HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval I I Cerifrcate of Au�horizattan N6 298,24, 'YE K 1.7520 Edlnbyr6h Drive Tampa,FL 33647 (813}.'48043421 EVAL UATIgN REPORT FLORIDA 9 ILD1WG:CoDE=,6T"EDftiok(2097), Manufacturer OWEN,$CO.RNfh1G R'QOFING A.ND ASPHALT LLC Issued,'October l;2017 1 Qwens,,Coming Parkway ;. TO(edb2OH 43657 %(800 win%v.owenscorni ng.corn, Manufac4uring•Locatiop* Brentwood,NH FoustonTY.; ; Qtiatity Assurance:: UL LLC(Qt7A9625) SCOPE r Category: Roofing- Subcategory: L)nderlayments Code Sections:, 150431;, 1;50T:9.1 Properties; Physical:properties •REFEREPIGES Enri Report No:, Standard. Year PR.b Oonstniction Materials Techriologies TST5878' NElrg3J 02-01 ASTM D 1970 2015: PRl Construction Materials 7echriologies(TST5878) 'NE1.042 02 l)1RM ASTM D T970. 201.5` PW Gcnstrueiion Materials Techno164i6s�(TST5878) NEt-045 Q2=01 TAS 103 1995" PRI.Construction Materials Te6hpliigies(TST5878) NEl 045 02-01 iS 'ASTM G 165' 2005a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878), NEI-053-02-01 TF S 103, 1995 �RI_Gonstruction PAatefials 'ec6616ciM(TST5678) N�1-058-42-01 { ASTM G%155. 2005a PRtCorjstruction Materials Tectinologies(TST5878) NEI-093-02-02 ASTM D 1970 20i5' PRI Const,uctior-Alated?ls Technologies,(TST5878) OCF 213-02,01 ASTM D;1623 2009'. PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) QCF 237 02-01 UL 1897 2012 PRI;Construction Materials 7echn5logres(TST5878) OCF 252 02-01 ASTM D 4798: 200"1 PRftonstruction Materials Technologies(TST5878), OCF 252-02c09' ! 'ASTM W197& 205 PRf Construction. )tila'terials Technologies;,(TST5878)- OCF 253-02-02 ASTM D;1.9?0 2015 PJ Construction:MaterialsTechnologies(TST5878) OCF-272702-0-1 TAS 103 1995 f PRI Construction Materials Techrioiogies(TST587S) QCF-296-02=02 !• ICC-ES AC:188.' 201z,; PRI Construction MateriaisETectinologies(TST58'78)' �OGF=,297=02-01.1 ASTWEI 1970' 2015 j PRI Construction.Materiais.Tectinotogies.(TST5878), QGF 318 ff2-01 ASTM D 1970, 2015`. PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878). QCF 320-02-01 TAS 10$ 19$5 PRI Gonstnac6on Materials Technol6gies`(TST5878) Q.CF 320 02=01 ASTM G155 20052 PRl'Gonstruefion Ma"teriats i echilofogies(T5T.5878} C>CF 329 02-0] ASTM D:1623 2009; PRI,Constn�ction Materials Technoiogies;(T.ST5878) OC[ 322-02-01 j UL 1897 2012 PRC Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) QCF 355 02-01 UL 1887` 209,2. 'Deterrrrined fo be'equival'erit,ta ASTM D 226 09,Type)and 11, I =1 • is O.CR14002.8a- .• FL9777-R1.1 Pagel:of 4' This evaluation report is;proMded'forrState,of Florida plv*ptiapprovat:urider Rule 61G20 3: The:manufacturer shaiG;goLfy C—..-. Technical-Services,LLG cf any product:changes;or,quality assurance'charigew throughout the duration for" ' 'this:report i-"Vali l.. This evaluation report does:not-express-nor mpEywarrarlty.:Enstallation reconjmended:use'qr other product,attributes,that are rlpt soecifically'ad"dressed herein: is I QWENS CQRNINC�ROOFING ANDASFMALT l_LG • vVeatherLockC�Seif.Searng ice&YVater Bamers. TE'ti'Flf�fiCi4L.SER�i ES, Ll_.c PRODUCT F)E$GRIPTIOM W'LIMITS�OE USE Weather,LQPWG.'' WeatherLock@ G is an ASTM D 19..10'self=adhesive underlayment,constmcted=kpm S9S (Brenfwood;<NH) modified; asphalt, a 'fiberglass mat;;reitifprcement and surfaced With granules. The produci:is supplied in 2-sq:rolls with,nominal dimensions of 3=ft x 0,7-ft.. WeatherLock®'-D is,permitte&to,be used as prescribed-in;F9C Section 1507.1 r••.1 fo mechanically attached roofing coverings Exposure on thp,,f deckshall