HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Yate: Permit IqumBer: - 5 J 14 ' . - Builaing Permit Application F3..,la,,,y v„a i.'vac Hcyulu[w„ UA���o,. 2300 V , yrriw Aae„uc, Fort Kn « FL 149d2 Phone: (/72)462-1553 ray:1ii11462-1578 Commercial Re3iauntial I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line I PKOP05E1JImPROvEI01EIgi EULAI luN: I Address: i Description: Property pax ill Ff: Lot No. Site Pian Name: 56CR Iqo. Project Mamem.. .. .. _ Setbacks Front Back: Right aide: len SiOe: uE I AILED DE5CRIP I IuN uF vvURR: Replace AC, EiAact change out With on, SEER. KW AC unit t-Ui95 I Rue, I IUM 119FURMA I IOiNI: Additional Work to Elas orme un er t is permit -c ec a appy: LjNvr,C yank ❑Gas Piping In SRatters ❑wi"daws/Doors ❑ Electric U rlumbing ❑aprinRlers E Generator C Root Rvvr piton Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Ot NFSr Flovr: Cost Or COnstractivn: 5 � � Utilities:Ft. Sewer [—]Septic Building Height: urrvMER/LE55EE: LUN I RALwR: Name Name. Dennis Zacek /A55ress: Company: ARS American Residential Services City:-_ 5tate:� Address: zavB 05 Nwy Zip Code: O Fax: ��" City: vero 6eacn State: FC e shone Mo._ _ t _ „ . Lip CoZI.: 32960 tax: E -Mail: Phone No_-ic�•�`}r-} •� a�3 Fili in tae Ampic j itic FloiBer on next page (if different E -Mail: CSS.��� t�Q�i�QCJ • Co'M from the Owner listed above) State or County license: ClVI ;1z4a753 If value of construZiJon is $zauu or more, a RECORDED lvocice oT Con7,.,cricc ant i. r. ,aire& 5uPPLEivIF19 IAL C U1951 tiO lI UM EIEn CAW MuRMIAi Iuly: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Nut Applicable MDRi GAGt: COMPANY: ^ not Arrlicable name: Name: Address: HtIiaress: City: Mate: City: State: Lip: Prione: Lip: rMune: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicablu BONDING COMPANY: =Nut Applicable Dame: Dame: Address: _ Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I Certify blot no r vrx Q, in3ta4lation M.3 cvmmencca prior to tFic r33a.mcc vt a permit. at_lucie County makes no representation that is eranting a permit will authorize the ermit holder to build the sulject structure ..hien i3 i6 eo.. ick ..itg anti appl.caowm le Flo Ocr. A53v.iiation rQR 1c�, Uylar.a Or andcarrcrlaiits Mot R1cy . estrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult witn your Rome Owners Association anti review your Sees Tor any restrictions wnicri may appl,. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, �do iiereby agree that i will, in all respects, peRorm the worR in ..craAamcc -itR tRe approveti pia..s, the Floritla Sailain Cele. antf bt. i:ucie CQllnt, AR9I 1`ltirnenIZ. Tne tvllv..ing BQild'—g Frer...it i3t PlirutivnJ Pre e..cmj t ti- 1m P tall cp..cQrrcncy rc:lcw: room .0clitions, accessory structures, swimming pools, Fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to anotRer non-resitiential use yvAmvlimG i 0 OvvMER: Your Tailure to Recorl a ivotice or Commencement may reswt in your paying twice YO. impruvCmcnt3 to your property. A Nutice of C�-,mmencEment must be recurded and putted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financin6, consult with lender or an attorney