HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct ApprovalHurricane Master by DAB Md1#824 +36psf -44psf Max. Size 162" x 16'0" MIAMP FRODS CT CONTROL SECTION 805 � 111; 2`6 -St:eet, Room2)08 DEEPAR'I'NIMENT OF G-1.T.IA-TORYAND -ECO!'iONMIC RE (PRERy -'vGi,?,rni- F-Ior��da -5-24-74 RG -599 ARDAYD CODE ADMENNISTRATION DIVISSIO.N, 71-7-1-6161 3175-2115t�u F ""W"! NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOAL) ecanom, v D AB D"r Company, Inc. 12195 IWf- 98" Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 SCOPE: This NOA is beffigissued under tlle- applicable rate and regulaii.ous aver ning the use,&'L canstruction mate,--Ils, ni e documenranon subridared ha-s been reviewed and accepred vNI-1,mi-Dade County-IR-ER-Product Cfmiozcd Sectior to -be u:-t,d in Miaini Dade Cou-nry and other areas where spewed DT.,, the Authority Having Jumnsdictiorn (A-P-j). Thiis N,--OA slhafl not, `aliafter the expLndtion date stated b-elow_ The Miaimi-Dadle Courity Product Control Section i -n Fvf iam i Dade Countyl and:"'Or the �ALNJ (ir, areas other an Mian-dlDade County) resenv7e the rigbt to hav'e this product or material tested for qualttr assurance punm , oses. if flus pm cr nnaaerial 'fails, to perflorm in t-he acceptedf miallneT, thhe mmufacturer will iqcw the expense af such tesfmg- and the AHJT may h-nmediately revoke.. or suspend :he use of such Product oT :n-aten-a1 i�vhhin RE PR n--ZT-ves tffie nght to ravoke t"I'M" all--cep'l-REC 'I �1'- Is determi ied !:ry -Miann-Dade Cnoimbv Product Corilrol Se-ction 'that th'i3, prodwcr- or inater.0 Lails -ro mmeet the re-quirefrie-a-s- off` the applicable buiddins code - This, product Es appm-ved as d.-S,-nb-,-zd herein- an(I has been. desimed to coLnippl-y vdth tLe FlcTida Building Code kcludmiggg &� High zont% DESCRIPTI(KN: Ruriicane NIA-st-er;&bvladel 814V811 Steel Sectional Garage Door 16'-2- `' Wide witk ts Window Lite Option (-DP +356.0. 44.0 P-SF-) -APPROVAL DOCU-N[EINT: Draw M-a -No. 02-21 Re-v L- tifled ---2-14 G-,kR&-411 Forl St I Sectional Grara-ae Der `� daed W 1 (9, O(Y,21 and last revised on (---,�CT 05, 2-'0 1 j 5 1-17heets I th-rou-dh 51 of ,�- preP?Xed by F&-ocq C0rPCraA1f"n7 slened and sea -led by Javad -Adh m-, add, RE., hbewm"g the I'v1-arni-DDade, Ir-701MtY rtrloaliuct Control Revision st-amp witm the 'N'otlee of Acceptance number and ex-pireic-is &-te by the Nfia.-ni-11 D-1 -a d 0-- Count-V 1pro&ct Control 'S'-ection- I 311, TfG: Large and Small Nlissile Impact Resistant N 's-SIL-E INNIPACT PLA LABELri-G: A pert label txrd-z the mai-ruffacturer'snanne or lo cu. maranfkc--tanng add&-tss. ynnoAde!`,serie's 9 indic hinpact rared if applicable- irgstall number- the positive and negative.,diesip presser-- ranng, cate, latior, iristruction, dra�,,-dnt!z- refeY,-nCe rUMEN�r. rCV-aj nUMi b,-r the appficabtest standards.. and die statement reading "Miami -Dade Comity-Producu'-Ontrcl Approlved" is to be Ic-cated on the doors sidetn—�!:- arl!Zfea or inner surface of a Danel. REINTWAL of this shall b-, two psidered &fter a ren�walf ap pplication -has been filled arid ther- has been nor chman-ge in the. app'ticable bul-I'dMiZ eg iweNP affrect-ing the perform,, -,nce of this TFR-'VMVJLT10N ofthis NNOik vvffi occur aftin- the expLradondaie or ffthere has lbe-eri, a re-,aision er elnmnee iu the rna,teriaL-. use, arwdlor manuf kvze of Lhe prodLict, or proc-e--s. Nfisi*e of tbis N1, O.A as an endorseTne-nt ovfapN�, produa, _fir K-les. advertising er a-,ny othel-'UU7 poses sh'afflf ault-i'matically temuinaate this N, 0'A'. Fau'lure. ic, coIrv` wnh any st-c-tion of tYs, -.N-OA shafl be cauise -for and- i7erno-ial oFN-7"OA. ADVERTISEXIENT.