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Business • ProfessionalRegulation � BCIS Home Log In I User Registration Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts I Publications I CoAatgg C } a I Links I Search - nQ:.' Product Approval File C0'MOTD X= USER:Public User pr d10111joda ' Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail 4 'EWE® FOR, YFL# FL13223-R4 CODE COMPB•„IANC'iE SECRETARY Application Type Revision ST. LUCIEQCO N� Code Version 2017 e, ®V� Application Status Approved Comments Archived O Product Manufacturer James Hardie Building Products,Inc. Address/Phone/Email 26300 La Alameda Ste. 250 Mission Viejo,CA 92691 (909)545-8359 chad.diercks@jameshardie.com Authorized Signature Chad Diercks chad.diercks@jameshardle.com Technical Representative Pingsheng Zhu Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Ave. Fontana,CA 92337 (909)349-2927 pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Quality Assurance Representative Pingsheng Zhu Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Ave. Fontana,CA 92337 (909)349-2927 pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Category Panel Walls Subcategory Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer C.1 Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Ronald I.Ogawa Evaluation Report Florida License PE-24121 Quality.Assurance Entity Intertek Testing,Services NA,Inc. -QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By John Southard,_P.E. C7 Validation"Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL13223 R4 COI RIO Certificate of Independence.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM C1186 2007 ASTM E330 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL13223 R4 Equiv RI0-26928-17 ASTM C1186 equivalency_pdf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/09/2017 Date Validated 08/25/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/28/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 13223.1 Cempanel Siding fiber-cement panel siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL13223 R4 II cempanel-installation.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FI-13223 R4 II NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL13223 R4 II RIO 2689-17 Panel to Furring.pdf Design Pressure: N/A FL13223 R4 II RIO-2686-17 Panel Wood Metal Frame.pdf Other: For use inside a HVHZ install in accordance with NOA Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 17-0406.06 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13223 R4 AE NOA 17-0406.06.pdf FL13223 R4 AE RIO 2689-17 Panel to Furring_pdf FL13223 R4 AE RIO-2686-17 Panel Wood Metal Frame.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes .rt 13223.2 HardiePanei Siding, fitter-cement panel siding"'-* t _ - - �-- Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL13223 R4 II HardiePanel-Installation.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL13223 R4 II NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL13223 R4 II RIO 2689-17 Panel to Furring_pdf Design Pressure: N/A FL13223 R4 II RIO-2686-17 Panel Wood Metal Frame.Ddf Other: For use inside a HVHZ install in accordance with NOA Verified By: Ronald I.Ogawa 24121 17-0406.06 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13223 R4 AE NOA 17-0406.06.pdf FL13223 R4 AE RIO 2689-17 Panel to Furring_pdf FL13223 R4 AE RIO-2686-17 Panel Wood Metal Frame.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 13223.3 Prevail Panel Siding fiber-cement panel siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL13223 R4 II NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL13223 R4 II Prevail-Panel-Installation.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A 171-13223 R4 II RIO 2689-17 Panel to Furring_pdf Design Pressure: N/A FL13223 R4 II RIO-2686-17 Panel Wood Metal Frame.pdf Other: For use inside a HVHZ install in accordance with NOA Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 17-0406.06 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13223 R4 AE NOA 17-0406,06.pdf FL13223 R4 AE RIO 2689-17 Panel to Furrino_pdf FL13223 R4 AE RIO-2686-17 Panel Wood Metal Frame.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Back Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: M�i� FEZO 99 M rC O. gawa , VM MIA DUNTY. 'CR ,C ' pW. 1 o LABORRA70RY ACCREDITED July 30i 2017 Pingsheng Zhui P.E. Product Compliance Engineer James Hardie Building Products 10901 Elm Ave, Fontana, CA 92337 Re: NOA-17-0406.06 Relative to FBC 2017• Project RIO-2679AA-17 Dear Pingsheng: After review of the 2017 FBC, it is my opinion that the current NOA-17-0406:06 is in compliance with the 2017 Florida Building Code. Referenced Standards in the 2017 FBC: 1. Wood:AWC NDS-2015&SDPWS-2015 2. Structural Loads:ASCE/SEI-7-10 3. Concrete:ACE-318-14 4. Masonry:TMS402-2016/AC1530-13/ASCE-5-13 5. Structural Steel:AISC 360-10(Including manual of steel construction 2010(14"edition)) 6. Cold-formed-Steel: AISI 100-12 7. Aluminum:ADMA-2015 In addition, I am making the following Statement-of Independence as requested: 1. Ronald-Ogawa,does not have nor does it'intend to acquire or will it acquire any financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which evaluations are issued, 2. Ronald'Ogawa is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing'or distributing products it evaluates or inspect. 3. Ronald Ogawa-Inc does not have,nor will it'acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which-reports are being issued. 4. Ronald Ogawa does not have,nor will it acquire a financial interest iWany other entity involved in the approval process of the product Should you have.any questions on anything, please contact me. Sincerely, eaeetrl�� pGAWq Ronald 1. Ogawa, P!E. t �`�4 •.�.� N RI Ogawa&Associates, Inc. IAS Laboratory Approval,TL.360 , IAS Quality.Control Agency,AA-705 CRRC Approved Testing Laboratory for Solar Reflectance and Emissivity •O �� State of Florida Approved Validator and Third Party Quality Control.Agency =�'Q��''•.•FLQ R10@'''��e �' (714)292-2602 '��ss10 N A�-�`'� ,ton( M6oawa:corri � tr,! , CC: Roger Ogawa—RI Ogawa&Associates, Inc. Karen Ogawa—RI.Ogawa&Associates, Inc. Lab Address:1985 Sampson Avenue,Corona,CA 92879•Phone(714),321-4939•Fax(714).908-1815•E-mail:ro er riogawa,com Mailing Address:16835 Algonquin St.