HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4590123 OR BOOK 4292 PAGE 2022, Recorded 07/09/2019 11:03` :566 AM AFrFh REC.ORD INC,-AEII.'R;4 TO PttRhrJTNlJ�deEx: n� �� NaT[CE of CONttiJENCENET The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to cettain real praperty,and in acowdance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes,the following inibrmation is provided in this Notice of CgramenewKitt. 1. DESCRUTION OF PROPERTY(Legal dcK*iott or Ole property dt rlteet addrers,if avattabit)TAX FOUa NO,: 342&703-0039-000-7 513901V1510N AIOCIX TRACT IAT nL1JG UN1T LAKE LUCIE ESTATES,PLAT#1,LOT 25 L GENERAL OESCRJPTFON OF tlttpROVEMEKT: It B_6CfS2RIIlOLII IIIF.RS_ 3. 0«NXR tKFORNA?1QN OR Lt581;E lKF0R%%AT10r IF TML LFSSEECONTRACTEI7 FOR THE tptrttOYEMENT: L Nmneandaddresr FERNANDO RAUL MEJIA SANCHEZ,8238 SANDPINE CIR,PORT ST.LUCIE FL.34852 b Intereetinpropel) OWNER — _ - — e Nnm and ad&,m of fee simpl a lirleautde.(if difteven I flue Ower listed argvel'NIA A. A.CONTRAC•IOWSKAW: V H EXTERIORS INC. Centngolsadlrnn.543 NW WAVERLY CIR.PORT ST.LUCIE FL. 772^871-8484 t, SURR7Y{ifapphable.a uyty oY+h.payman ao,d is atuchnd): a.Name 1mi address'NIA b.Pbone n .n, N/A C.Amw'(cf band.s WA 6 a LENORR'SKAME: N/A _- tmder•ssddfe)r.N/A __. b.Phma mtatbn•NIA 7 Persons within the State off lotida designated by Owner Upon whom notices or other documews may be sowed as provided by Sedion7t3.i3(1)la)7.,flcxidaStatuta: , a.Nameandaddress:N/A bPhone oombcra ofdecigeuad par><ax;N/A 8.a,In addition to himself or herself,vomer designates NIA of NIA to reoeive A copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713 13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. a,t'twm mtmbee a perw a encs desiwwtcd by ower N/A 9 Expiration date of notice of axnmencement(the expiration date will be 1 year iOo m the date or recording unless a difRrent date is specified):ALOUST t .N 19 WARNINQ TOOWIiER ANY PAY8Y Tfi O�I�LR�IFj�TFC EXPIRATION OF Rl NOTFCF nF ff�MRNT ArtF CONS EMP IA dP),It YA ^F11 CutApTER 71T PART L' TION' t1 Ft.OR1rlA STATUE-S AND CAN RESt1CT M YOUR l'A DING TWICE F P PR A NOTICF,OF C0�4�1$]CUMaNT MUST 13E C y-Qj T l 1i Yr7t LEN"�D OR$AT Oxv,,Y�BEE E Q?tn�C Z!G WORK 04 FECORMEG Y017R NOTICE OF COM1sfFNOF.LIENI FERNANDO RAUL MEJIA SANCHEZ I (Si>;etow04f Owner or Lessee,or ovraer's or Lessee's tPnat Name and Pravlde SiRnattxy'e Tide1011lce) Ais(Il kmd OfBctr/Dilreetormst-finer/Manager) State of FLORIDA County of ST,LUCIE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged berbre me this �L day of \)n E..,20 4 i l�� !V1 C� by A 0 i'fla Vitki,` i e ok �1Q.�•C1 1?OrtCrGNr ,a3 (name of persoh) (type of authority,...e.g.orricer,truget,attorney in fact) for (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) C -J Personalty Known or Ptuduced Identification v TWe,of Identification Produced ` E LAAAWATT NotaryPublic•itrte of Ronda ature ofNola Pubii Commission x GG 85666 ('Print,T pe,or Stammp Comissioned Na of Notary Public) My Comm.Expires Apr tg,2013 Rev.10-I 5-12