft Yt } ;Model,Number or'Nmmu oascrlptlnn 17022.1 i -5V Crimp (R6), 26 Gauge steel 3/8"rib helght 14'wide tapped roof"pant mechanically attached to 15/32"plywood or Wood Deck with fasteners Lmltsof Use 'InstallaUaKZYfstructions j Approved 3or use in HVHZ-No FL+?my'a� fI Fl.1762 2.f 5 V CRIMP 2SE R91 Approved for use outslde;N}HZvyfms Verified 6y.Locke Bowden,P.F..49704 1 ImpacFttosistantt No Created by Independent Third'party:Yes Design Pressure.+N/A/-Table A Ev>sluatlonReports Othert.Refer to'evaluation report for conditions.,InstA:the assembly incompliance Fh 17022 R7 A a 1702 1 5 V GRiMP ssr�f whit the'installation method listed,ln this report and.z ppllcable"lode sections of FBC. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes R4fer td manufacturer's Installation Instructions. 1 17022.2 2-"51!Ctimp"`(R6) 0.032"Aluminum,318 Rib IgL t,'1"wide lapped root panel,mechanically attached: to 15/32'plywood:or wood.Deck with exposed fasteners Limits of`Usti Itistal#aNeH Instructions { Approved for use,inHVHZ:,No FLy702Z•'7 Approved for useautsideHVHZ.Yes- Vorifled 8y Locke Bowden,P.E..497" Impact Rosistanti No, Craatttd,by IridepetidentThird Party;Yes- ` l Design Pressrxie'+NJA/r Cattle A Evaluation Rep:xtLs l Otherfltefir in edaluation.report for,conditions.Install the assembly in compliance- MI.07 1 f{7'AE EL 17022.2 5 V, RiiyP_o;�3?�(�M ser ndF wlih.the lnstaliSt{on method listed In this rep0rt`erid:apphcable'cod4 sections-o€FBG; Created by Independent Third Party>Yes Refer to manufacturers installation instructions. 17022:3 i��-"y1,S,Mechanical Seam"(115) � LS'rib height 18°wide,24 gauge steei,standing seam roof panelmechanically aKadhed'ta X5/32"plywood or with:ciips and fasteners. r Liniita.af fist+: Ittsta##aUon:Insiruit#nns Apprinied for use'ln HVHZ-.JNo EU, 22,117.1 EL 17422.1'ISMkHMILCAL jam-24gjLjjjjjAd Approved for use outstiio HVHZ:,Yes Verified By Locke Bowden,RE,49704 impact Resistaht-No Created by Independent Third Party':Yes Design'Pressure:'#•N/A/-Tabte,A Evoluatidn Reports Othor:Refer to evaluation report for conditions and tinilkations of use.Install the Ft 170 h R7 AE FL 17022,3-1 5 J1ECtiANICA Useam 24oa_utr& j assembly fn compllonce.with"the lnstailatlon method listed in this report and applicable Created by Independent Thlyd'Party,Yes i code.sectioiis of fSC Refer to manufa[kurar's instaNatfon iiistruttibns. 17022:44r 1:5 Mechariiia("aaam (R5) 1 5 rib height,16"wide 0,03j"aluminum,standing seam roof panal mechanically attached•to 15/32"plywood rs. 'Wb Qeck,svldi clips and fastone _W y._..ere. Limits of Usti Installation InstrunNons Approved for use In HVHZ:No F117 'z R7 f_!:F'ti7oa.h mEctiANr AL SLAM AWMINUM ssi odf — Approveif far use outside Hi I42:Yes' Verified 8y.Locke Bowden,P.E.49784 Impact Resistant,No Created by Independent Third Party,Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-Table A Evaluatlon'Reports Other-Refer to evaluation report for conditions and:limitations of use.Install the PGI7027 R7 AE ft 1SEAM ALUMINi} 'ssr odf assembly in compllence with kfie:inskaliatian method listed in this report and applicailla ;Created by,Independent Third Party:Yes code.sectfons of FBC.,Referto'maruiteaurer's Installation instructions: 17022.5' #S-"1 tn.Nai15Mp".