HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED / /� Date: Permit Number: V [ — L/ <� -tea 0�� l& -- Building Permit Applicatiorrc/,'°obd �9 Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT TYPE:Electrical PROPOS ED.IIVIPR'OVEMENI"LOGAI ION: ` Address: 2672 Conifer Dr, Fort Pierce, FL, 34981 Property Tax ID#: 1334-506-0010-000-5 Lot No.53 Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Boyer DETAILED DESCRIPTION O.Fr=UVORK K �X.J Ctnc) stisA-Ck_K n4eC_L,0 ,'CA < in�eed :a amp aM1'2 �—a CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION; * -<` Additional work to be performed under this permit–check all that apply: _Mechanical _Gas Tank _Gas Piping _Shutters _Windows/Doors _Electric _Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator _Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction.$ 1095.00 Utilities: —Sewer —Septic Building Height: OUVNER/LESSEE ' CONTRACTOR ` NameSteven Boyer Name:Michael Flaxman Address:2672 Conifer Dr Company:Energized Electric City: Fort Pierce State: Address:4252 Bandy Blvd Zip Code: 34981 Fax: City: Fort Pierce State:FL Phone No.617-590-1419 Zip Code: 34981 Fax: 7723186672 E-Mail: Phone No 7724661095 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail energizedgenerators@gmail.com from the owner listed above) State or County LicenseEC13006279 2a 3 If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is$7,500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. MuM_ DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: . City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone ' Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: . City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St.Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT' WITH YOUR LENDER OR ANATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OFOMM EMENT." Signature of w r/L see C tractor as Agent for Owner Signaturef C tractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OFLuc.if- COUNTY OF ;S4, L ut•;e. The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_f_day of 0Tu I I 20-, by this I day of Tb 11 ,20 Ig by M t G(nae 1 Fkg X of h Mi d&Q.e( 15CLS&man Name of person making statement. Name of person making statement. Personally Known.X-OR Produced Identification Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Type of Identificati n Produced Produced (Signature of (Signature of Notary Public-State 6f Florida) NICHOLE APONTE p Commission Ne'"!.. •`5 MYCOMMISS1014 963031 Commission No. -e NIGH qJF l' PONTE • : Y COMMISSION#FF963031 ••,,•„ EXPIRES May 04,2020 EXPIRE a .• (407)39M•53 FbrYfap .cam REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA IUKILIVIANbK COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev.2/7/19 (COO Sa F ee rnr .7 1 �, l `` t�i� 1 C�=�t�sf- r E• lt( ■)C)l�tl� �'�)E�CI�I��ItfOtl f''r�._ ;rt r r of p + • 4Y �.�AW t,Ar ----- n-}.-.��g=:�%c.�.£ �e�t.'etstd.���a�,.'u...:.:'s-z?.r=�._C�^— _ •fi'.'-^._>♦,.y?`�:�:'.._....._e.e-;.".r' �.��s__..:el4:.k�_''�� '�`� ,!-,�.,-J rt<�t-Lc,•..��`� -�t,� �a-L���e nl�c ^� q A��'..."�' �'�x"4 Y Max �` ��• x°, � �.'s,: ;'"�.«-rt•-��` Gu•uif Max Gen � 0`Uld"oor Inp't�� :;< ������;t�, tIs ai,�'�R�ting(,9Y"-�•- �"reaker�r "input"�' i"NSt�!' s Amps usw�flarlVlodels� "' kicoi?�t9 .°' � included a_:.,tcW ; AM MINA 0 ��� - � • cfy so - i: _ i "t•' """�`�L. rte,. �- � ���.;�r ;���--- i Ga#atop, ? y�If Ratin�t q u 3ei Ship' ber LD.esc_rltions;con rcttrrlt,arr H;,_x Models.___,,Wgt? IcWOL 1 iit.1 ,�•,� GatalaLeng h' NEMA' .. _ Ship €nptat` Nu�rtber IJ�l i'tia '2Wei lit; :i W k INTI,ODUCTIO 11 OanT IES S&IO This manual provides instructions for safe insi allaflon of the Inter°Lock Kit onto a Squa°e°D p4zel.The back plate sits securely sin the face of the panel cover while allowing the front plate to slide between the main and generator breaker positions.The InterLock Shit will only allow one of these breakers to be in the"AN"position meeting the requirements of Article 702 of the National Electric Code AN,9ItNFPA 90.The installation of the breaker retaining strap meets Article 400.36 (NEC 2008). ry T"1t ,�it;i"`�'i'+n—c a :r'•:•.'{to '^ n� ! 5T S w��r.�.yf K. ej A '�.iU �,��„•s Il`t�W'Lrl:iV S.R•v�.�.I73Ei'"�i�.rct'�.� .. 1J-l�+•iL'S..i:. ., .�7�J'.l Ft i+i7 .s�.J.•S.j 1� t n F(•.•`517;t `t L'i E'.$,!: Tilly'.PL 0811141)l( This kit must be installed and serviced only by qualified electrical personnel Turn off all power supplying the equipmek where this kit will be installed before working on or inside the equipment Always use a properly rated voltage sensing d6vice to confirm that all power is Off '. - Replace all devices, doors, and covers after;,installing this kit before turning on power to the equipment ' a Always wear safety eyewear while drilling or working around electrical equipment .._i� i T;��tr 5f Y� f+r�:1 THE Ut 7 k r' i?t'c. g f T1• s`FEs.