- ,,OA number preceded by the weards Nfianuft-Dade CounvFlo--,ida- and f iafllt Wed by tdhe expirat;on date i-nay in ad-,,,errsing li:er-aturt- Ifaa-v -pordion Of the NOA ii� cfisvla-ed- fhen it shall 7bdone fts entire-- UNSPECTIONN.- A cop- of thiss en--bre -:��OjA shall 'be p-fcnided rmo, -the us--r by dhe ur itif distuibutkvrs and shall be wvailabie flbr has�vction at the ob site at, the rmquest gafL6,- ZRui[ding 6ff ici-"'L TEis N17'0A revises -"'�OA # 15-03&,.01 andconsists ofthis page I and evidence p I 1L- pag- es E-'-' and E-3'. Is v;ell as approval &-,cument m=fknned above. The sub malted doc-=-ntutafion was bry Ish2q 1. Cpanda, F.E� E p D J 2 NI-3 D_AB Duos` C NOTICE OF ACCEPTAINCE- EVIDENCE IJUTBNHT'IrID 1. . Evidence submitted in previous files A. DRAWINGS ® Drawing No. 92-21, tntled "Z-4 &k,. Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Door", daied 09/10,,'2002, vvi-ffi- last revision K dated 03/LV9,,'201 5. sheets I &,_,rough 5 rZA 5, prqparediby Ai- Farooq Corporation, seed and sealed by Java d Ahumad- P.E. 110STS 4'Suhmifted under AVA # 11-0414.12" 1. -Test Report on U:ndfonn Static Air Pressure Test Loading and Forced Entry Test per FBC- TAS 202-94, of 'ID.-kB 824 See rdonal Residential Garage Door" prepared by H urricane En ginee rin gy Sz Testi n g Inc., Report No. HE TI- 0 7 -42 00. dated 05 /0 2/2 0 0, 1q i. led and sea, Iea by Candido F. fic_�nt 2. fest Report on Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 and Cyclic Wind Pn�. urt Test per F3CI-AS 203-94, of "DAB 824 Sectional ResideRtiai Gara-ze Door" � Pr-repared by Himicane Eqg;neging &_ Testing Lae- Report, No- BT- T-1-11-32704. date-d 01!20i20I" i2ni-ed and sealed by Candido F,, Font, P_E_ Test Report on Tensile `Pest per AS�:N,11 E8-08 of-Seefionall Rwiden , I Elcyar (skLnT�, prepared, by Hulrnrcane Engineemg,&- r Repot IN-6. HETI-I IFasting.I-TIO03dated 01!211L'�011, s:12red and sealed by C-andido F. Fond P.E. "'Submifted wider A-70A # 05- 022& 02 " 4. Ties-, Rejwn or Large 'Missile impact Test and Qyciic Wind Pressure `est. oil' aSecdennal No- HETI 03-1328, dated 07., 15!140103, signed and sealed b� R_afael E. Droz-Sede, 5a Test Report On _UnLfom. Static -Air Pressure Te4Az. of "'Sectional Residential Docar`` prepared, by Hurricane Engineering & Testfiqg Inc, Report No. HETI 03-1329- datted 07, —, ' ' 11,51ZAO_� slpeu? and sealed bi-- Rafael E. Druz-Seda- P.E. I - 6. Test Report on Tensile Test per ASTM E-8 of "Sectional Residermial Door (sk-fil.)"', Prepared b�Hun-icawne Eru6 eeying & Testmig ine, Report No. HTTI 03-T077 8, dated `200,3: siganed and sealed by Rafael E. Druz-Sedia_ F.E. ""Submitted willerVO-4 # 03-02106.04 7. Test report �ni Salt Spray �`Corrosion,) Test. per AST--Vf B I 17 of a painted G-4, s9ee'.11. panes, prepared by Celotex Ceiporattion. Test Report No. 2_58592. dated O&fl 1-1 . signed by- VNT, A Jackson, P._ C-ALCULATION'S "Submftted under V 0-i 14 'd Cor 21,2014 and poramon, diated-, 09, 077,24.12014signed aind 2sealed by Jaiad -A!_rnad. P.E. Jshaq L Cland& Pr . 71rc,Auct Central Examiner N-a ." E A N-f,3a 17, OIS-11 2 D-4-ant--, -D -un-ble-r 3_4� 221' 1,7 D--6LBDoo-E_C-m a�uv.ln�e NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED C' CALCULATIONS (Cont') I "Submimedunder JY0.4 # H-&-U4.12" Co 1 A w ar v herification cakulations, prepared by -A]-Fuooq, rporationi, ccimpbyinnngr vvhl F31'- -41 y 2-00'7- dated 04/07;'2011. signed and s—ealed &y JaN;ad -ckhmad, P.E. 3. Anc�or verification calculations prepair.ed -by A!