betlimrted_to-a° maximum,3p;day5. weatherL"ockl&M6ti WeatherLock@=Mat is an ASTM D 1970 self adhesive underlayment'coristructea from;: (i3renty ood:.NH or SBS modified asphaltwfth•,a:fibe'rgl'ass mat rejnrorcemeht The product Is supplied in 1- Houston, Dg. sq'.tolls with nominal dimensions of 34 x 33:3-ft:and 2 sq,rpils with r ominaI *... Si, of 3=ft z:66.7=ft. WeatherLock®Mat is,permitted toi be used as.prescribed.in MC Section 10071,1'for mecharticalt attached roof couerin s Ek > ure ori;.ih= roof deck shall be limited to a y 9 , p_,, rha)0mUm,3Q days i VWeafher'LockO:Metal LdiI Metal is-an ASTtN D"1970cself'--:adhesive underlaymerit;constructedrroiri. (Brehfwood,NN): SBS moiled:asphalt with a fiberglass mat,celnforcernerit and plastic film surface. The product is supplied in 2,0.sq,roilswith❑omin f dimensions of 3rftxG6:7-ff. WeatherLock@ Metal is.permitted to be used;as prescribed`_h FBC Section 1507 1'I'for mechanically attached roof:coverings., Exposure.on the.roof:deck-sliall,.be limited,to a rnd*r.*r 90A'Sys. WeatherLock@ VNl Mht rLock(R Specialty Tie &;Metal is and ASTM D�1970"self.adhesive underlayment. SpeCialtyTife&Metai; constructed,from SBS modified•aspfialt and'surfaced:mii a':non-woven poNy ster:f._ (8renrivood,`.Nf!or Ttie p?oduct is supplied in 214 sq,rolls with nominal;dimegsioris o#"3»rt x 74.341 Nousron, TX). j WeatherLock®Specialty.Tile &.Metal .is permitted to be;used'as prescril2ed in Ei3.0 Section `1:5Q7.1.1. WeatherLock&Speclalljr Tile&:Metal;is permitted to be'•used vinth adhered clay or.concrete:tile roofing using''either ICP Adhesives Polyset AH 16Q (lGP Adhesives and Sealants lnc.)or-TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive{The D:ow Chemical Company,)': Exposure on the'I of dedcshall`be:limited to,a rnax!mum;90 days; ii .The maximum roof-slope shall be�6:12'When used v0i clay or concrete tile,installations. ithout.battens. Tle shall be stored on b'4pens'for•roof-slopes greater than;6 12 Tle`s w shall not be stacked greater 10--bles.per stack. WeatherLock@!G(High 'WeatherLock®G:(High Tear rs-a:seif adhored,'underiayment;used as an alternative to Tear)`: ASTM D 226,Type 1 af'i,ype llxoofing#eit and ASTM D 1970 sett:adhenhg,,polymer (Houston; TX) modified=bitumen:underlayneht. Tije underlaymenf.s composed ofSBS modified asphalt.With a fiberglass mat internal rein m fotceent and is surfaced with granules.The Oro duct#s supplied vwnth a:norriirial t ickness of,50`mils in'1,95 sq rolls with npin_iriai dimegsior s 4..3-ft X 65`L. WeatherLo,ck(b G:(High Tear).is permitted to be!used as prescribed ih FBC Section,: I 1507 1 1;:for mechanically`att6thed roof coverings. Exposure on'the roof'deck shall be- limited to a maximum,30 days. OCR14002cSa FL9777 R1 t ., _ Page 2 of=4 This'e4aluafibn'?eport isiprovided'for State of Florida product approval under Rale 61 G20-3. The OanufacWrer shall notify CREEK T.echnicakServices,LLCi any-producE,dhanges:or guatityassurance;change5:,throughoutfie,duration for whioh this report!s`valid: Tnis;,evaluation�report does.not:express nor imply.warranty,iristalla5on,reconir>iended;u..se,�or other product attributes thatare.not specifically addrbssed herein: i I ' f . `'"'�=` OUVENSCORN[NG ROOFING A1Vg ASPHALT;LLC. ' WeathetLockO:SelfSealing,lce&Water`Bairieirs TECH vICAL.SIZJ LACES,LLC'. PRODUCT APPL'ICAtION, Min.Roof Slope' 2`.12 in;accoriiance with the FBC, ,Application: All undeilayrnents shall'be installed rn"accordance with fhe.F6C,: Deck sgbi t tqs shall be clean; dry; 'arid free from any irregularities,and debris.., All: fasteners in the-deck,shall.be:checked for,#br 64%6m-and"orrectei pnor fo underlayment: api*909n: Pdbr to'beginning.,installation,:'the underlaymenf shall be unrolled.arid allowed forefax•for.a:minimum,of.3-5.minutes. The uriderlayment shallbe.installed wtth-,fhe release backer removed and pressea•firrrily into:place to ensure;complete cor#tact with:#he.deck.•The`undedaymenVshalI.:be installed With:the ro Ij length parallel ta'the eave,,:starting at the e4v'e and with minimum.,7"side laps and mmimum,6"brld laps%aggered.rnin,64from preceding course: Addif ortally f applying,VNeafheiLook6,specialty Tile:8� Metal, end laps:shall b-6:0"rmed with-ASTM D 41 primer or sealed with asphait.roof c'ment:a,minimum•-of 3=4.tnch' across•the width of,the lap. i i ai is penmissible to back hail the urjdI tayment 12-fInches'on-centerias'needed':.(na.ft shall, be installed perpendicular to deck with the nail:heads flush to tie tap.surface.of the prdetlayment)'.. A.dditioriaily WeatherLocliC�]Speclalty Tile& Metal'shalLbe bad k naildd- when'mstalled on roof.slopes:greater than 3,12;, Min.:Application 40TF Contact the.manufacturer+.vhen;insfallrpg atitemperatures below the rinimui» i erperature' applicafion femperatur.'e. i W.[Nb RESISTANCE., The'Mokirrium Design:Pressures shown;bef"were,caiculated using a 2::1 margin.ofsafety per;FBC Sectiott 16(J4,..9, . Underiavmer t.Svstem No.1 WeathierLock.Spadalty Tile&Metal Only Roof beck: l+Ain 1,5132 inch CD .plywood attached.io wood:aupportsapaced a maximum 24":o_c_ Underlayment: Weatheil.;ggkU: Specialty" Tile $ Metal shall be applied in. accordance -with manufacturers 'installation instructions to'ihe.fastened. deck.and.bacd ;ailed along'theF selvage-VA minimum 12ga 1-1f4 inch;galvanized dng shank roofing. nails through optronafy. pnmed, 32ga: x 1-18 ncK,0 tin caps spaced 12 o.c: The ;applied underlayment shall .be rolled with a minimum .75Ib steel roller immediafely following application.. `.Maxirnum.Design A425psf Pressure_ I r i I i , i i i OCR14002:8a..• PP777--R1 T Page;3 0`4 This::evaluation repartprovided for Sfate of Florida product approval undpr:Rule 611320-3."Ttse•inannfaeCureisholl ridtifY CREEK Technical Serviczs,11 C:of any,product changes or quality assurance chahgesaltroyghout the;durpUon for von ch this`report is valid., This evaluation reportd'oes,not express.npf lmp►y'warmrjty lnstallation;recorfimended use,or other product attnbtites that are riot' speclf cal ly..addressed°herein. ------------------ II n O,W.,ENS".CORNING.ROOFiNG.AND'ASPHALT'LLC CREeK WeatherLock(bSel#Sealing Ice&Water Barriers GENERAL°JMITATIONS; 9`) 'T.his�evaluation reporfis not;use in,the_HVHZ. 2)" Fire Classificationiisrvnot.within the scope of this!evaluatior.. 3)_ lnsfaliatiomof the evaluated product-14all comply with this report,the FB,G,and the.manufacturer's published appiicafion ,nstruCtions; Where;discrepanc:es.'exist be these.soprces the.mate restncmte>and:Epp,compliant installation�detail shall-prevail: 4) The roof deck shall be.constructed of c[oseiy fitted plywdod'sheathing fgr new or exlstirtg.conscructid'm 5� The space under the,deck area-�shalt�berproperly>ventilated in accordance,"Mtheihe l=BC requirements: 6) All de Iapseams shall be insfalied to;shed waterfrom'the deck. 7) The underlaymerit may'U used as described in-other.current FBC product approval documents. 