HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICABLE uINFO MUST-ME COMPLETED fOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED O 97.Date USTAUG ,2019 Permit:Nurriber , _ i - --= Bu><idfng Permit AP0064 ion F'Janning ani7;pevelopriment Servltes e'uildinb and'Code Regulot1oif DiVlsion 23Q0 Virginia Avenue,a ort P►erce,,R 3.4.982 - Phone:1772)462-1553 Tai:(T72)-462-1578Comrriercial; - Residential. _. PERMIT APPLICATION.F.O Other. i?#�OPfJ5EDt111�iPRE?VEi1l�ENT,;InCATIfJIU r :. 51 Rp w _,z. , x µ L _�� tt r T_ ^ i4ddress 54 Hl1ARTE,INAY ..___..._ S1=CTION,26)TOWNSH1P;36s,RANGE4D8 - LegatDescripto_n a _ ProperryTax.1D'# i Srre Plan Name; SPANISH LAKES ONE 13106k:iao :.._ Project Name:. ----- SefEiacks Front22`.a� eack:-53` _: RightSide. 16w .--- Left`S�de 20' 1 J {DETAILED v��r....ar.-rY_ ;,a.�; .;:,.3 i .r, ',.'.'" .,.'_ +.4'.�.�a ... ».,� s [r: . t+'', 1f .• .t xt R? xis` ;,.s n� x u DRIVEVIfAY'- 12X 88'`8" 2500PSI 4"THICKhIESS ' `T,HE DRIVEWAY,DOES.NOTBUTT UP TO THE IUIOBILE HOME �'i{ ayrs_f'f4J GONSTRUCT�O IN I-1191 1ATI4N` ' ti. . i,v t_�. -�,-, ., � -.-. t u_.f...x M..�r ..,,._..,:;^�_.... ,?...§�1: .r r3nS ic�'" s..�a s .33� •_ _.o.._ �.......:........ ._._ .. -- ` ~- 4 -,undert is-permit.--c.ec._a app Y _ �tiona wor to e e orme 'Q� VAC = Gas Tank alias Piping _Shutters_. D Windows/Doois _ .. ❑Plumbing;, _ Sprinklers {�Generator Roof' °-�Electric ,__ �. t:-� `Totai:5q. Ft ofGons"tructton ... 2,242.80 _ _ `:Cost of:Construction:$ Uti)ities -.Sewer t Septic Building Height; r- _-_.- _._ _. amu_:: Na 'VM4NE 8UILDING CORRORATION _ _ Name MATTFIEW LYLE WYNNE 8000:SOUTH.US HWY 1_ UITE'402 _ Coma WYNN'E:DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Address. , P.n1! - - tY PORT ST LUCIE 5tate'�- `Add-ress 8000SOUTH US HAY ('SUITE 402 _ - _ Zip Code 34932 .Fax.177;2)878 7556City< PORT ST LUCIE State F ; Phone No f772)878=5513._ ,_____.__ _ _ Zip Code `34952 Fax:^ Phone No C2)878=551.3, fill ln'f-ees mple,Tiile Holder;on next page(:If.differeni .- . .:- - 8898 _ ,from:the_Owhiorlisted .above) If value of construction k$250U.Jo-M a RECOJ3DEB,Notice of:Commencemeet is required:. "SUPTtE�/TENT'AIXONSTF UCT�QN=II N,LiG1Wr11 iFORN}ATIONi DESIGNER/ENGINEER:- X,_ Not Applicable MORTGAGE CQMPANY x NotAp.plica>jle Name Name-. City:_ _ ......_State: FL . _._. City, State: one:- ___ _-- -_ _. Zlp:- _..._.__ Phone:._ _. FEESIMPLE TITLE BOLDER- X Not Applicable, BONDING COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name -._._.. _ -- Name: Address: _. _.. . Address" city. City Zlpa Phone d certify that.no-,work or installation has commenced prior to fhe•issuance of a'permit. rst Lucie County makes no re,p`resentatton that,is g[anting a permit,-will authorize the, ermit holder totbuild.the subject structure.- which is m conflict With-any applicable'Home Owners Association.rules;bylaws or and-covenant-tAhat may-restr7ct_oe pr"ohibit,such structure Please consult with your Home Owners Association,and,review your deed for.any,restnctions.which may:apply. In consideration of,the grahting of this fequested permit,I do•hereby agree that I will,in°all respects,perform the'work 9n accordance.w�ththe approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie county Apen.dments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review;room;additio,ns;. accessorystructures,swimming pools,.fences walls,_signs, creep rooms and'accessory.uses to'anoth'er-non residential use -^ A_ _ WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to'Record a'Notice`of Commencement may result m:yourpayIng`twice;for Improvements to:your property:A Notice of,Commericerhent r utfbe recorded and posted on;the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain_financing, consult with lender.'or an•attorney before tommencin- 2work or-,rec6rdinig yourNoitim of Commencement. Signa of, er-Agent/Lessee Signatur o c o License Holder STATE -F FLORIQA STA E OF-FLORIDA_ COUNTY.QF:ST.,LUCIE;_ _.:- . _. ._ COUNTY OF:,ST_Lu_'IE The for ing instrum nt waracknowledged before:hie The forgoing instrument was ecknowledged before me: ,this day:of C,-c:i '�" 20 by this:,. -'.day of +G-c.-T Ir ._.,ZO by MAITNEW LYLC 4VYNNE MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE. !(Name of per.=sgri acknowledging} jName,_ofper on:acknowledging) (Signature of N_ ry=Public State of Florida): (Signature of,Ncst_ ,Public Stateof Florida j Perso_naliy known..-. X_ OR;-Produced Identification -__ _ .. Personatfy Ifnown _.._X_ OR:Rroduced Identification Ty peof idehtification Produced. - __.. ` Type.of ldentificatio d cel ____ ____ Commission - THYANNIfSitli4 Ccimtnission'.N - _ MYddMMISSION0,GGD39145 K S +E,T'iYANN B °• MV bbMMISSION ft GG D30i45 or t4 eowe0ThNNoisryPUCiMUnCtnytiftYs-. � .n...,;, ..9ontle0itlro Noury PuDhC U6dCnvrl�s Revised-07 REV.IEVi15' FRONT ZCINING SUPERVISOi PLANS V -ATiON SEATURTLE MANGROVE ;CgiJNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW AWE% REVl - REVIEW s_ DATE — COMPLETE n .