HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) E tTERIbitREsEARCH&DESIGN,Lbt :t c ;.,,,,. ;Ceriificoteo�AuthorzvCfon�1f95i?3 353 CHRISTIAN STREET,IUNIT#13 $ 9 `ERO 'OXF,ORD,,_r .0.6- EVALUATION:REOORT Owens Corning, Evaluation Report037940.0212-R8 'One Owens Corr%ing.Parkway' F110674=1113 Toledo,0HA3659 Date,of1ssuance:102/0613012 i (740)4P4-7829 Revision'8: 10Ji79/2017 SCOPE This Evaluation:Report is.issued under Rule 61G203 and the'applicabie.rules.:and regulations governing the use of' construction materials,ih the State;of:Florida.Theadocumentation submitted.has:been reviewed by Robert Niemtnen P.E:for use of the product .under the;Florida Building Code'and Florida BCiilding Codie.'-Residential,Volume The. products.described herein;have been evaluated•for coinplidnce with the 6: Edition.(20I7}Florida:Building,Code 'section's noted herein. DESCRIPTION bwens.Cornir%Asphalt koofShlnlziies. LABELING` Labelin .'$half b - g e In accordance With,the requirements the-Accredited Quality.Assurance-.Agency �►oted herein-and':FSC 1507.2.71/ 060 i6.1 CONTINUED :COMPLIANCE: 'This Evaluation Re;gt?rt Is'val,d until such,time' as:.the named' produet(s) changes;.the, referee ce'd Cluality Assurance,documeritohg , or provisions oftheCode ::relate to the:product,:chan'ge,a Acceptance oftfis`Evaivation:Report by;the named client constitutes agreement to notify fto6ert Nleminen�:P.:E If th'e product changes or-the referenced.ttuallty Assurance do1:,1cunientatlori changes1. Trinityi:ERD requires a cornpletie, review.ofthis Evaluation,Repdrt n44Itivet6;updated irem Code;.reguents,,with each Code-Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT:The Evaluatlon;Re ort;q ml er. preceded by the t.o,ed "i,rinit EBD Evaluated'! may be.displayed'in p . yl Y advertising literature If>any portion of the:Evaluation Report'is displayed,then it shall be done'in Its enfirety INSPEdid :Upon request; a copy.of this:entire Evaluation:Report;shall.be provided to`the user.6y the manOfacturer or its distributors and shall be avallabie for in"speetion at the,job"site at the requestdf the'Bulld.ing'Official.. This Evaluation Reporteon'sists, of pages 1:thro igh 8:. Preparid by,. Ro6ertJ.M.Nleminen,P.E: 92s°jv`4\� �'` Jhefacsimde•sealappearrigwasaut6onzed6y"Ro6erP Flocido.Registradon No.59156,florrdrt_pGG ANEI983 Niemmen KE:.On 10/09/2017,,.This"does notserVEi As an electronically Sigped:dacumeDt•, CERTIFICATION_OF INDEPENDENCE: 1., TrinitVIERp does not have nor.does•it intend to.acquire or will it acquire;a;financiai interest An any company manufacturing or !i distributing product's it:evaluates. 2c, 'Tnnity,l,ERD Is not owned,operated or'cont�olled.by°any colTmpanymanufacturing:or di&ributing.products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nlemine'n,.P.E.doe's.not"have.nor.wilVacgpire,a:.finan,ial intere.st in any,company, man ufacturing-or-;disthbuting;,products for Whieb the evaluation reports.are"being issued: 4, R'obert Nieminen,JP.E.does not have,norwill acquire,.a finantial interest,iri.ahy'other entity.=involved"inthe'ai proval process of the` product. 5 This is%a bullding,.code eyaluatioh;. Neith&;Trinity[:ERD nor Robert;N eminent P E, are;�in:any way,•.the.'Designe.r of Record for Any< protect on which.this Evaltiation:Reporr or previous:versions`tfiereof,is/,was`u'sed for;permittingar design g idan:ee unless:retamed, specifically for that.purpose. I ; `( 1 S T � L ' R0 FING SY57EMS;EVALUATION: I. SCOPE; Product�Category: Roofing, Sii 6.Eategory Asphalt Shingles CdMpliante Statement: Owens Corning,Asphalt Roof Shingles,,as:'produced by Owens Corning have demonstrated compliance with theJollowing>sections of-sthe 6" Edition(2017}'Floorida Building Codq and Florida Baildirg Cod.e.',:: Residential Volume:through-,testing:in:accordance with the following Standards Compliance:is subject to the. 