HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters PID# — 500 SW 12th Ave. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 STAR TIGHT Toll Free: 800-249-4240 TJO# N D O ,A, c Local: #CRC YY .7 License#CRC 046Q91 When It Must be Done Right..Call Storm Tight! Section I. < PurcIaser(s) Date of Agreement � Name. Name: Address:Address — Cit}2( Yl`'a+re- Stater Zips turn Phone: % Phone 2 desc. Phone 3 dese. i Email Address Mailing Address(if different): � Section H. Seller Agrees to Furnish the Following Windows,Labor,and/or Installation Services ROOM SIZE VVINDOWIDOOR WINDOVVIDOOR IMPACT NIIRACLELOCATION WXH STYLE COLOR GLASS GLASS GRIDS SCREENS OBS NOTES 1Li 13U;R =5L hfte_ CK 12AQ Q ' 4 2- 2 Kl'KOL90 36 X37 S14 Q � 3 tt 3(o X 37 SW 04 Q 0 Q a 1+ 6 d fig' Sr pR > Q Q i 6 « 5 X3S' Q ► Q L —2 7M6R 53XgZ S!_ — Q 0 1.e 1; if -74 X 39 SLe Q Q 9 Q A io Q Q Q Q Q 11 Q Q Q Q Q 12 Q Q Q Q 13 Q Q Q Q 14 Q Q Q Q 15 16 Q Q Q Q Q Section M. Remarks/Instructions Section IV. Order to include: atetial stallation Labo ermit_ moval of all Debris Storm tight Windows agree to furnish materials and/or labor in accordance with the specifications in the window detail attached to this agreement:We will prepiri,pay for,and submit-the permit package through our licensed contrltctor.Once the permit is;authorized and ready,we will arrange for an installation date.When providing material only we will drop.ship the material to the project site and the homeowners is responsible for the labor and permits. Section V. Price/Payments Purchaser is responsible'for return checks.Fee of$35 per check Cash Price of all itemsa _ Deposit Paid in the form of: HOA Deposit Paid at Order S DD, O Q CiterEg if �_{),,L � []YES* Payable on commencement $ f.rit- �a� d o u(! HOAForm-Required Balance to be.Paid Cash$ Finance$ Q.law, Special Financing Instructions: Credit Card payments are not to exceed 1016 of contract amount and cannot be used for commencement or final payment. Section V1. Terms and Conditions, This agreement includes terms on the backside of,tMs agreement Section V1I. Buyers Agreement V We the undersigned,hereby authorize the contractor to verify and review my/our credit record with an independent credit reporting agency and release them from an liability incurred from)nndvertent omissions or errors.Unless otherwise specified;it is understood thot the purchaser.is ready for work:to begin Binding and Complete Contract:this is a binding and complete contract.You may not cancel this agreement except as stated.This contract covers and supersedes all conversations;statements and agreements,expressed or Implied,between the parties,their agents or representatives.Contmetor to procure all permits by local law. This IS a bomezolkitatloaaale,and lfymr do notwont thegoods or servIced,you may eaneal thirepvameal by pmvtding written notice to the seller In knon;by telegram or by man Th6 ' oollee must Indicate that you do not want the goods or zervlcq and must he deavved or pwtmarkcd before midnight of the third bmluen day offer you sign this agreement.If you cancel this aggrrcceemeet,the seller maynot keep en or part of the cash'daan payment See eeconryanyteg Nofice o[Canedtatdon formfor an esplinetton of tbb dgbL r admonrMge receipt of■ mmpretely filled out copy,alibis contract along with Oro(2)copies of a notice of canraaanon form.In witness whereof,this sales contract been sloned on this Ay of 20 atcity �2ta-uf Boyers Sigmatur _ Date 7 Representative ••Z/� Buyers Stgnotu � Date Rep$ignatury DR-Double ung,SH-Single Hung;XO Slider-2 lite horizontal,XOX-3lite horizontal,shape-shape window,CAS-Casement Window.AWN -Awning Window,Pic-Picture Window,SL-Side Lite,PD-Patio Door,FR-French Door,Ent-Entry Door i S1�RIGIIT Door Order form-Use one form per door style WINDOWS ,,its k{' 5/0 x 6/8 qty_ OX or X0 j 5/0 x 8/0 qty OX or XO, _ t 610 x 618 qty, OX or XO 9/0 x 6/8 qty OXO 10 x 6/8 qty^ OXXO 6/0 x 8/0 qty OX or XO 10 x 8/0 OXXO 8/0 x 6/8 OX or XO 9/0.x 8/0 qty_OXO city qty— 12 x 6/8 qty OXXO 8/0 x 8/0 qty_ OX or XO 12 x' 8/0 qty OXXO i Single Entry French Atrium/Center Hinged True French Cabana door/pool bath/garage � f 2/6 x 6/8 qty . RH or LH 5/0 x 6/8 qty RH or LH 5/0 x 618 qty 2/6 x 6/8 qty RH or LH 2/6 x 8/0 qty ' RH or LH 5/0 x 8/0 qty RH or LH 510.x 8/0 qty 2/ x / qty RH orLH 2/8 x 6/6 qty-' RH or LH 5/4 x 6/8 qty RH or LH 514 x 