HomeMy WebLinkAboutFilled Land Affidavit _.� 7 :PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES.DEPARTMENT ;Building&Code.Regulafions Division 2300VIIMGM.A'AVENUE_- _- FORT PIERCE,.FL 34982-55652. (772)462-.1553�_ PILLED LAND AFFIDAVIT I,the undersigned, am the owner-0 f the following described property, Partof 341'4-501 1.701 -000/9-Section 26, Township 26s and R._ange:40E/54._HUARTE WAY -- (Parcel IdNUgal description%Address) for which a have .applied ito St, Lu-c'e County for a:Final Development Permit: In accepting`thls Final Development Permit, BP Number r _ , T{acknowledge that as owner of the above des'crilied pro erty, acid in accordance with Section - -. -- 7-04.01 St Lucie County Land Deyelopm t Code,T shall be responsible forassuring adequate drainage so that the immediate co umty:V�?ILLNOT.;be aiiversely affected. I further acknowledge.that in granting_this erniit for the.deyelppxrient of this property; St. lucid County-is neither:obliged nor li -le to �rgvide for, or;maintain m any,farina, adequate ,drainage off my property ;v ch w1ifl riot adversely, affect the immediate: community. Matthew Lyle ,ynne .-. Propetty Owner Name,, t .,pOp. roperty Winer Signature Date. t Lucie. STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY CSF - ACKNowLgb4D*FiiMI—E THiS _.. _u.DAY OF G-L►S."r, BY1'� Nb?J CycF _G�-y� F Wi01S,PERSONALLYKNOwisTObiE;(�OR�VFi0I3Pi5 PRODUCEDAS IbENTIFTCA�:IQNi Docoth Ann Baskin ate- Y SIGNATURE OE IV Y PUBI IC TYPE OR PRINT NOTARY -- COMMISSION NUMBER D'JR�]THYANN BA&ERIN_ _, MYY; ION#GGU30145 EXPI o - _ ___ RES Oct berg?020.._r d£•dT ftj NMffiy PO b1ICUrd_Ww1ba15__ SI;Ci?L)5D Revised 04/Li12Q11