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Alt APPUCABL°3NFO`i MUST E COMPLETED FOR:APPUCATIOti,T gE kC£EPTfQ ' [ air j �.•., � ...,,,� - RECEIVED JUL g 1 ►pp ca io � ops ?I�111tt1n�Dnpartm9nt, P1€rnta rt crn v leap en[SeivrCes: St,wc!f�county t�rddrng tanr3�� e�egtt�aftan:2�a�lSidrr {�1a s : 5s - 72 ;: s gra mer �l` Res ales PERMT 'PP Addrew.: 1 Sexi 'Y��dc.,J� . C `tom'Cc e LIU Des on, Sr-n t.)� p"0041-0 1r /y�8,- 7 /3�3: d oo -9 W tot,svv;. Pl n t ame 8 bckN e. . s Setbacks Treat Right SidleLkft So id,.— sMiSCRIz i s�'� x s '�' v,a`t '� ri'4 C o✓e- 3�i 4 Peres Gena:•_' 4c o d e y k" ai ti 4ffi' t i - un er t is permit-, tv ei t� n cal arik% Gas.Pi Ira Shutters Win'dowslDoors 8ectr�c` P10 "Al „ 'S rers Enei t it t00 R VLal .FL L1 L10Si Li�bL�1J ., I._M ,' {�{.Y V i♦! 6�aJ4 rw +q�,cranstr�ae idn $ ag� �� � � guar in H01gl,# f-o Name;: C o1. tin 45O G1 N�tit�'" OV � v e ripan G� Do r (-S e- Citi: Ste. : L �4Irlrass 4 4 r. ...See � fat .Phone No.. (� _—.. ., - - fax- __ Fill in fee s4mpl 7me N+ai�ier©n nes t tea tf�tfferea�t E ttfEa 1 oC�-�°�-?coo�,fs .:G o M .`a:,: 4 - r. y Error r t#fe Qwz�esr fisted 6csv st t tec unty I;JCeraSe' I If,daiue of'tonstr ctaon ks 2s-W or':rr,or ,''a RE RQEA'NOtk4 of C6MMeneem6t Is`regtatred E5lGNE2: NlNEER• iOt1pplcable; ii+E3R 1°+� E.iC#3N9 ►NY,> =NOt Ipp1iCIble . .. 4 _ 1tI;i'ne a�t�{IreSS: state•` State. .' .> zi FEEl�til "t 'I LE 146 'lUc�t�pplt�able �C?N>�3t�1C�cO1ViPANYy Narrte ddfi>rsAdre htT1� . ir3.WNEW ONTCr.0 AF permit 640 the work and, nstailat66 as ind"icated. i iiy t3�at no, or ink it .ins'er� rn �; �o�.t�s.t�ae"issuanee.�fi a perar>tt 5t:tuca 'Co,unt' rr3ak 'nv r€�pk"ire entatic n that.is granting a,peft wi l authorize the errnit ht�der ire bund thesubject structure;.. v8'r ch 6s l t a» i t lith ap}�licable Home t3tr hers ssuciatatlr�rules;<b iac�r rar an co nants that°may restrict or;prohibit such sctucturi' piease:consWiWith your i�otlsg vr� s Assrsuatir�n r tl re c ur ya r bleed fir arty rests ct pns a�hath rriay Ppiy.: in-c90Md1pration Pf the brant ng Ear thts r quest pest, h reby gr that i vVill,'ln all respects,perforrri the iv��k: accord ice with the a sprr�ve ,pians the Fl im Bulldt»g, ti ar 3 5k;Ltr �t�u�aty-Ain' lel is Tire fa ii�awing budtng ptr�s�t aiiihcat rose euempt'15rton uergong a full ncurrency revty room adti�4s, a + ssorystrtictiire, mmarrgIal ,fences,wails,signs,screen rc>orrs awl accessary uses t another rrc>rrs!duse. A-RNING T�,OWNER Yatir(allure to R rd a Nr� o.j.f irommencement may3�esuh in;your 3�ayrr:g tvvir�— mr irr roVements:to ypur�,ropert Notl of i imra�dra�cement rest be r c�rde and p need ort th "'b"' . b, fare t3�e"first insp ct►or .".lf y pU nter>d„ta ofitarn finanang,consaalt wi ti .ier r i,a -at#ci ney be' re sirrmenan vlork i r r cca r In Qur: li ce"� ' or»r a ct tne>rrt:'_. 'Signature of Owneq-i?sse6lcdh2ractb awent ftsr C3tiisrser,` Signature_bf Conti a r'i5c `Hoid STATE'OFF LO DAST'A�' OMTL� :©. COUNTY he r ctng rn!561u e”t eras ac aua+leciged be trlre r e e.fo rr tr#stru enc va is acl noa ledged be are tits� Gday o ` ., I��41jr ih day n€ ✓t L`� i icy �. L { tarn tlf ers ° acicnauledgin )., f i�kine of pers©n3:noxrlecl fin ISignat a of Neta .ubltc 5fat t�l•Elor�da Sign use tsf i!icstary ic+c Stale:tit flanda: Prsnnaltysovsrp CiR-Produced icienucaiirr. ersorally low, tR Presr3uceitent1fication Type erg identifrcati of fd€ntiRcafia ir'#dut3 �YP`�c KEGAN CRAWFO?R r used SppY PUB My COMMISSION#GG2�0 o Comink" or :Tits,. �rJ "+;N XPIRES:October 03: o `mrssion. to.. .. 'Lfo �Jl) GAN CRAWF R COMMISSION#GG2. 0 "toFAo° EXPIRES:,October 03, 0 LiElt4lS.. FRQTl1 (3NifdC 513PEitV15t7R Plii5 1IEt"�(ETATIi�N Sl'TRfIE IVIAI`t�EtC3�E: ;GOlt 3TEl : REtlt REVJEt ,; R 111£Vli. REV EVtt RECliE1t41: `REltiE1 .. DATE-.,; RECEI�tED DATE Ci�il�Pi:E1`Eb eV" _ �-