'Installation.Requirements and Limitations/"Conditions of Use set fortki herein., i 2. STANDARDS: j Section Trope Standard Yea- 1507 15;:R905 2;9 Physical Properties ASTP;xb 462 2010 1507.2 7.1,11905.2,6 1, 'Wind Resistance ASTM 03F61 2016 1507 2 7;1,_R905,2,6..1 Wind Resistance ASTM D.7158 2011 3. REFERENCES: Entity, _Uamination Reference, Date UL LLC(CER9626) Physicals&Wind;Resistance File-R2453-,Uol.3 02%15[2007 UL-:LLC(CER9626) Physicals&.Wind Resistance 20120516=R2453 05/16/2012 UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties 06CA20263 04%18/2006, UL CLC(,TST9628) Wind Resistance. 12CA3430& 02/18/2012; UL LLG(TST9628) Physicals&.WindResistance 4786093137 02')O1JZ014_ ULLLC:(TST9628) Wind Resistance` 4786126532 '02%10/2014 UL CLC(TS79628). Physical Properties Classification letter' :02/13/2014 UL.LLC:(TST9628) Physical Properties Classification letter 10/02/2015 Miami-Dade(CER159t, FBC HVH1cornpliance Various N..s Various _. UL LLC (QUA9625). Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp,(05/1fi/2020 4. PROD,UCT DES£RIPTlON7. j 4;1 Asphalt Shingles:. 4:1.1 Classrc and.Supreme are:fiEerglass reinforced;3=tab aspha)i roof shingles,. 4:1.2 Berksliyir4e aref.tierglassreiiforedd,4.-tabasphalt'roofshingles,. 4:13 .Devonshire °aee,fibe17' N5a reinforced,54ab asphalt-roofshingles,. 4:1-:4 Duration*, TruDefinition®: Durations bUration'' Premium, :Cool -[ ubefinition' Duration` Designer Color. Coilectiori TruDefinitiori Qak idge, Oakridge and Weather6uard ,HP-;are fiberglass reinforced,laminated. asphalt roof;shirigles 42 'Hip&Ridge Shingles; 4.2.1 'Berkshire Hip &sRidge Shingles High Rid$iE.,"WeatherGuar'd HP Hip,&.:Ridge Shingles,'ProEclge;,Hip&Ridg"e ;5hingles;and:QuraRidge�P,"Hip&RidgeShingles"•are fiberglass:reinforced,Hip.0nd n aa dgeph'a(froof,shingles 4:3 Accessory SterterrStrips: 4 A Starter Strip-'Shingle,Starter'Strip Plus'and StarterShingle;Roll are_'starterstrips for asphalt roof shingles. S.. LIMITATIONS;' 5,1 This.is:a building,code,evaluation: Neither nor Robert-.Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, #he: Designer of:Record foranyproject onwhicli this Evaiiaation Report,or`prev iIous.versions.thereof is/was used. forpermitting,or des ign,guidance.unless retained specifically,for:that purpose. S;2 Tkiis'Evaluation',ReportAs=notforusein-FBCNUHZJurisdicfions: 5:3 Fire Classification is•not:part-of"th s Evaluation Report referto current Approved.g offing MatQnals D jectory i forfire;ratings of this product. Exterior ResearcKand Design;!-M Evaluation Report d3706.0Lft-k$, Certi%irate ajAutharizatlon#9- 5T"E6ffid ;120171 FBGNON HVHZ EVAWAT.ioN FLI0-1-113 pwens Gorning'Asphalt Roof Shingles -ReAM661:s10[09/2017• Page 2;of8 I ' i 1 �R'I I 5_4: Wind Classification:, 5.4.1 All Owens'Coriiing asphalt shingles noted herein are;Classified'in maccordance with F.BC>Tables 1507:2.Z.1 and 11905,2 6A to-ASTM:(WO,'Class Fund/or"ASTM.D7151,dass.,H,indicating the shingles Ard=acceptable' for use in all :wind"zones up. to V,,d =1St) mph (V„It'=. 194 mph),., Refer. to Section 6 for in's".tallation requirements-.to meet.thiswind rating.- 5:4.2 All Owens: Corning hip.& ridge hingles; Starter 5t00'Sh'ingle and Starter Strip,Plus noted herein are: ClasOied,in accordance with FBC;Tables 1507 2 7 1;and,R905 2 6_S.to_ S.k D3161,Class F, indicating then shingles are acceptable'for use in all wind-zones up`to V-'d=150 mph,(V„Yi=n4'rn0h).. Re$epto Section;for installation:requirements"to:meet this wind rating. .4:3 Classification by ASTM D7150 applies to a tposiire category.9or C,.as•def ned',in FBC 3�1609.4 ,and a;mean, roof he!ghf,of 604eeet or,less: Calculations by a•qualified,design.professonai are required for conditions. outside"these limitations.%Contactthe shingl:e.manufacturerfor data specific;:to each shingle.: 5*AA Referto Owens Corning_publ'ished.information on,wind resi stance 'and.installation limttat►.ons; 55 All products in the roof assembly shall have quality�assurance audit"in accdrdance with F A,Cc Rule 6IG20=3. 