-,Farooq Corporadon, ccarriplying with, F 3.0 20077, dated 12/19J!008t sigmed and sealed b,,, Hunna-,,oun Farooq. P.E. "Su bmiged under X0,4 # 099- 012& 02 D. -AL= ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade DepaTtment off' RleguLatonid Ecommrnkic Pesocirces (R-F-Rq E. AT-A.TT-RIAL CERTIFICATIONS, 1. Nottice of Acceptance N,-1,107 V101: issued to, SABTC Innovative Plastics, fb-r thein- Lexan Sheeeti?roducts, a:ppr&-,,;ed on 114-8/201.3 and explilng on 1� no tice Notice of Acceptance 1ifo. 14-0311.084 isssued to insuifoarn, LLIC, far Easulfbam, Expart6ed Poh.,SN,re ne Insulation. apprewed oil. 4,`2f10)14 a-nd ex-pirmig cn 3l N-attice cc taurice.No. ll--0926.07- jss-ae�j, to Dv las.1 Products. LILC. for fineir E-xpanded 1p nsul and expiiing- on OU11 1;27011,7 abwn. approved on 1012011 oly7qst�r, en e Block I ype h 1 1 4. N270tice- of Acceptance --No. 11-09.gym 06, issued, tua ID�,'plast -Pruducts, I LC. Lor their Dy-plast ISO-C 1, Polvisocyanurate Insulation,, ap, l , ed on 1 111 and expiriinz on, 5s -Notice of-kcceptanx-e No- 10-1129A4-, Issued to Ceflefoam Nor -di -kmenica Inc; Loy tdl-,ey E.,Tanded Polysbtvren- Birxic Insulation, ap proved on, ()212 4! 2 0 11 and expirin- a o-n 02; 4/2 0, -1 66. "SubmiaedumderNO-4 4' 05-02,2&02' Ell Test Report on Accelerated IvVeaffierfillg 1--smg xitinon' Arc Light -Appararus'l-e-st per AST'NI G15-5 ol"TVC Extrusion ,Ia-terfaF, prepared by Hu ane En.girfeernag Testing, Le., Report No. -M:-T1 04-AO02, dated!27/2004, signed and sealed bv Fafa-1 E, Etc z-Seda. P.E. Test Reports on Iensille Test per A638 of` -PVC Ex-nrusi a Effurneane Engineering &- Testing Inc., Repart Nha. HETI 04-T2 51, d'ate d -1 1,,'-1�4 signedJ and sealed 'by 1. Ghia' P.E- S. Ter, Repo:itar-i -Self-Ignition Teniperature Test, Rateo-f Bum Test arm 'Smoli-E., Dtnswn: Test cif -I�FEHLAU nc--n-foam, PVC extrusion, material", pre -pared b,,- ETC LaboraWl-le-S. R .Reperff 1-M-7761-15019.0- dated 0ws. et= bV J- L. Doldan- P. F'. STATEMENT;'-% 1. Slzteme-wt hemer Of C.-adetco-rdormance &LO the -'5' edi-tion (2-014) FBA- and nn, financlial interesq 11 1'i -- b,,- Javad AhmtadP.E- is-sued by A-Faracc, Corporation, dated, 0511-22014-1 sipied and seated lb� Lshnq 1. Chandai, Praduct ED n zj-a--- '147 2" 'NG28 A; -14, 2HIPP-7 D AB DoorCom Rany. LucQ NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE,: ENIDENCE SUB .6 -idence submitted. New Ev A. DRAWINGS 01 02-21 Rev L. titled 4427--`r"Ch-k- Roll Form ed Steel Sectional G`aynage.. Door "- I Dra iin N diated 09/10,/2W2 and last revised on- OCT 05. 20 -17., sheets 11, throu0i -' of 5. prqppred'b'�v AI-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealedby Javad Alimad, P.E. TES revisim c=,sist of editorial changes to comphr vvith FBC 2017 B. CALCUE.,-MONN 1, -None C� QUA-LrTY ASSURANCE 1-- —amri Dade Depa-pn—m o'Rt latory ar D. NL4TERIAL CERTMCATIONITS I. Notice or-Azce-,ptwice'N,o. 17-0221-06, issued -ba ibr td- eir hrisul-Iffbami Expanded Polystyre:;-,- insulation- expLmg on I 1 12 2 2 ,Lr� Notice of ACceprance No. 16-1108.04, issued to Dyplast Products- LL SC- lihieeir Dy p last Irso-cl Pol-Vist-JeVaniffate ln-S7aj " I ation- expu mg on 01 I I �2,022 I -Nodce of cam' No. 15-1203.04, issued to (-�eflibotfoam Nlorth A-mneric ,� La c, f5b, 1 - ±t' Expandled Polystyrene Block- lnsulafion.