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Product Approval
tai ®� NEMo l etc.. Certificate of Authorization#32455 353 Christian Street,Unit#13 S. } IQ Oxford,CT'06478 P� (2033)252-9245 ENGWEER EVALUATE "GEST CONSULT CERTIFY REPORTEVALUATION Poiygiass USA,(ne, Evaluation Report P4069D.12.13-1=R7 1111 Vilest Newport Center Chive FL16717-R6 aeerfield'Beach,FL 33442 Hate of Issuance:12/12/2013 (954)233-1230 Revision 7:10/09/2018 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert,Nieminen, PE: for use of the product"under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 6e'Edition:(2017)-6lorida Building Code,High Velocity Hurricane Zone sections noted herein. i3>SCRIP71oN: P,olyglass Mand APP Modified Bitumen Roof Systems LABELING: Labeling shall be in;accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance.Agency noted herein. CONTiNUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time.as the named products)changes,the referenced: Quality Assurance-documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report bythe named client°constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen,P.E.of any changes`to the produc(s),the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEMO(etc.requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative'to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. AovfRTisEmtNT:The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "NEMOJetc. Evaluated" may be,displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be dune in its entirety. INsPEcnoN:.Upon request,,a copy of this entire Evaluation.Report shail'be provided to the user by themanufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request ofthe Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1.through 4,plus a 61-page Appendix. Prepared by: \�Jsill»ro •s� 4 `c'�4a°� . Robert J.M.Nieminen,P.E. a 4� ;� u The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Nieminen,P.E.on:10/09/2018.This does not serve as an Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DC4ANE198.3 electronically signed document. Co mFICATioN'OF INDEPENDENCe 1; ,NEMO.ETC,LLC`,does'not have,nor does it intend to acquire or will,it acquire,a financial interest in:any,company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2: NEMO ETC,LLC;Is not owned i.operated or controlled by any company manufacturing'or distributing'products Itevaluates. 3 RobertAleminen,P.E.does not have nor will'acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the"evaluationreports are being issued. 4. Robert Nleminen,P.E.does not have;nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process'of the product. 5: 'This is a:building code evaluation. Neither NEMO j etc.nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in anyway,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. - �NEMO[etc R0oF]NG SYSTEMS,EVALUATI N: Pru uct`°Category:` Roo fIng ' Sub-Category: Modified,Bitumen Roof Systems Compliance Statement: Polyglass,SSS:and APP:Modified Situmen'Roof$ystems;as produced by Polyglass USA. Inc,,'hawe.demonstrated compliancei with the fallowing.sections of the 60'Edition(2017)Florida Building Code, High Velgcity Hurricane Zone.�HVNZ}through:testng.i»'acccsrdartce'witi'the following Standards: Corr piiance'ss subject tathe'l stallatioi}Requirements and Limitations/:Conditions of Use set forth herein'. I , NOW 4 �. ' Pro>� rtsfsNk artdard Yeah 1 .. �" a�«. aa;«.w�:��`tw,a,_..,.. 1523 6,2, Testing':Requirements TAS 110' 2000 TAS 110 Wind,Hall,leakage TAS 114 2011, TA511U Physics(.,Properties ASTM 62178 2004 TAS 110 Physical Properties ASTM D,4601 2012 TAS 110 Physicai'Propertles A5TNI"fl6163 2008 TAS110 Physical:Properties ASTM,D61163 2008: TA5.110 Physical,Properties ASTM D6164 2011. 1507.11.2 Physical:Praperties ASTM D6222 2011 Physical=Properties ASTM 0609. ". 2009 %T '1 3. REFERFNCES: , .:�r�� .... .�`., aw ...,.w . , ERD{7576044} Physicals : P10490.10 08-2, 10130/2008` FM(7573867)' FM 4470 2DOAO.AM 12/23/199$: EPPITST6049) TAS 114': 01376069.09 09/10/2009, FM(TSl'1867). F14144700 2DSA9:AM 06/22/1949 ERtt. 6049 'TAS 114 PI3770.0109 09/1612009. FM(TST1867) FM 4470 3006646 01/04)2000' # 009 FM(TSTI$67J EM'4470 3001334 01/25/2000 ER0(TST6049) TAS 114' P3fl540.11.09- 1 11/3flJ2_,_ i top 17376049) TAS-114 P3055012:09 `12/0212009 Fly!(Tsn867) FAA 4470 3001334 02/15/2000 ER6(7376449)' Physl ais P33960.12.1©' -12/3012010 FM(7371867) FM 4470 3000$57 01/12/2000' ERD(TST6049j. TA5114. 1)33970:03.11, 03/1512011.:' FM(TS71867) FM 4470' 3004091 DiJ12/201MI' ERD i'5,M49) Physicals P97590.03:13-3A '03/06/2013 EM(TST 867) Frei 4470, 3006115 05/0212001 ENO(7376049) TAS'114 P19680.03,13 03/0412013 FM(Mi$67) FM 4470 3012321, 0712912002 ERO iTsf6049) PNVsICals:. 