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Product Approval
M1AMIfflE MIAM-D-ADE COUNTY f PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11305 SW 26 Street,Room 203 DEPARTMENT AP REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(REIT) M1ami,Florida331752474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(736)315-2590 .F(736)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACC PTA-N .E _ OA) RECEIVED www.miamidadegov/eegnoel ECD Windows Systems,LLC 9114 N.W.10611 Street; JUN 19 `019 Medley,FL 3317$ SCOPE: , Lucy bouncy, Permitting This NDA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Coal Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas ether than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AFU may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. FER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCIIII,' ON:Series"700"Aluminum Sliding Glass Door w/Reinforcements-L.ALL APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing No.W13^49 REV D,titled"Series-700 Alum SLD,Class Door(L.M.1)", sheets I through 12 of 12,prepared by Al-Parooq Corporatism,dated 09/27/13 and last revised on JAN 23,2018, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RAT1114G:Large and-Small Missile Impact:Resistant Limitations: 1.See Design Pressures Vs Reinforcing,glass types and anchor capacity charts in sheet 5.Exterior(positive)design pressures are limited to+70 PSP`w/2-3/4"sill riser and+47.0 PSIS'w/2"sill riser.lower design Pressure from charts applies to entire system, 2.See approved configurations in sheets 1 thru 4.The maxi frame are of alternate sizes not to exceed tested frame area per PBC requirements. LABELING;Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,city,state and series and following statement:"Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",noted herein. ]RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been Bled and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product TERKMATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product; for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any ction of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. z AseDDVERT'ISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, thea it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews#18--0129.13 consists of this pap 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2,as well as approval domaent mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq L Chanda,P.E. MIAMI•QADE C0 NTY NOA No. �-1220.09 � o Expiration;Date: March 20,2024 Approval-Pate: January 17,2019 1��°� ` Page 1 EC4 Windows Systems,LLC NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE:EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. Evidence submitted under previous approvals A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections(see below) 2. Drawing No.W13-49 REV C,titled"Series- 700 Alum SLD. Glass Door&M.1.)", sheets 1 through 12 of 12,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,dated 09/27/13 and last revised on DEC 02,2015,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.J . B. TESTS (Submitted under file#13-0912.02) 1. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 4)Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 5)Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 24113.2.1,TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagrams of Alum sliding Glass doors,prepared by Fenestration Testing Lab, Inc., Test Report No.FTL-7405 dated 09/13/2013 and last revised on 02/10/20147 signed and sealed by Marlin D.Brinson,P.E. Note:The above referenced test report has an addendum letter dated FEB 10,2014,issued by Fenestration Testing Lab,Inc.,signed by Ms.Iliana Sanchez,test report Author. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis,complying with FBC-2014(5s`Edition), prepared by Al Farooq Corporation,darted 06/19/15 and last revised on DEC 02,2015, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. 2. Glazing complies w/ASTMS-1300-02,-04&-09. D. EQUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami bade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14=0916.10 issued to Kuraray America,Inc.(Formcr E.1.DuPont DeNemours &Co.,Inc.)for the"Kuraray lButacitc 0 PVI3 initerlayer",expiring on 12/11/16. 2. Notice of Acceptaance No. 14-0916.11 issued to iKuraray America,Inc.(Former E.T.DuPont DeNernours &Co.,Inc.) for the"Sentry Glass 0 (Clear and White) Glass 1uterlayers", expiring on 07/04/17. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2014(50'Edition)and letter of no financial interest, prepared by Al Farooq Corporation,dated 06/10/15,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,PE. 2. Lab complian-ce as park of the above referenced test report. G. OTHER. 1. Test proposal,dated 03/25/13 approved by Jaime D. Gascon,P.T. 2. Evidence submitted under previous approvals A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No.W1349 REV D,titled"Sexies-700 Alum SLD. Glass Door&M..Ly',sheets 1 through 12 of 12,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,dated 09/27/13 and last revised.on JAN 23, 2018, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. Js6y it.Chanda,P.E. Product Control Unit Supervisor X0A No.18-1220.09 Expiration Date: March.20,202 3 Approval Date: January 17,2019 E-1 ECU Windo=Eys ms,LLC NOTICE OF ACCEPTAIPTCE:EVIDMCE§UBMITTED B. TESTS 1, None. C. CALCULATIONS I. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1, Vl arni Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(REX). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance'No. 16-1117.01 issued to Kuraray America,Inc. (former E.I.DuPont DeNemours &Co.,Inc.) for`fTarosifol:Ultra clear, clear&color PVB glass interlayer"(former "ICuraray Butacite PVB Interlayer)", expiring on 07/0$/19. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0808.02 issued to ICuraray America,Inc. (former E.1,DuPont DeNemours&Co.,Inc.)for the"Xuarary Sentry Glass @ Interlayer",expiring on 07/4/23. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2017(6'edition)prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, dated JAIL 23,2018,signed and scaled by Javad Ahmad,P.E. G. OTHER. 1. This NOA revises X0A#15-0612.05,expiring 03/20/2019. 1. New Evidence submitted. A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No,W1349 REV D,titled"Senies-700 Alum SLD.Glass Door(L.M.I.)",sheets 1 through 12 of 12,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,dated 09/27/13 and last revised on JAN 23, 2018,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 16-1117.01 issued to 1Curaray America,Inc.(former E.I.DuPont DeNemours&Co.,Inc.)for"Trosifol:Ultra clear,clear&color PVB glass interlayer"(former "1Curaray Butacite PVB Interlayer)",expiring on 07/08/19. 2. Notice of A_eceptance No. 17-0808.02 issued to Xu_raray America,Inc. (former E.J.DuPont DeNemours&Co.,Inc.)for the"Xuarary Sentry Glass @ Interlayer",expiring on 07/4/23. F. STATEMENTS(submitted under file#10-0129.13) 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2017(6 edition)prepared by A1-�Farooq Corporation,, dated.JAN 23,2018,signed and scaled by Javad Ahmad,P.E. G. OTHER 1. This NOA renews NOA,#18-0129.13,expiring 03/20/2024. haq E Chanda,F.E. Product Control Unit Supervisor NCA No.18-1=0.09 Expiration Date: March 20,2021 Approval Date: January 17,2019 Ertl tJ'LAX -,v 6 FOR AFAWY M n --'Y-. 05' aPo �g D9P3 FPAAIE m � a�� Oda INIERW9M5 a 15 INSfRUCT10N5� _ R€ImFauaro¢ 4 ux CKVM AS fouRn ZUW.W,55GWAY e- ,--_ 5T1ECT ALL 1TPE FPOM SRW 9 NTP lMJf OT4#)DUM FTrEMW AS SF19EB1 ON RTM. SEEP 3:�E am p m%W 5 Fay Sam wxm, A 916E MMT YAM ftnum RAY STEPS 7m J Fall APPLY T9 EWM BYJTEIL MUM OMIH05 WIDTH$; F999 SHEE-INTEPADSK=PANEL YADTH=7,125` 2Irff€f27,'[50' 9CK-LOCK -PANEL 079TO- t �j t4N.. DAYLITE OPETiUf9 HAOM - rS61Era1c+ •lti.,w.I� 3� PAWL HOW a 4,50' fllp� 1 PANEL umff=DDDR nwc HwNr-1,56+25' ® ; THESE DOORS AHE RATED FOR LAME N SMALL M6,%E DdPACf, ®RDDDCEREYIf� FFfififi StR1TFTd15 RtE 1(9T P,EOUQtE9, Ie t�l4!t o ►mu ! - S su 7/0• � �f� TMS PP.OBW-1D5 D€FAI.DESio o AID 7E5TE0.To C9MPLY WR11 THE PldiEl Mi9f11 i ff=WAUQT or THE 1'917 141n-E�I{DR)iLBP�A:RUED4IS CODE _ N WICWfM H76N MO(WF 1PJliiFAW 2t7tE:(fr4f3), 1BY EY,E 28/WOW VJM k EIAUE FA5ffJ S FTI OTF1935 KUSr DE •• m bAJ)1NA` .A'G 5 - MWAED AW PtlW rn ADE4 WUY 70 TRN15iTR APPL�PRODUCT LOADS fi'FdAX. -A N. TO THE IAEA M STRUCTURL � 7F�5UL, iAA(, GIASs R 2 H�F A%%=51•tE BE COTUtoXN IzERS7ATir,SPAM AS SHOWN ON DUA9.5 Ifs � .4/o TllkCl;bfTS�fTT.k TTdPAG�.' � e v s { ASO MIALLEO PER MNNf'S PbTRUCT19N5,SPEonED IMUEOUENT To CASE � MA41M 5KALL BE-B&MI)WALL.DRE55U OR STUCCO, 5 NI Oj 6 _ A LEAD oUPAf19N PIWM 15 umv-IH-> }of NIOHBRS Wo WOW ONLY, �T s [AL195 ALL SWMS-10 BE H1S.q NPAT,1i9N-AI€Tmx AN?NON--CDMPRf5'SfD1E o 7i•/' LEATERALS P�EU91R4 BUT tiO7 C7MRCD to=1��q//NsRA�L AWS,fiD3 TYPICAL @L EVATIOh p 