HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information RECEIVED JUL. 0 2 ^",°9 ST. Lucie.Cou y P I g l n• �2 Series WCX12-AB (32 X 24 X 19) (1.5-2.5 TONS) WCX12-BB (28 X 25-3/4 X 19) (1.5-2.5 TONS) THRU -THE-WALL SPLIT CONDENSING UNIT- R-410A Application- These condensing units are excellent replacement products for the thousands of existing through the wall condensing units(some modification of the exterior wall may be required. (See dimensional t :•�- f information on pages 2 and 3). Cu; ,...I; Through-The-Wall vs Conventional Condensing Units- Lower Installation Costs-WCX12 condensing units ®�® install on the same floor as the apartment,town home,or [. condominium,resulting in considerable first cost savings in refrigerant,refrigerant piping, and electrical wiring , � i compared to condensing units installed on the ground or - roof. Easier to Service-Being located on the same floor as ®�®{� the apartment,town home,or condominium,service and ®® routine maintenance of the is much easier an =�1 can be performed by one person. • Eliminates theft problems No costly landscaping needed to hide the units No condensing unit support pads required • No additional roof support expenses • No chaseways to roof or ground needed for refrigerant lines First Co's customer is ultimately responsible for confirming which of their indoor coils are compatible with these products, and which expansion valves(if any)are required for proper operation. Features a s;'��. -• Factory charged with R-41 OA refrigerant(charge will. `. � need to be field-adjusted) 3 `moi `. ° �. Unique cabinet design-unit side panels fit inside rather o? R Ai s than outside the base pan to improve water containment :._., = ��; on the sides of the cabinet >„ � :;� � �,,,`•� Extra-high efficiency scroll or reciprocating R-41 OA compressor con ;' •`.i .�=, .:Q,y High pressure switch Propeller type fan-Moves more air over the condenser aQn ; coil at lower operating watts than standard"squirrel \ cage"type blower Qtr 6;Q Sloped base pan-Positive water drainage from the h-, '8��: � n unit to the building exterior Plastic coated coil guard Filter/drier V 'J :\ii�'4.mi a 111 . Q " T Optional Accessories: (see pages 2 and 3) r a L _W77 Note: R-41 OA refrigerant oil is not compatible with R-22 oil. There- - '°-�! -' fore,when R-41 OA outdoor units are replacing existing R-22 outdoor units,the indoor evaporator coil must be replaced with a new one,the coil must include an R-410ATXV,and the interconnecting refrigerant lines flushed. P.O.Box 270969-Dallas,Texas 75227-Ph.