(R67--i rib height,16"wide 26`gauge steel,standing seam roofpanel mechanically 1 ,attached to 15/32"plywood or wood deck with fasteners. Limits of,Use' Installation Instructions ., Appwvad fur use in HVH25 F1270 0:11'EI,Y7{} 2,R 1.0 AI STRIP csr ndf Appivlvetl far use outside:HVHZ,Y.es Verified BY Locke Bowden,P.'E:49704: ImpaetResistant-No Created,bi Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+N/AftTable A- Evaluationiteports, Other:Raler`to'evaluation report for•conditlons acrd ilmhations of use.Install the `F 170 2 rz7 I'F 1 y L ar MIP scr.adr assombly-in compliance with the installailon method listed-inthis report and appilcable -Created by Independent Thlyd Partyf Yes code sections"of FBC;Refer to mant3facturer's instaitatlah Iitstr'uctlons. f<27022.6 6-°I in.Nell Strip: (RS) 3 rib height 1b"wide 0.0,32`atuminum,,Aanding seam raof.panel mechanically a attached to aitached to 15/32"plywoodor wood beck-with fasteners, f.,lmits of Use Installation Instructions Appr»ved'fur us-e in_HVHZ>Na F 702 R7 [i_F '�7Dz 6 1 g;(�A_{f,$gyt Q g iiM'r odf Approved for use outsides#tUtiZsYes Verified.By.Locke Bowden,P.E.49704; Impact Reslatanti No Created by#ntiepenilent7hfrd Pai y:Yes Design.Pressundi+N/A/-Tabte A Evaivation Reports Other.Refer to evaluation report for conditions,and limitations of use.Install the, FLJ622 R7.AE FL 17022.6 1 0NAIL SIR D 032 nLtiN ear assemblyln'compliance with the Installation method listed`€n-this report and appilrable Created by Independent.Thbrd Party Yes code sections ofFBC^,Refer to manufacturer's Installation instructions. L7022:7 7'-"1.5 in.Na!!Strip"{R5j 1.5'rib height,Ig"wide,26 gauge excel;standing'seam'roof panel mechanically attached to 15/32"plywood or woad deck`with fasteners. i Limits of Use Instaiiotioit IristrltcNons - °.Approved far use'In HVHZ:.No 7 7 is N'afl Strirj A car odf Appy ed for ejeoulailde°HVtaZ yes Verified,BY.Locke-Bawden,P,E.49704 ... . Impact Resistant-No - Created 6y:Independent Tfilyd Parly:.Yes Das18n'Prossure:+N/A/-Table A. Evaluation Reports Other.Refer to evaluation feport'for,con,ditions and limitations of,use.lnsfail.thw Lj `70 2;A7 AE_FL 17022,7 'yi�jr b2 CA mar odf assembly;in compllance with the installation method.fisted m'dils report arid'applicable' Created#;by Independent Third Party.Yes code sactlons of FBG;Refer to manufacturers lnstaliabonlnstructions. i '17022.8 B `EMAX Rib (a5j 29 gaugo`steet lapped roof panef,mechanicaily attachad ta�1Sj32"plywood or wood deck with exposed fasteners Limits of Use Installation Instruitlons Approved for tree in HtiHZ:No 17075�g7 FF E)_'r?7a a ENinx alb ss.odf Approved for use outside'tiVHZt Yes Verified 8y.,Locke Bowden P.E.49704 Impaci(Resistant:No Created by Independent Third porky^Yes' Design Pressum.+N/A/Table,A Evaluation Resorts -Othen.'44er to edaivation r'rp'bri for conditions'and limitations of use Install the F 17D 2 R7 AP`K I T 8 AX t r_odf assembly In rtrfttpitance with.tire 9nstallatlan.rtiethnd listad in tuts�epoit and,'aPr311aatitp Created by Independent Third Party,Yes code sections of FSC.'Rafer to manufacturers Installation Instructions: 17022.99 25 gauge steel;:lapped roof panelch meantcaily attached.to 15/32"plywood or wood— deck with exposed fasteners. " Limits 01.166- Installation instructions Approvadfar:usein:HVH;ti:.Nos7Q2y.ri.El•T70 PaPBR`RIB <}n.s* . Appro4etl for`iuie outsidie HVHZ:'YesVeriFietl Bgi Locke Bowderi,p.>.497,04 Impact atesistant:Na Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design prosaurer;+N/A/-Tabl4i A Evaluation Reports Other:Reicrta evaluation report=far carldltlans and iimltatidns of use.Install the F 176. Rpm;Fy170' 9OR RfS s;r:xii assembly'in cvm(aiance with the instaifation method listed in.thls report and'applieable, Created by independentThIrd,Party`f.Yes code sections of FBG Refer to rnanisfacturers Installation instructions. .sack. Nnsi .. �sihlit "SttaS?�m7a�DatLa�3.'"?rm4n'esiiaal•1$id Tne'Stats of rioddo is an AAIM6 ei'piaycr:t.DkYd4... 27„�Qjy,ItaR of norid+::Q{yitSyStah?mezrc::AM=r',,MkxStatcm=j::Refund Siam” lin(Ief ibrida Witt;emad'oddresses'am o Wre owerde'it you do not want your e•meH,edOress reieas.Mn respanie to a pubtiiriiwrds request,do trot smd tdxaaiic .11 t."entity him the offke by phir a nr by tradidai+at Frsb$,tf you naveany 4u.