HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval I
Cerifrcate of Au�horizattan N6 298,24,
1.7520 Edlnbyr6h Drive
Tampa,FL 33647
Manufacturer OWEN,$CO.RNfh1G R'QOFING A.ND ASPHALT LLC Issued,'October l;2017
1 Qwens,,Coming Parkway ;.
TO(edb2OH 43657
win%v.owenscorni ng.corn,
Manufac4uring•Locatiop* Brentwood,NH
FoustonTY.; ;
Qtiatity Assurance:: UL LLC(Qt7A9625)
Category: Roofing-
Subcategory: L)nderlayments
Code Sections:, 150431;, 1;50T:9.1
Properties; Physical:properties
Enri Report No:, Standard. Year
PR.b Oonstniction Materials Techriologies TST5878' NElrg3J 02-01 ASTM D 1970 2015:
PRl Construction Materials 7echriologies(TST5878) 'NE1.042 02 l)1RM ASTM D T970. 201.5`
PW Gcnstrueiion Materials Techno164i6s�(TST5878) NEt-045 Q2=01 TAS 103 1995"
PRI.Construction Materials Te6hpliigies(TST5878) NEl 045 02-01
iS 'ASTM G 165' 2005a
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878), NEI-053-02-01 TF S 103, 1995
�RI_Gonstruction PAatefials 'ec6616ciM(TST5678) N�1-058-42-01 { ASTM G%155. 2005a
PRtCorjstruction Materials Tectinologies(TST5878) NEI-093-02-02 ASTM D 1970 20i5'
PRI Const,uctior-Alated?ls Technologies,(TST5878) OCF 213-02,01 ASTM D;1623 2009'.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) QCF 237 02-01 UL 1897 2012
PRI;Construction Materials 7echn5logres(TST5878) OCF 252 02-01 ASTM D 4798: 200"1
PRftonstruction Materials Technologies(TST5878), OCF 252-02c09' ! 'ASTM W197& 205
PRf Construction. )tila'terials Technologies;,(TST5878)- OCF 253-02-02 ASTM D;1.9?0 2015
PJ Construction:MaterialsTechnologies(TST5878) OCF-272702-0-1 TAS 103 1995
f PRI Construction Materials Techrioiogies(TST587S) QCF-296-02=02 !• ICC-ES AC:188.' 201z,;
PRI Construction MateriaisETectinologies(TST58'78)' �OGF=,297=02-01.1 ASTWEI 1970' 2015
j PRI Construction.Materiais.Tectinotogies.(TST5878), QGF 318 ff2-01 ASTM D 1970, 2015`.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878). QCF 320-02-01 TAS 10$ 19$5
PRI Gonstnac6on Materials Technol6gies`(TST5878) Q.CF 320 02=01 ASTM G155 20052
PRl'Gonstruefion Ma"teriats i echilofogies(T5T.5878} C>CF 329 02-0] ASTM D:1623 2009;
PRI,Constn�ction Materials Technoiogies;(T.ST5878) OC[ 322-02-01 j UL 1897 2012
PRC Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) QCF 355 02-01 UL 1887` 209,2.
'Deterrrrined fo be'equival'erit,ta ASTM D 226 09,Type)and 11,
• is
O.CR14002.8a- .• FL9777-R1.1 Pagel:of 4'
This evaluation report is;proMded'forrState,of Florida plv*ptiapprovat:urider Rule 61G20 3: The:manufacturer shaiG;goLfy C—..-.
Technical-Services,LLG cf any product:changes;or,quality assurance'charigew throughout the duration for" ' 'this:report i-"Vali l..
This evaluation report does:not-express-nor mpEywarrarlty.:Enstallation reconjmended:use'qr other product,attributes,that are rlpt
soecifically'ad"dressed herein:
• vVeatherLockC�Seif.Searng ice&YVater Bamers.
TE'ti'Flf�fiCi4L.SER�i ES, Ll_.c
Weather,LQPWG.'' WeatherLock@ G is an ASTM D 19..10'self=adhesive underlayment,constmcted=kpm S9S
(Brenfwood;<NH) modified; asphalt, a 'fiberglass mat;;reitifprcement and surfaced With granules. The
produci:is supplied in 2-sq:rolls with,nominal dimensions of 3=ft x 0,7-ft..
