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LOS ANGELES,CA 90045 (440)969-9773 Ext 16 rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Technical Representative Scott Johnson Address/Phone/Email 5200 W Century Blvd. Los Angeles,CA 90045 (440)969-9773 Ext 18 scottjohnson@plastproinc.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer El Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2019 Validated By Ryan J.King,P.E. EValidation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL17347 R2 COI (a)Certificate of Ind o nd nce odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year 101/I.S.2/NAFS 2002 AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440 2008 ASTM E1886 2002 ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM E330 2002 ASTM E331 2000 TAS 201,202,203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL17347 R2 Eouiv (b)Equivalency Of Standards odf r ' Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/13/2017 Date Validated 09/26/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 09/29/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 17347.1 a.Fiberglass Door "Non-Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Single with or without Sidelites(X,OX or XO,OXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to Nominal 6'8 in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL17347 R2 II (b)Inst 17347.1.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 17347.1 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 R2 AE (b)Eval 17347.1.pdf installation Instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17347.2 b. Fiberglass Door "Non-Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Double with or without Sidelltes(XX or OXXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to Nominal 6'8 in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL17347 R2 II (b)Inst 17347.2.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 17347.2 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 R2 AE (b)Eval 17347.2.pdf installation Instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17347.3 c.Fiberglass Door "Non-Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Single with or without Sidelites(X,OX or XO,OXO)Outswing/Inswing Configuratlons up to Nominal 8'0 in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17347 R2 II (b)Inst 17347.3.Rdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 17347.3 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 R2 AE (I)Eval 17347.3.pdf installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17347.4 d.Fiberglass Door "Non-Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Double with or without Sidelites(XX or OXXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to Nominal 8'0 in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17347 R2 II (b)Inst 17347.4.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 17347.4 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 R2 AE (b)Eval 17347.4.pdf in a structions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes (: 17347.5 e.Fiberglass Door "Im act"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Single with or without Sidelite OX or XO,OXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to No al 6'8 In Height Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17347 R2 II (b)Inst 17347.5.