-=ailo;5.pivose,eontncL 65a.4$7,1395"pui»uai+f to Settion 455.275(1),ii.004 Stas tci,dfxk(ve Ddober i,7422,ikeoSCNi hcenwd,tindxr Chapttr 455,p S.must VMV1ft tt+c acpanmtnta;in an¢mai addrss^N they,have nne,Tiie ttmmaa��ts pto'v3dad may Do usedlw ofatiei`cannw�catlan xet)i the I+umpa.Naweoat¢;nail addresses era DuWie rorord,sf you do not wish ttl aupptY dpersor>al Btldneas:please nroYkia th8 aapB�tfmk•nt Wth an email addresa which can b.made avallaa3e to the pubrta io CetemMae:�(yas,ate a acensee under ChWet eis,M,pulse dick hm. ..pradutt a4pyrdvar Auaptnr L`-I W ER Ia ,- 41)roduci Report tal Fabricators, LLC. #r y(]}��y/y{��Myy�fy¢j Porn ®rig L 1 C ":.16!"�t i/,f 1. # , "Palm'.Crt ,T 34990'- : ... x. -2)812-80.34 z Florida Product Approval # 17OZZ,l S-V Crimp NON HVHT, " , • ems.- e .i.5 . +♦. � .iy 'Y mrnpllant withFlorida urldMrig C6de,*1017(6�'ed . 'Cohipliant'with 1=1ondafrod" Appii644 Rul+ �'61GZ0-3 Cmmp iant I eystone Ci Cations � 4 r, Product: 5,V 6M' p,26GA Steel Roof Pafiel SC+ 'S rtic. x.507.4.2 ` Yield itrer:gthe 50 kti rn n ,:Attachedzto�m n.15/12"of* r r'Wrsod t ech wj min;.,0:42 specitit rav ty with Sc .2, 4 Coverage Rib�He` t 3j8" Corrosion'Resistd`nt Cb '- ant: 1:8C Sec 15t3�!4.3 i a5tener 1'Method 1 AttadhMok).#9 x. .- 2-riHek-Wbsh+ r'"Head v1 iood-screw*to penetrate r 3j16";`.mrn, thru"dkk or'.-5j8 '`embedment i' vv©crd plank. {*or rff dent lenj th to`meet ,. ;requirements),F-W6 - 2 (f1` a hdd2p.',&c 4.Attach rn nt)i-Z#1 #x 1- j2"Hex-Washer"He wood screw*tc 00netti te:3J16"min:thru deck or5 j8"e'mb6' meat into wood plank *gr scuff crena length ' r to ri 'eet"recgwirer�entsi T ; Llndrr±rlayment; Tc►be complNant w th,FBC Sec ,Chart 4507.1.1,,--, 01W hall be inr'dnipllance with Ok Sic- is07i a►t spe fi vrrs� v Install Details:;Teb1e A' �.n_.A11xr�r bleLoads METNt D l _ METHflD 2 :.METHQQ 3,. METHOD 4 -93S RSP A01 Psl+ , 4L4 PSfV`- i t31Plt 5PAC16VG' 1 o.c 16'"o.c r o.c.. 6"o»c. 6" FMTENER-SPACING ALONG Panel width ` I`ASIrNER�SIZE � a Reference-lata: A�iCHlT C7URALTESTING,INC. UL SSO-06&180-64t Test Its'ort C71S89S. os/oi1t P YVf-4 , 8 AR�Zfl/�17 } r TAS 125-0A; Test to:art -Ctl 5 3.01- 5fl 1R t 7/32'34 + Ct Y L IVG -'Xt1�'1897'-04 Is,, quivalent to fist darsf 111,„,$9?-X '�Ltecigtr pressure margin rrfsafety 2 Lift -, , 0 , 'S .''�� ' Mp �. 71 i M � S r}�! peke Briwdsn,P.E.does nvt hatr ,fnr�t vu###at qu#re ttnanc#a##ttjl�' "scI�4 ►faefur#ng or d#�t_##stst#ng products, x{ :UrHtier t�'t#5 f valuaatot i' mow► 'J• , • w r✓✓✓ .' ; is eke owden,,p.g.Is not dv4ned;ooerated,or cor�trroNed by d c',tio` pe!i Ati l ttic r,or ddstr#buting products under th#s;,, P .r i re Prtw • , F FLI7022.1 ...5V Crimp ( ,6.QA Steen,24"I idp,`Ikgof Panel -Details Limitations: 1..Underlayment to be.cor pliance wa ii'current Florida Building Code(FBC)201.7 60'ed. 2,Minimum siope�to be compliant`:�iitti Florida Building Code 2017.6 ed.,_and per with Manui6cturer's installation'reference. 3. Products'are compliant for State.of Florida p'rdduct apps oval per.Rule 61 G20�.Compliance Wthdd 1-Li 4. Engineering analysis:far"project specific approVal,by local authtiritles Miurisdiction is alloWedr by other registered engineers. 5.Fire classification is<not:part,of this ,acceptance.•Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. 6.Support'framing;in`,,cornpliance W/FBC 20"1:7 61h ed.,.Chapter 22' for Steel;Chapter 23 forWood and Chapter 16 for Structural'Loading, ; T.This report does not imply Warranty; installation, recarnmended.product use.outside of'this`report.. Fasters- f#10 x 1-112 brim..p�rTabie"A"IcorKbw !� e! CdM,Roof Pa spaetr{g end Design Pressures Hex WasherHeaditbd-s6mwv C f!� .'>` ..`C,�..".0:,••rte,�-•�' z:!ri �yi!�-�\�*'r� 'i?'`�li.?`�iry"."�� ' `�`;/^�».� r M lr-.=;+/�? ,/r., ./�:,:.x.�C/r„;�,'�r:�,irµ�,✓r...,,`i{: .G�;';,r', /'•'�r.^t�"1�:�.- �;!r.