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Building Permit Applicaiton
To: Page 6 of 6 2019-07-18 19:15:35(GMT) 17726735762 From: DAVID KRUSE ALL-:AP PLIr A _ OWPLE D.: ,OR APPi:I TION TO:8E-ACCEPTED:..'' 05/D7J2018 = Qate.; Permit Number wow tt JUL . Planning:and Development:5eryices:.: :':>.::';:';: ;.<;:,:,>:`::>;. ::.': :.;;:;:<:.:... . 99 fluildit?g and'Code:R�gulation Divrsron Permitting Department 23009/rrginra Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 St. L icic r�Lj�.ty Pf�one:{�:f2}462 3 53 Fax (7�2j 6 s?�'.:::.. Comrnercial Residential ` k. PERiVIIT --APP (Jt ` To Seiect from dropbox,:cllck wTp at the end of tins •{ikOF. � y�tvw)IR�ji +..�� , f N.-ti—.t.�-nvein.�.«n•Jerr.urm:•+ri�rr ..-.<d .r +.i... :3�±.-..)S ':� ... .... t..^ ) x...:.y :.. 84..00;:Gallber.• .:Cir' AddYess::: ry_ Legal tescription:. SAVANIVq CLUB:'F'LAT.THREh F3LK.25:LOT 9_'_:: • Ii Prapert. "fax ID:#.: ' . r. . ':... Lot. y 3425.703-0219 .0000::.;.:::.:' :..;..;:- Site,Plan fame: :. Block No. ` Project.Name: : :...... .. . . .. -7777, ' R'Ba <Setbac..kSitlecLe a', '.• ����l���tr�I...�tii��2rt���i,1/ �� ��4\ \ ,3' S a�� } x £r i {-'� ,' t?1 4i a 3 �+ 1 Change-out.resid*ontial'air Gond€tinning system; 4 toti 14-8eer Champion Package;unit. PCE4OQQ2.1 .1d VV:heater ttt M,` �[[yy\\ 1 �41C `�Q( iV�7��.1 ,i�. , SYtU�{ 3•S�'4z.'�.u,t ..1 ii 12'i: ii F Add ..r*e �3_. .t.: itiona vvor to e e orme un ert is permit c eC 'a ._12 app y: 1'!1HVACGas Tank Gas Piping . Shutters. ' Windows E)oors a .. oofi: i pitch Electric °Pluriibi.n Sprinlae.rs.:. Generator' Roof ... R.._. .c Total_Sq.Ft of Co.nSfruct on:, 'Sq. Ft.of First Floor: 45p0 . Cost o€Construction::$, Otilitles: Sewer Septic building Fleight: Mr�� �1\� � Name. 9 ,Narr�� r?a.[ct:tCiusE�'': Atldress 8400GallberryCfroe Company AC'aoctar>s,lnc' Ci#y,-P.ort Saint Rucie State:FIL ,address 1386-r' 8�ltrnora Scree#: ip•Code: 34952 i ax: City: P.ort.Saint Lucis ` State-F> :.. 7. Phone No. ,Zip Cade 00 .:3Fax::_ .. :.. . 4 E-Mail: Phone ado. 772-344-3944 Fill in`fee sim, :�tf: iffrenti.::-. E-Mail;.ac�oc incgrriail:com' tors from. the.Ow.her.listed.:.above.j.::- State or:County License: CAC058461 If value of construction is$25p0..or more,_a REC,ORDED.Notice:t?f Commencement is required, To: Page 3 of 6 2019-07-18 19:15:35(GMT) 17726735762 From: DAVID KRUSE ..........: NZ -F 'LI ��Y-:4.w� �� ��a1V.` ia'tl N �Y 1 �A � YV1f:YF yi #�1L�JL DESIGN ER/.EN.GINEER .NotAplicableNI3RTGAGE COMPANY" Not Appl�cabl:: :. NName oaumK:usc. €:. AddTs?SS 34078car6atir�n gerCo:ird Addr@SS 33G75erledTrirc,g_r1 oidH City: Part State -FL City: Portsau,tLue3 Stete' i Zip:',a0,d Phone 'Zip: Rhone, FEE SIMPLE TITLE.-HOLDER Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY; .. Not A_p.plicab.le Name: Name: Address:ddds3ddtn,oresdr�d Address. City; city, Phone:__ Zip:. Phone., i. O.wNtR/C.6NT*l ACs OEC:AFFIDV1T :r%-0-i-atton rs her�by:mn de tc.obtain a,0ermit to do thetivork"arid nstalla#don as.ltzdreateii.:: l cerci" that no_worlc or.rnstailation nae commenced prtoi`to:the.issuance of a'pesmlt:. 5t.Lucie Count makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize•the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in'con lice with';any applicable i orndz owners Association rules,.bylaws or an covenants.that may restrict,or prohibit such structure,Please consr,tltwith your Horne Owners Assoclatton:and rpview your..dc(�d,for-any r estrictions Which,may apply.... i In consideration of the..granting of this requested permit,I do.hereby agree that I wilt 'in all respects,perform the work . in acc..ordance with the.approved plans,the:Elorida Building Codes and St.Lucie.County Amendments.. Tlie following bt ilding.permit applications Ora exempt From undergoing a full concurrcncv.revue uv:rooi�l.addltdons; accessory stru.ctures,,sMrriming.pools,Fences,walls,signs,screed?rooms and accessory uses to another non-resideritial.use.' . WOWING 01tUt1IER:Y0 failure#o.Record`a I�Iotice0 Cammencernertt may restalt i:n y4ur.paying twice. or ;improvements to.your projTprty A,Notice of.Commencement must.be.recorded and-Rosted.on:the 1o} site ..before the:first ingp.ec 6 .,ff you nterid to.obtain financlnb;consult ^rich 1. nder. r attorn efore commencin wor' oG�recof`di otr�+totice`of Commencement. r � Signatu& Ovine e*e. Wt#actor-as Ag int for Owner �.Signal r of GQn ac >' License Holder..STATE-OF FL ORI i STATE OFF ORIC ,. f r . • i. COUNTY'OF �t-f CC UIVTY fJJF .r+�I The forgoing instr-u� rit.wa5.a&'n dwledged betdre diiQ: . T is fa,lf�?�Ing in�trum�?.r:tt ivas atkriowleclged hefare me this % a.V.0 his, day of t. 201_1':l�y. } e ,tel S ame'of person making s atement l Na'me of person-making stateirient I 3 Perso . i�wn I 9P:Produced identification Personally Knowdi',r_l,_� `"OR Pr oddcedidentificaFion Type ofldentification ~" TyP2 of€demi catiQtt Produced produced .s��vim , l 3 {Signa. re.of'Notady Public State cif 1londa j (Signaturof: ?o ady Public State oLt 1a } ... . r• �n Pi, Commission Commission Noa *^ {Sealj: E5S08 Commission ro yt�r #. irmhtzlonOG6 0 k � ' Cpmrrisslon,-GG2ri3E'�9 ��y ,�: �xl,)drrsapprs�bE3r27, G . p Lc rrNSS9�tCdl7iler Zt52� C '?flFg+ .aetNeetfuu ;, rn v i ry I . REVIEI,YS. FRONT I ZONING SUPERVISOR 'PLANS `VEGETATION SCATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER ! REVIEW. 1 REViE1N: REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEV�t DATE RECEIVE© .. DATI - l COMPLETED Rpy..$12/37