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 17347.5 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 R2 AE (b)Eval 17347.5.pdf installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17347.6 f.Fiberglass Door "Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Double with or without Sidelites(XX or OXXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to Nominal 6'8 In Height � ' . � R R W Building C ^^ ,u^^= ^~", Inc. W �� C�u(hngo�B���ng���hst�I���I��� �� �� mzomzmvmmm.r�om Phone 813.659.9197 — Florida Board o,Professional Engineers cwmoca*ma"ommmw,No.vxo ReporlNo.: K-17347.5 Product Evalitation Report Date: Septeinber25,�017 Product Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Category Plastpro,Inc. Glazed Fiberglass Doors Exterior Swinging 5200 W.Century Blvd. Singles Doors Exterior Door Los Angeles,CA w/or w/out Sidelites I Assemblies Phone 440.969.9773 Inswing I Outswing-"Impact!' Scope: Product Evaluation,report issued by R W Building Consultants,Inc.&Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. (System ID#1998)for Plastpro Inc., based on Rule Chapter No.61 G20-3, Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval,Department of Business&Professional Regulation. RVVBuilding Consultants and Lyndon F.Schmidt, P.E.do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition(2017)Florida Building Code structural requirements excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone'. 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wail dressing orstu000. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2&R301.2.1.2 and does not require an impact resistant covering.This product meets missile level"D"and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM El 996 and F8CSections 1G0l1.2.2&R3O1. 4. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL'17347.5 require further engineering analysis by o licensed engineer or registered architect. GSee drawing FL.17347.5for size and design pressure limitations. supporting Documents: 1. Test Revort No. Test Standard Testin-q Laboratory, Signed by ASTM E331'00 ToobnQEva|uoUonLab,|nu \(;[VV�g� '----'' —TEL 01391141 ASTM E330-02,� E331'00 Testing Evaluation Lob,!nu V.K.Wright TEL 01391120 TAS 201.2O2&2O3-94 Testing Evaluation Lab,Inc William B.Shelton,P.E. TEL 013912248 ASTM E330-02,E831-00 Testing Evaluation Lab,Inc \�K.Wright 2 17-0712.05 GaOexmpVaInterlayer(Eastman Chemical Company) 3' DrawdnlLNo. Prepared Signed&Sealed by No.FL47347.5 RVVBuilding Consultants, Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 4. Calculations Prepared Iy Signed&Sealed by Anchoring RVVBuilding Consultants, Inc.(CA#S813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 5. Quality Assurance Certificate cfParticipation issued byNational Accreditation and n»uu Management Institute,certifying that Plastpro Inc.is manufacturing products within oquality assurance program that complies With|GOAEC17V2Dand Guide 53. `\��.