bGf;,re commenciniz work or recurdine voor Notice of Commencement. '1 2_ Qj ��i QY�hrty - *—aL S bignature of u er/ Cessee/Agem Signature of Contra r/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF �:eeae The forgoing instr mens was acknowledge efore me t�ll ' 80, of 1 by of Gcn..is Z.MR OF IVSUry robot- Mate oT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF r�=� i'ne or oing instrument was acRnowleogel fore me tFii- any at,L0• 6y kJ (Name of person ac 01 wle ging) na ore o FM—ot Q Pu W- state of rIarida ) Per„an,.11, Known x OR Prole.etl 10.ritiricution Personally Known 7, OR Proauceti Itientiricadon ype of Identification rroduced Type of Identification Produced Commission No '� (aeal) Commission Ao. (Seal) Revised 07/1 5/201 y `- My C019MIS510N 0 GG071535 ExPitttti Fedor-.--jr 09.2021 M I CCIPIM11551019 0 GG071530 EXi-ME5 Fe6niorV 09.21321 REVIEWS FRONT CUORIER PLANS REvlEvv VEGETATION REVIkW SEA TURTLE REvlEw MANGROVE REWIEvv ZONING Rrvli=w SUPERVISOR REv1Ew DATE COMPLE I t INITImLS A .•■ orR. Ia�k�„gill: Mok;ng i. Installation Work Order (Y /Y)D4/-31 130 2800 05 High-vy 1, Ve:e Bc-ch, FL 51gS0 Amerimimp R•sidemtzl Semmes .1 Fi.:id-,1=e. Lieerroe 0 CMC 1249753 Ca i.,00. 953 Eai. 5t.,rt Date%�I - x1 Rst. Complet on D..ts U Rn -19. Corporuty Coswrn.r Rdehena 1866) 8030879 ee �rmem i L ERInIL LA2rl Ac e!� �� IP ADDRESS0a..Trra7nTE, yy c _ HOMEPHONE eE!! pROm! WORK PHONE • • ■• ■ 311ZEZ•S ITPE 5 ..: Ih SI[E -;-4;_ I TYPE ” UIZE1.5 i iTPE '5hsixmT!�k-y, EFFICIENCY _ICG_ Q e r EFFICIEACY {� 1'e4Ct {r-1 sem FICIRNC,Cs r r r $ 1-1 C111\1t _^ 5 1 y y `l -- I k.� n e $ 2 $ EEs Co7U.s, $ $ $ $ 50STOTAL 5 50BTQT $ SUBICIAL S_ 595 MVICTRD EST. MC3N I LY EST." $ M7jNTHET E3T.' :,USTC,RIER I ITIAES CUtilOMEt< INITIALS _ _ _ CUSTWMER INITIAE3 W..rr..nly:' Par,. Labor vvarrantyi" U Parts Imbor vvanentf:"�_ Pana 1 Elf36r 44 Compressor _,&.114oai Ex�ha„gcr �L ;,ompressor AU Meat Exchanger 1Q_Hcai Exchanger 'Subject to credit approval. Fm.n• ns Pro-ided b; Gpm. rk;. Fred imlerest...le of 6.99% for 60 ... o. -ahs. Pgrmri, ex,mp6 a=amux unu rime $7506 p=rchas■ ■- .pprwal dot. (APR 7.19%) Ti -.h : pgffl s .l of $82.09, 0 p.ymenle or Vaal on., P. mnomi,eu payments of $162.28. Payment -.-arm- Au•eR1 Aeti:.lism charge of $30, Pplios.nu is sou wid! rirr requiruo paymenr.nxed interest rate of 9.99% f -r 84 rn•nlho. Pw mmmil nssa-8= wFl.:Smre $7,50a pOmTeae on .ppr.v.1 am. 1npR i v.15%) with 1 ps,reemt of $101.44, 5 -.; ■:„rot- of $62-44, ..-d 7B .. Amw cl paym...:a 07 $-.. i i; r.ymem,. ssomu nccuont ,,ctivalion charge of $39 .prili._ d iv- dee : i.h fire::equirod paymoml. Fixed in .r a rein of m. we --T, ;or i 20 u,vrrl..s. Foyment example assumes one-time $7,500 perch -r-• -m .ppre--1 d.:s (APR :o.::in) Tirr! : paymenl of ri Di..., a paym.,,rs ul $o2.rw, and I I o amortized P� mml■ el $102 13. P.;r■eml= • Mans Aeerv ni AcJ7..im. ,«r9e o; $�e oppli.:. no is uav with tin:! required pa;nranl.Fxed cmteret mile of 0.99%Im-, 144 rt.mlhu. P.ylneml e..replix --mea one-time $7,500 porena5e un approval date (APR 10.09%) -ith 1 pa,..._mt al $101.44, 5 payineW s of $e�.