(214)388-5751 -Fax(214)388-2255 ' "X'12-AB Series (Vote: R-410A refrigerant.eg as not:cornpatiWe with R-22 oil. Therefore, when R:-410A.oigdbor galls;are:replacing; existing R-22 outdoor units,.the-ihdbw-evaporator•coiF mustbe replaced with a new one,.the coif must.itnchi e:an.R-410A,TXU;,and the interconnecting refrigefant:huesOshed. T3LIECTIRFC(ALIVATA 7408/23QV•=fIPH•-(60Wiz PHYSICAL DIMEt8S10ta5 IuN if (COMRRESSOR 4(CONDENSER FAN MIN.CIR. MAX.HACR LKUSUCT-LINE.. APPROX. IMODEL :fIiRA iRilA (FLA }{p AMPACITY BREAKER UNFT MODEL. A. a3, C CONN.—(SWEAT)) SHIP WT. '18WGXXVA'B(R) 48 l9(0 I 1132 1•/4 13 20 IBWCXI2=AB 2'+4WCXX12+A•B((Tt) '563 112:8 ( M 1/4 18 30 24WC)12=AB' 37. 24, 39r, 3/8'0'.D.J3/4O!D'. 200 :30WO)C AIE A•IS WS 1-14A :2i8 '1/3 21 30 30WCXA12-AB ((1) (Cargpressaradtartcassidt(dedices((capacitorand start potential relay)will be irequired(orlfthre iVgl24[f GX(f2,AB.and!BBimoddis'for installations with long line OPT..ARCff.GRXLE,.(FIELUKSTALLED): length,lunusudllyltilghcorilow:anibietit(gperdting conditions,thermostatic expan- DIMENSIONS to slow off cycle pressure P� FO'R MEW !equaiizatton,,and(excessiveccorripressorrstarting;problems. NUMBEF3• If' W D --�»- - 28WCX12 ASI G200A(PPARSj` 24WCXY2A8( 32: 24 'r1-1/4 (SFandaxdj: 3CPY�CXA42=ABI (CEfiT4FfM(CXff1I BIUARfONIRYfGINGS((1)) - = `SPEC 'TOTA!)t3TUH IINDOOR V iUNITi14 OOEL (00`0LiNG (SEER COIL __ fi21DA(PPA + SWCX32=ABI r tiBW©X12yAB iI8(000 1 20VOHBX r�-_'�=: (R'c-qui ' CXA J2=A(3 •32VOHBX - Z::Z Humcane Sleeve), .2Q�WCXII:.2=�t4B i :73{800 i 1'2A r'�------_— 3aWCX4A1'2+AB 27{800 I 'RBHP-21,1— _ �" Notes:. �•, 1'.'A''=•CFeax'ATaVdized !(1)SEER,,and(capacf;yiiriform2tion are tested combination 'PPA'=:1ahEP1;eparedAluminum, !ratings,,anti(ceftffiedlhyiflirst(Co.itotthelLU S.fDepartment of i r' 'S'Ctrstclm Fa3nF-_d' !Energy.BOElmairftains:a;pdbliccddtdbaseithatiincludes a (Optional Archifecturat 2"Gnlle screws to Malaci ofi'the camdens- •conlptatelidting(df(dll,applfance(certifieations. To'vfew(and Louver) fngunit.impbwof'Mefactory.•wire guards. saardhti)ithisili9ting,fgotto: 3-Grillesc'an'befaclo y'paintedlalmost.any t ttpilfwwwlrsgdldtiotts(doetgod/certlficdtion=data% col'or..Con `.lbe:factoryforadditional' fi iformatidar and.cost'. OPTIONAL INSTALLATION SLEEVE(S)(See matching grilles). PART FOR USE f DIMENSIONS NUMBER I ON DESCRIPTION I H W D Sleeve installs in rough-in 928-3 AII'AB' to facilitate condensing unit fI 33-3/8. 24-1/4 11-3/4 (Standard) models only installation and removal for service ` 928-3H AII'AB' J �I N. (Hurricane)• models only) Hurricane Sleeve I 34-1/8 25.3/8 13-3/4 B Note: I! liquid line valve is located on left side, BACK VIEW Suction line valve is ----------COIL - --------- ALT.LINE SET 1112 located on right side. i TOP VIEW K.O.EACH SIDE AT BACK I 1314 LIQ.