`:a ice;,% C}ecf4: 16182"or greater Plywv*,or -.Vt�idplxnk' _ Panel Profile Nominal 12" Nominal 12" - ci.c.: Fasten , PVF- 1/2"Min, or#10 X 1-112"Min.per .Table"A" Hex Utfasher Head Screw' Spaded 12"o.a:.>crciss the Panel Width, Panei Refer to 'Tabie"Ar fpt Spacing Along.Panel. Overlap' Length. bbj*,.,,j$/,32"orgreater Plywood,or` Mod plank 4115/?,$19 Florida Building Code Online BCIS Home 1 Log InUser Registration ( Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts i Publications Contact US it nks Search tita d r `Product Approval USER:Public User azz P Product Approval Menu>Product or Aoolication Search>62 In kation list>Application Detail FL# FL23888 EIVE4 � Application Type New Code Version 2017 /�1 05 2019 Application Status Approved (� ��8_ cie County�® r Permitting Comments �o ®� Archived ®® Product Manufacturer Tri-Built Materials Group,Q Address/Phone/Email PO Box 70 Rutherford, NJ 07070 (800)516-1485 david.ruiz@tribuiltmg.com Authorized Signature David Ruiz david.ruiz@tribuiltmg.com Technical Representative David Ruiz Address/Phone/Email 250 Route 17 North East Rutherford, NJ 07073 (201)842-2449 david.ruiz@tribuiltmaterialsgroup.com Quality Assurance Representative C Richard Schurman Address/Phone/Email 9050 Louisiana Street Merrillville,IN 46410 rich.schurman@alliedbuilding.com Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer (',I Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R. Priest Evaluation Report Florida License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/27/2022 Validated By Locke Bowden P.E. Lei Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL23888 RO COI GGI18001 2017 FBC Eval Syn Underlayments.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D 1970 2015 ASTM D 226 2009 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsGBUBaMjWIOxLQXCk2I86Fx4a9eDOMyfL14S9w%2bAYgyw%3d%3d 1/2 4/15/2f,)19 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 02/12/2018 Date Validated 02/13/2018 Date Pending FBC Approval 02/19/2018 Date Approved 04/10/2018 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 23888.1 TRI-BUILT@ Synthetic Hybrid Roof A mechanically attached,synthetic underlayment used an Underlayment alternative to ASTM D 226,Type I and Type II roofing underlayments. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL23888 RO II GGI18001 2017 FBC Eval Syn Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Underlayments.p�if Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL23888 RO AE GGI18001 2017 FBC Eval Syn Underlayments.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Back Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The Safe of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.=yjjght 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: FIN 0 IME Safe ` https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsGBUBaMjVAOxLQXCk2I86Fx4a9eDOMyfLl4S9w%2bAYgyw%3d%3d 2/2 Certificate of Authorization No. 29824 CREEK17520 Edinburgh Drive Tampa, FL 33647 TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC (813)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,GP EDITION(2017) Manufacturer: TRI-BUILT Materials Group Issued February 12,2018 9050 Louisiana Street Merrillville, IN 46410 (800)516-1485 www.tribuiltmaterialsqroup.com Manufacturing Locations: Hangzhou, China Quality Assurance: PRI Construction Materials Technologies(QUA9110) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: U nderlayments Code Sections: 1507.1.1, 1518.4 Properties: Physical properties REFERENCES ED& Report No. Standard Year PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) GGI-176-02-01.3 ASTM D 226 2009 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TRI-BUILT®Synthetic A mechanically attached,synthetic underlayment used d an alternative to ASTM D 226, Hybrid Roof Underlayment Type I and Type II roofing underlayments. The roll is available in 37.25-inch wide x 145-ft long format and weighs approximately 40 lbs with a minimum tear strength per ASTM D 4533 of 20 pounds. LIMITATIONS 1) Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 2) Wind uplift resistance is not within the scope of this evaluation. 