6/8 qty 2/88 x 6 6/88 qty .RH or LH 2/8 x 8/0 RH or LH 5/4 x e/0 t RH or LH 5/4 x 8/0 qty— 2/8 x 8/0 qty RH or LH qty qty 3/0 x 6/8 qty RH or LH 3/0 x 6/8 qty: RH or LH 6/0 x 6/8 qty RH.or LH 6/0 x 8/8 qty 3/0 x 8/0 qty i RH or LH 6/0 x'8/0 t RH or LH '6/0 x 8/0 qty 3/0 x 8gl qty RH or LH lass qty glass glass glass, glass 1/2 314 Full 1/2 3l4 Full 1/2 3/4 Full 1/2 Full OBS Yes No Six Panel Single Six Panel Double Entry Sidelites White 3 ❑ Impact Glass t # ❑ Grids 15 lite 4 li 'Custom Sizing over 36 x 80 allow 8-10 weeks for delivery 2/8 x 6/8 qty RH or LH 5/0 x-6/8 qty 12"x 618 qty 218 x M qty RH or LH 5/0 x 8/0 qty 12"x 8/0 qty -3/0 x 6/8 RH or LH 5/4 x 6/8 24"x 6/8 qty qty qty "It windows are in stock and ready 3/0 x 8/0 q'ty RH or LH 5/4 x 810 qty 24"x 8/0 qty to install prior to CUSTOM SIZED 610 x 6/8 qty 36"x 6/8 qty doors or Staining,customer agrees 6/0 x-8/0 qty 36"x 8/0 qty to have windows installed and will Glass pay for windows minus 20%on cash i HARDWARE OPTIONS 112 3/4 Full orders or on finance orders a hold back.voucher issued by Storm Tight equal to 15%of contract amount. j Gliding Patio Door Front Entry System L " xi ❑ Customer Name White Brass Brass a Satin" E. ��'nl eA-LSrO Satin Brown Custom Signature Brown Date Special Instructions Company Rep I I r ILt � K � r i SALES INFORMATION SHEET Customer Name:' rt,f`l!Q Rep• ,fYJ OJPh�- 1'CIYI Job Site Address: f ACLCMi J)P- Be.Phone.; -- Contract Amount:-0& `� Windows t./ Doors Both Deposit Info: Hold Check YES NO Deposit Date: Finance Info: S.A.C.Approval# Amount p Regular Finance: Amount$ *6� 0 01 L?0 Terms: 2d claf { PACE Finance: Amount$ Terms: Monthly$ Extend Pay Finance App. Submitted: YES NO Referral Sheet Submitted: YES NO Events Sheet Submitted: YES NO Special Promises To Customer. I I i Construction Notes: I i Special Notes For Office Staff: f I E i i { I i i i I i «� i j FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE COMMISSION FORM DATE SOLD:05 1-:900 REPRESENTATIVE i Custom or Name: �- = 0 9 . Home Phone. Cell Phone: Address: Book Price: U ` i Job Sold Amount: gU Down Payment: (Ciircle One) CASH CHECK SJLC TRADITIONAL PACE GREENSKY S.A.C.Options: 6(6%) 12(8%) 18(12%) j S.A.C.Amount: X °lo= ,l FEE Credit Card Fees:_ (MASTERCARD,VISA, DISCOVER 4%) BANK FEES$ i PermltJMeasure/Admin=$650.00 ($0-$9999) $850. 0($10,000+) Project Manager Fee= ($6-5000) $0($5,060$15,000)$200 ($15,601-S30,000) ;9430,000+)$750. Commissionable Job Amount= (Job Sold(MINUS)CC Fees; Bank Fees, Permit Fee, Project Manager Fee= Commissionable Amount) Book= % of Book= (Commissionable Job Amount Divided By Book) (Circle One)COMMISSION GRID 96-100%.= 15% 76-80% Book= 10% 91-95% Book= 14% 71-76% Book= 8% 86-90% Book= 13% 66-70% Book=6% 81-85% Book= 12% 61-65% Book 2% ,(Circle One) COMMISSION GRID(for salary) 96-100% =15% 81-85%Book= 12% 91-95% Book= 14% 76-80%Book=10% 86.90% Book= 130/6 71-75%Book= 8% **Any Job Sold Less Than 61%Will Result In No Commission But Will Apply Towards The Monthly Bonus** Commissionable Job Amount= X Commission� = Commission t ' I y ! C)OWS i I, D AGE , authorize Storm Tight Windows, Inc. to charge a deposit or payment to my credit card In the amount of I My credit card#: Expiration Date: /2-/13 3-Digit Coder Billing Address: ' I {{ 1 City,State,Zip: rG71 I It r Q C� � L- v Master Card I Visa Discover Card Customer Signature: � . Date: OfL(�2"21�.0 2 Date of Sale: ZOf Customer ID: I • PI # ' ` 500 SW 12th'Ave. I Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 .h IG:HT Toll Free: 800 249-4240 E,. JOB # STMRLocal: 561-420-0271 L S I � ( C License #CRC 04t09i When.it Mus be Done,Right.. Call Storm Tighti Contract Change Form Customer Name: jyi 6 Toda is Date: Address: ` IGI_o 1. City: State: zip: 3rf ! Telephone(H): d /� (W) (W) 1 Change,in Original Contract.Dated' ./ /< Y J N {° Changes Made: 5 r AkO, 5 -�- _ / E A { i K Original Amount. " New-Amoua t: Original Deposit; yD New! AddCl"Deposit: 9 Original.Balance Due: Utz New Balance,Due: Original'IvMethod of T yment: Cash - ance' New Wth6d of'Paymetit. Cash I P nance'd - F 71tc work eoticred by this ev�ttrr:c t i heart e forth sltizll be p rfo rnec�tir'ir�e?r.tlte sr7rr c Ter-rrz rare C rrclitions as'itrdirnt�l rrt the ' original contract fvith the exceptioit 6f changes 'ade aboi e. ` 5/15/20919 k Customer Signature(s): late: Prepared`.By: Iv `,.� Signature ate. f. .. l