HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing ��. RECEIVED JUN 13 2019 17� NP tWIV JA S y 'Fcov ............................................. ....................... ............................... .............................................. --- ................ NLET LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING ALL OF LOT ISO, ACCORDING TO CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1, 75 00P. ­'". AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PACE 12 PUBLIC RECORDS ...... tiR�67500. COBBLESTONE DRIVE v BENCHMARK AF6 V5053TOP SNI MH 55 1 r1'-"�� OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY.FLORIDA. 664 0153 -'4 f80 94 161 56 CONTAINS 0.20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 4' l 7 00 .PROPERTY ADDRESS GRAPHIC SCALE ­20 COBBLESTONE DRIVE, FORT PIERCE 2- CONIC. C RU CURB INLET LL'QFfNJ.>&ABBREVIATIONS r 4286 �z .h•20)[L FND 5/8 I — ­=.— — — DOM DENOTES BENCHMARK O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK FND 5/8-1 RT to V'CONIC.WALK B DENOTES REMIND BASE C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT P 0, DENOTES PLAT BOCK FLOOD ZONE CDNIC DENOTES CONCRETE Pa. DENOTES PACE SERVICE SANITARY S me E b STREET LIGHT CBS DENOTES CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE P.D. DENOTES PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT W TRE CIL DENMS CA BASN WATER P.6.r. DENOTES PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR&MAPPER GO DENOTES CHORD DISTANCE P.S. [ENOTES P .......... FLOOD Z 1.014E P. C,C. DENOTES POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE CB DENOTES CHORD BEAFUNG P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CPNCRE-T. N r/O DENOTES CLEAN OUTS P.D. DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE .. DRIVEWAY'd q DENOTES CENTER LINE P.E. DEN01ES POINT OF TANGENCYci D.E. DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEN07ES PLAT DATA < F.F.E. DENOTES FINISH FLOOR ELEVATON �C' DENOTES PL'k F N DENOTES ROD AND CAP R RADIUS ZONE FND DENOTES FOUND DENOTES REMANENT CC94MOL POW 12.70' 1 I.Q. DENOTES IRRIGATION QUALITY WATER R FLOOD SAN. DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY DENOTES ZONE 20.67 DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS YES SANITARY NOTES ARC LENGTH I.I.E. DENOTES U71M EASEMENT WM r. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT 19.06 DO L DIE LM.E. DENOTES LAKE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT DENOTES SET M MAN.AND INSK DEN TES MEASURED DATA 0 q 'IWO IQ COVERED N. DENSTIES MANHOLE ".. DENOTES WATER MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT 'VALVE PORCH 767 4/0 DENOTES NAIL AND DISK A DENOTES INCLUDED ANGLE I, 1:1./1 2.06- 11.33' LOT 129• ((NR) DENOTES NON VIAL LINE DENOTES DRAINAGE FLOW LOT 131 F.F.E.=17.31 S. DENOTES OPEN SPACE TRACT OUT F.F E.=1 7.41 LOT 130 REEKSIDE PLAT N0.1 DENOTES PROPOSED EUEVAIICN o P.R,C. DENOTES POINT OF RADIUS CURVATURE \,2 STORY CBS RESIDENCE. CLEAN P.B. 55 PG. 12 GENERAL NOTES CREEKS16E PLAT NO.1 I MODEL 4EJEI/D 1.", P.B. 55 PG. 12 OCCUPIED 1. The last date of field work was 11-14-18 Cf F.F.E.-17.33 Do Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or OCCUPIED parties Is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties, FLOOD ZONE AE—ir).W 3. Reproductions of this map are not vcltd without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida FIX OD Gp —Xi 'f L need Surwyor and Mapper. ZONE X" '_1 14. Lands shown hereon were net abstracted by this office for rights—of—way.easements COVERED Of record, ownership, abandonment's, dead restrMlons,or Murphy Act Deeds. This ;-, LANAI 14.47' 39.67 ....... Information Should be obtained through appropriate title YerIfIcation. •3_144W 28.25' 5. All above ground fixed improvements. If any,have been located and shown hereon. C. to 6. Underground foundations and Improvements were not located as part of this survey. . Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property Is In Zone X and AE-111.5, OCCDrd',ng to the PAD 1Q.00' 07) . ..... 7.FLOOD Flood Insurance Rate Map. Community Panel No, 12111CO170 J,affecUve date February Z 16. 2012. The exact designation coon only be determined by an elewtlon c�tlficatoo.No additional 10 ZONE"X" search of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map Amendments N offe.tng this property. FLOOD I FLO?01 ZONE B. The Flood Zone lines shown hereon hove been estabilehold by the Published FEMA Panel and the us ZONE "AE of existing field elevation data. J 16.5' 9. The bearings shown hereon are based on Plat Information and are referenced to the east line of Lot 130 Which bears North 914i30"Wont and all bearings are relative thereto. 10.No easements we shown hereon other than those depleted on the plot. No search of FLOOD I.ZONE the public records has been performed to find additional easements that may exist. A'_18.5" > 111. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum(N.A.V.D.)1988. 12.The building setbacks shown hereon,although based on the best available Information,are not coortifled to and must be verified prior to design or construction. R-1030.00' REVISE CERTIFICATIONS I JDJ 3/25/19 FNIDI.5/8-IR/C LP 4286 REVISE CERTIFICATIONS JDJ 2/26/19 O.S.T. 1 FND 5/8'IR/C LB 4286 L=72.47' TERPE.NINC. INC File:15-141.100.131) C.11BIRTLEFICATIONS Final As- Built Survey 067 Date:11-15-2018 Steven R.Roberts F13. Sheet 2980 SUUTti 25th STRIHIRT Movement Mortgage, LLC and/or the Lot 130 SCALE 1"-20' j 981 FORT FIERCK FLORIDA 34 THOMAS P. KIERNAN DA Secretary of Housing and Urban Dewlcpment� ISAOA ATI?IA DRAIN BY: NO P14ONR 772-464-3537 FAX 772464-�477 Professional Surveyor &Mapper ON Title of Florida, Inc. For: D. R. HORTON FIELD: Florida Certificate No. 6199 Old RepublTe National Title Insurance Campany ................