HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application To: Page 3 of 4 2019-07-03 21:06:47(GMT) 17726735762 From: DAVID KRUSE ALLAP.pLICABLE t1VFO.IIiil1S7 Bi::C>3MP1d T,ED FGR.`APPLlGATION:T013E.ACCEPIE . ..-Date;. 0576712018 Permit Nur , .. JU .. �. ..� 2019 •..... : • ; 1?7annrri and Oearetoprneni Services . 2 rm i.tti Cle.p l rU' nt' Building dnd Code Reguladdo Dr'v7sion St.' Lu c le' County FL 23DDVirginia Avenue Fort:Pierce r"L 3�982 , r Phone:..(772)+ 62-1553 Fax:.(7.72)-462-1578' lCoirnmercial Residential x.. : PERMIT APPLICAnON.FOR: To select from dropbox; click arrow pt the end of ljne C` M �+1� r.+m .v s ��, fl_ n/,^` *^,"f. t ry Via'- ."'p:f""' .s '�T•`L r Address:.:40 Temple Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL:34982 Legal Description:.'Tangelo Viiiage(Maravilla Gardens n PAST C') 2427-661-t7v8-ODQ 2 Prop rty Tax ib ,. :. Lot No. 5..0 Plan Name:` Block No. . 7777 Project Name: Setbacks •Frontes -Back,. Right Side: ' .Left Side: Rpm tlt �"1�:IwQ�1� S�G•lRRlPTf77N � [l tkr § ,! `»� ?f �.^�,. .,.._.�.,::' i.r..::'`rte, ,M1 + $. ,'r r} t - X�� L J r ; . T Change otitsp-Odential air,C.6nditiOning system T1> r 3: .- ss .. BRI '�.r�� N �1AI'�lt ,... ' ditiona wor• to e ertorrn ut er ��s perm t c ecK a app F fVAC. LJ Gas Taitik Gas Piping _5#�utters Windows/boors' (` .Blectric ' : Plumbing pd : . LJ Generator hoof' 'Raof:pitch.. Total Sq.Ft.of Construction: Sc.Ff.of First((Fl�oor:� 'Cost of Construction:$ 4500 Utilities:�Seaver LJSeptit� 8uilding.Height: Fgti-g 1w.` ._ _:... _ Name Sandie SGh,dlec:.: Name t7avrd Kruse .: Address 16 Temple Avenue Company AC fJoctars Inc State:FL Address,.1853 B�Itmoie street Zip Code:.'34982 : F?x; Cityi..Port-Saint Lucie: State;Ft. _ 7:2 777 6ib9 3�i984 i Phone No. - - Zip.Code: Fax: _F-Mail•onthegosandie@yahoo.com Phone No..772.344-3944 lacdoctorsinc mail.com Fill i :. '... n fee simple Title.Holder.on next:page(if different: F-Mail: �g from the,0.uuner lister! above). State or County License: CAC 058461 if value of construction is$2500 or:more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required, To: Page 4 of 4 2019-07-03 21:06:47(GMT) 17726735762 From: DAVID KRUSE UPLEIIENTA7( $fitft�UTICNIllUll; ITlft� DESIGNER/ENGINEE-R: T Not Applicable IVIdRTGL*GE:CC7itAPAIUY. � Not Applical Ie� :NaIT)e::SandiaS&Acier Napie Davio1%se. Address:lOTrnpleA:renue,I'rIF'IE7C9,rL'.., sz Address: dTempk..kvelwe City:: ForiPierce State; I-„-...... City;.Oat saniLucie _-State,. Zip: 34051 Phone Zip: Phone:_ FEE-SiMPLE TITL ! OLDER. __ i�I.0 l�pplica:ble BONDING CC1WANY:. T,Not:Appli€sable Narne:. tiiame:. :address:tBs3131ft se:siraet Addrel City: gity;' :Zip; azho�c: Zip: Ph0n6:. .4W NER/CONTRACfOR-AFFID:VIT At;plication.is liercby.rimade to obtain a:permit to do the wcirk and instalEation as Indicated. E:certifythat do i�rgrx or installati , has.can7menced piioi tti.the isstiai�4> of a:p ririit: 5.t,_Lucie 4truntti rrtakes..no representation that.is granting a permit wi41:apthorite the ermitf�old'er;to build the subject structure which isin:con lirt.witip any ate{�llcahle.