HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALI�ANFO M 5T BE �p(Np4ATBD fOR APPUCATIDN TO Be ACCEPTED AP ' permit Number; wilding Permit Application 'lanning and Development wilding Cade Regulatl n Divlston Residential X 230oVIrg�iZAv6553t�laxc(772)h62-1578 Commerciaere FL 34982 l = phone; ( ) )ERMIT APPtICATI()�1 FUR: Nlechanlcal �ddYess: ,�-- _egal Description: Property Tax ID #: site Plan Name: Protect Name: Setbacks Front LIKE pOR LIKE AIC C Electric Total Sq, Ft of Gonstruc Cost of construction; $ Name Address: � � City, 3 / � phonneeNoo, E-M a I I;______._----- Piil in fee simple Title He from the owner listed s If value of Lot Block No, Back; -- Tank 3 l 15 Sgzf, � s perm — c ac all apP�Y _Shutters ❑Windows/Do Gas Piping �Roof pitch I J Sprinklers Generator Roof S �, FtFt,jj of First Floor; utilities ;L�-�Sewer�ldingHeight;_ Septic BuI_— _ State; / f %x d `� on next page (if different ar more, a RECORDED N Name; CHRIS LANGEL Company, .COAST AlC 3toBINDUSTRIAL3 dress: 1st3TRRET AdStata; PL City: FT PIERCE Fa772' i 3k9A6 x; 66.3063 Zlp Code; ,` _._._._---- Phone Not 772-t�B8-24oa mail: INFO@SEAQOA,9TAI R.COM State or county License: CMC035h2f of Gammencament is requires, IGNFR/ENGINEER Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: ne' Address; cress; State: : r State'City: Phone; Zip; Phone: ;SIMPLETlTLEHOLDER; �NotAppIIcable BONDING COMPANY; Not Applicable Name: me' Address: dress; City: y Phone; Zip: Phone; ardffy that no work or Installation has commenced prlortop the IssWuan�cue Hof a permit, Lucie Count makes no r Bprel�ca�IsiHomhe owneastAssoclatlonlrulels, bylawsxor andpcovenants that melt' reStrlCtbor prohibit such ch Is in east c with any pp h y pp y mture• please consult with your Home owners Association and review your deed far any restrictions whit ma a I . :onsideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, In all respects, perform the work Iccordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and st. Lucie County Amendments• following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, essory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen roams and accessory uses to another non-reaidentlal use ARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for provements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite fore the first inspection, If you Intend to obtain financing, �consult with lender or an attorney before nature of own or/ Lessee/ContractoraSA9entfor Owner Signature ofContractor/LlcenseHolder ATR OF FLORIDA l UNTY O F sr Lucie e forgoing Instrument wps acknowledged�efore me is 3 day of tie LANGEL }- Ime ofperson acknowledging) ' gnature of Notary Publlo- State of Florida J sonally Known x oR Producad ldentlfication is of identiflcatlon ProdWi �^"' '"^'�� ai .