6. INSTALLATION:' i 6—i -und'eilaVrnen`t: 6,1,.1 Unc!60 ymerit'shall be' acceptable.to.;Owens Corning.and;shall,hold -current:Florida Statewide:Product Approval,or be;Locally Approyed'per.Rule.61G20-3,perF6C,19&4.,A,1507 2.4:or'R905.2 3. i 6_2. Asph6ltShingles:.: 6,2I Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the.O.wens Corning'cur"rent published instructions, using minimum .four (:4)_nails per shingle-in accordance .with FBC 1507 2,7 or R905,2 6i with the,following exceptions: �. fierkshire shingles require minilrium five(5)nails per }iingle ' Vveather.Guard Hp shingles:require,rri.nimum six(6}nails per'shingl'e. >' De,gnshire' shmgles require minimurtl siz`(6)-Halls pershingle:. I ➢ Starter StripShr�gle.and Staffer Strip Plus reguire,miijlmpmfIV.e(5)nails;per;str p; Refee,to:Ower s Corning"publi0ed'inforrnationon-wind resistance;anci:installat on:limitations., 6"2 Z FasteneVsl shall be in'accor,'dance-with the_manufacturer's published.requirements; 'but not less than FBC 1507 Z:6;or 11905.2 5. Staples are:nof.permitted. 6;14; Where•the rgof., slope.exceeds A units,Vertical in 12 units horizontals.special methods of fastening ace' required.. Scq=figures"below•fordetaih. -6 2,5. Minimum.Nailing=Starterttrip Shingle and StarterStr'ip Plus: FelcupgerF W.M —Aaek fatuadeiiymun W6c. 'SdYodpbied V9eaU�eiiackn `T�_ Sell•a�lti�teit •undmt�yii4eiY" r� umiedamentr edge: p edge Nails Ioceied Ruklotsidd., - 2'3'$uie8've,:. : 7-a`.fmmea;re, InsLitl tiisf e, Self-sealing:"adhesiva 5�+eflb adhesive: 5taiserSMIp) pdstironrdalong'eave kaYelfi!stScnatrsurp,Was P bone alanp"V4 slurlgleWith 'wrth+€'teiarpd l StertCr Strip slti�ujfe Vs'eaves anc7 rskes,:+?i Stnrtei Strt�lznye hangeeaved'.abCrolie;'t/A fit$"' I EMei iorResearch:and;Design;LLCi; Evaluation HeliorE 032940A2 IZ Rli; Certificate'oJAuihoWi6don#'9503 6��EQITION(2017).F@C NON-HVHZ EVALUATIQN FL70673-R13; '0wens.Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Redision 6:10/09/201T Pages3 of 8; i I I • _i • :ERO 6.26 Minimum:Nailing<—dassicOASupreme: Notmt+f Il7ansaed or ArBa ppte IlCormer Meosard.or: Arwi pari Hlfind'Area3 HigftY4Led (fesvimn*y fAriidArms, High-wd*d -doivaanes; ArsQ paiff viewi6t+aorindfes;Ate" laikoa tao/ted Arss.pars pienMs ieor glee Fees tii�nty fiteriiss IF tAp !i i:xpa9ura: 8 SM4 Ei r®V E pu9icion E'To's clin I 6.2t.7 Minimum Nailing=:Betkshire®: i I i I `��m�!D� Sealariisuip 1a Srads seRada �[a ta'a'de srdada I - Standard Fastening;Pattem 6 Nai6FastenirtgPattera � cam:.. .... ._....._..:,.... ... I t,eatamsu gv tl r. `*Tr r 2 AM.*.�:rootiryg*n66.t GiutreMd'de-lee7i'o de aa7alfo Mansard&SteepSlope Fastening Pattern 1 i I I i Exteiior Research and Design LLC,IEvaluaLton'Rgport 03794D:02 12 R8'. t&df,cate of Autho`ri:dtton#DA O . b EbMON(2617)FBC NON-HYHZ EVALUATION FL10674 t13' Owq -Ornin Asphalt Roof Shingles Revisiori:8c:10%09/2017 Page(4:a 6 I I I ' 42Y ITY' 6r2'8. '.Minrmurn;:Nail ng—Devonshire'"": arras , .a 1ltaSitiSnde�s•5f8pulg Seatantlacatt on, , UbiGadon,'09 r�eiladof, # Ten P,,'S otsaflupbdttRoofCement Standard 6-Nail Fastening Pattern Mansat8 orSteep Slope_.FasteningPattern 62'9 Minimum t aiiling = Duration®, TruDi f nition® Qgtatidn Duration® Prefrti. Cool & TtuRe nition`g` Duration®Designer Color Collection_. 44141f Fastening t+attern. &Nast Fastening Pattern f LLi-a 2^ :.a:> =:;aau 'Etta SSdB' `:; '; Ftt�SJiB w( t Standard Fastening Pattern 6 Nail Fastening Pattern Fastening tw TOO_-Gtea Pgft 21:12 - ^7 • 1 4 7 .6wa�farLtasfa�fg a{tn wk;th- i � b1PtL 7ypkal I t i ii ,FqA($Ipt6'O}ASp7W[ROpRilg�awit Mansard"or Steep Slope Fastening Pattern I I , Exterigr F[esearch and DeSign,.tLC, Evaluation i3eport t3379,4Q:OZ 12 RB. Certificat"e. 6T"'EQIT60N'{30173 Fi3C`Nt3N HVHZ.EVALUI�TI.QN F620674-RL"3' of hUtliariiatioit:tl9503... � Owens Corning Aspfialt"Roof,SFisingles Revisioii8 L6/09/3oL7i RageIS'dit: . I , 1 I 6.2.1 Minimum Nailing—Trubefinition®Oakridge®;.Oakridge®. S:Ntilpattern ... BNall'Pattere'' Fatj[r�1ra`ioti 4 c7ai os EsgtiO4`can 6 cxavos ' ' ll �5.8';Expo,ure Nar7s 5 5/8"Expasyre NaE ' .x{ratidondea5/dpirhr �:aYas; �xpos(crartd�ei3/8ptilg. 