�• 'CSV iii N _ r p a S t p o Q. J - a 5200 W. CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 12 11S'MAK OVERALL FRAME WIDTH '' '�� rl I I p1\��\ . v"�� Z A2SW 'I 37.5'M&t m i imZcH FRAME WIDTH " E�' °c GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOORS -f- N n In 7 R s C °a SINGLES 6 m a a Z F w/ or w/o SIDELITES m o 0gar Ta INSWING/OUTSWING g 00 x o �z IMPACT' GENERAL NOTES �4= >0 0D1 o J Ci Q O O ZO o 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition(2017) Florida Building Code(FBC)structural requirements excluding the"High Velocity �S m �" Hurricane Zone"(HVHZ). w Al 0E N J W 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor G- s ZS embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. of 0 � 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies a a with FBC Sections 1609.1.2&R301.2.1.2 and does not require an impact resistant Y m E covering.This product meets missile level"Wand includes Wind Zone 4 as F I defined in ASTM El 996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2&R301. x o x x o 0 C 4. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the same as a that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. N N u, en 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further X OX X0 W engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. o0 TABLE OF CONTENTS W n DESIGN:fRESSURE.PS DESIGN PRESSURE S - o 0 a SHEETR DESCRIPTION CONFIGURATION AME JAMS INSWING (,"� OUTSWING'�.� >j i 1 Typical elevations,design pressures&general notes REINFORCEMENT , s 2 Door&Sidelite panel details -. .. DIMENSION _POSfT1VE':.NEGATIVE' PQSRIVE" NEGATIVE 3 Lite frame glazing details X 37.5"x 82.0" N/A +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 N=a 4 Elevations 74.75'x 82.0" N/A +35.0 -40.0 +35.0 -35.0 o g 5 Horizontal cross sections �Z 6 Horizontal&Vertical Cross Sections(2X Buck OX/XO 75.5"x 82.0" 1 X +40.0 -45.0 +40.0 -40.0 N'z C 7 Horizontal&vertical Cross Sections(IX Buck) 76.25"x 82.0^ 2X +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 w>E 10 08 14 i g Horizontal&Vertical Cross Sections Dred to Mosonryj112.0"x 82.0" N/A +35.0 -40.0 +35.0 -35.0 scmr, N.T.S. `_ 9 Vertical Cross Sections tvesholds) oxo 113.5 x 82 0^ 1 X +40.0 -45.0 +40.0 -40.0 EMIG.BY. JK a 10 Horizontal&Vertical CrossSections(Direct to Masonry) cwc er: LFS 3 a 11 Buck anchoring 115.0^x 82.9^ 2x +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 DRAM(;NO.: a R 12 Frame anchoring&hardware details s FL-17347.5 'a 13 Bio of materials and Nom nents n osiw_L or 13 D R\Oients\PIastpro,Inc PERMANENT\A-Florida Product ApprovalAFL-17347 Fiberglass Door-Impact-nonimpact\C-Oiewings\FL•173476TH ED(2017)\FL-173475.6.dwg,2.1 79,25"MAX.PANEL HEIGHT N� (n a 0 0 c NN v o n 00 O ® z —f s.s 4 m y o/ 38.19"- 18 9.19^--I .e 1S m r n N� � x N 0 O� t77Ze O O S P o..: 70 o0 0 0 O� OA O O r. DY y o N c u A !R _b,, Z G. m M. �Z N .IO.