•t,,.. •u,.wua, mm�ic.rnAlhlF LY 10 omission No. FFeatati evised 07/75/20J.4rnom STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BnuaE The for oing instrumentwas acknowledged ba are me this _r day of _<�y �, 20 by RIB LANGaL CH Mature of Notary Public:" State of Florida rsonally Known X OR Produced identification pe of Identification �P% Commission No. :VIEWS S VREVIEWON REVIEW MR�WVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEWOR REVIEW rE A P LETE IALS ebzssbce6obsseozel ON 31t/J�j�1�3�)� ain}I}sul uol;eda4p;aa pue'9ugeaH'�uluoglpuO3AV6WZ0 '101A wolloq le palsll sl golgm O.oN ale31111100 aql Pne'aAOge palsll sl 40NM 'ponssl sem a3eallpAao oql yoUm uo alep aqt pue AagwnN aauaaalay PaUNAaO IHHV aql AalUa Pug ,•Aallaq?lll SIM am Null „91eaUltAa3 AIIAeA•, Uo l!011019ao•Raolaallpp ge•mmm IS polluan eq ueo aleoUNAaa slql uo pollo lapow oql Ao; uollewaolul aql 31n111aN1 NOI1VN301e33N V NOUV0UMFIA 31V01di1N30 'UNlMH'9NIN0111alloo-aiv - aucualej leiluaplluoa Pue IBU05Aod 4lenPIAIPU1 s,Aasn aql A011daaxa'sueaw Rue ,(q Ao Aauuew Jo waol Rue ul'pazllnn oslmAaylo Ao !osegelep Aalndwoa a olul palalue !Paleulwasslp!paldoa !paanpoadaA aq'laed ul Ao aloym ul'IOU ,Sew 01e3HUa80 slyl to slualuoa agl'sasodAnd eauaaa;aA lelluaplluoo pue leuowad yenPNiplll Aol posn aq Aloe Ileys oleollllAa0 slgl'INHV 10 slanpoad AAeloladoAd we slualuoa sll pue aleapllAa0 slgt SN01110N00 ONV SWE31 •0AO'holawIppge•MMM to boloaAip ayl ul palsll suoileanSNuoo pue slapow Ao;,Guo ppen ale s9upeA paUilaao •olealplAeo sigl BE palsll Glop to uollwalie pazlAoglneun 941 Ao'(s)lanpwd agl;o eaueumoped Ao asn aql to lno 9ulspe pulM Rue to 999ewep Ao; Allligell Ile swlelasip RlssaAdza I8HV'aleaNlp00 S141 BE palsll (s)lonpwd oql 'Ao;,CllllgisuodsaA ou sawnsse pue'ol se saa3ueAen; Ao sa0ueuem'suoileluasaadoi ou saNew pue aleoUlpa0 slgl uo palsy (s)lanpwd ayl asaopua IOU saop 18HV Ha W IVIDSl0 DUI el SVM'a-1 snolnw ayI qNM uo!e UMoys s! ullw pagspgn Mau aql .allu-w elunlonui ue alealpul SVM q palue wooae aAe Ieyl s upey eles Ao; 6upello Ao fiulile3, lips sI ln9 fiulonpwd AeBuol ou sl luedGilud weA6wd uopealAllaO 18HV ue Ieyi asoyl we snlalS lepon RpaddolS uopanpwd,, peonpwd 6uiaq lai lou aAe Inq palaHAew bulaq we leyl slapow Mau 'do :a!es Aol 6uuag0 Jo 6uplas (INV Bulanpwd Rpuenno sl )uedplPed ww6wd uopeoU Pee WHV ue Ieyl asogl we snlelS IepoW „anpaV„} }uawaAinbaA 6ouap!ya !euo!6w ayl laaw 6ayl 4aiyM Ao; (s)uol6al u! pape}su! aq 6!uo ueo sAauoippuoa Ale ieAluao 9VOZ' V �Inf 6uiuui6a8 '9VOZ'OE aunt 1!lun - su0169A lie ui pape}sul aq o} algl6110 Die g OZ'V tienuef of lopd paAn}oe;nuew smo6ipuoo ne le1}ua0 : @ION uol6aa (sauo}wa1 'SW'OW'NW'IW'3W'UN 'VW'Vl 'AN 'S)I'NI 'VI 'y!'(11'IH'VS'ld'34 bH'1O'OO'Vc)'ZV,HV'lV,w) IIV :ua6aa .V1,4HZb9 V0d9 : (a6e>loed 916u!g Ao Aasuapuop) lagwnN iapoW 1!uH Aoop}nO NI'IANVLId : imp 9 A H uAooP7nO 9V0dO: saiAag V-dS : adRl RIHV L86b008 : AagwnN aouaAa;ab ILIHV PIO anI}oy: sn)eig IaPOW 6VOZ-EO-LO: ale0 LbV00£VOZ : AagwnN aauaAa;aa pag!!1ap ILiHV s�u1 10� �anpoAad �o a�aai�Ai�a� 960Z'6£ oaO pUe 600ZL6 qa� uaaM;aq aoinlas ui paoe�d uagM )Ipad� xe; fouaioi}}3 At6aau� �elapa� a do; sal�I�enb uol;euigwoo sI41