8) Design wind load pressures shall be determined"for componelnts,and cladding in accordance with FBC 16Q9:: 9) The,roof deck shall,pe designed iby,others in ac ordta ce Wittl FSC requirements to resist the design wind load pressures for components and cladding, I 10) Maxirh.ivh Design Pressures for given Linderlayrnerit shall' "meet-or exceed the' design wind loads- determined for-, e roof.assernbly. 11) All products listed m tfiis.repoitshalf,be;manufactured under a gyality assurance°program:in compliance with Rule.61 G20-3. COiN UMbESTATEMrm The products:evaluated herein by Zachary R: Priest,.P.E. have:demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building,: Code:6`h Edition(2017)as edidenced in,==tfie re ferenced,documen%seifirniited by:h-0,named"manufacturer:. I+ rye- � F � , . No 74021 (�J �/ 04`,00 STATE OF ,�4 ` Zachary-R Priest;RE, Narida,Registration No.,7402"T. s�`S�O Qrgamzatlon No.ANE96S.9 CEIxriFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE, • CREEK T 66hnidal Services,LLC'does not.have,nor will jt,acquire a financial inierest in.anycompany mandfacturing,or distributing products underthis evaluation. CRl EKTechrical,Services;LLC is:.not owned;operated,or eontrolled;by any.Gornp6ny manufacturing'ordistdbuting:products:under this evaluation: Zachary R. Priest R'.E.does riot have; nor will acciuire;a,fiitancial interest in any company manufacturing;or distributing products under this evalua5on Zachary K.Priest.P.E„does nothave nprwillacquire,a"flrianciai interestm anyj.'other.enttYinvofved in the,approyal':process:ofth's. producf: "i END OF'REPORT FL9777=R'f 1" Page: :4 of:4: OCR1A002`8a - . This evaluation.report ip,provided"tor State ofFlorida-product,'approval:under f,;,Ip�le 61G2t1'-3 Ttie,inanu%cturer shall'notify CREEK Techrucai�services LLC of any product changes.ocquality assurancerchangeslthroughout the duration for which this report is valid: This evaluation repot does not express`nor.tmpiy warranty,installa m tion,recomendgdf use or tithe,product aCnbttt8s that-ate not specifically addressed 66rie-in i i I II -- Cerifrcate o7 Authorization Mo. 2024 CR 17520:Edinburgh,CJriye Y Tampa,FL 3364.7 Ttckp4c,A- I EVAL UAT O N REPt9E�l FLoRlt1A 8t1 I Nc-CODE, ED foie(2017) Manufacturer; OW04S"gQRNIMGI.R.Q0FING ARID.A.$PHRLT LLC /ssued October 11,26,17- 1 Qwens Coming Paekway` ;. Tofedo,.OH 43651 {800}438-7465 i � evin.zy.awenscornina:com. Manufacturing:E ocatiory Brentwood,NH H6uston,TX Quaiify'Asseararace OLUC, �QUMV5) :SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory; Underlayments <Gode 5ecfioras, 1504$.1, 1507:1.1' 4�raperdes` Phystcal'properties 'REFERERICES Entity Retaort No Siandarcl 'Year PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) NE6039-(32-01 AS;rM D 1970 2015 PRl Construction Materials Technolooies•(TST5878) NE)442 02 01}REV2 Ast*D 97(). •20.15' I PRI Construction Materiais Techr 01 1-L (TST5878) NEt 045 42 0 4 TAS 443 1995" i' PRI Construction Matenats Technoiogies(TST5878]. NEI-045-02 03 ; ASTM G 1`55 2Ll0aa PRI,ConstructioncM;4tetiolsTechnol 641es,(TS't5878) N.p-D53-02-=0I TAS= 03, 7995_ j ?RI..Construction hlater�aYsTechnaia ie's(TST5978) NFImM5 -,O -01 iSTN1 155 2006a PRlConstructipn:Mater!alsTechnologies'(TST5878) NE109302-02, ASTN(D.�974 2035 PRI Const!udOr`.MateOls Technologies(TST5878} OCf-2 i3 02 01: ASTM 01523 .2a09 PRI Construction&4ate6ats`7`echnologies(TST5878) QCF,-237 02-01, UL 1897 2012' PRI Construction Materials T.eehnologies(TST5878). OCF�252:02:01 AMID 4798= 2.001 PRI'Gonstrucki nMaterials Technologies(TST5878} '0CF-252-0Z-02; I ASTM D 1970 2015 PRI Construction Nlaferials,Technolggies(TST5878} OCF 253-02-02 ASTM D 197Q:. 