HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4613691 OR BOOK 4317 PAGE 909, Recorded 09/09/2019 09:11:18 AM PERNrr NLN®ER. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The uhd,,,i,ad hereby given notice That improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statues the following information is provided in the Notice of Commencement. AA 1. DESCRDTWN OF PROPERTY (Legal description and a(,.(addrOss, lfavadable) TAX FOLIO NUMREn:34'"1' SIO -D, 11- Doa-� 50Bn1VIS10N P;V(J ?HM BLOCK-4—TRACr LOT 1`I BLOG UNIT - 2. -GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF1a1PROVEnW; I 1 _ 1 -' - 3. Ow'NERINFOHNATION' eN+ma JQ3(f111 N I)bII b Address IZs }�ralyn(j Ade. �a^J ,�l. �.utet F� �yl�e. e,xrwsa rreeesr 2T uAt.i' a. Nan<+ae radre:s error I�mpN bnendeo Lrvdrn m.� o..,..1 4TLUNTRACfOR'SX•Aa1Q. ADDRE$$AVDPHONE NDa®ER: l.I1 iOSO S/USi FI wy I3 / �J vA-j, ,r- -� �U1 I 1 54*rr\ 1 CSM trc Lig 1 -/ OSAVLS $. SUREI_TY•SNA.�ADDRESSANDPHO,EN1lMERA"W.NDANOtINT': S. LEADER'SNAb2,ADDRESSA:WPHOai NU ER: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Own(r upon whom noticeamcalier documents may be selvedazpravided by Section 713.13 (t)(a) 7., Florida Statutes' NATtf. ADDRESS ANO PHONE NV'. Ft: 9 In addition to himself or herself Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Seaton 713.0(1)(6). Florida Stalums. NA\IE.ADDRESSA.YDPRONE WNTBER: 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration dare is l year from the date of retarding unless a different dam is spemFed)' 20 Signq3feof weer or Prlvt Nem and provide Sigoeloryb Title/Oftice Ow'v is Authorized OftenMirector/PartnerMfavager Stateof Florida Counry of Palm Beach '` �q The forea,inginstrumene was acknowledged before me this day of (� �sd,), gy MtL%Y,c.l �a.�QP.•H az nolo (name ofperson) h,' ofauthonly,... e.g.4,.r, mate, attorney in fan) ( -a 1, IFj',Iledl (rent of on behalf Nvbry Phos SMR d Fkaide My wizenhno feecan G Semett �i/a„r �, . ••.nom W CahmiBwm 66 O2B7ee �ywdF Expmean M023 Notary signature serials Under Parana, of perjury, l declare that 1 have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are are to the best ofmy knowledge and belief (Section 92.525, Florida Statutes). Rev oa.ium is Rsord:,I) (Signature of Nawral Person Signing Above) Digitally signed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith Date: 2019.09.09 09:12:31 -04:00 ver xrmspmurunexaan/ ro vumua nas uw Inun .h&-•� . Reason: Electronically Certified Copy 01 Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950