�-., rnd -.Z., .moni.eo paymerris or $e i 02 payments assume Account AetT..P t:■m ch.re. _f $39 plis- and is deo ::h ;ire; regeimra psym.nr. "U..la= dh•rmin mrled, all -..n lieu — frerm the reenel.elOrar • • 'aL•ECvTED vrTl❑N: O1 02 03 0 Weethepprbel k3 R,u,..onnc�i Drain Line ❑ Dehumidifier_ SUBTOTAL $ �S Disconnect D i=.ed:ng Saver Kit D i�eldeer U. -i! Pad Wdstime Egripment Slab (Pa.. & Flow) ❑ Flue Vam ng $ 0 5voad la.,lation Pads fJ IMin Drain 5afery aw.tcn 33Ductwork t,.onnsctis.,a' ❑ Eiquitl I lie Comasit ❑ beo1 Now Cionne,.iions ❑ C6mmm io exisii.'a plenum $ ❑ Starr Kit y�Support Attic Egripm.mt 0 Drat MwcI fieetieFic p_ frigo,-rot LL D. -ger _ (Supply PlcrrOm (see Rules lur scope or work) TOTAL $ 7.Rf6gv­nt Pape New f3 Resemme=t In M_ Deet Slot.:. �❑ ❑ e� seer:meet CI h'-a@r„ Plenum B No Doet Work PAYMENT afrigerant Pipe Cover In New .fReaanmeet In P=:sI t=ipmg pamclem V I-- ❑ Eloc;7unie Air Cfuanur ❑ Elctitrieal WiringIYI.. ,arc 'T IM Roe 5e-iee Plan - ©CASH 0 -slat -Type 3 ❑ @letha Riltar m u Wartiest to Ex.eting ❑ PCO 1 Term (.tl, days) ❑ CREDIT CARD (LAST 4#a) Electrical In OV Ergnt u Me- Plywood Dowk ❑ Hmodifier EAP .. _ APPRVVAL . OUR GUARANTEES OCvmfort Goarantae Ir-Iome Protection uuarantee 0 FIMANCINv' _ Z 24 -Flour Service Guarantee M1 00% umeendition.,1 Mo.,.J-B.ck Gu tee `ARS is, of .esponsible for preexisting ductwork. See Terms and Condcti•mo uR the 000k of this 3acumoml far dotaita, W kion cos. rfler authorization will M o0tained before beginning any unfo -seam addit:seal or e.t."ded -ark. • ANY CLAMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DERvi o TiRl• SUBj1Ui 10 THE NOi CE AND CORe PROW510195 OF CFVFTER 558, FLORIDA STATUTES, • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL, This Is a Rome soilcitation sale, and IT you ao not want the gvuP3 or -mites, ,on may cental tFiio agree m.nt 6y y,ryvlaing writteiir notice to the seller In person, Dy telegram, or oy mall. This notion mo=t i.Aieslu that you da not .o. -d Mo goods or - mican m, -rd most 6e deli.ored or postmarked Derore midnlgllt of the this ouslness aay oftw! yep -Ign this ..greamanL It you =ricel thl- ■graemeak the sailor may no: keep all or part of any cash down payment. See rile reverse side Reraef tor _n a..planotton of tfils rigfiL • I _ekno 6asa fial ...y .;ghi io Gan..c has beer-, explained to me orally and In writing, and witMul-.01mig PP7 ,:sill to eameel, I uethorilo the perfomta.ce of the —rk, .Object to all terms ...d -Raison. -1 ferrh n the reverse sine Hereof, plus any taxes upon comrpletiea. N�tloe To Ormor - Do r-,ot Alen thi. fiomo impr.amani contract in blanlE You are entitled to a copy of the contr-ct at the time you sign. noop it to P; t.Ma,our Le..1 rtehts. This home improvement conxract may Camaro a maRgage or ainerwile create Ilan an ,ogr property 496 1.11 W11 Plot pay. Be sure you unaerstad -11 pRY7.i,ions of tfia contract before yqu sig . , r . - .-:= (, S -m sm R 't NATTU�URR(EE�DATE sin R I m., rot! DATE s..-- �Zolanmm.can R—enre. SernwLL.'-AJ, right-nimn.ed. ARS:07•FL Certificate of Product Ratings ArrRI Certified Reference Number: 989533 Data: US -07-2019 Model 5tataa ; Aoti:e AHRI Type: RCU-A-CB Series . 