3) Installation of the evaluated product shall comply with this report,the FBC,and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 4) Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and.debris. All fasteners in the deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to underlayment application. 5) Roof slope limitations shall be in accordance with FBC requirements. 6) Contact the manufacturer when installing at temperatures below the minimum application temperature. 7) The underlayment may be used as described in other current FBC product approval documents. 8) Roof coverings shall not be adhered directly to the underlayment. Roof coverings shall be mechanically fastened through the underlayment to the roof deck. 9) The underlayment shall be exposed on the roof deck for a maximum 30 days unless otherwise stated. 10) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3. GG118001 FL23888 Page 1 of 2 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. TRI-BUILT MATERIALS GROUP CREEK Synthetic Hybrid Roof Underlayment TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Deck Type: The roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted, solid sheathing for new or existing construction. Sheathing shall be installed in accordance with FBC requirements. New construction in the HVHZ shall be minimum 19/32-inch plywood. Roof decks shall have no more than 1/8"gap at abutting joints. Attachment method Underlayment shall be attached in accordance with the FBC Table 1507.1.1 and (Non-HVHZ): manufacturer's installation instructions. Attachment method Underlayment shall be installed with a minimum 4-inch head lap and minimum 6-inch (HVHZ): end lap and be fastened as specified in FBC Section 1518.2. Allowable roof coverings Mechanically attached roof systems as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1. (Non-HVHZ): Allowable roof coverings Mechanically-attached asphalt shingles, composite shingles, metal roof panels and (HVHZ): shingles, or wood shakes and shingles COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code,6t'Edition(2017)as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. `P;RY r No. 74021 1 f: .w�. • . STATE O F ,. ��^ � ~18:48:08-05100' R C,�•• NZachary R. Priest, P.E. ` Organization No!on No. 21 ANE9641 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services,LLC does not have,nor will it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services,LLC is not owned,operated,or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R.Priest,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R.Priest,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. END OF REPORT GG118001 FL23888 Page 2 of 2 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. as ��'az,"�ay�� 'u■�r d YY wS FfiAYsk £ !# Awa C� at#3II 3#> #�;r a�ia#6 71 s ;,: R '' igw, ✓� ECEI D EWA dS �Its� � ci n� miffing AO AddS� ri9i xis rr�!?ry ttrszst11�lt�pg All (912Y,429-MIO""' dz3 ; €aratE Esqj, Ind � # gatr63> hat2 or Lnd [rarida ",sTMW a i r non COE owl R, 59" fY5 ULLQQ to lty�Uiafl ##firNY too: ... Y1� teak �Ft�r f� ii htt �;�vavrvsr,#�riz�� I�eStn'�,es€'g9x� t��S�S di�:�� xTp�rara;�ry s ���"r�Dr�v6;r�u�w �trnF��d ,r2plfr�p�ks�Fa��ill��:i�k1��T�t�tZbL���Vb�,�s95 ',3d;: p� �1 i�f'3 t=tr�rtsl .€luild[ng Cade l€ i 9128179,'+ 58 PM, :r Refefs'rtceti StarSard a Year(cad Siattdardj ASTPot t3i~ii '. , ASTMV6163`. t7tA8. ' ASTM DW04', X11 ASTM,t�s2�2� 2011 ASTTui 0". 2009 Ftvt 447i?' 2012. Ft�+14474': '2€11, U0697 iftf92 civs5terti;e�ai�*to€��t;5#�ndatds n ertlts`ed 6s06*f:o Inde < 13st�t Si.