WeatherLock®'-D is,permitte&to,be used as prescribed-in;F9C Section 1507.1 r••.1 fo
mechanically attached roofing coverings Exposure on thp,,f deckshall betlimrted_to-a°
weatherL"ockl&M6ti WeatherLock@=Mat is an ASTM D 1970 self adhesive underlayment'coristructea from;:
(i3renty ood:.NH or SBS modified asphaltwfth•,a:fibe'rgl'ass mat rejnrorcemeht The product Is supplied in 1-
Houston, Dg. sq'.tolls with nominal dimensions of 34 x 33:3-ft:and 2 sq,rpils with r ominaI *... Si,
of 3=ft z:66.7=ft.
WeatherLock®Mat is,permitted toi be used as.prescribed.in MC Section 10071,1'for
mecharticalt attached roof couerin s Ek > ure ori;.ih= roof deck shall be limited to a
y 9 , p_,,
rha)0mUm,3Q days
VWeafher'LockO:Metal LdiI
Metal is-an ASTtN D"1970cself'--:adhesive underlaymerit;constructedrroiri.
(Brehfwood,NN): SBS moiled:asphalt with a fiberglass mat,celnforcernerit and plastic film surface. The
product is supplied in 2,0.sq,roilswith❑omin f dimensions of 3rftxG6:7-ff.
WeatherLock@ Metal is.permitted to be used;as prescribed`_h FBC Section 1507 1'I'for
mechanically attached roof:coverings., Exposure.on the.roof:deck-sliall,.be limited,to a
rnd*r.*r 90A'Sys.
WeatherLock@ VNl Mht rLock(R Specialty Tie &;Metal is and ASTM D�1970"self.adhesive underlayment.
SpeCialtyTife&Metai; constructed,from SBS modified•aspfialt and'surfaced:mii a':non-woven poNy ster:f._
(8renrivood,`.Nf!or Ttie p?oduct is supplied in 214 sq,rolls with nominal;dimegsioris o#"3»rt x 74.341
Nousron, TX).
j WeatherLock®Specialty.Tile &.Metal .is permitted to be;used'as prescril2ed in Ei3.0
Section `1:5Q7.1.1. WeatherLock&Speclalljr Tile&:Metal;is permitted to be'•used vinth
adhered clay or.concrete:tile roofing using''either ICP Adhesives Polyset AH 16Q (lGP
Adhesives and Sealants lnc.)or-TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive{The D:ow Chemical
Company,)': Exposure on the'I of dedcshall`be:limited to,a rnax!mum;90 days;
.The maximum roof-slope shall be�6:12'When used v0i clay or concrete tile,installations.
ithout.battens. Tle shall be stored on b'4pens'for•roof-slopes greater than;6 12 Tle`s
shall not be stacked greater 10--bles.per stack.
WeatherLock@!G(High 'WeatherLock®G:(High Tear rs-a:seif adhored,'underiayment;used as an alternative to
Tear)`: ASTM D 226,Type 1 af'i,ype llxoofing#eit and ASTM D 1970 sett:adhenhg,,polymer
(Houston; TX) modified=bitumen:underlayneht. Tije underlaymenf.s composed ofSBS modified
asphalt.With a fiberglass mat internal rein m fotceent and is surfaced with granules.The
Oro duct#s supplied vwnth a:norriirial t ickness of,50`mils in'1,95 sq rolls with npin_iriai
dimegsior s 4..3-ft X 65`L.
WeatherLo,ck(b G:(High Tear).is permitted to be!used as prescribed ih FBC Section,:
I 1507 1 1;:for mechanically`att6thed roof coverings. Exposure on'the roof'deck shall be-
limited to a maximum,30 days.
OCR14002cSa FL9777 R1 t ., _ Page 2 of=4
This'e4aluafibn'?eport isiprovided'for State of Florida product approval under Rale 61 G20-3. The OanufacWrer shall notify CREEK
T.echnicakServices,LLCi any-producE,dhanges:or guatityassurance;change5:,throughoutfie,duration for whioh this report!s`valid:
Tnis;,evaluation�report does.not:express nor imply.warranty,iristalla5on,reconir>iended;u..se,�or other product attributes thatare.not
specifically addrbssed herein:
' f .
