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• FL# FL6267-R15
Application Type Revision
Code Version 2017
Application Status Approved
Archived 0
Product Manufacturer GAF
Address/Phone/Email 1 Campus Drive
Parisppany,NJ 07054
Authorized Signature Robert Nieminen
Technical Representative William Broussard
Address/Phone/Email 1 Campus Drive
Parsippany,NJ 07054
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
O Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen
Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-59166
Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/17/2021
Validated By John W.Knezevich,PE
Ct Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL6267 RSS COI 2018 01 COI NIEMINEN.Pddf,
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM E330 2002
ASTM G155 2005
TAS 100(A) 1995
TAS 110 2000
TAS 114,Appendix E 1995
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 12/17/2018
Date Validated 12/17/2018
Date Pending FBC Approval 12/19/2018
Date Approved 02/19/2019
Summary of Products
FL# Model,Number or Name Description
6267.1 GAF Roof Ventilation Products Low profile roof ridge vents
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL6267 R15 II 2018 12 FINAL GAF VENTILATION FL6267-
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R15,ps—If
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified,By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166
Design Pressure: +N/A/-215 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other: 1.)The noted design pressures applies to one Evaluation Reports
particular vent installation.Refer to Section 5.4 for height FL6267 R15 AE 2018 12 FINAL GAF VENTILATION FL6267-
limitations and/or Section 5.5 for vent installations and Ri pdf
allowable design pressures.2.)Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
of Use.
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NEMO etc.
Certificate of Authorization#32455
353 Christian Street, Unit#13
Oxford,CT 06478
GAF Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-1115
1 Campus Drive FL6267-R15
Parsippany, NJ 07054 Date of Issuance:02/28/2006
(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen,
P.E.for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products
described. herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 611 Edition (2017) Florida Building Code sections
referenced herein.
DESCRIPTION:CGAF Roof Ventilation Products
LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein.
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)changes,the referenced
Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of
this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen,P.E.of any changes to the
product(s),the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEMO I etc. requires a complete review of this
Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle.
ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "NEMO I etc. Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety.
INSPECTION: Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or
its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 11.
Prepared by: �,,u��; �:r;,•.,,;-
Robert J.M.Nieminen P.E. '',3•_F,• �:tizrr,`T Thefacsi,P.seal 12/17/appeari 018. authorizedts Robert
� '.'.FS�f•'-•••s2•� Nieminen,P.E.on 12/17/2018.This does not serve as an
Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCAANE1983 : .° electronically signed document.
1. NEMO Ietc. does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or
distributing products it evaluates.
2. NEMO I etc.is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates.
3. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for
which the evaluation reports are being issued.
4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the
5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO I etc.nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in anyway,the Designer of Record for any project
on'which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically
for that purpose.
Product Category: Roofing
Sub-Category: ' Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System
Compliance Statement: GAF Roof Ventilation Products, as produced by GAF, have demonstrated compliance with
the following sections of the 6t'Edition(2017)Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following
Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions of Use set forth herein.