55/8`E�p�[le" 'Gtavo§ 5518"5xposyie. Fxpt>S1cbr1 ileB5lSputg Esposicidn'de 65/Bp+rlp. Standard Fastening Pattern 6=Nail•Fasteni fig:pate n lrasjet tng for Wdopa Groater'nE8621^lz _ , .. "-_. ((''AR6N+ATJ Te+!eih+u omaupltlt. f r+a;'VPie✓n i �r,d spot ct/tiphaa Rooerg certwrA' . Mansard or Steep.S(ope Fastening Pattern 6'.2,1 IV(inmum.Nailing'—"WeatherGuard®HP:, j .- 71 Ifiill�rr � '. i i i 4ter•for(Research and:Deslgn,:gcC E4aWklon ReporE 037940 0212 R8 CertTIcbre ofpp'thorizotion#9503' 6t.Et EDITION(2017)FaC NO1V HVFIZ E}lAL ,06N FL10674.R1:3 owens Corlting;Asphalt Roof.S61ngles Revision Br10/09/2ol 7P Y ' 6.3 Hip&`Ridki6 I finales: 6:3c1, Installatio.m of. Berkshire® Hip and Ridge Shingles; "Igh Ridge;WeatherGuard® Hp Hip and Ridge Shingles and P'roEdge Hip & Ridge Shingles shall comply wath the Owens<Cormng currenf published insfructions;. using;four-( nail`s p"er shingle: Installations of Dura Rid ge?"' Hip"&"Ridge'Shingles shall comply with the Owens'Corning:current published,,instructions, using two '(2),nails;per•.shingle: Refer to..Owens Corning ubh p shed.information on.wind resistance antl installatioq limitations;.including the,use of hand7sealing4or wind warranties. 6,3;2 Fasteners:shall.6'e.in accordance with the manufacturer's,published requirements, but;not less:than F.BE � 1507 2.6 or':R905;2.5_ Staples:are na permifted...r 63>3 Mininiiam Nailing—.$'erkshire®rHip&Ridge and High Ridge: � Fig,9 q Flg 2 I t—.Pn:valwgwnl ;r�ti Dted6in .z�.,.:�� SW��iiw� Muis- ..�►, t.;: _ )\�.A"• I Nals. ! .., U3115 i.. al '} r ToP PIr -d 1, i +-may-4 gI V; 6,14 Minimum Nailing—WeatFierGuard®_HP Hip;arid;Ridge: Fig:;4 - ?q 'Fig G Hip&Eidge 5hingleatening amsauing YMtl f '.—~ '" TnP„UAL mail.Nall. I \v aim z r w y, T E=Posum z -�lr,�� st F�cpoaira I I I ' Exterior Research and,QO lgn,LLC Evaluation'Repgrt 037940;02 12 R8 j Certijcateof.Aurhorizarionk9503 I 6n'.ED17t0!!1(30I7)FBCNONHVHZ:EVALUI�TtON- FL1067A-R13 Owens Gorrnng AsphaRRoof-Shingles visi Re 8:10j09%2017 Page3.Oft: I I I • TRINITY 80, 6:3 5; Min>mum,Nailing-ProEdge:Hip&Ridge Shingles: ' P►�cwatlxtg , Stantk+xtb _ Wiha Dir@g41Q(t Pattem .. Faafan 7'iZ° 7 yz 8 Exga f2° 6:3.6; MinlMutr Nailing;—Dutagidge'""`Hip&Ridge'Shingles: Note,:The:drawingsbeloiNpertain to.minimum•,as,tested:attachment-requirements. Refer to Owens Corning: published installation instructions fortheir minimum,requirements: i r"0 n dorrniatruMacLi t vuo en p fc i 13iracobritteCtagnarpindoroiouico j(•- Yuranpain�r i.`� 1114. Asits _ .. G� + Ai¢'r1nRG'Mm'nJ rel —:R e7"'• J3 I a _. 1 It 7. LABELING` 7.1 L'a6el(ng shall. be in accolance with tFie requirements tle.Acccedited,Quality Assurance Agency note,:d _ hereih: 7.2 Asphalt Wn'61e.wrappers.s.hall indicate compliance:,with one of th'errequired'classifications detailed in FBG TWO 15012 7.1./11905;2,6i1. 8. 13uiLbiw PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required:by the duilding'Officiai:or Authority Havtng Jurisdiction in order_to properly evaluate,fhe installation of i tt is�product. 9. MANUFACTURING Pii*NTS:` :Contact the,.named ,CtA,enfityy for information on-which-plants produce'products covered by Florida,Rule SIR-3 CQA requirements. 