' WeathetLockO:SelfSealing,lce&Water`Bairieirs
Min.Roof Slope' 2`.12 in;accoriiance with the FBC,
,Application: All undeilayrnents shall'be installed rn"accordance with fhe.F6C,:
Deck sgbi t tqs shall be clean; dry; 'arid free from any irregularities,and debris.., All:
fasteners in the-deck,shall.be:checked for,#br 64%6m-and"orrectei pnor fo underlayment:
api*909n: Pdbr to'beginning.,installation,:'the underlaymenf shall be unrolled.arid
allowed forefax•for.a:minimum,of.3-5.minutes.
The uriderlayment shallbe.installed wtth-,fhe release backer removed and pressea•firrrily
into:place to ensure;complete cor#tact with:#he.deck.•The`undedaymenVshalI.:be installed
With:the ro Ij length parallel ta'the eave,,:starting at the e4v'e and with minimum.,7"side
laps and mmimum,6"brld laps%aggered.rnin,64from preceding course: Addif ortally f
applying,VNeafheiLook6,specialty Tile:8� Metal, end laps:shall b-6:0"rmed with-ASTM D
41 primer or sealed with asphait.roof c'ment:a,minimum•-of 3=4.tnch' across•the width
of,the lap. i
ai is penmissible to back hail the urjdI tayment 12-fInches'on-centerias'needed':.(na.ft shall,
be installed perpendicular to deck with the nail:heads flush to tie tap.surface.of the
prdetlayment)'.. A.dditioriaily WeatherLocliC�]Speclalty Tile& Metal'shalLbe bad k naildd-
when'mstalled on roof.slopes:greater than 3,12;,
Min.:Application 40TF Contact the.manufacturer+.vhen;insfallrpg atitemperatures below the rinimui»
i erperature' applicafion femperatur.'e.
The'Mokirrium Design:Pressures shown;bef"were,caiculated using a 2::1 margin.ofsafety per;FBC Sectiott 16(J4,..9,
Underiavmer t.Svstem No.1 WeathierLock.Spadalty Tile&Metal Only
Roof beck: l+Ain 1,5132 inch CD .plywood attached.io wood:aupportsapaced a maximum 24":o_c_
Underlayment: Weatheil.;ggkU: Specialty" Tile $ Metal shall be applied in. accordance -with
manufacturers 'installation instructions to'ihe.fastened. deck.and.bacd ;ailed along'theF
selvage-VA minimum 12ga 1-1f4 inch;galvanized dng shank roofing. nails through
optronafy. pnmed, 32ga: x 1-18 ncK,0 tin caps spaced 12 o.c: The ;applied
underlayment shall .be rolled with a minimum .75Ib steel roller immediafely following
`.Maxirnum.Design A425psf
I i ,
OCR14002:8a..• PP777--R1 T Page;3 0`4
This::evaluation repartprovided for Sfate of Florida product approval undpr:Rule 611320-3."Ttse•inannfaeCureisholl ridtifY CREEK
Technical Serviczs,11 C:of any,product changes or quality assurance chahgesaltroyghout the;durpUon for von ch this`report is valid.,
This evaluation reportd'oes,not express.npf lmp►y'warmrjty lnstallation;recorfimended use,or other product attnbtites that are riot'
speclf cal ly..addressed°herein.
CREeK WeatherLock(bSel#Sealing Ice&Water Barriers
9`) 'T.his�evaluation reporfis not;use in,the_HVHZ.
2)" Fire Classificationiisrvnot.within the scope of this!evaluatior..
3)_ lnsfaliatiomof the evaluated product-14all comply with this report,the FB,G,and the.manufacturer's published
appiicafion ,nstruCtions; Where;discrepanc:es.'exist be these.soprces the.mate restncmte>and:Epp,compliant installation�detail shall-prevail:
4) The roof deck shall be.constructed of c[oseiy fitted plywdod'sheathing fgr new or exlstirtg.conscructid'm
5� The space under the,deck area-�shalt�berproperly>ventilated in accordance,"Mtheihe l=BC requirements:
6) All de Iapseams shall be insfalied to;shed waterfrom'the deck.
7) The underlaymerit may'U used as described in-other.current FBC product approval documents.
