HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application............... COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO 13E ACCEPTED L APPLICABLEPBr 15 ;permit Numer )ate: wilding Permit ypplication Planning and Developmentulatlservices n Pivislon Building and Code Reg 23po virginia Avenue, fort ��''lerce fG 34982 . phone ;(772jg62.1553 IFax, (772)46 24578 PERMIT APPI,ICATIQ FOR. Mechanical ttim Legal .e . . propertyT�xlD #: Site Plan Name: Project Name J Setbacks Froni IKI FOR LIKE A1C �Electrlc Total Sq, Ft of Constructi, Cost of Construct,= $ I Na Zip Code;3 Phone No - pill in fee simple Title H from the Owner listed If value of construction s it/�1 s Commercial _ Residential x Back —Right Slde __-- gGEO� ®J ysyee app Y e nun ert sperms—c ec<a Gas Plpin bing g shutters Tank sprinklers Generator n Sol of First Floor; C, Utilities; I-�Sewer[.]Septic State; on next page (if different 81ock No, Windows/Doors Roof 4 Roof pitch Name; CHRIS LANGEL ---�"" Company; SEA COAST A�0 31061NDUSTRIAL M St STREET Addrass: State: FL City: FT FIERCE 772.466-3063 Zip Code; 34946 Fax; Phone No, 772"45B-2400 E Mall: INFO@SEACOASTAIR,COM State or County License: CMC036421 ar moro, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement I^PM CIMIIImli;OLL ,SIGNER/ENGINEER. �NotAppllcable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name; rme: Address: ldress: State: City; State; ty; Zip; Phone: p:Phone; ilcable BONDING COMPANY: ^Not Applicable :E SiMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _Not App Name: ame; Address: ddress; City: ity; Zip: Phone; Ip: Phone; certify that no work or installation has commenced prior top the Issuance hof a permit, Lucie Countyy makes no representation that home Owneanting a atlonl ru�lasabylawszor the permit covenants that build ay restrictbor prohibit such hfch is In can tlictwith any applicable :ructure, Please consult with your Homeowners Association and review your deed for any rastrictions which may app y, I do i1 consideration of the accordance wltih the approveof this d plans, the Floriduested a Building Coders and St Lucie Coulnty Amendments, in all erform the work he following building permit applications are exemptfrom undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, ccessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, sigris, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residentlal use NARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for efore the firsttin pection,pIf you intend to obtain f nanc ng, consult hwithclendeer or an attod and rney befon the ore .,.�nrina work or recording our Notice of Commencement, — iignature of Owner/Lessee/Contractor as gent for uwner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF sr Lucie The forgoing Instrument w�acknowle2g0ed �ahfyre me this �dayof ALA— CHRIS LANGEL �" (Name of person acknowledging ) !&'i ( nature of Notary Public - state of Florida j ersonally Known x OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Prod , S u 4HOPKINS�CONNe L Commission No.FFeaik�+ 91=kr4�'r "� �X(pecemhers,zolB Revised 07/15/20J.� REVIEWS7c!oUNTEROREVI W ' �•` s Signature of Contractor/Llcense Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF srLucle Theforgol instrumentwasacknowledge pi afore me this Z day of � f 20 (( by GHRIB LANGEL (Name of person acknowledging) ^ of Notary Puhllc- State of Florida Known x OR Produced Identification Typo of Commission No. SllPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW TEVIEW REVIEW INITIALS This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17,2009 and Dec 31, 2016. Certificate of Product Katin AHRI Certifed Reference Number : 201667885 Date : 06-24-2019 Model Status :Active Old AHRI Reference Number: 8331287 AHRI Type: HRCU-A-CB Series: GSZ16 Outdoor Unit Brand Name: AMANA DISTINCTIONS Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single Package) : GSZ160421 B` Indoor Unit Model Number (Evaporator and/or Air Handler) : ASPT47D14A` The manufacturer of this AMANA DISTINCTIONS product is responsible for the rating of this system combination. Rated as follows in accordance with the latest edition of ANSI/AHRI 2101240 with Addenda 1 and 2, Performance Rating of Unitary Air -Conditioning & Air -Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F), btuh : 39000 f"Active" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale; OR new models that are being marketed but are not yet being produced:'Production Stopped" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still Iling or offering for sale. Ratings that are accompanied by WAS indicate an involuntary re -rate. The new published rating is shown along with the previous (i.e. WAS) rating. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the products) listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability ford amages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the directory at www.ahrldlrectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, In whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; ism entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except forthe user's individual, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www,ahridirectory.org, click on "Verify Certificate" link we make life better^' and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issued, which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom right. ,�^.-v" azosealsaesze3 02019Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute �( TIFICATE NO., ,,,