037590.03.13-1-Ri 06/26/2013 FRA(TST1867)' FM 4470 3014692 08105/2003 ERD{TSi60}4) Physicals; 037590.03.13.2-R1 07/01/2013 FM(TST3861) FM 4470 '3014731 08/27/2003 ERO;(T57'6049) physicals 037590.07413-2 07/01/1013 FM(TST1867) FM 4470 `3007170 01/1312004 ERD(TST6049) Physlcats P37590.03.13-S•Ri 07/0111013 FM(TST1867) FM 4470 3019317 06/30/2004 ERD.(TST6049) Physicals, 037590.0713-1 07/02%2013 FM.(TST1867) FAN 44?0 30207.03 07/3012004 ERD°(75760491 TAS 1-14 041630.0$13, 08/06/2013 FM'(TST1867) TAS 114 3018332 01/31/2006 - 60(T576049); Ptiyslc4ls 045940.49:13_ 09/0412013. FM(7371867) TAS 114 3023368 03/2012006 ERD(rST6049) Physicals P44376.10.13 10/04/2013 FM(TST1867) TAS'114 3024594. 05/23/2006 ERO-JTST6049) Physicals P39S20.09A4=2 09/11%2014, FM(TST1867) TAS114 3023958 07/18/2006 ERD{TSh049}: 765114 SC5160.11.1d` 11/lOJltfl4 EM(TST18b7)-. TAS 114 3030b6$. 09112t2667 ERCT:{TST6049) Physicals P4s4403C:O3:15=1 03)31/2015 EM(TST18i7) TAS 114' 3032172 05132/2009 8RD`(T576049t Phy3icals 50517065.15. 05108/2015 FM(TST1$57} TAS 114 3049531 04/2112014 ERD:(75T6049} FM.4474 SC8085:05.15 05/19/2015, FM(T5T1867) TA5114" 3057029; 02/02/2017 ERti•(TSTSo49Y physicals'- 505170,12.35: 11/29/2015• NEMO(TST6049) Criticality 4sfiYc•Tati0x00.18 03/23/2415'. ER6(7573049)' TAS]14 SC945S.15 04/01/3016 NEMO(1'576049) TA5114, 4+LY6.18-003'0,S 18 08121%2018: ERt!(iST6049) TAS214- PLYG-506905`;OSi16-1 05/1712016 14EM0(T'S 6649)' "TAS114: PLYG CI,C3:(4;i3,dB 09/2112018. ERD;(r5T6049] TAS i14 PLYG-sC8905,05.i6 2 05117/2016 NEh10(isT6449)' Criticality 4s•PLY01s-oo1`4,38 _ 30103/2018: ERDJTST6"9) TA9�714' fgYC7.SOO815.0716•RI 09/231'1016., :PRI�(TST5878) Physicals PUSH-062.0,2+011 13J04%2007� ERD`(7S*45J UL,1$97- PLY&SC12025:30.16 10/12/2016" PRI{T5{3$78} Physicals MSA-061-02=02 0112$J2i}t)8: ERD"(TST6049) TAs114i PLYG-SC1147515 11/1712016 PRI(TSTS$78) Physicals PUSA-064 02.02'' 02/27/2008`: MD (7576049}: TAS 114 PI.YS-SCi3235.02:i7 01117/2017 Pill(75T5R78) Ph]isicaLs PUSA 062.02a02' 13/08/2008"., ERD(TST6049}. 765114 PLYG 5013920 05:17 05/30/2017 PRI(rsT5878) 765114; PUSH 188 07-01 02/08/2017' ERD(rST112941 TA5;113 PLYGCTLI394S.65:27.1 OS/30J201T PRI(TSi5878} TAS lid` pt)SA-168-02 02 02108/2017 ERf3,(75T11294J 765114 PLYGCTL73945:Os17.3 4513012017 PRi(7575878/ TAS 114 PUSA•188 02 03 fl2/0812tT#7 ERD'iTSU049) TAS 114 PLYG;SC7394S.OS,17 05/30/2017' PRI(TSTS878) TAS 114 PUSH=202.02-01. OS/1712017 ERD/7476049) TAS 114, PLYG-5015760;09.17 09/11/2017 PRI(r9M878) TAS 114 eUSA-202-02 02 05/17/2017 EMI fTST1867}. Ft'U7O 2W7A7.AM 0$/04JiiiN M•D(CER1592) HVN2 Various NOM Various 1*(737186?) FM 4470 0D3A3:AM 04/04/1997 M•D(CER1592} Prop.for Rey. 16-0823 10/;2/2010 UL(CjOA9525) Quality Control service Confirm 09/13/2018 NEMt1,ETC,LEG: . Evaiiration Repoli P4069012.13,1•R7' Ceifl/7rateofAufharlr0tlotlb324SS 6vHE.DITICIN{2017)FSCHVH2EVALLIATION . FL16717-Rfi Palygiass Modified Bitumen Roaf,Systems;(954)233.1330 ReVision 7x10/09/2018 " Page 2 of 4 "NEM0 etc. PRODUCT4. This Evaluation'Report covers'-Polyglass.SBS and APP Modified Bitumen Roof.Systems installed in accordance with Polyglass USA,Inc.published installation instructions and the limitations%Conditions of Use herein. The following Polyglass membranes:make up the subject systems. TABLE 1:ROLL�GOOO�FOR POLYGLASS MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYsTEMS b T }�`.S + QL'i� t 4 �r:vv `£ � {.rY l x � Z yi.,.d ;�➢J'R��y�,�ri�#J�4�1.�.... -��Ff. VTi �7r1�nf M� ..� �'..r. f Polyglass G2 Base ASTM 04601.' N/A, II Polyflex SA Base ASTM D4601 NIA 11 Base Sheets Polyglass APP Base ASTM D6509 N/A N/A Elastaflex SA V(1.5-mm) ASTM.04601- NIA It Elastofiex SA V FR(1.5-mm) ASTM D4601 N/A 11 Polyglass HT Base 650 ASTM D6162 S III Elastobase ASW D6163 S I Elastoflex V ASTM D6163 S i Elastoflex SA V Plus ASTM 06163 5 I Elastoflex SA V Plus FR ASTM D6163 S I Elastobase Poly ASTM 66164 S 1 Elastoflex S6 ASTM D6164 5 I Elastoflex VG ASTM D6163 G I Elastoflex VG FR ASTM D6163 G 1 SBS Membranes Elastoflex S6 G ASTM D6164 G I Eiastoffiex 56 G FR ASTM D6164 G Polylresko G SBS(sand or poly-film-backed) ASTM D6164. G i Polyfresko G SBS FR(sand or.'poiy-film ASTM D6164 . G i backed) Elastoshield TS G ASTM,D6164 G I Elastoshield'TS G FR ASTM D6164 G i Elastoflex SA P ASTM 06164 G I Elastoflex SA P FR ASTM D6164 G J Po! reflect ASTM D6164 S .1 Polyflex ASTM D6222 S Polyflex G ASTM D6222 , G Polyflex G FR ASTM D6222 . G i Pol resIko,G ASTM D6222 G I Polyfresko G FR ASTM 06222 G i APP Membranes P.ofi band ASTM 06222 S I' Polybond`G ASTM D6222 G I Polyflex.SA P ASTM D6222 G I Polyflex SA P FR ASTM D6222 G I Polyfresko G SA ASTrM D6222 G I Pol kool ASTM 06222 5 1 LIMITATIONS:5. 