+bn�t2t�d-�..: 9QId39t�09.8„` t3ate4Vatida�s�i 9tll�i,�{? 8 t3tte Pntlin F €pptovai tg1714i ;` Y.• n l��te Approtrsd t"�1991�09$�.. t2 33' i3 t!rt3ililS.x °f FLS fadi3t,Nuttlrorlyame 9 1'. ppl tris'S66”s RF*1° St3S ar+d APIs[asdrt�esf tsittrrrtert rriia#sums . Abdrfla�SSit o'ii rt tia�fi Sf;7 arts Llmlls of Use frtstaltatton lgstrauet9tsns` A arovea for , In HVPi rltr �r�s �ti traAUI t Ntt b tlf Appr[avezt tOY ase outside t4Vt "3 htif Impact Rsstei hl1A f nfii:cl8 Wctti9tt t+iisrrt�rti�n i'Ew SJS6 t3osl�i��+rse�iat^e �-P9lA�8�� X,' 1, '�t €t lay ttt+.�pttt'titird p' ,i�'t� �t)ttte�:9�';l�srt�eratrt'ilnisspiCattmn =1F<vv�l�a11ot1�IttYa ' �. . ,. fet822e to ttrte p cuter assarrataly.i�vSr car�crisii3 l MIS '10 Z EjNAJ- � t_Y i3ffi L1664 �c4�t #�efcrkto the i=R Andtx r .(iter'.' - , sgsterrss � - attd ti,ek ty sem: )tie&iAO'ERI sct�ran S for o#tar . ated by ind�ntisrtt Tttitd 1 a ty�*es tatftlttS Of�Sfl� � r r" _ , �U,?�„sit rr�t���mng„ ���alr�zsct�� °- � � • :°the:5trtcut`t�rn�i�is�n64Ai��tt�ycr��� t�#�fi�r�a4�Aa1�,: �r�t�rr�r�t A 3 j� mt�at�StY=�tta+ceJdt�n,�,t zder s ari ,taw ra€i ars a un P r rns tI poi7 eke yvr�rr A a r ased in respexr R fnir it Js request o sena edt ctsn;mram. tramt.��n.rty tn&t ,�;c� ctmnr�gE+�ptssrq+j�r�p"seaneit11 tty�rrnsue�nyevrzs Peeunt'ss✓tt3�. t13�35°$�ursuaN�.Be;,�x'i.�&.5•�7.?�{t):ia•, it<9"t�les;e��cG�t2#3c7csts�zt�12�csn�es�.3k�:si3etJsirr3ao'`i�c�.f.S�mYxlptsl�”r�:ltaet3epstuisent�ithn�aeema,�atJdrassitttieyt�a'nac7tia�lst^xavts�t:, r€ay tie,used rat��r�an*m+c�nrtYt�itnrns�a Hoxraver+ raycaa ere p€ �rera�rd ir,y�e�,nbt; h�s�ty��rsotrs�rxecs pl�asepm�ree , �ntt irons an e�r�iertar�,.i�t�can be made e�vtt�l;23��the tx�iln Yn r1e:�rrntrz�i�,�u:�rts a tx!3rsaee �rL•isa�ter 4�;"�E_S,,Pias crack�r�: tttti5sjceaabraittrrld»iaut�dlt0 rarr��PtlAr a,P i92I aopxararra nVXtVtCDijvgquvar�FgUiTv2#r+vpKxAht4itiCtB+ tiidsiaU�51'bZAS&�dpld' Peke 2 Of 3 s `r .. F . : V4d ,rf��r�r,t3crod tt4�liCt " f�'�ar-� t ,.,� , a,� •" „t'�ech FStMa�hr t.��tnCh6r shoot,040,4061i0iiidit, i tirrc N sse`f3 ra tuf tQf aro&a4ir A�,.;,,: ,° .> h �ttS��IY�tlr�sacFt+��SFieeC�t f:itj#�ai�ti�ttt3fSs9i�tf��'C�rYc3f{�r�r , SS!15 "New Rtr 'fr6*ombz,.R r n PA kr Ate tied t :iat3i9t.id#t,, akCE e tsf f ri at # v � S • os�SE Aroad, fModef IT#3e '0 t S €fit to u# ti _ i ed c x Sf caud f cv,R c dti r 3 M'oMuer,:. 9n til dr i c#ti. Ch�d'�Sh fi: ant Rt+ f d eC 1S S ; Ski 4iMnd<M N as:R roof, $ht• a�R tstitrr E s y.r`aorinsui Midi;!e h"- i G ed -�#' :5�c5ad � � v, � t�tr�txc�r,ff�rsf*��ae»�iMg ='i'' .C�ae-tnsu#at�ii�tY�rtr14�E`� f��v8r•= ' �r, f, Ay Sflzsr5ttscrtns ;_ tevre' t $7r,- Cfj�srttCocrt ft ivfP€.RtMkiad; airst�izar#nrcieap.taaltatira £ r�dtt, nr72 j cee ck- ruure�# j P;exarsF.# ar v$ '. tut`u'RtfttMutaftzM Ntvf�; #sM'. i� rffltrtar ES<„ . tea€irnfdtttNahif:E#ssu:Sh4a. rifd�fc€5r53,;': n��`y x ��xr�txi�ratfieraf� •� N�tYts�ft�t't�u°"ttf� .' 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Ce ntiMiaM v tldfs Er f vr;flt�#dila T rt t rar.# cuscer •. _ ,r :.•, .=r€inn•tosui taint +fs AM6hod Rai 4" 000ntyrer'ah ` r 6cahtlit t�tafsa° rsdRaf. it Rrcf Stj ai fur zrw+�r. }4 PFi ff. �G as. tries.�atEc�3sE„�s £E�#,�Ut�E�E�ii��# +.$ ga9�`�an�Earrt6tnI�1 �s�st�#:y�arur tn, �4;tr �:th' df �� UrYi�r��1r �ti�Y€}�� frwpfr�lce�:th€nerni�{iF�}TC3#` tc�Sh G� �,C#R`r uEfUa�erl .�, '., Ek F� .;�Ep��21���trd is tr�xam�r€ti��mr'�tan�F�tw lit? l urs}#L[r'r> att�Eia�ic FQ��tstater .