1 CME Piro CwAOT TORI CRIER 0= LAB,VAT5 0 SIM.1E:A/EET iH€ RS9L9R./tFdITS OF TRE 2017 FLMDA 2t0O,CODE B ADWWD SFAKWMI, ox - TiDS PR4oD:^T,Y1'RQ/A;f5 ExNEwB Ncv DaES Nvf PRor,D_`u(fgRFulrml -3 2P.s�1 y FOR A SITE:%YCM FRO= OF ire,ttl€SffEiY OF TKS PR9TNCT ADf9DifW PLTFlP9AlE NZE UIdTS, OF STRMURE RFCrJ'M TH64-PWD=AND WUNO A#TAJ119 O!UZZ FOR MA%,FRAR,E AW of Eo9ir,NOr TO E%9FID ®7�, 9F / a OrOA1AD OO, - WP.fER 1fOMTPAD9N t StSflJK'E ETO: THE TLUM FRAME ARU OF 72 59,FT, S°� .>' CONDRIOHS ti07 511OTIN PI THIS DPAYRtIG TO BE A7lAiYFED 54Al�lf�7 MID T9 B€f3NE9J4D!/r RNLOPIO 9FFTDU,6, L° MERIT 9w itfs9 1'P. / 5&AISET 6 FDH SARJ6ii1' C919MQ{5 - r=e O_ a ,� �, r?�nrDH4vsc cwm 11 H - - $ 11.6 � ApI �r fcl.- •LL_- � ® � 42 1/16' --h2 1/16• ty +'m FPIN M4HNi DA.�6i6. -- 01.M. O TWIN- 40 5 16' RAHEL Mm ARgv�esPv i . -1 .1 •. Pra2wJ 61 V8%- 4,MAX. =c3c6!/7!5n 9r omo?5 -sal j �� T/Pi FVATION 5Ff / �hi'YALWMVF WX FRAME MWA Of P=ADT Tp owrw f 7m '} THE TMED FRAME lfifA 6F 11 9190 rt a 2if�B j s a , c fRiBm(ID H4. ' ��';p0 W93649 CUJM OF NTD w �D� v=�AT R1fEfGAP//ASfIW+hl.W9;i CORMS tTE RRET b lBtt CAti'AEflt' BDOR dlnfi F5 A 4 XOMOM OAR""m /,in1 oR PTBwFl a -Off- 42 3,�1� A®r ey �r,_G l�%J_*rrs�" ygd ama 4'2714' ! Bd.BBG, U,L 9Y6, YtlMA6IoM � R 45 2/14• ' -GA1<El.YfiU 49 0/16' Ar 1. p&9 qn€FaDQt XTPA - WU44CK - V YAK Sl flic" OF COMM ALL. g``A MMML � Al N1 Oxxx 3!3 WRSf b!at lf�AOtfl e A 17 AA7 Ad,TETYUdE WE was., WAX.lRW ARIA OF BOM hVT TO EX6EED T11E mw HAVE ARFA Of 144 SU,FT. • i �2'A',Rj ___ droning ng, ot, t , su b!#Aw Av d r s �• 44W,hvmx a n e 46-- IU16/A Ji;G i!i6E1 oxwo a0Y13171i Gul`iG1x9CXB 0 a g — -- a — �g� fir• ra- ��ax+ra ;� — - i ave�r�u+ yma 9 �uv��c�s+� ,�ya (�✓L ea w�atm�wru aooa oes4fana9ne gomm ji G ci�xo rw ti mud w�saisr 9 4�a =.� l S' d `0••ClZ� — -- 0 P F9 Qa 3-0 waw ffl W WN (kM6aS�x3(B r" Jig- xx Ladd olaHl da 334 mm mow 8'6:fa oy 99 HG4f61k3_ toxo sg p I fla'Nb L 513345 33S 55,M MM 9W T tJ 9 " A '4 1330 33S S1N3YP3 lWY - b _ P a� m Sll73r1iiallB1fA34 61N 53F1tI5S3�Jd NO190 3t9Y0LIddY 1�1'L -- _:. 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In COMIACT WIN_AWMIN04 TO 06 P_w=OR PA'Mm,., -AT SIU-..�.....e - Auiiaeran�N�v 12�j•b g �7YPE'B'- i�A'DV1.ULIMVCON BY'F1C0' (rn.1TT K9,ry 155 144) OS6—^'tea' , pgCN DNRESTLY INTO CONCRETE r7. jCG..., 7 �A'-�1/j•Ix+.uN1,7AcoM 11Y•rleo' (r„-Nn=;rywm RSO q !w"Crk"" ' 1►,ro:'sai•Nr9oo Bups9..aRwODD'StRDCIDRES.... a +Mo,1ai"ndra I 9-1/2 NST.-_PEnfTRAHON IH1 0 TIM lUY-3UCKS.INR9,CONC,Oft BL96K5 I �`/J 1-1/•{'-=MaN.[MBEu-DriO_cOnO.BR=mocxs k I TYPE'gt +ia•as y,Lm,�ric ,��•o�d (r,�Nn Ncv,ry.N6s KTI) I � � DIRECTLY INTO WK,OR 8LA6K5 p p 1-1/4'MIN,ENDED INTO CONC,99 ROM 00 TYPE'O'- .tJa'dA sar DFwnc Scaevis (4wa 5 CIO URO MIA411-DADS CWNIY APPR9YED MVUMiS I OR -- INTO METAL 51RVCTufm I s (3)MFUDS MIN,TO 6KTEIID BEYOND METAL THIPINE55 P 4 C B ALUMNVMt 1/8'THK,MIN,(6045 MW) I 4 d E WET-1/6'THK,KH,(Ey=36 K51 MIN:) It L A _(STEFu IN GOMNACY W4I_ANlANMW1 TO 6E RfN®(DR