5.1 This is iibuilding code evaluatibn: Neither NEW ETC,LCC nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 Fire classification is not part of this Evaluation Report,refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire.ratings of this product. 5.3 For steel deck installations,foam plastic insulation shall be separated from the building interior in accordance with FBC 26014 unless the exceptions stated in FBC 2603.4.1 and 2603,6 apply. NEW ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P40690.12.13-1-R7 Certificate ofAuthori;ation#32453 6-EDITION(2017)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION F116717-Rfi Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Svstems;(954)293-1330 Revislon 7.10/0912018, Page 3 of 4 u NfMO l left 5;4 The evaluation Herein pertains to above-deck roof coni ponents;deck-a�ttaehment details pertain.to'as-tested conditions under Testing Application Standard TAS 114,Appendix-! Roof decks shall be(n accordance vrith EBC (H1tHt)requirements,to.Ehesatisfaction of the Au€horny Hawingurlsdict(on. 5.5 Fastener spacingfor mechanical'atiachment of.anchcir/base sheet or membrane is based ona minimum fastener" resistance value in conjunction with"the maximum'design.pressure{MDP)listed for a specific system, Should the fastener-resistance be less than that required,as determined by the Building Official,.a revised fastenerspacing— prepared,signe&and,sealed by a'qualified design professional—may,be submitted: 5aid'revlsed.fastener;spacing shall the withdrawal.resistance'vaiue taken,f from Testing"Application Standard TAS 105 anif'calculations in compliance with Roofing Application:Standard RAS 117 or Raaiing`Application Standard RAS 137,. 5.51 'if°,mechanical_ attachment, to the ,structural deck through lightweight insulating concrete is proposed, field, withdrawal resistance testing shall be performed to"confirm equivalent or deteririine enhanced fastening;patterns 'and"deinsity. Ali testing and fastening design shall be.in compliance With Testing Application S'tandardIA51C15, and Rpofirig"ApplicaOon Standard`RAS.117 and/or.koofing Ap*iiicatidtiStandirdRAS137. Calculations_shall,be: prepared,signed?and"sealed.by a°qualified design professiarial. 56 `For systems.tnrhere.specific.lighture(ght insulating concrete is•referenced, consult,the current WitHZproduct approval documentation far,specific deck construction and limitations.,.For.Systems-where specific.lightweight, insulating concrete is not reeferenced''.the minimum design:mix shall be`for rriinirrlum 300 psi cellular material. 5.7 For recover installations;the existfng'roof shall be examined.in accordance with FBC.1521.. 5.8 Perimeter'and corner areas shall.comply with the,,enhanced uplift pressure requirements0these,teas: Fastener,' densities shall;be increased;:as calculated"in compliance.with,Roofing Appiitation standard RAS 117 and/or, Roofing;Application Standard Ras 137E by a qualIIfiei..design professional ""Tlils extrapoldilon i3.not permtttert ,. t systems."marked,With an asierlskt :5.9 _ All.attachment aril sizing,af perimeter nailers;metal profile"and)or,flashing termination+designs shall:conform to RoofintAppiication Standard"RAS 111.and applicable wind load_requirements. u5.10 . :For assemblies rharked with an asterisk*,the maximum design pressure{MDR).limltation iisted sl all.be�applicabie to all.roof pressure'zones.{i.e.,"field;,perimeters;and=corners).*ither rational.--analysis, nor,extrapolation is:. permitted for erihanced°attachment at enhanced pressure,zones(i.e.,perimeters;corners%and extended carriers): 5,11•: Fair bonded lnsiilation or.'merr6mrie aver existing.substrafes in a recoverirlstallatib6i the existingroof"system shall be,tapable.le of resisting.project design pressures>on Its own merit to"the.satisfaction,of the Authority-Having' Jur'isdiction,as ddcumObte.d theopgh.field uplifttesting n accordance with Testing,Application Stan••dard-TAS,124. 5.12 All products listed herein shall have:quality assurance audit,in accordance with the F AC.Rule 61620-3 . 1 NISTALLATION: `5.1 `Jird �� _ _. yglass M and'APP Modifietl'Biturrren Roof systems shall be installed in accordance with•Polyglass.USA;lnc published installation.instructions,subject to the'timitatiorls/Conditions of Use noted herein. 