�witrs trrstet€��i��F�is tint cnm�r; -." � „•, �..,, , ..._. .._ ry#}nirrsurU 106s@a tnintraWmr tFir thFek73rtwahSattr ;.Ctt rna }stt6,sit 47P (F itruCtEa Srtl fnr sttn:T t a nFU €[ efts it u,,,, 4Y YF gEttcEt U bak sh �L di r,�Fot cF ;;t3hrbV ttFv Shit., fdsten�rs r EnsR i} d tFrnu it Gta? its n rA f}rU trxzcRea I t e}ii€" dee Cr . `x , , r. de ,.t�rewstrractt€retdFr �c�ta}3t��fegrsainr�r�aturras� Far,ann;jf� A+RMesR�eiand`�;�tite�}eEfF[Estitr "Rb�fcfe `� ntaFUrHR€Eireard'rwicii.fivete, ,,. rcgcrirmEan3a tc the aatift Ractrr of �ttF}hF ery}E3r lrisdFet,nn,,.tt}its}strFe nt to ref d sN }.0 umrrf tRsr�ut� rrapeCsn � piari:: d�7cFrzr�nt�trsRrE' f ..,.. Fri€FE��nd }rcT€rrati�Et a � � l',"•.. #3'ni�„C.fPthF`IPf`it': .., €� #?, v,� aF; ,,,.•.. .: ✓ .-:,. ✓;• ,s, ''• s .,, pr ;oic3,.last}�t �a adhftitt0ti ratc35 r�ni rcaliaaa 5 !t}�}t E1Y}per lsrfdt¢rt the tFsn�E>}zip lica i{iE€x tfr i3E bs.hit dna# s Eta '' x,. R � Fu�3Cf,�kt''rsta�r�l�b,�»>�i�y�6RikL ' + 4 ts�.t#... tft.., rttErtMa66r c(wiR�� } u tatntlenrritrm C} tTASTKi tk F� b1U Cr �3}�i SFrt3n+ Us t 75 trig Fsh w€d rrbtns, �rtsnsts tnf} �+�t ribba ,# isrch cr c k' # !a�rai€ttrr Putrr Grime €tvt {al Ln t€n€tc�az 1 2 4 t 5 wtd�x3 bcFr�s,l rr Ez�c dtiR IyE7s�' t F i Dj r t€ u4€FE vMot" EEyr� ?r { r i?farxd�Si'oiMcf 5TtC rEttiWVM & s ?see # �SrjeEd € At slW5aa oft r'OOA ' 3 i onRin us � Ert a fide C t tlPtSa l2 ik�t F as t» w E§"t Rtahert ntpFtE IUyi r s njerrs r n eY»c r�r + r�r�r r&kd ll'tAl n U d rta�Te�s�n GFza1.rd'ur r 5d3 Ef sKu ¢ a d' w€ zr Ya r F 2, a eaq cc r rra#r€ c€ ra a a rgbbcr€040 dJ�Rrae 3 sFaF err 6c ct st n E be nvt r s a rr 4€»p tie tJ id}i c r b s E°t 7 i to}ess Estu€�vFs nott , E3E 1Rxxsi�n3 ark fat rtFs taperoard n#rhe t13 tkEEeks ass rrzd R��crtd pbtUr�#t nt tdu fsaEauirs tss IEEn "" € g}a sr�€ titutedi htfitt� �io # mt3fiaxras ,- UteuStctr�thbPi3Ynin }sRb3sFrfhiatPlifstvt # � haRl RrRauar:grtrat"r}ttss'tf€ tf 4 triEznr r ti&t e€rra rct tra d a t}raiadz r tire euaintt}S' r�ttatiai iiittd iri tF€et# „ •,. . ..,,,a F , , - .:. is iii nni rm step}cad ble AdhRshte#Rt A$ E iR dr+din �h Rh#tiE = *' Ei9rtEAiu FG',iilErrj Asada r4dhetrM 6t hT15E f7 psr intlrtIE€tch ttiati€ r t Mks 0iytTand MDP tp ysr iu€€Er i inch t}ti Nloa3R}»dart 1HIa1 ��i�� �iyt�F,�}s«�t� p<• :riix ��psp>:f�ta� ���lnr� sti~�t ��•��t�:, ' �t1(tf3ty6Cttd5#3tF(C}�5Ca8} ..� ��st�p�f�t��iiRezgSan9 � }3 � E p edt[ sit r� F##gSU No7S;�psf mi 8 •gonded pulyswcyart rate i ul idEE E rd3 shit n iEtsuiri 8x 4fr Fzrr � taffy attac�bd cpan�n�rtt ar par}fatly ts�n�Ej }Ezsu�atiFait,Rir�ma��FarraErs"dtsr�tr'prSrtt�lar; SeEt� �>saEn€ai�,shaif`d'att�r e.��ad::Rh��tsne Efesi i�sS" "d .,. .,,r` .,:. Fath"€ rmiraetl sncrdax v� . te. 6 ant}2txnsand3,haitnrnp}svat€aRtetnenRd3}3dashi#hX quad€iEddtSipr[trsat€3€tareststth� }arr�itd" re9s ":e} a 'i7srrEriul 'u > �. ,, ,., -,r;, �, •,��,, ,,,;.a»• h. .;;:." ,,. ,..,•'. ,. ..:. � # } '•L . . ,�, d etle?�5 a 1�'�Pkit?wtb1,�M 1.4�s„pr�wnt�T��sir,••, 33�ta�. ���, tc��€ind Ap�3raR Ettr�t�n�1Fa€rk ��-f�,ami`Rrin,�d�p�t, ticn St��dar+� x:37,,�ssemfs}3U5 a€kd r.�ith aY};as8�t4s}c���rry�xh�iir� a€� C fas�F•& n ' .1EJ ”f , ••, �tdR x �tattu�ay�i'1Tia}EaE'��nc�J��rt'�anc €�trres - , ' .;; .._ ......, . .N .. ,...,: .� ,. ,-�> �. .. ...,. a.,_.,.. .,.,, _.. }, �P rt'r�ttR�� for,fut3yhoodWA m4"assalt€nadCr, ft3dta3 sr�r surefeartih �R r}sseFn :r r3t3E (tseSigrt preTSur ::�rrF}n i}in rdO With Frit�h40.101E and no ratEnn6i ane}ys3S ts; axrritted;. Xt t For�6thanirai€y;a#t«€s�€co"T n�safscr t ristiiF' f ,'. x „ Ffl „� €3irltrshd�} fti�d its the exis#I dgX�9r yisrndratF€e3tan >A otos iir,ei! sit Kubfttss€ns#ar` rait'rFtiv the� O d ir<ements ft>r;tFre s re , t ' . y s , ,,., stat # I,CQE$3A r# t�#iae.:an�rs€rrsusys.`" qr t� �'4tEdr6 arEd srratY�ls ttix$e 3EE atardatYe BwEth rl3tEi+S aa��aa p ••'' y 3?id�X S nr T'�5t} A� ic� n�#arsd��3'�A��1�� E ak#i;i§IE€ t��J l� �!'. • ^: .i �;�.3.„ '.x a^ .,< .• 3: <' Y x,,- 8 rtS7n tid rtExar Earn f}nstaliattt,rhexEsfiar6 roof 5i factt Eekisting f de shy i tit EEttrte rr�r ionr'G t3bU} ei Yr€ ' -111 .