8) Design wind load pressures shall be determined"for componelnts,and cladding in accordance with FBC
9) The,roof deck shall,pe designed iby,others in ac ordta ce Wittl FSC requirements to resist the design wind
load pressures for components and cladding,
10) Maxirh.ivh Design Pressures for given Linderlayrnerit shall' "meet-or exceed the' design wind loads-
determined for-, e roof.assernbly.
11) All products listed m tfiis.repoitshalf,be;manufactured under a gyality assurance°program:in compliance with
Rule.61 G20-3.
The products:evaluated herein by Zachary R: Priest,.P.E. have:demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building,:
Code:6`h Edition(2017)as edidenced in,==tfie re ferenced,documen%seifirniited by:h-0,named"manufacturer:.
rye- � F � , .
No 74021 (�J �/
STATE OF ,�4 `
Zachary-R Priest;RE,
Narida,Registration No.,7402"T.
s�`S�O Qrgamzatlon No.ANE96S.9
CREEK T 66hnidal Services,LLC'does not.have,nor will jt,acquire a financial inierest in.anycompany mandfacturing,or distributing
products underthis evaluation.
CRl EKTechrical,Services;LLC is:.not owned;operated,or eontrolled;by any.Gornp6ny manufacturing'ordistdbuting:products:under
this evaluation:
Zachary R. Priest R'.E.does riot have; nor will acciuire;a,fiitancial interest in any company manufacturing;or distributing products
under this evalua5on
Zachary K.Priest.P.E„does nothave nprwillacquire,a"flrianciai interestm anyj.'other.enttYinvofved in the,approyal':process:ofth's.
FL9777=R'f 1" Page: :4 of:4:
OCR1A002`8a - .
This evaluation.report ip,provided"tor State ofFlorida-product,'approval:under f,;,Ip�le 61G2t1'-3 Ttie,inanu%cturer shall'notify CREEK
Techrucai�services LLC of any product changes.ocquality assurancerchangeslthroughout the duration for which this report is valid:
This evaluation repot does not express`nor.tmpiy warranty,installa m tion,recomendgdf use or tithe,product aCnbttt8s that-ate not
specifically addressed 66rie-in
II --
Cerifrcate o7 Authorization Mo. 2024
CR 17520:Edinburgh,CJriye
Y Tampa,FL 3364.7
I EVAL UAT O N REPt9E�l FLoRlt1A 8t1 I Nc-CODE, ED foie(2017)
Manufacturer; OW04S"gQRNIMGI.R.Q0FING ARID.A.$PHRLT LLC /ssued October 11,26,17-
1 Qwens Coming Paekway` ;.
Tofedo,.OH 43651
i � evin.zy.awenscornina:com.
Manufacturing:E ocatiory Brentwood,NH
Quaiify'Asseararace OLUC, �QUMV5)
Category: Roofing
Subcategory; Underlayments
<Gode 5ecfioras, 1504$.1, 1507:1.1'
4�raperdes` Phystcal'properties
Entity Retaort No Siandarcl 'Year
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) NE6039-(32-01 AS;rM D 1970 2015
PRl Construction Materials Technolooies•(TST5878) NE)442 02 01}REV2 Ast*D 97(). •20.15'
I PRI Construction Materiais Techr 01 1-L (TST5878) NEt 045 42 0 4 TAS 443 1995"
i' PRI Construction Matenats Technoiogies(TST5878]. NEI-045-02 03 ; ASTM G 1`55 2Ll0aa
PRI,ConstructioncM;4tetiolsTechnol 641es,(TS't5878) N.p-D53-02-=0I TAS= 03, 7995_
j ?RI..Construction hlater�aYsTechnaia ie's(TST5978) NFImM5 -,O -01 iSTN1 155 2006a