6.Z System attachment regtiirements for:wind load resistance arae set"forth in Appen0ix,1. "MDP,-'Maximum Design Pressure is�the result of testing fo'r wind load resistance based on nd;l allowable wioads,and the.ultimate `reflects passing�pressure,dlvided.by Z(the 2161;margin of:safety per TM 1141 as already,been applied):Refer to FBC"1620 and`FAS"128 for:deteroiination of:design wind loads: QUALITY ASSURANCE '":UL LlC ClUA5b25;(314)578-3406;k:chancellor@us.'u""I coin THE 61-P'AGE5.THArFOLLOW FARM PAtt7OF,TN1S EVALUATION REPORT- MEMO ETC,Ltt; Evaluation Repoli PAob 10.12.13-1-ii7 ". Certlfkote of rtothorhWlon#32455, 6T"EDITION(2017)FOC j4vHz,EVALUA'noN FL16717*R6' Paiyglass lYlod iced Bitumen Roof Systems;(9S4)233-1330 Revlslbn 7:10J09J2038 Page 4, f"A C: et T `a ECICF tx ` x CI [Qin 3.v: { s OsSEIifPTifliYaPAGF _�- >�,,. .,t® �""4,. 1A Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech.Attached AnchorSheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover . 6-10 1B Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 10-11 SC Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover B Mech.Attached Base Insulation,Bonded Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 12 1D Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof.Cover 13-14 1E Wood New;Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover D Insulated,Mech.Attached ease Sheet;Bonded Roof Cover 15-17 1F Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Ott) E Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 18-20 1G Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E Non-insulated;Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 20-25 2A Steel or Structural Concrete New;Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover B Mech.Attached Base insulation,,Bonded Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 26-27 2B Steel or Structural Concrete New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 28-31 2C Steel or Structural Concrete New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover D Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 31-33 3A Structural Concrete New.or Reroof(Tear-off) A-1 Banded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 34-42. 38 Structural Concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) F Non-Insulated,Bonded Roof Cover 42 4A Lightweight concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 43-45 48lightweight concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 46 4C lightweight concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) f Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 47-49 SA Cementitious wood fiber New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-i Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 50 SB Cementitious wood fiber New;Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 51 Sc Cementitious wood fiber New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover B Mech.Attached Baseinsulat€on,Bonded.Top'Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover S2 SD Cementitious wood fiber New;Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 52 5E Cementitious wood fiber New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached`Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 52 6A Existing gypsum New or Reroof(Tear-off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 53-55 6B Existing gypsum New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded'Insulation,Bonded'Roof Cover 56 6C Existing•gypsum New;Reroof(Tear="or Recover G Mech.Attached Insulation;Bonded Roof Cover 56 6D Existing:gypsum New,Reroof(Tear-Off);or Recover E Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached:Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 56 7A Various Recover A-1 Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 57-61 NEMCLETC,LLC Evaluation Report P40690.12.13-1-R7 for FL16717=116 Certificate of:Authorization tt3245S a EDITION(2017)FBCHVI42 EVALUATION Revision 7:10/09/2018 Prepared`by: Robert Nieminen,0E-59166 Polyglass Modified;Bitumen hoof Systems (954)233-1330 Appendix 1 PageA of 61 I c The fcilawigit notes apply to the systems outlined herein: "NEMo .etc.. 1." The evaluatiion herein pertains to above-deck roof'components deck-attachment details noted below.pertain:to'as-tested'conditions under Testing Application Standard TAS 114;AppendixJ. Roof decks shalt be.in accordance.wiih,FI§C(HVHZ)requirements to the satisfaction'of the Authori Havin Jurisdiction. POLYGLASS AS-TESTED DECKATTACHIVIENT DETAILS,TAS 114,APPENDIX J T f ` cv r . a i ER SPAC N., s LALI OWAE NE�IO •:(IG�- �- . �,.:3-"t�RE5SUR�FSS}. .,��' ..... .< i:�.,�.. 15/32-inch plywood 2 8d ring shank nails 15/32-inch plywood 2 #10 wood screws 6 -90.0 15/32-Inch plywood 2 #10 wood screws. 