10. QUALITY-ASSURANCE ENTITY: U,L L"LC—QUA9625;;(631)546 Z458;Kanchi Agrawala-Dokania@ul:com - END OF EV UA7lON REPORT- i i Exterior Researihand pesign LLC.; Evaluation'Report 037940,0212-Rti certijleateojauthorizaii6ii#9503 6"4 EDITION(2017).FBCNON-HVHZ EVALUAT,16N FL114§74 R134. Owen;.Corning,Asphalt Rgof Shingles Revision:8;10L09%2017' i Page.8:af I i EXTERIOR.RESEARCH&DESIGN,.LLC Yt li';;, Certificate'ofAuthorizatiom�/3503 RO 353CHRISTIAN STREET,VNIT'#13 .;z E 9 �P OXFORD,CT 06478 (203):262=9245 EVALUATION REPORT Owens Corning Evaluation Reporf:0379�10,021.2'-RS -One Owens Corhiog;Parkvray. FL10674-1113 Toled`o,.OH 4365:9 Date,oflssuance:-162/0.6/2012 (7.40),404-7829' Revision S: 10%09/2017 SCOPE: This:Evaluation!Report is.issued under Rule,61G20-3 and the-applicable rtlles,and regulations-governing the use of const'ructioh fti terials.in,the State,of'Flori'da,The,documentation submitted has been-reviewed by:Ro'bert,Nien inert; P.E. for use-of thee.product,under: the,Florida Building,Code and Floridaii Building Code;_Residential,Volume.. The; products describes herein have been evaluated for carnplidnce with the I t i£dition,(20V Florida:Building,Cole `sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION::`Owens Corning Al sphalt Roof Shingies LABELING: Labeling shale be,in accordance-with;the requirements -the-Accredited Quality-..Assurance`-Agency noted herein-andlF.BC 1507 2 7`1/R905 2:6.1, CONTINUED.COMPLIANCE:' This .Evaluation Report Is:valid until tbph time' as, the'named Or bet ch`anges;-fhe, ) referenced Quality Assn.rake;documentationi Changes, or provisions of":the.Code,.that relate to the product;:change. •Acceptance of:this_Evaluaiion Report,,by the named client co nstitutesaagreement"to notify Rob'ert.Niem nen;.R.E ,if thd. product changes":or the:referenced.Ctuality Assurance"docurhentatlon'changes. Trinttyl;ERQ requites a complete, review okhis Evalu1-,jt1 n,R�pdrt retatlyE?;tg updated Code,requirements,wtth each C666 ycle.. ADx!I4TISEmE4T.The Evaluation,Report numbe preceded by'the words'T6nityi ERD:Evaluated' may be-displayed in advertising literature. lfany.portion of,the;Evaluz'i on Report,is displayed,ihemit shall be done'in its entirety.: INsf;EaioN::Upo.n-request;a copyof this entire:Evaluation.R`eport,,shall''a provided to`the user by the man-facturer:or its distributors-and shall. aVa labte for inspection-atthobsiteattheqo ,Building Ofical:e,i s This Evaluation:Report:con'slsts of'pages 1.#hrough 8: Prepare 6y I � .. T jD+n�VC nrr � Robert J M.Nieminen,,P.E: �i�S� g �� 7hefacsimileseal appearing was aUtfipnze-d by,•Roberf '�'� n "'��" Nieminen P',E;Gn i0[09/2017„Tfi158aes noCserve as an, Fldcida.Regisirdilon No:-59I66,.Flonria'DC4ANE1983 " electronically,;igned;docuinent.; I CERTIFICATION OFINDEPENDENCE: 1.. TnnitylERp does not have nor does it intend to,acquire or will it acquire;a=financial interest..n anycompany rnanwfacturiqg or, distributing products It.evaluates. 2. -Trinity l,ERDis ndi owned,operated or controlled.by any company manufacturing:ordistributing products,it evaluates: 3. Robert Nierninen,P.E.does not"have,por<.will;acgu.ire,a:financial interest in any,company manufacturing or distributing;.proitucts for which tfie.evaluation reports are`being issued: 4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not'have,oorrwill acquire,.a financial inters"stin.aq,:othee'entityinvolved hthe`dppFoval Process of'tbe' product: 5 This Is'a building code evaluation: Neither Trinityl ERD nor Robert Niemmen P E ar8 in any way the Designer of Record for any= project:on.whlch.this Eva liiatlon.Report,or previous:versions`thereof,is/was used f6epermlttingor design;g"dance unless;'retained; .specifically for that-purpose. I I I TPjIV ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE. Product Category:. Roofings, Sub.Category" AsphaFt Shingles Compliance Statement: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingies,,as:-produced by Ciwens-Corriing h4ye-dem nstrated, compliance with therfollowingsecfons of:the 6th Edition 2'6V) Florida building Code and Florida Bwlding;Code Residential Volume.through:testing in:accordance With the following=.Standards;: Compliance is subject to the. Installation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions bf Use set`fortki herein.: 2. STANDA.RDSC i Section -P.ro e: tandard Year, 1507 2 5;R905:2:4 Physical Properties ASTM'2Q3462 2010 1s07.2.7.1;.R905.2.61 Wind Resistance Q:STM:D3T61 2015 501 2;1,.:RsoS 2,6:1. 