2015 PR!GoiistrucBoh Mateiiais7echnaingies(TST5878) OCF 272-0201 TAS 1fl3 t'995 PR!Const ruction Materials Technologies(TST5878) OCF-296-02=02 ICG ES AC 48 2012, P"Rl Construction Materials Technologies(TSTS$78} OCF-297-02-01.1 ASTM D 1970 2015 i PRI CorEstruc5on Materials Tee4tnotogies(TS C5878). OCF-318-02-R1 ASTM 0 1970 2015 PRI CorstrU0on Materials'Technalogies(TST5878). QCF=3Z0=02=01 TAS 163 1995 i PRI Coristructton Materals Technologies(TST5878) pCF-3Z0 tJ2=0 ASTM G 155 2p05a PRl Construction Materials Technologies(1ST. a* OCF-329-02=01 ASTM D_t 623 2009 PRI Cbrisirnctlon Ovlaterials Technologies(TST5878] OGF"�322;02-{l1 UL 1897 2012 PRl Construction.Materials Technolo pies(TST5878') bQC mS55 02LOT UL.1897' 20,;2 Determined to he eq'uivaterit_to ASTM D 226[19;T.ype=1 and tl. I , I i i , OCR14002.8a FL5777-R71 Page 1 of 4' This evaluation report is;provlded'for;State of Florida product approval uhderR te`"61G20-3: The manufacturer shall r}otrfjr CREEK Techntcal•Services,LLC of:any product chan9es.or quality assgrarice changed throughout tthe"duration for which this.report,is valid., This evaluation report dbes:nctexpress nor imply warragty,installation;;recatijtfieridecl:use;or other product aftnbutes'tt;at.are:;not speeificaliy.ad`dressed herein. I i F OvvEm§c.6RIVING•ROO.FING ANtD ASPHA t UG CREEK WeatherLock(�Self4ealing ice 9,Water Barrler5 TECHNICAL.SERACES,LLC:: PRODUCT APPLICATION' i Min:Roof-Slope: 2;:12 in;accordance wittrtte FBC .Application: All underiayrrlents shall.be Installed ih accordance w4h the FBC: Deck:substrates shall•be-clean: 'dry and free•from any irregulant)es and debris.. All: fasteners rn the:deckatrall be,checked for protrusion and`opt ected.prior to undsrlayment application °Pi7or to begrnning; nstallation,a the underlaymenf shall•be unrolled`and allowed to relax tor a'minimum o;i 3-5.minutes I The underlaymerrt shali be installed with ft a release backer,rernayed and pressed fnnly_ into.place to ensure•cornplete contact wltl the deck.The underlayment•shall be installed with:the roll length parallet to,the cave,:stackng a the save,and with m-inimum;3"`:side laps and;minimum'6"end laps staggered.miri,64from preceding course. -Additionally,:if' j applying'Nleathe�Look®:Specialty Tile & Nfetal, end laps.shall be:"primed with ASTM D 41 pnmei qr sealed with as,hatt_roof;semen ,a4minimum:oF 3--�t.inches across the width l of the,Lap. is It is perry ii siblelto back`nall the dnderlayment 12-inch'es=dn>center,as,needed(naiisshali, be installed perpendicular to deck wrth ahe nail:heads flflustt to the top surface.of the. urderlayment):. Adclitionaily WeatherLockdi1Speetalty Tile& Meta..shairbe back:n6i dd when.installed on:roof;slopesgreateir,th'an 312, Min:Application 40°F Contact•the.rrranufacturer,Nhen instaill r at temperatures below the mrnlmurri .Eer peratu.re; application4temper4re, I ' WIND RESISTANCE, TFe:Maxrmuin Design:Pressures shown below were,calaulated using'a�.:1 margin.of safety per FBC Spcfron.1504:9 ill Underlayment SVst6ffi No'.1 =1NeaifierLock;Soecialty Tile&:Metal Only Rcof Deck: Min.1,5132 n11h CDX plywood aftached.to w,00dsuppatfs spaced.a tnaxirrium 24":o_c_ Underiayment: MattierLocic Specialty: Tile & Metal st all be- applied :in. 'accordamce, wrtFt j manufacturers iinstaljat"ion rnsttuctions to:the fastened:deck aril backnailed along the selvage`with mmintum 72ga .3 'if4-inct ;galvanized ring'shank:roofing. marls through f opflonally primed 32ga-- x 1 Y8 inch- flJ tm caps spaced 12" o'c: The,;applied underlayment shall be rolled,witE1 a°rninirnum :751b steel ,roller immeiiafefy,folfoWing application. mu .'Desi , Maximgn -142C5:psf Pressure: II , �j O£R140028a,,_ _ 'Ft 9777,.