HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawingsES-919 Job Name . Job Location Engineer — Approval — Series 919 Reduced Pressure Zone Assemblies Sizes: Ya" — 2" (5 — 50mm) Series 919 Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Assemblies are designed to protect potable water supplies in accordance with national plumbing codes and water authority requirements. This series can be used in a variety of installations, including the preven- tion of health hazard cross -connections or for containment at the service line entrance. This series features two poppet style check valves, replaceable check seats, with an Intermediate relief valve. Its compact modular design facilitates easy maintenance and assembly access, Sizes''/a" — 1" (5 — 25mm) shutoffs have tee handles. Features Contractor Approval Contractor's P.O. No. Representative — • Separate access covers for the check valves and relief valve for Specifications ease of maintenance • Top entry -all check internals easily accessible A Reduced Pressure Zone Assembly shall be installed at each potential health hazard location to prevent backflow due to back- • All rubber elastomers of chloramine resistant material siphonage and/or backpressure. The assembly shall consist of a • Check valve poppet assemblies are fully guided by innovative pressure differential relief valve located in a zone between two posi- plastic seat guide tive seating check valves. Seats and seat discs shall be replace- able in both check valves and the relief valve without the use of • Replaceable push -in check valve and relief valve seats special tools. Service of all internal check valve components shall eliminates threads from the water way be through top mounted access bronze covers threaded to the • FZ twist relief valve cover quarter -turn locking joint captures main valve body. The check valve poppet assembly shall be guided the sprang bad during repair to facilitate disassembly via the use of a corrosion resistant plastic guide. The check valve • Innovative check valve plastic cover bushing provides trouble and relief valve seats shall be push -in type. The relief valve cover shall be bronze construction secured with stainless steel bolts and free guiding of the check valve poppet 9 9 P shall utilize a quarter-tum locking joint to capture the spring load • Bottom mounted relief valve provides reduced installation clear- of the relief valve. The relief valve shall have an internal sensing line ances to sense the inlet water supply. Al rubber elastomers shall be of • Compact, space saving design chloramine resistant material. The assembly shall also include two resilient seated isolation valves, four top -mounted resilient seated • No special tools required for servicing test cocks and an air gap drain fitting. The assembly shall be a • Top mounted test cocks for ease in testing and reduced installa- Watts Series 919. tion clearances • Standardly furnished with NPT body connections Now Available WattsBox Insulated Enclosures. For more information, refer to literature ES-WB. Inquire with governing authorities for local installation requirements Walls product specifications in U.S. customers mails and metric are approximate any are desI forrefemirz only. For precise measurements, M WA�0 please contact Watts Technical Service. Welts reserves the nghtto change or motllty protluct uct tleslgn, conNuction, specifications or materia6 wiN- out pyor notice antl witlnut Incurring any obllgatlon to make such changes anal modifications an Walls prod" previously or subSOQUerIVr'seq. Available Models Suffix: QT - quarter -turn ball valves S - bronze strainer LF - without shutoff valves AQT - elbow fitting for 3600 rotation ZQT - inlet & outlet flow up Prefix: U - union connections Materials Body: Bronze Discs: Silicone rubber Check Seats: Replaceable polymer Cover Bobs: Stainless steel Approvals G`p55Ifr3o E)0" o ®Ru C fit. US 1013 'A"-2"LF Approved by the Foundation for Cross -Connection Control and Research at The University of Southern California (for sizes 3/4" -2") Dimensions — Weights E----------------- E-------------------I 9190T, 919QT-S Pressure — Temperature