�Ir P'• v' A m o? n om .rte n O v3 z 3 0 n� Z�� _ nZ Imo 0 fl a: 311111111fF/�F�' z IF,sgly A ` TGF ND.43409 ' Ise Q PRODUCT: Documents Prepared By:; PLASTPRO INC. Lyndon F. Schmidt ��� �OF�0/:•''' ���� IN 1 t10 DOOR P/.EE.. No. 43409 �O® o• ` 2 —7727717 UPDATE TO 67H E0. (2017)FBC A"K'R PARTOR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS1NC``,!n �, 1 4 14 IS UPDATE TO 57H ED. 2074 FBC P.O. Box 230. VDlrico. FL 33595 Ln ANO DATE DOOR & SIDELITE PANEL DETAILS phone No.: Bt3.e5s.st97 t REVISIONS FBPE c.a No. .613 0 2014 R.W.13UILDINO CONSULTANM INC, � R1CIIenIs\Plastpro.Inc PERMANENTVi-Florida Product Approvals\FL-17347 Fiberglass Door-Impact•nonlmpacRC-Drawings\FL-17347 6TH ED(2017)\FL-173475.6.dvy,31 O8 66.35'MAX.LIGHT FRAME HEIGHT Ota 62.63"MAX.D.L.O.HEIGHT (O IA i V pq 0 v C O 0 L< N An=; a on, � N `'7' § m� Q, SJ5' I I 11"MAX pp) H w t�—�I–O.C.(TYP.) �v i �x 0 m z L, c r m G7 c $y x�" > z .n Z r Z r C) ® o o VC 3 g ? a r--1,75 5 b 0.06" 0 0 m GLAZING D"_ p O C7 � 65.75'MAX.LIGHT o a, O FRAME HEIGHT M 62.75 MAX. 0 X I D.1-0.HEIGHT _ D> A A C +� as 0 ? � I 7 M = Z 10"O.C.(TYP.) �-- 3' 0 z 0M N3 0';9 > 4 pt 0 N �E tD7 a z c� rn v e o m 1.75---I _L to 1-1/4' GLAZING SCH4! L No.43409 g ' $ PRODUCT: Documents Prepared By—W, � 0 PLASTPRO INC. 1207t10R•' ��� I N Q FIBERGLASS DOOR P E. No. 43409 w Schmidt ''1-is'QNAt.�%��` IP ?O 1j111111110� 2 7 T7 77 UPDATE'f0 6TH ED. 2017) FBC JK PART OR ASSE7d8LY: K��/BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. IIv (q\ 1 4 14 15 UPDATE 70 5TH ED. 2014) FBC JK LITE FRAME VV a 230, VOIrICO, FL 33595 t, O+ NO DATE BY p.0.GLAZING DETAILS Phone BoNo.: 873.659.9197 REVISIONS FBPE C.A. No. 9813 201 4 Q.W.BUILDING CONSuLTANTB INC. a R1Uients\PWstpro,Inc PERMANENIW-Florida Product Approvah\FL-17347 Fiberglass Door-Impact nonimpact\C-Dravings\FL-173476TH ED(2017)\FL-173475.6.dAS 4.1 rn X� .pN X wAh WA Z •O W o`10 OV �A pN WN VN wN OW Cp��wr .ONAl x 0.41. OA V P p V C1 OZ ,OA Nw IAA O w N OD N •O IA d pN ODW V W wW m NV107W ,@ r �•M Z V �V V W 0410 Nw IAA NN •O A C wIA ON .ON A V to GO cc1gCiH.,�// i ;gfA O/W 1462 wW / C N0.43409 %Zlat o g PRODUCT: Doeumentd prepared By tyt PLSTPRO INC. Lyndon F. Schmidt , .p••_'•ZOM0�''�•Q FIBERCUSS DOOR P.E. o w a y mrNIQ 7 27 17 UPDATE TO 6TH ED. (2017 F8C JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: �Q�/��BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. 04/14/15 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC JK ELEVATION$ J 1•(/1/ P•0• Box 230. Valrico. FL 33595 IW (J1 A DATE BY Phan No.: 813.659.9197 r , REVISIONS FBPE C.A. No. 9813 - 0 2014 R.W.BUILDING CoreUL7A—a I.G. R.I,Clients\Plastpro,Inc PERMANENTA-Florida Product Approvals\FL-17347 Fiberglass Door-Impact•nonimpact\C-Drawings\FL-17347 6TH ED(2017)\FL-17347.5-6.dwg,5.1 fD N Z .C7�O Z m O $ Q r, CL m (-�. r7r r C- a r O o• "o �c0777 P. r -• o o R Qc�~O ma V to m—A o CL AO j m •o O - N o'_Ca �.y �3 t0 N •O V Z O10O O A to V Vt N N r mpg r _ PO - c� 0 3�n sr o .. A n 71 }a,y FR .0 O J C NQ N o� m O Z Z _ r 0 0 I0 I� I� g pr o <n W y r V r 2 w a �cp3g L� ` ry A, r � »O ^tS�ii 3 Z z r r O –• O No.43409 ' $ PRODUCT: Documents PrePored BY:� PlASiPRO INC. Lyndon F. Schmidt ////'l�l•�• D� (s�``��� IN o FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 W Z p 111111111\ 2 7 27 17 UPDATE TO 6TH ED. 2017 FEC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. Iv to m 1 4/14/15 UPOATE TO 5TH ED. 2014)FBC JK J 1• p,0. Box 230, Valrico, FL 33595 W &I + NO DATE BY HORIZONTAL Phono No.; 813.659.9197 1 REVISION$ CROSS SECTIONS FBPE C.A. No. 9813 02016 R.W.BUILDING CDN911LTA Ts INC. • , r - 1-114'MIN. `����� ♦( //�// t E B T EMB.