Section Property,_ Standard Year
1504.3 Wind- ASTM E330 2002
1506.5/1517.5.1 Corrosion Resistance(of nails) TAS 114,Appendix E 1995
1523. Wind Driven Rain TAS 100(A) 1995
1523. Physical Properties TAS 110 2000
2615.2 Weatherometer ASTM G155 2005
Ent! ' I I Examination Reference Date
ATI(TST 1558) Physical Properties 01-49035.01 03/02/2004
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Driven Rain 01-44964.01 01/15/2004
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Driven Rain 60172.01-122-18 10/07/2005
ATI(TST 1558) Physical Properties 59665.02-106-31 09/16/2005
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Driven Rain 84608.01-106-18 11/12/2008
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Driven Rain A5250.01-109-18 02/18/2011
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Uplift 87074.01-109-44 12/03/2008
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Uplift C2396.01-109-44 11/05/2012
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Uplift D1957.01-109-44 03/04/2014
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Uplift E0818.01-109-44 09/23/2014
ATI(TST 1558) Physical Properties D2702.01-106-18 06/30/2014
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Uplift E6744.01-109-44 04/30/2015
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Driven Rain G2331.01-109-44 01/10/2017
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Driven Rain G4123.01-109-18 01/10/2017
ATI(TST 1558) Wind Uplift G4123.02-109-44 01/10/2017
ITS(TST 1558) Physical Properties H5341.01-106-18 R1 01/22/2018
PRI(TST 5878) Weatherometer HBP-007-02-01 06/24/2004
PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties HBP-002-02-01 06/06/2001
PRI(TST 5878) Wind Driven Rain HBP-01-02-01 11/02/2000
PRI(TST 5878) Wind Driven Rain BRY-021-02-01 12/31/2003
'PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties BRY-025-02-01 09/17/2004
PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties GAF-138-02-06 02/09/2007
PRI(TST 5878) Wind Driven Rain GAF-138-02-04 02/09/2007
PRI(TST 5878) Wind Driven Rain GAF-310-02-01 07/07/2011
ETC Labs(TST 2411) Physical Properties ETC-01-718-10379.0 01/16/2000
ETC Labs(TST 2411) Physical Properties ETC-03-718-14602.0 01/20/2004
ETC Labs(TST 2411) Physical Properties ETC-07-718-19959.0 09/27/2007
Miami-Dade(CER 1592) Various Various NOAs Current
Miami-Dade(CER 1592) Corrosion Resistance(of nails) Certification L 17-0606.01 06/26/2017
Miami-Dade(CER 1592) Corrosion Resistance(of nails) Certification L 17-0821.08 09/25/2017
Miami-Dade(CER 1592) Corrosion Resistance(of nails) Certification L 15-0421.09 05/07/2015
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation 12/17/2018
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-R15
Certificate of Authorization#32455 CH EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL6267-R35
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
Page 2 of 11
Name Description Published Manufacturing
NFVA(in2/ft) Location(s)
4.1 Cobra®Exhaust Low-profile attic-ridge vent of mesh-construction for 14.1(nail gun Acworth,GA
Vent use in shingle roof systems with 12-inch width ridge version)
cap shingles. The product measures 10%:-inch wide 16.9(hand nail
supplied in 20 and 50 ft long rolls,and is supplied with version)
corrosion resistant 1%-inch coil nails(nail gun version)
or 2%-inch Smart NailsIm(hand nail version).
4.2 'Cobra®Rigid Vent Plastic,low-profile attic ridge vent for use in shingle 18 Cumming,GA
3"" roof systems with 12-inch width ridge caps. The New Columbia,PA
product measures 13-13/16-inch wide supplied in 48-
-inch long sections,and is supplied with 3-inch
corrosion resistant ring shank nails.
4.3 Cobra®Rigid Vent Plastic,low-profile attic ridge vent for use in shingle 18 Cumming,GA
3Tm-9" roof systems with 10-inch width ridge caps. The
product measures 11%2-inch wide supplied in 48-inch
long sections,and is supplied with 3-inch corrosion
resistant ring shank nails.
4.4 Cobra®Snow Plastic,low-profile attic ridge vent with filter for use in 18 Cumming,GA
Country' shingle roof systems with 12-inch width ridge cap New Columbia,PA
shingles. The product measures 13-13/16-inch wide
supplied in 48-inch long sections.
4.5 Cobra®Snow Plastic,low-profile attic ridge vent with filter for use in 18 Cumming,GA
Country shingle roof systems with 12-inch width ridge caps. New Columbia, PA
AdvancedTM The product measures 13-13/16-inch wide supplied in
48-inch long sections,and is supplied with 3-inch
corrosion resistant ring shank nails.
4.6 Cobra®Snow Plastic,low-profile attic ridge vent with filter for use in 18 Cumming,GA
Country shingle roof systems with 10-inch width ridge caps.
Advanced'"'-9" The product measures 11%-inch wide supplied in 48-
inch long sections,and is supplied with 3-inch
corrosion resistant ring shank nails.