4 -120.0 19/32-inch plywood 2 8d ring--shank nails: 6 -60.0 29/32-inch plywood 2 #10 wood screws 6 -112.5 22 ga.,Type 0,Grade 33 steel 6 Tek/5 screws 6 -112.5 22 ga.,.Type 8,Grade 40 steel 6 S/r puddle welds 6 -975 22 ga.;Type 8,Grade 40 steel 6 TraxxJ5 screws withl;"washers 6. 435.0 2. Fasteners shall be of sufficient length for the following"engagements: ➢Wood: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration. Y Steel: Minimum 0.75?inch penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck. Y Structural Concrete: Minimum,1.25=inch embedment into pilot hole in accordance with fastener manufacturer's published installation instructions. 3. Unless otherwise noted,insulation maybe any one layer or combination of polyisocyanurate,.polystyrene,cement-basedroof board,gypsum-based roof board,mineral-wool,perlite or wood fiberboard that meets the QA requirements of F.A.C.Rule 61620-3 and is documented as meeting FBC(}iVHZ)4516 and,for foam plastic,FBC Chapter 26,When installed with the roof cover. 4. If mechanical attachment to the structural deck through lightweight insulating concrete is,proposed,field withdrawal resistancetesting shall be performed to confirm equivalent or determine enhanced.fastening patterns and density: All testing and fastening design shall.be in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and/or,Roofing Application Standard RAS 137. Calculations shall be prepared,signed and sealed by a qualified design professional. S. Preliminary insulation attachment for System Type D=Minimum four fasteners per 4 x 8 ft board or minimum two fasteners per'4 x 4 ft board. 6. Unless otherwise noted,insulation adhesive application rates are as follows.,Ribbon or bead Width is'at the time of application;the ribbons/beads.shall.expand as noted.in themanufacturer's"published instructions. >Hot:asphalt(HA):. Full coverage at 25-30lbs/square: D Dow INSTA STIK Quik Set insulation Adhesive(D-iS): Continuous 0.75 to 1-lnch wide ribbons,12-inch o:c. Y Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-Inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c: Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive(M-PGI):. Continuous 0.25 to 0.54nch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. .>OM6 Oly8ond 500`(06500): Continuous 0.75,to 1-Inch wide ribbons,12-inch.o.c.(PaceCart or SpotShot). Note:OlyBond.Green maybe used where 01yBond 500 is referenced Olygond Classic,(08 classic): Full coverage at l gal/square. Y ICP'Adhesives Polyset CR-20:• Continuous 2.S-3.5-inch wide ribbons,"124rich o.c. ➢Note. When multiple loyers(s)of insulation and/or coverboard are.installed in ribbon-applied adhesive,board joints shall be staggered. :-Nate: The maximum edge.distance from the adhesive ribbon`to the edge of the Insulation board shall be not less than one-half the-spedfied ribbons spacing. 7. Unless otherwise,noted,all Insulations are flat stock or taper board of the minimum thickness-noted. Tapered polyisocyanurate''at the foilowing thickness limitations may be substituted with the following Maximum Design Pressure.( DP)limitations. In no case shall these Values be used to'tncrease'the MDP listingsan the tables;rather,if.MI)Nisting below meets:or exceeds that listed for a'particular system in the tables,then the thinner board'.listed below,may be used'as a drop-In for the equivalent thicker material listed inthetable: Y Millennium One.5tep Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): MDP -157.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch,thick) Y Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive(M-PG1): MDP -1575 psf (Min.0.5-Inch thick)_ NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P40690.12.13-1-0 fobFL16717-R6 Certificate of Authorization#32455 6n'EDITION(2017).FBC HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 7:10/09/2018 Prepared.by: kobert.Nieminen,PE-59166 Polyglass Modred Bitumen Roof Systems;.(954)233-1330 Appendix 1,Wage.2 of 61 NEMO Etc. Y OMG OlyBond Soo(08500): MDP -45.0 psf (Min.0.5-Inch thick Multi-Max FA-3) }Y OMG OlyBond 500(OBSooj: MDP 487.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch tN&ISO 95+GL) r OMGCitySond 500.0459 MCtP -315.0 psf (Min.0.54nch thick ENRGY 3) ➢OMG OIV8ond SG0{06600): MDP 487.5.psf (Min.0.5-inch thick ACFoam1l) Y ICP Adhesives Polyset CR-20: MDP -1175 psf (Min.1.07inch thick) 8. Bonded polylsocyanurate insulation boards.shall be maximum 4 x Oft. 9. Perimeter and corner areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift pressure requirements of these areas. Fastener densities shall be Increased,as'calculated in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 217 and/or Rooting Application Standard RAS 13T by a quafified,design professional. *This extrop aVon is notpermWdforsystems morked with grr esCerfsk$. 