#443,Huntington Beach,CA 92649•Phone(702)491-3710•Fax(714)908-1815.E-mail:debbv0_)ri0av,a.c0m Engineering•Quality Control•Product Development•Inspections 9 Code Consulting.Expert.Witness.Testing MIAMI-RADE MIAMI-DADS COUNTY g PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SSV 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.goy/economy James Hardie Building Product,Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana,CA 92337 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. , This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: "Hardie", "Cem" and "Prevail"Planks and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and Soffit APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing No.PNL,PLK&SOFF,titled"HardiePanel,CemPanel,Prevail Panel;Hardie.Plank,CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding;HardieSoffit,CemSoffit Panel;Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction",sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013,prepared by the manufacturer,signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE INII'ACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or Iogo,Plant City,Florida,and the following statements:"ASTM C 1186 Type A compliant"and"Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved"is to be located on each siding plank or panel and per FBC 1710.9.2 and 1710.9.3 on soffit panels. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA 9 15-0122.04 and consists of this page 1 and evidence page E-1,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M.Utrera,'P.E. NOA No. 17-0406.06 rnaMi•DAoE courrnr Expiration Date: May 1,2022 Approval Date:May 4,2017 Page 1 James Hardie Building Products,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWLYGS "Submitted under NOA #13-0311.07' 1. Drawing No. PNL,PLK& SOFF,titled"HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding; HardieSoffit, CemSoffit Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013,prepared by the manufacturer,signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA #13-0311.07' 1. Test reports on 1)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of HardiePiank, HardieSoffit and HardiePanel,prepared by Intertek Testing Services NA LTD,Test Report No. 100733361COQ-004, dated 08/24/2012,with revision 1 dated 04/25/2013, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet,P.E. "Submitted under NOA #02-0729.02" Laboratory Report Test Date Signature 2. ATI-16423-1 PA 202 &203 03/18/96 A.N.Reeves P.E. 3. ATI 16423-2 PA 202 &203 03/18/96 A.N.Reeves P.E. 4. ATI 16423-3 PA 202 &203. 03/18/96 A.N. Reeves P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS "Submitted under NOA #15-0122.04" 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the P edition(2014)FBC issued by Ronald 1. Ogawa&Associates, Inc., dated 10/26/2014, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa,P.E. 2--717,01'7 Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-0406.06 Expiration Date:May 1,2022 Approval Date:May 4,2017 E-1 —WALL LENGTH-- SEE ER(:Ll 3 Q91—DW-9-P-11 0*4 .Stud Spacing at 16,O.C. HardieftnelO.CemparielA& B DETAILA Prevallil!)Panel Siding materials are n �7� ____ nonasbestas fiber-cement products j.jj f4w -- ----T tested in accordance with ASTM 00 s e 9 in C1 186 Grade 11,TypeAand meeting amodance with Florida the requirements of the Florida Building Code Section Building Code. ij 2322.3 Enit WALL 13,�,d'z I I x7 Water-re!ftfive Width Length TMckness HEIGHT banier per Florida 4' 8,9,10' 5/16" Building Code % Section 1404.2 21 X 41 S-P-F Installation Design Pressure Studs Wood Stu Wood Studs -76 psf Lj PRODUCT RENEWED ! HardlePanei, Impact Resistant- as complying with the Florida Nails at is'O.G.(typ.) .8f Cempanel, Planks installed over 518"thick 15 ply __`1 Building Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 318"Minimum Edge Distance Prevail Panel APA rated piywood sheathing te�0!501100 111/22 02 2- SidingExpiration By 8LtL_A -H&R DIEP-AN ZLG INSTALlA11 4 0 A _S Sheathing fastener,as described in Miami-Daqe Product pontrol Note I 'k1f1nsi4n.aiioshall be done in conformance wish this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturer's installation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. Wood studs where HardiePariel, Cempanel,Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shall be Panel fastener,as described in designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this Note N.OA P1 tm�=Rp-mar K LWote 11518"thick/5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to the studs in cq* V**1�+Wmft accordance with Florida Building code Section 2322.3. a The siding pariels shall be installed over 5/8"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported HardiePan.--(,Cempanel, by a minimum' of 2"X4"S-P+mod studs spaced a maximum of 16"O.C. 7 Prevail Panel Siding a [Mote 21 The siding panel fastener shall be a 2"long,0.223"head diameter,0.492"shank diameter,corrosion resistant siding nail:the fasteners shall be spaced at 611 O.C.at panel edges and intermediate studs;the fasteners shall be driven through the 5/8"thfckl 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing into wood studs located at 16'0,0. Water- barrier per a Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of M"and a minimum clearance of 21'from Florida Building Code Section comers, L 1404-21 HARDIEPANEL,CEMPANEL,PREVAIL PANEL 518"thick 5 ply APA rated INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION -18" kplywood sheathing fastened in James Hardie Building Products,Ino. accordance with Florida Building 10901 Elm Avenue Code Section 2322.3 Z'X 4'$-P-F Wood studs Fontana,CA 92S37 The wall and soffit frames are to be designed Phone;909-366-6300 OVIV.NO P" by the Architect or Engineer of Record in Fax 909-427-0634 A M-PLK801717 compliance with the Florida Building Code. Creator:E.Gonzales $ME lry^1.0- Date:41241=3 ISMET I OF 12 Fastener Spacing per Florida / Cladding Building Code Section 2322.3 �a----16.00in.--�► MY / • - -~• Framing I ! •PRHD=REVIllwD ' f• Fastener Spaoing per Florida I•. Sheathing �. ai+*with ftF Building Code Section 2322.3 $dl+hng Ca& y Accq9&WNkk b!2 Product Cemmm9 � �•� �' ` ei i����N,G i f�� . t • TPRODU rREVLSM• PRODUCT RENEWED �o� sdeoa�s}yimgwidhthrb�nda as complying with the Florida , �1 �� BaufBCO& Gid Building Code I N •� A c a lea/ NOA-No. 17-0406.06 Ex iration 112 22 ti `ti fE3y P STA �1 • t ProdactCtlesttaS By I. d •. �Cp Miami- a ra5duct Control t �,- ""` i FRAMING ■ NOMINAL 2"X 4"S•PMF WOOD STUDS 16"O.C.FASTENED FOR.METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE BOTTOM WITH 3M CONNECTION)COMMON NAILS(2 PER TOP AND NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) ■ THE WAL,LAND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE HL ■ NOMINAL 518"THICK 15 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD HARDIEPANEL,CEMPANEL,PREVAIL PANEL SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION BUILDNG CODS SECTION 2322.3 CLA-AINNG THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH 2"LONG,0.723"HEAD James Hardie 13uProducts,Inc. 17lAMETER,0.092•'SHANK DIAMETER,CORROSION _ 103D1 Ellmm Avenue RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, PLACE NAILS 6"O.C.AT Fontana,CA 92337 PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Phone:909.356-6300 SIZE FSC-MI No (W3 tea REv Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLK-.SOFF 1 Creator:E.Gonzales 'SCALP V=T-0" Date:4/24/2013 2 OF 12 WALL LENGTH PR4bUCT� �CRfPTiF1 _ M l SEE HardlePanelS,CempanelS,&PPevaiig Stud Spacing at 16"O.C. DETAIL A Panei Siding materials are nonasbestos 518"thick 15 ply APA rated fiber-cement products tested in _.