HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationI IL ,APPLICABLE INFID rolJS7 BE CQ P:LMiD POD ,%PPL�CATION 70 BE ACCPTW r ~? : ...... _ Permiti O _ F r'G hr,-�•1 Fax tii-'L57��` R M I i APPLICATION FOR. Lot NO �-%.Der--y Tax D.- C'L Nast �t.back� . fQ LT y � a *, at �D�51' �,� A na w [ !� r{n u .,?nUC; rS J. ti 'ect1,_ aulldlng Height -:SL ?`E Luft— - PME� im i i },be h+[3aid-er c)ra r�cAt page 4 d;'.Itertnt trpe owner li:yCed above : Narna - C-Drt P r, i ±aX..�- I 7ip Code PL ca No "". 4o�0 if Ya i uC of cpn5rrucTion is 25W C3 r no re, a ECC RiDF 0 N-of hCe Of r DESfG lER:FENGTVEI_R: Nor Appfacab�e MORTGAGE COPAPAN ' No-, �ppIlcot-r$ Ad/fir p .-.�- �4d e5.5 -r ��{y f� r _ I Acd I .,5- � n C: -.�. t iI r. S LLM`� . r�L"'0r%e — Zip FEE SIMPLE THE F MD5R: 'got P;�ICRb;e BOD401TYG cot.4PANY: -Not Appl;cable rQ t�IC _J£:e �II�_ ''7� i ' �� �"�;` � �eOR ��7d$ is r �l r?} +1 .'rF7 c�1lr@ 014F �' '• �dd1 1 irrrfi I r .',f, „: �I FI I C ti 'h+:�h 3f1 � I I�t I] $ H rF7 tiul'S E A3 � : Dn ; ujes. `.3v l +y'S or $el G ;-uven o' �1, 5 h;VT �'"I� y+ "�Sz i'li.'� �r �f vi'�+* �•j :r 4Fe DE S COS -SUM ',tr Vl vQ�t j+Qmea 0urnerS ASSOC;atIOr: anC •eviU,vo V!0V.- dleed tVr arty f,.WeIC*.I0�s ,r'h,�h y-.�} aD�Jiti' .ri L�� a:��r�'i. Y �i Sne SrErTing 0- .n,:5 ,•eel peeled �errLMI[, ' NV`L bb • rbigr k�.$T I III I'I �11 r�5 m�3 t r'r ff'l `h$ work r. aC�ar�v`i:£ W17' -t7-e a=rQVed 11 CN- �l r`:,a 3v+ifj,r g 0CCe5 s�(1 5t. *uLl ��!7 �r'r3 n rYl++!'5; . -Ne Foilaw:.ng buIIding Dsorn:t 3PPILGa-ior.5 eX-A -.)pL Fm-m 0 FlIE! e rjol ng iN •'d II rOr,Gw'rtnCv .rOV4w rpom &4di#i0ns. weoos, -,y 4;S4}tr, Sn!:;Thg!r or.reS.aeD'DLvi _s�? A.RN I IYG -ro OW N� R _ Your f� i f u re tv � wd P e�� o-f Ccpm rn.&rrceme rat rnav re���# �n your ��+i �� twi�� Tom: IMproyec"' enT ~O VVLir p rO 0 e rX y A Nj:!tilc!tz G1 r.cerLIenr rnjs-L;bg re=--ded and PoNted 0m che;onsite nefar� a fir5Lr inSDeCliCr:. !f Yt irr=rid top6LaIri f1mar7C,r}S, cCrl�.�'t vtira;� � r �. r 3f' ri'C r;.e4 e~f r r.nfr"'i'' eni� i n g W!Drk cr reCcrd; 79 V ` .N-0 iCO -r CcF`r er'C2r1e - y s Jam' -'-:ram' -�a��• r er• L CSi L +song ' S7 a � L R STAT:E 01; FLU A CI -w.q -;r.-lFr. ff i�i� 4 y 1; ti Ei irrk�¢vr l; �#{ipri —.W I 20 b S% •�_ r^� �-` •rtrt�r+ bG���.4w:+1�1�''iR ti I�F�rt$ �f �$rs�' ,t*C�C���r����ir*� _ - _ J� �- Y� �heullt" �S� � .. ti . PL n1,_ II tLi.'rti ct4 i �: 'r•�c ' _ r•i tiff Tre it rl n .Ia ip-Oauc$a '0 e��.2 -C I, i a P# 1qT lrif:-7iZIii0r% 3'C0v':=. No1ah:g Public sr3le of F kX4 _ . lorgmI A+I Ae'19ane& .r.,� C r _' �,' 1 M? Ccrn 74$&IOn GG 1 S,29F0 of rfRONT NC_ ------------------------- �->uPE:,!�viSS R PLANS ����� � A i'��a : �c � !.