HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Information 07/04/2019 11:24AM 7723367272 The Plumbing Works PAGE 05/07 TM PERFORMANCE • ,-•..:a':"'n`. . � � B .,y°},1u',;a6Wr;i",yuusJ}5.. The new degree of comfort;" PERFORMANCE TM tankless electric water heaters offer continuous hot water quick and on demand4 for single point-of-use or multiple applications _ RETE)(m Performance Features Applications i 0 On d®mand,consistent and endless ®Whole-Home-up to R GPM hot water 10 Water-Saver Shower Head-1.5 GPM 12 Compact and Stylish with digital ®standard Shower Head-2.0 GPM temperature - P rature control in increments of 1°F ranging from 80°F to 1400F Standard Hand Sink-0.5 GPM �99.8% ®Kitchen Sink to 2 GPM � Energy efficient ®Robust copper immersion heating N Bath Tub-_-4 GPM elements with brass top increases M Dishwasher-t to 2 GPM PETE(-13 durability and are threaded for easy 0 Washing Machine-1 to 1,5 GPM replacement }:'�• Average Gallons Per Minute(GPM)based on 2010 a Simple Installation Plumbing Standards R .7S 0 Digital temperature display Warranty ` r: U External controls to adjust 0 6-Year heating chamber and 1-year "r temperaturein increments of 1°F" pails limited warranty Sera written warranty for Complete Beta le 'RETE%-04 and RE"TEX,06 only show output t(-rnperature and are non-thermostaUcally centroliad TfnmeaaTilar'RlsEap.. RETEX-24 AIS. TA ' t,B-• .2A. 2.s '8.9 4A' RETS(-27 Ma ab7:RUMaRR am aura: .sella .'GPM( GP6a t�eA (1!'NI, pVM: QPM aETpc-oa _ ___ 4e' -_ - - - `�'•'�-',��Ka,j, - REM-06 75° s7° - _ .�.,. r- RETFX-aB _ 10. 8° 27° 22° 19° ,• - • REfF)(-08(da�tad 2a8Y pertonnana) 7 20° _ _ ^.-••,M_ a°p ) •�.�---- 7°RE7F7(-13 � ° 22'RETFa(-13(daratetl 208Vpertormarfce) — ---•- 6 84° _ Tostad and cgrtined[y the Water Quaff A,&sociavon _ ° 49' 41° I 37• y5° - o1�us � " � aNSF�AN.til3r21or FErq(18(darahtl 2a8Y perform lue) ' 45° 3B° _30° - - tntertek lead tree comp%hca + ss°_ 41° 23° —2y� RETbc-24(tleratetl2a6Yperkrmaace) + r- 6a° 43° 4a° 3o° ?4° ry 2o, MEM-27 - r � 92° 74° 62° 40° 37° 91° � REM-27 detatetl29av acmrsao _ . See specifications ahairt on next a er ( Pa ) _ + 88° 55° 4$°�34° 27° 23° RErE7t-98 + r i 9 8° 82° 62° 49° 41• RETE=-1(a-11299Y p.�f�tnancal - + + 91 731 61° 45° 36° 39° +Tem etatura electmnicelly limited snt in p 8 on adivatable thercnosta4 on front cover 12n'FORM NO.THD-VM it 07/04/2019 11:24AM 7723367272 The Plumbing Works PAGE 106/07 I Thr new deg=of 0omrprL',' PERFORMANCE""` tankless electric water heaters �.' l ;• Ali RETBX-04,RETEX-OB AE'1V-08,RETEX-11 AFTEX-18 RETEDC-24,REM-27 REM-36 RETEX-13 I Unique Featurea: Unique Features: Unique Foatures. Unique Veatuvw. Unique Features: *External Digital *External Adjustable Digital *External Digital *External Digital •External Digital Display-shows outlet 7hermostatio Control with Thermostatic Control with Thermostatic Control with Thermostatic Control with temperature LED display(+/-1 degree LED display(+/-1 degree LED display(4/-1 degree LED display(+1-1 degree *Durable Copper accuracy) xo4uracy) accuracy) accuracy) Immersion slpgie *Durable Copper *Most advanced Self- *Moat advanced self •Most advanced self- heating element,field Immersion two heating modulation,adjust power modulation,adjust pow+Xr modulation,adjust power serviceable elements,field aerv}ceabte to meet hot water demand to mast hot water'demand to meet hot water demand *3lmple Installation- *Slrnple Installation- *Durable Copper *Durable Copper *Durable Copper 3 Foot electric cable 3 Foot electric cable InlmBrsian two heating Immersion three heating Immersion four heating Inoluded;Bottom 1/2" I0otoded;Side 1/2' elements,field serviceable elements,field serviocable elemant5,field serviceable NPT water oonnectiona compranion water *Simple Installation-- *Simple installation- a Simple htststlation- eonnections Bottom 314"NPT water Bottom 3/4'NPT water Bottom 3/4'NPT nater connections