&SUCT.LINE C LIQUID LINE NTRY(1 112)OD K.0) A ENTRY(112 K.O. I ddd �1 2081230V-1 PH-60Hz (SUPPLY WIRING) 3318 11TT ,} 4 VOLT 15 112 (CONTROL I _� WIRING) 1 314'—�I i -� I� 13/4 +— 13/4 1,114—* 2 573 I 11nike n wfthiits)pdiiq rdf aP1 g y - NE (cotibnuouprogress(andiproduct ' >3112 'INTRYII sI/2 nrgpreveme61,T-iSPECIreserves 3 7/8- K.O. 1theliightttolmdkecchanges -12 va w0thoutmotice. _2- 4 118—> WCX1'2_B B Series ;Mate: .R-410A refkigp ant:olli is.not.compatible with R-Z2 laid. Therefore, ;whea R410A..outdoor, unffs are replacing exrMimg IR=22toutdoor-u nits;,t]ie!indoor•evaporator-coil must be moaced -with:.a lnew.,one;,tf1,-coi#mast:ihi ckxle,an:R-41 OA TXV,avid I11re ' I iirite mon nectingreidgjesaoHhes;flusted. ELECMI CALIDATA.'20&f23QV•-'tPH--'G014z (UNIT fCOMP.RESSOR :CONDENSER.I=AN MIN..CIR. I1MAKIRACR' :MODEL lLRA ALA FLA {fp AMPACIMYI (BREAKER 18wcx1:2=BB((-j:)' •48 { 19i0 1:2 1/4 1;3 j 120j 24WCX 2=66'(1:) :58:3 32:8 1.2 114 1;8 ;30 ef)T/M—t.F.GRI@LE:(FIELDiINSTALLED) . 3OWCXA.12=68 ' 'r7.3 ".14A _ 2:8 1/3 :21 � ;30 PABIF DIMENSIONS (1) !Cornpressorstaet:assist'deuicesl(capacitor and start;potentiallr01ay,)kwilllhe �Ukl4IlI3€#i' FOR.USEiON' Tequired,onithel8/24.WCX1'2>A$;and'BB�models.torinstallatioms�,withllonglline R W ID length,lunusudllyltiighlorliow;arribient operating conditions,,thermostaticcexpan- 48WCXT2=BB' sionvaives'ar;anylothersituatiorl,,W idh;can'lead to siow,off,cyclelpressure MODEM 24WCX1!2=BBQ• 28 25-3/7 '14#4 equalization,and;excessivercoMpressorstarting problems. 30MM12'-135 : - �, t�Yotes4 CEFi1 ..iED(COMBIlWAT-1ONPAT.�INGS;(il) I <1• w.•G2006BA,has:clbaranodiied'fihi'sh. 21.,Crh l5�screws,to,the•"race"of the'condensing unit 1'SPEC'== 'TOTAL'rBTUH INDOOR . ii pt`3ce�ofthe,%ctory,'wiie guard:. iIUNIT 'MODEL (COOLING SEER COIL '18WCX1"2aB E '.,8(000 20VOHBX '24WCX:12=6B 7231800 '12.0 '32VOHBX SERFF 30WCX211'VBB , :211„800 RBHP-21J"' (1)(SEER;anti/capadityiiriformation are tested combination ratings andicertifiedlOylFirst/Co-.to thelU:S.Department of 'y-`_ ~i Energy-'DOE lmaintains;a;pdbIic'database that includes a ;i` G us complete!listing/ofrdll;4ppliance/certifications.To view(and EfgsEo seardti)tkiis!listirCg,goito: t(Optional/Acoiiitectwral tittp'I/www:cegdlations:doegod/certification-data/ I Louuer,) •.PHY;SIC'ALI DIMENSIONFSi �— a — � I I_KYSUCT.LINE: 'APPROX tUNhT!MQOEL ! A B- G CnNN..(SWEAT, SHIP WT. BACK VIEW I I ) ALT.LINE SET 1 112 K.O. { AaWGXI12=BB EACH SIDE AT BACK, /,"j'ENTRYUIDLINE :24,WOXd2-8B 28' 25-3%4: 19: 318+0':D:./3f4.O:D: 200 1 3/4 ;3aVl(eX/Aat2-B61 A 1 112 K.O. / 2081230V-1PH-80Hz i (SUPPLY WIRING) t I� j 24 VOLT (CONTROL 123/4 r it 7r f WIRING) COIL 23/6y 25/8( ,Q ,O I m.m.co.o 0000 o,o.00 o.o o.000 I TOP VIEW ' - SUCT.LINE ` 43W,- l ENTRY 1 1/2 K.O. C 11718 fi 1/g' ;{dote: LIQUID&SUCTION LINE Liquid line valve'is ! / ENTRY 1 1/2 OD K.O. 1'118 located an left side, 'Suction line valve is I tn'keeping+withittslpdiicyrdf located on right side. 3 318 1 I -contmuous!progress;and produdt'improvemedt,T:SPEC i :reserves ithe liigiltito l m Ake changes',Withodtlndtice. 1 51B-a a 4-27/8 a 1 314 1 314 'Catslog!No.%W.C)((A)113 ;(replaces wcx(a)l2-11.3) -3-