�; ?;r'�~ LT Lt BEOU 7 lRYUIL3;.�LMRZ Ls UL:. O �' s1�'!?a i�Isr f U u �v_'a 3'k DRUM k S i�3•a-�s�.�.'�.� p ty�,�}v[j?'I aI��C P.'Z,9.��+E�.:�''t�1�r1°�i�y" INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Disconnect power to the panel 2) Separate plates.Remove backing from double 'stick tape.Align back plate(P- 5011)with the top of the first and second brealler slot(1,2 slot)on front of panel cover and under opening for main breaker. See Figure I(Do not drill holes at this time) 3) Remove panel cover 4) Relocate breakers from slots 2 and 4(top 2 spaces o':fthe right breaker column) utilising piggyback breakers as necessary to create the needed spaces 5) Install generator breaker in the 2,4 slot. 6) Temporarily remove breakers from the 5,6 slots. ,Lobp the breaker retaining strap (8-1004)around breakers 1,2,3,4• o ''YP from the front face of the breakers. Align the head of the retaining strap at the top right of the number 2 breaker and tighten the strap, See Figure JB. Cut the tail of the retaining strap approximately 2 inches long and install Notice Label(S-1005)around tail. Reinstall the breakers in the 5,6 slots. Verify that the retaining strap keeps the 2,4 breaker in place by attempting to remove the breaker. ti 7) On suitable surface use included 11!64 drill bit(Ha5015)to drill out holes in the parcel cover through the predrilled holes in the back plate (P-5011) 8) Use File to smooth surface around holes and remove the burrs on back of panel cover. On the back of the panel cover fllle away paint to allow entire screw d1 hea 'to sit with metal to metal contact.The binder screws (H-5014)must sit flush with the back of the panel cover 9) Insert binder screws (H-5014)through the back of the panel cover,back plate(P- 501 1).,' Pb5011);and front plate(P-5012),Use the binder post.(Ha5013)to attach to front of binder screws(H-5014).Handhold binder post(Ha5013) while using screwdriver to tighten the binder screws(H-5014).Thb front plate should slide easily and the back plate should sit firmly.Be careful not to over-tighten, 10)Set generator and main breakers in the"OVP"position and reattach panel cover Figure Ti Figure 1B � �,r.+. .#,1��4 T r��s S� a F � E""�t r 1 g'w-�'•�'-^gym.. .a"t �"' t� .« rasa r A ( C g • . ,1A.; � t��jp r r �y 11)With the panel cover firmly in place test the TnterLock to make,sure that it transfers easily between positions.BOTH EREAK&S SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BE IN TEE"ON"POSITION AT TBE SAME TIME.Even with moderate pressure you should not be able to engage both breakers at once. 12)Apply thread look(H-5016)to all four binder post(H-5013)as per instructions included with the thread lock 13)Attach labels as shown.in Figure 1A 14)Reconnect power to the panel a wi (i};;S�rt 57Uk Scl`i'ntit.UUit Eifi' • 1 �.itY�tnttt.,wir(+tWi°ia o rul: �tl L u'Nritc'6191d91 UG 141 X'; Lilt:14't11iP4•;7 7ti 1r5},t•fiti111LS iplt Figure fff yr� 1 1aq 115t'ntd•s:Uc1 117• furl r+JNiHruSWcrru1wenNn t t lur:i1.13 atrhst ldu: nl Y{p.5N11{frolin•ItC• • { � ;tM '� 5 r•Crr tort anitWi'riir 4 �� ( n tKrti 4t4c..aand:.nsr. 'Er< ;0 tinmrt rayYtlBUL'V:e1+1S t �', _ .,` `„ t llats.it«c/mcfar l+tRr lasatbAUtt ' .'�t�xi tltUnr P++++�msa»rom{n Sl tiff 'N1iBl1I'�"xF t as Ivnsr r pal+Irti�l.y,;111; •� iflr•5it rtnutrti•tuta'.ititatlsttrir+! GHSee�.C�9t �7ti i r,AS, t EMT CO TFINTS TG(DL&_DMED ED TO W5TALL Description Quantity Part 0 = Drill or cordless drill Back plate I P-5011 - Flathead screwdriver Front plate I P-5012 - Metal file Binder post 4 H-5013 ,. Accurate voltage sensor Binder screw 4 H-5014 Drill bit 11164 1 H-5015 C®I_TACMN19 lU8- Thread loch pipette 1 H-5016 Instruction booklet 1 W-5017 You can contact us by phone at(804)726- Main label 1 W-5018 2448 or by tb--at(804)231-1984 - DANGE.R label 1 W-5019 Questions or comments: Generator label I W-5020 questions Aterlockkit.com Instructions label 1 W-5021 Retaining Strap 1 S-1004 Retaining Strap Label I 8-1005 v • , t PlP 1�ATgd9I� I T]i�U4�'g']Z STATE1Ct ZNT OF LIABILITY, . t TO SWITCH OPERATION FROM MAIN Electrical equipment should be installed, TO GENERATOR operated,serviced,and maintained by qualified personnel.No responsibility is .X) Turn main breaker to the i'OFF" assumed by Generator InterLock position Technologies,;LLC for any consequences 2):. Turn all branch circuits to the arising out of the misuse of this material. °`OFF"position 3) .Slide Inter Lock plate up 4) Connect and start generator 5)- Turn generator breaker to the Tested fir use with "ON"position M 69 Listed Panelboards 6) Turn on essential circuits one at Ref. Wyle Laboratoirges a time WARNING. Allow Test Report T52431-01 appliances to start before engaging next circuit TO RETURN TO MAIN POWER. REVERSE PROCEDURE M '