PRlConstructipn:Mater!alsTechnologies'(TST5878) NE109302-02, ASTN(D.�974 2035
PRI Const!udOr`.MateOls Technologies(TST5878} OCf-2 i3 02 01: ASTM 01523 .2a09
PRI Construction&4ate6ats`7`echnologies(TST5878) QCF,-237 02-01, UL 1897 2012'
PRI Construction Materials T.eehnologies(TST5878). OCF�252:02:01 AMID 4798= 2.001
PRI'Gonstrucki nMaterials Technologies(TST5878} '0CF-252-0Z-02; I ASTM D 1970 2015
PRI Construction Nlaferials,Technolggies(TST5878} OCF 253-02-02 ASTM D 197Q:. 2015
PR!GoiistrucBoh Mateiiais7echnaingies(TST5878) OCF 272-0201 TAS 1fl3 t'995
ruction Materials Technologies(TST5878) OCF-296-02=02
ICG ES AC 48 2012,
P"Rl Construction Materials Technologies(TSTS$78} OCF-297-02-01.1 ASTM D 1970 2015
i PRI CorEstruc5on Materials Tee4tnotogies(TS C5878). OCF-318-02-R1 ASTM 0 1970 2015
PRI CorstrU0on Materials'Technalogies(TST5878). QCF=3Z0=02=01 TAS 163 1995
i PRI Coristructton Materals Technologies(TST5878) pCF-3Z0 tJ2=0 ASTM G 155 2p05a
PRl Construction Materials Technologies(1ST. a* OCF-329-02=01 ASTM D_t 623 2009
PRI Cbrisirnctlon Ovlaterials Technologies(TST5878] OGF"�322;02-{l1 UL 1897 2012
PRl Construction.Materials Technolo pies(TST5878') bQC mS55 02LOT UL.1897' 20,;2
Determined to he eq'uivaterit_to ASTM D 226[19;T.ype=1 and tl.
OCR14002.8a FL5777-R71 Page 1 of 4'
This evaluation report is;provlded'for;State of Florida product approval uhderR te`"61G20-3: The manufacturer shall r}otrfjr CREEK
Techntcal•Services,LLC of:any product chan9es.or quality assgrarice changed throughout tthe"duration for which this.report,is valid.,
This evaluation report dbes:nctexpress nor imply warragty,installation;;recatijtfieridecl:use;or other product aftnbutes'tt;at.are:;not
speeificaliy.ad`dressed herein.
UG CREEK WeatherLock(�Self4ealing ice 9,Water Barrler5
Min:Roof-Slope: 2;:12 in;accordance wittrtte FBC
.Application: All underiayrrlents shall.be Installed ih accordance w4h the FBC:
Deck:substrates shall•be-clean: 'dry and free•from any irregulant)es and debris.. All:
fasteners rn the:deckatrall be,checked for protrusion and`opt ected.prior to undsrlayment
application °Pi7or to begrnning; nstallation,a the underlaymenf shall•be unrolled`and
allowed to relax tor a'minimum o;i 3-5.minutes
The underlaymerrt shali be installed with ft a release backer,rernayed and pressed fnnly_
into.place to ensure•cornplete contact wltl the deck.The underlayment•shall be installed
with:the roll length parallet to,the cave,:stackng a the save,and with m-inimum;3"`:side
laps and;minimum'6"end laps staggered.miri,64from preceding course. -Additionally,:if'
j applying'Nleathe�Look®:Specialty Tile & Nfetal, end laps.shall be:"primed with ASTM D
41 pnmei qr sealed with as,hatt_roof;semen ,a4minimum:oF 3--�t.inches across the width
l of the,Lap. is
It is perry ii siblelto back`nall the dnderlayment 12-inch'es=dn>center,as,needed(naiisshali,
be installed perpendicular to deck wrth ahe nail:heads flflustt to the top surface.of the.