��5• _= r�'�N����_ CC) UNTE7R REV, Pam• Cvj EVV REMEW REVI�W REVI:4 ' i W a 4-4 Iz S. s z I z Q 40 z 15 G I O� C 51 1 9 I '1 m1 z I -Z I z j Q Q i b b O 0 40 4 G 4F 4 � 0 f� 4 m a A. 4 CS b w 2 ;: - � S? A Lh 4 U O 0 m m n m CD 4 m 0 mM [n n M r>M � � elf -0� rwtƒ ■ � ® § 9 p E �66 §66 ED q 9 a � / 1k� Qb J 0� k �Ea ■ § � � ��gi OL 7 a 7 CO % § � 9 � k D f M cu w E 2 2� s � � � x U) J � _ _ 9 9 L4 -69 JIL k\ 7 0 Q f k k D E 2 E L)E" TL-*i v4,T OF I G UL-41 ORY' AND E CO 144 OMIT: RFSOURI+`ES (RE K) -NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCEANOJA DDo-or Company., IraC. 12195 4' 9N'i' A -venue Hialeah Gardens, FL 3301 kUAMVDAVE COO .� rY PROD U£T COOT RO L SECTION 1805 SW '416 Strzci, koHrr. 2-09 WW-W.mismid 0- r;tcolko mar apE: Thi4 NOA is acing issued =der Qie- applicable rules and regulations govcmk,- the use at wnszrc+Ctioli M tt.Tid6. The docunientatiorL subm tied has been revie Z and accepted by Miami -Dude County R R-Product Control Section w be r ;ed in Miam i Dade 0o ujity a-nd n1ber arcus wher-e allowed by Eh -:A uthcirily H aving J urisd ution �AKJ)_ LIS I shaTa not b valid abet 11 a pirati-on date smttid below. FhML- iL i-de � CQProduct C`#ntral SectiOn (ln Mia±ni Cade ',aunt}) ain&or tl�x M) (i11: &Mns -oche.- th= Kami Mde C inty) reserve tLe rig'1r to hav?, this product or tt3at rial [esx�d for quali[ � surar�ce p�rpc cs. if this pioducL uT aerial fails Lo perf'orrM in ,1x accep m2LrineT. the manufixwmr vii31 incur rbe ex pease of sue n t,�5 do g and the AHJ inay irmmedi aTely revoke, modi fir, o r stupe nd &.e use of su-ch prcyJuci or material within their j urisdietioti _ R FR rest: ves the right to. re-vok a th is acceptance, if it i s dot". in ed b-, Miami-D cie CountN: PrOdUct Control Section &.0 this pmd-titt - r rnatrr:al fnils to mect the t uirements of the applicable buildi conic. TW 5 prod!. cr is appz-o ved as dYs-crabcd herein, and hay b t: designed to oorqly with t;"_€. Florida Building Cade iiictu ir._g eLe 1Tigh Velocity Iiurricane Zmr. . E SC RU�3' l ONt Hu r H can a Mwster Mod e1 S'2*1$I I Stet] Sectio as L Garage D ovr up to 9 !-4" Wid o w/ Window- Lit e O ptio n (DP +50.0, ,60,0 PS APPROVAL DO CT - NT . NT: Draw ing No. 01-01) REV 1.} t i ocd " S octional Gu Do ', sh eet s I through 5 of 5, darod 02/ 01 20tj 1 =4 last revised on OCT 05, 2017. p: qured by Al-Faiv q Corpora don, Riga d and scaled bey aavad Ahmad. P.8., bcaring the Miami -Dade County Product Control R isiori gtunp With tllo orice of Acceptor -re number and t�xpimiion dare by the A u i-Dad0 Comiw Pr uct Control Sectivt'i_ Tss1 I _I: InPACT RATINGt Urge aad SrnaU �NWsUa Impact' RC!dsrant L:%BFLIXG, A permznent label %vith the rnat,,ufacturer'.s name or logo. m.-u itfa}iuriner address, rrtodcl numbQr, the psit ve and [ti�,3rtive desligl pTessure rating* in 5 cam unpaot rated if appIic.able. in5villarion instrUL-ti on drawi n.; re a renee number, approval nurnleer (NOA), the app lic able [cst standards, and the %itatemQ n E rc adi-tig , Milani i- Da& C Ourim, Frodoot Control Approved' i 5 to be located on the door' 5 Sid,: lncCK bum an �1 e, or i'Finer surface of a panel, } A1, oF tb'0 NOA shall be corsiden:d after a renewal application has been filed and there W been no ri;fiange in tbt appGicah;ebuilcting LWe negatively affecting the pWormrnce of this product. T-Ew m q.4TION of tl-s _ OA wl It occur after ,be exp3rat iron date or if there has been a ivvision -or changt la the turf.arialj, LSe_-LW.