__.... A� �'� plywood sheathing fastened accordance with ASTM C1186 Grade 11, i pd n G to metal studs as described Type A and meeting the requirements of 4t1?t ,bC�81✓V I `�� in Note 1 the Florida Building Code. t I � �� `r PAM-111MMENs_1oNs ] i ,( f/ 7 i' r` y water-resistive Width Length Thickness VVALL i i �, i �f N0• barrier per Fiorida 41 8,9,10' HIrIGH1 tit Building Code S7A7E �'F Section 1404.2 RESIGN �SSUR 1ZAT G_ ( _ JN :`� `/E installation Design Pressure -R1G? ••' toga,3-5/8"X 1518" Metal Studs X104 psf i e Metal G•stud . i. --- -��T;- ,j_----- ��r<< �HarciiePanel, ImpactReslstant- -- — - ply Cempanel, Panel installed over 518"thick/5 l B - ( -' Imo_ SQCTI.OJ_LR_0 APA rated plywood sheathing I Nails at 6"O.C.(typ.) Prevail Panel 3/8"Minimum Edge Distance siding • HAI�Dl�1�ANElLGEMPAJJEL�,PREVAfL PAJ�IEL�IbWG INSJgL1.4�1C)Sl DETAILS All installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturer's pETfiIL,Ja installation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. 1---�---�, x Metal studs where HordiePanel,Cempanel,Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shall be �~ Sheathing fastener,as designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this t&E ` described in Note 1. N.O.A. I ' wit' 1he-FlmWa i [Note 1]518"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal studs at U'oc g �� Panel fastener,as described in at panel edges and all intermediate supports using a No.8-18,0.315"head diameter x 1-114"long No Note 2 bugle head screw o! 7 The siding panels shall be installed over 518"thick/5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing + l supported by a minimum toga,Nominal 3-5/8!'X 1-518"Metal C-studs spaced a maximum of 16" I Coadra�4 O.C. HardiePanelG)Siding [Note 2]The siding panel fastener shall be a minimum No.8-18,0.315"head diameter X 1-518" long"ribbed bugle head screw("or screwshall have at least 3 full threads penetrating.metal 1 framing);the fasteners shall be spaced at 6'0.0.at panel edges and Intermediate studs;the `� fasteners shall be driven through the 518"thick/5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing into metal N i Water-resistive barrier per studs located at 16'0,C. \� A` Florida Building Code Section Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/8"and a minimum clearance of 2"from 1404.2 corners. rSYS' HARDIEPANEL,CEMPANEL,PREVAIL PANEL y ply APA rated (B INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION PR�DUGT REPIIEWEQ eathing fastened as complying with the Florida to Metal studs as described James Hardie Building Products, Inc, Building Code 10901 Elm Avenue NOA-No. 17-0406.06 in Note 1. s - Fontana,GA 92337 Expiration D 005/01/2022 209a,3-5/8"X 16/8";fetal C-stud phone,909.356.6300 stns FscM No DM NO ar v The wall and soffit frames are to be designed Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLIC SOFF t By by the Architect or Engineer of Record in Miami a. a Product control compliance with the Florida Building Code. Crestar.E.Gonzales scan i12"G 1'-0" Date:4124!2013 st�acv 3 OF 12 f Cladding '6.001n /J 6.00in, .( ,I I•i >! Framing 11 PRODUCT RENEWED j t ! I I•I Sheathing i as complying with the Florida I 6.001n. BuYlding Code J Fj NOA-No. 17-0406.06 Expiration teD510112022 6 p j ! I I I By Miami a Prodact ControlO/GA� r T I j : I iaucr c-r vxstt� rtton C vise �.! lot '•- I acornft with ftFliwift as a�Yns Itot4bs 3szikEutg C'nc9c \ r4y 0 if TD%wI Icob No •I No.TMA radow STA i TE OF �l >I .fiLpFlt�t': �,RAR±lII�EG • NOMINAL 20 GAUGE 3.;5/6'X 1-5/8"STEEL STUDS 16"O.C. FASTENED WITH 5/8"WAFER HEAD SCREWS(2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) FOR METAL AND'WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE } THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SN�TI hlG _ NOMINAL 518"THICK!5 PLY ARt RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METAL STUDS AT 6„OC AT PANEL EOGESAND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING HARDIEPANLL,CEMPAN EL,PREVAIL PANEL 140.8-18,0.315"HEAD DIAMETER 1-114'LONG BUGLE INSTALLATION DUAILS METALSTUD CONSTRUCTION HEAD SCREW CQLAT,QLN—q James Hardie Building Products,Inc. THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH NO.B-18,0.315"HEAD DIAMETER X 1-5/8"LONG CORROSION RESISTANT10901 Elm Avenue RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(SCREW SHALL,HAVE AT � � � Fontana,CA 92337 LEAST 3 FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METALOWUNO aEv FRAMING),PLACE SCREWS 6"O.C.AT PANEL EDGES Phrsne:909-356 E3300 sKscM roo AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS F �X 909-427-0834 A A PNL-PLK-SOFF � Creator.I-Gonzales scAL5 ate:412412013 SHEET 4 OF 12 =--WALL LENGTH SM Stud Spacing at 16"O.C. 0�TAL A HardlePlan)<O,Cemplank,& PrevallS Plank Lap Siding materials onasbastos fibeicement ...... I I------- ------ —--------- S/8"thick 16 ply APA are n r rated plywood products tested In accordance with sheathing in ASTM C1186 Grade It,Type A and meeting the requirements of the i accordance with AM �'r% Florida Building Code. f), j' U Florida Building Code rs coovyim with NX. Section 2322.3 Bui WALL PANEL Water-resistive q HEIGHT width Length Thickness 7! barriarperFlodda %9_1/2 12! 5/11T, 13Y BuIldIng Code Section 14042 K!S I GN P_RF_ASjLR_jLR_AjktL 211 X 411 5-P-F Installation Design Pressure Wood Studs Wood Studs -92 psf ........ Lap Siding Impact Resistant-- a SC71q Installed over 5/8"thick 15 ply 3/4"Minimum Edge Distance Nails at-18"0.6,(typ') 1.im"iall X 5116, APA rated plywood sheathing thick start0strip ZETALL-6 -Sheathing fastener,as described in Note I All Installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturers Installation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. Wood studs where HardieFlank,Cemplank,Prevail Lap Siding will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N,O.A- Siding fastener,as w [Note-115/8"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to the studs in accordance with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3. I MI NYPCT REM 0 described in Note 2 k Planks shall be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom course of the'�Nsll with 1114"wide IN 4 000yin with t W_FjMkj* laps at the top of the plank such that the exposure area of each plank is:5 BAW vertically. too4 HardiePlank, [Note 2]The siding fastener shall be a 2-112''long,0.223"head diameter,0.092"shank diameter, Cemplank,Prevail corrosion-resistant-siding nail;The siding is ftisteried i5 8-1/4"O.C.vertically and 16'0.C.horizontally; Lap Siding fasteners are driven into wood studs'through 518"thick 16 ply APA rated plywood sheathing,fasteners are placed In the overlapping area approximately SW from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank- 'let Vertical joints shall be placed over studs. Water-resistive barrier The planks shall be Installed over 518"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a per Florida Building minimum of 2"X4"S-P-F wood studs spaced a maximum of 16"O.C_ Code Section 1404.2 Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/6'. t HARDIEPLANk,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING thick 15 ply AFIA rated INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUC11ON plywood sheathing fastened PRODUCT RENEWED —.in accordance with Florida as complying With the Florida Building Code Section James Hardie Building Products, Inc. Building Code '10901 Elm Avenue 3 6 NOA-No.— 17-0406.06 Fontana,CA 92337 Expiration 4te05101/2022 2"X 4"8-F-F Wood Studs Phone:909456-6300 -SIZE! FSCM Na Owa NO REV By The wall and soffit frames are to be designed Fax 909-427-0634 A PML-PLK-SOFF by the Architect or Engineer of Record In Miami5de Product Control compliance with the Florida Building Code, j Creator,E.Gonzales SCALE 1/2' W.1'-0- Dat.,412412013 ISHEET 5 OP 12 Fastener Spacing Per FJodda Building Code Section 232237 Framing OC-->� Cladding • -�- - Framing . 1II -'" Fastener SpacingpsrFlorida , Sheaihing PRODUCT RENEWED Building Code Section 2322.3 as complying with the Florida •1 Building Code _..NOA-No. 0.75in— — Expiration D eOS/01/2022 M!am!-]Yadfi Product Control ------------------ - - PROWC�'REbiSI~]'2 — --— —040 --------------- ------------------------- — - I `+e�lay'� �,D BY mmuCT aRuISED I. s8,251n. ;vrmoe padcfw&et ns wigi ` • 1 — I �rN,IS-[l�2 No. j21 B STATE OF Pf2�MtfYG ,r' 0RIOP• ,, ■ NOMINAL 2"X 4"S-P-F WOOD STUDS 16"O.C.FASTENED a �c1' WITH 3;1/2"'16d COMMON NAILS(2 PER TOP AND s�aNAl- E� l BOTTOM CONNECTION) FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS I+OR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND��SVI�ItY1141 LOAD ARE = THE'WALL ANIT SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO 6E DESIGNED NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) BY THE ARCHiTEC7 OR E=NGINEER 4F R>=CORD 3N COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SHEA'CI-��C ■ NOMINAL 5/8"THICK/5 P[.Y APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING'FASTEN5-0 IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA HARDIE;PLANK,CEMPIANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING BUILDING CODE SECTION 2322.3 INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION CI.ADD.)XG. • PLANKS.OVERLAP 1114" James Hardie ISullding Products,Inc. ■ THE EXPOSURE-IS s8"14' 10901 Elm Avenue ■ THE PLANKS ARE FACE NAILED WITH 2-1/2"LONG,0.223" 0 ^ HEAD DIAMETER,0.092"SHANK DIAMETER,CORROSION- Fontana,CA 92337 RESISTANT SIDING NA)LS,-PLACED 3/4"UP FROM THE Phone:909-356-6300 _Sze FSaM NO DM NO REV BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PLANK AT EACH STUD LOCATION Fay 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF ._ Creator:E.Gonzales scuE 1"=r-o" Date:4I24/2013 SHEET 6 OF 12 WALL LENGTH 0 SEE ER-0-OU-0—T DIESC-RLP—Vpil, Stud Spacing at 16"O.C. DETAJL A HardiePlankO,Cemplank@,and 51811 thick f 5 plyAPA Prevail®Plank Lap Siding materials --------- ------ ...... ------ - 1 rated plywood are nonasbestos fiber-cement products tested In accordance With sheathing fastened to metal studs as ASTM C1'186 Grade 11,Type A and meeting the requirements of the -scribed In Note I pqnll Irer RE3a:�Ev described Florida Building Code. Water-resistive WALL ;7 barrier per Florida ELNK DIMENSIONSa L _ HEIGHT T o V Z2z I Building Code Width Length Thickness V Z section 1404.2 tsy 111�1 14 '---,20ga,3-518"X 1.5/8" DESIGN Metal C-stud Installation Design Pressure OlAr F HardiePlank, Metal Studs -92 psf ------------ ----------- -Z. remplank,Prevail Lap Siding Impact Resistant-- SX SX Minimum Edge Distance Nails at IQ"O.C.(typ,) 1'114'tall X 5116" Planks installed over&8"thick 15 Ply thick starter strip APA rated plywood sheathing QLEIA A M Ali installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturer's installation Sheathing fastener,as recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. described in Note I . Metal studs where Hardip-Plank,Cemplank,Prevail Lap Siding will be installed shall be designed by an PRfiblucr k-rVISED Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.O.A. xc�I*Ww)",vith the F%6& IN ote 11 5/8"thick/5 ply APA rated plywood sheathInq shall be attached to metal studs at 6"oo at panel fW&V CAA L55.9�1 -10,41 Siding fastener,as edges and all intermediate supports using a No.8-18,0.316'head diamaterx 1-1/4"long bugle head screw I Evimtiias) described in Note 2 Planks shall be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom course of the wall with 1-114"wide laps at the top of the plank such that the exposure area of each plank is 8-1/4"vertically. U&MITIM&P INote 2)The siding fastener shall be a minimum No.8-18,0,315"head diameter X 2-IM long*bugle head HnrdiePlank, screw over metal studs(*or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal framing);The siding is fastened 8-I14"O.C.vertically and 16"O.C.horizontally;fasteners are driven into metal studs through 5/8" Cemplank, thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing,'fastaners are placed in the overlapping area approximately 314" Prevail Lap Siding from the bottom edge of the overlapping planl<k. Vertical joints shall be placed over studs. The planks shall be installed over 518!'thI&15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum g water-re'-isfive 209a,Nominal 3-518"X 1-5/811 Metal C-studs spaced a maximum of 161 O.C. barrier per Florida Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 318". Building Code section 1404.2HARDIEPLANK,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING 61811 thick 15 ply APA rated INSTALLATION DETAILS M ETAL STUD CO NSTRU CTION PRODUCT RENEWED plywood sheathing fastened to James Hardie Building Products,Inc. as complying with the Florida metal studs as described ln, Building Code 10901 Elm Avenue Note 1 NOA-No. 17-0406.06 INN Fontana,CA 92337 Expiration 05/01/2022 209a,3-5/6'X 1-518"Metal C-stud Phone'.909-356-6$00 . Dwo No REV The wall and soffit frames are to be designed K-S Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLOFF By by the Architect or Engineer of Record In s,Z" '50""o Miami-Dfidd(Product Control compliance vdth the Florida Building Code. "Creator.E.Gonzales 1`-0" Date:4124/2013 sxEEr 7 OF 12 -+�6.00in, 161n.OC Cladding 1 6.00in_ " Framing +PRODUCT RENEWED 6A01»AC 3 Sheathing as complying with the Florida (. Building Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 1 Expiration D te0510112022 , By_ at Contra) Miaml- a Produii4l OGA ta with ebc ykriAm ri+�wilirt�i ta►�e. ti fi••. Amcp—c,F4 j STATE OF �8.25in. � ••,_ •.