ph wg)- J ++ �J... ANCfif1R COfI D'STA_LF5 �° =% TE Noy V W.5-2-1/r UN, INTO WOOD 5,foXRK»1'MIN, MO METAL MMM3 J /s•MaN, AI - 201.81 � ---- W"AT WTO OR ARMED 50-0,65 MSN, "G y J!V- A1ap Nrr�nv, ' p< t 1TPfJ.t AnsltoNS - _ _ (wx tv7E F �Asano -�--�--------__e_a�-__ t MEn ssnetLs as/ " �t s'•`, ' " t/e'mK, te�uv-uwc counn Nrao uuwon � .3fA6i(D'. race om, s t/a ncA�/B G A7SHGR5 �Tyww N1S'T19.N5 M� c FON 4P/CWP T011 5WK li � _ ,i I TYHEPHDLF,S; VH =1-1/2'LONG NOTCH AT EACH CND. W2=3/15"X 3/a'LONG WEEP BOTCH AT 22"FROM ENOS E� AND 35'OX. _ W3-3/1V x 1'LOMB WEEP HBTCH AT 5'FROM€NPS p AND 34"OX, mmm - W4=1/4'X 1"LONG WEEP NOTCH AT V FROM€NDS " E' ... .. AND.34'O.C. -. s•���8 �� PILE PADS: .. _.,, - -- �' P7 a OPEN CELL FOAM AT EACH WEEP HOU LOCATM . - 1-1/14'LOnl,9 7/15'WDE X 7/j4"WIPI . ' P2 a SELF ADHFSA'E P&E PAD 1'x 3/6'.x 1/4•HIGH ' €PAYNA% 3 to P3=SOF ADt NE PILE PAA WTH MULTI INT€BWAL FIN _ » POus€O 9 tpg 2-1/2'x 1'x 3/6'm" Hui ow /P4 a "r WfA" to P4-OPEN CUL FOAM AT IHTERLM&AS"iPAM- 3 rc WA PR mea .._ . 2•LANG X 1-7/14'WDE X 7/15'HIGH. ._ LA MCCAWAM 21 Lvrt Deal ter was `ceu� •'� � � � satsmT[ a MP3 FWt win gr,,=h= 'm. LGIN €xf(,)W05 ro��at TaiooPx Fi♦r 2E`81 - SILIHEICHT Vfi WATER RE5IJANP,E EXT.(+1 LOAD OP / ArrnrirtO (�. TOS AIV %E WELT 4 CHNTT 1 FUR DOOR CAPACRI' ©/•., y°� FOR wt= `- fl I W4C TO"ARSYlORS MYTH su FOR m WWI Qui C FOR CAPAC" D E 7YRCM HK)f Mti u l e • 21 - K�giD CfUJff � •p •q' SFF f141E 1 R EXTERIOR a FL9 .,. flim vmrt t/e'anti PW TW9 mm m N LAW °kosartxar,�w� �oucr�vfsy q e�e �ir.}rxQ�`n.I g-122D.o j .ft 2N313-_ OP ®rasing-n9 EMEIL J/TFF M.56 z a � va ® 9 � ¢ ME awlFOR§PAPW ll 0.g y QVANW 61�� B 22 b_ 19 E]F'P£Ri9R a 9a sau msm Qf =21 t. wu3' �p r 10 11 1.� ZAIr�� 4�tt F i I j� - . I o t8 v!4 Ni V� U is zi r3 Z' 14 Z: Nor I 1 74 k A 4 4 1 b 1 4 11 1 Q 1 1 4 1 4 4 11 11 m I ffSSS 11 IIa00 tft to-ri-" GOQ CORPORATION - m. XWIN WIND lm,I W, Sym� Lm IMAMRZMAWM73 itax MI Ml I 1.fa9 f�fz � .er 9sB .ea7 ,P3o f9sf � � g FRAM€READ PAMEL.LOGiI SRLE TSu fo f•( fAu®piss ff 7/ fM1,9u35 V 1c __ PANEL Jim IRTElam 0 $ �f.q4FIAA71-104 764T AIB 0 f93B EJ.ONOnd "OA7® .175VM2 75 17 17 2•SBI.PoSFR N 2-3/4'W R75[-R S PA.ILEE i0P&OWOU ML Rl PM'FL VMR Bi1FRLM 22 913 A0� 73 2 i J J -T1ffiOeJB$(6¢YIf�B .f49 .357 a0w►1M�f&AriLYe iI I fA9a ,� A3 [Rio Q _ .175- gg --1.- 7957 f5 FlX.PMEL OUP f7 BtTEf$0617`S71FFiJiER �w -7----- 4$0&JCy R5T7E4vgB �� fA1s7 _ f9n - 7.487 _-_. -� .34ae �aF g i P A7B 5A74 _ _.. � -978 .. �' Sf1.. �`"��• I gig f9T4 ,s,4 7 LIM TfR kh - 1019jtYa s �� � I'•, �4a Aiapiaq aP. PANEL 1'EWALE ASTf+A& A=/ PAN%WALE AS WAL x(.11 f 1 L _ C � 7p �w x � R�a Bess� m ami mey�-aa oammu: smr-7m gm 9W1771NG am Map 11.11* AL.PAR000 CORPORmON a W m UCO WNDDW SYSTEM LLr- m; �m umaca+im sra.ryeJ asm Rx amh STd2M -�nl�vn.alotaro�asi7a 0 a ar nate a �:ous nu u wn acs s�a (CAA MM i ASI ,onas iuusim rtn aaa ric � U.ES7L£,WL'waL� i zn,�aaa>aesaano wc¢aos�xeassaa '�' +a.ve TEL 0m)aasszas Fu Q300 W5-wm. ccnaa-.Na wrs-ageao