-Rt i Pa90 6f4 Tms'avahratian report:is'prggi¢ed fior State*of Florida produot approuat Under:Rule 6.120 3.'l tie manufaeturer'shall notify CREEK` t, Tecl#nical Sennces,.LLC>ofany:product;changes or quality as§drance changes throughout the duration for-wncch this;repgit is valid:• 3 tiffs evaluation report does not express nor imply'Nartaflty;irts[altation;recorPmended use oc other orpduct attntiutes ttiat:are not' spgcinoally addressed herein. I � I! - °7y OwEtiS 6ORNIN.3 ROOFING.AND:ASPHALTLLG WeatherLockO SeiNSealing'l6e 8E Water Barriers TEGS'1:t�liCAL SRFv'16SsrE�,l^ GENERAL.LimmATIONs -This;evaluation report:is.not use in the:HVHE 2) Fire Classifjcat Q.h is riot with"in the Scope of this evaludtioa. 3). installation of the•'evaluated products,hall comply,with�this report,the FBC,and''.the manufacturer's published appiicatron Jnstructions. Where dlscrepancles;ezist betinieen these sources tl�e„more,restricttve;and FB"C compliant installation detailshall"prevail. 4) The roof deck-shall tie-constructed of cioseiyfitted plywood°"sheathing fornew or existing construction. 5) The space underthe,deck area`sfial(be.propedyventilated in accordance,,Wth`�he FBCrequirements. j 6) All-sideaap-seams shall be installed'.to,.shed+vt terfrom'the deck. 7): The underlayrnent may.be used as described in.oth'er-current FBC product approval documents. 8) Design wind load pressures shall be•determ{red,for components and;cladding in accordance with FBC 9) The roof deck shalt tie designed by:ottiers fin,accoMande with Fi3C requirements twresist the tlesigh wind load pressures for componentsand ciadding. 10) Maixirnijm'� Design Pressurr`s for a ,given uniderlayrrient shall meet:or exceed the'"design wind loads determined forAhe roof assembly;. 11) All products listed in this report'shall;be:manufactured under a,gyalityassurance`grogram'in compliance with Rule 61(J20=3. C,OMPOANGE STATEMENT The products,.evaluated herein-by Zachary.R.Prrest, P E have demonstrated.compliance with the Florida:Building; Code 0m Edition 12011):,as evidenced in,the:referenced;documents sttbtnitted.by"the named.manufacturer V R `��.1; G �:�cE t� lF -•, 2017.101 nG 74021 / 0906:29' _- S TAT E' Op Qj, Zachary"-R Priest;P E R i'p G���`� Ionda Registration No,'74021; O A.� OrganizationN No:ANE9641 CERTIFICATIOPi OF 1fJDEpEPiDEPICE CREEK Technical:Services L`LC'does-nothave,nor will't`<acquire,a financial mferest in.any�company manufacturing or distributing products urderthis evaluation. CRE€K'Technical-Service's,LLC is�not owned,operated,orcont rolled..by anyCompany manufacturing or distributing.products;under this-evalupepn'. Zachary R:_Priest,P.E:dos noYhave, nor,wrll;acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing:or distnbUiing products under this evaluafion. Zachary F2,Priesf,P<E„does not have hqf wrll`asgtiire;a'financial inte�st to any`other_entify"involved m the applpya pro�'ss.ofthe. product: i I END'DFREPQRT OCR14002`8a _ FL9777-R11 Page 4:of 4 This evaluation report`is provided for State of"Florida product approval under ule 61G?0'i3 Themanufacturer shall'"notify CREEK Techmcah,Services,LLG of any product changes.or quality as surance,changesl,throughou,the duration for which tkirs report.is"valid: This evaluation report does not-ezpress`:nor;imply warranty,instaliatlon,recommended°use o .other,product aCnbUtesthhat•2re not specifically addressed herein: j I