Temperature Range: 330E - 180OF (0.50C - 820C) Maximum Wonting Pressure: 175psi (12.1 bar) Air Gaps AIR GAP MODEL SIZES DIMENSIONS WEIGHT A in. rum 8 in. mm C WEI in. rum lbs. kg. 919AGC 1'h"-1" 2b6 60 34S 79 'h 13 0.63 0.28 919AGF 1 1'h"-2- 4% 1111 87A8 214 1 2 51 3.5 1.6 U (11111) DIMENSIONSSIZE In, rum In. A rum 8 in. rum In. C mm 0 In. rum E M in. mm F M. mm G In. mm H In. rum M in. mm N In. mm 9190T lbs. kgs. 919OT-S lbs. kgs. 1/4 8 91/2 241 67/8 175 27/e 73 121/a 314 04 146 3 75 13/e 35 19/16 40 21/a 60 21/2 64 5.8 26 63 2 3 'h 241 67/a 17 27/a 7 '/8 4 5'/4 146 3' 3 84 13/4 44 19h6 40 23/a 60 2'/2 64 5.8 2.6 6 2 'h 15 91/2 241 67/a 17 2% 7 123/4 4 53/d 146 33/a 86 V/e 48 19h6 40 23/4 70 2'1 7 5.8 2.6 63 2 314 20 121/8 307 77/16 188 3'h 88 151h 393 71111s 195 35/e 92 21hs 52 19/,s 40 15/a 41 33h6 81 8.3 3.7 10.0 4.5 1 25 141h 368 8 202 37/e 98 193/16 487 93f18 233 4 102 27h6 62 19Aa 40 21/8 54 33/4 95 11.8 5.4 13.8 6.3 11/4 32 181/e 461 117/,6 290 5'1' 129 23'/4 591 1111/16 297 5'/8 130 25/8 67 21h 64 21h 64 47h6 113 22.3 10.1 26.3 11.9 1%40 183/4 476 117/,s 290 54/a 129 25'hs 637 1111/16 297 55/8 143 3'/a 79 21h 64 3 76 47/e 124 28.3 12.8 32.0 14.5 2 50 2Phs 535 121hs 307 55/8 142 2813/16 732 133/a 340 515/1e 151 31/16 87 21h 64 39hs 90 515h6 151 3Z3 16.9 45.0 20.4 E Capacities — 919QT — U919QT — — — - 919AQT — — — 919ZQT kPa psi 1/4" (5 mm) kPa psi 1 " (25mm) 138 20 172 25 103 15 136 20 69 10 r +� J 103 15 ~ ' 934 5 69 10 0 0 p�, 34 5 0 .25 .5 .75 1 1.25 1.5 gpm 0 2 1.9 2.8 3.8 4.7 5.7Ipm 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 gpm Flow Rate 0 38 76 114 152 190 228 Ipm Flow Rate kPa psi 3/s' (8 mm) kPa psi is 138 20 172 25 3103 15 9 138 20 69 10 1103 15 to IL34 5 m CL 69 t0 0 0 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 gpm 34 5 0 1.9 3.8 5.7 7.6 9.5 11.4 13.2 15.1 17.0Ipm 0 0 11/4" (32mm) FM Flow Rate 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 gpm 0 38 76 114 152 190 228 266 3M Ipm Flow Rate kPa psi 'h" (1 2 mm) kPa p 172 25 138 2 j 138 20 H E! 103 15 103 1 � m 69 10 d 34 5 69 t 0 0 d 34 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 gpm 0 9.5 17.0 28.4 38 47 57Ipm 0 Flow Rate 0t 0 0 kPa psi 3/4" (20mm) kPa psi 207 30 00 138 20 J 172 25 138 20 J 103 15 O 103 15 WO fig10 **•+�*. ... ........, ........ ..... 69 10 Vl 61 34 5 tL 34 5 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 gpm 0 0 0 38 76 114 152 190 OM 0 Flow Rate IMWA7'm A Watts Water Technologies Company ES-919 1410 0 11/2" (40mm) 20 40 60 80 76 152 228 304 Flow Rate 2" (50mm) 50 100 190 380 Flow Rate 100 120 gpm 390 456Ipm 150 200 gpm 570 760 Ipm USA: Tel: (978) 688-1811 • Fax: (978) 794-1848 • www.watts.com Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 " Fax: (905) 332-7068 • www.watts.ca 0 2014 Watts U919QTI U919QT-S SIZE (m) DIMENSIONS STRAINER DIMENSIONS in. mm A in. mm B in. mm C in. mm D in. mm E(LFl in. mm F in. mm G in. mm H in. mm M in. mm N in. mm U9190T Ibs. kgs. U919OT-S Ibs kgs. 3/4 20 1615/16 430 8'/ts 204 3'/s 98 205/1e 515 111h 292 35/8 92 2'/16 52 19/16 40 15/8 41 39/1s 81 13A 6.1 15.1 6.9 1 25 17'/s 435 8'/16 204 3'/s 98 2113/16 554 113/4 297 4 102 21/16 62 19/1s 40 21/a 54 33/4 95 13.3 6.0 15.3 6.9 11/4 32 2015/16 532 111'hs 290 5'/e 129 1 261/16 662 1 153/8 390 1 5'/a 130 1 25/8 671 2'h 64 1 21h 64 1 4'/16 113 25.9 11.8 29.9 13.6 1'h 40 219/% 547 117/16 290 5'/s 129 1 277/a 7081 153/8 390 55/8 143 3'/s 791 21h 641 3 76 1 4'/a 124 31.9 14.5 35.6 16.2 2 50 2415/16 6331 121/1s 307 1 55/s 142 32"/16 8301 163/4 425 51'/16 151 31/16 87 1 21h 64 39/16 90 1 515/t6 151 41.6 18.9 49.3 22.4 919AQT,919ZQT SIZE (ON) DIMENSIONS WEIGHT in. mm A in. mm B in. mm C in. mm D in. mm E (LF) in. mm F in. mm G in. mm H in. mm lbs. kgs. 3/4 20 103/a 263 315/16 100 315/16 100 31/2 88 711/m 195 35/8 92 2'/16 52 19/16 40 9.3 4.2 1 25 121/4 311 413/16 122 413/16 122 37/8 98 93/16 233 4 102 27/16 62 19/16 40 13.3 6.0 11/4 32 161/16 407 57/8 149 57/s 149 51/a 129 11 "/is 297 51/8 130 25/8 67 21h 64 24.0 10.9 1'h 40 165/8 421 61/2 164 61/2 164 5'/s 129 l l "/16 297 55/s 143 31/8 79 21/2 64 30.5 1 13.8 2 50 175/16 440 65/8 168 69/t6 166 5'/s 142 133/8 340 515/16 151 37h6 87 21h 64 40.6 18.4