4.7 Cobra® Polypropylene plastic,low-profile attic ridge vent for 12.5 Cumming,GA
RidgeRunner® use in shingle roof systems with 12-inch width ridge
cap shingles. The product measures 11%-inch wide
supplied in 20 ft long rolls,and is supplied with
corrosion resistant 1%-inch coil nails.
4.8 TruSlate®Ridge Plastic,low-profile attic ridge vent for use in TruSlate® 20 Cumming,GA
Vent roof systems. The product measures 11.4-inch wide
i supplied in 48-inch long sections.
4.9 Cobra®Hip Vent Plastic,low-profile attic hip vent with filter for use in 9 Cumming,GA
shingle roof systems with 12-inch width hip shingles.
The product,only for use on hips,measures nominal
11.4-inch wide supplied in 48-inch long sections,and is
supplied with corrosion resistant 1%-inch coil nails.
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-1115
Certificate of Authorization#32455 6"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6267-R35
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
Page 3 of 11
Published Manufacturing
Name Description NFVA(in'/ft) Location(s)
4.10 Cobra® Woven plastic material pressed to form the molded 9 Enka,NC
'IntakeProTM shape. A woven fabric material is utilized on the top,
Rooftop Intake bottom and front,below the vent channel of the mold.
Vent The vent is configured into a roll-out form.
5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEW ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E.are,in any way,the Designer
of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or
design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose.
5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ jurisdictions.
5.3 Minimum Roof Slopes:
Product Minimum Slope
Cobra®Exhaust Vent 2:12
Cobra®Rigid Vent 31
Cobra®Rigid Vent 3TM-9" 3:12
Cobra®Snow CountryTM 3:12
Cobra®Snow Country AdvancedTM 3:12
Cobra®Snow Country AdvancedTM-9" 3:12
Cobra®RidgeRunner® 3:12
TruSlate®Ridge Vent 5:12
Cobra®Hip Vent Min.3:12 to max.12:12
Cobra®IntakeProTM Rooftop Intake Vent 4:12
5.4 Unless otherwise determined through use of performance levels in Section 5.5,the maximum mean roof height for
Cobra®Exhaust Vent,Cobra®Rigid Vent 3,Cobra®Rigid Vent 3—9",Cobra®Snow CountryTM,Cobra®Snow Country
AdvancedTM',Cobra®Snow Country AdvancedTM—9",Cobra®RidgeRunner®,TruSlate®Ridge Vent,Cobra®Hip Vent
and Cobra®IntakeProTM Rooftop Intake Vent shall be 33 ft.
5.5 Maximum Allowable Design Pressures: The following performance levels may be utilized for projects where the
maximum mean roof height exceeds 33 ft. The Allowable Design Pressure shall meet or exceed critical design
pressure determined by a qualified design professional in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. No rational analysis is
Allowable Design
Substrate: I Product Pressure(psf)
Min.7/16-inch plywood Cobra®Exhaust Vent(nail gun version) -150
Min.7/16-inch plywood Cobra®Exhaust Vent(hand nail version) -180
Min.7/16-inch plywood Cobra®Rigid Vent 3TM,Rigid Vent 3TM-9",Snow -215
CountryTM,Snow Country Advanced TM and Snow Country
Advanced TM 911
Min.7/16-inch OSB or plywood Cobra®RidgeRunner® -180
Min.7/16-inch plywood TruSlate®Ridge Vent -190
Min.7/16-inch plywood Cobra®Hip Vent -205
Min.7/16-inch plywood Cobra®IntakeProTM Rooftop Intake Vent -175
MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-R15
Certificate ojAuthorization r132455 6TH EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6267-R35
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
Page 4 of 11
5.5.1 Allowable Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads,and
reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2(the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been
applied).Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads.
5.6 Installation shall result in minimum net free ventilation area requirements set forth in FBC Sections 1203.2. When
more than one level of roof ridge existing over a single attic space,use ridge vents only at the high ridge.
6.1 GAF Roof Ventilation Products shall be installed in accordance with GAF published installation requirements subject
to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below.