&Or enanufaon�.re afthe prMuct or pracess. lisuse oftW5 NGA -as an =dorsement of any product, for Sales:, ��'enis i n� of arty ether purposes shal I urwo aticaliy ItrminaW lhjs N'0 A_ Fail��c comply with any scc�[ marl of this N C A slia:l be L UUSC far WT-ini:Latioa and removal of NO,k_ ADVERTISEWNT: Tbc NOA number prsx:cdt:d 1j ffie words NLAai i-Dade Cwmty, Fori da, end followed by the cxp ration date may bct displayed L{ advertising liretatare. it any porti-on of the XOA is displayed, then it :3%all he dote W its cutiNty. 1N SPE MON : A cope of rhis entire N OA shall be ded to the Ir by the mar u farzLrer or its distributors and sha I � ! e av:ki nab lc for inspeciion at the job site at rh-e reques t of Lhe Building Off is ital. This NOA revises NOA it I6-0330.02 arid eonsiscs of this page l and cvidcrice pages E-1, E.-2 a td E-3, as xwei l Lq approyal Irr�;�rtt=. tt rYti tk} d uh _ Me submittcd docu mentation ��' rcv iewed by Ish2 9 1. Chand a. I'.L. PJYPX;WED i 0 AI N-U. 1074Il ] 8. t 3 kxpirotion mare: Augurt 9, Ml ApprovaI Da to: December 14, 2017 Page 1 1) AB 110o r Com ali , I n . NOTICE F ACC E PT ANCE: EVUDF,-NCE-SUBN1jTTED 1. Evidence �ubmitled irr previous files A. im-ANWNGS I� Drawing No. o1- , t-iticd ".Sectional ar c l)Our'', S�eets I t ou 5 of5, dnt� 02 F0112001, with last re-vi-sion K dated OV2 1/02016, Prep d by AI-Farooq Corporation, signod and seated h� Javad Abmd, P.E. 13. T EST S. -Submined iumder N A# 0-0128.04 A. 94 1. Test report. on I 1 �r�i of Static Air Pre ur� Test, T ing per F-RC TA - 2) 1 m—g-c Vissile Impact Test p,-r FBC, 'TA 01- 4 3) Cyclic Wind Pressurc Loading per FB , TAS 203-94 4) Forced Env Test, per FB 7-411 3.2_1, T-41 202- 44 atong vvith m ark 5diop drawings and instal 1 ati n diaL=n of a DA H 824 24 6A ectialCramgE Iar with Fred irrdw. preparud by Engineering Testing. 1;n-c, Test R-uports No. HUH-08-2149VD, dated 061. 7 0CS, signed and cd by €'_andido F. Fora, P-E, �. �'��t report of T��sile Test per ATI�i � �, � lea. Fi V�Y'I 0�7' 192, prarcd b kiurrioane Fngin ring Testing, Inc., dated 12/23i � si eel and seed mdjdo F, Font, P.E. ��Vubmityed under X0A # W-0516.03" I T t repo � of large missile impact test pu PA 201 and cyclic itnd, pressure test per 1 Qa `{Sectional Re+iduntial garage 1�o '. prcpar by Hurri a Engilam-r ng Testing, Inc., Repon N o. HETI 0I-974A, dated 011 91'2001, si ed and sea,E ed by Hector _ Medina, P,E. 4. I'c$t repoE t of urLform Static, Air Pressure Tee per PA 202 and Force Fn ' Kasi�umce Test on "S�cti(�r►� Residetial Gwage r-, prepared by Hurricane Engin ring & Testing, I ac -, Report O. 