10. Forassemblies marked with an'asterisk"`,the rnb4m6ni'design pressure(MOP)limitation listed shall beappifeableto all roof pressure tones(i.e.,field,perimeters and corners).Neifherrational analysis,norextrapoiation is permitted for enhanced attachment at,enhanced pressure zones.(i.e.,perimeters;comers and:extended comers). 11. Fastener spacing for mechanical,attachment ofinsulation,anchorjbase sheet or membrane is based on a rtinimum'fastener resistance value in conjunction„with the maximum design pressure(MDP)listed fora specific system.Should the fastener resistance be less than that required,as determined by the Building Official,a revised fastener:spacing-prepared,signed and sealed by a qualified design professional—may be submitted. Said revised fastener spacing shall utilize the Withdrawal resistance:vafue:takett from Testing Appiitation Standard:TAS 105 and calculations in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 or Roofing Application Standard RAS 137: 12. For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates In a recover installation,the existing roof system shall be capable of'resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction,as documented through field.uplift testing in accordance with Testing Application`Standard TAS 124. 13. For recover Installations,the existing roof shall be examined inaccordance with FBC 1521. For Recover Applications using System Type D,theinsulationis optional: 14. Lightweight.insulaEting Concrete(LWC)shall be cast in accordance with FSC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Havinglurlsdiction.For systems where.spectfic LWC its referenced,refer to,current LWC NOA or HVH2 Product Approval for specific deck construction and limitations. For systems where specific LWC Is not referenced,:the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi, In all cases,the minimum.top-coat thickness Is 2- Inches. For LWC over structural concrete;reference.ismade to FBC Section 1917AA,Point'1. For"pre-existent"LWC references,listings were established through testing over lightweight concrete cast using only foaming agent(ASTM C896),water and Portland cement{ASTM C15f3j,with na proprietary additives,in accordance with procedures adapted byMiami-Dade BCCO(FBC CER1592). Unless otherwise noted,.use of these Ilstings in new construction or re-roof(tear-off)applications is at the discretion of the Designer or Record and Authority Having Jurisdiction- 1 15- Unless otherwise noted,.refer.to the following references for bonded base;ply_or cap sheet acitilications. POLYGLAssft REFEREfJCt s LAy3E?3 Htl. RpiAitilt'rfxMFPltCATtt7H,.a" a I <. ,a �-,�,, , BP-AA Base PI one or more plies Poly ass G2 Base,FBC A Asphait at 2040 roved ASTM 04601,Type If Hot (Base and Ply sheets, Pi One or more plies Pol lass Pi IV,Pot lass Ply Vl-.FBC A proved ASTM 02178,Type IV or VI ibsjsquare Asphalt-Applied); Note:' As halt Se fled sheets or Insulation shall not be applied to polyoftIm sur*ed membranes. Base Ply One ply Elastobase(sand/sand),Elastoffex V,.Etastoffex S6,Elastoffex S6 Type it,Poly ass HT Base 650 SBS=CA2 p,Ply. Elastofiex Vd:ElastoffexVG Ff?;,Elastoflex56,Efastoflex 56 Type ll,Elastoflex%G,Elastoffex 56 G FR,ElastoshWA TS-G,Elastoshleld PG350 at;a..s=2;fJ galjsquare C.aTS-G Fit,Polyfresko G SBS(sand-backed),Polyfresko G SBS.FR(sand- 'backed) Base Ply One ply Elastobase sandjsand,.Elastoflex V,EiastoflexS6,Elastoffex S6 Type it Polyplus 35 at 1.5-2:0 [SBS-CA2 Cap Ply Elasto£lex VG,Elastoflex VG FR,Elastoftex 56,Elastofiex S6 Type li,'Elastofleai S6 G,,Elastoftex S6 G FR,Eiastoshleld TS-G,Elastoshleid gal/square i� TS-G FR;Polyfresko G SBS(sand-backed),Polyfresko G SBS FR sand-backed) - NEIVIO ETC,ULC Evaluation Report P40690:12.13-1-R7 for FM117-1115 Certificate of Authorization#32455 6r"EOiTION(2017)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION. Reylslon 7:10109/2d18 Prepared by:.Robert Nleminen,PE-59166- Polyglass Modified Bitumen R60Systems;'(9S4)23'34330 Appendix 1,Page 3 of 61 . NEMO etc. POLYCLASS ROOF.CovERS(CONTINUED) t"'k `fv 7.