}lome..bxrners Asaoctati.on rules,bylaws or an covenants that may restrict or prohibit. ucb .st:ructurie.Please consult with your Home Qwners Association.and review .q4[deed,for.any ri?strictitins VvNch.mly,. . In consi.deration.of the:granting of;this rmquest.ed perp it,l do hereby agree.that l will,in all respects,perforrtl tite.+york .in accordance with the.approved plans,:tlie:Florida.8uilding:CodQs ani St:Lucie Qni'' An ridn�ents. The followin wilding per[nit:applications.are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency.revipur,:roam additions, accessory structures,swimmihQ pgols,fences,waits,.signs,screen:rooms.and.accessory uses.to..a.nother non-residential use WARNI.NG.TO OWNER:Your.failure to'R.ecord a Notice of Cotnmence ment.may result in your paying'twice.for improvements to your:property”A.Notice.of Commencement must.be.recorded.and posted an:the Jobsite before:t�►e first inspection if•you intend to obtain financing,.cansultw.itl. lender or an attorney before tbrnrnencin work-or recording.'Vour Natice of Comrriencement:,. . f Stg.niittire.of owner/'L!assee/Contractor as Agent for Ov�ner' Signature cif.ContTactorIl.icense Holder' I STATE OF.FLORIDA 5TATE.OF.FLORIDA C.EyUNT' OF- i TY d31' i i 1 ITtiefr3rplsirtstrut�ientp,,as.acknowledg .d.before:nie Thc,fof ingipstru a �,uas:acicnowledgedbQfpienie i xliis - =day olr -•I. 20 ,,..4y this�y of� �_ i `20�6y i Naive of person retaking statement 4Name of pe sort making.statement 4 ( PersonaliyKriowvri. 10. oclucea ldentification,`�� . Per'(orally Known � OR.ProdYg0jdeptificatir�n Type flf.li entification T, of td gjficatior i Praduc d. r .. Pro.'uced . . .... (5}nature.of:Notai 'pbiic-:Beate p.t :oeirfe.j.`: t. b.li -State.ofFlorida}gi re f:Not{Sfu :. r.... .Commission to �e`, �,�1 e71)o t#r L: Raq A+ '.Commission N� u� [) . �r �b1YC.h4i4143�KJNiFs{3hhg�y,+l "��— � wlrlYGtrr?tyydtA�Stoh,xG Q is. ��K, Ch!'r1ItiV-I<t4wliZ �4 ' �r�ctf�-~�t�d"r#�hrls-budgclfiSGlfir��'''.., _�___�__�., ...�_� _Y.._.___,..._�._,.._...._,!�oc-nom° . •�itiiir� °. 'i i. : .>�;. REVIEWS FRONT ZONING.' StJ° RVISD.R PLANS 'V MIS! � SEA`.dRTLE M.A;NGROV£ G(3EJNTE l REVIEW -VIEW:REVIEW REVIEW �RCClIEW REtC1J DATE ( � . RECEIVED t . I �_ _ - t , COMPLETED=. R0..8/2/17 J 'a'SNEA !3�0r.G a�fa�"bei,. r BN:hIn ,ROC(i . ,.MYCOMMi5SIP"N ^CtiC."ice r .'��hlGOt�MaS19N�GCi��9b1� b ��is-F�•"5onea�T'iruF3uagi;iNe?ar.Cze..te,.... E.orr�' Gcddcd111htt3UdgGiNGGM1rr�ttvttYs