'Wind Resistance ASTM D7158 2011 3. REFERENCES: Entity' F.iiaminatiori Refeeence. Date UL LLC(CER9626) 'Physicals s&.Wind Resistance File-R2453,•Vol.3 02%15/2007 UL LLC(CER9626) Physicals;&Wind Resistance 20120516.R2453 05/16/2012 11L.LLC(TST9628} .Physical Properties 06CA20263 04`/18%2006 UL LL'C(.TST9628) Wind Resistance, 11CA54308, 02/18/2012' ,.. UL LLC(TST9628) .Physicals.&.Wind Resistance 4786093137T 02/01[Z014. UL.LLC;(TST9628) Wind Resistance 478,6126592 02%10/2014 UL LLC(TST9528) Physical.P:roperties Classification letter -02113/2014 UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties Classification letter :[Nov Miami-Dade.(CER1592), FBC HVHZ,Compliance Various NQAs Various UL•LLC (QUA9625). CtuaaityConirol SenAceConfirmation' EXp:A5/16%2020 4. PRODUCE QEScRIPTION:. 4.1 As[hait Shini ies • 4:1.1 Classic and,Suprem8®are fiberglassrelnforeed;3=tati asphalt rodf'shingle.s.; 4:1.2. Berkshira 'are,fiberglass rein forced,4 a'b asphalt rogf shingles.: 4:.7.3: .Devonshite""aire.,fiberglass reinforced,S=tab asphalt,roof shingles:. 4'L Duratlon�, Trul)efipition .Duration, Duration®•Premium• Gool; TruDefin'rto `"Duration" Designer Color. C611ection•z TruDefinitionAOaktidge, Oakridge and Weather,Guare:HP,are fiberglass reinforced, laminated .. i asphalt;roofsEirigles; 4.2 Hid_&Ridsesf inRles: ,4.2.1 Berkshire Hip&:Ridge Shingles, High Ridge,WeatherGuard,�HP Hip&'Ridge Shingles; ProEdge,Hip&Ridge Shingles,and'.DuraRidge'^"Hip&Ridge.Sh'ngles.are fibergiass,reinforcetl,hip and ridge.asphalt roofshingies 43 Accessory Starter"Strips: 4.3.1. 5tarier Strip-Shingle,Starter'Strip Rlus'and Start erShing1611611 are.=starter stripsforasphalf roof thingies. 5.. LIMITATIONS: 5:1 This is a building•code.evaluation. Neither Trinity IERl)..nor R'obert.Nie'mihen, P.E. are, in any.way,;the. ,Designer of.Record for.any..project on°which this Evaluation Report,or previous-versions•Ahereof is/Was used. for,perrriitting or design,guidance.uriless retained specificalivi'orthat purpose: 5.2 This Evaluatibrt,- eport is°nat`for use in FBC HVHZ:jurisdictions:_ 5:3 Fire Classification is not:partof this Evaluation R 1.eport;refer to-current ApprbVed Roofing,Materials:PiTectory for fire:ratings of this product. ExteriorResearch:aird Desi n UC. g ,' It aluat}orrReport Q37940.021Z-R8 - Certifica eofAythoNiatlonJi9503: 5.TI1 t6thdN•017)rBc N6N-Wki EVALUATIQN FL20674-.R13 'Owens corning-AsphaitRooi.Shingies Re ikiori'8:10/09/2G1X i Page�2,of 8: II I T I ;E 5.4: Wind Classifications: 5 4.1 All,Owens"Corning asphaltahingles noted:herein are,Classified in.taccvrdance:with F.BC Tables 1507 2 71 and R9Q5.1, to;ASIM'03f6l,Class Fand/or:AS' bD715$,-Class:I1,indicating the=shingles are aCceptali(e< for—use—in all wind zones:up to,%a,d,=d5b=mph (V„+� ' :194 mph) Refer to: Section;6 far 'installation. requirements:to meet.th'is=wind rating: i 5.42 All;Owens:Corning hip.& ridge;shingles; :Starter 5trrp 51;ingle'and Starter 5tip;Plus- noted herein,are; Classified iri accordance with FBC Tables 1507 2 7 1 and R905 2 6 1.to AST MID 3161,Class F, mdicai ng the; shingles are.acceptable for use in all wind zones up.to Vasa=150 mph.(V„+e==194"mph) Refer-to Section 5.for installation:requirements'to meet this wind.rat ng... 5.43 Classification by,ASTM Q7SS8 applies to eirposuie category B or G,.=as,defined in FBC 1669.4 3, and a:meaw roof height€ef 60',fgdt or,less.. Cale4latiors,by a quaCrfted`.designprofessional;are required for conditions: outside these limitations. Contactxhe-shingle manufacturer-for.data spec+fictoeach shingle.: 120e1"Ito Owens Corning;published information on windresistanceV d"instailation`limitations S. 5 All products in the,roof^assembly shall have..quality`assurance audit;n accordance with F A,C:Rttle 61GZQ=3 6. INSTALLATION; 6_�1 UnderlayriYent 611,, Underlaym»ent' 'shall. lac,acceptable:to.zQWens Corning:and shalh hold current:Florida 'Statewide;Product Approva1,:orlbe LoOOII,y,Apprpved.per:Rule 61G.