�" r One or more lies Elas(obase sand sand or o Base Ply or p ( � P tyfsand),ftastobase R(sand/sand or poly/sand),;Elastoflex V,Elastoflex S6 Elastoflex SBS-AA $6 Type It,Polyglass,HT Base 650 Hot Asphalt at 20-40 (SBS;As halt- tied Ca Elastoflex V,:Elastoflex VG,Elastoflex VG FR,Elastoflex S6;.Elastoflex S6 Type if Elastoflex S6 G,Elastoflex 56 G FR,Elastoshield TS p App } p Ply G,Elastoshieid TS-G.FR,Polyfresko G SBS'(sand-backed(,Potyfresko G SBS R(sand-backed) lbs/square Note: Asphalt-applied sheets or insulation shalt not be applied to poly-film surfaced membranes. Base Ply or Ply One or more plies-Elastobase(sand/poly);Elastobase(polyfpoly),Elastoflex V,Elastoflex S6,Elastoflex 56 Type II,Polygtass HT Base SBS-TA 654Torch-Applied (SBS,Torch-Applied) Cap Ply Elastoflex V,Elastoflex VG Elastoflex VG FR,Elastoflex''%,Elastoflex S6 Type 11,Elastoflex S6 G,Elastoflex S6'G FR,Etastoshield TS G,Elastoshieid TS-G FR,Pof resko G SBS(poly-film backed),Polyfresko G SBS FR(poly-film backed) Base Ply One.or more plies Elastoflex,SA V Base,Elastoflex SA V FR Base,Elastoflex SA V Plus,Elastoflex SA V Plus FR SBS-SA Cap Ply Elastoflex SA P,Elastoflex SA PFR,Po! effect Self-Adhering (SBS,Self-Adhering) Note. Unless otherwise noted,permissible membrane substrates farSBS-SA are limited to the SBS-SA Base Ply options herein, Elastobase of/sand)or Elastobase(pEtly/ ?= APP-CA1 Cap Ply Polyflex 6 FR PG350 at 1.5-2.0 gal/square APP-TA Base Pty or Ply One or more plies Polygtass APP Base,Polyflex,Polybond Torch-Applied (APP;Torch=Applied) Cap Ply, Polyflex,Polyflex G,Po{ ex G FR,Polybond;Polybond G,Polyfresko G,Polyfresko G FR APP SA Cap Ply Polyflex SA P.Polyftex SA P FR,Polyfresko G SA,Poi kool (APP,Self-Adhering) Note: Unless otherwise noted,permissible membrane subsfrateirforAPP-SA are ltmited to the SBS-SA Bose Ply options herein, Self-Adhering Elastobose(poly/sond)or Elastobase 1paj/poly), 16. Vapor barrier options for use over structural concrete deck followed by adhered insulation carry the following Maximum Design Pressure(.MDP)limitations. The tester of the MDP listings below vs.those in Table 3A applies: PRit4REtY � VB-1. PG100 Elastoflex SA V Plus Self-Adhering Inta-Stik or CR-20,12-inch o.c. -60.0 VS-2. P6100, Polygtass APP Base Torch-applied Inta-Stik or ER-20,12-inch o.c. -75.0 VB-3. PG100 Elastoftex SA P Self-Adhering Insta-Stik,12-inch o.c. -75.0 VB 4. PG100 Elastaflex_SA P Self-Adhering Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive,12-inch o.c. -157.5 VB-S. PG100 Elastoflex SA P Self-Adhering CR-20,12-inch o.c. -270.0 VB-6. PG100 Elastoflex SA V Base,Elastoflex SA V FR Base, Self-Adhering Millennium One"Step Foamable'Adhesive,Millennium RG-1 Pump Grade 290A Elastoflex SA V Plus,.Elastoflex SA V Pius FRAdhesive,OlyBbnd 500 or CR-20,12-inch o.c. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P40690.12.13-1-R7 for FL16717-R6 Certificate.of Autharization.lt32455 6-EDITION(2017)FIX HVHZ EVALUATION Revision,7:10/09/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen,PE-59166 Polygtass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(954)233-1336 Appendix 1,Page:4 of 61 • I F r. 1.7 17. The followingsurfacing ma be a Tied to the Ca PI without adverse effect on the. stem:winii load erformance. Refer to current Florida Product.Apptova!for approved Polygiass.and KM CoatN E'MO etc. 8 y pP p Y sy p Coatings roof coatings for I a hcatroh IimitaUons and a.Roofio Materials Directory forfv ratings associated with coating usage. SURF=1. PG30D Fibered Roof'Coating 17-1020.01 SURF-2: P6600 Non-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating 17-1620.01. SURF-3. PG650 Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating 17-1020.01 SURF-4.. PG700 High Quality Elastomeric Roof Coatin' 17-1020.01 SURF-5. PG700QS( IS 17-.1020:01 SURF`-6:,: _ PG800 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating 17-1020A1 , SURF-7. Polyplus.60:Premlum Non*Ibered Aluminum Roof Coating. 47=1020:01 SURF-8. Polplus 65 Premium Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating 17-1020.01 5URF4 Polybrite 70 Premium Grade Elastomeric Roof Coating 17-1020.01 SURE-10: Poi Brite 70QS(Quick Set)Premium Grade Elastomeric Roof Coating 17-1626,01, SURF-11: Polybrite 96 High Solids Silicone Roof Coating 17-1020.01 SURF42. Polybrite 95 Silicone;,Roof,Coating 17-1020:01 SURF-13. KM Acryl is 17-1020.01 SURF-14. KM Ac 15.Q5 ' 17•I020.01 SURF-15. KM Ac..12S ' 17-1020.01 ;SURF-16. KM.A'cryl 25 QS 17-1020:01, SURFA7* 7.1020:01,SURFA7., KM PS4250 17-1020:01 SURF=18- KM PS#220 174020.01 18.. "MDP"=Maximum DesignPressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads,Refer to FBC(HVH2)1620 and RAS,128 for determination of design wind loads. NEE410 ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P40690.12.13-1-R7 for F116717•R6 Certificate of Authorization#32455 5T"EDITION(2017),FBC,HVHZ,EVALUATION. Revision 7:10f09/2018 Prepareii by: Robert N eminen,PE-59166: Polyg16ss Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;,(454j.231-1336 Appendix 1,Page 5 of 61 F' �IEME?' etc. TAkE IF::WOOD qEC 16;—NEW CONSTRUCTION oRREROOF(TY AR-Off) N`ONqNSULATM MECHANICALLY ATTACHEQBASESH�ETBONDEd'EE' t System Base Sheet Roof Note 15 DP Deck(Note 1) No. Type Fasten Attach Base Ply Cover M Cap.