•T � NOMINAL 20 GAUGE 3-5/8"X 1-5/811 STEEL STUDS 16" O.C.FASTENED WITH 50 LONG RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) ■ THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED FOR!METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA 13UILQING CODE SH>;ATFiINC NOMINAL 818"THICK/5 PLY APA FATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METAL STUDS AT 6"OC AT.PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS U81NG A N0,8-18,0.315"HEAD DIAMETER 1-1/4`LONG BUGLE HEAD SCREW HARDIEPLANK,C MPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING Ct.ADDiNG- INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION = PLANKS OVERLAP 1-1/4" R THE EXPOSURE IS S 8-114" James Hardie Building Products,.inc. X THE PLANKS ARE FASTENED WITH N0,8-18,0,315" 10901 Elm Avenue HEAD DIAMETER X 2-1/4"LONG CORROSION s RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCR�NS(SCREW Fontana,CA 92337 SHALL HAVE.AT LEAST 3 FULL THREADS }phone:908'-356-6800 M No ow.-No REV PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING),PLACED 314"UP 'Fax 909.427.0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF 1 FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PLANK AT EACH STUD LOCATION Creator:E,Gonzales SCALE i"=T-011 Dafe;4!2412013 srlEsr s OF 12 l WALL 1 ENGTf! SSE PROtlCT_nscRIF flog! Stud Spacing at 16"O.C. DETAIL A HardfeSoffit&&Cemsoffit®materials are B{_, nonasbestos fiber-cement products tested in •------------- '--:_.-�...:_._'_:.--:--.... .�._.�.--,'_-.° +fes J� accordance wifh ASTM C1486 Cra 1 T p A del, y e F 1 1- and meeting the requirements of the Florida Building Code. Sall7pIP�EEI4SIpNS 2"X 41'S.p-F Width Length Thickness j ii f� I WALL wood Studs �. $ .IM, HEIGHT I'; i i II D�51GN1S5URE RATING ! i Hardie5offit, Installation Design Pressure i { �• bC'�CemSoffit -Wood Studs •-70 paf ii...._L.--.._I_''i . ._.._._.-.i9�''! \.01a�'{wjl o �,. rl 13 4- Nails at 4"O.C. (t•7p. �➢71Cd t VLSEt) PKODUCTPXVtSl73 3/8"Minimum Edge Distance with line Fhw;ft ��YwBwiTl►�aFboritti b «�+rwx spit No. `gyp 21 STATE OF . - w� �} D SAIL}> foyi&fL�"M y ftic'roa c Cao 3 —��'� 'CL ORO.. �QNAL H- hKU=0-ELTIZE,[itIS-0F 17—P-AtiRI I-NS—TAjjAJ.JON_DL-TAIi_S Soffit fastener,as All Installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturer's described in Note 1 installation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. \ Wood studs where HardfeSoffit,Cemsoffit will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer or PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida �1 Architect per the Florida Building Cade and the requirements of this N.0,A. Building code HardieSofFit,Cemsoffit The soffit shall be installed over minimum 2"X4"S-P-F wood studs spaced a maximum of i6"O.C. NOA-No. 17-0406.06 ■ [Rote 11 The soffit fastener shall be a 2"long,0.223"head diameter,4.092"shank diameter, Expiration eOS/0112022 corrosion resistant siding nail;the fasteners shall be spaced at 4"0.C.at panel edges and intermediate studs;the.fasteners shall be driven into wood studs located at 1E"0,C. gy ■ Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 31$"and a minimum clearance of 2"from comers. Miami- a e Product Control i HARDiESOFFIT,CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION Minimum 2"X 4"S-P-F Wood Studs James Hardie Building Products,Inc. The wall and soffit frames are to be s 10901 Elm Avenue designed by the Architect or r Fontana.GA 92337 Engineer of Record in compliance Phone:909-356-6300 sizE FSCM IJO 15W3 NO REV with the Florida Building Code, Fax 909-4270634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF 1 Creator:E.Gonzales SCALE 112"=1'-0" bate:4124120 SHeET 9 OF 12 4.QOin. 16.00in / Cladding • v Framing PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida , Building Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 fExpiration Da 05/01/2022 i + • By . 4,00111.1 Miami-060 Product Control • AK&UJ TR.E.VISEDPROi}S]C68� 11{ �.OGA / + as lyi�wi93�their�arida ascouilAying wiffi thio FIa6ft z aoildi"Cadeatildiog Code Aooq**M Hui -0 2 f • A N* c7 �titi E Die O Fa piriart Dain. 7 Mgt" 1'nxAao CaiaRroS Miam'D+mc P:vttucz Caatsol STM OF 8/0 NOMINAL 2"X 4"S-P-F WOOD STUDS 16"O.C.FASTENED WITH 3-112"16d COMMON NAILS(2 PER TOP-AND BOTTOM FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE CONNECTION) - NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVI4E ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE CLADDING � THE SOFFIT IS FASTENED WITH 2"LONG,0.223°HEAD HARDIE•SOFFIT+CEMSOFFIT PANEL DIAMETER,0.092"SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS,PLACE NAILS 4P O.G.AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS James Hardie Building Products,Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue ° Fontana,CA 92337 Phone:909-356-6300 SIZE Fsca1NO 0=NO Rev F'ax909-427-0534 A PNL-PLK SOFF Creator:E. Gonzales SCA�e 1"=1'-0" Daie:4/24/2013 arise! 10 OF 12 WPd-t.t.ENGTH SEE PFtODiJGT i)ESCRIF?710I Stud Spacing at 1b O.C. DETAILA are noS sbess o Cemsofdt®materials are nonasbestosflber-cement products tested in accordance with ASTM 01186 + TI___-_...._�.i'� _--�- � l Grade ll,TypeA and meeting the requirements of the Florida Building ;PRODUCT RENEWED Code' 1 " .:as complying with the Florida !.:BuildingCode SOFF1 1�1MENS[Ohl5 I ' NOA-N . 17-0406.06 toga.3-50'x 1-5l8" Width Length Thickness WALL Metal C-stud �, HEIGHT i , Expiration Da 06/01/2022 i i_1 FSa�ieSoifit, DESIGAI AREBSUiZE RA7 G BY i Csmsoifit i Miami-D droduct Control i Installation Design Pressure Metal Studs -55,0.f i '•I I �j +1 i.lgt�ttdei 1. ®�^'^�y`4 .............l -------- - -- ----------LL-- - - Ill q c 5EC710N 0-B t�[20DilCr R&VIWD �F-T - PROJCC 8F-V�Pl2 us with the rtotidw `�oNails at 6"O.G_(fyp.) «�►rr�us 3/8"Minimum Edge Distance `ACO1?owith�`��' BuitdingCodcN0. � 1+,gxc to No 13,0-31 L i STA-FED F 'G'�?