(TYP.) �.�� ••. O.1S B CSINK °. 0.15'C-SINK ) N` z /Ir,.'O`N m ° o O vv '' •11� `` onmz U N•• DZ O v a 03 o U m e 7 io cw O 9 7 40 ! nc �a mda� B "Z L z . ° ° Y S ° ,G � Q:X 9 9 40 oH„ > 4�z 1-1/4°MIN. --moi L 11 27a`� M -0i o EMB.(TYP.) 40 E m Ny 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION EXTERIOR INTERIOR H o� 6 outswing shown(nswing sun➢ar) 6 Outswing shown(Inswing similar) o I _� EE 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION NOTE B 6 Outswing shown(Inswing similar) a a m 1.Spacing for item L:6'from each end and 3 more C equally spaced along sidefite jamb(S total). L °. D U U 2.Spacing for item L®head&sill:6'from each end.1 O.1SC-SINK < cente�ne,2 additional at 3'&4.7 from end PHEEn adjacent to door. o ' z o W ri O N SEE NOTE 1 L ^• n OfB INTERIOR L _ a zd o0 cn .mg �e C u'1 » i M ' SEE NOTE 2 L 50 7^ oMTE.-10/08/14 u EXTERIOR 50 D sa,E: N.T.S. 1 1-1/4MN. INTERIOR EXTERIOR DWG.BY.. JK 3 xx 0 CHK.Br. LFS EMB.(TYP') �1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION DRA1""�N0 Q 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION FL-17347.5 A 6 Outswing shown prnwing sun ar 6 Outswing shown(Insuring similar) FL— SHEET 6 or 13 g V f. OL E C 1 C F ° E o l v '''IIIIIIiI.11\i%% OZ no 10 Z °a m 0N•• 7 o z 0zci •40 A —I�CJ1 f �``�(y 8 c o ?m°c w v 7 �m G: a �^"� mdaT h INTERIOR e n G ° a i c 40 E 9z a v o c w fJ� 7 1 M IqG I y^ °v acs x EXTERIOR INTERIOR Fm o x 9EXTERIOR 9 27 G A �o I o -0 1-1/4'MIN.—tI— 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION m ar= 1-1/4 MIA. 11 40 EMB.(TYP.) `�'o W zw 7 Shownw/1Xsubbuck I sm_ 0 oN SB•(n Pd Outsw ng shown(Irmhng smllar n ry c rl HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION ECr E 7 Shown w/1Xsu •buck 7 Shownw/1Xsub buck .F 0 R%Z shown(Inswingsimilar) Outswingshown(lowingsimBar) C a a 0 E • o e ��m S 1 F OI $0 N n A 0 oQle1:2 � a NOTE 1.Spacing for item L:6'from each end and 3 more SEE NOTE 2 L $0 >j z equ*spaced along adeGte jamb IS total). 1 n z a w z 0 2.Spacing for item L®head&sly:6'from each end,1 SEE NOTE 1 L °° EXTERIOR INTERIOR ; ®centerrne,2 additional at 3"&4S"from end n * i adjacent to door. N z a w l A 5 VERACAL CROSS SECTION w1c 10 OB 14 =° 1-1/4 MIN. 7 Shown w/IX sub-buck Scut: N.T.S. EMB.PP.) Outswing shown(Inswing simBa) owc.en JK m' s 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION CHw ST. LFS 3 3 7 Shown w/1 X su c uc + m s' Outswing shown(Inswing simlar) FL-17347.5 c a N s¢rs_L OF 13 � 0 o * �''�. C = •b * Sa=� D z h"'O�� om vv D E • >D .. • > ( '''���/111•tttlt�````` U N to 2 0 7 7 D Cd 40 ,L ` ` a9 Z0. iza M INTERIOR \ a 96.m C v moan E; 4 r I` nZ / ry 1v , [ 40 d U 7 T $z 2 VO 9 EXTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR 40 27 M zo �o 9 1-1/4^MIN. 