6.2.1 Chalk a cut-line 1-inch off each side of the ridge and cut a slot along the apex of the roof measuring 2-inch(for truss
construction) or 3%2-inch (for ridge pole construction). The slot should terminate 6-inches from each end and 12-
inches from hip intersections or chimneys. Cut only the sheathing;do not cut trusses.Figure A.
6.2.2 Unroll the vent along the entire length of the ridge, covering uncut 6-inch sheathing area on both ends. Shorter
lengths can be joined by caulking and butting the ends. Figure B.
6.2.3 Apply a bead of polyurethane roof sealant to the underside of the entire perimeter of the vent and nail with min.
2X-inch galvanized roofing nails at each corner and 10-inch o.c.
6.2.4 Apply a bead of polyurethane roof sealant in the shape of a"C"to the underside of the entire perimeter of the cap
shingles,and install cap shingles directly over the vent using Smart NailsTM or IY44-inch corrosion resistant coil nails
(supplied with the vent). Figure C.
6.2.5 Cobra® Exhaust Vent(hand nail version) and Cobra® Exhaust Vent(nail gun version) have a %-inch or 5/8-inch
nominal thickness, respectively,to facilitate ventilation. Care shall be taken not to crush or compact the product
during installation. Figure D.
! Hand-Nail Version Nail Gun Version
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-1115
Certificate of Authorization#32455 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6267-R15
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15,12/17/2018
Page 5 of 11
6.3.1 Mark-off and cut the slot opening as follows, ensuring that the ends of the opening stop at least 6-inch from any
end walls and at least 12-inch from hip and ridge intersections or chimneys.
➢ No Ridge Board:Cut a 7/8-inch opening on each side of the ridge(Figure A).
➢ With Ridge Board: Cut a 1-5/8-inch opening on each side of the ridge(Figure B).
I3/a I I I
1 3,/4"
No Ridge Board With Ridge Board
6.3.2 Sealant: Apply a bead of silicone caulking or roof cement to the underside of the outer baffle along both edges
and at exposed ends,ensuring the outside edges where the vent meets the shingles are sealed with the caulk or
flashing cement. Do not use excessive roof cement,as it may result in shingle blistering.
6.3.3 Vent Placement: Starting at one end of the slot,place,center and conform the Cobra"rigid vent over the slot
with the vent firmly against the roof surface,ensuring the vent extends past the slot opening by at least 6-inch.
6.3.4 Fasteners: For Cobra®Rigid Vent 3TM,Cobra®Rigid Vent 3TM-9",Cobra®Snow Country Advanced'and Cobra®
Snow Country Advanced'-9"only,use the 3-inch corrosion resistant ring shank nails(included). For Cobra®
Snow Country'"',use corrosion resistant nails at least 3-inch or longer. Nails must always penetrate through
plywood decks or at least%-inch into wood planks. NOTE:GAF recommends 3-inch corrosion resistant ring shank
nails for increased uplift resistance.
6.3.5 Spacing: Attach the vent section through the pre-molded nailing holes located at 3, 12,24,36 and 45-inch from
the start of each 48-inch vent piece.
6.3.6 Joints: Apply the subsequent Cobra®rigid vent sections over the length of the ridge using the overlap/underlap
6.3.7 Ridge Shingles: Install ridge shingles in accordance with shingle manufacturer's,published installation instructions,
using corrosion resistant nails detailed in 6.3.4. A nail line is inscribed on top of the Cobra"rigid vent to serve as a
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-1115
Certificate of Authorization u32455 a EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6267-R35
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
Page 6 of 11
6.4.1 Cut slot per 6.3.1.
6.4.2 Tear a 1-foot section to be used as a template for laying the vent out(Figure E-G)and center the template/locator
over the ridge cap shingles at the beginning of the vent slot.Note the location of the baffle(Figure H).Make sure to
do this at both ends of the installation.