'l L'jq 101-969, dmM 01)18/2001, signed and sealed by ItectoT . Medina, P.F Test rt halt ( Corrosion) Test per ASTIv113 117 of t� painted -40 ate-1 panels, prepared by cejotex Corporation, Test Report No, 2)58592. dated 08/17,11998 signed by W. A. Jac on, PJ. -, 8baq L, Cha n-da,'P.E. Produc# Control E miner NOA No. 174018.13 Ex p iratio n Datct A ugust 9, 2021 APP r va I Date: I1�"%cmhf r 149 �O j 7 E- 1 I -Inc. OF A(IMPTA CE- E TTED C. CAI, ' SAT IO S " Su brnifted under ,' OA # 14_"14.04" 11 A r,,bor verification coIcolations preg�red by Ad-FaroN Corporation, d�t�d �9r �}�� €� �r�d OM4..-20! 4, siped and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P-E, "Submisred under JVOA # V!V#128+ 2. Anchor v ificatiun calculations prcparcd by Al-F�oq Ccrporatiou, �;ompl�iz�� with 1 _�_� 207, dated 12;`19, 008, signed brdw.aleki by IIurnzyoun Faro , P_P., D. QUALrff ASSURANCE larar 1. �liatn,,_Dad-e Depa nt of Rc v and Economic1 �,�r��} 1 ,> ) F.. M TERLAL ERTIFI A10--ST 1. Nio of A p e No _ 1 �-09'1�,09_ ; ssued to SABIC In-novati e P 1 tic t f ffie it Lex n POvcabanam Sbeet products, approved uja 12/ 1 V2015 and empi-ring on 07117/2019- I N.-otice of AccepmN o, 14-031 MW, i ssged -W I nsulfoamr I.I , for th-�ir Insulfoam Expanded polystyrene 7Lnsulatiuo, approved ors 0V14r 2014 and expiring on I f. 9)2,117, 3. Not ice of Ac c mo _ 11-092 .07, i sued to �--plast Produets, EL , for tb t` Expa� - P-GiystyTenc B lock Type ist1ui-On. approved on I l 10. 011 and exai ring oo 0111 IJ2 D 17, 4. N oti m of Acceptance N.O. X I-M6,06, issued to Dypl mt Products, LLC, for zb i D plast TS -C 1 Poly: iocyan-urate nsulation, approved on l VI 012011 and expiring on 0Pl 1,12017. 51 Notice of Aceeprance No, 15-1203.04, issued to C�aI�foa� North Arrte�c�� Inc, for thrn Expandad Polys#yretxe Block Imiol,a# m approved on 03� 1717016 and ,piri_n g on 6. 'Test Report on A elerated Weathering t"sing. erg Arc Light ApparatusTest per A '4 G 155 of "pvc C.xurasion'taterial", prepared by Hurricane Enginrering Testing, Inc, Repot No. E E-11 AO02, dated 09127/2004, synod and sealed by Rafael E, aoz-sods. PX_ 7. 'fast Repots on T'ens1Fe Tes# per AS TM D 38 of "PVC Lxtrusion Materiar', pt afad b� Hu: -craze Enpnecrme 'Costing Inc_Report N1r�_ € ETI 04- 1, dated � 1 ��9r�?�Ui�� si ed and sealed by I. Chia, P_r , 8. Test Pwporl on Self-lgnitiuii Temper4iat TeS� Rae, of BTLIM T e-# and L9rnoke Derr city Test of -RR �U n�nn-foam PVC extrusio-P material", prepared by ETC Laboratories, Report No. 04-761-15019.0, dared 05fff[2001, sigpcd and sealed by J. L., Iola, RE. F. STATEMENTS 1_ 5tatemcni setter of cue confonnanoe to t e 5"' edition (2014) FBC and of no Financial interest issued by A[-Faro'uq Corporatiun, dntpd 03l2 V2016, signed andscaled bar Javad Ahmad, P-L. ishaq t_ Chiinda, PJE- P rodact Coat rol IExa m finer OA No. 1 r-1018,13 Expir2tian Date ,august 9, 2021 A ppmvu) Dam Dec c rasher 14, 2017 E -2 NCE: EVIDENCE SUB NOTICE OF ACCEPT.k. 2. New jEvidence submitted. A. DRAUINGS l , ���n� �_ 0 � _�� �.