}�10 • L1Ef'F_,I_I„A DS• IG" adcP:a3a�ct�tsh'ol �'�'•• �1��+��, ��� � ��� _� l'rcetQnN t-oersml c5��• .... •�� HARpj>r50FF1T�CEMSOFF_i_T_PAJ�I"L 1NSTAl LATION�BETAiLS +��r�01VA L �•N�;,,�9'`F P All installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Am p �'CH�frl�ahufacturees installation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Kiliding Code. Soffit fastener,as n Metal studs where;HardieSoffit,Cemsof8t will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer or described in Note 1 Architect per the Florida Bullding Code and the requirements of this N,Q.A: , a The soffit shall be installed over minimum 20ga,Nominal$-5/8"X 1-5/8"Metal C-studs spaced ' fit, Cemsaffit a maximum of 16"Q.G. HardleSof A [Nota 1J The soffit fastener shall be a minimum No.8-18,0.315"head diameter X 1-114"long* ribbed bugle head screw(*or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal J framing);the fasteners shall be spaced at 6"O.C.at panel edges and intermediate studs,the ' fasteners shall be driven into metal studs located at i6l'O.C. 1\ Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/8"and a minimum clearance of 2"from corners. HARQIESOFFIT, CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS METALSTUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products,Inc. 20ga,3-5/6" 1-5/8"Metal 0-stud 10901 Elm Avenue j The wall and soffit frames are"to be @ Fontana,CA 92337 + designed by the Architect or Engineer Phone:909-356-6300 SIZE REV of Record in compliance with the Fax 9 27-day A PNL PLK-SOFF t Florida Building Code•, — .71 Creator-,E.-Gonzales SCALE 1, We:4/24/2013 SHEET 11 OF12 6.001n. Cladding Framing 6.001n. • PRODUCT RENEWED • PROwer REVISW M ccaoyln;vdtb as=lying with the Florida q*krwa C��& B" Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 Avow .ptmm it$ AWA Expiration 05/01/2022 By Control Miami-Did Product Ct 4r re- C"I PLC) 8SIO NOMINAL:20 GAUGE 3-5/8"X 1-5/8"ST5EL STUDS 16'O.C. FASTENED WITH 518"WAFER HEAD SCREWS(2 PER TOP FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) - NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DJ_ARljVNq HARDIESOFFIT,CEMSOFFIT PANEL THE SOFFIT IS FASTENED WITH NO,8-18,0.315"HEAD DIAMETER X 1-IJ4'LONG CORROSION RESISTANT PIS no INSTALLATION D�TAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(SCREW SMALL HAVE AT LEAST 3 FULL THREADS,PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACE James Hamfie Building Products,Inc. SCREM 6"O.C.AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE 10961 Elm Avenue STUDS rFontana,CA 92337 Phone:909-356-6300 r-SCMINO WaNO aFv Ev 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLT-SOFF Ore8tor: E,Gonzales $me 11=T-0" Date! 12 0512 Florida Product Approval HardiePanel® Siding • For use inside HVHZ: o HardiePanel Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation shall be in accordance with the Miami-Dade County Florida NOA 17- 0406.06. Consult the HardiePanel product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. • For use outside of HVHZ, o HardiePanel Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation shall be in accordance with Engineering Evaluation Reports RIO-2686-17 or RIO-2689-17. Consult the HardiePanel product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. HardiePanel IZ�fd. Vertical Siding JamesHardie• EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2013 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY ONLY-PRIMED&COLORPLUS® PRODUCTS Visit www.iameshardie.com for the most recent version. SMOOTH - CEDARMILL° • SELECT SIERRA 8 • STUCCO IMPORTANT-FAILURE TO INSTALLAND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND JAMES HARDIE WRITTEN APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY,AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE,VIOLATE LOCAL BUILDING CODES, AND VOID THE PRODUCT ONLY WARRANTY.BEFORE INSTALLATION,CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE USING THE CORRECT HARDIEZONE INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALLATION OF HZ1 OTm PRODUCTS OUTSIDE AN HZ1011 LOCATION WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY. TO DETERMINE WHICH HARDIEZONE APPLIES TO YOUR LOCATION,VISIT WWW.HARDIEZONE.COM OR CALL 1-866-942-7343(866 9HARDIE) STORAGE&HANDLING: © CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS Store flat and keep dry and OUTDOORS INDOORS covered prior to installation.Installing 1.Position cutting station so that wind will blow dust away from user 1.Cut only using score and snap,or shears(manual,electric or pneumatic). and others In working area. 2.Position cutting station in well-ventilated area siding wet or saturated may result in 2.Use one of the following methods: shrinkage at butt joints.Carry planks a.Best J.Score and snap on edge. Protect edges and corners n.Shears(manual,electric or pneumatic) -NEVER use a power saw Indoors from breakage.James Hardie is not b.Better: I.Dust reducing circular saw equipped with a -NEVER use'a circular saw blade that does not carry the HardieBlade saw blade trademark 9 HardieBladem saw blade and HEPA vacuum extraction NEVER dry sweep-Use wet suppression or HEPA Vacuum responsible for damage caused c,Good: i.Dust reducing circular saw with a HardieBlade saw blade by improper storage and handling of (only use for low tomoderate cutting) the product. Important Nate:For maximum protection(lowest respirable dust production),James Hardie recommends always using"Best"-level cutting methods where feasible. NIOSH-appraved respirators can be used in conjunction with above cutting practices to further reduce dust exposures.Additional exposure information is avallable at uwwvjafneshardie.com to help you determine the most appropriate cutting method for your job requirements.ti concern still exists about exposure levels or you do not comply with the above practices,you should always consult a qualified industrial hygienist or contact James Hardie for further information. sM105 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: I • These instructions.to be used for residential single family installations only,For Commercial./Multi-Family installation requirements go to www.JamesHardieCommercial.com • HardiePanel®vertical siding can be installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24 o.c.See genemal fastening requirements.Irregularities in framing and sheathing can mirror through the finished application.James Hardie recommends installing HardiePanel on a capillary break(rainscreen/funing)as a best practice. • Information on installing James Hardie products over foam can be located in JH Tech Bulletin 19 at www.jamehardie.com • A water-resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements.The