T o .f
6.4.3 Measure the distance from the edge of the roof slot to the exterior baffle(D).Establish a chalk line along one side
of the ridge(Figure 1). Unroll the vent and use the included 1-3/4-inch pneumatic corrosion resistant roofing nails
to attach the first side of the ridge vent with the exterior of the baffle aligned with the chalk line(Figure J). Proceed
with using the 1' interval EasyTear'" system to custom size the vent to the appropriate length. If the EasyTear m
system can not be utilized,use a utility knife to size the vent.Nail gun targets are embossed on the part as a guide
for property attaching vent to the roof.The vent should be fastened on 6-inch centers(Figure K).
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-R15
Certificate of Authorization#32455 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6267-R15
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
Page 7 of 11
6.4.4 For installations over extra-thick shingles,a bead of polyurethane roof sealant may be applied to the underside of
the outer baffle of the vent along both sides of the ridge and at exposed edges where the vent meets the shingles
to fill any open space between the vent and shingles below.
6.4.5 NOTE:When fastening the vent and cap shingles,be sure that the included 13/4-inch corrosion resistant coil nails
completely penetrate plywood or provide at least 3/4-inch penetration into wood planks. In the case they do not,
you must use alternate corrosion resistant nails that provide the required penetration. Proceed with attaching the
other side of the vent.When beginning to nail down the second side,do NOT begin at the end; begin between the
first and second one-foot sections and then return to fasten the first one-foot section.This will allow for proper fit.
6.4.6 Install ridge shingles in accordance with shingle manufacturer's published installation instructions, using the nail-
lines on top of the ridge vent for proper lapping.
6.5.1 DO NOT use on hips.
6.5.2 Install TruSlate®Ridge Vent before installing the field slates.
6.5.3 After determining the total length of TruSlate® Ridge Vent required (for proper ventilation), determine the
necessary slot opening. Mark-off and cut the slot opening, ensuring the ends of the opening stop at least 6-inch
from any end walls and at least 12-inch from hip and ridge intersections or chimneys.
Roofs without a ridge board:Cut a 7/8-inch opening along the ridge on each side(Figure A).
Roofs with a ridge board: Cut a 1-5/8-inch opening along the ridge on each side(Figure B).
Fig. A Fig. B
(41 mm)J y J (41=0
(22 mm)7/g' 79(22 mm) L!1
3Ya W
With Ridge Board
13 11(44 mm)
No Ridge Board
6.5.4 Install an 18-inch wide section ofASTM D1970 self-adhering leak barrier(holding Florida Statewide Product Approval
or Approved on a Local Basis)from the edge of the ridge slot extending down towards the roof deck on both side of
the slot.
6.5.5. Place the TruSlate® Ridge Vent over the ridge slot, "peaked" and centered over the ridge slot, and attach using
minimum 3-inch long corrosion resistant ring-shank nails through the pre-molded nail holes on the vent,located 3-
inch from the ends and 9-inch o.c. Fasteners shall penetrate through plywood decks or embed minimum %-inch
into wood plank decks.
6.5.6 Continue over the length of the ridge, utilizing the male/female connectors to connect units. Ensure the finished
ends include the pre-molded end caps. Cover all exposed nail heads on the vent with silicone caulk. Install a bead
of exterior grade silicone sealant at the downslope leading edges of the ridge vent, at the junction of the leading
edge and the leak-barrier below.
6.5.7 Install the top course of TruSlate® field slates, UnderBlockT"" UV & Moisture Barrier and TruSlate® trim slates in
accordance with GAF published installation instructions. Install TruSlate®trim slates with 10-inch exposure using
minimum 1-5/8-inch long deck screws through pre-drilled holes,through the ridge vent to engage the wood deck.
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-1115
Certificate of Authorization#32455 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6267-R15
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
Page 8 of 11
MEMO etc.
DeckAff r
Faoi Do&Prateclon
18' 10"
267 MM
Weather Watdt®or
Starmmard®Leak Baffler
6.6.1 The roof deck shall consist of minimum of 7/16 inch thick plywood or OSB wood structural panels. Use only on roofs
with slopes between 3:12 and 12:12. Install only on hips. Do not install Cobra® Hip Vent on ridges.