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 1-1/4"MIN. B. P. sitz EMB(TYP) $ Shown Direct to Masonry aw Outswing shown(Inswing similar) [Lux 2 ti 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION I o No 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION $ Shown DTect to Masorvy o �v $ Outswmg shown(Inswing sim7ar) E rc _� Shown Direct to Masonry z d a a $ OutsNing shown(Inswing similar) D Y Y} C FL �m »m E v° ° e D E e a • 1 p O D v° Z LL co O W W in C haj rY NOTE: W 1.Spacing for item L-6"from each end and 3 more SEE NOTE 2 L 50 $ equally spaced along sidelite jamb(5 total). 2.Spacing for Item L @ head&sill:6'from each end,l centerline,2 additional at T&4.5'from end EXTERIOR INTERIOR n m adjacent to door. 50 L N^z v SEE NOTE 1air:10/08/14 a 5 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION m sem: N.T.S. Shown Direct to Masonry EMB.(M•) Outswing shown(Inswing similar) viva BY: JK m CW.af: 1.FS 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION d a g Shown Direct to Masonry DRAW=no.: m Outsvingshown(Inswing similar) FL-17347.5 c 5 SHEET-�L or 13 p v a RiClients\wastpro,Inc PERMANENT\A-Florida Product Approvals\FL-17347 Fiberglass Door-Impact•nonimpacl\C-Drawings\FL-173476TH ED(2017ffL-17347.5.6.dwg,93 1-114-MIN. 1-1/4°MIN. EMB.(TYP.) rT� r7� EMB.(TYP.) 3 T A 1 (A Q r IA nI0 ICY O n m CI 2 aN. N V 1-1/4"MIN. EMB.(TYP.) 1-1/4"MIN. EMB.(PYP.) N NN .O to •• ° • ar X01 v� T �i{I 1'J•^ A ° r O O Oy CA ICY c I0 g a q m � 5•Rr y 3 rp m 1 0 am Bos gT o CL�' H �� Ga �9. n 9.D; O w AO y 3 1� J��V•�VCFa18F'•.� '. /� No.43409 1-1/4"MIN. G EMB.(TYP.) cl+u i g PRODUCT: Deeumonto Pro" t3y:�� T " PLASTPRO INC. Lyndon F. Schmidt ��� .p_���� ����� II FIBERGLASS DOOR � v o Z 0 �7,1111111f,1�� ` y m 2 7 27 17 UPDATE 70 6TH E.O. 2017) F8C JK PART OR ASSEMBLY; BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. R VI _ 1 4 14 15 UPDATE 70 5TH ED. 2014)FBC JK VERTICAL CROSS P.O. Box 230, Volrico, FL 33595 Iw N A NO DATE BYPhone No.: 813.659.9197 7 REVISIONS SEC110N5 (THRESHOLDS) FBPE C.A. No. 9813 Q)201 6 R.W.DUILDIND CONSULTANTO INC. �. � f MAX. `v Z o 1.S' 2 at•' o; ci 1MAX. =r. C=F .25' E MIN. 2 MIN. E u$i MIN. fitly z 1.`O`t °_W 6 M '• R-pZp m a N.. C ^L a O V 2 q m C W 40 40 D 1 50 D INTERIOR d d° e 4 Q m a°a a� 1 CZ 0 �+ SEE OTE 2 4�61MIORL $ c EXTERIOR INTERIOR 3d c EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR ° N z W -'o Q� 6 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 7 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION o a 8 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION �o w 1Q Shown D'uect to Masoru I 1 Q Shown Direct to Masonry a_o >o Outswing only w/4-9/16 jamb Outswing only w/6.9/16 jamb 10 Shown Direct to Mosonry ° NOTE Single door any(NIA W/Sideltes) Outswing only w/6-9/16 jamb E 1.Spacing for item L:6"from each end and 3 more SEE NOTE 1 1-1/4'MIN. EMB.(TYP.) g equally spaced along sidefitejamb(5 total). 