HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE FILE# 4598606 OR BOOK 4300 CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PAGE 2780, Recorded 07/26/2019 12:14:17 NOTICE OF C'OMMf.NCEMEl'>T PM STAT!' Of _ ___Bgrlda -�. COCNTY or _cr-Iulfe= = = ,. b c N�n-.: and ddd:rts.s. of fet stmple 1:tltholckr {ii other than owner) 4 Contractor 1"mnc and .,cldrcs.,. l>honem,ml>t,r Superior Pence and Rail of Brevard County, Jn,;;. 2778 N Harbor City 81Vd, Ste 102. Melbourne, FL 3293� 321-636-2829 -- ---,- -- - S Srn'ct) ,, N�mc and address �n0/,a�------ -------------- ·------------ b Anwum of\x,md $.,n0/0•�------------- 6 I .ender· Phone nun,ber. ..£U,L _ a Name and �ddress. b Phone number .nla __ -- --- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --- -- - --""' -- ---- -- -- --- Per= w,lh the Smre ofrlol'l<\J. <lcR1gn,1te<l by O""" upon whom nonces or other documents may be .'IC�,., prov,deJ Of Scclmn 713 13(1 )(a)7. Flonda Srnroree a Name and addrcs.., b Ph011c numhcr "'-'-- --- ·-- --- --- --- -- -- --- JII,__ -- ---· -- -- -- X In add,uon lo lrnn.s�lf, Owner Jo,;1gt\Jt<">! the follow,ng r,crson(s) H,J rcce1v� J wpy nithc Lrenors No1,cc as pr�v,dul in ScctiN1 713. l 3! I )(b), Florida Stannes Name ,m<l address- Phone number- _!lliL._ nta Q Expuauon rtne ul" nonce of commentcme •• 1 (lh,; exprrarmn date rs om: (I) �ea1 from Ult: date 01 rerordmg unless a <l,ffcn.'nl dare •s 1pa:,tiOO) _ ------------ ---- w ... RNTNl, ru O\\Nl".R: ANY ['l,,VM�'JTS \11\0E BY Tl-IE {)WN[.i{ AFTEH IHF \<Xl'lllAflON OF Tll[ NOTICT ()I, COMM)ON(.[Ml'NT ARE Ctl\JSll)GIUc.D !MPROrF:R PA YMEN rs UNOLR ('HAPTEI? 713, l'AT( I I stern», 713 13, l·LOR!l)A ST,\TU'l LS, AND (':\N l<LSUL T IN YOllR PAYING TWlCI', FOK IMPROVl'MEN'TS TO \OUR PkOPERTY A NOTl(;_t'...G ( OMMENCCMENT MUST HI REOHH}f:0 A'JO POSTEIJ ON ntr JOB SJTE BEi-ORE THI' fJ!<<;l \NSPT'LTION U- \;;fa'KJ> TO 11\A!N FlNA"IClNG cousru T WllH YOl,11. UNDER ()R ANATTOR:-.LY AEFORI' COMMCNCINU �;:;:·o�.-:OUR � net· o� COMl\1�NCEMl'NT S,gr,aturc �,er or (h>.;;,r Amhorrzed Otlicer/0,�ctor, Prnnc:•'Mannge1 S1gn.1to,y'>T1tlc/Offic:c�vv.../_ _ rhe forcgQ1ng in�trumcnt "'"-' <i�knm, ledgOO before m, ih,� -� d.1y u!�-- _ __ , .)ot<i _ by _c.,y...,A.a.....L_p......-v C. __ (11�mc _,fpc-rs.'lu) JS � ...._....,..._- (lypcol ,,mh,Y,1y, c.g oft'Lcer, truMCC, �Uomcy m toot) for__ __ _ ---= ���half ol whom ,nstnm,e,n was cxccu1<,'\I) _ ;,,g,wmc of Notary l"ubhe - Slate offl.-,r,ou Print, �T"' or �t.,mp conuuissmned name of Nctarv Pubhc Pcrsonolly Kn,mn __ _ OR ProJuctd Idcnnrlcanon I)<,.. Typent1drnt1l1cationpror!uccd __ e_1.,.,-Pe,... - Yl:nh�u.�QSectlQJJ92'\7\t1 � tc,, Under pen�l!,cs ofpcrjur;,, I dechrc thJt 1 1,�,·c n,ad ;he !orq,'.0•7� tnat thil t:,,c {,.1 m tt l'-'c n1c w th� �4l ofmy knov.100!:,t and b�.hcf Ul!t% /, :J �----�-- <;,gu�!l!lt, ,,r'namral pcr;on s1gn1ni; ru:>Ove