water-resistive barrier must be appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local building code requirements.James Hardie will assume no responsibility for water infiltration.James Hardie does manufacture HardieWrap®Weather Barrier,a non-woven nonperforated housewrapl,which complies with building code requirements. • When installing James Hardie products all clearance details in figs.5,6,7,8,9,10&11 must be followed. • Adjacent finished grade must slope away from the building in accordance with local building codes-typically a minimum of 6"in the first 10'. • Do not install James Hardie products,such that they may remain in contact with standing water. • HardjePanel vertical siding may be installed on vertical wall applications only. • DO NOT use HardiePanel vertical siding in Fascia or Trim applications. • Some application are not suitable for ColorPlus.Refer to ColorPlus section pa a 3. • DO NOT use stain,oiValkvd base paint,or powder coating on James Hardie®Products. • For larger projects,inclu ing commercial and multi-family projects,where the span of the wall is.significant in length,the designer and/or architect should take into consideration the coefficient of thermal exppansion and moisture movement of the product in their design.These values can be found in the Technical Bulletin #8"Expansion Characteristics"at www.JamesHardie.com. INSTALLATION: JointTreatment Fastener Requirements • Vertical Joints-Install panels in moderate contact(fig.1),alternatively - Position fasteners 3/8"from panel edges and no closer than joints may also be covered with battens,PVC or metal jointers or 2 away from corners.Do not nail into corners. caulked(Not applicable to ColorPlus•Finish)(fig.2). HardiePanel Vertical Siding Installation • Horizontal Joints-Provide Z-flashing at all horizontal joints(fig.3). • Framing must be provided at horizontal and vertical edges for nailing. Figure 2 Figure 3• . HardiePanel vertical siding must be joined on stud. water-resistive barrier water-resistive barrier • Double stud may be required to maintain minimum edge 2 4stud water-resistive water-resistive nailing distances. 2 x a stud barrier barrier Tupper panel r upper panel Figure 1 stud "l i Do not 1/4"gap Do not 1/4"gap water-resistive - . ;I Caulk Caul barrier sheathing HardiePanel Batten Joint "H"Joint ~Z-flAshing t d �'Z-flashing 0 o vertical siding water-resistive barrier decorative 2 x a stud �Z'-*-band board keep nails f--lower 3/8°min. panel r lower from panel panel edges ° Figure 4 plate 3/8` leave appropriate gap between Recommendation:When — — r, panels,then caulk' Installing Sierra 8,provide Caulk Joint a double stud at panel moderate contact (Not applicable to ColorPlus•Finishj joints to avoid nailing keep fasteners 2° 'Apply caulk in accordance with caulk through grooves. away from corners manufacturer's written application instructions. 'For additional information on HardieWrapTM Weather Barrier,consult James Hardie at 1-866-4Hardie or www.hardiewrap.com WARNING:AVOID BREATHING SILICA DUST James Hardie®products contain respirable crystalline silica,which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and is considered by IARC and NIOSH to be a cause of cancer from some occupational sources.Breathing excessive amounts of respirable silica dust can also cause a disabling and potentially fatal lung disease called silicosis,and has been linked with other diseases.Some studies suggest smoking may Increase these risks. During installation or handling:(1)work In outdoor areas with ample ventilation;(2)use fiber cement shears for cutting or,where not feasible,use a HardleBladeO saw blade and dust-reducing circular saw attached to a HEPA vacuum; (3)wam others In the Immediate area;(4)wear a property-fitted,NIOSH-approved dust mask or respirator(e.g.N-95)in accordance with applicable government regulations and manufacturer instructions to further limit respirable silica exposures. During dean-up,use HEPA vacuums or wet cleanup methods-never dry sweep. For further Information,refer to our Installation Instructions and Material Safety Data Sheet available at www.jameshardle.com or by calling 1-800-9HARDIE(1-800-942-7343). FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARNINGS,MSDS,AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. soosmus HS1236-P1/3 1/13 AZ-A9. ME CLEARANCES Install siding and trim products in Maintain a minimum 1" Maintain a minimum 1" 2"clearance At the juncture of the roof and vertical Maintain a 1/4" compliance with local building code -2"clearance between between James Hardie products surfaces,flashing and counterflashing clearance between e installed er the roofinthe bottom of James requirements for clearance between James Hardie® and decking material. manallufacturer's Instructions.Provide a Hardie products and the bottom edge of the siding and products and paths, Figure 7 minimum 1%2"clearance between horizontal flashing. the adjacent finished grade. steps and driveways. the roofing and the bottom edge of the Do not caulk gap. stud siding water siding and trim. Refer to fig.3 on Figure 5 Figure 6 resistive Figure 8 page 1. �► siding i 11 I i �,� , I 1:1i barrier 1"- min. deck material la" Zmin'f � �� "-2" 1: mi bottom J plate I ! joist flashing n ledger flashing concrete min. I foundation Do not bridge floors with HardiePanel®siding.Horizontal KICKOUT FLASHING joints should always be created between floors(fig.10). Water- Because of the volume of water that can pour down a sloped Resistive roof,one of the most critical flashing details occurs where a Maintain a minimum 1"gap Barrier Framing roof intersects a sidewall. The roof must be flashed with step between gutter end caps and Figure 10 flashing. Where the roof terminates,install a kickout to deflect siding&trim. Flooring Figure 9 Trim ontal water away from the siding.It is best to install a self-adhering membrane on the wall before the subfascia and trim boards are nailed in place,and then come back to install the kickout. 1� Figure 11,Kickout Flashing To prevent water from siding ` dumping behind the siding and the end of the roof Sheathing intersection,install a"kickout"as required by IRC code - — u .` I -' R905.2.8.3:"...flashing shall be a min.of 4"high and 4" l `'• fascia ' HardiePanel° wide."James Hardie recommends the kickout be angled between 100°-110°to maximize water deflection gutter and end cap Figure 11 BLOCKED PENETRATIONS Step flashing ' Penetrations such as hose bibs and holes 1 Y2"or larger such as dryer vents Smembraneg�\ w should have a block of trim around point of penetration. — . 