connections connections : FORNIANCE Tankless Electric specifications DESCRIPTION FEAT08ES A>3trGFtiNGlitDIM6V3Ioas{B IttiN#t ) • '.ttr�dMtaeNDm NBN:• ulu4• �iiP I BREAREit "VIMM0410• F" WATER WR1RtR 6tOREltA7fiSBE8:; kw AMPtiSIZE VOLTAGE W912SO(00) (GFn (OPM) HOW ' MOTN, U&M DOt84 ¢88} REtIX 04 3.5 am (1 t30)A 120 10 AWG 0.3 4,8 5-718 10.7/0 2-314 112 NPT 4 5 c REIFJI.08 5.5 29A (1XW 220 1DAWS 0.3 4,8 5418 I 10-719 2.314 112 NPT 4S RM-08 ��- y 8.0 33A I (190)A 240 M~ 8AWG 0.3 4.8 12.518 9.114 3818 112 CF r RFTO(-aa(tinted 208Vper1or mOr 5.8 i 211A (1x40)A 208 8AWG 0.3 42 12.518 8.114 3-518 1/2 CF 7 RFiDI•it .. 11.0 48A _ IIX50)A 2411 8AWG 0.3 48 12-518 8.114 38/8 112 CF _8,5 RkTIX•1Strated2080petfarrtlanceY r 82 29A y {ix50}A 208 8AW9 0.2 a$ ' 12-518 8R14 340 112 GF 8.5 RE[Ex.13 �.....ti,. 13.0 54A {1X80)A 2Ac M 8AWG O,3 4.8 12-5l8 8.114 2.518 112 CF 81 RETEX-13*rdtadZ08VperforrpnW a 10.1 49A I (TxW)A 208 8AWG 0,3 4.B i2-518 . 8.114 a-" 12 CF 8.5 RETEIt•18 18.0 JHA (2x4WA 240 8AWG 0.3 7.0 10414 14-112 3-1/2 3/d NPT t4.78 ftETEit-18fdetaad209Vpe,inmtgnnse)- 13.3 l 84A (tY40}A 208 8AWf 0.3 7.0 )8-114 14-11E 3.112 l Sr4NPT 14.78 I RETFX•Z4 i Z4.0 100A 1 (3X40)A 240 8AWG 0,3 7.0 18.114 17-SIB 3-i/2 314 NPT 17,8 RE'rSX-24(dttAt¢d20svpertorawn" 17.5 �84A (3X40}A 208 f~ -;A--.IG 0.3 7A 18.1/4 T7-5'8 2-ilQ 3/4 NPT 17.71 tiETFX27 27.0 t12A (3X40)A 240 8AWG as 7.0 18.114 17-St8 3-112 SM NPT 17.8 REFEX 27{dm6d 208V paf=u"o4* 20.0 9GA (3X40)A 208 8 AVte 0.3 TO 18-114 17-5fB 3-1/2 3(4 NFC 11,8 AM-as ( 36.0 1 150A (400)A 240 8 AWG 0,S 0.0 18-114 21.5/a 3.112 914 NPT 22.7 REiEX38(dcdt4d208Vpettsrmarta}• , 2$.B 127A {40%A 208 8AIVG 03 8.0 181/4 2!-SIB 3.112 3/4t3Pt 22.7 "246V unttaeen be used on am single p1�.with 2515 redmedtemperaUue adput.Plogn Trate per OL ftdarda the tsttng plate and BtsbftOM lrgtPA0118 wi0 88 be 9=0199 m 124UV 041lid W6 90,QO*wm lomat dtn0a pdey to detsenp Me elefts)tOfraSUdCN,e- 2 12114 FORmND.7HD-PTG 07ie412019 11:24AM 7723367272 The Plumbing Works PAGE 07/07 ct Tha r"dog"of onMfolv .PERFORMANCE' tankless electric water heaters Product RAW pmasure 25 ftl jvn,180 PSI max, Suggested Speofficatlorts Spoeffications Pani ErlLi*Wt0UL49920dCSA Unit shall have ropper clad immersion heating elements)with brass' terminations for increased durabilit)4 5idernal temperature control,. (all models) std.Temp,settifTs 120'r Mustitble 307-1401r) and display adjustable in 110 lncrementswfth a range of 800-1400 Temp.Acourvey +1-1,64 steady ebta flow asplay shall be capable of displaying setpoint temperature in Turn-on 0,3 GPM Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature scales.Unit shall utilize a flow meter with a 0.3 gpm activation point and manage power based on actual tow rate and Inlet temperature.Values should be processed 60 times par second.Unit"I be WQA certified lead free,certified to UL499 and QSA22.2. Optional Inline,Flow Regulator *Enhanced outlet temperature control -Install on the outlet side of the heater *Limit maximum volume to the specified flow rate to ensure exiting temperature is within an acceptable range *Flow Regulators for 1h"and V4 4 plumbing connections *Flow range-I to 5 gallons per minute f1BEEt�1 PANT ..&MMMDOF. GONNWrKN mum Itaw"Aduma. SIZE 8TE10001A I A 1.51 210 1/2,Npr RTE10W18,4.0,6.0 2/4,NPT Suggested Sizing Guide �Guw cum= WARM CUM= iWTCU,M'.- a4,f) INIE IMP.- ONIFTIMP NA WA WA 11A WA WA REM-08 KIE100A fWE10011A frrElW01A nEW-11 11THODDIA 10,10001A --FaTE10001A RAIDMIA KE100018 RTE100013 INT11106013 SM-24 WEI00018 RTEID0O19 RTM0001B HEM-27 RTE1000iB RTE100p18 T WEI(laals KIODDIS FRI00418 WIDOW Selection based on inlet temparL"q and an WlQt tamwswm estbrvo of 10551' in keeping with 7s policy oFaonth,,;0US progress Rnd pMdoot jinprovamen�Rhoom mseNas the right to make changes without nodce Rhtom Water Heating # 101 Bell Road Montgomery,Alabarns$6117,4305 - VAvWshearn-COrn i2114 FORM NO.TfD,M