HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit application--7jtjjqe q_'�O Ai APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR AApLiCAT10N TO BE ACCEPTED Per --'t M-inber. arc, 'EV?i0f7rnet7:.;2"-'�C�S Lil(IiRCJ and Co6e Recu!ation pivisio•n 230C ✓irgi:nie Avenue, For-• P%erce =C 34981 :>ho,ne: -I ) S2-1SS3 Pax: (7721 ^-52-1578 Pr -,7M T A,PPLIC-ATION FOR: .addreSS: Des<ripT.tOn: coed Tax ID 1 ' I Budding Permit Application commercial Residential _— P--!e,R None: — Left Side: j Baca Rini Side: ______ _- S?;Do<ks =rOni fC^t tunaw0 TO e pe rrnt un •P_r ChtS �ermrti – v •« . .. _ _ Gas Tank Gas P:p:ng _ ShuT.iers ✓'echa"Ca.; –Sorinki?rS � Ge^grater e�-?c of Ing _. Sewer Septic I 15..1 !.It iittes: i _s' CCnst.-UctiQn S - Lot NO. Block NoA ./ Windows/Doors K.ce- Building Height: .- 1 Sr nk L I �_-,-.�!°\�CQ V2�Y�G1\/\1 Ai�fl�L Vam nr } n. n tL'a nrct:a. I _ . V_a_� CO np3nv: Ills, Address 1(OS Tor'^ana, i ' �rU a ? v�� State. i yndi }lo��a . Fax: City: .i Coae _ �^ lip Code: 3293-' =ax:_ I___ -_'/No 7 Phone No.— I 1 if different Fill ir. fee simple T "tie Holier on next page ( ,.: gym SL3e Or :,oun'C�, LiCenSE'. the Owner listed above i f Commencement is required. if vaiue or construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice o DESIGN Na:-ne :.address C:_. 7.p NEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: — No, App!icabte Name: 1 Address: State: City. Sete: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Namc: _ Address. Address City =ip' Phone. Zip: Phone: corri-nencec prior to the i55uc':'1 i:2 Cf a ver.mFL. St.:uc'e County makes no represeritadon :hat i5 granting a permit will authorize the permit `^oiler to build the subject structure whtct7 is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or anc Covenants that may re i h;: or ?ro vbr- vUtr Structure. Tease consult with your home Owners ASsoc ation and. review you. deed `or any restrictio;+_ which may apply. •r• consiue•atior o. the granting o- this requested permit, i do hereby agree t`•at 1 wilt, in all respects: perform ^he work accordant= • eith the approved pia -Is. the Florida Building Coces and St. Lu Cie Coun*y Amendme. '.')e fcliowing building ,7@rT.it 3FpiiCa CiOnS ere eXemDT Prem -inG ergoing z :uii Concurrency review: roorn additions; aCce5sory S%,cTures. 5wiri.ming pools, fences, walls, signs. screen rooms and accessory uses to 2ncther non-residentcai use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your playing twice Tor irnprover^ encs to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and pos`.ed en the;obsi e be`or2 the first inspection. !f you intend to obtain financir,�(�' r.sult wit'? lender or an attorney before rnrv! t^ ncin2 work or rec(ArdinR your Notice ^f Commence --z n s _ -- j�gn2t � S�aure d. Contras:cri_Ke+f!52 noiaw: STATE OF F;LCIRID STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF tP COUNTY OFA liI I �.'P fC�r�C'ng inSVria!1- ss 3cknow:edg C P'CrP �? Thei;C�^gc;ng ins:ru^ as -- .••p,••ecg�e'o� I �VA1'wAC - of- 20 chic d3�. by a2v of .2Cb:. co (Narne G pefsL 3knw!edging; �e . e a rs n cknowiedr;-r;) ., _ _ is 4�0 r� $i P- re o'vG;a P blic- State o' floc da 1 - iSignaiurE _ zar y ?t.€it �. •ta?e ., �!erida ! ✓ I i OR ?rCCuced ^ ` G a! v !CnGw.^. tden;i�iC�t�on �Y Persona, Known OP Produced iG+2nti5Cet:Cn poncifca-;or Propacet Type of Identification produced_ I _/� teal) i A Cor^rnicsio% NCC l nir�,, N : NotaryPublic St of FloridAsha MY CommissionlmlG 115290 1 R a'•" S e d 07"'; 7 r' Ili E -4 '►�; Ashley M Antonelli lir_ My Commission GG 152970 ,,,e Expires 10/18/2021 =RONT ZONtNG Sl PERVISGR ?CANS VEuETR-!O:ti SEA 'UR LE M!ANGR0VE COUNTER REV!FW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW Rrvi w C