- 3,per FBC1507.2 3,i50i"2.4.orR4D5:2 3 62, AsOf alt.Shingles:. i,. 6.111 1 ,Installation,of asphalt shingles shall comply'with the,.Owens Corning current published.instrdcgd.; . ih, ni n mum :four, K nails per shingle.in accordance:with FBC 1507.2.7 `or R905 z 6, with the foilawing exceptions: derkst ire shingles require minimum five(5)natls persh�ngle WeatheriGuard li shingles require,mi..nimum os+x 16)nahs per"shin gie;. Devonshire'"shingles;rgggire.min rriurn , _(6):-nails peKA'kil igle:. Starte(Stnp,Shmgle add Starter Strtp Plus require m+nimum-fIve(5)na't.ls perstnp Refer to.Qvypns Corning pUadished;inforniationon:•wintl resistanceand.insial[ation limitations.. 6.2 2 Fas#criers,shall be iiT accordance._•wifh the manufacturer's published requ'i"cements, `but not Less than FBI I 1507 2 6,o R905.Z5, Staples are. ot permitted. 6:2,4 Where the roof slope exceeds 21,units vertical in 12 units horizontal spec a[metho ;o ds f fas#en+ng are o,, ;required.?Sec=figuresbelow•-fordetail's. 6:Z.5', Minimum Na+hng—Starter Strip Shingle and:'Starter 5t6p,P.,lus r "T� 'SEII•at wrecF "aridmlayrneM i _ WeatheYUD Ord' tkip.edge, oRp vesda'. edges . edge "`• r� -,,�.. ;:hTalls IOCdtet� j t.•+ a JUa1i5rOgTt$ 2=3`$9lYi BSVc:- 2"-2`f>am.een. I. InsragSisf r - Setf-sealiicg'?dhesiva' bialaiririiSEsrceSmpPl�is �� ��' S3srter�Stiipp: I {i�srtronedaiongeava' .anhS'ieniwred. pum0�'onadaia+igeav; migdgieivi4fi' + �6"rer�iov8d I � � Sta�er.Siripsldiu,�eoverliangseaves"anzlrakes'n=?f" ,SYmttir;Ss�Prasovafiat�gseava3;ar�tlE�ieitlA'�tk"' I Extenor,.Resean h anr!'[tes�gn LiC Evaluation hepari 037940:02 i2 R8 Certificate'oJAufhoriiaUo»N9503 6nt`EDITION(2617)FBG`R10N Ed�/kIZ EUALU#i4N FL1067d ji13 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof SFiingles Revisron 8:10/09/201T Page 3 ofi3; i i i MY M' 6.26 Minimum:Nailing>—ClasOi k'&,Supreme, j Normal 141ansard o[ Urea pars Normal Mansard"or Arser parr end Afeas iiigh,Ylflnd fesvarted y iAGnd!lress H�glr"wiitJ dopltanas;yv Ar®Oi ry vierrtosara"PiOes.Areea 06htoa/aeries Arty pafa itieneos:rrarms/®a..Area's r7¢pta;►rQrtas 1 l" 7 r1• 2 2 :-V fi•`"' ��f. 17' -"..72s7 �)��-12'1 „ �. !{Bl S 7expa9ure S,W"E7rpoaure; > 6.27 Minimum N:ailing-=Berkshire�i i i :SeakRt strip> 5eafaatstrip � to yrdde set/aUot }La taa.desdlador $Y+ 9 f, 31r. Standard Fasteningpattern 6-Naf_Fastehhig;Patte(n I Seaiart{:�tFgi ' ta,lattesallldot: Kr. tt Mj4ge. . .;sue 'Gl+rrrAMb Ae tcehodeaiialfa i Mansard ot°Steep.Slope Fastening Pattern I I i I � E7Renor fie3+?aSCh and Restgn,,i:LC,� Evalpailon Report 037940;Q2 12 RB;. C&fff cOteofAathMziitlon#4 06: b E61TIDN{2D17)FBC l4'9N}IVHZEVAll1ATtOP] �L10b74R13; OwensCormr7g Asphalt-RooF.Shingles Revision S:IQ/09/201T I Page 4 of 8 i i tlmurn Nailit7g—Devonsh rel'c i I I 7 C/ivas :.�.Trr N8i13'. I 5-�/8"�owre Sextastt lnCat�on �' ,� � Expaska5ntie5.518pEalg Ubicadegdel;sa6ador: s l: 7ett ti"S ois.oi Asp4tah Ranf Gemet�t Standard 6-Nail Fastening Pattern Mansard or Steep'SIDpe,Fastening•P.attern 6.2 9 Minimum, Nailingf Duration®, TruD.efinition® ;Duration, DUration® Premium Cool & T uQefinition Duration Designer Color Collection: A+Na11 Fasfeninga?anem; .__ ,_. ,.,. 6•Nalt Fasteritng P,attErll„ , tdiieliaq�ttastemilg area.WlAOr, ..'SunNaNc9taoenfi0maf.imii Nml iyylea� tr t s+btYt� F ,. ..' -s»eseir:a'6{tf.,J'�'. . .:�s -iffit�,'s$ _. ..^"'wm..z.':,'�,.:•w+� m r. ., �rS#".w"'x-'1;,�1Y „'}'awaao"���N aw e Y. t I. l 'Stantlard;Fastenmg Pattern fi Nail Fastening Pattern fasteriirig for 3topea Gtiafer Than 21:52 ft ... .. �Su�eNn:Ltayslwtga�nr4pUt, . Nda.TWlcal ' e•im�s-s a payt°susw,Avp AMR rep:a i ! Mansard or Steep.5lope Fastening Patten i .Exterior Research:and Design,11 C, Evaluation Ripon 0379.40 02 12-Aa; Certtficate:afAurhoraatrai#9503 6t"EOIFtON{2017j fBC NON,HVHZ EVA VAMON EL10674-R13, gwens.Cortiing Asphalt Roof ShIinglcs Revisien.9110/Q9%2017: R 6.21.1 m ni'murn Nall ng=TruDefini4ion Oakridge®,Oakr dge® A Nml PatEern i _ 5 Nall'Pattern Fsgrtema'con 4 rtavos ! Esquprlra am S cdairos I - — — I+E— .