< :. ty • 'kontf p tcaF aikq wEth Rhe l cRc�d ad} sF re anrS.thte 3rd,., rars4.sysEr,afar rrter}5##ra116e caFabiaf misting �EsFgEr,trrSur tsn i ctEttrstd t}re a% satistac#ia #the r +ftsv}n Turisditr€, smF3 Rhrnu f3akJ a' si' n n'd51 }t i � MAIM sat�tn€r ta'�}r t`4, drtestln i tFdEs �A� t sd S d i eardaasaMvi}tr; 23 4: rRdGoverA €ratansssSin 5eeE Y trnsu}aRrn5E3}rtF3rn) varPEEisrsErdafsyst�irh�3Fberais#ate#Esr' :aeeeii€catF;= t�E3WCtE iC,FEt aicEaflc+niCeptsrtp529�023 #foriF43AR : G�rtfit tE o f Airtlsttrixatiorx#3 •• 6*l'O t'€COPi j2�6)W N0N4iVM2 EVACUATfOR: Revi�scsn�1 �6/A�/2t�t� prCparUdbyc,•Mi4}aeit'rtiernantnP E53i ;irrFhl an}ia}I situEncmigoaFSy ,{95 X233=23 9;, ,� v� f ��: ,ti�htwh8 fsasuftan Gtatt�ret�#L's���; tll€t�cast;t�D�ta��F�rr wvk;?t.i� �5ticratlra:TR2?to tt#� tt�#��ttpn at ti€e;etluthprt�y N�airr �unsair„ttan, t.",�r •ttlrtas�vherr»s �ifa�bir6! .i'r:itlferes• 4'xefer t u ruducc eppraval f s gf:c;dtltk carrstructicin. sid t2mftatr #tar trrtEtlss'tltlr rwa tl rte{FN far�Werrts Wheto SMilie LWCJ.niat feiere-rtced,:thd min utlt ares# : mix,hatf ba? 'fit;ria t ;fa asaf y� @ n< .,.::j;Y, a < ..,,:. ? %r :...:'.W<.� :n.•i .. �,:. ii`::.. r,+^ a.- •.. .... C^+. P�ki 1vk 4 e n,JrUr�bW "�r't�al�`,?;i tfrlekn8ss is rtt tl Par tFh{z raver strdcurral Lt4s&tt t,referPme is rr+ad to fBCSe Dn 191 :+!1,Parti;V'FO "pre-i"tetFt<t.VG tLfe(en es fist# were;es ablists d tfi(?Ct t)les% bvea'li` tyre hf`caner #i a t"' ti5t� �n .tiaml� :. ,.-::... ,; ,,:• n. . ...-w,. ..,.;., ..,, �.,,- . ...: ,, ,. .,.,. �.;:. �. i1y: ,tY#[ tt ,ttBtint�A5iW1¢$9bp+;tVatet�ltid&rtt#IDnd C8i1t4't1t(tSTttil G d7.Yts[it-nt%ROW every 1�4�Iti4�3}f �CCartl�rtC�v%eth�rstlCE�lutas.tdsi" f3Sr k�laA�iii��e.l�G�ta F' di15J�:;'tlrtt�ss.otfterwisi3 rt t �`" A. . .,,. P_ .__ ,... 4. .. ...- . . rse .. use of thew tl4trn({3ln ltertC6�strftGiitlrtxRa€ae raofhi ar aH p rC3tloafs;i`5 a#ttaatlz i et(otarsf t Des3gwar.RecoRlandAutfi iii'Wavinglurtsdi ttpn, 1s Ua€essatherw :rioted re€er.Cstfatl`(�fiavnnr fe'r`csfar,.itrrded tis#~, 1`rsrcapshta'ilicatrorts$ ;.." l F v a s8E�t4A � , - �aseFl�. t}near•'triorettlia§'Fir# lasst '�i�t,k~r3cA rA�'Ff.90AS!)t, dt..': r <;_; ,�- - � .>� {Brio and Pik sh''Mo: Ply:` .0ne'ar'more,plies Pat lass Riy lV;path lass Pi r.Vilrt C Apt o ci ASTt44tfa170 TYpd tV orYt`w _,. ��aC?i Ahalttlt 2 44 . :rlSpkBftAPp777. fi`OtC•;- -A*hetpftd 1E"eltSG6�e 3ttlatH?lt:S• fjiFUtti!�is%At{tdt�` irtF3u Cb'Gtim/t7flf$fatl ." J IfSj5t$t1�C ;Odse P : Cne pf 'Elestirfrose santf� tFdl,&ta3ta04i V., ss S11d' "Etasto€iexS z Type tt:Pat t it 55 HT, se fi5tt tlairaneicVG, faftexr� iagcaatfticttexsryp �f, tast�ftexcE�ttltlrstst� �tasto5hiltt�sn�td. ,at�s, < Lap Pty aTnd S 1FR;F rusPsii' 5R5 ohif ba�kae►;i'atytres t 5' 'sa - cic E. 1 5 acre Dasa F fleas " la tac s4 tsand sanif'E fasftrflez;V"E st[Ft Soil faSCQFtbt SS l ti �,.K!! SAS-' .2 ElaSi �sY�,Efastrifteae4"rate��Jastali�tS�,�lestadrtati�t ,'Is,Ff�tatt�,rS�� Riastnfferes��;FRa�,(ahfefd'I Eta tassateld p rstyptus 35 tst , .. �P P�: 1'SaG t ;:Ftl r�sko�G 56E jsand barked��Pai �e'G sty Prod @��c3ied�a` l vfre5 ( �atjs'tistarc. Bas Pty arply;.ane or e're ply Eiastobase'fsandjgas t ter aoty/sandy,btastoba 6 P$geid.lio d a�pntylsan d}w itoflexV;Etastofl >t t)tastafiece St35;Qtc `> S6 tYPa ii,Feat ss;HTE ist3 xfSti "r > `' t�stoFls!stfrEasXaf4�aetrFfasaEtoxVGnaW t�a5 EfastofttS6 it EIasFtexi iusta e+rS6<GPtstosftoel8•'. NAspTzaitat;gat? 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P�ytvraojts3ntztYeFd ve4th 11t5C41'SYidit� 9i7f1 tcfe�s`A1iP,lil$Y4tIEdTC r i aa8sv�ood: t�ptln� Pts1Q' pttt crxt+'x ntitla� ttz sit�x4 '>' trci14Pi'Tp£ 3P Ira "q" t�EN�67 C,Li.0 ,- Ew�lu�ttt�i EfartF9790 CS2 Lf�-�2i icrr PL2+�4 X23 �rtifkate ofAuthorfaatico 103z45sCOITION(2027)fk'�NdM-H &tZ'EkALUAlIdh? itevis0rs 21. Ole, 4�rearod by tsore trim+wen, PC,59166 ;;Potyglas Nlod�PCeet i3itum�r►FtewfSyslrAd``(454}E3313A';` App �tdix S,PA a6 cit 9s5,