1 �N adhering GENERAL FASTENING REQUIREMENTS ; eaves membrane 1 Fasteners must be corrosion resistant,galvanized,or stainless steel.Electro-galvanized are acceptable but may exhibit premature corrosion.James Hardie recommends the use of quality, ?,;) Drip edge hot-dipped galvanized nails. James Hardie is not responsible for the corrosion resistance of fasteners. Stainless steel fasteners are recommended when installing James Hardie products near Housevrtap the ocean,large bodies of water,or in very humid climates. • Consult applicable product evaluation or listing for correct fastener type and placement to achieve specific design wind loads. • NOTE:Published wind loads may not be applicable to all areas where Local Building Codes have PNEUMATIC FASTENING specific jurisdiction.Consult James Hardie Technical Services if you are unsure of applicable James Hardie products can be hand nailed or fastened with a compliance documentation. • Drive fasteners perpendicular to siding and framing. ,pneumatic tool.Pneumatic fastening is highly recommended. • Fastener heads should fit snug against siding(no air space).(fig.A) Set air pressure so that the fastener is driven snug with the • Do not over-drive nail heads or drive nails at an angle. surface of the siding.A flush mount attachment on the • If nail is countersunk,fill nail hole and add a nail.(fig.B) pneumatic tool is recommended. This will help control the • For wood framing,under driven nails should be hit flush to the plank with a hammer(for steel depth the nail is driven.If setting the nail depth proves difficult, framing,remove and replace nail). choose a setting that under drives the nail.(Drive under driven • NOTE:Whenever a structural member is present,HardiePlank should be fastened with even nails snug with a smooth faced hammer-Does not apply for spacing to the structural member.The tables allowing direct to OSB orplywood should only be installation to steel framing). used when traditional framing is not available. • Do not use aluminum fasteners,staples,or clipped head nails. Snug Flush Countersunk, ® ® fill&add nail � Y 0 �] do not under DONOT Figure A Figure B drive nails STAPLE HS1236-P2/3 8/13 CAULKING For best results use an Elastomeric Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C920 Grade NS,Class 25 or higher or a Latex Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C834. Caulking/Sealant must be applied in accordance with the caulking/sealant manufacturer's written instructions.Note:OSI Quad as well as some other caulking manufacturers do not allow tooling. DO NOT caulk nail heads when using ColorPlus products,refer to the ColorPlus touch-up section CUT EDGE TREATMENT PAINTING Caulk,paint or prime all field cut edges. DO NOT use stain,oil/alkyd base paint,or powder coating on James Hardie®Products.James Hardie products James Hardie touch-up kits are required, I must be painted within 180 days for primed product and 90 days for unprimed.100%acrylic topcoats are to touch-up ColorPlus products. recommended.Do not paint when wet.For application rates refer to paint manufacturers specifications. Back-rolling is recommended if the siding is sprayed. COLORPLUS®TECHNOLOGY CAULKING,TOUCH-UP&LAMINATE I •Care should be taken when handling and cutting James Hardie(D ColorPlus®products.During installation use a wet soft cloth or soft brush to gently wipe off any residue or construction dust left on the product,then rinse with a garden hose. •Touch up nicks,scrapes and nail heads using the ColorPlus®Technology touch-up applicator.Touch-up should be used sparingly. If large areas require touch-up,replace the damaged area with new HardiePanel®siding with ColorPlus Technology. •Laminate sheet must be removed immediately after installation of each course. •Terminate non-factory cut edges into trim where possible,and caulk.Color matched caulks are available from your ColorPlus®product dealer. •Treat all other non-factory cut edges using the ColorPlus Technology edge coaters,available from your ColorPlus product dealer. Note:James Hardie does not warrant the usage of third parry touch-up or paints used as touch-up on James Hardie ColorPlus products. Problems with appearance or performance arising from use of third parry touch-up paints or paints used as touch-up that are not James Hardie touch-up,will not be covered under the James Hardie ColorPlus Limited Finish Warranty. The following outlines the recommended applications for ColorPlus and Primed panels.Not all designs will be suitable for every application: •Exposed fasteners or battens is the recommended application for ColorPlus panel products •Do not use touch-up over fastener heads for smooth ColorPlus products-primed panel recommended •For ColorPlus panel applications that require fasteners in the field,it is acceptable to use touch-up over fasteners for Cedarmill and Stucco panel only,but correct touch-up application is important.Some colors may show touch-up when applied over fasteners.Trim is recommended to cover joints when appropriate. PAINTING JAMES HARDIF SIDING AND TRIM PRODUCTS WITH COLORPLUS®TECHNOLOGY When repainting ColorPlus products,James Hardie recommends the following regarding surface preparation and topcoat application: •Ensure the surface is clean,dry,and free of any dust,dirt,or mildew •Repriming is normally not necessary •100%acrylic topcoats are recommended •DO NOT use stain,oil/alkyd base paint,or powder coating on James Hardie®Products •Apply finish coat in accordance with paint manufacturers written instructions regarding coverage,application methods,and application temperature RECOGNITION:In accordance with ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1844,HardiePanel®vertical siding is recognized as a suitable alternate to that specified in:the 2006.2009,&2012 International Residential Code for One-and Two-Family Dwellings and the 2006,2009,&2012 International Building Code.HardiePanel vertical siding is also recognized for application in the following:City of Los Angeles Research Report No.24862,State of Florida listing FL#889,Dade County,Florida NOA No.02-0729.02,U.S.Dept.of HUD Materials Release 1263c,Texas Department of Insurance Product Evaluation EC-23,City of New York MEA 223-93-M,and California DSA PA-019. These documents should also be consulted for additional information concerning the suitability of this product for specific applications. 0 2013 James Hardie Building Products. All rights reserved. TM,SM,and 0 denote trademarks or registered trademarks of Additional Installation Information, James HardieTechnology Limited r11 is a registered Warranties,and Warnings are available atJamesHardle trademark of James Hardie Technology Limited. www.jameshardie.com HS1236-P3/3 6/13