� --ail �f�— �'�-3►I 558'Ecpawre Nall 55l8.Ezp�sunz` .ri�pos'[cFondeo5lBpir!¢ �:auas: Cxpos"�aaade53/BptNg.. `55/8"-E.cpOsige: GaV�as` 55/8"Expcsge . Fxpas7etoada5"58"pNtg'. EspasrridirdeCrStSpulg ' ;SCartdard Fasteriing Pattern 6=NaiPFastenirig'Pattern t'astetiMg far.Sidpea Greatei'fhan 2f:'{2 :-A+'sNaAK/reslnJrN eroa rcNt t�rWy'VP� I I ' - aoe3 spots oe�espnm aooHrgteriwra' . Mansard:or5teep Slope Fastening Patterwn Minimum baiting-'WeatherduarO HP:, 1■ JK 86010'Odo Wiwi • Frhlrr7l�liillJitr I _ _ �'ilwip6Yiwif� ' I ' i I 11 ' I I I I I ExtervorQtesearch and Qeslgn,LLC.i Evaluation RepQrt_.037940:02 Ser;ificare ofAuMcrizdd6n:k9503 fi'I�EIlITION j2U17}FBC A10N HVHZ lALUATION FL1t157A-[t1 ;. Owens Coming ilsphalt•Roof_SFiingle5 Revision'8:'10/09%2t117< a I I i I I Ji t` .17MITYlt 6.3 'Hip&Ridgie;Shi igles: 6:3 1 Installation=of.Berkshire® Hip,and Ridge.Shingles;:High Ridge;Weath`erGgard HP Hip,and Ridge Shingle,: and.Protdge Hip:& Ridge Shingles shpall comply with the Owens-,Corning;current publishes insfructions;: using four 44) naiis per Sfiingle. lnstallatio n,of Dufa,Rrdge'"s Hip."&Ridge`Sh iigles-Ishall comply with;the Owens Coating current`published:;instructions, using two(Z) nails:per shingle. Refer to,Owens Corning, published information on wind,resistance.and installation:limitati'ons,.includh&the use of.hand-sealing1or wind warranties., i 6.3 Z Fasteners:shall kle in;accordance with 1 e:manufacturer's-publ hed requirements; but'+:not less:than FBC 150716gr.R9052.5. Staplesarenotpermiitted.. 6.33 Minimum Nailing—Oerksh re®Hip;&Ridge and:HighRRidgp., Fig.2 {�nnyalimgWnt a."� LA •�� ',%\��� t 1 ,.{ 7. I lap lanaeted �< 4-. Ni 1 a\ r•. ; r . 1 Cg4obvrg; of t f f 63.4 Minimum'Nailrng—.W64therGiu MPAP Hip 06d,R..idge Ftg Q q 1=ig C Nip&Ridge Shingle fastening ..Preta411ng Yfind ,1{••�, 7opV!41v. LL � J min.. ``� �i- � x I = 1 �•:' l 4r, • E:pvi y I I I I i 1 I ' ' I I ExteriorResearch:and Design,L'[C: Evaluation Report 037940'02.•12-R8 Tk, C'eKificotenfAuthorlafiori'k9503 6 .EpiT10P1(2Q1�}F�C:f30tV HVtiZEUALLIRTrON'I FI.1067A„R13 Owens corning<Asph,AkRoof`Shingies MMv Ion 6.10/09/2027 I 1 I TKINIVEkb' 63 5, Minimum Nailing 4'0dge Hip&;Ridge Shingles: i Provailrreg- WiriH IIrer� tnoti ENO aslIilrt . .:� $c�iitrit 5frip Patten': . 12' Saiilamt; h4fen 714 ' hover Exlroire+i � _� Essi eper with 63.6 Minirnurri Nailing—'DutaRidge'"°"Hip&,Ridge Shingles:; Note`The:draw}ngs bel' 0,6rfain ip.minimum,as-tested'attachment=requi'rerrments Refer'ta Owens Corning; r .. published installaiign instructions for their:minimum'requ rements. ' r�ianrfn ?1Yiiid.#6roeilori:, rep Vcmv: 'r`--:Birodun dpt'fliant®tltvnt Weeq.pFie Diratddidal;watam prodorainiota `( Yietan�etta'. j-� i 1 L a>� 6 7. LABELING$ 7..1 Labeingsll biaccodce With -thereqirements-.the.Acredited.qulitw Assurance:Agericy Holed herein. 7.2 .Asphalt shingle virappers=shall indicate compliance;:wi6on:e of th'e:required classifications detailed m FBC Ta61e 15072 7,1/;R905'�.6'3. 8. $UILDING PERMIT REQIlIRENIEN-M As.required by.--the Buming b4iiciaLar.Auth6tity:Having.Jur Sdiction q o-der•'to properly;evaluatejh;e installation of � � tlzisprodiict;. ., .. ._. 9c NiL1NUFACTURING'PLANTS 'Contact the:named ,CQXenfity for'informat on omwhii-h plants produce products covered'by.Floi ua Rule,9N-3 CIA requirements.: 10. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTIM UL L`LC—QUA9625:;t631)546 2458 )fanchi.,Agrawala-D,okania@ui:com END OF EVALUATION REPORT— I • >:xterior{Research and eResign;L'c�. Evaluation`Report 037940:QZ 1Z RS CertUk6teofAuth6rkativ6J050§ 'e"'-EQIbbN(2017')FSGNOfy HVHZ EVALUATIE3IV'" FL'1t167d R13 Owen;Gorning,�sphak,RaofShingles Revision 8;a0/09J20i1' i �Pa`ge 8 of 8