urderlayment):. Adclitionaily WeatherLockdi1Speetalty Tile& Meta..shairbe back:n6i dd
when.installed on:roof;slopesgreateir,th'an 312,
Min:Application 40°F Contact•the.rrranufacturer,Nhen instaill r at temperatures below the mrnlmurri
.Eer peratu.re; application4temper4re,
I '
TFe:Maxrmuin Design:Pressures shown below were,calaulated using'a�.:1 margin.of safety per FBC Spcfron.1504:9
ill Underlayment SVst6ffi No'.1 =1NeaifierLock;Soecialty Tile&:Metal Only
Rcof Deck: Min.1,5132 n11h CDX plywood aftached.to w,00dsuppatfs spaced.a tnaxirrium 24":o_c_
Underiayment: MattierLocic Specialty: Tile & Metal st all be- applied :in. 'accordamce, wrtFt
j manufacturers iinstaljat"ion rnsttuctions to:the fastened:deck aril backnailed along the
selvage`with mmintum 72ga .3 'if4-inct ;galvanized ring'shank:roofing. marls through
f opflonally primed 32ga-- x 1 Y8 inch- flJ tm caps spaced 12" o'c: The,;applied
underlayment shall be rolled,witE1 a°rninirnum :751b steel ,roller immeiiafefy,folfoWing
mu .'Desi ,
Maximgn -142C5:psf
II ,
O£R140028a,,_ _ 'Ft 9777,.-Rt i Pa90 6f4
Tms'avahratian report:is'prggi¢ed fior State*of Florida produot approuat Under:Rule 6.120 3.'l tie manufaeturer'shall notify CREEK`
Tecl#nical Sennces,.LLC>ofany:product;changes or quality as§drance changes throughout the duration for-wncch this;repgit is valid:•
3 tiffs evaluation report does not express nor imply'Nartaflty;irts[altation;recorPmended use oc other orpduct attntiutes ttiat:are not'
spgcinoally addressed herein.
I �
I! -
WeatherLockO SeiNSealing'l6e 8E Water Barriers
TEGS'1:t�liCAL SRFv'16SsrE�,l^
-This;evaluation report:is.not use in the:HVHE
2) Fire Classifjcat Q.h is riot with"in the Scope of this evaludtioa.
3). installation of the•'evaluated products,hall comply,with�this report,the FBC,and''.the manufacturer's published
appiicatron Jnstructions. Where dlscrepancles;ezist betinieen these sources tl�e„more,restricttve;and FB"C
compliant installation detailshall"prevail.
4) The roof deck-shall tie-constructed of cioseiyfitted plywood°"sheathing fornew or existing construction.
5) The space underthe,deck area`sfial(be.propedyventilated in accordance,,Wth`�he FBCrequirements.
j 6) All-sideaap-seams shall be installed'.to,.shed+vt terfrom'the deck.
7): The underlayrnent may.be used as described in.oth'er-current FBC product approval documents.
8) Design wind load pressures shall be•determ{red,for components and;cladding in accordance with FBC
9) The roof deck shalt tie designed by:ottiers fin,accoMande with Fi3C requirements twresist the tlesigh wind
load pressures for componentsand ciadding.
10) Maixirnijm'� Design Pressurr`s for a ,given uniderlayrrient shall meet:or exceed the'"design wind loads
determined forAhe roof assembly;.
11) All products listed in this report'shall;be:manufactured under a,gyalityassurance`grogram'in compliance with
Rule 61(J20=3.
The products,.evaluated herein-by Zachary.R.Prrest, P E have demonstrated.compliance with the Florida:Building;
Code 0m Edition 12011):,as evidenced in,the:referenced;documents sttbtnitted.by"the named.manufacturer
`��.1; G �:�cE t� lF -•, 2017.101
nG 74021
/ 0906:29'
S TAT E' Op Qj,
Zachary"-R Priest;P E
R i'p G���`� Ionda Registration No,'74021;
O A.� OrganizationN No:ANE9641
CREEK Technical:Services L`LC'does-nothave,nor will't`<acquire,a financial mferest in.any�company manufacturing or distributing
products urderthis evaluation.
CRE€K'Technical-Service's,LLC is�not owned,operated,orcont rolled..by anyCompany manufacturing or distributing.products;under
Zachary R:_Priest,P.E:dos noYhave, nor,wrll;acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing:or distnbUiing products
under this evaluafion.
Zachary F2,Priesf,P<E„does not have hqf wrll`asgtiire;a'financial inte�st to any`other_entify"involved m the applpya pro�'ss.ofthe.
OCR14002`8a _ FL9777-R11 Page 4:of 4
This evaluation report`is provided for State of"Florida product approval under ule 61G?0'i3 Themanufacturer shall'"notify CREEK
Techmcah,Services,LLG of any product changes.or quality as surance,changesl,throughou,the duration for which tkirs report.is"valid:
This evaluation report does not-ezpress`:nor;imply warranty,instaliatlon,recommended°use o .other,product aCnbUtesthhat•2re not
specifically addressed herein: