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Building Permit Applicaiton
I I To: Page 4 of 6 2019-07-18 19:15:35(GMT) 17726735762 From: DAVID KRUSE ALL APPLICABI.:ONt QW.S. -CATIQN..TQ.B�ACCEPTED-.... . {75107`1.2018 1 [late: .. .PefIinit Number: .i JUL .1� 2019 Pighn7ng:uiidDeveL�iprrient5&vkes Permitting Department guitdirte�.rind Code f qg(h.. n.DivisiUn .VSt.Uacie County 2300 -ginlQ'Avenve,-Forr PWce FL.34-982. Phone:(772)462-15.53 :Fax;'(772)46.2-157.8 Cor*nMerdaI Residential.,_ x PERMIT APPLICATI.Q.N FO.R._ Ta Se(e. t.from dr...0 box, click arrow at the end of line l 107:`Scatlet Tana er Courl Address:' .3 Legal f)escriptibn: EAGLE`S RETREAT ATA1lANI�IA CLUB PH (PB-4 -1 BLK 58 LOT.9.(Oft 4059-2455) P'rooert.y Ta )fl..#;;.'3424-702-0A2-000'3 IvtN.a. .Sate Plan Namra: Block N'o: Setbacks. 'Front`: Beek:. RiglitSic e: Lefit:Side - g `DE11D3� 'f'ifilflN #JiJ�IflIJC ` t r s' a} i _- - Ck Change out.resldentlaf"pacicge Unil rlth:a Ch`amplon padk; g un# 4.:t+an 14seqr PCE4482 , 1.0 01N heat i _, tY I, 1 :,7'�k �� '( 1 �`� t ? 1 �. � Pit '3: t � .-r-3 p'i^ � t' `t f- J ) : .' {r citiona work to' e e orrne .:un er this.permit—.c ec a ap y,. Z HVAC Ca-lank Gas. iping _Shutters V inctows%moors �"'"�[].Electric Plumbing:` Sprinklers Generator' hoof kobf pitch.. T6tai.54.,Ft:of`Cohstr*uttlon � 5 . Ft.:of First lvioo,r: Cost of Cronstruttion $. 3c3D�•: utilities:+ —Sever Septic Building H.eight:., <',(;�t11��I��,;f l~�S�, i L'n< cic „%L ' ' .x`i ��� '� s �''ry� �t�NTRA�Tr�l�4 . z`, a-•� r � ' r� , f z� i Natnc tatthev:Krische ,' w Nat(ie:c:�aVii�.ktnisa ..,. . Address 3(07 Scardef;l anager Court Catm an ' A boct4rs lnc Y Cl �,:"Part.Saint Lucie: State:FL. Acfdr� 1853.:Bikmore Scet. ... .. ... Zip Code,34382' Pax; . City:.Pork Saint Ducie :State,FL Phone, o,' _ Zip..�otfe 34954. Fax:.: E-Mail., Pbo.ne':No. 7.72-344-3944 Fill in fee:sim leTitl holder ota.nex#:page(O'different [.Mail:.acdoctorsinc@,gmsil.coni El from the O.Wper..listed above) State.or County License: CAC0684.61 If.value:of construction is$2500 ormore,�a WPRDEDNo.tice:ofGommenceznent'is:requireci,. ;i To: Page 5 of 6 :y ` `^ _2019-07-18 19:15,35 1GMT1 17726735762 From: DAVID KRUSE U-�p}. fVllA,.1� +�} 'Rv� `60'i11� 5k �tikif© N1AT1C? t k} .. %DESIGNER :ENGINEERS ! NQt;Applicable . MORTGAGE COMPANY; ..... ....:. NQt pp{'icabie7777 N.ame:LecName DavidKrusd Address:U00Gallbom,Crt AddreSs l3400GaI1bFinyCircle City: NnS.ainc lue'a State: FL City: Port.Saint tucijo State: Zip: -,J4951 Phone );::.. Zjp Phone: FEE SIMPLE.TITLE.HOLDER. Not Applicable.. 'BONDING COMPANY,: Nat:Appircable l Name. Name _ .. Adf�rtrSS' as3.k3itmor�Street. Adds , e55; " City: Zip: Phone:.. Zip:. Phone::: QWNI R/CONTRACTOR AFFIDViT::Application<s hereby made;ta.cs�taii t ' staiatton as€naicated ;:a.p rnit I certify that rio Workor`iristaflation:has commenced prior totheissuance of a permit :.. .St.Lucie.County makes no representation that is.grantuig:a permit wi[I authorize die.permit holder to build the subject structure., •' which is in contyiict with an�ap.piicable Hoare bvaners Assoclatton rttl+_s,'bylaWs.or and:covenants_that imay eestrlct or prohiblt SdCh : strlpcture_Please'consult w h yat.lr'Hc�rTre.gtvners.Association:and revie�v:your deAd for arty restractlons y+rhich.may,..aaply.:. !I: .. In consideration of the granting of this reg4ested permit,I do hereby.agree that I will,in all.respects,perform the.work. in accordance with the.approved plans,the Florida.Builcling.CDdes and-St.tucie.County Amendments..'. The following..building permit.application:;are:exerrr.pt from.undetbaing.a.full concurrency,reuiew:room additions, acceAsgry-s rvptures,swimming pools,fences,walls,-signs,.screen rooms and aeces�ory.uses to anQther npn-residential use. WARNING TO OWNER.Your.faiiure to Recc,rcl a ot'tce.of Corirrenceri en* tray.resrxit inyou paying twice-for imnvrovements to your.pr rty/A Notice of Loft'mencement:must be recorded and posted on.the jobstte before:the first ins .e. n,if y'6.intencf.to obtain fin ancing,.ponsuIf with lend er.or an o��y;before.. eommencin -tv r recorfln til<lotice of Commencement. ` Signature of 0 erjaesseej.CQntractor as A en.t_for Owner.: Signatt a ontract6r.0 ense}iolder: .., _ STATE QF FLORIDiq ., �J, 1 STATE OF FLORI�, 4 ! C011NTY QFC l �. (3U,NTY OF � l :._ i 'Che:fo of .nstrurj,ent was.acknoi�led ed befor :.me.:.. The forgotng.iristrument was act<nowledgetl.befvre me.: t is7-oa,y..o.I i�( �:a.` 20f P.by. thi :f: "<fayof.." 201y' , — --- --� 77r[ !� Name of person maki�ag'.statement Name of person tnakingstatement Rersonally Knok+rn: ..-' ,JR Produced Identification. ! Personall Known.._„- .R l?roduced ldentif catfari'- „: _ Type of Ideritiffcation Type of ldentificati.on Prod, i Produced i / r ISI, . '.ire of.Notary.:Publit. State of:ftorida'')' ':;::.'.:':' :.:: ,`.: ':l ( r of;Nota{Y Public-State ofFiorlda) if L•}i t "'(j` rTtissron No L= rra l,y l ^SSC0.- con) 1J aSEE05S t �''. rv� _ w10n#*G-026 C6� COfnmiStiiJn 111 /1 F»e�� xlMs�eplerneri,20 rnitii8stortftu283 p " era¢..` ddTi 5udloiria uyseytcui Erplt 21,? 2 j REVIEWS:` FRONT'. ..I:ZON1NG SLlPERVISC�R PLAi S `I VEGETATION srATURTIE.. ' MANGRJVE COUNTER -REV€EW REVIEW REVIEW I REVIEW REVIEW t REVIEW BATE. 1 r RECEIVED DATE , COMPLETED__a_____ _