6.6.2 Sequencing: If ridge ventilation will be installed,always install the ridge vent to the end of the ridge before installing
Cobra®Hip Vent.
6.6.3 Hip Air Slot: Determine the number of Cobra®Hip Vent Ridge
sections needed for proper ventilation and the location
for cuts in the roof hip. Cobra®Hip Vent is installed over 'J`Sl`t'
a 2% inch wide slot opening centered on the hip FapNdpw.tl
beginning at 12 inches below the top of the hip and
extending 36 inches down the hip for every 4 foot
section of Cobra° Hip Vent needed. Leave 12 inches of
th nDatest
the hip uncut after each 36 inch opening,and the lowest ��' � i mtdpotnt may rcry
opening must stop at the mid-point of the hip and more
than 24 inches in from the exterior warm wall. Wider °o&
openings and slots below the midpoint of the hip will not E�-
improve ventilation and must be avoided. Cut away the
shingles first with a roofing knife, and then cut the deck Must bect leas!44•I6lo mm)from the vvmvv1t
with a circular saw. The saw should be adjusted so that
the rafters or trusses are not cut. Note: The roof
decking must be re-nailed to the rafter at the edge
closest to the hip to compensate for the nails removed
when the hip slot was cut.
6.6.4 On plywood or OSB roof decks,where a sheathing seam intersects the hip air slot,stop cutting the air slot 2-inches
(51 mm)before the seam and continue cutting the slot 2-inches(51 mm)after the seam,leaving a total of fl-
inches(102 mm)of uncut deck at the seam.Then,proceed with cutting down to the previously marked 36-inch
(914 mm)point. The air slot may be widened,in this case,to 5/8-inch(16 mm)on each side of the hip rafter to
maintain proper NFVA.
6.6.5 Sealant: Seal all cut-edges of the asphalt shingles to the roof sheathing along all sides of the hip air slot openings,
using a bead of ASTM C920 polyurethane sealant,to prevent water infiltration.
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-1115
Certificate of Authorization 1132455 6P EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6267-R15
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
Page 9 of 11
NEMO etc.
6.6.6 Orientation: Always install Cobra° Hip Vent with the
"Towards Peak" arrows on the top surface of the vent
pointing up towards the peak of the roof.
6.6.7 Attachment: Cobra®Hip Vent is fastened to the deck starting at the bottom of the hip and then up along the entire
length of the hip(this includes un-cut portions of the hip). Fasten Cobra'Hip Vent to the deck with the included
1%-inch inch long collated galvanized steel roofing nails,or longer corrosion resistant roofing fasteners,to achieve
penetration through plywood or OSB decks or minimum 3/4-inch embedment into wood planks. Attach the Cobra®
Hip Vent section through the pre-marked 6-inch increment nail targets.
6.6.8 Joints & Terminations: Apply the subsequent Cobra® Hip Vent sections over the length of the hip using the
overlap/underlap tabs. For roofs with ridge vents,lengths of the hip vent must be butted tightly to sections of ridge
vents and install a 3 inch by 12-inch strip of self-adhering leak barrier over all junctions. For roofs without ridge
vents,sections of hip vent from adjacent hip runs must be mitered together tightly where they intersect and install
a 3 inch by 12-inch strip of self-adhering leak barrier over all junctions. Refer to GAF published installation
instruction for details.
6.6.9 Ridge Shingles: Cobra® Hip Vent is then covered with ridge cap shingles and this entire assembly is nailed to the
sheathing with the included 1%-inch inch long collated galvanized steel roofing nails. Depending on the field and
ridge cap shingles used, longer length corrosion resistant fasteners may be necessary. The ridge cap shingles are
installed per the shingle manufacturer's instructions and Florida Product Approval,with a minimum of two nails per
shingle and a shingle to shingle nail spacing of 8 inches on center or less. Refer to the shingle manufacturer's Florida
Product Approval for ridge cap shingle fastening and sealing requirements. Do not overdrive the nails or
crush/compact the product during installation.