5 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION �I 0: 00 2-Spacing for item L @ head&sill:6"from each end,i® 1Q Shown Direct to Masonq a x N $ centerline,2 additional of 3'&4S'from end adjacent Outswing ony w/6.9/16 jamb c to door. a a C v �� c3Z Inz Pr�Z m4 INTERIOR ^ ^ a^ e_ 40 40 N N Z O ^o INTERIORCr to " N 40 40 N ° $ M o a M ° oS 11-1 IN MIN. `•' EMB.(TYP.) �_ 6 ^d h t 0 ] INTERIOR E ^ Q 0 0 `J EXTERIORN z a M ome:10/08/14 z EMB.(TYP.) EMB.(TYP.) EMB.(TYP.) srue N.T.S. 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 4 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION oma• t1c 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION Q 3 e 0 Shown Direct to Masonry 1 Q Shown Direct to Mason 10 Shown Direct to Masonry 10 Shown Direct to Masonry cwc,ev: LFSni n Outswing only w/4 9/16'jamb Outswing only w/4 9/16�'�jamb Outswing only w/6-9/16'jamb Outswing only w/6 9/16'jamb oenwwc NO.: Q Single door only(N/A W/Sidefites) Single door only(NIA W/Sidelites) FL-1734 7.5 N saner 10:or 1.3 O R.\Clients\Plastpro,Inc PERMANENT%-Florida Product Approvals\FL-17347 Fiberglass Door-Impact-nonimpact\C-Drawing\FL-173476TH ED 017AFL-17347."Awg.11.1 z �0 z x IXi go v ITyp)—^i S 3w v o N:CD o z 1610.C. (TYP) G7 MAX.(TYP) x I y E IO Z 16"O.C. I IPJ —�I `.� V•.•�V6EHgF••;�' �i MAX.(TYPJ No.43409 i $ PRODUCT: Documents Prepared h '�• PFASTPRO INC. Lyndon F. Sehmldt8Y:�i� �OFi....I'C``��� FlBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 /�'••/O•'•' `�� o^ W� y Do[NO, 7 27 17 UPDATE Rl 6TH ED. (2017 FBC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS. INC. _ v X lq 0-471-471-5 UPDATE 70 5TH ED. (2014 FBC JK BUCK ANCHORING P•O. Box 230, Volrico. FL 33595 r IW Ln DATE BY Phone No.: 813.659.9197 r REVISIONS I FBPE C.A. No. 9813 s , ®2014 R.W.BUILDING CONBULTANTB INC. I. 49/6"JAMB DIRECTTOMASONRY JAMS(TY F (SEE SHEEP i0) 3'(TYP.) 6'(iYP.J 't.• (iYP) 4"(TYP.) - Q ! 11 1 1 I =tag �* � •'��Z4^ L 2X BUCK F 1X BUCK a /•' �� o m DIRECT TO_ fD _ L 2X BUCK 6-9/16' N °o i� •• l�fi��� >> 1 m MASONRY D JAMB F 1X BUCK DIRECTTO m '''�///4* �1� ` $N..z HEAf�P�)4MB5 D DIRECTTO MASONRY O 13 INS 0 •' K n Z u A :Di MASONRY JAMB(TYP.) — a!2 f tp-9/16'JAMB HEAD 8 JAMBS ( SHEET 10) o O DIRECT TO "ITYP-) BACK-TO BACK ��+ M MASONRYm a a-9/16"JAMB J JAMFu G IX BUCKTTOMASONRY 1 L w/REINF. 2XBUCK JAMBa . ITYP.) 2X RBNF.SEE SHEEP 10) �? — O o O ADA SILL 1 SILL(iYP.) it FRAME ADA SILL ONLY — er � [�') � — � D D 12 I/ � U g 00 LATCH AND DEADBOLT DETAILS 0oQLU S X XQ/ox 0,00 am N �o 3"(rYP.) M DIRECT TO I U 11 MASONRY M) o E 4" ') I X BUCK SEE HINGE $ C' DETAIL 1 a 1 1 11 1 1 I I I L 2X REINF. x x r E • >>m L 2X BUCK 6-9/16" N 9 ' 9 m" JAMB — °• 4 a F 1XBUCK BACK-70-BACK DIRECTTO ^v^ DIRECTTO JAMBS MASONRY HINGE DETAIL T r 11 En MASONRY -. L w/REINE JAMB(TYP.) — z HEAD&JAMBS (TYP.) (SEESHEET 10) M DIRECT TO V 00 MASONRY ITYF. G IX BUCK &• SEE HINGE � DETAIL 2 Fo 0 2XBUCK a L 2X REINF. 