-,��Xpiring on 02,J214-,t20_IIk 4. N-atice &I'Acceptamce"No. 15-0915.09, issued. to S-ABICLrinnuv; at i%vePlas7id s,-. k-,rthehr Leymn-'Sheet -Prod uctsi�--x-pirring omn 0'/, 1 0 1 S. E A T ENI F, IN T S- Stat emen-fletterof prepared bwy All Fa:mcq CoiT-oramicm. dated I(V`0511 7, sip:,ed and. sealedi bv- Jamvad- Ahmm-ad, RE." FIE OTMER _4 1. Th�s NOA -zrevists NOAAtz-11-5-0304AIM. ru "21 22[1- lsh:24 L Chanda, PS rygg prt-'-duct contn"I Exnmlne�- -A b" Di. ven It"'e". Zesnz�z AMAD ova 1ATT95Z L-W --u� KeEsT INVWU XUDd -oul ILU00 -WE %h mma M Am so loneoud �w 5133HED?'m X -6, < An SEP INS am 16- zt ut 44.w '0 <ti vow - as, <�g T: Z!E4 pff gQ o I-tys o his, gin > SKU Q4 < Um lot In Rp t4m JT it cr gag t i L L NO IS + a. r t wo 1 MI VUA a. i V71 A 5.1 5 011 q jq J, Ul 4 H I 1 1 WIN SUN q I pi LX ta wt IWO TIT I Cde,u­ Ei "19 lu 11 LJ 4a; U q=ZI; Imm pin SO 7 I==Ty 'T ty Jr 7v--c' Sir ct Fa� o- W Isya Iwo, f Z sew 9z 1105 1 zi 4 f _VF LX As we i A dims= Ell j tityr n�w OXE Ear 1—ik 0=0 7i OS Yj 4A low&& 1 W. s p cZoBio— TT low tiot ; e­c,cHE0o!1 ms =Wj off lost As 6. 111 0 in's I NAME a BRI F E �R 1 SOX zz � WO 4=14111 line 1 AYYY774 c Tom Wwsz (s 0 C) 'Oil 1j(uDdLU0Q .100(i evc ME! 7A 15 IZ ELI 4 CM ry legs, RAIR SAF "two —ZA i .osj �145----�- UZ -1.7z rK aa-G.1i f 5 - I c L"c st-,L sctw y Y` k a-------- 1 UZ: I AC :SMAG 0 MOM my O A Low o t M to ZW 75 son I ff ED, it T4 -902 1 CR all tax s - 0: 'Eli M-1 E -I lot vz O--(SovN -raL MouvUedHOO boo UY-f-ly -5 tj ers �is 5,15 0is 0—�-Um in Pi W!, KO N�U < 0 RO z cc 41a_ad7 c7n, -W -OUI 'AtOldW O,; .1002 EVa i -y vixf K�C� elrecj� Tr J11 f- Aj I Zv U) V -Z �,4 Sa 5 ze gig 96 SS rfi ptFr RE cf�� 2� ti. e P-u ai- t,—u 7 za 47� 'a F a R az —R r7 ;CZ_jrs,- ccsl :FV1 'Witaw azz murts Cc 6, L3smns osse Pl. mouvwoduo'no > z Mid C. W C-4 M tri Iq C, a Z. 7: IM, 5� Yerms 21, fs zi 2 S. 120 Jr cz 'EL < Z: ,In M cc c Fa Zs COY LJ Z5 W 7E zo x < M. tIA R-F 57 -C �y ,0C,7 , _q i g --=Uz z cl� tc� S �zc a' K at fl� / - -_ - - - - - - SCIS Home Leg In User Registration. Hot Tonics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications F5C Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search r Product Approval USER: Public User ...... > -- -- > Application Detail FL # FL15371-R3 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Applied For Comments Archived Product Manufacturer DAB Doors Company, Inc, :u-i �J7j Yiil7ne;� iiiali - 1�i= NV'J 9a Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 (305)822-7870 RBerger 18@hotmaiLcom Authorized Signature Javad Ahmad alfarooq@afceng.com Technical Representative Allen Berger Address/Phone/Email 12195 NW 98 Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 I-berger518@hotmaii.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Validated By Miami -Dade BCCO - VAL Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 :TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Date SublVitted Date Valid-ated Summa, of Products Method 1 Option A 07i 20/201 FL # Model, Number or Name Description r 15371.1 Hurricane Master Model 824 811 / Large missile impact resistant 16'-2" x 16' steel sectional Steel Sectional Garage Door 16'-2" garage door. Wide vv/ Window Lite Option: Limits of Use i Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes -i Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +48/-52 ; 07/21/2020 Other. See attached NOA #17-1018.11 and limitations of llnstallation Instructions use for installation instructions. � - --- -- _ - ---- _-- ---`--- --- Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CBR Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15371.2 Hurricane Master Model 824/811 . Large missile impact resistant 16'-2" x 16' steel sectional Steel Sectional Garage Door 16'-2" garage door. Wide w/ Window Lite Option I Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +36/-44 Other: See attached NOA #17-1018.12 and limitations of use for installation instructions. 