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Certificate of Product Retinas
KRI Certfied Reference Number: 201631373 Date: 0 1 - 01
Old AHRI Reference Number -. 7512350
HI Type -- H--CS
Outdoor Unit Brand Name= RHEEM
Outdoor U nit Model Number (Condenser or Single Packaged . PP I542AJI
indoor Unft Model Number Evaporator and/or Air Handier): RH1 T4821STAN
Model Status: AcUv
The manufacturer of this RHEEM product i's responsible for the rafing of this item combination.
Rated as follows in accordance With the later edition of ANSI/AHPJ 210/240 with Addenda 1 and 2, Performance Rating of Unitary.
i r-Condon i ng & A r-Source Heat Pump Equipm ent and su bject to raflng accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, indepen d ent, thi r d pa rty test n:
Cooling Capacity (AZ) - Single or High Stage F), btu h
SEER + 15.00
EE(A?-)# Single or High Stage F) : 12.50
H eaten g Gaped H 1 - Slagle or H igh She (47F) 4
HSPF (Region IV ;9.00
ff cU rt Model Status are those that an AHRI CeMfication Program Paftipant is currently producing AND sailing or offering for sale; OR now models that are being
marketed but are not yet Ong p u i.'Produ on tDpped" Model Status are those that an AHRI Cerifficabon Program Parfiripant is no longer producing BUT is All
sailing or offering for sale. _
Raft n . that are a r niq WAS_indicate an involu n re -rate. The now miblished mfimis show_ along .vdh the orn use i.e._ AS) r
AH R I does not endorse the p ro d u ct( ) listed on this Gertificate a nd m a ices n o represented o n* wa rra Wes or gu ara rases as to,. and assu m es no responsibility for,,
th a prod u t(s) listed an th IstCertificate. AH R1 expressly discl aims a I I I iabi I ity fa r d amages of any ki rid a Hsi ng out of the use o r p erform a nsa of th a pro d u t(s)r or the
unauthorized alteration of data listlistO on this Certificate. Cerfified ratings are valid only foT models and configurations fisted in the
directory at w .ab ridx recto ry.or . -
This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRL This Certificate shall only be used for Individual, personal and
confidential reference purposes* The contents of this CeWflcate may not,, in whole or in part!, be reproduced; copied; di er eat 1;
ente red Into a 00 mputle r data b ase` 0 r othe rwise utilized, In any form or manne r or by any means except f*r the use r's indt' i u
pemonal and co0dential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING. HEATING.
The information for the model cited an this certiflcatie can be verified at wiv%v.ahridirector .or ,, click on '0 Verify C ortif taate" link IVe make life betterr-
a n d enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which t1ha cMfficate was Issued
which is listed above. and the Certificate No., which Is listed at bottom right
02019Air-Conditioningi -Heating, d t mien Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 1909.