1 i SILL(iYP.) (j • 1 >> Z s —ADASIu ( SILL(TYP.) — O 9 9 ^^ a_ D n F' a a O 1 —I 1 HINGE DETAIL 2 HINGEJAMB N z ozn° OAM 10/08/14 i oxo Scut: N.T.S. 9 nwc.W. JK m' HARDWARE DETAILS CHK sr: LFS 3 E! FRAME ANCHORING o�M NO.: FL-17347.5 ° n a jSHEEP 12 OF 13 BILL OF MATERIALS I^4 " e N OEM B DESCRIPTION MATERIAL T_ 60• '� A 1XBUCK(G>=0.42) WOOD B 2X BUCK(G>=0.42) WOOD EO V O T 4 n C 1/4"MAX.SHIM SPACE - 2.44--�--2.13" o �', z �c,/pO�Q 0 m"� D 1/4"X 2-3/4"PFH ELCO OR UW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL �� �'•., �`` o Gin E 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TMASONRY-3,000 PSI MIN.CONCRETE 00 ASTM C90NFORMING ACI CONCRETE T POLY FIBER JAMB ��ii���Il�t p`,`�C�``�� o d m Z F 1/4"X 3-3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL o aN d " G 3/16"x 3-1/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 7 ® E m g m m d I 1/4"X 1 3/4'PFH ELCO OR RW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL e� y` Q g L m J #10 X 7'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL N a m d a n L #10 X 2-1/7'PFH WOOD SCREW(I.IS'MIN.EMB.) STEEL `` " �` <Z M 3/16"X 2-1/4'ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL I I = c w F N 3/16"X 2.3/4"ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL t– 4.56" –i 456" 0 3d P 114'X 2-1/4"PFH ELCO CONCRETE SCREW STEEEL20 INSWING THRESHOLD W 1 POLY FIBER JAMB COMP. Endura(I-Series) 4 1XREINFORCEMENT (G>=0.55) WOOD ADAIHRESH0LD 5 2X REINFORCEMENT (G>=0.55) WOOD ' —21" SIDEUTE 24 DLP '38 6 DOOR SWEEP PVC ADAPTER zq w W 7 WEATHERSTRIP ENDURA FORCE 5 FOAM o 9 #9 x 3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL Lr � o g 11 VX V HINGE STEEL 12 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL "' m 13 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE STEEL n o E 20 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 456 al a 21 INSWING THRESHOLD w/SIDELITE ADAPTER ALUM/COMP i c 22 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 21INSWINGTHRESHOLD W/SIDEULEADAPTER 456"--�1 g 23 OUTSWING THRESHOLD w/SIDELITE ADAPTER ALUM/COMP " Endure lZ �) OUfSWlNG THRESHOLD ''m gr (ZSeriesl g 24 ADATHRESHOLD ALUM ° 25 OUTSWING THRESHOLD AWWCOMP 4.56" `_ SIDELIfE T I° 26 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP ADAPTER kr 40 DOOR PANEL - N m 50 SIDELTTE PANEL tifl N F air-OIHSWING THRESHOLD F 00 � DLP CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: 4.W' I,Ie 1 .Concrete anchor locations of the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. j i 8 edge distance tomortarjoints. 2.17' ee 01MWINGTHRESHOLDw/S/DEIITEADAPTER ri 2 Concrete anchor locotions noted as MAK ON CENTER-must bo adjusted to 2- 'n m maintain the min.edge distance to modarjolnh,addAional centrale anchors �"fEndura(Z-Series) w i may be required to ensure the MAX.ON CENTER"dimension are not exceeded. N=a LL 3 Concrete anchor table a m ANCHOR ANCHOR MIN MINXMIN a CLEARANCE 457 ^z u° TO MASONRYTOAD1ACEtJT` -TYPESIZE EMBEDMENTbGP ANCHOR.'' DATE:10/08 14 i sCAM- 9 ITNI BUILDEX 3/16" 1-114, 3" 1-1/T N.T.S. TALCON° 1 4" 1.1/4" 2" 4' �(�-447' aao.en JK m' " ELCO o 1/4* 1.1/4" 1" 4' a ULTRACON a+x,BY. LFS 3 a INSWING THRESHOLD w/SIDELITEADAPTER INSWING THRESHOLD DWtW.NG No.: gWOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: 27 DLp 26 DLPQ b I.Maintain a minfmum 5/B'edge distance,i'end distance.&i"o.c.spacing of FL-1734 7.5 v wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. °w sx¢s 73 or 13 � a