�'R> ... �,",t.,Via:. ,,. ,, C »..1,:.,, .... �+ x...x: :,ss.;� e :..,.`•4 x:.,, x.�� .k �: r;.4, ,.., " ,,, c , t�r;:.::, a ;a ,:,.,,4,. z >�B� Y „v;,,� .2a�. *�*;;�s^.t,.°��u.,-���'�s, 5�r .,.,fit .,� �d<`a.�n,? r �� ,�..r..a,.�s3f ��;.a. u� w� va"s.�� �.�s>;�caGg a .. .,., ••:� ?,a; Min.i5i32- 94nch o.c..at 2-inch iap,and 18-inch o.c-in two SSS-AA,SBS -' -45A' W-74. Elastobase,,Elastobase inch`plywood (2),equally spaced,staggered center rows TA W-75. Min:f5/32- Hast94nch o.c.at 2-Inch lap and 12-inch ox,in two None SBS-AA,SBS-TA,APP- inch plywood (2)r equally base,Elastobase P S'smplex MACap yspaced,staggered center rows TA Elastobase,Elastobase P,Polyglass. G2 Base,CertainTeed G(asbase,. Min.19/32- 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with if ga.annular 8-inch o.c.,in 4-Inch lap and 8-inch o.c.in three SBS-AA,SBS-TA,APP- _64.4 W-76' inch plywood Firestone M8 Base,JM,Perma-Ply ring shank nails (3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None TA 28,Tamko Glass Base or GAFGEAS #75 W-77. Min.19132- Elastobase,Elastobase.P(poly-film 32 ga.,1-5/8-Inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 84nch o.c.in 44nch lap and 8-inch o.c.in three None SBS-SA,APP-SA -60.0 Inch plywood top) ring shank nails (3),equally spaced,staggered center roofs W-78. Min.15/32- Polyglass G2 Base,Elastabase, 32 ga.,1.5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 8-Inch o.¢.in 44nch lap and g-inch o.c.in'four None SBS-AA,SBS-TA,APP- -67.S inch plywood Elastobase.P ring shank nails (4),equally spaced,staggered center rows TA Min.15/32- 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular B-inch o.c.in 4-Inch lap and 8-inch ac in four gone. APP-TA -67.5 W-79. Polyglass APP Base Inch plywood ring shank nails (4),equally spaced,staggered center rows Min.1S/32- Polyglass G2 Base,Elastobase, 10-inch o.c.in 4-inch lap and 10 inch o.c-in SBS-AA,SBS TA,APP- W-80. t Simplex MAXX Cap three(3),equally spaced,staggered center None TA -75.0 inch plywood Elastobase P p rows Min.15/32- 10-inch o.c.in 4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c.in W_81. inch plywood Polyglass APP Base Simplex MAXX Cap three(3),equally spaced,staggered center None APP-TA -75.0 rows Min.15/32- Polyglass G2 Base,Elastobase, 9-inch o.c.in 44nch lap and 9-inch o.c.1n four None SBS-AA,SBS-TA,APP- ,g0 0 W-82. inch plywood Elastobase P Simplex MAXX Cap (4),equally spaced,,staggered center rows TA W-83. rutin.15/32- Polyglass APP Base Simplex MAXX Cap 94nch o.c.in 44nch lap and 9-Inch o.c.in four Inch plywood (4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA 90.D Min.15/32- &inch o.c.-at 2-inch lap and 6-Inch o.c.in two None SBS-AA,SBS-TA,APP- W-84. Elastobase,Elastobase P Simplex TA 90'0 Inch plywood_ (2),equally spaced,staggered center rows.,,,,.... MIn--19/32- - Elastobase,Elastobase P(Poly-film ,32 ga.,1-5)*inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga,annular 4.;"6 '14 c In 4-indt lap and-4dnch ox in four :: APG-SA .' 97.5' vi185 None :' SBS SA, �irreF%plysilood top) i ring sFsank nails:' (4);equa�ly,spaced sl ggered center rows W-86. Min.15/32- Elastobase„Eiastobase P Simplex MARX Cap 6-Inch o.c.at 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c in thNone ree. SBS-AA,SBS TA APP- -105.0 inch plywood (3);equally spaced,.staggered center rows TA Min.19/32- 32 ga,1-5/84nch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 6-Inch o.c.In 4-Inch lap:and 64nch o.c.In fourNVQ SBS-AA,SBS-TA,•APP- 112.5 W-87` indi.plywood Elastobase'Elastobase P ring shank nails (4),.equally spaced,staggered center rows TA 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga,annular Min.”19/32- Elastobase,Elastobase P(poly-film &inch o.c In 44nch lap and 6-inch.o.c.in four W-8B; ling shank nails.Note:TIn caps;ore'tobe p6med,w#h None 58S-$A,APP SA 222 5 inch plywood top) (4),equally spaced,staggered center taws P6100 or ASTM D41 primer J.P k ,v x•'., s,°c „a»:. >�, m ._?' x'+-a .c": r i t 3 ?' .�: '. r� Yifl� I APPLtBCi,I LS; LY .z r;r a s.i ., NEMA ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P40690.12:13-1-R7 for FL16717-R6 Certificate of Authorization 432455 6'"EDITION(2q17)FBC HVF(X EVALUATION Revision,7:10/09/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen,PE-59166' Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(954(233-133 Append(z i,Page 18.of 61 >ap