'Certification Agency Certificate Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/21/2020 Installation Instructions Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 1JJ/ l.J i riurrrcane Master Model S24/811 Large missile impact resistant 16'-2" x 16' steel sectional Steel Sectional Garage Door 16'-2" garage door. Wide w/ Window Lite Option 1 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in ;- VHIZ. Yes Approved foruse outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration; Date Design Pressure: +27/-30 08/14/2021 Other.See attached NOA --0919.12 and Limitations of Installation Instructions Use for installation instructions. j Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Ij Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: j15371.4 Hurricane Master Model 924/811 Large missile impact resistant 18'-2" x 16' steel sectional j Steel Sectional Garage Door 18'-2" g _ garage door. W'de w/ Window Lire Option Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate i Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes i Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes — --_ — _--- -- —"-- ---- j Impact Resistant: Yes _— Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Designressure: +55/-64 03/10/2018 Other: SPee attached NOA #17-0919.10 and limitations of Installation Instructions use for installation instructions. - - - Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER j Created by Independent Third Party: i Evaluation Reports } Created by Independent Third Party: 1-5371.5 Hurricane Master Model 824,1811 j Large missile impact resistant 18'-2" x 16' steel sectional f Steel Sectional Garage Door 18'-2" garage door. I Wide w/ Window Ute Option Limits of use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for :zse in HVHZ: Yes Approved for L:se outside HVHZ: Yes � -- - — - --` -- --- Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +40/-44 Quality Assurance Contra-ct Expiration Date Other: See attached NOA #17-0919.11 and limitaticns of 03/29/2022 I Installation Instructions use nor installation instructions, ; Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports i Created by Independent Third Party: i 15371.6 Hurricane Master Model 824/811 Large missile impact resistant 9`-4" x 16' steel sectional Steel Sectional Garage Door 9'-4" garage door. Wide w/ Window Lite Option Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside i VH?= Yes -___ _--- _--•— ____-• Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +50/-60 08/09/2021 Other: See attached NOA=17-1018.13 and Limitations of Installation Instructions Use for installation instructions. Verified By Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15371.7 Hurricane Master Model 824/811 Large missile impact resistant 9'-4" x 167 steel sectional Steel Sectional' Garage Door 9'-4" f garage door. "Vide v4l' 'v-indo;°v Lite Option Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes j Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Da u j Design Pressure: +62/ -70 10/04/2021 Other: See attached NOA #17-0919,13 and Limitations of 1Installation Instructions j Use for installation instructions, Verified By Miam Dade BCCO - CER I Created by independent Third Party: I Evaluation Reports ` Created by Independent Third Party: contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AAjEEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility State in an, :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send eiectronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850,487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they- have one. The ernails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee, However email addresses are public record, if you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if •you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.c•, please click here . Product Approval Accepts: M [�] M El = Safe