14 SEER AC Outdoor Unit B,..nd N.rria : PAYNE HEATING AND COOLING Outdoor U.. -,it Modal Nonmar (Co..denoop or 51, -,ala P..ekayo) : PA14NC03U'0A' Indoo, Unll Riedel Ne -bar (t...paretor andlar Air Randler) : F84CIQFUauC Region: 5az1h.ow ERRB NoFfl (AC, AR, DC, DE, FC, CSA, til, KY. CA, W. M5, MC, OK, 5C, Ttv, IA, VA. AK, CU, 41, 10, IC, IA, IN, KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH, Ni, NY, OR, OR, PA, RI, 5D, UT, vT, WA. WV, VVI, WY, 0,5. 1 erriloriesj Raglan Note: t:entr..l ..Ir eonallienars rnaneL.Elopad prior to Jonea., 1, 2015 are alie151a to 611 I..cia)Iva In -I1 until June 30, 2016 Bagin„ing July 1, 20113 central air anditionars can only ba insteliad in rvaian(e) for wflicn tfley meet the regional emciency requirement. The of INS PAYNE Rt:A I ING ARD COOLING pr6doUf la 1ez-Fenciula top ine amu.—„ at thin ej_tum eerm5inatten Rated as follows In o....oraanca with the latest edition of AN5IIARRI 2117724o wif1 Addenda 1 grip 2. P. fonllanoo Rating of Unita,; Air-Can'uidoning S Alrwource Heat Pump =quipmenl anU subjea, to raung accuracy By mHRr-sponsor�r, Inuepenaent, tr,!M NaRp vesting- Coollny i .aj,aMLy I�j - Single or RIgn Maya i9aej, Utltfl : 23z7w EER Inzj - uIn-yle or Rlyfl otage Zavr j : Ix.w 1 Active" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant Is currently p,�.oang .,14117 sating or rananng for sea; vR nerr moues IAsr ala Mng nrerkmad but ora net ya: being producad'Prodactien Stepped' Model States are thwae th..t..n AHRI Certilicatior, Program P–r leipertt Is me longer prodedng BUT 1: WI selling or offering for sale. Ratinos that aro accornoanied by WAS indicate an involuntary wrote, The new oubilshed retina is shown alona with the Previous (I e. WASI raft, DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the productisr listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to. and assumes no responsib+ll.y for, .ha prodeet(s) Ilslod on this C. Alflauta. AHRI a-p—ly discUms..11 ll, bi ity For damEgoa of any kind ~.!sing at of the es4 0. r..rfornraeea of the prodect(,), er the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the otrcum4y at www.r rvne,rvcwFy. 9. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Carafica:e and irs corlona; are propriew.ry p. daeo at AHRI. Thi, Caraflcala hall only ba oaad far individual, parsonal..rid wnfide..ti..l rufsrsn_• popp_== The sont=ts of this Certitleate may not, In whole or In mart, be reproduced; copied: disseminated;MIS entered into a computer database; or otnereise ut+ll.eo, in any �urm �r man.,ar or -y any means, azcapr for tna user's Inuirluowl, permen,.l -rid eenfiden:ISI rafuranop. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATINd, .IRT lPhnl>•TER. 1Gn71aR ■ rtlrnlw4rn.7ronlRaTITv7e Th= inlru...Owi fur the rwodel elt■d ■n this ■■rtlawty _R b= curill■d .d---.rhrldlre■ts-; sig, ellsk _n'Vxll; CuA fie_ts' IIRk and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which Is Iliad abo:o, ..rid -.ha Cerdflcma No.. nhi.h I: listed a: bottom right 9G01yAI�eRtir itloptirlg, m.; -.ung, anti Raigaratlon Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: ��z°4'o ZZr55B125B