6.7.1 The roof deck shall consist of minimum of 7/16 inch thick plywood or OSB wood structural panels. Use only on roofs
with minimum slope of 4:12.Install only on eave edges of the roof.
6.7.2 Determine the length of Cobra® IntakeProT1 Rooftop Intake Vent sections needed for proper ventilation and the
location for cuts near the roof eave edge. Install a metal drip edge at the eave of the roof. Measure up 6 and 7
inches up from the edge of the metal drip edge and strike chalk lines parallel to the eave of the roof. Cut a 1 inch
wide air slot opening along the chalk lines,stopping a minimum of 12" (305 mm)from rake/gable edges,side/end
walls,and hip intersections,and stopping a minimum of 24" (610 mm)from the center of valley intersections. The
saw should be adjusted so that the rafters or trusses are not cut.
Note: After cutting the air slot,clear all debris blocking access into the attic space. Be sure to flatten attic insulation
near the air slot to allow for proper intake airflow near the air slot. Attic baffles may be used to help prevent
insulation from blocking intake airflow into the attic space.
6.7.3 Install a minimum 18 inch (457mm) wide FBC Approved peel-and-stick leak barrier down to the roof deck. Align
peel-and-stick leak barrier flush to the edge of the roof on top of the drip edge metal. Use a sharp utility knife to
cut the leak barrier,re-opening the 1 inch(25 mm)air slot that was previously cut in the deck.
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-1115
Certificate of Authorization 1132455 fire EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL6267-R15
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:12/17/2018
Page 10 of 11
6.7.4 Each roll of Cobra®IntakeProTm Rooftop Intake Vent comes with two pieces of end cap fabric.To begin the vent run,
place one piece of end cap fabric overhanging halfway over the rake/gable edge and parallel to the eave drip edge.
Fasten the fabric to the roof deck using two roofing nails, one high and one low. If necessary, a piece of FBC
Approved peel-and-stick leak barrier can be used in lieu of end cap fabric.
6.7.5 With the pre-marked dotted nail line and GAF logo facing up toward the sky,position the vent on top of the fabric
end cap and flush to the rake/gable edge and eave drip edge. The front venting face of the vent should be flush
with the drip edge metal below. Using the included 1-3/4 inch (44 mm)pneumatic coil nails,fasten the vent every
6 inches(152 mm)along the pre-marked nail line and fasten every 12 inches(305 mm),approximately 1-1/2 inches
(38 mm)down from the up-slope edge of the vent. Do NOT nail within 1 inch(25 mm)from the side,top,or bottom
edges of the vent.
6.7.6 Continue installing vent toward the opposite gable/rake edge or termination point. When installing multiple rolls,
adjoin the rolls by butting them tightly together. There should be no gap between adjoining sections. The vent
must always extend a minimum of 12 inches(305 mm) past any air slots. Miter cut the vent at any valley and hip
intersections, ensuring the vent sections are butted tightly together. For terminations at gable and rake edges,
cover the end of the vent run using the included fabric end cap in the same manner as the start of the vent run.
6.7.7 Install FBC Approved peel-and-stick leak barrier completely covering the top of the vent and extending from the
eave edge to a minimum of 24 inches (610 mm) in from the building's warm wall. The leak barrier should not
overhang the vent. Install rake drip edge if necessary.
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6.7.8 Begin installing the shingle starter course. The starter course and first course of field shingles should overhang the
front edge of the Cobra® IntakeProl" Rooftop Intake Vent by 1/4—3/4 inches(6—19 mm)to provide a drip edge.
Using the included 1-3/4 inch (44 mm) pneumatic coil nails, fasten the starter strip and field shingles as per
manufacturer's installation instructions. Ensure the field shingles are not fastened into the open air intake slot
As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of
this product.
U L, LLC.—QUA9625; (847)664-3281
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 01506.02.06-1115
Certificate of Authorization#32455 19"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F1.6267-1115
GAF Roof Ventilation Products;(800)766-3411 Revision 15:22/17/2018
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