�''� I�, ti �l�d "lei � �e I�oo�i� . sheets, *1 �thr�augh a of 5pvc-pared by � 0io 1 / 2 1 and last r,ev is On OCT C1 5, 10177 sheets Irc�Y ; Fuo Cl)rPerati0v, si ed and pled by Javad Ahmad, P.E. t ; Ti his r �isi consist f drtonM cages Io comply' wish FB ?017- B. CjVLCULATIONS 1 _ None C. QL:A.Ll-['Y ASSURANCE 1, ?YLai „ Dade D-.partrnent Of J tgulatO ry:andFconomIcRe solff:ces (R' 1. 1 X f ERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. notice <)f acceptance No, 17-0221.E 6, is �u.ed to Insu am 1-1 ;r th6X T 9fo ExpandedFul}• }�r e Insulation,, ptting oar I1, 2. Notice of AcctTLance No. 16-I1-08.O4, issued to D)rpblst Product-S. LI , fc)r their D}P'ast ISO.cl Pelvis yam t-ff LnsuIation, eXpirinS -oa 6 1 � 1112022. 3. Notice of A"eptance NI 0, 15-120'OA4, assutd 4-0 Ce-110f0arn North Am eri Inc, for LhQ r ]EyLpauded Polystyrene Block IrY�tilation, expiring ca 0V 1021 4. Not ice of A cueptanc! 0 N 0_ 15-0915.ON, «sued to SA B lC hinovati-Fe P fastics, for the -Lf Lexan Sheet Pr ucis. expi-Hug an 0':: T 0 r 8. th id prepared � v Al raW N C cToratiov, dal td l0.r0 5 i 7 a sipcd andi seakd by Javad k' ���� P,B, F. 0 I-IE ` Z -3 L+w•q a..• 4 js aq 1. C har dl.1P.1r. Pr rye( Cfjntro! IMLUiner NOA N-0. 174018,13 ExPira04)n-aie: , v 9Wr t 9, 2021 Approval Date.. December 14, 201" CO � aria %v"ny 7GZ; E:6 rr¢IIdOZ3 7"YY auRs '3Mbo ZSNrM 0$e6 'OU1 'ALFO+dwna FEruk1N3#ya�'13+\�d LOil�uird � tmou'VA 11VT�h1 tlj3l35 514O1i+ � I 1 % r f r y � � J r' r _ Ld � — x Q �4 E i, y 'S1 ti y, zLae � G i I i } yl I� v d # Q 4M a i k L � kz f+ - �Y - k F' 1 r � L 1 t I } I F} I � �4n F x ys x r c � x qq 2 LA � I � r C;3 r F - cm. Ap L M"'* V I _ t y�q�klJ]�p+++ * J�jf'' tti��• I -d y L F I I — Y O -Z 2 F• {yy,�7 eM a a�� u �� ti g J.";.� '1 2tm :M R 'M1'll n� I I I•* IYdYra t 1�1 �cyra u+aS4t HD" PH �+�►f N $SQL was ryjt4s —L&mm 1,*" 16 $ I— 4W IgLjcdw -jMD0 RVG �wdLFx3�i�l �jI1w7Gtld ��hIJlFll4w� 1w1 o II Mod moo tf t 4 ] +n5, L 3 � LL 19 W 4 * Q # W W a a Y � L 6 TM r Y iI T 1 I i Lw 0 O � I i•1rg I11 .�� I 41?1Y L Dow W rA ' �y.ay u At WI OF"- A AP r tik * �y 1 1 p Iik. I ��'• a.�e�p�,sy,n� 716�i BeCCEF - y: � k4K 5a5Gv , — Mok . ; `t al- i 40 7 I I T 4 38 1!J cj y TkV'V m e+e �{ppw e4 tppl wy ��yy FMrL W iF F { $ r r .a i f+l T W .z * 15 f qp W b� b � f w,kr . 4., iH71III 1 LOftdo Al - 74.i ��O�G 1 •3741` LL�41 � �n L ..fit• V.4 -6i -rUVit I�t•f,' ' r„a M-;L C* lrtC 113N•'� "" .Ga av ,i , $Mgdd-18�,}�lq�F� ��6SE JTY91 CLTIF0 Vfll l[}ly'IiWL% LN3"dCn3UU;3 Lln=P>td T 5U33W!DN3 UOUL"mclo OOK)tlwj-l4+ 3 1yy �$y L lb -L MLLL 3MM! M ULM N 'DA+,b4 6 1 �IrLl.� 7!F J14iLGY i L• i� r � AD n �'7I8a�Gfi�I Lz�[7 +� LRI�{i J4G❑ �+h+'Ib LWLI I a fl74J tlla aw iy'i �i'.+� �dT�T� 1-f+VLL.fJ� It —• u I'S`LQ-� !f}�, p � � :�417'�-iJ li i d -L 4E LM L W Sir z 1 3 CH -LIrd AI CP i E tag g a�I.-L26 = no g a�a,doi NSF � !1 � �4+'J A•fa Fl w F�1 0 � oY LL g leC hk Al